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July 22, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-07-22

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:43 a it'#

See Page 2


Latest Deadline in the State




Arabs Seek Killer
As Tension Mounts
CAIRO - (R)-- Jordan's British-commanded Arab Legion aided
police in rounding up more than 100 suspected oppositionists in old
Jerusalem yesterday for questioning in the assassination of King Ab-
Authorities clamped stern measures against uprisings in both
Jordan and Abdullah's Arab Palestine as a bitter fight loomed be-
tween Abdullah's two eldest sons over which should succeed to the
throne in the Hashemite Kingdom.
A dispatch from Switzerland, where Crown Prince Tallal, 40
A years old, is vacationing after a reported nervous or mental break-

Rising Mississippi Hits
St. Louis; Flood Crest
Equals Record Mark

Fight Looms.
On Controls
Senate, House Set
For Legislation
WASHINGTON -('p)- Friends
and foes of the Truman economic
controls program got set yesterday
for another fight, in the Senate-
House conference committee which
will piece together the legislation
to be submitted to the President.
Five Senators and seven mem-
bers of the House were named yes-
terday to make up the committee,
only hours after the House passed
a bill extending wage, price and
rent controls for a year. The bill
makes many changes in the old
law and withholds new powers Mr.
Truman had asked.
Senator Capehart (R-Ind.)
predicted that out of the confer-
ence will come a compromise
bill "e tirely adequate to deal
with inlation."
The Indiana Republican may
have been anticipating complaints
from President Truman. The
White House mid-year economic
report goes to Congress tomorrow,
and Mr. Truman may take some
cracks at his opposition in an ac-
companying message.
Rep. Spence (D-Ky.) said he
thinks "we can get out a workable'
law" at the conference. He said
the House bill he supported "was
a mighty sick patient, stabbed se-
verely by amendments which we
were able to remove with roll call'
"Disappointed but relieved" was
the attitude expressed in the Ad-
ministration's Economic Stabiliz-
ation offices, after the House ver-
sion got through early yesterday.
Economic Stabilizer Eric Johnston
and his top aides appeared reliev-
ed that the House rejected whats
Johnston called "a few of thet
worst inflationary pork barrel1
Still, Johnston said, "The con-1
sumers didn't get the breaks they

down, said he was furious over the
regency awarded by the Jordan
cabinet Friday to his 35-year-old
brother Emir (Prince) Naif.
THE DISPATCH to the weekly
news magazine Akbar El Yom in
Cairo reported hints among Tal-
lal's entourage that he planned to
return to Amman, the Jordan cap-
ital, soon on a "surprise visit."
Tallal is classed as violently
anti-British; Waif is reported as
friendly toward both Britain and
the United States as his father
Arab political circles feel that
Tallal's return might set off a
violent c h a i n reaction that
would affect the whole uneasy
Middle East and big power poli-
tics as well.
Since Tallal has three young
sons behind him in normal suc-
cession to the throne, Prince Naif.
actually is fifth in line.
The Arab news agency reported
Prince Regent Naif presided yes-
terday at his first meeting of the
council of ministers in Amman.
Anxious over its future hand in
Jordan, Britain cancelled the home
leave of Sir Alex Kirkbride and
ordered him back from London to'
his post as minister to Amman.
He was a close friend of Abdullah
for years and is expected to con-
sult with Prince Naif.
REPORTS FROM Amman said'
police searched the Jerusalem
home of the 21-year-old Moslem
assassin and- found a large quan-
tity of arms.
The assassin was killed by Ab-
dullah's bodyguards on a door-
step of the Mosque of Omar where
Abdullah died in old Jerusalem
The Arab Legion troops, com-
manded by British-born Gen. John
Baggot Glubb Pasha and subsi-
dized by the British government,
joined police patrols to keep order
in Amman.
SL Guild Movie
Will RunTonight
Showings of the SL Cinema#
Guild's film "Naked City" will be
continued at '7:30 and 9:30 thise
evening in the Architecture Audi-x
The schedule change was made
this weekend due to the use of the
auditorium for a recital on Friday

SANDBAG CHAIN-Volunteer sandbag crews strengthen a levee along the Mississippi as dikes
are threatened by the rising flood crest, swollen by the rampaging Missouri, in the costliest flood in
the nation's history. Major levees were expected to hold as the crest fell short of the expected

Taft Says UN Action in Korea
'Has Accomplished Nothing'

'Franco Gets
Aid Promiise

ANNAPOLIS, Md.-(P) - Sena- ing aggression, nothing has been
tor Taft last night called the Kor- accomplished." j
ean war a useless war that has "The aggressor knows now In B ase D eal
accomplished nothing toward pun- that he has everything to gain!
ishing aggression. if he wins and nothing to lose if By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER
"The net result of the whol he loses," Taft said.
procedig," e sid,"is he ossWASHINGTON-(A}---Substan-
proceeding," he said, "is the lOss Not only have the Chinese Com- tial economic and military aid is
of 80,000 American casualties and munists captured half of Korea, the price which Generalissimo
billions of dollars and the destruc- "

tie said, but their aggression will
tion of the very country which we be recognized and they will be per-
undertook to defend." fectly safe.'

"No bombs have been dropped
TAFT, THE Republican policy on their country. No blockade has
leader in the Senate, said current been enforced against them. The
peace negotiations in Korea "will nationalist Chinese Army has been
only postpone the ultimate dan- prevented from making any at-
ger. tempt to invade South China or
He added, however, in a speech build up a popular front in South
prepared for a Maryland Republi- China, against Communism."
can outing here that "undoubtedly Those were all steps urged by
a stalemate peace at the 38th Par- General Douglas MacArthur.
allel is better than a stalemate Taft said it was true that there
war at the 38th Parallel." has been a loss of communist
But he said that "as for punish- manpower in Korea bhe addedE
that "manpower is ' cheap in
j B oo ns s "For the first time, said Taft,
"we have fought a useless and ex-
Sr ensive war, with 80,000 American
M ark C3. WLJ~~ity' casualties, a war begun without
authority by President Truman on
'Bargain ahis own initiative."
________Taft said that Administration
policies invited the Communist at-
Banners and balloons will fill tack in Korea, that President Tru-
Ann Arbor's streets on Wednesday man plunged the nation into war
and Thursday this week as the there and "then we refused to
annual Bargain Days will be in fight that war with the weapons
full swing. at our command."


Julius Schaffer, chairman of the
event and manager of Kline's De-

Visiting Instructor Airs

Problems of Berlin


"Two main problems of the Free
University of Berlip are the lack
of buildings for the different de-
partments and the social problems
of the students," declared Heinz
Lorenz, assistant director to the
department of physical education
at the Free University.
Lorenz, who is also secretary of
the newly reorganized German
Olympic Society in Berlin, is at-
tending classes at the University
in a German leadership exchange
program, sponsored by the State
* * *
"STUDENTS AT the Free Uni-
versity do not have a big campus
life nor proper recreational facili-
ties," said Lorenz who has drawn
up plans for a tremendous $750,000
recreational project that is being
held up for want of funds.
The Free University of Berlin
was established in 1948 as a re-
sult of German students petition-
ing the government of the west
sector of Berlin because the Rus-
sians made academic freedom im-
possible in the eastern sector.
Financial help was received
from the West Berlin govern-
ment, the American military
government in Berlin, and later

# j
S, .,

:: 1

partment Store, reported that
"they should be the biggest Bar-I
gain Days yet. Flags and cross
street banners are planned; free
balloons will be given to children;
and stores will feature special dis-
"Almost all Ideal merchants have
been enthusiastically making ex-
tra purchases, and there should be
some tremendous bargains avail-
able," he added.
BETWEEN 30 AND 40 thousand
people are expected to crowd the
shopping area during the two day
celebration. Because of the traf-
fic problems this will create, the
Chamber of Commerce, which
jointly sponsors the event with the
Ann Arbor Retail Merchants Ass.,
has asked all employes not to drive
or park on downtown streets dur-
ing business hours.
Bargain Days were inaugurated
in the twenties and became an an-
nual event. They were suspended
however, in the war years.

Senate Pushes
Housing Probe
WASHINGTON - A() - Inves-
tigating Senators yesterday asked
officials of the armed services to
testify in public Friday on what
they are doing to remedy "rent
gouging and substandard housing"
for families of servicemen.
Chairman Lyndon Johnson (D-
Tex.) of the Senate preparedness
subcommittee announced that "top
officials of the defense department
will be called to explain their
plans to meet the situation."
The watchdog defense group is-
sued this week a detailed report
charging that some servicemen's
families near military posts have
to live in squalid but high-priced
"Our subcommittee has exposed
the sordid and bitter story of the
tragic housing problem which
faces the families of our men in
the armed services," Johnson said
in a statement. "It would be
shameful if this thing were al-
lowed to die without any further

Franco has indicated he wants for
American use of Spanish sea and
air bases.
The United States is prepared to
pay the price.
Responsible officials confirmed
this today as new details were
learned of the conference earlier
this week between Franco and Ad-
miral Forrest P. Sherman of the
American Joint Chiefs of Staff.
AT THE SAME time it became
known that the State Department
has instructed embassies abroad
to emphasize to foreign govern-
ments the sharp limitations of
American - Spanish negotiations.
The U.S. diplomats were told to
bring out that the talks deal sole-
ly with military arrangements and
do not imply American approval
of the Franco regime.
The amount of American assist-
ance which Franco will require has
yet to be negotiated. In fact, the
Spanish ruler did not specifically
request aid in his meeting with
Sherman. But the nature of his
response to Admiral Sherman's in-
quiries about military cooperation
and American access to bases made
it perfectly clear, in the view of
high officials here, that is what
he has in mind.
Spain's economy has long beenI
threadbare. Franco's army is re-
garded by authorities here as so
poorly equipped that it would be
unable to make any effective
showing-in modern warfare.
The actual negotiation of terms
of the military arrangement be-
tween Washington and Madrid
were not gone into by Franco and
Sherman. What they did achieve,
in the judgment of Washington
authorities, was a paving of the
way for successful negotiations.
These will be carried on by spe-
cial U.S. and Spanish missions al-
though much of the groundwork
has already been laid by American
air, naval and military attaches,
as well as by Ambassador Stanton
Griffis at Madrid.
According to reports fro'm Ma-
drid which tight-lipped authorities
here have not challenged, what the
American high command wants es-
sentially from Spain is the right to
use naval bases at Cadiz, Carta-
gena and Ferrol, plus Santa Cruz
in the Canary Islands and air
bases at Barcelona, Madrid, Seville
and probably Valencia and Lugo.

Voices Hope
In 0OilCrisis
TEHRAN, Iran - ()-- Averell
Harriman, President Truman's en-
voy, moved closer last night to his
objective, that of getting the
Iranians and British to renew
talks on solving the oil crisis.
"We've made some progress,"
said Allahayah Saleh, chairman
of the Iranian Parliamentary Oil
Board after a meeting with Har-
HARRIMAN who talked with
British ambassador Sir Francis
Shepherd this morning immediate-
ly arranged for another meeting
with the parliamentary board last
Saleh's optimistic statement af-
terward was the first apparent
break in the deadlock since Harri-
man came here a week ago today.
Previously, the Iranians had
agreed to re-enter negotiations
with the British on nationaliza-
tion of the billion dollar British-
owned Anglo-Iranian Oil Com-
pany. Their conditions, however,
were that the British must begin
with recognizing Iran's oil na-
tionalization law to the letter. This
was the point on which negotia-
tions broke down last month.
The British offered to accept
the principle of nationalization,
but have not gone so far as to
accept the nationalization law
as now written.
The Iranians demanded 75 per
cent of the oil profits since na-
tionalization-plus the other 25
per cent to be set aside for eventual
settlement for the company's
claims for compensation.
The Iranians rejected a British
offer to pay $28,000,000 immed-
iately an $8,400,000 a month pend-
ing a final settlement, and to set
up a joint-British-Iranian, operat-
ing company.
Saleh said he thought the re-
sults of Harriman's mission would
be "very clear soon."
Acheson Will
Deliver Talk
In Motor City
DETROIT-(;P)-The eyes of the
world will focus on this-the cli-
mactic week of Detroit's 250th
Birthday Celebration.
President Harry S. Truman and
Secretary of State Dean Acheson
head an imposing list of national
and international figures who will
assemble here for the big week in
the summer long celebration of
the Motor City's founding in 1701.
Secretary of S t a t e Acheson
arrives in Detroit Tuesday to
deliver what State Department
aides have heralded as a major
"international affairs" speech at a
banquet in honor of the founding
of Detroit.
President Truman will make a
flying visit to the Motor City Sat-
urday and is expected to address
Detroit's "partygoers" from the
steps of City Hall.

The four University behavior-
ists on a raft are encountering
more problems.
Yesterday marked the third
day of trouble for the experi-
menters. As they docked their
craft last night near Pitts-
burgh's Point, where the Alle-
gheny and Monogahela Rivers
form the Ohio, the raft was lost
in an eddy until a thoughtful
motor boat owner towed it to
The raft has traveled only
seven miles a day so far. The
adventurers will have to speed
up to reach their goal, New Or-
leans, 1800 or 1900 miles away
by Oct. 1.
:38 Missing in
four-engined Korean airlift DC-4
transport plane vanished with 38
aboard along the rugged Alaska
panhandle coast and may be send-
ing distress signals, Canadian Pa-
cific Airlines reported.
The CPA said the signals were
heard at Anchorage, Alaska, and
Cranbrook, B.C.
THE OUTBOUND airlift plane
left here Friday night. It was
last heard from at 3:17 a.m. Sat-
urday, Ann Arbor time, off Cape
Spencer, about 80 miles due west
of Juneau, Alaska.
The CPA official said that "while
there's no reason to believe these
are legitimate distress signals"
they had been heard periodically
"in the last couple of hours" or
since about 6 p.m., and were being
The plane was heading for:An-
chorage on the first leg of its trip
to Tokyo. CPA, from whom the
airlift plane was chartered, has a
terminus at Cranbrook.
"Foul weather" was reported
over the area where the plane
was swallowed up.
Most of the 31 passengers were
American military men. The crew
of seven included two stewardesses.
The big Canadian Pacific Air-
lines plane was the first to meet
disaster in the airlift's 87 (CQ)
million miles of flying since the
outbreak of the Korean War.
RESCUE PLANES were poised
for another of the northwest's
great air searches when the wea-
ther lifts. Ground fog and clouds
blanketed the area between Juneau
and Anchorage, Alaska, from the
ground level to a height of 12,000
The 17th U.S. Coast Guard dis-
trict at Juneau, which is directing
the hunt, said the cutters Citrus
and Cahoone were scouring the icy
mouth of the Gulf of Alaska north-
ward from Cape Spencer.
McChord Air Force base near
Tacoma, Wash., the stateside ter-
minus for American "great circle"
airlift operations, said the DC-4
carried 23 U.S. Air Force, three
U.S. Army and two Royal Canadi-
an Navy men, three American civ-
ilians and the crew.

Water Level
Said Highest
In 107_Years
Experts Think
Peak Readhed
ST. LOUIS - () -The mighty
Mississippi swung a Sunday punch
at St. Louis yesterday but it fell
short of the haymaker that had
been anticipated.
However, the turbulent river
levelled off at an apparent crest
equalling its highest level at St.
Louis in 107 years.
At 6:30 p.m. (EST) the big river
was at 40.3 feet, the same as the
top mark of the 1947 flood. It had
been at a virtual standstill for six
This was .2 of a foot under the
stage anticipated earlier, but the
government weather bureau said it
expected the river to go no higher.
any nearer the all-time record of
41.39 set in 1844, no one will know
about it until some time today.
The building in which the offi-
cial guages are located was locked
and the weather bureau said no
more readings would be taken to-
night. An automatic device re-
cords changes in the river level.
The Mississippi was swollen by
the rampaging Missouri which
rolled across the state from Kan-
sas City in one of the costliest
floods in history.
It lost some of its sting, how-
ever, when it dumped into the
Mississippi about 20 miles north
of this city of 1,500,000.
Perched on high ground in the
arc of the river,gSt. Louis proper
is out of danger and most resi-
dents went calmly about their bus-
iness yesterday.
But along the waterfront area,
the muddy water inched into nu-
merous industrial installations as
it did in 1947 when damage was
estimated at $9,000,000.
Maj. Gen. Lewis A. Pick, chief
of the army engineers, reported in
Washington that the, billion dollar
flood has cost 41 lives in Kansas
and Missouri.
As the Mississippi reached a
crest here, the city health depart-
ment was taking steps to prevent
contamination of the water sup-
ply by sewage backed up by the
flood waters.
Downstream, sandbagging crews
worked feverishly to bolster weak
spots in the dikes. Major levees
were expected to hold.
UN Waits As
Reds old K.ey
To Parley Fate
TOKYO-Moscow was believed
ready today to attempt a new
tack in the Korean truce nego-
tiations as the Kaesong talks
reached a critical stage of
stalemate and postponement, ac-
cording to the United Press.
The next move is up to the
Communists, said the UP dis-
The Chinese and North Koh ean
delegations, granted a four-day
adjournment, asked for safe con-
duct back to Pyongyang for an ex-
pected three-way talk with Pieping
and Moscow.
advance camp in Korea that the
There was speculation at the UN
talks would not be resumed there-
that future negotiations would be

carried out at high displomatic
The United Nation's blunt "No"
to this Red demand placed the is-
sue of war or peace in Korea
squarely in the hands of Commun-
ism's highest leadership.
Armv Budtel

...visits University
should definitely include a history
of modern education." He also
thought that one of the major
wrongs in physical education in-
struction today is that too much
emphasis is put on competition
and not enough on participation.
"In Berlin we have both intra-
mural and intercollegiate sports,
but not as much intercollegiate
competition as American schools
because of the immense cost of

Started again in 1946, they
have been steadily growing in
magnitude ever since.
Philip McCallum, secretary of
the Chamber of Commerce, re-
ports that "their fame has been
spreading out of town recentlybdue
to the success they have enjoyed
in recent years, and they now
draw shoppers into Ann Arbor
from a thirty mile radius."
Although those that come won't!
find the bands and parades that
used to be synonomous with bar-
gain days in the twenties, they'll
find plenty of shopping opportuni-
ties, McCallum said.

Power Hits Expediency in Franco Negotiations

Any U. S. negotiations with the
Franco government for building
military and economic strength
in Spain must require the estab-
lishment of some democratic prin-
ciples in that country, Eugene B.
Power, president of University
Microfilms, said yesterday.

site for air bases, but he assert-
ed that military aspects should
not be considered solely.
"I am in favor of assistance be-
cause the Spanish people need it,"
Power stated. "However, there
must be a certainty that the peo-
ple know the source of the aid and
that the Spanish masses are ac-

street," Power said. "Every mile of
road is patrolled by soldiers."
Power also attributed the com-
plete subordination of the Span-
ish people to lack of education.
The average grade level reached
by Spaniards is third grade, he
"The Spanish1 are not accustom-

hours a day, receives 80 cents a
On paper, labor legislation such
as health and unemployment bene-
fits is of the highest calibre, Power
said. But he noted that the "inef-
ficiency of the Spanish bureaucra-
cy and the indifference of the peo-
ple" defies enforcement of the


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