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July 14, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-07-14

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'Newi'' Faeuty Prootion

'Safety First' Is Rule for Airborne Riveters




* * '5

'5 * *

* * *

'Our work is not as dangerous
it looks," said Homer Tullett,
perintendent of the crew of
elworkers on the superstructure
the new Angell Hall Addition.
Passers-by on the Diagonal have
t ceased to stop and gape at the
n working atop the eight-story
imework since work began sev-
al months ago.

old Soldier
DEARBORN, Mich.-I'P)-The
last of Michigan's once proud
band of "boys in blue" died
He was 107-year-old Joseph
(Uncle Joe) Clovese, a run-
away slave who played the
drums for the Union Army in
the war between the states.
Clovese, who passed away at
Dearborn Veterans Hospital,
also had held the distinction of
being the last surviving Negro
in the entire Grand Army of
the Republic.
The Negro veteran will be
buried with full military hon-

New FaFacu tyromotins
For Fall Semester Listed

(Continued from Page 1)

TULLETT, who entered the
de in 1915, emphasized that ex-
rience and safety measures are
e two factors that have kept
e accident total on this job to
e injury. Because of their ex-
rience the men are as sure-
oted as pack animals on the
rrow beams of steel.
The American Bridge Co., which
building the superstructure,
ends over $120,000 each year for
fety equipment, according to
illett. "They shipped in a car-
ad of lumber just to provide a
irking floor," he said.
The firm also supplies the
orkers, who are known as
bridgemen," with goggles, hel-
iets, and other safety devices.
The one injury on the job so
r happened to the youngest
rker, Bob Raley of Flint. Bob,
ao is 21 years old and an ap-
entice in the trade, suffered a
oken foot when a steel beam
Lled over cjn it. The cast was
moved only this week and Bob
already back on the job.


* *

A "BRIDGEMAN" must be a
competent riveter, welder, and
raiser, according to Raley. He is
looking forward to the end of his
apprenticeship this month and a
subsequent pay raise.
Paul Graybill is another sea-
soned "bidgeman," having nearly
thirty ears experience to his
credit. Once a lake seaman, he
was attracted by the high pay of
the steelworker. Paul is the fore-
man of this job and is known in
the bridgeman's vocabulary as the
This is an "average" job, accord-
ing to Graybill, who has suffered
only a broken arm and wrist in
his 30-year career in this trade.
Superintendent Tullet said that
his men will finish up in about six
weeks. Then the riveting guns'
constant noise will be stilled and
an unusual calm will settle on the

-Daily-Robert Lewis
RIGHT IN THE BUCKET-The "bridgeman" at left is about to catch a white-hot rivet (seen as a
white spot below his right shoulder) in his funnel-shaped bucket, while co-workers wait to drive it
in with their riveting guns. An intrepid Daily Photographer climbed three stories on the superstruc-
ture of the Angell Hall addition to get this shot.
Truman Rebuffs Two Douglas Nominees

City council
To Consider
Huron Beach
The Ann Arbor City Council's
committee on parks and cemeter-
ies will reach a decision Monday
night on whether to open the mu-;
nicipal beach on the Huron River,
according to Eli Gallup, Park Su-
Dr. Otto K. Engelke, city-county
health director, told Gallup he
would definitely not recommend
the river for swimming. "Inade-
quate sewage disposal facilities at
both Chelsea and Dexter have
made the river unsafe here," Dr.
Engelke said.
Health' Department officials
had charged the river was being
polluted by sewage from the Chel-
sea sewage disposal plant. The
sewage facilities there were fully
restored three weeks ago.
Full reports of the exact degree
of pollution remaining in the Hu-
ron River are not possible, Health
Department officials say. Several
hundred water samples would
have to be taken and tested, and
personnel limitations prevent this.
Gallup conferred with both Dr.
Engelke and L. H. Hollway, sum-
mer recreation director, yesterday
morning about opening the beach,
but no decision was announced.
Chin. Skinned
Suffering from injuries received
in the line of duty is Ettsel Lucas,
motorcycle patrolman of the Ann
Arbor Police Department. Lucas
received slight shin abrasions
when his motorcycle skidded on
an oily patch at E. Huron and
Thayer, throwing him to the

College of Literature, Science
and the Arts: Elzada U. Clover
(botany), Nathaniel Coburn (ma-
thematics), Alfred N. Elliott (zo-
ology), Chester F. Heady, Jr. (po-
litical ,science), Ernest Katz (phy-
sics), Charles E. Koella (French),
William W. McCormick (physics).
James H. Meisel (political sci-
ence), William B. Palmer (econo-
mics), Ernst Pulgram (Romance
languages and Classical linguis-;
tics), William M. Sattler (speech),
Vincent A. Scanio (Italian), Lau-
rence C. Stuart (zoology), Gail S.
Young, Jr. (mathematics).
College of Engineering: Keith
W. Hall (mechanical engineering),
Leo M. Legatski (civil engineer-
ing), Joshua McClennen (engi-
neering English), Robert E. Mc-
Kee (production engineering), Al-
an B. Macnee (electrical engineer-
ing), Cedomir M. Sliepcevich
(chemical and metallurgical engi-
neering), Jesse L. York (chemical;
and metallurgical engineering).
Medical School: Dr. Robert S.
MacIntyre (roentgenology), Dr.
Otto T. Mallery, Jr. (internal me-;
dicine), Dr. James V. Neel (in-
Peron. Takes
Over La Prensa
gentine government "bought" the
shattered independent newspaper
La Prensa for 18,854,000 pesos
($1,366,915 at the free rate) yes-
terday and moved its officials
right in.
The purchase price, which news-
paper officials said was only a
fraction of the true value, was set
by a federal court under terms of
an April 12 law expropriating the
paper. The sum was immediately
deposited by the government. The
paper's attorneys plan to contest
the constitutionality of the expro-
Among assets taken over was a
new printing press for which La
Prensa paid more than $1,000,000
only a few months ago.
The paper's owners, invalid Ez-
equiel Paz and Zelmira Paz de
Anchorena, are facing a suit for
32,000,000 pesos ($2,320,000) for
back customs duties claimed on
newsprint. They have also been
ordered to pay 3,000,000 pesos
($217,000) for alleged infringe-
ment of income taxes.
Argentine President Juan D.
Peron said in his May Day speech
that La Prensa would be 'handed
over to "the workers in the form
they indicate" after expropriation
is completed.

ternal medicine), Dr. Ralph D.
Rabinovitch (psychiatry), Dr. Her-
bert T. Schmale (psychiatry).
School of Education: William
C. Morse (educational psychology).
Law School: Samuel D. Estep.
College of Architecture and De-
sign: Donald B. Gooch (design).
School of Public Health: Dr. So-r
lomon J. Axelrod (public health
economics), Fay M. Hemphill
(public health statistics), Julia D.
Smith (public health nursing).
School of Nursing: Julia D.
School of Social Work: Clarice
nie G. Oosterbaan (physical edu-
College of Literature, Science
and the Arts: Arthur M. Eastman
(English), Nicholas M. Efimenco
(political science), Sidney Fine
(history), Frank Grace (political
science), Norman E. Kemp (zo-
ology), William W. Meinke (chem-
istry), Edwin E. Moise (mathema-
tics), James H. Zumberge (geolo-
College of Engineering: Herbert
H. Alvord (mechanical engineer-
ing), Thomas A. Boyle, Jr. (me-
chanical engineering), Robert M.
Howe (aeronautical engineering),
Louis F. Kazda (electrical engi-
neering), Paul M. Naghdi (engi-
neering mechanics).
Medical School: Dr. William C.
Baum (surgery), Ernest E. Evans
(bacteriology), Dr. Stefan S. Fa-
jans (internal medicine), Dr. Bruce
D. Graham (pediatrics and com-
municable diseases), Dr. George H.
Lowrey (pediatrics and communi-
cable diseases).
Dr. Kenneth P. Mathews (inter-
nal medicine), Donald J. Merchant
(bacteriology), Dr. Henry K.
Schoch, Jr. (internal medicine),
Dr. Arnold Wollum (internal me-
School of Education: Winston L.
College of Pharmacy: Paul E.
School of Dentistry: Dr. John
A. Henkel.
School of Natural Resources:
Stephen B. Preston (wood techno-
School of Music: Dwight M. Dai-
ley (woodwind instruments), Emil
Raab (violin and chamber music).
School of public Health: Mel-
burne Murphy (public health prac-
School of Nursing: Virginia M.

To Be Held
Educators from Michigan and
other states, in addition to teach-
ers and administrators currently
enrolled in the Summer Session,
will take part in the 22nd annual
Summer Education Conference,
beginning Monday.
The conference, which will last
through Friday, will be under the
direction of James B. Edmonson,
dean of the education school. He
has announced that the theme of
the discussion will be, "Research
and Educational Change: Bridging
the Gap between Theory and
THE PROGRAM will feature a
series of lectures and discussions,
supplemented by a conference and
exhibits Highlight of the displays
will be the extensive collection of
new textbooks
The morning programs of the
conference are planned to relate
research to educational change,
according to Dean Edmonson,
and each nine o'clock lecture
will be followed by discussion
groups that will consider the
implications of the lecture topic
for school practices
Afternoon conferences are de-
signed to ai dteachers and admin-
istrators with special problems.
The four o'clock lecture series will
relate education to contemporary
national and international issues.
The opening conference speaker
will be Paul T. Rankin, assistant
superintendent of schools in De-
troit. He will speak at 9 a.m. Mon-
day in Schorling Auditorium of
the University High School. His
topic will be "The Influence of
Social Class on Children and
Eugene B. Elliot, president of
Michigan State Normal College,
will speak at 4:15 p.m. in Schorl-
ing Auditorium on "The Intellec-
tual Phase of the World Conflict."
Alumni Magazine
Receives Award
The Michigan Alumnus, publish-
ed by the University Alumni Asso-
ciation, received an award for
outstanding editorial achievement
at the annual meeting of the Am-
erican Alumni Council at French
Lick, Ind.
T. Hawley Tapping, secretary of
the University Alumni Association
and president of the A.A.C. dur-
ing the past 'year, presided at the
council's annual dinner.
Harold R. Medina, United States
district judge in New York, was
cited as alumnus of the year.




WASHINGTON - (-) - Presi-
dent Truman yesterday rebuffed
Senator Paul Douglas (D-Ill.) by
naming only one of three men
sponsored by Douglas to fill va-
cancies in Illinois Federal courts.
The White House announcement
rekindled political rumors of cool-
ness between Mr. Truman and
Douglas, and set the stage for a
possible serious rift in Democratic
Party ranks.
A PERMANENT breach might
even have national repercussions
in the 1952 elections since Douglas
has followers who are boosting his
stock as a potential candidate for
the White House.

Douglas was out of town and
could not be reached immediately
for comment.


Whether he would fight the
nominations in the Senate re-
mains to be seen. He could
probably block them if he chose,
because the Senate does not usu-
ally approve nominees if their
home state senator declares
them objectionable to him.

months ago, urging the appoint-
ment of Joseph Samuel Perry, Wil-
liam H. King and Judge Benja-
min P. Epstein.
Of the three, Mr. Truman nomi-
nated only Perry, of Wheaton, Ill.,

I who also had the support of for-

Underscoring the rebuff, aides
of, Douglas told newsmen that he
was not notified in advance of
the President's final choices for
the three judgeships.
In line with Senate tradition,
Douglas had sent his recommenda-
tions to Mr. Truman several

mer Senate majority leader Lucas
of Illinois. While Douglas recom-
mended Perry he was reported to
have been primarily interested in
seeing King and Epstein nomin-
In addition to Perry, the Presi-
dent named Joseph Jerome Druck-
er and Cornelius J. Harrington as
U. S. District Court judges in Chi-



The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication, in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be' sent in
'TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the
day preceding publication.
VOL. LXI, No. 13-S
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Walter Ferd-
inand Bauer, Mathematics; thesis:
"Modified Sturm-Liouville Problems and
Associated Integral Transforms," Friday,
July 13, 247 West Engineering Building,
at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, R. V. Churchill.
Doctoral Examination for James Rob-
ert Weeks, Pharmacology; thesis: "A
Stationary Manometric Respirometer for
Isolated Rat Diaphragm Allowing\ Si-

multaneous Direct Registration of Me-
chanical Activity," Monday, July 16,
Library, Pharmacology Bldg., at 1:30 p.m.
Chairman, M. B. Chenoweth.
Events Today
Vocal Music Conference, Michigan
League Ballroom. 8:15, Challenge of the
Junior High General Music Class, Roxy
Cowin, U. of M. 9, Demonstration of
Rural School Radio Music Classes, Lois
Anderson, U. of M. 10, Choral Program
by Summer Session Choir, Philip Duey,
conductor. 11, The Elementary Music
Program, Lilla Belle Pitts, Columbia
University. 1:15, How We Train School
Music Teachers, J. J. Weigand, Emporia,
Kansas. 2, Forum. 3:30, Demonstration
Choral Rehearsal, Philip Duey.
Intercultural Outing at Saline Valley
Farms. Leave Lane Hall at 10:00 fa.m.
and return at 6:00 p.m. Swimming,
picnic and discussion. Phone reserva-
tions to Lane Hall, 3151 ext. 2851.
Roger Williams Guild: Work Party at

Guild House at 1:30 p.m.; Swimming
Party and food thereafter.
Last performance tonight of Arthur
Miller's adaptation of "An Enemy of
the People" by Henrik Ibsen presented
by the Department of Speech at the
Mendelssohn Theatre. Curtain at 8
p.m. Tickets may be purchased at the
Mendelssohn box office from 10 a.m.
to 8 p.m.
Congregational - Disciples Guild: In
the second of a series of World-Oriented
Firesides, two Nigerian students, Ukoha
and Ojehomon, will tell about "Nigeria
and Her People"-7:30 to 9:00 at the
Guild House, 438 Maynard St. All stu-
dents welcome.
Coming Lectures
Monday, July 16-
Education Conference, sessions in
Schorling Auditorium, University High
"The Influences of Social Class on
Children and Youth." Paul T. Rankin,
Assistant Superintendent of Schools,
Detroit. 9:00 a.m.
"The Intellectual Phase of the World
Conflict." Algo D. Henderson, Professor
of Higher Education. 4:15 p.m.
Conference of English Teachers. "The
Longer Classic: Shakespeare." Helen L.
Ryder, University High School, Mildred
Webster, St. Joseph High School, Arthur
M. Eastman, University of Michigan.
4:00 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
Growth and Differentiation Sympos-
ium. "Hormonal Imbalances in Rela-
tion to Abnormal Growth." W. U.
Gardner, Professor of Anatomy and
Chairman of the Department, Yale Uni-
versity, 8:00 p.m., School of Public
Health Auditorium.
Coming Events
Speech Conference, July 20-21.

Education Conference and Exhibit,
July 16-20. Speech Conference, July
Sociedad Hispanica: meeting, Tues-
day, July 17, at p.m. in the East Con-
ference Room, Rackham Building. Pro-
fessor Jose Francisco Cirre will speak
on "El supperrealismo en la moderna
poesia espanola". The public -is cor-
dially invited.
U. of M. Sailing Club: racing Sunday,
July 15, at 10:00 a.m. to pick skippers
and crews for Wisconsin Invitational
regatta held next weekend, July 21 and
22. All those who would like to go
along besides those sailing please con-
tact Connie Foltis as soon as possible.
Leave by car Friday evening the 20th,
return Sunday afternoon the 22nd. In-
expensive good time.
Graduate Outing Club: Swimming,
canoeing, or hiking depending on the
weather. Bring swim suitsand cars.
Meet Grad Outing Clubroom, Rackham
Building at 2:15 p.m. Sunday. All gradu-
ates welcome.
Classical Coffee Hour, Tuesday, July
17, 4 p.m. in East Conference Room,
Rackham Bldg. Prof. Blake will talk
about "An Ancient Readers' Digest."
Students of Classics and their friends
are invited.
The Department of Speech presents
The Young Ireland TheatreCom-
pany in a series of Irish plays at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
Wednesday through Saturday, July
18-21. Lauded as Ireland's most out-
standing theatrical group, the com-
pany will give four evening perform-
ances here and two matinees, Their
repertoire of one and two-act plays
includes W. B. Yeat's The Player Queen,
Words upon the Window-pane, and
Purgatory; J. M. Synge's Riders to the

Sea, and Shadow of the Glen; Lady
Gregory's Rising of the Moon; and Sean
O'Casey's Shadow of a Gunman.
All evening performances begin at
8:00 p.m. Thursday and Saturday mat-
inees begin at 3:15 p.m. Tickets for all
performances may be purchased at the
Lydia Mendelssohn box office, open
Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m., on days of performance until
8 p.m.
Roger Williams Guild: Sunday, July
15, Supper at 6:00; Speaker at 7:00:
John Reed, Associate Professor of Law:
"Was John a Baptist?"
Student Recital. Walter Evich, vio-
linist, postponed until Wednesday, July
25, 8:30 p.m. Rackham Assembly Hall.
Student.Recital: Fred Thompson, or-
ganist, will be heard at 4:15 Sunday
afternoon, July 15, in Hill Auditorium,
in a program of works by Lubeck, Bach,
Franck, and Hindemith. The recital is
presented in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Master
of Music, and will be open to the pub-
lic. Mr. Thompson is a pupil of Robert
Student Recital: Donald Stout, bari-
tone, will be heard at 8:30 Monday eve-
ning, July 16, in the Rackham Assembly
Hall, in a program sung in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music. It will in-
clude works by Handel, J. S. Bach, C.
P. E. Bach, Poulenc, and Schubert, and
will be open to the public. Mr. Stout
is a pupil of Philip Duey.
Faculty C ncert: John Kirkpatrick.
Guest Profesor of Piano in the School
of Music, will be heard at 8:30 Tuesday
evening July 17, in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall, in the first of two programs
to be played in July. The program
Tuesday evening will include works by
Mozart, Ives, Gottschalk, MacDowell,
Harris, Lessard, Stilland Palmer. The
general public will be admitted with-
out charge.

5, .


i iw r r r

SUMMER STORE HOURS- 12:30 till 5:00
Closed Saturdays v
"Home of the official Michigan Rings."
Oo<:=>o<==o<==o< oso<==o<=o<= o<--yo<= e--y< --'- G
Ann Arbor Civic Orchestra

(National Lutheran Council)
1304 Hill Street
Dr. Henry O. Yoder, Pastor
9:10 A.M.: Bible Class at the Center.
10:30 A.M.: Worship Services in Zion & Trinity
5:00 P.M.: LSA Meeting at the Center-Picnic
Supper and Games.
4:00 P.M.: Tea and Coffee Hour at the Center.
1833 Washtenaw Ave.
11:00 A.M.: Sunday Morning Services.
9:30 A.M.: Sunday School.
11:00 A.M.: Primary Sunday School during the
morning service.
8:00 P.M.: Wednesday: Testimonial Service.
A free reading room is maintained at 339 South
Main Street where the Bible and all authorized
Christian Science literature may be read, bor-
rowed, or purchased.
Ths room is open daily except Sundays and
holidays from 11 A.M. to 5 P.M.; Fridays 7-9
P. M., Saturday 3-5 P.M.
(Sponsored by the Christian Reformed
Churches of Michigan)
Washtenaw at Forest
Rev. Leonard Verduin, Director
Phone 3-4332
10:00 A.M.: Morning Worship, Rev. Leonard
7:30 P.M.: Evening Service, Rev. Verduin.

Y. M. C. A. Auditorium
G. Wheeler Utley, Minister
11:00 A.M.: Sunday morning service.
7:00 P.M.: Sunday evening service.


11:00 A.M.: Sundays. Visitors welcome.



N *M
Yes, when you use
your money is just as

120 South State Street
Dwight S. Large, Erland J. Wangdahl,
Eugene Ransom, Ministers
9:30 A.M.: Breakfast Seminar, Pine Room.
10:45 A.M. Worship, "The Danger of Stalemate"
Rev. Wangdahl preaching.
5:30 P.M.: Student Fellowship Supper.
6:45 P.M.: Worship and program. Discussion,
"The Far East". Leaders, Dr. and Mrs. John
Welcome to Wesley Foundation Rooms, open daily.
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill at Tappan Street
Rev. Joseph M. Smith, Minister
Howard Farrar, Choir Director
Frances Farrar, Organist
9:45 A.M.: Morning Worship and Church School.
Sermon: Rev. H. L. Pickerill: "Thy Kingdom
GUILD HOUSE, 438 Maynard Street
H. L. Pickerill, Director
STUDENT GUILD: Saturday, 7:30-9:00, Guild
House: Fireside with Nigerian students on
"Nigeria and Her People."
Sunday, 6:00, Memorial Christian Church: Supper
meeting and talk by Prof. Preston Slosson on
"An Historian Looks at the Future."


_ P yJ
L {l
p c0 _... 1
1 a '


1917 Washtenaw Avenue
Edward H. Redman, Minister
11 .A A AR fW - ,4 w - < b ,




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