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July 25, 1951 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1951-07-25

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Russian Newspapers
Cited World's Dullest

NEW YORK - () - The Soviet
Union, which invented every-
thing, has one invention nobody
will dispute. It has the world's dull-
est newspapers, and the dullest of
these is Pravda.
But imagine yourself a Com-
munist Party functionary-say the
leader of the party organization in
a factory. You are charged with
maintaining discipline and pre-
venting mistakes by inept workers.
You have been having an uncom-
fortable feeling that things have-
n't been going well.
Erery day, seven days a week,
you rush to the newsstand and
stand in line to pay 20 kopeks (five
cents at Russia's valuation) for
your copy of Pravda. You have to
hurry, because Pravda is not in-
tended for the masses and there
are just about enough to supply the
members of the Communist Party.
Your only concern is page one,

columns one and two, which tells
you the way the wind is blowing
in the approved Stalinist double
talk. Here you will find out just
what the Party is thinking about.
You read the two-column head-
line anxiously. "Better organiza-
tion of the Work of the Harvest,"
it says, and you breathe a sigh
of relief. Not you-not today,
anyway. The next day it's "Raise
the Level of Leadership in the
Economy." oYu are spared again.
The next day it's "Bolshevik
Firmness in Work." This may be
You skim quickly over the first
five or six paragraphs. The articles
all read the same way in the be-
ginning-first a glittering gener-
ality about the topic in hand; then,
invariably the words "Comrade
Stalin teaches," or some variant
thereof, along with a couple of
lines of quotation from the master.
But you are looking for a key word.
It usually comes after Pravda fin-
inshes saying that things are pret-
ty good in general.
One day the word is "odnako"-
meaning "however." Another day
it may be "regrettably," or "on the
other hand," or just plain "but."
This is it.

Reds Agree
With Troop
KAESONG, Korea-(A')--Ameri-
can soldiers in Korea sing a par-
ody on the "Prisoner's Song" that
goes like this:
"Now if I had ten thousand
"I'd go to the general and say:
"I'm leaving Korea tomorrow,
"Because no boats are leaving
That's exactly when the Chinese
and North Korean Communists
want them to leave-on the next
- It was Allied refusal to place
immediate withdrawal on the
agenda that caused the Reds to
obtain a recess until today of the
cease-fire negotiations.
THERE IS the possibility that
when the Reds come back they will
agree to take up an agenda omit-
ting this point.
It is to be assumed that in talk-
ing to the Reds, Vice Adm. C. Tur-
ner Joy, Chief U.N. negotiator,
made some mention of the fact
that withdrawal of UN troops
would be taken up in the United
Nations as soon as peace in Korea
is assured.
Naturally, the UN will with-
draw from Korea when the time
is ripe to do so. That, according
to U.S. Secretary of State Ache-
son, will not be until the South
Korean army is strong enough to
defend itself from the North Ko-
That might be a year-or 18
* * *
EVEN AFTER the withdrawal
from Korea, the chances are that
the U.S. Eighth Army will move to
Japan and Okinawa. The latter is
being developed as a U.S. base, and
a treaty is in the works with Ja-
pan on stationing American troops
in Japan after the occupation ends.

Flood Peril
The Mississippi churned past this
community of 20,000 at crest or
near-crest last night, and there
was a feeling that the worst is
A reading around noon put the
river at 41.8 feet. Weather bureau
men said that may be the top
mark. They don't plan to make
another reading until today.
Earlier they predicted a mark
of 41.9. The record high here was
42.4 in 1943.
No new damage was reported in
the Cape Girardeau area as the
river surged by in a mighty effort
which is expected to sap its des-
tructive strength.
Some 50 families living in low-
lying areas already had moved
from their homes and no further
evacuations have been ordered.
Muddy waters stood a foot deep
on the first floor of the four-story
International Shoe Co. plant which
was forced to close several days
The Frisco Railroad passenger
station was also flooded.
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds

Korean GI
Bills Head,
For Failure
By The Associated Press
Council on Education says prob-
ably none of some 20 or more Ko-
rean GI Education Bills introduced
in Congress so far will be reported
In an informative note to its
members, it adds, however:
"Pressure is building up for some
kind of educational program for
members of the present armed
forces. It is reliably reported that
the Administration is working on
a proposed bill."
the Soviet Army paper, has pub-
lished a "Guide to Editors" con-
cerning Russia's in-the-works
Great Encyclopedia. It said:
"It is known that all the for-
eign wars waged by the U.S.A.
from its origin up to World War
II not one can be called a just
war or a war of liberation .. .
it is to be presumed that all the
wars exposing the predatory and
bandit-like character of Ameri-
can capitalism will be appropria-
tely shown in the encyclopedia."
of Education survey indicates
building programs at colleges and
universities the next 18 months
will total more than one and a half
billion dollars.
About 79 per cent will be spent
for new buildings. Almost half of
the construction will be in class
room buildings, 20 per cent in
housing for students and staff.
WASHINGTON-Public Housing
Administration (PHA) officials,
troubled by what they consider un-
duly high interest rates, plan to
issue no more than $300,000,000 in
bonds the rest of this year to fi-
nance low-rent housing projects.
That word from PHA officials
puts a hole in expectations voiced
in some New York financial quar-
ters that public housing bonds of-
ferings during the remainder of
1951 would be at least double that
PHA chiefs were disappointed
when they put up the first of
their new-type bonds last week
to raise $171,000,000 to finance
projects in 58 communities. They
found it would cost them 2.073
per cent interest on the average
to get the money from private
Although they accepted bids for
the entire issue, they felt a lower
interest rate should have been of-
fered. Not only are the bonds un-
conditionally guaranteed by the
U.S. Government, but interest on
them is exempt from Federal in-
come tax.
Besides the interest rate factor,
building costs have lifted the aver-
age expense of public housing units
to $10,000 each.
PHA officials say they won't try
to raise any more money on bond

TOP LEVEL CONFERENCE-Prof. Clyde Vroman, director of ad-
missions (left) makes plans with Dean Thomas D. Rowe of the
College of Pharmacy for the Classroom Conference to be held at
the University Friday. Pharmacy is one of the 11 units in the
University which have arranged special conferences and tours for
high school teachers.
* * *
High Schooldadministrators,
Teachers To Confer Friday

-Daily-Robert Lewis
$$$$-Isadore Million, Grad, known to his friends as I. Million
and to his creditors as just another poverty stricken student, is
shown engaging in his favorite extra-curricular activity. Deter-
mindedly, he extracts a nickel tied to a string from a local vending
machine, after purchasing a candy bar. Million, a paleo-ontolo-
gist, who slices and polishes rocks that are 300 million years old
in the University Museum, can be recognized by his unique slouch,
a result of walking in a bent-over position looking for lost change.
Rather than being a philanthropic person, as his name might im-
ply, Million calls himself "the kind of guy who takes quarters out
of Red Cross canisters."

- * -"
THEN PRAVDA will center its
fire on the target for the day. It
may be that not enough attention
is being paid to Party leadership
in the factory organization. If it
is, you are getting off easy. It may
speak of "serious shortcomings."
Even this isenot so bad, for you
can confess it is so, discipline a
section foreman or two and make
things look right for a while. But
it may be that Pravda finds that
the way things are being runs
amounts to "anti-state activity."
That, brother, is bad. You are on
your way to being bounced and
possibly a job in a cooler climate.
This of course is news to the party
people concerned. But it is dreary
stuff to everybody else, and so is
the rest of Pravda.
Pravda has brought the news-
less newspaper to a point of per-
fection. Every day, seven days a
week, it looks just the same all
through its four pages, except
for the headlines, and even some
headlines are the same as the day
But for all this, Pravda is prob-
ably the most powerful and most
feared newspaper in the world. It
pipes the tune which all the So-
viet press must dance. It lays down
the law of the Communist Party
which rules 200,000,000 souls. It
pronounces sentence on straying
Communists. Saddest of all for
Pravda, not even its own editors
are safe. They may feel the axe
just as well as the next fellow.
Pravda is edited by a collegium,
headed by the powerful Mikhail
Suslov, who is close to the Polit-
buro and may even be a member by
now. At any rate, he is a Com-
munist Party secretary.
Pravda is weighed carefully in ad-
vance when it appears on the
streets, the message it bears be-
comes the gospel according to the
Politburo. But it seldom says any-
thing directly. It is as if it were
trying to hide its real meaning so
that none but schooled Commnn-
ists could understand.
Most likely, alongside the nag-
ging and scolding of columns 1
and 2 above the fold, there will
be a letter to Stalin. The ap-
proach to this is always the same.
The headline says a mouthful
like: "From the collective farm-
ers, workers of machine-tractor
stations and state farms, special-
ists and scientific workers of ag-
riculture of the Estonian SS.R."
All this is in lighter face type,
and then in big, bold face: "To
the great leader and teacher of
the Soviet people Comrade Jo-
seph Vissarionovich Stalin."
"Dear Joseph Vissarionovich,"
starts the letter, and it may go on
for column after column, or it may
be only a dozen paragraphs or so.
It outlines the promises of the out-
fit sending the letter, whose work-
ers probably never saw it.
There is one fascinating feature
of page 2 which must not go un-
mentioned. It has been appearing
irregularly once or twice a week
since December, 1949.
The headline and introductory
paragraph are always the same:
"Streams of greetings."


. ....

A conference of high school
teachers and administrators will
meet on the campus Friday to
tackle the problems of high
school-university goals.
Arranged by a committee head-
ed by Prof. Clyde Vroman, direc-
tor of admission, the conference
will investigate classroom prac-
t i c e s, instructional facilities,
teaching materials, experiments in
education and ways to help stu-
Friday morning the visiting ed-
ucators will look in on classes, tour
British Plane
Crosses Pole
From Iceland
FAIRBANKS, Alaska - () - A
British bomber zipped over the
North Pole yesterday on a "jolly
good" 3,558-mile flight from Ice-
The four-engine plane slipped
through an overcast to an easy
instrument landing at 9:54 a.m.
(1:54 p.m., CST), its,.crew of 10
tired but tickled.
A non-stop, 4,128-mile flight
back to Manby, England-one of
the longest polar hops ever at-
tempted-was delayed until tomor-
row after being planned for today.
The plane commander, Wing
Comdr. R. T. Frogley, stepped out
of the Lincoln Aries bomber into
a light rain at Eielson Air Force
Frogley told newsmen "it was a
jolly good flight" with icing con-
ditions just after leaving Iceland
and just before landing the only
trouble encountered.
Frogley and his crew, who left
Keflavik, Iceland, Monday and
made the trans-polar hop in 18
hours, 54 minutes, delayed the
flight back to England so they
could talk polar flying with men
of the U. S. Air Force's 58th wea-
ther reconnaissance group.

the campus and attend curricu-
lum conferences in several units
of the University.
"Our Classroom Goals" will be
the topic for discussion at a 12:15
p.m. luncheon in the ballroom of
the Union. Speakers will be Eu-
gene Thomas, president of the Mi-
chigan Secondary School Asso-
ciation and principal of Central
High school in Kalamazoo, and
Dean Hayward Keniston of the
literary college.
Afternoon conferences on in-
structional programs in h i g h
schools and the related programs
in the University are scheduled at
2 p.m. Visual arts, biological sci-
ences, business subjects, English,
journalism, languages, mathema-
tics, music, physical sciences, so-
cial sciences and speech will be
discussed in separate meetings.
Concluding event will be a pan-
el discussion on "Subject Matter
Problems in Today's Classroom"
scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in the Un-
ion ballroom.
Wrong Asks
Quick Work
Ont River Plan
DETROIT-(,')-Canadian Am-
bassador Hume Wrong made a
plea last night for early action by
Congress on the proposed develop-
ment of the St. Lawrence River.
In a speech prepared for open-
ing day celebration of Detroit's
250th anniversary, Wrong told an
audience that included Secretary
of State Acheson:
"The failure to cope with it (the
St. Lawrence problem) is causing
a good many Canadians to feel
frustrated. Nineteen years have
gone by since the first agreement
jointly to construct the St. Law-
rence Project was signed in Wash-
ington, and 10 years since a re-
vised agreement, designed to meet
criticisms of the earlier treaty,
took its place.

Ford Grant Given
ROME-(W)-The UN Food and
Agriculture Organization yesterday
announced receipt of a $20,000
grant from the Ford Foundation.
The grant will be used to finance
representation of Catholic and
Protestant groups at FAO confer-
ences and meetings, FOA Director
General Morris E. Dodd an-

-I i



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