THE MICHIGAN DAILY WDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1951 _______________________________________________________________________________ I ...r.'' i 4 I U CQitON'2 te ] U'~Adminstratito "I Hear We Might Get To Volunteer To Go Home" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I By DAVE THOMAS T W0HAPLESS Soviet playwrights have been the target of a "roast" in the news- paper "Soviet Art" for straying from the Party Line. They stand convicted of utiliz- ing the decadent Western genre of the "bourgeois detective story" in a recently produced spy and mystery thriller named "Western Border." The play is built around an expose of Vatican agents who murder a virtuous So- viet worker near the U.S.S.R.'s western bor- der and are finally brought to justice through a quirk of fate. This sort of thing, of course, is not to be passed over without mention by the ever-alert Marxist critic. To infer that Soviet justice is powerless to apprehend heinous criminals of the decadent western variety without an assist from happen- tance is heresy of the rankest sort. The writers also committed an unfor- givable faux pas in not making clear right at the beginning who the true villains were so that their audience could learn a few valuable facts about the ways of Western spies. In a truly decadent fashion they allowed the finger of suspicion to point every whichway, even implicating a people's hero type before the real culprits are re- vealed. This compound error will doubtless cause the complete eclipse of the unfortunate writers' names from Moscow marquees for Some time to come. E MAY, OF COURSE, be pardoned if we permit ourselves an indulgent smile at this latest rupture in the iron-muscled ab- domen of totalitarian art. A grin, however, would be unwarranted. A moment's reflec- tion should show why. The strains and tensions of the cold war have reinforced totalitarian elements in our own society-elements which are always ready to censor material which does not happen to jibe with their own thinking. The latest in a long line of suppressive actions by the Catholic Church has resulted in the closing of "The Miracle" in New York State. There is also the ever-present Catho- lic pressure on Hollywood which amounts almost to dictation since only rarely will a producer risk the box-office effects of a Catholic boycott. The producers of "Oliver Twist" have had trouble finding bookings for it since various Jewish groups launched a violent protest against alleged "anti-Semitism" in the character of Fagin. In the past year there have been a num- ber of other censorship attempts on off- Broadway dramatic productions ranging from the ludicrous to the vicious. "Born Yes- terday" was labeled "subversive" by a chap- ter of the American Legion; Maxwell Ander- son's "Both Your Houses" was attacked in a college community as communistic; John Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men" was brought under fire in one city because it was "not about nice people;" a religious zealot rais- ed a ruckus over "Family Portrait" claiming it was not theologically orthodox; "Rain" was boycotted as being unfavorable to cler. gymen; and an attempt was made to pre- vent the staging of "The Male Animal" be- cause it contains a scene in which a student and his professor engage in a drinking bout and would presumably have a deleterious effect on academic discipline. " s * HERE IN ANN ARBOR a little group of self-styled "liberals" with a love for self-dramatization have effectively prevent- ed a public showing of "Birth of a Nation" for two years running, and the speech de- partment frankly pursues a policy of de- leting material which any member of the community might find objectionable in the plays which they produce. Even a student group, the Inter-Arts Un- ion, got cold feet when it came to the pro- duction of a student-written anti-war play, "War Sky," and withdrew their sponsorship. We of the West pride ourselves on having outgrown the days when drama and all art, for that matter, had to be a sort of moral lecture. The Russians have retrogressed to that state again, but we must realize that in these times, our own hold on civil liber- ties is, at best, tenuous, and constant vigil- ance is the price of freedom. The obtuse, the bigoted and the misguided zealous are always waiting for an opportunity to enforce their warped wills on others. THE University's handling of the recently reduced appropriations indicates that University officials have not only lost sight of the fundamental purpose of a University, but have dissociated themselves completely from student opinion. In the first place, University officials have said that they tried to make all budget cuts "proportional," implying that they consider it a virtue that the library services and the faculty will be cut just as much as, but no more than, administration "services." In such an upside down atmosphere, it almost seems radical to reaffirm that the University is only incidentally a business. Most students who choose to come to a big university do so because of the opportunity to use facilities not available at small col- leges and to study under 'name' professors who are themselves attracted to the big uni- versities by research facilities and higher salary schedules. For these two advantages students sacri- fice the close student-teacher rapport that is common to small campuses, along with an intimate identity with the insitution itself. * * * T HE best of the big universities, of course, will not only provide the kind of facilities and faculty that will attract students; it will also seek ways to build as close a relationship as possible between the functioning "univer- sity" and the student body. How much our University has failed in this is demonstrated by the situation caused by the cut in library hours. The library reported that they had no complaints about the reduced service. Checks made at the General Library and various auxiliary libraries corroborated this view. When students with a negative opinion about the shortened hours were questioned about complaints, the general attitude expressed was, "What's the use. The girl at the desk can't do anything." When University officials were informed that there might be a body of unexpressed resentment against the cuts, they asked whose fault it was the complaints had not reached expression. The fault lies with University officials. As the University has grown, student will to "buck the system" has diminished. It has just become too difficult for students to ef- fect a change in University policy. The channels are so many and so long that the individual student is daunted before he gets started. Just how lost the student feels is indicated by the fact that certain faculty members implied they would not join in any protests of shorter library hours because they must ask too many favors of the library staff- favors they suggested would end if their names were attached to any protests. * * * T HE University has rationalized its with- drawal from the student body by pro- Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by miembers of The Daily stafff and represent the vieys of the writers only. viding various teas, committees, etc., by which it claims the student can meet and influence University officials and faculty. The fact that these functions have become meaningless and tedious rituals is not the fault of the students. They have failed, first, because the Uni- versity has approached the student body with condescension and bemused buck- passing. They have failed in the second place because the University set them up and then expected the student body to fit nicely into the system. The University has evidently given up try- ing to seek out student opinion. It has given up trying to extend its communication with the individual human being who may not always be aggressive enough to 'join' or scream. It apparently expects the student to fight his way through the maze of authorities and organizations the University has set up. While the student is slugging his way to the top of the University-constructed heap, Uni- versity officials make decisions without ex- erting any effort to check student reaction, much less seek student advice. * * * T would be nice to say that once the sys- tem was conquered, student opinion was honestly considered. Unfortunately, the evidence doesn't show that this is the case. After a Year" long de- bate, a presidential veto killed the bias clause (directed against racial and religious discrimination in fraternities and sororities), one of the most progressive and enlightened decisions the students of any big university could boast. Last semester the Student Legislature protested in full voice, and with the support of a great body of University students, the closing of the library on Sundays. Members of the SL were told that no real complaints had been received in the library. The President's Council, a group of stu- dent leaders, met with University officials last semester and urged that, if budget cuts were made, they would be made only as a last resort in the faculty or in library service. University budget cuts were made "pro- portionately". No effort was made by Uni- versity officials to explain to the campus at large or to student leaders why their recom- mendations, so attentively received then, were so blandly ignored. Regents' meetings continue to remain closed, of course, both to students and tax- payers. Somebody on the administration staff must start all over again. He must come to the, understanding, and make cear to his colleagues, that the University is here pri- marily to serve students not with pamphlets, or advertising or publicity, but with educa- tion. He should somehow rediscover the old idea that the student is at once the center and the end of a university. We might find the man and the attitude quicker if everyone in the Administration Building were made to read that inscription over Angell Hall each day before they en- tered their own lush working quarters. -John Briley Xettei'TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. NIGHT EDITOR: MARY LETSIS Rent Control.. To the Editor: SO MUCH has been said in the press recently by those who wish to see rent control in Ann! Arbor abolished, that perhaps in the name of objectivity something should be said on the other side of the question. In fact, this other! viewpoint should be expressed not once, but many times, in this or- gan of student opinion, because the students - including many part-time workers and employees of the University are, like the av- erage wage earners, the people who will suffer the most hardship from the abolition of rent control. We Americans already pay a far1 higher proportion of our incomesI for housing than most Europeans1 do. The situation is particularlyI acute in such towns as Ann Arbor, where the students, (who by the latest estimates should constitute at least 16,000 of the population next year-and this does not in- clude the families of many of them also living here) often live on meagre and even pitifully lim- ited income. Many landlords fail' to realize, or do not want to re- member, that veterans studying on the GI Bill still receive only $75 a month if single, $105 if mar-i ried, and $120 at the most-if there are one or more children., Traditionally, part time employ-, ment by colleges has not paid well; -clerical workers here, for in- stance, start at around 80 cents an hour. Students' wives may expect to make forty-five cents an hour; for baby sitting, unless they can independently raise the figure a few cents. These munificent sums are list- ed as an indication of the ridicu- lousness of expecting such stu- dents to pay rentals generally be- ginning about $75 a month (the single veteran student's entire monthlyvpaycheck!) and often running to $100 and $125, as may be easily ascertained by phoning the advertisers in the daily press in this area. .And should Willow Run Village be closed down, in the end, we may expect hundreds of substandard, makeshift accommo- dations as the 12,000 present Wil- low Run inhabitants pour out into the Ann Arbor area in unhappy competition for that bare neces- sity, a roof over their heads. These veterans, who comprise the pres- ent Village population, most as- suredly could not pay such rentals as those advertised. The excessive rise in the cost of living in this area will further explain why excessive rents cannot be met by students and salaried; personnel of the University (which is itself undergoing stringent bud- get reductions). The most recent survey of percentage of rise in the total cost of living since 1939, issued by the National Industrial Conference Board, gave 1951 fig- ures to show that, (with the ex- ception of Milwaukee) the Detroit and Lansing areas had the great- est percentage of rise in the entire nation! (Lansing: 182.2; Detroit, 177.9; Los Angeles, 171.4; New York, 169.0, etc.-based on a stan-1 dard cost of 100 in 1939.) While, actual statistics on Ann Arbor are not available, a survey made by the Council of Social Agencies here several years ago revealed that food costs here exceeded even those of Detroit, so that we get some indication of our total cost of living in this area. For the good of the community, real estate interests and landlords must come to realize that Ann Ar- bor has, by and large, a low-in- come population, which in a large number of cases must have rent control, feeble though it may be, to maintain itself here. Further increases in rents will surely de- rease the already dwindling uni- versity enrollment, (particularly of students with families) and ac- cordingly the number of salaried personnel and teachers employed here. In frightening away these desirable citizens, upon whom much of Ann Arbor's welfare and prestige depends, the real estate groups can only hurt the com- munity's interests, and in the long run ,their own. -Betsy Garrett * * * Huntington Answer .. . To the Editor: R E: Mr. Huntington Box 69, The Daily: You poor man. So you haven't yet spotted a real "COED" on campus to satisfy your sensitive tastes. Well, Mr. Huntington, you must either be blind and naive, or else downright undesirable. If it's the former, may we humbly in- form you that there are planty of "COEDS" on campus this sum- mer. Circum spice. Even the ra- tio is reduced. And most of them are the lush and willing numbers who had so many dates last spring that they had to come back and "recupterate." In fact, there are so many that we here in Barbour have been ignored these past few days. If you're an all right guy, Mr. Hunt- ington, call us up. The number is 2-2591. Of course, if you're what we think you are, don't bother. Schmoes need not apply. -Ten Barbour Beauties * . . Wheat for India.. . To the Editor: [N THE great appreciation of the American Public, whose enthu- siasm and anxiety to get the "Wheat for India Bill" has reach- ed unknown heights in the imme- diate past and particularly of the Ann Arborites whose zeal is above all and highly commendable that the India Students' Association in its first meeting of the summer session passed unanimously a re- solution placing in its records its deep gratitude and thankfulness to all concerned .. . Our thanks are especially due to you for your past service to the cause of the hungry India by way of your valuable editorials and by publishing the various activities engineering towards the same .. . The resolution is as follows: The India Students' Association voices and places in its records, its high appreciation, deep gratitude and heartfelt thankfulness to all the campus associations and indi- viduals for their favorable reac- tion at India's distress and for their concerted effort to do every- thing in their powers as sending The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the day preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, July 11, 1951 VOL. LXI, No. 10-S Notices The following student organizations have registered for the summer term: Canterbury Club Christian Science Organization Congregational Disciples Guild Gothic Film Society Graduate Student Council Hillel Foundation India Students Association Indian Institute of Chemical Engi- neers Intercooperative Council League Summer Council Men's Judiciary Michigan Christian Fellowship Sailing Club Soaring Club Student Legislature Student Religious Association Wesley Foundation Women's Judiciary Office of Student Affairs Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 12:00' noon, informal recitals, Professor'Perci- val Price, University Carilloneur. Social events sponsored by student organizations at which both men and women are to be present must be ap- proved by the Dean of Students. Ap- plication forms and a copy of regula- tions governing these events may be se- cured in the Office of Student Affairs, 1020 Administration Building. Requests for approval must be submitted to that office no later than noon of the Mon-, day before the event is scheduled. A list of approved social events will be published in the Daily Official Bulletin on Wednesday of each week. Approved student sponsored social events for the week-end: July 13- Graduate Student Council July 14- Lloyd Hall Theta Xi Academic Notices Topology Seminar: Dr. S. T. Hu will continue his discussion of Chronology Groups at the meeting of the Topology Seminar on Wednesday, July 11, at 3 p.m., in Room 3011 Angell Hall. M. A. Candidates in History: Foreign language examinations for the Master's Degree in History will be given on Wed- nesday, July 18, at 4:15 p.m., in 35 An- gell Hall. Dictionaries may be used. Students planning to meet this re- quirement during the current Summer Session should leave their names at the History Office, 2817 S. Quad., not later than July 12. Seminar of Mathematical Statistics: Thursday, July 12, from 4 to 6 p.m., in Room 3201 Angell Hall. P. C. Cox and R. W. Royston will be the speakers. Algebra Seminar: Professor Emil Ar- tin will speak on "Group Extensions" at the meeting of the Algebra Seminar on Thursday, July 12, at 3 p.m., in Room 3011 Angell Hall. Events Today Phi Delta Kappa (Men's Education Fraternity) meeting 6:00 p.m., Thurs- day, July 12, at the Michigan Union. Go through the cafeteria line and take your tray into the Faculty Dining Room. A panel of school administrators will discuss the topic "Are Public- School Relations in Michigan Improv- ing?" La p'tite causette meets today in the South Room of the cafeteria of the Michigan Union from 3:30-5:00 p.m. All French-speaking students are invited to attend. Business Education Mixer Dance Business Education students mixer dance this evening. It will begin at 7:30 in the Recreation room of Univer- sity High School. Bring your wife, husband, or friend. Opening Tonight: "An Enemy of the People," Arthur Miller's adaptation of Henrik Ibsen's powerful, timeless drama at the Lydia Mendelsohn Theatre, 8 p.m., presented by the Department of Speech. Additional performances on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Tick- ets available at the Mendessohn box office, open daily from 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Weekly Tea - .oger Williams Guild, 4:30 to 6, at the Guild House. Fellowship Luncheon, Lane Hall, 12:15. Rabbi Herschel Lymon will be the first speaker for the "What We Believe' ser- ies. Lectures LECTURES TODAY......... ........ Speech Assembly. "How Much Free Speech?" Harold M. Dorr, Director of the Summer Session and Professor of Political Science. 3:00 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Lecture. "Resource Materials for Cur- riculum Improvement." Robert S. Fox, Assistant Professor of Education and Principal of the University Elementary School. 4:00 p.m., Schorling Auditor- ium, University High School. delegations to Washington to sound their representatives of the Congress to pass the "Wheat for India Bill" and also by contribut- ing both in cash and in bushels of wheat to alleviate and to extend timely help to India to surmount the evils of the threat of famine. --B. V. Govindaraj President, India Students' Association. Linguistic Program. Lecture, "Afghan Description of Afghan (Pashto) Gram- mar." Herbert Penzi, Associate Profes- sor of German, 1:00 p.m., 25 Angell Hall. Growth and Differentiation. "The Ef- fects of Environment on Growth of Plants." F. W. Went, Professor of Plant Physiology and Director, |arhart Plant Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. 8:00 p.m., Auditoriun School of Public Health. Technical Seminar, "The Present Sta- tus of the Problem of Embryonic Induc- tion," Viktor Hamburger. 4:15, East Lecture Room, Rackham Building. Rehabilitation of the Handicapped Worker, a conference. "Rehabilitation: Nature and Magnitude of the Problem." Howard A. Rusk, Chairman, Department of Rehabilitation and Physical Medi- cine, New York University. 9:30 a.m. Rackham Lecture Hall. "Medical Aspects of Rehabilitation* a panel discussion. 1:30 p.m., Rackhai Lecture Hall. "An Analysis of Geriatric Rehabilita- tion." Lionel Cosin, Clinical Director, Cowley Road Hospital, Oxford England. 8:00 p.m., Raekham Lecture Hall, Concerts Organ Recital: Heinz Arnold, guest organist from Stephens College, Colum- bia, Missouri, will play the first in a series of organ recitals during the sum- mer session, at 4:15 in Hill Auditorium. His program, open to the general pub- lic, will include works to the general public, will include works by Krebs, Brahms. Each, CouperinDaquin, and Langlais. Carillon Recital by Percival Price, University Carillonneur, 7:15 Thursday evening, July 12. The program will in-. elude Brahms'. Waltz No. 15, Sapphic Ode, and Lullaby; Sonata for 47 bells, by Professor Price; three Scotch folk songs. Lectures Today Thursday, July 12- Lecture. "Current Attacks on Publi Education." Francis L. Bacon, Profes- sor of Education, University of Califor- nia, 4:00 p.m., Schorling Auditorium, University High School. Growth and Differentiation Sympos- ium.. "The Internal Factors Condition- ing Differentiation in Plants." F. W. Went, Professor of Plant Physiology, and Director, Earhart Plant Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4:15 p.m.. Auditorium, School of Public Health. Linguistic Program. Lecture, "Word- Tone in Some African Languages." Wil- liam E. Welmers, Visiting Assistant Pro- fessor of German, Cornell University. 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Friday, July 13- Astronomy Lecture ad Visitors' Night. "The Evolution of the Stars." Otto Struve, Chairman, Department of As- tronomy, University of California. 8:3 p.m., 1025 Angell Hall. Student Obser- vatory, Angell Hall, open for observa- tion of the Moon and Saturn. Coming Events Thursday, July 12- Rehabilitation of the Handicapped Worker, a conference. Panel discussion: "Psycho-Socialand Economic Aspects." 9:00 a.m., Rackham Lecture Hall Panel discussion: "Employment and Placement." 1:30 p.m., Rackham Lec- ture Hall. Carillon Recital. Professor Percival Price, University Carillonneur, 7:15-8:00 p.m. Friday, July 13- Rehabilitation of the Handiapped Worker. Panel discussion: "Rehabilita- tion Services and Programs." 9:00 a.m., Rackham Lecture Hal. ,Graduate Student Mixer: Friday, July 13, 9-12 p.m., Assembly Hall, Rackham. Adm. 25 cents. University of Michigan Sailing Club: Open meeting Thursday, July 11, 7:30 p.m., room 3D (D), Union. Shore school by Poltis & Levin. t att , . t I " r, 4r I' 14, il WASHINGTON--It is impossible, of course, to know exactly why Moscow made a peace move at this specific time. But calls at the State Department by two embassies may give the answer. One is the French Embassy which has informed Secretary of State Acheson that Chinese troops are already massing on the French Indo-Chinese border and that air- fields in South China have been enlarged -obviously for a new attack. The other is the Yugoslav Embassy which has informed the State Department that Rumanian troops are maneuvering and that Tito believes there is a 50-50 chance the long-expected attack of Yugoslavia will be- gin this fall. It doesn't take even a smart mind-read- er to figure out that the Kremlin has an awful lot to gain by prolonged peace talks in Korea. Here are at least three reasons: + MUSIC + No. 1-The United Nations is not going to go to the rescue of the French in Indo- China. That struggle has been going on a long time, and there is considerable feeling among some U.N. members that the French bungled things by hanging on to imperialism too long. No. 2-The U.N. will not relish going to the defense of Yugoslavia. First, it's a Com- munist nation. Second, it isn't in the North Atlantic Pact. Third, it's in a corner of the world which is hard to defend. No. 3-Peace talks are going to cause a letdown in the U.S.A. and this is exactly what the Kremlin wants. Inflation in this country can do more for Moscow than a dozen Chinese armies in Korea. Also, any letup of the American mobilization program will be greatly appreciated in Moscow, thank you. Obviously the Kremlin now realizes that the Korean war was a big mistake if for no other reason than that it got Ameri- can preparedness into high gear. It will be interesting to see how far the solons in Congress fall into Moscow's trap. So far, in regard to inflation, they seem to be falling fast. TAFT GETS COLD FEET THE man who has secretly been blocking the Senate elections committee from get- ting a counsel happens to be Senator Taft. Taft made a big show of demanding an investigation of the Ohio campaign, but got cold feet when the committee agreed to investigate. So Taft got his friend, Congressman Clarence Brown of Ohio, to block the appointment of Robert Murphy as committee counsel. Murphy needed a special waiver to serve as counsel, because his law firm is engaged in suits involving the government. After Murphy was blocked in the House on orders from Taft, Taft has now silently okayed the appointment of a counsel to his liking-John Lederle, who worked for the Republicans in 1946. TT. _1 _ 1T . / _ _ _ /_ _ _! I I Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications Editorial Staff Dave Thomas .........Managing Editor George Flint ..".........Sports Editor Jo Ketelhut..........Women's Editor Business Staff Milt Goetz ......... ..Business Manager Eva Stern .........Advertising Manager Harvey Gordon ,......Finance Manager Allan Weinstein ...Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to itor otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. I AGAIN we are grateful for the mature, dis- creet musicianship that guided the Stan- ley Quartet last evening through their de- manding initial recital. When a program ranging from Haydn to Riegger manages to capture the ear every moment, we find ourselves having much to say about the mu- sic and little about the performance itself. Performance of the Haydn Quartet in F, everywhere alive with nuance and breathing phrases, coaxed rather than overwhelmed the ear. What started as perhaps an un- usually low dynamic level finished by lead- ing the listener right into the ensemble, giv- ing him the sense of the fun of making music together. Particularly sensitive was the accompaniment of the Quartet's new- comer, violist Robert Courte. the classic procedures of Fugue, Canon, and Sonata with cumulative effect. The musical rhetoric of the work is fur- ther clarified by the certical dispersion in dense, block-like chords of materials that had first been presented as unisons or coun- terpoints. The piano score, rendered with expres- sive incision and a refined sense of en- semble by pianist John Kirkpatrick, is fashioned totally from consideration of musical necessity, enhancing, reversing, commenting as it does on the music of the strings. The final work of the evening, the Schu- bert Quartet in G Op. 161, embodies some of his ripest harmonic invention. A sense of .+rafvarfirnraxr _sr aif-ar-rithmia- BARNABY a Mr. 0'Malley, my Fairy Godfather, Nonsense, invited everybody in camp to visit Bor nh, in ai.aeb adnoIs A, , Now, in our little I painting class we Bvt- poit anything we _ YA be rigM'bock, s i+fdse - I