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July 19, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-07-19

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THURSDAY,.,...... JULYy 19., .... 1951av

GOP Preview?
(Editor's Note: Leonard Wilcox, '5, was one
of the 800 delegates who attended the recent
Young Republican Convention in Boston. He has
written the following column especially for The
NO GROUP of Republican politicians has
ever assembled without eventually battl-
ing over national presidential candidates.
The recent Young Republican National Con-
vention in Boston was no exception. It was
plunged into a heated three-day contro-
versy over the election of a National Young
Republican Chairman.
It was the "Taft-support" that largely
defeated Marryl K. Davis of Utah and
the "stop-Taft-support" that elected Her-
bert Warburton of Delaware National
Chairman. The National Chairmanship is
a two-year job that will extend through
the 1952 election year. Delegates wanted a
National Chairman who would fairly re-
flect their sentiments on presidential pros-
pects without openly committing the na-
tion-wide organization.
Davis, apparently, could not have re-
mained neutral in view of the direct help he
received from the Taft backers. All signs
point to a strong attempt by the Taft or-
ganization to try to "steamroll" the 1952
convention into nominating the Ohio Sena-
tor similar to the spectacle of party solidar-
ity which Dewey achieved in Philadelphia
in 1948. Such "spectacles" are arranged
well in advance with the Presidential can-
didate picked before the Convention even
But in three successive Republican nom-
inating conventions - and at the Boston
Young Republican Convention - the anti-
Taft forces combined to stop the Senator.
The pressure put on many of the Young
Republican delegates in Boston to back
Davis gives observers some indication of the
"steamroller" technique which the Taft sup-
porters are oiling up in preparation for
next year.
Warburton, the new Young Republican
Chairman claims to be independent of any
national presidential candidate andnappears
to be unattached to any group-but being
from Delaware which is rather firmly in the
"eastern-liberal" Republican camp, he would
doubtlessly favor Eisenhower or maybe even
Dewey again.
Michigan backed Warburton, not only be-
cause he showed promise as an administra-
tor but because he led the group that op-
posed Taft's carrying the Young Republican
Convention by the high pressure tactics
that were everywhere evident. Michigan,
together with New York, Pennsylvania, Cali-
fornia, Delaware, and New England pro-
vided the "stop-Taft" block. Utah, Ohio;
Indiana, Illinois, and the South supported
the Taft-backed candidate.
A third candidate who might have
thrown the chairmanship to either Davis
or Warburton since he held the balance
of votes needed to elect one of them was
Wiley Mayne of Iowa. When he was
dropped on the fifth ballot, he did not
commit his delegates to any candidate.
The delegates that were released, largely
from the farming mid-west, Iowa, Mis-
souri, Kansas, Minnesota, and the Dako-
tas, joined the anti-Taft forces and
assured Warburton's election.
The Young Republican Convention should
make it clear tha the Republican candidate
contest in Chicago next year is going to be
a hard fight for whoever wins. Taft can be
stopped if his opponents can settle on a can-
didate. Unless Eisenhower will be that man
there seems to be no one who can draw
enough popular support to stem the drive
by Taft backers to "nominate Bob on the
first ballot." This would of course mean the
Republicans have lost another Presidential
-Len Wilcox
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


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WASHINGTON-It is an even bet tht
something very secret and very import-
ant preceded by some weeks the negotia-
tions which have been going on at Kaesong
in Korea. The redoubtable Sherlock Holmes,
for example, reviewing the available evi-
dence, would surely have come up with
something like the following working hy-
Since early in May, the top American
policy makers have had excellent unex-
plained reasons, almost certainly based on
highly secret negotiations of some sort,
for believing that a Korean truce was
There is no proof that this is so. It is
officially denied that anything of the sort
has been going on. Yet in this tense period
of waiting on events in Korea, the reader
may find it interesting to consider the evi-
dence, and to decide for himself whether the
hypothesis is a reasonable one.
* * * *
THE FIRST ITEM of evidence is wholly
intangible-no more than a change of
mood. But it was a very striking and sudden
change of mood. Early last May, officials
who a few days before had seemed down-
right suicidal suddenly began to act as
though they could hardly restrain them-
selves from breaking into a jig. Whereas
before they would glumly shrug their shoul-
ders when asked how and when the Korean
War might be brought to an end, in the
first week of May there was suddenly talk
about "a fifty-fifty chance of- ending the
war this summer."
Why this change? Was this abrupt shift
from despair to hope the result of pure,
unalloyed political instinct? Or were there
powerful but secret reasons for believing
that the war in Korea might be settled?
Surely Mr. Holmes would accept only the
second answer.
At any rate, it was easy then to smell some
sort of rat, whether real or imaginary. And
the rat smells continued. In mid-May, Pres-
idential foreign policy adviser W. Averell
Harriman remarked publicly, off the cuff,
that the war might end "next week, the
week after, in a month or two months."
The war could not possibly end without
some sort of direct East-West contact. Had
this contact already been made? If not, it
begins to seem that Harriman should take
up crystal ball gazing as a business.
* * * *
quiry, Secretary George Marshall exuded
the same mystifying optimism. He referred
repeatedly to the Berlin blockade, and to
the "United Nations channels" through
which the settlement had been negotiated.
These "channels" took the form, of course,
of highly secret talks between Yakov Malik
and Ambassador-at-Large Philip Jessup.
Was something of the sort, whether in this
country or elsewhere, already going on?
Questioned on this point at the time,
officials would plead ignorance, or look
carefully blank. But the note of unex-
plained optimism continued throughout
the testimony of all the Administration
leaders during the MacArthur testimony.
Then, early in June, came Secretary Mar-
shall's sudden, unannounced trip to Japan
and Korea, to confer with Gen. Matthew
A great effort was made at the time to
implant the notion that Marshall was much
given to such sudden junkets, and that his
trip had no special significance. But such a
trip was a serious matter for an overbur-
dened man, no longer young. And surely, in
retrospect, it does not require a very nasty
and suspicious mind to surmise that Mar-
shall went to Japan because he knew that
truce negotiations were imminent, and be-
cause he wished to arrange matters in ad-
vance with Ridgway.
* * * *
FINALLY, just before the now-famous
Malik truce bid, another Korean junket

was planned-that of Paul Nitze, Chief of
the State Department's policy planning staff.
At first it was put about that Nitze was "on
vacation." Now it is said that Nitze planned
purely by chance to go to Korea at that
particular time, and that the Malik proposal
came as a complete surprise. But how com-
plete was the surprise? Surely it is remark-
ably lucky that the chief policy planner
should just happen to be on hand to advise
Ridgway during the course of the delicate
There were, to be sure, certain very
faint indications that the Communists
might want a truce-vague hints by Malik
and other Soviet officials, a change in the
Soviet propaganda line. But these exceed-
ingly tenuous indications were certainly
not enough to explain the above chain of
evidence. The reader may be his own
Sherlock Holmes in deciding whether or
not the hypothesis is reasonable-whether
or not, some time about the beginning of
May, highly secret East-West contact was
made, which strongly indicated the like-
lihood of a Korean cease-fire.
At any rate, credit should be given where
credit is due. If there was secret diplomatic
contact, it was kept, for once, really secret,
which is as it ought to be. If there was no
secret contact, leading officials of the State
and Defense Departments have displayed a
political prescience which is little short of
(Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
WASHINGTON - Defense Mobilize r
Charles E. Wilson has had many bitter
battles with labor both before and after he
came to Washington. However, the former
General Electric boss pulled shoulder-to-
shoulder with labor leaders last week in a
closed-door assault on Congress for failing
to pass effective price controls.
More than 100 house members, including
about 20 Republicans, heard Wilson, AFL
President Bill Green and CIO Secretary-
Treasurer James Carey denounce the badly
gutted price control bill as a boon to Joe
Stalin and an invitation to ruinous infla-
"If the dollar goes down to 25 cents in
value because Congress has falied to con-
trol prices, Joe Stalin will have gained a
great victory without firing a shot," the
ex-head of General Electric declared at
the secret meeting, called by House Rules
Chairman Adolph Sabath of Illinois.
"I do not agree with labor all the time, but
I agree with labor on this. We are moving
into a period of .stepped-up production for
defense that will greatly increase the pres-
sure on our economy. Yet Congress is about
to pass legislation that weakens controls on
inflation instead of stiffening them.
"I'm from big business and I'm proud of
It," continued Wilson, "Even though this
spokesman for labor"-he pointed t CIO's
Jim Carey-"has ripped into me from time
to time in the past. But we've got to realize
-all of us, business, labor, the farmer and
Congress-that we must pull tongether un--
selfishly if we are going to win the battle
against inflation."'
Carey, AFL President Green and Charles
Anderson, an official of the railroad bro-
therhoods, vogorously supported Wilson.

"Hit Him Again - He's Still Breathing"
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Rent Decontrol

. . .

To the Editor:
have exhibited a wholly jus
tified concern with the problem
of rent decontrol in Ann Arbor
The subject has been extremel
troublesome (and as a councilman
I wish I had not had to face it)
Whatever the ultimate conclusion
one may reach on the merits o
decontrol, one cannot in good con-
science be entirely comfortable
about it-even those who wrote
The Daily's editorial of Sunday
July 15, and those who have ar-
gued so vehemently on the othe
side. Without attempting to de-
bate the merits of continuing con-
trol under the existing law as
against decontrol, I wish merely to
register a slight, though perhaps
unavailing, protest, against some
of the assertions and insinuations
of bad faith which are to be found
in Mr. Thomas' editorial of July
13 and in the Editors' joint editor-
ial of July 15.
I refer to the charge that. by
asking the Housing Expediter to
decontrol under a provision of the
law giving him authority to do so
on his own volition, and in the al-
ternative requesting decontrol un-
der the "local option" provision,
the Council was "trying to dodge
responsibility for their own ac-
tion . . . thereby absolving them
of a degree of responsibility if lo-
cal rents went into a whirlwind
upward spiral after decontrol
(Thomas' editorial, July 13), and
that the preferred action "would
have neatly confused the elector-
ate of this community by letting
Woods do the honors and the Fed-
eral government take the blame"
(joint editorial, July 15). Perhaps
Mr. Thomas and the other editors
will disbelieve, but I can assure
them quite honestly that, rather
than dealing with the problem ir-
responsibly, the Council thought
it was acting quite responsibly
when it sought decontrol if the
need should arise.
The fact is that the members of
the Council's Special Rent Con-
trol Committee knew perfectly
well after the Council's open hear-
ing on the question of decontrol
how a large majority of the Coun-
cil felt about the matter. A vote
for decontrol under the localvop-
tion clause was a foregone con-
clusion. Some of us who agreed
that continuing rent control un-
der the present law would not be
desirable believed nevertheless
that the facts with respect to the
housing situation were not so cry-
stal clear that decontrol would not
involve any risk of exhorbitant
rent increases. We lacked any
power under state law to threaten
to impose our own system of con-
trols. We sought a means of pre-
serving a legal power to recon-
trol, and we found it in the pro-
vision of the federal law giving
the Expediter power to recontrol,
if the need should arise, when de-
control has been accomplished by
voluntary action of the Expiditer.
Thus, our request for a "dual
resolution" was intended, if rea-
sonably possible, to accomplish de-
control with power to recontrol.
The alternative was flat decon-

trol under the local option pro-
vision. We felt that Mr. Woods
could act voluntarily in reliance on
y the Council's own conclusions on
- the rental housing situation. He
a felt that he could not do so. I can-
not argue that his conclusion was
y technically incorrect, though I
n question its wisdom in view of the
. alternative. I believe that the idea
a was a good one and that there was
f no attempt at "buck-passing" (es-
- pecially since the Council obvi-
ously was assuming full respon-
sibility for decontrol-one way or
the other). It is interesting to
note, in connection with the edi-
tors' implied charge of bad faith,
r that the extremists on the other
side have also charged us with bad
faith in refusing to proceed direct-
ly under the local option provi-
o My own position on the merits
of the issue of decontrol can be
stated very simply. I believe that
we do not now have the kind of
housing emergency which obvi-
ously justified controls in the first
instance, though I quite freely
concede that we still have a hous-
ing problem. I would favor a sys-
tem of controls of rents and other
major items in the cost of living,
and of wages and salaries, set up
and administered on a basis of
equality of treatment of those who
are to be controlled. I think trat
the present system of controls
does not and cannot accomplish
this result. I hope the Congress
will pass a good set of control
1 laws. Meanwhile, on a balancing
l of all the considerations, I be-
lieve the situation does not justi-
fy a continuance of rent controls
under the present law. I shall vote
for recontrol, if that becomes le-
gally possible by amendment, even
under the present law if the re-
sult of decontrol proves to be rent
Finally, let me say that in my
judgment the basic problem with
respect to housing in Ann Arbor
is how to get low-cost housing
built, either for rent or for sale,
so that the housing needs of the
low income groups can be met.
This problem cannot be solved in
terms of rent control or decontrol.
-Russell A. Smith
The Daily Officiai Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the
day preceding publication.
VOL. LXI, No. 16-S
Personnel Interviews:
A representative of the United States
Government will be on campus for a
few days beginning Tuesday, July 24,
to interview people interested in posi-

tions in Intelligence. Positions are in
washington and overseas. Salaries vary
from $3100 to $7600 depending upon age
and experience. Men between the ages
of 25-45, married or single, with train-
ing or experience in any of the follow-
ing categories, are eligible.
1. Foreign commercial experience.
2. Foreign residence.
3. Foreign area specialists.
4. Military Intelligence Research Spe-
5. Air, Naval, or Strategic Intelligence.
6. Foreign Affairs Analysis.
Appointments for interviews should
be scheduled through the Bureau of
Appointments 3528 Administration
Building, where complete details are
Approved student sponsored social ac-
July 18-
Graduate Outing Club
Hillel Foundation
July 21-
Alpha Kappa Kappa
Lloyd Hal
July 22-
India Students Association
Academic Notices
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for DROPPING COURS-
ES WITHOUT RECORD will be Friday,
July 20. A course may be dropped only
with the permission of the classifier
after conference with the instructor.
School of Business Administration:
Students fromother Schools and Col-
leges intending to apply for admission
for the fall semester should secure ap-
plication forms in Room 150, School of
Business Administration, as soon as
All applicants for the doctorate who
are planning to take the August pre-
liminary examinations in Education, to
be held in Room 4009 University High
School Building, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00
N, August 20, 21, and 22. 1951, will please
notify the Chairman of the Committee
on Graduate Studies in Education,
Room 4019 University High School, im-
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Pro-
fessorCharleshDolph will speak at the
meeting of the Applied Mathematics
Seminar on Thursday afternoon, July
19, at 4 p.m., in Room 247 West En-
Doctoral Examination for Howard
'Raiffa, Mathematics; thesis: "Arbitra-
tion Schemes for Generalized Two-Per-
son Games," Thursday, July 19, 3001
Angell Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, A.
H. Copeland.
Doctoral Examination for Harold Ben-
jamin Gerard, Social Psychology; the-
sis: "The Effect of Different Dimen-
sions of Disagreement on the Communi-
cations Process in Small Groups," Fri-
day, July 20, 260 West Hospital, at 3:00
p.m. Chairman, Leon Festinger.
Doctoral Examination for Hobart
Glenn Osburn, Psychology; thesis: "An
Investigation of the Ambiguity Dimen-
sion of Counselor Behavior," Friday,
July 20, West Council Room, Rackham
Bldg., at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, E. S.
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics:
at 4 p.m., in Room 3201 Angell Hall. R.
W. Royston and G. F. Lunger will be
the speakers.
Lectures Today
Education Conference. "Education for
All American Youth-Mideentury and
Beyond." Francis L. Bacon, Professor
of Education, University of California.
9:00 a.m., Schorling Auditorium.
Growth and Differentiation Sympos-
ium. "Nervous Tissue in Vitro." C. M.
Pomerat, University of Texas. 4:15 p.m.,
School of Public Health Auditorium.
Linguistic Program Lecture. "Prob-
lems in Siouan Person Markers." Hans
Wolff, Assistant Professor of Linguis-
tics, University of Puerto Rico. 7:30
p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
United States in the World Crisis.
"The New International Economic Chal-
lenge." Willard L. Thorp, Assistant
Secretary of State for Economic Af-
fairs. 8:15 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall.
Events Today
French Club: meeting at 8:00 p.m., in
the Michigan League. Mr. Gilbert e-
guin, graduate of tre Polytechnic School
of Lausanne, Switzerland, will speak on
"University Life at Lausanne.' French
songs, games, dancing.
At 3:15 p.m., movies, prepared by the
veteran's Administration, on the diag-
nosis and training of aphasic people,
will be presented at the Kellogg Audi-
torium. Al interested are invited to

U of M Sailing Club: important meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., Room 3D Union. Trans-
portation arrangements to go to Wis-
consin regatta. Dues are due; deadline
Thursday, July 26, No pay, no sail.
The Department of Speech presents
The Young Ireland Theatre Com-
pany in a series of Irish plays at
the Lydia MendelssohnrTheatre,,
Wednesday through Saturday, July
18-21. Lauded as Ireland's most out-
standing theatrical group, the com-
pany will give four evening perform-
ances here and two matinees. Their
repertoire of one and two-act plays
includes W. B. Yeats' Words upon the
Window-pane, and Purgatory; J. M.
Synge's Riders to the Sea, and Shadow
of the Glen; Lady Gregory's Rising of
the Moon; and Sean O'Casey's Shadow
of a Gunman.
On Friday and Saturday night by ar-
rangement with the International The-
atre Exchange, The Department of
Speech presents The Young Ireland
Theatre Company of Dublin in Synge's
"Riders to the Sea" and also Christo-
pher Casson, son of Dame Sybil Thorn-
like, in a program of Irish ballads sung
with harp accompaniment.
All evening performances begin at
8:00 p.m. Thursday and Saturday mat-
inees begin at 3:15 p.m. Tickets for all
performances may be purchased at the
Lydia Mendelssohn box office, open
Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m., on days of performance untilx
8 p.m.
Duplicate Bridge Tournament, Wo-
men's League Building, 7:30 p.m. r
International Center. Tea from 4:30 -

s:00 for all foreign students and ther
American friends.
Commig Lectures
Friday, July 20-
Education Conference. "Purposes and
Possibilities of the Midwest Co-operative
Program in Educational Administra-
tion " Maurice F. Seay, Chairman of the
Department of Educaiton, University of
Chicago, and staff member of the Mid-
west Administration Center. 9:00 a.m.,
Schorling Auditorium.
Speech Conference, sessions in Rack-
ham~ Amphitheater. 'The Banker
Speaks." Leroy Lewis, National Educa-
tional Director, American Institute of
Banking, 10:00 a.m.
"The Audience Factor in Broadcast-
ing." Harrison B. Summers, Professor
of Speech and Director of Radio Pro-
gramming, Ohio State University. 11:00
a .m.
"Thespis in the High School," Dina
Rees Evans, Director of Cain Park The-
ater, Cleveland. 1:30 p.m.
"Broadway and the American Theater
Worker" Lee Mitchell, President of
American Educational Theater Associa-
tion and Chairman of the Theater De-
partment, Northwestern University. 2:30
Growth & Differentiation Technical
Seminar, 4:15, East Lecture Room, Rack-
ham Bldg. Recent Advances in Tissue
Culture Technique. C. M. Pomerat,
University of Texas Medical Branch.
Saturday, July 21-
Speech Conference, sessions in Rack-
ham Amphitheater. "Speech: A Bridge
or Barrier to Effective Human Rela -
tions." Paul Bagwell, Executive Vice-
President, Speech Association of Amer-
ica, and Chairman, Department of Writ-
ten and Spoken English, Michigan State
College. 9:00 a.m.
"Wanted-Teachers of Speech." Or-
ville A. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary.
Speech Association of America, and
Professor of Speech, University of iwa.
10:00 a.m.
"Voice Communication Research for
the United States Navy." Mack D. Steer,
President, American Speech and Hearing
Association, and Director, Speech and
Hearing Clinic, Purdue University. 11:00
Luncheon. "Challenges to Our Speech
Profession." Wilbur E. Oilman, Presi-
dent, Speech Association of America,
Chairman, Department of Speech,
QueensCollege. 12:15 p.m., Michigan
Union ballroom.
Carillon Recital by Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, 7:15. The pro-
gram will include selections from The
Marriage of Figaro by Mozart, Variations
for Carillon on 14th Century Melodies;
selections from Brahms' Rhapsody for
Piano, and three religious melodies.
Student Recital: David Hildinger, pi-
anist, will be heard at 4:15 in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall, in a program pre-
sented in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the Master of Music de-
gree. A pupil of Maran Owen, Mr. Hild-
inger will play compositions by Schu-
bert, Bach, and Debussy. The general
public is invited.
Student Recital: Dorothea Lathers,
pianist, will present a program at 8:3q
in the Architecture Auditorium, in par-
tial fulfillment of requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Music. A pupil of
Helen Titus, Miss Lathers will play com-
positions by Bach, Mozart, Chopin,
Brahms, and a group of American Bal-
lads by Roy Harris. The general public
is invited.
Summer Session Band Concert, 8:30
Hill Auditorium, William D. Revelli,
Conductor. The program will include
works by Alexander, Bendel, Smith,
Massenet, Bennett, Wood, Weinberger,
Strauss, Simon, List, and Shostakovitch.
The general public is invited.
Student Recital: John Wustman, stu-
dent of piano with. John Kollen, will be
heard at 8:30 Friday evening, July 20,
in the Architecture Auditorium, in a
program presented in partial fuf ill-
ment of the requirements for the de-
gree of Bachelor of Music. It will in-
clude compositions by Haydn, Copland,
and Beethoven, and will be open to the



Underestimating Opposition

WASHINGTON-Each of the major par-
ties is currently underestimating its op-
position to the point of appearing devoid of
the most elemer.tary political prudence and
simple patriotism.
Republicans at the helm of the dom-
inant G.O.P.-SouthernDemocrat coali-
tion are kcking Harry Truman around
and automatically thwarting his proposals
as blithely as if they had never heard of
The Truman administration is losing no
chance to build up Senator Taft as the in-
evitable Republican nominee for President
in the apparent confidence that he will be
a sitting duck for the Democrats no matter
what errors they commit.
THUS THE CAPITAL is presented with
the unusual spectacle of each party do-
ing its utmost to see that the opposition
chooses the candidate of those who will be
voting for the other side. Republican tac-
tics are the best possible goad to Mr. Tru-
man, whose intentions are still uncertain.
Democrats have opened up the Minnesota
primary to Senator Taft over Harold Stas-
sen's prostrate form and in many ways con-
trive to stamp Republicans as the Taft party.

FEw PROFESSIONAL politicos will now
contend that either Mr. Truman or Sen-
ator Taft would be a great unifying force
in the country. If the current trend goes
unchecked, however, one of them will be
the winner in November, 1952.
Republicans appear perfectly sincere in
their belief that Mr. Truman next time
cannot breast the tide against the Demo-
crats. So, apart from opposing his de-
sires, they are largely playing by ear. The
result is almost a legislative shambles and
its authors act confident that they can
put the blame on the President and escape
scot free themselves.
They are also counting largely on a
whispering campaign that Mr. Truman is
breaking down. Perhaps the newcomer to
this week's press conference who politely
told the President he was surprised to find
him looking so young and well was only
practicing the famous southern courtesy.
But virtually every correspondent has had
to assure some editor or his own Aunt Min-
nie that no, the reports are not true, Mr.
Tr,,an s nnf o caaffr _ rlr - . -,


PART of the damage suffered by the peo-
ple of Kansas in the current flood would
have been avoided but for the custom of
Senatorial courtesy.
Thirteen years ago, Congress passed a bill
authorizing a 22,000-acre reservoir on Tut-
tle Creek, north of Manhattan, Kansas. It
was proposed by the Army Engineers as a
means of controlling the floods which have
swept Eastern Kansas periodically.
However, the dam was never built-for
the reason that the money never was voted
by Congress. Although authorized, it was
never voted because one of the late Re-
publican Senators from Kansas, Clyde
Reed, objected. Every time the appropria-
tion came up for the Tuttle Creek reser-
voir, Sen. Reed turned thumbs down, and
under the system of Senatorial courtesy
he had the final say.
Frank Carlson, now a GOP Senator from
Kansas, was then a Congressman and did his
best to obtain passage of the appropriation.
Later, as Governor, Frank Carlson also tried
to push the Tuttle Creek reservoir through.
But Sen. Reed had some friends in that area
who owned farming land which would have
been taken over by the proposed reservoir.
Unfortunately, he put their interest ahead
of the interest of the rest of the people of
eastern Kansas.
Now lives have been lost and millions of
dollars worth of property ruined in a flood
which could have been partly controlled if
the Army Engineers' plan had been fol-
1ryT TCrTr, n * mi......... -. ..1 -


Sixty-First Year
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Gosh, I better tell Gus
somebody is trying to I

What could be important]
to a Ghost? I think you II

Mrs. Tyler says
there's no house

- - -


Yes?) Well, lolk, Jone. There





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