, JULY 11, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FVE I Coeds May Spend Summers In Officer TrainingPrograms Marines, Navy Offer Six-Week Vacation For Potential Reserve Officers in Service Summer Dancing i 1 Stick Cologne Sales Rising AL 1 Battle Sold, Reigns Over Liquid Forms Last summer station wagons rolled up to the barracks of the Women Officers Training Class at Quantico and college coeds de- barked, each with a couple of suitcases full of resort clothes, golf .clubs, a tennis racquet and auxiliary equipment. They had heard of the six- weeks-with-pay program of the Marine Corps for training poten- tial women reserve officers, ap- plied and were accepted. THE TENNIS racquet and clubs got stowed under a barracks bunk and the pleated tennis shorts and summer frocks spent the greatest part of the period between June 18 and July 28 carefully folded away in one wall locker. From reveille Monday morn- ings to noon Saturdays, prescrib- ed dress was the regular en- listed woman NC's uniform of summer seersucker and, fre- quently, a pair of familiar dun- garees. The college women drilled for foot troops daily between 7:,30 and 8:30 a.m., did calisthenics and workouts on the fleet of Training Class boats and then found time for recreational activities, such as tennis and golf during off-duty hours. week periods during two consecu- tive summers. Students can begin the pro- gram as a freshman, sophomore or junior if they are attending classes and in good standing at an accredited junior or senior college or university. An ensign's commission cannot be received until graduation and the age of 21. The Navy also re- quires that its women officer can- didates be citizens of the United States; be 18 years old when they first enroll for ROC training; be physically, mentally and morally qualified and show capacity for leadership. * * * DURING the' first summer of ROC training, a pay of $95 a month will be received; the sec- ond summer it will increase to $117 a month. Transportation from the student's home town to Great Lakes and back is paid by the Government. *Quarters, uniforms, textbooks and supplies will be provided by the Navy. When the student receives his commission as ensign, U.S.N.R., he has the same status as any other Wave ensign. When the Navy needs her, she will be order- ed to active duty .mivoluntarily if -Daily-Robert Lewis LEAGUE EVENT-Summer school students are shown dancing at one of the regular League record dances which are held from 9 p.m. to midnight each Friday evening. Students may attend with or without dates. The dances are held in the ballroom. The controversy over stick ver- sus liquid cologne is growing with each new addition to the list of solid-form manufacturers. This summer, for example, at least two more firms joined the growing ranks of stick makers. That means that nearly all col- ogne houses now market their pro- ducts in solid as well as liquid form. THIS DUAL production is aim- ed at satisfying all cologne users, some of whom have been alarmed at this rapid change in cologne form. For the cologne stick, pro- moted generally as a hot-weather product, is fast becoming a top item among the many refresher aids jamming the summer mar- kets. Some dislike the new form, but just as many are ardent us- ers, if total sales are any indi- cation. It all started three years ago 'when two firms introduced the then revolutionary stick cologne. Sales went so fast, once feminine shoppers saw its useful traits, that many other cologne houses followed the solid path the next summer. PRO-STICK-COLOGNE enthu- siasts back their sentiments with several strong arguments. For one thing, they point out it is non-stick and non-break- able. They also find it useful when traveling, with its insur- ance against damaging spills. And since its usually comes in both purse and large sizes, users can carry it around and refresh themselves through the day. Those on the other side of the fence who cling to the rewa ding feel and scent of liquid cologne, insist that the stick is not pure cologne, and therefore cannot come up to the quality of its li- quid "twin." They admit its practicality, but nonetheless prefer their cologne in a bottle. Iq July Special I SKIRTS prints .. , solids flair . .. straight ... circle Values to 10.95 3 89_689 CRAZY WITH THE HEAT: I Soaring Mercury Brings Heat Exhaustion, * * * 4.,1 THEY GOT their healthful out- necessary. door summer vacation adsix ENLISTED women and officers weeks with pay which was equiva-ar nwsevginElnd lent to that of a Marine Corps cor- are now serving in England, poral. If they anticipated a sum- France, Hawai, Alaska, Guam mer devoted exclusively to sun and and Japan. fun, they were disappointed, for The Marine Corps Women the Training Class program had a Officers Training Class at Quan- serious purpose and content. tico, Virginia, instructs candi- Only the Marine Corps and dates in military discipline, cus- the Navy offer reserve-officer toms and courtesies of the ser- training programs are open to vice, drill leadership and per- women undergraduates. The sonal relationships, administra- purposes of the Navy's Reserve tion, Naval justice, staff funi- Officer Candidate program and toning, Marine Corps history the Marines' WOTC are identi- cal-to provide a force of qual- As in the Naval training pro- ified officers who will be avail- gram, emphasis in the course for able for mobilization in the women is on administration rath- event of - a greater - national er tha nline positions. General emergency. requirements for an undergrad- Basic requirements of'eligibility, uates eligibility for WOTC train- duration of training periods and ing are the same for the ROC coipensation attached too the two program. programs are similar. Actual *S Ea f training varies according to the IF A STUDENT is an officer respective functions of the ser- candidate in the marines, she vices. can start the training the sum- mer after her senior year in col- Sunstroke into Summer's Hazard Scenes BLOUSES ALL NEW WANTED STYLES cotton.. . crepe ... nylon Sizes 30-38 Peasant sport blouses and dressy blouses. Values to 8.95 289.489 T-SHIRTS Cotton and Rayon - S. M. and L stripes ... solids ,.., checks Values to 3.95 TOWN and COLLEGE SHOP 302 South State THE NAVY'S women ROCs train at Great Lakes, Illinois. The wo- men study navigation, personnel and general administration and Naval customs. The program, which consists of a junior and a senior class, runs for two six- STUDEF SUPPLI TYPEWRITE 4- -_. / .: I NTT ES ~RS Repaired Rented. Sold Bought ired by man. rerecorders L'S Ph. 7177 -4' lege. Transportation to and from Quantico is paid by the Govern- ment, uniforms are issued and supplies furnished. ROC's are not automatically eligible for commissions in the regular Navy, but a certain num- ber of graduates of WOTC are offered commissions in the regu- lar Marine Corps.' If a coed can meet the require- ments and wants to enter one of the programs next summer, she may apply to the Commandant of the Marine Corps or contact the local recruiting officer of WOTC school. WomenWorkers More women are now employed outside their homes than a year ago, statistics show. The number has yet to reach the peak war- time level of 1944, but it appears to be heading that way. The num- ber of women in the labor force was nearly 18 million in May, a third of a million more than in May 1949. Now that summer is with us' once more there is the usual peel- ing off of outer garments, an in- creased and unwise consumption of iced drinks, while sunstroke and heat exhaustion stalk the play- ground and workroom, felling the unwary. There are those who, quite lit- erally, go crazy with the heat, and others who are sure they are go- ing to. IF ONE wishes to maintain his sanity when the mercury goes be- serk, gallops madly through the nineties, and threatens to crash the hundreds, he can emulate the heat-wise Arab and East Indian by wearing airy, loose-fitting, light-colored garments. To wear a hat for the sake of one's head and hair and to re- frain from insulting one's sto- mach by pouring quantities of iced drinks into it are excellent precautions, according to physi- cians. Chronic digestive disturb- ances can be the result, they say. Individuals vary in the amount of sun they can absorb and the de- gree of heat they can endure without being bowled over-which brings a consideration of sum- mer's dangerous pair, sunstroke and heat exhaustion. s * * THERE IS A distinct difference between the two and to treat a person for one when, actually, he is suffering From the other, can be disastrous-even fatal. The symptoms of heat ex- haustion and sunstroke are so different as to be easily recog- nizable once one is acquainted with them. Sunstroke can, and does, strike with such catastrophic suddenness that death is almost instantane- ous. However, in this country, the chance of this happening is re- mote. The annual death rate in the United States from overex- posure to the sun is relatively low -something like one person in three hundred thousand. Men are more commonly affected than wo- men. IT IS WHEN sunstroke strikes but doesn't kill that the layman, because of his inability to disting- uish it from heat exhaustion, be- comes a menace to the victim. With sunstroke, the sufferer runs a high fever, his face is flushed, skin hot and dry. He suffers vio- lent headache, dizziness, nausea, and loss of consciousness. In the early stages, his breathing is hard and loud, his pulse rapid. The pupils of his eyes may dilate, and he may have convulsions. As his condi- tion worsens, his pulse, while still rapid, grows feeble and ir- regular, his breathing increas- ingly shallow. In heat exhaustion, on the other hand, the face of the afflicted person is pallid, his skin is cold, he perspires freely, and he rarely los- es consciousness. * . * HEAT EXHAUSTION is not necessarily associated with over- work. It occurs under conditions of sustained heat, as in the tro- pics, or during a prolonged heat wave in this climate. Though its onset may appear to be sudden, it actually isn't. It is more than likely that the vic- tim has earlier suffered pre- monitory headache, a tendency to hysteria, particularly in aver- sion to food, constipation, and muscular weakness. When it finally floors him, he experiences dizziness and a pro- nounced lassitude. He complains of being chilly and sighs when breathing. He also appears dazed, as if in a stupor, and often suffers cramps in his hands and feet or in his abdominal muscles. His blood pressure drops, his mouth temperature is slightly subnormal in some cases and raised in oth- ers. IF A PERSON is present when someone is overcome by the heat, he should call a doctor immediate- ly, then determine whether thej patient is suffering from heat ex- haustion or sunstroke. If it is sunstroke, he shouldt remove the victim to a cool, shady spot. The advised proce- dure is: strip him to his under- clothes and place him on his back with his head and should- ers raised; apply ice or wet cloths to his head and sponge h% body with cold water, being careful to avoid sudden shock, when he is sufficiently recovei- ed, he should be given cold wa- ter, but never ice water. Icy showers are not recommend- ed. Very cold water stimulates Mie blood, and in a few minutes after taking an icy shower one is hot- ter than ever. Moderately coo is the ideal shower temperature; the circula- tion is not stepped up nor is the body called upon to perform he- roic feats of fluctuation between heat and cold. It is prudent to eat one hot meal a day, even during a heat wave, or at least to drink a hot beverage with one's cold meal. Grad council Slates Mixer Graduate students and their friends are invited to attend a mixer which will be held from 9 p.m. to midnight Friday in the Rackham Building. Dancing and refreshments will be provided at the mixer which is being sponsored by the Gradu- ate Council. Chuck Ritz and his combo will play for the dancing couples. A contribution of 25 cents will be accepted from each person to aid in financing the event. Fountain Pens repo a factory trained Webster-Chicago Wii MORRILI 314 S. State P 1 July I, -i CLEARANCE SUMMER MERCHANDISE Former Price NOw COTTON SLIPS 2.98 1.50 U i LINEN SKIRTS 9.98 7.00 T-SHIRTS 1.98 1.19 Cotton Blouses 2.98 1.50 PURSES 2.98 2.00 V.: t PRINCESS BANDEAU with patented stitching that supports and molds without strain. Sizes 32 to 38. A, B, and C cups. Cotton... 2.00 Nylon... 3.00 O Ma only Formaid BRASSIERES ARE DESIGNED FOR "Functional Fit" Not one, not two, but twelv, special design features make Formaid bras fit better, look better, wear better! Patented stitching and other design fea- tures minimize the large bust, accentuate the small. Choose from a heavenly selection of high-style brassieres . . . made to give finer fit, firmer sup- port, graceful separation and everlasting comfort. Remem- ber! Formaid-where beauty springs from function! You'll look prettier in a Formaid :Brassiere. PANA RAFFIA NATURAL STRAWS 895 Regularly 10.95 Princess strapless bandeau with pat- ented stitching that subtly accents milady's ;} r t r The coolest sandals you've ever worn.. I I