Y L It i "rnl ADMIRAL SHERMAN See Page 4 Dahtii~ -.-4 Latest Deadline in the State FAIR AND WARMER VOL. LXI, No. 20-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1951 EIGHT PAGES EIGHT PAGES V Allies, Reds Meet for 9th Time in Showdown Marshall Outlines Peace Conditions Withdrawal of Troops To Await Final Korean Peace Agreement WASHINGTON--P-Secretary of Defense Marshall yesterday outlined four "basic conditions" for a Korean armistice, but said withdrawal of troops must await a satisfactory peace settlement. Continued presence and readiness of United Nations forces in Korea "constitute the only assurance we have of meeting the threat of a renewed aggression if the peace talks should break down," Marshall said in a news conference statement. * ' RED PROPAGANDA outlets were still insisting on withdrawal of foreign troops as a condition for final peace a§ United Nations and - __- - --Communist negotiators prepared -Daily-James Butt RAPIDLY VANISHING AMERICAN-Laurence Hobey, '52L, and before being discharged in 1946. ie has been on the campus for family return home after the day's activities: Hobey, from the three years now, will get his law degree next June. His wife classroom; his wife Betty, from a shopping expedition; and Jack teacI-s school in the city. Ilobey's kind are walking out of the and Jill, from play. Hobey is typical of the 25,000 veterans who American college scene in ever increasing numbers, as the dead- have studied at the University under the G.I. Bill. The war in- line passed today for beginning educational training under the terrupted his undergraduate schooling at Toledo University in bill which cost American taxpayers 14 billion dollars and gave 1943. He served more than three years in the Army Air Force eight million former G.I.'s educational and occupational training. * * * * * ' End ofan Era -GI Bi Dadline By DAVE THOMAS Daily Managing ,Editor Today marks the beginning of the end to a period in American education which, educators agree, has been one of the most chal- lenging, stimulating and beneficial in the history of higher learning. After today no veteran will be eligible to begin training under the G. I. Education Bill, which al- ready has provided for 8,170,000 former servicemen an educational and occupational training program that has cost the Government 14 billion dollars to. date. * * s s OF THE MORE than eight mil- lion receiving training under the bill, 2,350,000 veterans attended colleges and universities, and ap- proximately 500,000 of these are still in school. But the number is declining rapidly and will prob- ably be negligible by the time the bill completely expires in 1956. Here at the University, a to- tal of 25,000 veterans have re- ceived traniing under the bill since its passage in 1944. Next semester, only 1,800 are expected to enroll. University educators and ad- ministrators joined other educa- tors across the nation in acclaim- ing the benefits of the Bill as the G. I. Era in U. S. education neared its end. The veterans first came to the University in large numbers in the fall of 1946. They swelled enroll- ment front a post war high of 12,- 000 to more than 21,000 in 1947, . the peak year. They crowded class- rooms and dormitories. A temporary defense housing project, Willow Village, became a haven for thousands of married and single students. Returning athletes brought national titles to the football, swinuning and other teams and Coach Fritz Crisler in- augurated the platoon system in order to use the best of his foot- ball players. STUDENT government made its biggest advances here during the ? teran era. The University launched the biggest physical ex- pansion in its history to cope with the increased student body. Co- eds found G.I. students more seri- ous in their romantic pursuits and many married and finished school with their husbands. The local chapters of the Vet- erans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion ran out of membership cards as thirsty students who had fought at Guadalcanal and Anzio rushed to avail themselves of bar pri- viliges. Both organizations build new buildings to accomodate the new members. Book stores enjoyed a period of record prosperity as veterans wav- ing Government purchase chits insisted on new books and plenty of them. An acute housing short- age developed and political activ- ity on the campus became so mili- tant that the Administration felt called upon to step in every so often. DESPITE THE crowding and the confusion; the strain upon an over-worked faculty and the jam- ming of laboratory and classroom facilities, University authorities are unanimous in their praise of the G. I. era. The more mature, serious approach of veterans to the academic life extended in a beneficial manner into both the scholastic realm and the area of extra-curricular activity, it was agreed. The over-all University grade point average hit record heights and professors found themselves being pressed to do their best teaching by questioning G. I. minds. Professors and administrators alike agreed that the G. I. Bill has already paid off on the campus in the terms of a more mature, serious minded student body and will pay off in the future in terms of more highly trained citizens, businessmen and professional peo- ple. Citing the veteran's role in cam- pus extra-curricular life, Associ- ate Dean of Students Walter B. Rea, declared that the impact of the G. I. has caused a new inter- pretation of the student's role in University affairs. "Veterans who were aided by the Government provided a suc- cession of outstanding student leaders whose campus contribu- tions and influence will remain with the University long after the bill has expired," Dean Rea said. DEANS OF THE various Uni- versity colleges from engineering to education lauded the bill. Most of them favored the extension of G. I. benefits to veterans of the Korean war, and a few saw the nation's successful experience with veterans' education as a forward scholarship system which would to a Federally-financed selective scholarship system make higher education available to every de- serving student in the country. Dean Hayward Keniston of the College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts, declared that such a nation-wide scholarship system seemed to be the natural outgrowth of the G. I. Bill. He said thatthrough its experience with veteran's education, the nation will see the advantages of paying part of the expenses of students who show promise but would be unable to attend college without some form of financial help.I Dean James B. Edmonson of the education school and Dean Russell A. Stevenson of the business ad- ministration school also favored some sort of Federal scholarship extension of the G. I. Bill philoso- phy. Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the graduate school was in favor of a more limited program of Federal aid for students in crucial fields of study. Today's deadline applies to the vast majority of World War II veterans-those discharged before July 25, 1947. Veterans discharged after that date may begin their G.I. training within four years from the time they left the ser- vice. A veteran must be actually in training by today if he wants to continue his studies under the bill which provides him with 75 to 120 dollars a month subsistence, depending op his dependents, tui- tion, free textbooks and other materials. Henceforth, once a vet- eran completes or discontinues his program of study he may not be- gin another. Bargain Day Specials To Start Today Today and tomorrow are Bar- gain Days. More than 30,000 Washtenaw County residents are expected to stream into the Ann Arbor shop- ping area to take advantage of the annual cut-rate festivities. Sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and the Ann Arbor Re- tail Merchants Association, the event features gala street decora- tions, special window displays, free balloons for the children- and-low prices. Virtually all of the local mer- chants cooperate in the summer attraction which draws shoppers to the city from a 30 mile radius, according to Chamber of Com- merce officialw. Price mark-downs and jammed stockrooms h a v e traditionally proved a boon for both stores and buyers in the 23-year history of the famous affair, officials say. Inaugurated in 1924, Bargain Days have yearly drawn crowns ranging up to 50,000, except dur- ing the war years when the spe- cial sales were suspended. The 1924 version, which drew about 30,000 shoppers, featured fireworks, a parade, bands from Ann Arbor and nearby Saline and six matinee and evening vaude- ville acts. Prices then: butter, 40 cents; hamburg steak, two pounds for 25 cents5 pot roast, 121'2 cents; leg of lamb, 30 cents; cooking stove, $2; night shirts, 95 cents; union suits, 89 cents. Although prices today may' not match the bargains of yesteryear, one spokesman says savings should be "fabulous." to resume cease-fire talks in Kae- song last night after a three-day recess. Secretary Marshall officially for the first time laid down these conditions for an armis- tice agreement: 1-Agreement on "a military line which will be defensible in the event of any renewal of hos- tilities." (Military authorities do not consider the 38th parallel a good line from the defense stand- point. The present line, which mostly is north of the 38th, is much more defensible.) 2-Agreement "not to reinforce the troops now in Korea." 3-Provision for "adequate su- pervision and actual inspection" by both sides to insure against any preparations for a surprise attack and a continuing evidence of good faith. 4-Satisfactory agreement re- garding prisoners of war. Marshall said withdrawal of for- eign troops from Korea will natur- ally follow a satisfactory peace settlement.- Rent Board Receives No Complalits No complaints have been 're- ceived by the newly appointed "watch-dog" rental committee, Ald. Russell A. Smith, chairman of the group, said yesterday. However, he added, the commit- tee, designed to hear complaints resulting from the decontrol of rents and to study the rental situ- ation, will meet this week. At this time they will decide whether to include members of the home own- ers and tenant groups on the com- mittee. " "There wil be no formalized procedure for this committee," Ald. Smith said. "Nor will there be any regular open meetings, but we will always be ready to be of any as- sistance," he concluded. Council President Cecil 0. Creal, named seven men to this commit- tee at the council meeting on July 16. DEAN ACHESON * * * - Detroit Told Danger Near By Acheson By VERNON EMERSON Special to The Daily DETROIT-The cream of birth- day-happy Detroit listened to Sec- retary of State Dean Achcgon warn the nation last night that the free world's defenses must be fully maintained or the West will face "war or surrender." Speaking at a three-hour din- ner program commemorating the 250th anniversary of the founding of the Motor City, Acheson de- clared that it will take "several years" more of stepped-up defense building to effect an adequate bar- ri* against the 9,000,000 armed Communist troops. "The prospect may be hard and long. It may mean many more sacrifices for us, more shortages, higher taxes. But there is no eas- ier way through the dangers of the present," Acheson said. A. * * OTHER speakers at the event were the French, British and Ca- nadian ambassadors; Detroit May- or Albert Cobo; and versesmith Edgar Guest, master of ceremonies. Guests-of-honor were United Nations Trusteeship Council Chief Ralph Bunche and Joseph Dodge, Detroit banker. A handful of Detroiters not in- vited to the festivities took time off from celebrating to catch a glimpse of Acheson as he entered the dining room in the city's new Veterans' Memorial Building. Saturday, a huge parade will end the climactic week. The five- hour festival will feature every- thing from a speech by President Truman to Miss America perched high on an historical float. Tri-color pennants and official birthday flags fly from passing autos and nearly every business establishment in town. Main streets are specially lighted and a huge birthday cake has been set up in a downtown park. LTalks Withdrawal Of Troops Still Issue Await Answer to Agenda Demands U.N. ADVANCE HEADQUAR- TERS, Korea-MP)-Allied and Red cease-fire negotiators held morn- ing and afternoon sessions at Kae- song today in the ninth and show- down meeting over the issue of withdrawing foreign troops from Korea. They held their first face-to- face meeting since Saturday from 11 to 11:53 a.m., Both sides then agreed to a recess. They recon- vened at 2 pm. (10 p.m., CST, yesterday). The morning parley lasted only long enough for each side to have read a prepared statement on the single issue still in dispute-whe- ther to include troop withdrawals on a cease-fire agenda. * * * THE ONLY remaining issue is foreign troops withdrawals. The Reds want it on the agenda for the peace talks. United Nations delegates say it is a political mat- ter and should not be discussed in these military talks. In the face of the firm Allied stand, the Reds last Saturday asked a four day recess. The five Allied delegates had arrived 14 minutes earlier by heli- copter. The Red delegates arrived by jeep only two minutes before they entered the room. A motor convoy, including war c o r r espondents, communication and service men, left in advance at 8:05 a.m. RADIO MOSCOW joined other Red propaganda outlets in ham- mering hard on the Communi demands that any cease-fire agen- da include the subject of foreign troop withdrawals from Korea. Out of this critical ninth meeting-gun-toting American GI's look upon number nine as a lucky symbol-may come the answer to the question of peace or further bloodshed in Korea. Only a few hours before the meeting, Moscow radio broadcast the text of the Korean Central News Agency report which said in part: "The withdrawal of foreign troops is a practical condition for the peaceful settlement of the Korean question . Rep. Shelley Asks Inquiry Into Arsenal DETROIT-(P)-A Congressman yesterday proposed an FBI and Treasury Department investiga- tion of the Army's Detroit arsenal and tank-automobile center. The Congressman is Rep. Shel- ley (D-Calif.), member of a House sub-committee which has been probing reports of gifts and fa- vors by defense contractors to fed- eral employes at the arsenal and center. Shelley said he believed disclo- sures warrant removal of Brig.- Gen. David J. Crawford as com- mander of both the arsenal and center. Crawford admitted in testimony Monday that he shipped trees to his Maryland home via Army truck, used salvage materials to build personal boats, and used the hotel suite on a firm to which he let contracts. In Washington, meanwhile, Sec- retary of the Army Pace promised "appropriate disciplinary action" for any "shortcomings" developed in hearings by the investigating group, a subcommittee of the State Street Stores Sold Calkins-Fletcher D r u g Co., owner of the first store built on State St., was purchased by a Dearborn man yesterday. Ownership transfer of the two stores, located at 324 S. State and at 818 S. State, became final yes- terday. The new owner is James R. Edwards who purchased the stores from Gilbert W. Fletcher, the principal stockholder, E. P. Mack who is in charge of the pho- tographic department and Mrs. Janet Eberts of Grand Rapids. Edwards said that the stores will retain their present firm name. He said he plans no changes in personnel or policy and that he x. intends to retain the "independ- ent" status of the stores. No expansion or physical alter- ation are planned in the new fu- ture according to Edwards. Mack will continue to operate the pho- tographic department. Eleazer E. Calkins, who died in 1946 established the business in 1886, two years after he graduated I. World News Roundup By The Associated Press MANILA-The Philippine army reported yesterday it had uncov- ered plans by the Communist Huk guerrillas for a series of "hit run" raids aimed at disrupting the is- lands' economy. WASHINGTON-A top offi- cial of the Petroleum Adminis- tration for Defense discounted yesterday any likelihood of the rationing of oil products this winter. S * *4 JUNEAU, Alaska - Clearing skies and vanishing fog brought new hope yesterday to the search for a Korean airlift plane miss- ing since Saturday with 38 aboard. WASHINGTON - Republican leaders yesterday called a grand strategy meeting of all GOP house members today in advance of a showdown attempt to oust Secretary of State Acheson from the federal payroll. The heralded GOP attack seems almost certain to touch GAIN OF 2,000,000: Churches Draw Highest Membership in History WORLD CRISIS SERIES: Taylor To Speak at Fourth Lecture NEW YORK - (P) - American church membership in 1950 rose to 85,705,280 - an unparalleled 55.9 per cent of the population, an annual survey showed yester- day. The new figure represents a membership gain of 2,950,987. The report, compiled by the Christian Herald Magazine which makes the only comprehensive regular survey of church mem- bership in the United States, dis- closed these counts for the major faiths: tal, while Jewish congregations ac- count for 5.8 per cent, Other groups make up the re- maining 2.5 per cent. * * * ALTOGETHER, memberships of the various faiths climbed 3.56 per cent last year, while popula- tion grew only 1.67 per cent-thus putting church membership at an all-time record of 55.9 per cent of the nation. At present, 44.1 per cent do not belong to any church. Fifty years ago, 65.3 per cent were in The banding together of 21' American republics for military, economic and cultural reasons will be the topic for the fourth lec- ture in the University Summer Session series on "The United States in the World Crisis." Amos E. Tavlor, director of the ics and finance and was on the Northwestern University faculty' during the summer of 1930. Taylor has been executive sec- retary of the Inter-American Eco- nomic and Social Council since 1947 and is now a representative MEsse 2 issmas:sssmas: ;I