TIIV 1M ICTITGKAr bAIT! * SUNDAY, JUL SY 1 931 V __Dr UL f13 I Citdv' 4 /hte By DAVE THOMAS EVERY YEAR for quite a few years now in the multi-paged budget request which the University submits to the State Legis- lature's finance committees, there is a sec- tion which begins, "The heart of a great university is its library . ." In the folow- ing paragraphs, a plea is made for funds to expand the present General Library structure so as to more nearly accommodate the needs of the faculty and student body. Now no one who has so much as wander- ed through the over-crowded library stacks or had to wait a day or two while a book or document he wants is brought in from stor- age elsewhere on the campus will deny that the present facilities are inadequate and should be expanded. And this is precisely why it is so sur- prising to find the University restricting its library services. The first cuts came late in the spring se- .nester with an announcement that the hun- dreds of students who had previously used the library for Sunday studying would have to make other arrangements as the library would no longer be open on that day until examination time. Now, not only have hours been further restricted but circulation ser- vices have also been slashed. This presents a rather astounding re- striction of just about the most vital ser- vice of the University.-' Libraryofficials explain that the system is on a purely trial basis for the summer and that some of the slashed service will be restored in the fall. They say that they are keeping a close watch on attendance and circulation figures and if any strong protests are made, adjustments may be forthcoming. ;They point to small evening attendance as further support for their general case for curtailment of hours and their specific case for shutting the circulation desk at 6 p.m. Only half a thought is needed to realize, however, that perhaps one reason for the light evening patronage is the lack of cir- culation facilities. The library is for the convenience of the students and not the other way around. As long as there is any legitimate demand at all for library services at certain hours, they should be supplied, regardless of the cost. To argue that library hours here are still more liberal than at other institu- tions is no defense. The University has gained its present international reputation throuh offering bigger and better edu- cational opportunities than other schools, and when it ceases to do so, it will lose both its reputation and its better students. Student opinion on the problem was care- fuls ounded out at one of the last Presi- denfts-conferences held last spring and al- most unanimously, the student leaders in- formed the administration that they felt library hours and teaching services should be the last items in the University budget to be cut. There can, of course, be no doubt that the library officials are doing their best to cope with a situation which has been forced on them. But the point is that the situation should never have been forced on them at all. MATTE a 0r FA CT The Week's News . . IN RETROSPECT ... DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN _' 11 By STEWART ALSOP I WASHINGTON-Obviously a settlement in Korea, if there is one, will have a pro- found effect on the course of next year's political battle. Unless the Democratic pro- fessionals are suffering from mass self-de- lusion, it will greatly strengthen Harry S. Truman, making him, if he runs, a really formidable candidate. A Korean settlement will correspondingly weaken Sen. Robert A. Taft (who is rather obviously dismayed at the turn of events) and Gen. Douglas Mac- Arthur. The most intriguing question is the effect of an end to the fighting in Korea on the fortunes of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower. Here it is worth recalling a conversation between MacArthur and Eisenhower which took place during the latter's trip to Japan in May, 1946. Then, as now, Eisenhower was a leading Presidential possibility. Ques- tioned by MacArthur on this point, Eisen.- hower replied that he had no intention of running. "That's right, Ike," said MacArthur, "just keep saying you don't want it, and you'll get it." The story is interesting partly because MacArthur himself, despite disclaimers, has been acting remarkably like a Presidential aspirant. It is interesting also because a Korean settlement is likely to increase the pressure on Eisenhower to run, as the man to beat Truman. It is therefore time to ask whether Eisenhower "wants it," and whether be can "get it." he answers below are sub- ject to change, but they are the best now available. * * * * AS FOR THE FIRST POINT, his support- ers at least state with a convincing assurance that, under certain conditions, Eisenhower will definitely accept the Repub- lican nomination, if it is offered. One con- dition is that there should be no political strings attached. A second is that the Re- Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily stafff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: EVA SIMON publican platform should conform with his views on foreign policy. And a third condi- tion is that under no circumstances will he Jeopardize his role as North Atlantic Treaty Organization commander in order to get the nomination. For rather obvious reasons, the story has been sedulously spread abroad by Democrats that Eisenhower Is a Democrat at heart, and is really interested in run- ning as a Democrat. But the Eisenhower Republicans claim to have been reassured categorically on this point; Eisenhower will not seek or accept the Democratic nomination. The question remains whether Eisenhower can "get it"-whether the nomination of a man who has never publicly stated his political affiliation, and who is serving be organized. There are two main factions abroad in a wholly non-political post, can of Eisenhower organizers. One faction, of course, is led by New. York's Gov. Thomas E. Dewey. Dewey is less of a key figure in the Eisenhower move- ment than is generally supposed. Dewey is the titular leader of his party, but since his 1948 defeat he has had little nation-wide influence. Moreover, Dewey is not person- ally close to Eisenhower, a fact underlined by his decision to go to Asia, instead of to Europe, where his candidate is. The leader of the other, less public Eisen- hower faction is Pennsylvania's Sen. James Duff, who is in regular communication with the general. There is, of course, no love lost between Dewey and Duff. They are allies in this matter, but allies by conven- ience and at arms' length. Duff has already enlisted former Sen. Harry Darby of Kansas in the Eisenhower cause. Darby will prob- ably become the leading public Eisenhower organizer, lending the desired home-state, Mid-Western background. But the astute Duff is and will remain an important figure behind the scenes. Heavy financial backing as well as shrewd political management will cer- tainly be available for the Eisenhower movement. But the great obstacle re- mains-while Eisenhower is in Europe, Taft's efficient organizers are hard at work to capture the nomination in ad- vance. (Copyright, 1951. New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) Obstetrical Ward i r a i v s nternational ... TRUCE TALKS-Communist and UN liaison officers are meeting today in the tiny Korean village of Kaesong after a year and 13 days of undeclared war, to draw up plans for a formal armistice con- ference early this week. Both sides claimed victory in the conflict-though the present battle line approximates the front of a year ago. The opposing armies had chased each other from one end of the peninsula and back again, both sides sustaining heavy casualties. But neither had shoved the other out of Korea. Officials said the new boundary line would probably be the 38th parallel. The preliminary truce talks had been preceeded during the week by a host of cautious arrangements. Allied pilots had to keep away from the road from Pyongyang, which the Communist white- flagged auto caravan used. The Red-held village of Kaesong was made a neutral zone. The UN envoys were guaranteed safe conduct. The brass was polished on a peace train in the Seoul yards. + ART + 1 i1 Granted that the University is faced with severe budget difficulties for the next year because of wage increases, inflation and slashed appropriations, but the fact remains that, library service should be one of the lasi services of the University to be cut. The Administration Building is still filled to overflowing with office workers who often appear to spend more of their time in the coffee room than in their offices and there are doubtless other administrative corners that can be cut before overall budget slash- es are felt in the teaching activities of the University. Library restrictions appear to be only the latest item in a growing tendency here to sacrifice teaching servic.es to administrative functions. Next item: the Office of Student Affairs is considering the creation of a new administrative post, which will coordinate fraternity activity and University policy- at a substantially higher pay level than that of an assistant professor. h r d s .t d n e e 's t FOR LOCAL ART lovers, the University Museum currently has several exhibits on display at Alumni Memorial Hall. In the North Gallery you may (if you wish) see a selection of constructivist works by Mo- holy-Nagy. Moving through the gallery clockwise, there are first a number of lithographs from a series aptly titled "Constructions"-geo- metric designs in various combinations of black, grays, white, and even color. The rest of the exhibit is composed of more construc- tions in various media, chiefly college and water color. Whatever merit lies in being in on the ground floor must be accorded the artist, for Moholy-Nagy is unquestionably a pioneer. But the interest of this collection is almost exclusively historical. A few of the more striking arrangements of form and color will bring a moment of pleasure to the gal- lery-goer, but for the most part, this phase of Moholy-Nagy's career does not deserve much attention. S * * ( CURRENT MOVIES ,A t The Michigan.i... THE BRAVE BULLS, with Mel Ferrer. DESPITE THE FACT that most of the spirit and flavor of Tom Lea's fine novel have been lost in the screen translation, what remains is, for the most part, an ef- fective and satisfying movie. This is largely because Robert Rossen, mraker of "AllThe King's Men," is such a master of realism in 'spectacle that his fail- ure to transmit what was essentially the "message" of the novel can be overlooked in view of his impressive camera sense and unwavering integrity as a reporter. Because of this virtual worship of realism, however, Rossen has sacrificed much of the essentially romantic motif of the book. He gives lip service to the symbolic significance of the "Corrida." but it is never more than that. He is too busy seeing the fickleness of the crowd, the dirt on the streets, 'and the vanity of the matadors to be ever thorough- ly aware that his thesis is supposed to be a positive one. The final victory of man over bull proves that. "Death with grace," the Syvmbol.means tha+. maon +rancr.n o CONSIDERABLY MORE rewarding is the show in the West Gallery: "Six Painters of the American Northwest." The exhibit was collected by Dr. Sherman Lee, of the Seattle Art Museum, and is on loan here un- til July 22. Although these particular artists may be little known to the Midwest, their works will be familiar enough to arouse memories of the cubists and surrealists who preceded them. Fortunately they are not imitative, but only derivative. An introductory blurb mentions an ori- ental influence that pervades the collection, but it is noticeable only in Morris Graves, four out of five of whose paintings are exe- cuted on rice paper imported from the Far East. His "Consciousness Achieving the Form of a Crane" is, despite its repellent title, a beautifully colored and painted picture; the bird is outlined on a mottled rose back- ground, with no other forms in the composi- tion. The brushwork in his other paintings is interesting, but not as subtle or delicate as in the first. James H. Fitzgerald falls back on cub- ism for his inspiration, and although his coloration is sometimes vivid, he offers nothing new. Perhaps he realized this and tried to impart some sort of significance to his paintings by appending mystic titles to them. "Resurgent Sea," the one sur- realist endeavor among his offerings, is striking. Pretty much the same things can be said of Guy Anderson's paintings ,although the cubist influence is less strong in his work and he adds a touch of Van Gogh by model- ling the sometimes heavily applied pigments. His coloring is predominantly heavy and dull, and his "Landscape" and "Sharp Sea" are so distressingly similar that only a few would know the difference if their titles were neth Callahan, who is not only the most original of the six, but also the most subtle colorist and most successful composer. His "Portrait of Wirt" is composed in much the same manner as Graves' "Crane," with the figure transparent and the same color as the background. "Departure" is a vivid sea-scape with a red sky; "First Seed into Last Harvest" combines drawing with painting, and gains its effect chiefly through the repetition of endlessly repeat- ed figures and crucifixes. His "Mountains in a Mist" is sombre and moody; "The Peo- ple and the Rocks" is another allegory and, like "First Seed," is replete with human figures. The first two of Mark Tobey's paint- ings are masses of intricate lines woven into flat planes; the second, "Forms Follow Man," achieves the effect of violent movement across the allotted space to the uipper right corner. The other three paintings are all quite different-a crowded and colorful street scene, an austere cubist landscape, and a composition involving a few human figures. Tobey shows the greatest diversity of inter- ests and is, after Callahan, the most inter- esting of the six Northwest painters. THE BEST OF THE MUSEUM'S current exhibits is housed in the South Gallery, where it will continue through July 1. It is composed of fifty engravings, etchings, woodcuts, and lithographs from the fabu- lousdRosenwald Collection, and contains a representativeselection 'of drawings from the fifteenth century to the present. Some of the prints will be familiar to many observers, especially to enthusiastic connois- seurs, but most of them are seldom repro- duced, and will thus be new to you. Many of the artists are familiar to everyone-Durer, Holbein, Rembrandt, and Goya, to mention only a few, but in their media, the more ob- scure artists are no less interesting. The truth of the matter is that every one of the fifty prints is excellent, and be- yond this there is not much that can be said. The best thing the reviewer can do is to advise his readers to go and see for themselves, *. * * IN ADDITION to the featured exhibits, there are some excellent samples of sculp- ture and ceramics distributed about the sec- ond floor of Alumni Memorial Hall, most of them by students in the school of Architec- ture and Design. A small jug by Ed Stevens and plates by Carl Bach and Barbara Try- tten are three of the more appealing pieces on the mezzanine. Directly opposite the West Gallery is a display case containing four prints from portfolios published by the Bau- haus in Weimar; they compare favorably with those in the Rosenwald Collection. Be- side the entrance to the same gallerv is nn On the central Korean slopes, the troops waited for news of an armistice. Ground activity was confined to jabbing patrol action. None of the soldiers wished fame as the last man killed in the Korean war. Announced U.S. battle casualties so far: 78,110 (11,564 killed, 54,302 wounded, 12,244 missing). * * * * OATIS TRIAL-In a Prague prison Wednesday night Associated Press newsman and Bureau Chief William Oatis waited for the court's verdict in his trial for spying against the People's - Government of Czechoslovakia. He knew what it would be. He was found guilty of "espionage" and sent to prison for five years. In this country President Truman condemned the trial as a "travesty of justice," and the State Department sent a note of pro- test. On Capitol Hill, resolutions were introduced in both Houses ex- pressing Congress' "profound indignation at the farcical conviction." Friday night recorded.portions of the trial were broadcast to the American public. Oatis' confession was heard in a steady, clear voice.' One comment on the program, by AP newsman Daniel De Luce: "It sounded natural, as a matter of fact, too natural." * * * * IRAN-In another global trouble spot, the situation was still tense. The Iranian government rejected the International Court of Justice's proposal for an interim .agreement with Britain to keep the vital Iranian oil flowing until the Court makes a final decision. And Iran went ahead with plans for taking charge of British-owned oilj property. * * * * Local. .. PROVOST ADAMS-The resignation of Provost James -P. Adams became official this week as the top-drawer University administrator left for an extended vacation after successfully carrying out one of the most difficult roles in educational history. As second in command in charge of the entire academic program,f he carried the tremendous load of building up the faculty and reor- ganizing the curriculum facilities for the huge post-war expansion3 project. In six short years, under the most critical circumstances, he gave the University a much-needed shove down the road of progress. In campus history, there had never been such a concentrated period of vigorous and inspired leadership which effected such a large amount of healthy changes. During Provost Adams' period of service, he was responsible for the formation of many important educational units and the appoint-, ment of top-notch leadership in the departments and colleges. It would be fruitless here to enumerate the large amount of sub-J stantial renovations and innovations which he brought into being. It is more important that recognition be made of those high qualities of character which gies rise to Provost Adams' success as a leader and asz a person. He is motivated by a single-minded devotion to his high concep-e tion of real educational values. He worked with the tools of integrity,i ability, intelligence and experience. His fundamental consideration inr every breath he took was the best interest of the University.n He possesses a deep-rooted faith in the democratic process ands the free flow of opinions. Never before had so many faculty members been consulted on so many problems as by Provost Adams. His hobby waz his vocation. The huge task of directing one of the largest educational institutions in the world even pervaded his private life. He was a tireless and dedicated worker. But, above all, two rare qualities earned him the whole-heartedE support of his associates. Provost Adams was a man of matchless in-i tegrity and great courage.s As one of the top educational leaders in the country, Provostt Adams will, we hope, continue to give to free education his uniquet contribution of forceful action and moral justification.H -Barnes Connable and Sid Klaus , The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 35101 Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the day preceding publication. SUNDAY, JULY 8, 1951 VOL. LXI, No. 9-S Notices There wil be a Student Legislatur meeting Monday, July 9th, at 7:30 at th Student Legislature Building, 122 S re Discussion meeting; Topic: Th grwhof Student Government. Vsi tors welcome. Graduate Student Council Meetin Monday, July 9, 7:30 pm. West Lectur Room, Rackham. Will all members pleas attend whether notified by mail or not Bureau of Appointments Registration: Students who were unable to at tend the registration meeting on las Thursday may pick up registration nia terial at the Bureau on Tuesday, Thurs day, or Friday of this week. Sociedad Hispanica: meeting, Tues day, July 10, 8 p.m., East Conferenc Room, Rackham Building. Mr. Richar Defendini will speak on "La seman santa en Sevilla." University Lutheran Chapel: Servic Sunday at 10:30 with celebration of th Lord's Supper. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club Supper-Program Sunday at 5:30/ Dis cussion of "Christian Symbolism." Roger Williams Guild outing, Sunday July 8, 3 p.m., Swimming. Discussion "A Protestant awakening or a Catholic America." Congregational-Disciples Guild: 8:00 p.m. supper at the Memorial Christiar Church, Hill & Tappan. Professor Roge Heyns will talk on "Our Changing Se Morality." Lutheran Student Association meeting in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, 309 E Washington St., at 5:30 p.m. Program a 7:00. Dr. George Mendenhall, Guest Prof. at the University, will speak on "Archaeological Discoveries and the Bible." P1 Lambda Theta-Summer organiza- tional meeting Monday, July 9, at 7:15 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Building. Michigan Christian Fellowship Sunday meeting, 4:30, Lane Hall Fireside Room. Speaker, Mr. Vern Terpstra, Topic "Who is Jesus Christ" Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for John Edwin Bower, Chemistry; thesis: "Adsorption' of vapors by Silica Gels of Different Structures-Free Surface Energy Chang- es which Occur During Adsorption by Porous Adsorbents," Tuesday, July 10, 155 fhemistry Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chair- man, F. E. Bartell. Mathematics Colloquium: Professor Eberhard Hopf, of the University of Indiana, will speak on "Solutions of Navier-Stokes Equations" on Thursday, July 12, at 4 p.m., in Room 3017 Angell Hall. "The Mathematical Problem of Turbulence" will be the subject of Pro- fessor Hopf's talk on Friday, July 13. at 2 p.m. in Room 3017 Angell Hall. Topology Seminar: Dr. S. T. Hu will continue his discussion of Cohomology Groups at the meeting of the Topology Seminar on Wednesday, July 11, at 3 p.m., in Room 3011 Angell Hall. Events Today "Green Grow The Lilacs," a comic folk-play with music by Lynn Riggs to- night at the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre at 8 p.m. This popular play formed the basis of the Rodgers and Hammer- stein hit musical "OKLAHOMA!" Tick- ets may be purchased at the Mendels- sohn box office from 10 a.m. til 8 p.m. daily. Coming Lectures Monday, July 9- United States in the World Crisis lec- ture. "The North AtlanticrTreaty Or- ganization." Vice - Admiral Jerauld Wright. Lecture. "The Old versus the New in Education." James B. Edmonson, Dean of the School of Education. 4:00 p.m., Schorling Auditorium, University High School. Tuesday, July 10-- Lecture. "Group Dynamies and Edu- cational Administratio." James E. born. 4:00 p.m., Schorling Auditorium, University High School. Linguistic Program. Lecture, "Ger- man Sentence Types." William G. Moulton, Professor of Linguistics, Cor- nell University. 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Wednesday, July 11- Lecture. "Resource Materials for Cur- riculum Improvement." Robert S. Fox, Assistant Professor of Education and Principal of the University Elementary School. 4:00 p.m., Schorling Auditor- ium, University High School. Linguistic Program. Lecture, "Afghan Description of Afghan (Pashto) Gram- mar." Herbert Penzi, Associate Profes- sor of German, 1:00 p.m.,;25 Angell Hall. Coming Even ts Monday, July 9-- Conference of English Teachers, "The Longer Classic: Fiction." Robert Gran- ville, Ann Arbor High School; Mrs. Ruth Barns, Cooley High School, Detroit; Wil- liam R. Steinhoff, University of Michi- gan: 4:00 p.m. Rackham Amphitheatre. Student Recital: Warren Simpkins, tenor, will be heard in recital at 8:30 in the evening in the Rackham Assembly Hall. The program will be sung in lieu of a thesis for the requirements for the Master of Music degree, and will be open to the public. Mr. Simpkins studies voice with Harold Haugh. Tuesday, July 10- Faulty Rcital, auspices of the School of Music. Stanley Quartet: Gilbert Ross, violin, Emil Raab, violin, Robert tCourte, viola, Oliver Edel, cello, with John Kirkpatrick, guest pianist ,8:3 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. Classical Coffee Hour. Tuesday, July 10, at 4:00 p.m., in thee Museum of Archaeology. Students and staff of the Department of Classical Studies, and their friends, will be guests of the e Museum staff. eWednesday, July 11- Rehabilitation of the Handicapped Worker, a conference. "Rehabilitation: Nature and Magnitude of the Problem." Howard A. Rusk, Chairman, Department 8of Rehabilitation and Physical Medi- cine, New York University. 9:30 a.m. e Rackham Lecture Hall. e "Medical Aspects of Rehabilitation, a panel discussion. 1:30 pm., Rackha Lecture Hall. "An Analysis of Geriatric Rehabilita- tion." Lionel Cosin, Clinical Director Cowley Road Hospital, Oxford, England. 8:00 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. Growth and Differentiation. "The ief- fects of Environment on Growth Plants." F. W. Went, Professor of Plant Physiology and Director, Earhara d Plant Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. 8:00 p.m., Auditorium, aSchool of Public Health. Organ Recital: Heinz Arnold, guest organist from Stephens College, Colum- bia, Missouri, will play the first in a series of organ recitals during the sum- mer session, at 4:15 Wednesday, July 11, in Hill Auditorium. His program, open to the general public, will include works by Krebs, Brahm, Bach, Couperin, Da- quin, and Langlais, "An Enemy of the People," Arthur Miller's adaptation of Henrik rben' fiery, timeless drama will be presented by the Department of Speech for a 1four day run beginning this Wednes- day at the Mendelssohn Theatre. A graduate of the University of Michigan in 1938, Mr. Miller has since won three major critics awards for his plays "Death of A Salesman" and "All My Sons." Tickets for all performances Wednes- day thru Saturday are on sale at the Mendelssohn box office from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. All performances at 8 p.m. Read not to contradict and con- fuse confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and di- gested: that is, some books are to be read only in part; others to be_ read but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with dilOence and attention. Some books aIso may be read by deputy, and extracts made of them by others; but that would be only in the less important arguments, and the meaner sort of books; else distilled books are like common distilled water,s flashy things. -Sir Francis Bacon The decadent, capitalistic Fa- ther of the Bride has been re- placed in Czechoslovakia by a team of efficiency experts. The communal enterprise, which orig- inated in Prague, will handle de- tails for all types of weddings from the simplest 10-minute regis- try office affair to the most elab- orate ceremony, make all honey. moon arrangements and supply suggestions for children's names when the need arises. Al this service is rendered for a basic charge --Father's disbelief not- withstanding-of $3.40. Since every hour away from work is counted : a loss to the five-year plan, the service has recently been taken into the factories. --Freedom and Union CE 4 f I. ,,, °x .1 I 1t Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications Editorial Staff Dave Thomas ....... .Managing Editor George Flint ............Sports Editor Jo Keteihut..........Women's Editor Business Staff Milt Goetz ....... ...Business Manager Eva Stern .........Advertising Manager Harvey Gordon.......Finance Manager Allan Weinstein ...Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. 'S t,_ 4' . r* I MI r BARNABY l- Ue, Barnaby, luckily your Fairy Through Godfather was able to sublet a all those delightful gingerbread cottage, brambles? Tskl Other Ghosts think nothing of walking through solid masonry! But that Gus, worrying about brombles! Well, far be it from me to disrupt the routine of the camp, Wboy. Come over in V - I