pAGE SIX THE MrCHIGArN DAILY SUNDAY, JLY S, 191 b Y U.S. Chiefs Hit Defense Slow-Down Regent Reports On Military Tour America's defense chiefs have warned against any let-down in the military build-up program in case of a Korean cease-fire, ac- cording to University Regent Al- fred B. Connable, Jr. Regent Connable recently re- turned from the Defense Depart- ment's Joint Civilian Orientation Conference which included lec- tures by top defense officials and a flying tour of military bases in the United States. FIRST SPEAKER at the Penta- gon proceedings was Secretary of Defense George C. Marshall. "There may be a let-down in our defense build-up soon as there was * * * COLLEGE ROUNDUP: Washington Protests Cut in Library Hours Michigan is not the only university smarting under a cut in li- brary hours. At the University of Washington, a storm of protest greeted the announcement that beginning today, library doors would be shut tight on Saturdays. I jr-I .I F lN 7s ONE AROUSED teaching fellow asserted, "Close the library doors and you might as well close classes. Faculty and students should get together and fight this move." A senior in history bemoaned the hardship which the economy- motivated move was causing students who work part time. "The number of us who must study on weekends is not large, but we fancy ourselves constructive citizens of this academic com- munity," a writer to the student newspaper ventured. The change in hours, unlike that at the University of. Michigan, was called "permanent" by univer- C sity officials. It was caused by a Claim SR$2,213,000 slash in the university's 1951-2 appropriation by the Washington State legislature. .; . Sate t1rom REGENT CONNABLE after our victories in Africa and Sicily in the last war," Sec. Mar- shall said. But he maintained the United States must keep building up its reserves and trained leadership. "In Korea, the United Nations has the most efficient military force in history," Sec. Marshall said. He called this "amazing" in view of the diversity of national- ities but he said unity was shown by the confidence of the fighting men in their leaders and the oth- ar armed force branches. * * * SECOND ON the slate of Pentagon speakers was Gen. Omar N. Bradley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. With the aid of a map, Gen. Bradley explained to the conference the hot-spots on the Russian periphery. "If it hadn't been Korea, an outbreak would have occurred somewhere else," Gen. Bradley said. He added that the UN stand in Korea delayed the Red world-wide time table. Also speaking at the session was Brig. Gen. Robert A. Ginsburgh of the defense staff. He gave an ex- tensive talk on the Korean cam- paign. "The enemy is courageous and clever, especially at night," Gen. Ginsburgh said. But he added that the U.S. Eighth Army in Korea is "the best army the United States has ever had." "Although Chinese manpower is virtually inexhaustible, the num- ber of trained soldiers is not," the general commented. He attributed the 15-1 casualty ratio over the Chinese Reds to a difference in firepower, equipment and training. HARVARD PROF. William Y. El- iot, assistant to Defense Mobili- zer Charles E. Wilson, told the conference of the need for con- trols against inflation. "Although 10% of the national output is being devoted to the war effort now, by next year it will be up to 20%," Elliot explained. And despite prices dropping after Ma- lik's truce suggestion, they will soon be up again, Elliot said. Among other speakers on the star-studded slate were: Secre- tary of the Army Frank Pace; Army Chief of Staff Gen. J. Lawton Collins; Deputy Secre- tary of Defense Robert A. Lo- vett; Secretary of the Air Force Thomas K. Finletter; and Ato- mic Energy Commissioner Sum- ner Pike. Invited to the conference were 75 prominent American leaders in the field of education, business, religion and publications. The trip to inspect domestic military fa- cilities included observation of mock wars at Army, Marine and Air Force bases and a task force operation in the Atlantic Ocean. Regent Connable said he was Legal Attack By EVA SIMON The threat to university relig- ious programs represented by the court order forbidding the Univer- sity of Minnesota from aiding re- ligious groups would be unlikely to have any effect here, according to Dewitt C. Baldwin, director of Lane Hall. "The University of Michigan has planned more wisely than any other state university to protect itself from such an attack," Bald- win asserted. *, * * THE CASE against Minnesota's religious program, which will come up for a court hearing Tuesday, is based on the university's policy of issuing religious census cards, pro- viding a coordinator of religious activities, and allowing religious groups to use university facilities. It is generally viewed as a test case on the principle of separa- tion of church and state in edu- cation. At the University of Michigan, a sharp division is made between the intellectual and the functional or practical facets of religion, Baldwin explained. ** * ON THE intellectual side, he said, the University teaches cours- es in "Knowledge Concerning Re- ligion," which do not propagate the ideas of any sect. Religion is treated as a part of regular aca- demic departments, such as phil- osophy or psychology. The director of Lane Hall, representing the functional as- pect of religion, is not permitted to teach courses at the Univer- sity. This Baldwin contrasted with the situation at the University of Minnesota, where the coordinator of religion is also an associate pro- fessor of philosophy, thus leaving himself open to questions on his objectivity as a scholar. * * * LIKE THE University of Minne- sota, the University of Michigan holds a religious census of stu- dents at registration time, al- though the statement of religious preference here is not compulsory. "We have been very scrupu- lous in seeing that this infor- mation is not used for the' ad- vantage of any one group," Baldwin said. The Student Religious Associa- tion's sections of the "railroad :zards," he explained, are sent dir- ectly to Lane Hall after registra- tion. Religious groups are permit- ted to see only the cards of stu- dents of their own sects, he con- tinued. The main purpose of the census cards, according to Baldwin, is to make hospital visitations to ser- iously ill students possible. Every day the University Hospital and Health Service phone the names of new patients in to Lane Hall. The census cards are used to refer these names to the proper religious chaplains. * * THE STUDENT Religious Asso- ciation, like other non-academic departments of the University, is controlled by a Board of Gover- nors appointed by the Board of Regents upon recommendation of the president. The director of Lane Hall is appointed by the Regents. The rest of the staff, during Provost Adams' term of office, has been appointed by him upon the recom- mendation of the director. SRA's budget is handled dom- pletely by the University, which contributes, Baldwin said, about $25,000 annually to the organiza- tion. However, the Lane Hall itself1 was donated to the Regents by the YMCA in 1937, for the pur- pose of setting up a religious center at the University. The building used by the religious association at the University of Minnesota was built by the uni- versity. "The University justifies its PARADOXICALLY, a s t u d y made by University of Utah offi- cials shows that legislative appor- tionments to state universities are generally increasing throughout the country. Out of 39 university presidents reached, 37 reported increased grants from their legislatures. * * .* A NEW TWIST in the library hours theme was introduced at Western Washington College of Education, students there are be- ing locked out of the library every time an art lecture or concert is given on campus. The latest loyalty oath law affecting university employees has been passed as a rider to the Texas State appropriations bill. The rider, to become effective September 1, provides that no state salaries or compensation shall be paid to any person who has not signed an oath stating: 1. He has never been a Com- munist Party member. 2. He "is not, and for a period of at least ten years has not been" a member of any organization la- beled subversive by the United States Attorney General. 3. He has not for ten years been a member of ay communist poli- tical front organization registered under the Federal Internal Secur- ity Act of 1950. A LOOK AHEAD: GI Bill for Korean Vets Seen Certain By The World Staff of The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Congress al- most certainly will write a GI Bill for Korean veterans-but it will wait for a report on abuses and waste in the Veterans Administra- tion's present educational pro- gram. This report is due to be issued in about two months by a House Investigating Committee under Rep. Teague (D-Tex.). A com- mittee spokesman says a new GI Bill is almost inevitable but prob- ably won't look much like the old one since the average age of Korean serviceman is much lower than that of World War II GIs and their average service will be shorter. DRAFT WASHINGTON-Selective Serv- ice headquarters estimates about 2,000,000 registrants under 26 will be subject to draft for another nine years-until they're 35-un- der a provision of the new draft law. They are the men with defer- ments but not outright exemp- tions. They won't get a class 5-A exemption as over-age until they reach 35. Their numbers will in- crease as deferments are given other registrants, like the nearly 300,000 college students likely to get 2-A (S) classifications this summer. There are about 7,500,000 under- 26 registrants in all. JAPANESE OCCUPATION WASHINGTON-The U. S. ex- pects to pay virtually the entire expense of keeping occupation forces in Japan the next 12 months. Up to now a large part of this has been levied against the Japan- ese. The new procedure is a further U. S. effort to assist Japan to be- come self-supporting. Offsetting it is the storage of outright eco- nomic relief, about $225,000,000 the past year, ARMY AIR FIGHTERS WASHINGTON-Army aviators are preparing to take over a little of the Air Force's close air sup- port mission after all-a step the Air Force has long dreaded and the Army has long denied it planned. LOADING UP FOR DAY'S WORK-Daisy; tobacco-chewing horse, gets a "chaw" from master, Andy O'Shea, on his farm near Salina. Kas. O'Shea says tobacco conditions horse. R I N G S O.N T H E I R F I N G E R S -Soviet women drill with hoops at a regional physi. cal culture and sports parade in which 25,000 participated at the Dynamo Stadium in Lwow. ,' t '# C H E C K 1 N C T H E R E COR.D-.-Erwin Veres, a two- year-old Hungarian D.P., is interested in the U. S. Customs man's notations upon his arrival with his parents in New York City, A R A R E B I R D -- This baby cahow, hitherto believed to have been extinct since 1619, was hatched from an egg found by scientists in Bermuda. It resembles a blue-gray powder puff. A. 44 A B U S S F O R B A B Y--"Lightning," mamma sea lion, gives baby, "Sparks," kiss to get into water at New Orleans' Audu- bon Park Zoo. Sea lions have to be taught swimming by mothers. A, .4 1. AT WORK IN THE RUSSIAN UNDERGROUND-Workmenlaborun- der electric lights building the tunnel to the Byelorusskaya station in the Moscow subway system. h 4., ;;ca .. : :. :;_.... ... -, _ fly.............: . ' AMP"