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July 21, 1951 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State





VOL. LXI, No. 18-S




Abdullah Killed
Assassination of King of Jordan
Brings About New Eastern Crisis
JERUSALEM-(o)-King Abdullah of Jordan, a power in the war
and peace councils of the Arab world, was shot yesterday by an assassin
in the section of Jerusalem he brought under his sway in the war with
The Middle East, already in turmoil from oil and religious issues,
thus faced a new crisis.
THE 69-YEAR-OLD monarch was slain at the holiest of the holy
Moslem shrines within his realm, at the entrance to the imposing
Mosque of Omar, an ancient pile that raises its minarets over the dome













Col trols Bill Passed



.. .. .



Moody Says
U.S., Russia
Now at War
Senator Blair Moody (D-Mich.)
declared last night that "we are
at war with Russia" and said we
would make a colossal error to
conclude the National Emergency
with the end of the Korean fight-
The former Washington news-
paperman, appointed to succeed
the late Arthur H. Vandenberg,
was principal speaker at a biennial
state convention banquet of Hoo-
sier Yousg Democrats.
M *
THERE IS A danger, he said,
of a secret return to isolationism
in Congress.
"The one basic incontroverti-
ble fact," said Senator Moody,
"is that we are at war with Rus-
sia and have been for several
Then he added:
Now that it has been quite
clearly established - whether the
cease-fire negotiations ultimately
succeed or not-that our Joint
Chiefs of Staff were right when
they predicted that the Reds could
not stand up against the sort of
punishment that American men
and American weapons were deal-
ing out to them, that they would
sue for peace, the question comes:
"CAN WE TREAT the Korean
conflict as an isolated incident?
Can we consider its end-if it is
now to end-as a conclusion of our
national emergency? Dare we go
on about our business-as-usual
and relaxation-as-usual in a na-
tion unworried and unthreatened?
If we do that, we shall be mak-
ing one of the colossal errors of
Senator Moody said the "great
question" is whether "this strange
new kind of war nurtured in the
Klemlin is to turn into a global
atomic war, or whether in the end
we are to be able to force a change
of policy in the Kremlin by dem-
onstrating to them an attack on
the United States or its allies
would be suicide."

Df the rock from which Koranic
scripture says Mohammed rose to
heaven on a white horse.
The assasin was killed on the
spot by Abdullah's bodyguard.
Informed British sources identi-
fied the assassin as Mustafa Sha-
kir and said he was a known ter-
rorist who had contacts in the past
with the exiled former Mufti of
Jerusalem, now living in Cairo.
President Truman sent a mes-
sage of sympathy to Prince Tal-
al, son of the Jordan King.
Mr. Truman said in his mes-
"I have been deeply moved to
learn of the sudden and tragic
death of your father, King Abdul-
lah. His name will live as one of
the great personages in the his-
tory of the Arab peoples."
* * *
THE VIGOROUS, bearded king,
5 feet 4 tall, had been at odds with
his Arab neighbor monarchs from
time to time over the years. Ab-
dullah was a First World War ally
of Lawrence of Arabia and a pro-
tege of Winston Churchill on the
checkerboard of Mid-East politics.
The Jordan radio in Abdul-
lah's capital, Amman, announc-
ed his 35-year-old second son,
Emir (Prince) Naif was immedi-'
ately named regent to rule over
the 300,000 Jordan subjects.
The Jordan rule also includes
Old Jerusalem and a slice of Pal-
estine won by Abdullah's British-
supported Arab Legion in the war
against the Israelis in the late
* a *
Emir Tallal, 40, was replaced tem-
porarily in the line of succession
because of a nervous or mental,
The radio said Emir Naif had
taken the oath as regent in parlia-
nent at Amman, a dusty little
capital more than 1,000 years older
than Christ.
Abdullah's assassination was
the second involving Jordan
within a week.
Riad El Solh, Lebanon's ex-pre-
mier and strong man in the wars
for Lebanese independence, was
slain in Amman after a visit and
inner last weekend with Abdul-{
ah. The three assassins were
dentified as semi-Fascist Syrian-
lebanese nationalists who stalked
El Solh to Abdullah's capital. One
was killed by an Arab Legion of-
ficer, another killed himself and
;he third escaped.
One of Abdullah's last acts was
i speech condemning the assassi-
nation as a political instrument.

Billion Dollar
Floods Still
Mississippi Sets
107-Year Record
By The Associated Press
The muddy Missouri rammed it
biggest flood crest in more than a
century to within a few miles o
the swollen Mississippi last night
leaving behind at least 27 deac
and a billion dollars in damages.
It battered down dike after dike
as it completed its paralyzing jour-
ney across the state from Kansa
City, which suffered the heaviest
blow from flood waters that poured
down off the Kansas plains last
WITH ITS dike-smashing blows,
the untameable Missouri flattened
our for miles across the country-
side. At points it was five miles
Its crest passed St. Charles,
Mo., the last town of any size be-
tween it and its juncture with
the Mississippi, yesterday and
was expected to push the Missis-
sippi up to 40.5 feet here by mid-
That would be the highest mark
for the river since 1844.
Most of St. Louis, on high
ground, was out of the flood dan-
ger zone. But precautions were tak-
en here against a water shortage
and contamination of the sip-1ly
Even as the Missouri neared its
tumultuous rendezvous with the
Mississippi, the 300 residents of
West Alton at the juncture refused
to leave their homes in the face of
crumbling levees. Water stood
three-feet in some of the houses.
The Coast Guard stood by ready
for rescue work.
Thousands of additional acres
were flooded there as most of the
dikes went out. Already nearly 60,-
000 acres were out in that area.
Altogether 1,500,00 acres of crop-
land has been inundated between
Kansas City and here.
MEANWHILE, R. H. Musser, Re-
gional Director for the U.S. Soil
Conservation Service in the upper
Mississippi, estimated agricultural
damage in Missouri from the flood
will exceed $100,000,000.
Dramatic battles against the
churning flood waters still were
being fought from Jefferson City
east to St. Louis.
At New Haven, a town of 1,000
about 50 miles west of here, a ter-
rific fight was being waged to save
the business district. All the towns-
people have joined in the struggle
against the river.
MEANWHILE, IN Washington,
Chief of Army Engineer, Maj. Gen.
Lewis A. Pick told a Senate sub-
committee that a flood control
project already planned would
have cost less than one-third of
the possible billion dollars in dam-
age caused by the flood in the past
While he said he didn't want to
make a prediction, he added, "It
looks like this is a billion dollar
flood." He said losses already had
been conservately estimated at
$875,000,000 with more to come
around St. Louis.
Pick said that planned flood-
control projects estimated to cost
$300,000,000 "would have enabled
us to keep the flood waters of the
Kansas River and its tributaries
under control."

Semi-Victory Won
By Administration
WASHINGTON-(')-The House early today passed a new eco-
nomic controls bill with Administration forces dramatically snatching
partial victory in a sudden and unexpected reversal of past defeats.
Final passage came on a rollcall vote of 323 to 92.
THE BILL, which extends controls in modified form for one year,
now goes to a Senate-House conference to settle conflicts in the sep-
Oarately passed versions.

Substandard Housing

rW orld News
By The Associated Press
HONG KONG - The Peiping
radio announced yesterday seizure
July 18 of all property of three
American oil companies in Red
The companies were Standard!
Vacuum, Caltex, Ltd., and Chung
Mei Cathay Oil Co.
Crime Committee said yesterday
a witness in its probe of Atlantic
City gambling had become the
target of a death threat. It
promptly enlisted the aid of the
The witness, Francis L. Smith,
appeared before the committee
shortly after disclosure of the
warning that he would be "rub-
bed out" if he testified.

The Senate has already passed
an eight-month extension. It
differs in many respects from
the House bill.
Weary legislators staggered from
the floor following passage -at
12:05 a.m., after 14 solid hours of
gruelling see-saw battle in the fi-
nal showdown.
The House had been in contin-
uous session since 10 a.m. yester-
A LAST-MINUTE Republican
motion to send the bill back to
committee for further study was
defeated by a vote of 299 to 117.
It was made by Rep. Cole (R-Kan)
a top leader in the anti-Adminis-
tration bloc.
Although it also suffered se-
vere setbacks in the showdown
voting, the Administration suc-
ceeded in beating:
1. An amendment forbidding
price ceilings unless they permit-
ted businessmen to make a "rea
sonable profit" on every line of
goods they handle.
2. An amendment denying the


NEW YORK--International fi- Administration power to impose
nancier Serge Rubinstein, accused n of would deprive meat
of swindling millions from inves- processors of a profit on any line
tors, was acquitted yesterday on of meat.
charges of mail fraud and Securi- 3. Another amendment "freez-

SUBSTANDARD HOUSING-These two pictures of servicemen's
housing are part of the interim report on substandard housing
and rent gouging of military personnel by the preparedness sub-
committee of the Senate committee on armed services. At top is
"The Bor," a tiny shack in the Camp Breckinridge, Ky., area.
Divided into two rooms, it rents for $20 a month to a sergeant,
his wife and child. At bottom is the "Bottle House," constructed
of whiskey bottles, beer cans, oil cans and mortar. A corporal and
his family of three pay $20 a month rent.
Japanese TreatySigning
Planned for- September

Gain Delav
UntilJuly 25
Decision Ends
MUNSAN, Korea -()--Crucial
armistice conferences at Kaesong
were recessed today until July 25
at the request of the Coinmunists.
This following official announce-
ment was released:
"The conferees recessed this
morning at 11:03 a.m. (8:03 p.m.
yesterday, Ann Arbor Timex. At
11:30 a.m. the conference recon-
vened. At 11:38 a.m. the meeting
ended. Admiral- Joy stated, the
Communist delegation asked for
a recess until 25 July and Ad-
miral Joy agreed to this request."
In Tokyo, General Headquarters
distributed this official release and
then asked that it be "killed."
A few minutes later, after con-
siderable pressure from news agen-
cies, the kill order was lifted.
* * *
EARLIER dispatches told of
United Nations delegates leaving
by helicopter for Kaesong and the
crucial armistice meeting with the
War or peace in Korea seemed
to hinge on one issue-a Com-
munist demand for agreement
now on the question of with-
drawing foreign troops from the
mountainous, ravaged peninsula.
The Allies have insisted this
question is political and cannot be
a condition for a military cease-
It was the eighth meeting of
the Allied and Red delegations.
Yesterday's session was postponed
after flooded streams prevented
the UN-five member group from
reaching Kaesong. by jeeps.
A motor convoy left for Kae-
song with other personnel of the
Allied delegation, including cor-
respondents. Swollen creeks along
the 15-mile road had subsided.
AN ALLIED source said "there
is no great reason for optimism"
on the possibility of settling the
issue of withdrawnig troops from
Even if this issue is solved, it
will not mean a cease-fire, but
merely an agreement on what sub-
jects to discuss in seeking a cease-
In Washington, Secretary of
State Acheson made it clear that
United Nations troops would
remain in Korea "until a gen-
uine peace has been firmly es-
tablished . ..
He addeds
"The size of the United Nations
forces remaining in Korea will
depend upon circumstances and,
particularly, upon the faithfulness
with which an armistice is carried
THE EIGHTH sesson of the
talks might well be the make-or-
break meeting, it was thought. An
Allied spokesman has said either
an agenda would be completed or
there would be "an air of finality
about disagreement."
The Communists claim that only
by withdrawing all foreign troops
can peace be guaranteed.
The Allies claim that question is
purely political and has no place
in present talks on a military level.

Since July 10, five-man teams
of Red and Allied negotiators
have sought to agree on an agen-
do-the skeleton framework for
future discussions on how to
stop the fighting after 56 weeks
of war.
The fact that only the one issue
remained suggested agreement on
such other agenda subjects as:
when a cease-fire would go into
effect; setting up of a buffer zone;
exchanging prisoners; and inspec-
tion behind each other's lines.
* *p *
MEANWHILE, the Korean war
was weathered in Friday.
Rains cut sharply into air
operations, Bombers, sighting
targets by radar through heavy
clouds, attacked railroad yards
in North Korea but were unable
to observe results.
The biggest ground action re-
ported was between attacking Al-

ties Law violations.

Businessman Blinks as
Pigeon Dions Pince-,Nez

FLORENCE, Italy-Rosa Man-
cini, identified as a niece of the
late Fascist Dictator Benito Mus-
solini, last night was sentenced to
a year and seven months in prison
and fined 37,000 lire ($59) for cir-
culating forged Allied currency.
Heir IsDead
HECHINGEN, Germany-Crown
Prince Friederich Wilhelm, frus-
trated eldest son of Kaiser Wil-
helm II of World War I, died yes-
terday at his little villa-far re-
moved from the Berlin palace he
hoped to occupy as emperor of a
new Imperial Germany.
The heir-apparent of Germany's
last Kaiser died after a long ill-
ness, within sight of an 80-room
Hohenzollern Castle he lacked the
money to live in. He was 69.
A specialist listed arterial sclero-
sis as the cause of death.
A great grandson of England's
Queen Victoria, Wilhelm lived out
two of the most destructive wars
in history and two shattering Ger-
man defeats.
One of the hardest blows of his
life came in the battle of Verdun,
in World War I. Marshal Henri
Phillippe Petain, now a dying old
man, declared "they shall not
pass" and the Germans, nominally
under the Crown Prince's com-
mand, did not.
The Crown Prince came to the
French zone recently to live in
seclusion after the Russians occu-
pied the vast Hohenzollern es-
tates in Brandenburg at the end
of World War IT.
A Prussian flag-a black spread
eagle on a white background-
fluttered at half mast over the
lonely villa.

ing price and wage ceilings for
120 days, except on farm prod-
ucts and rents.
Administration men had said
this freeze, by preventing the cor-
rection of "inequities," would deal
the whole control system a death
blow. Backers of the freeze said,
on the other hand, that it meant
a real halt to inflation, pendingI
study of further steps.
IN AN EARLIER vote, the
House plumped for relaxed credit
curbs on new and used autos,
household appliances and homes.
It went further than the Admin-
istration wanted in this direction.
It agreed to permit auto pay-
ments to be spread over 21
months, instead of 15 as at pres-
ent. The down payment on new
cars would be changed to 25
percent instead of one-third.
The chamber decided to lower
down payments on household ap-
pliances, including television sets,
to 15 percent from the present 25
percent. Payments c o u 1 d be
spread ovcr 18 instead of 15
months, and trade-ins could apply
toward the down payment.
On homes, purchasers would
be required to pay only 10 per
cent down on homes costing up
to $10,000 if -the House version
is accepted by the Senate and
signed by President Truman.
Present down payments range
from 10 per cent on homes costing
less than $5,000 to 50 per cent on
high-priced residences.
tories included:
1. A 234-183 vote to reaffirm an
earlier decision to limit farm price
rollbacks, including beef, to 10 per
cent of the May 19 price. If enact-
ed into law, this will ban two pro-
jected beef price rollbacks of 4 12

ted States today invited 50 na-
tions, including Soviet Russia, to
join in signing the Japanese peace
treaty at a conference opening
September 4 at San Francisco.
Conspicuously missing from the1
invitation list were both the Com-
munist and Nationalist govern-
ments of China, and Italy. Also
Disclose Plans
For U.S. Air
Bases in Spain
LONDON--UP)-Adm. Forrest P.
Sherman, U. S. Chief of Naval Op-
erations, told British military
leaders today of American plans
for air and naval bases in Spain.
The people of Britain appear
sharply divided on the issue.
Both the labor government and
French, have denounced General-
issimo Franco's regime as Fascist,
and strongly oppose any close
American ties with Spain.
Much of the conservative press,
while branding Franco a dicta-
tor, has supported the American
move. The labor press opposes it.
In Paris, the French foreign of-
fice said Franco's shakeup of his
cabinet does not alter France's op-
position to U. S. bases in Spain.
The French, along with the Bri-
tish, say that proposed U. S. bases

omitted were South Korea and
three new French-sponsored states
of Indochina.
C *
RUSSIA, which has denounced
both the proposed "peace of re-
conciliation" and the manner in
which the terms were worked out,
is expected to refuse to sign. It is
considered possible nevertheless
that Moscow might send delegates
to the conference to attack the'
Japan will have the right aft-
er the treaty goes into effect to
make peace separately with the
nations which fail to sign at
San Francisco
China was left out to avoid a
showdown between the United
States and Britain over whether
the Nationalists or Communists
should be invited.
Italy, a late entrant in the
World War II lineup against Ja-
pan, was ignored because officials
deemed it inappropriate for a for-j
mer Axis partner to make peace
on the same terms as the nations
which began fighting at the time
of Pearl Harbor.
A "final text" of the treaty is to
be issued August 13 after prospec-
tive signers have had an additional
opportunity to press for changes.
President Truman today ap-
pointed a 10-man delegation to
represent the United States at the
signing. Chief delegates are Sec-
retary of State Acheson, Ambassa-
dor John Foster Dulles, Republi-
can adviser to the State Depart-
ment who handled treaty negotia-
tions, Senator Connally (D-Tex.)
and Senator Wiley (R-Wis.).

NEW YORK-OP)-There are all
kinds of pigeons in New York-
fat ones, thin ones, old ones, young
ones, beggars and clowns.
But there's never been a pigeon
before like the one over on Broad-
way. He wears glasses. That's
right, glasses-the kind you wear
to see better.
HE SHOWED UP July 11 on the
window sill of Selby L. Turner's
seventh floor Broadway office.
Selby, an insurance man, was
dictating a letter. He stopped dic-
tating, of course. He didn't say
anything at first. There just didn't
seem to be and'thing to say.
Finally, he asked his secretary
to please take a look out the win-
dow and tell him what she saw.
She said she saw a pigeon wear-
ing glasses,
"Thank god," was Selby's first

"He doesn't wear them exactly
where he would if pigeons wore
glasses," Mrs. Cassano explained
seriously. "He holds them in his
beak. But in such a way that he
can peer through them with his
Red Students
Raise Degrees
MOSCOW-P-A great "sha-
shlik scandal" broke in the Soviet
Certain officials, said the Gov-
ernment newspaper Izvestia, have
been exchanging the makings of
shashlik for diplomas in a central
Asian agricultural school - lambs
for sheepskin, in effect.

per cent each set for Aug. 1 and in Spain, with the assistance that
Oct. 1. is bound to follow, will weaken the
2. A 249-167 vote to ban Federal mutual confidence of the Atlantic
livestock marketing quotas. Pact partners.


Cameron Heads Group Studying Kurdish Life



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