I THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, 3ULY 4, 1951 U I I ~ I - rditop04 Ile te I "Good Heavens! What A Frightening Creature!" By DAVE THOMAS F EEDOM of the press, one of the great guarantees of Western democracy, has suffered new setbacks during the first half of 1951, according to the semi-annual world survey of censorship and other barriers to the free coverage and publication of news conducted by the Associated Press. A look at the record will show why: Juan Peron has murdered La Prensa, one of the great newspapers of the world, and almost completely gagged the rest of the Argentine opposition press. In India and Burma, where independence is a nodrel experience, the press has been re- stricted. India adopted a constitutional amendment limiting free speech, because as Prime Minister Nehru indicated, the amend- ment was needed in times of international stress and local unrest. Foreign press representatives in Burma have noted an increasingly unfriendly atti- tude on the part of the government. Russia, of course, still maintains its rigid domestic and foreign press censor- ship. There are only a handful of foreign press representatives left in Moscow and their dispatches are rigorously censored. All of the Soviet satellites follow Russia's example. Romania, Bulgaria and Albania are practically sealed off from the West. The only source of news from them is govern- ment-approved radio broadcasts. Hungary has expelled all Western correspondents and Poland applies a stiff censorship. Czecho- slovakia has been increasing pressure stead- ily and the current "trial" of William N. Oatis, Associated Press correspondent, should leave no doubt in free minds of that nation's intentions regarding a free press. Spain's censorship has increased drastic- ally after the general strike in Barcelona in May,-and the Franco government attempted to expel a New York Times correspondent for reporting news unfavorable to the gov- ernment. About the only bright spot in the whole picture, is in Latin America where the over- throw of the regime of President Arnulfo Arias has brought freedom for local news- papers. anyone who believes that the future progress of civilization depends upon the survival of the democratic process, this is very disquieting. And we in the West who pride ourselves on our freedom had better look to our own press lest we too lose the most important safeguards of our civil liber- ties. The fact is that the pressures of the cold. war are restricting freedom of the press in this country too, although not to the extent which it is being restricted in the Commun- 1st and young nationalistic nations. Inflation Is knocking off papers in this country at almost as fast a clip as totali- tarian governments abroad. The St. Louis Star Times is only the latest in a series of metropolitan newspapers which have given up the struggle against declining revenue and rising costs. Coupled with the financial situation, there has been an increase in the anti-newspaper attitude among public off ciials, many of whom are coming to feel that any criticism at all is per se "Communistic" or subversive. The roughing up of photographers at the MacArthur receptions is only an outward manifestation of the attitude of a man who regards all newspapermen as nuisances and worse unless they can be used as propaganda instruments. The existence of a free society depends up- on its citizenry being well-informed, for only then can they correctly make the decisions which are necessary for that society to keep its freedom. The greater the danger, the more astute must be the decisions, and thus the more important does a free press be- come. PHILADELPHIA-The 4th of July is us- ually so bogged down with parades and picnics, fireworks and baseball, that we never get round to studying the great document whose signing we are celebrating. Like most Americans, I have been guilty of that omis- sion. This week, however, the American Heritage Foundation and the Philadelphia Independ- ence Committee invited me to broadcast from the historic room in Independence Hall where the Declaration was signed; which caused me to do some extra reading about our great cornerstone of American liberty. I have long thought that the Commun- ists got the Jump on us in various parts of the world because they took their own revolutionary creed, Marixism, and preach- ed it among the masses harder and more ruthlessly than we preached our ideals. What we have needed, I have thought, was to take our own philosophy of democracy and preach it more effectively than the Russians. Rereading the Declaration of Independ- ence this week, I realized all the more what an opportunity we have been missing. For Thomas Jefferson and the Founding Fathers gave us not merely a goal for good govern- ment but a creed for the dignity of man that makes the Communist doctrine look as phony as a patent medicine man's patter at a coun- try fair. * * * FAITH IN MAN WHEN YOU GET away from the charges against King George, what the Declara- tion of Independence does is extoll faith in man. It doesn't talk about the underdog, as does Marxism; it doesn't set class against class. It doesn't set up a government which is more important than man. No, the Founding Fathers, in their Declaration of Independ- ence, make man supreme. It made no differ- ence whether a man is English, or American, French or Chinese, the Founding Fathers decreed that he is supreme. "We hold these truths to be self-evi- dent," they wrote, "That all men are cre- ated equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their Just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destruc- tive of these ends, it is to be the right of the people to alter or abolish it .. ." That was a revolutionary doctrine in 1776. And it is still revolutionary in many parts of the world today. That was why the Ameri- can Revolution was a world revolution-be- cause it applied to all men everywhere. And it can apply equally to men behind the Iron Curtain, where governments today do not even remotely derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. * * * MANIFESTO FOR WORLD IN THIS COUNTRY, the equality of men is a principle toward which we have strug- gled, sometimes slowly, although we have al- ways struggled. And if we had given the principle more encouragement outside our own borders, as in Asia, we would not have 400,000,000 Chinese paying lip service to the false creed of Communism as they are today. Actually, these simple, "self-evident" truths form a manifesto for the world. They decree not only that man is supreme, but that he is endowed by his Creator with cer- tain rights that no dictator, no government, no congress can take away from him. When that Declaration was first signed, it was an inspiration to other struggling young republics throughout the world. The French Revolution followed the pattern of ours. So did many in Latin America. Among the crowned heads of Europe we were considered dangerous radicals whose doctrine of equality threatened world security. Then gradually we quit being "danger- ous." We quit selling the Declaration of Independence. We had a big country to develop and we got absorbed with our own problems. The descendants of John Adams and other Revolutionary firebrands ac- quired great fortunes and devoted their at- tention not to "equality" but security. So we quit selling our own great creed, quit worrying too much about the rest of the world-until recently. And while we rest- ed, other creeds got the jump on us, especial- ly that of the indefatigable and ruthless men in the Kremlin. * * * FRIENDSHIP BALLOONS HAT'S WHY I have hammered home the idea until folks are probably bored with me that the only way we can ever win per- manent peace is by people-to-people friend- ship. As long as 14 men in the Politburo all by themselves can declare war, as long as 180,000,000 Russians don't have any means of knowing the truth about us, just that long will we continue to have danger of war. That's why the Voice of America and the various State Department information pro- jects are more important than all the Am- bassadors who ever wore stripped pants to a diplomatic reception. That's why Congres- sional appropriations for the propaganda must not be cut. That's also why I have urged that we get our ideas across to the Russian people by balloons, if necessary. Balloon messages are a symbol of what can be done to make the Iron Curtain a lace curtain. It was such a symbol that the Phil- adelphia Independence Committee and I re- leased from Franklin Field this week - bal- loons carrying a Russian translation of the Declaration of Independence. These balloons were not intended to travel the 5,000 miles across the Atlantic and Europe to Russia. They were merely a symbol of how easily they could reach the Russian people, if released from Germany. For prevailing winds blow west to east. * * * REVOLUTIONARY DIPLOMACY Recently Congress passed the McMahon- Ribicoff resolution officially putting the American people on record for friendship with the Russian people. However, there is no way the Russian people can know Ihis,. because their masters in the Kremlin don't want them to know it. This is the very heart of our problem of peace or war. Though we may win a temporary respite in the war in Korea, it will be temporary indeed unless we can penetrate the Iron Curtain with our views on peace and with our great creed for the equality of man, the Declaration of Inde- pendence. To do this will take revolutionary diploma- cy. It will take more than diplomatic notes and formal calls by ambassadors. However, we became what we are today because we were a revolutionary country. And if we apply a fraction of the courage, imag- ination and revolutionary fervor the Found- ing Fathers had when they signed the Decla- ration of Independence, then we can put forth the words and principle of that Decla- ration behind the Iron Curtain in a way that will win the peace and make democracy live. (Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) DORIS FLEESON: Controls Defeat WASHINGTON-The future course of the supposedly governing Democratic Party is darkly clouded by the extraordinary man- ner of President Truman's defeat on the issue of controls. A confidence was destroyed during the viciously ill-tempered early morning hours in the Senate last Friday that cannot soon be replaced even if all hands genuinely want to forget all that went on. Many still sore and angry Senators do not believe that the desire to repair the damage yet exists. The President met disaster when Majority Leader McFarland and Whip Johnson went over to the coalition of Republicans and Southern Democrats. All the middle- grounders then lost heart. The leadership next failed even to try to protect two Demo- crats-Lehman and Benton--who had been battling for the Administration program, from bitter hazing by the coalition. Old-timers who had seen two Southern majority leaders, Joe T. Robinson and Alben Barkley, lead stanchly for a Roosevelt pro- gram in which they often did not believe-. perhaps Senator Robinson never-could hardly credit the defection of the new ma- jority leader from Arizona. It is not un- heard of for the leadership to thwart the Administration with a certain inattention or private attention-behind the closed doors of the committee rooms. The McFar- land-Johnson defiance was on a scale and an issue of rare magnitude. f j y t f i" 4 BAR . G cd IrC4 / IeteP TO THE EDITOR The Daily weicomes communications from its readers on matters of generai interest, and will pubiish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. YR Convention .. . To the Editor: I BELIEVE the readers of The Daily are entitled to know why Senator Joe McCarthy of Wiscon- sin spoke before the Young Repub- lican NationalrConvention in Bos- ton this past week and what sup- port he really has among Young Republicans for his "policies." David Belin, former President of the University of Michigan Young Republican Club, Mary Martin, former Board Member of the U. of M. Club, and I were three students from the University among over 800 delegates which attended the Convention. Belin was on the Iowa delegation, Martin on the Indiana delegation, and I was one off fifteen delegates represent- ing the state of Michigan. Al- though Dave and Mary did not take any part in the writing of this letter, I am confident that they share the views expressed here. Senator McCarthy was invited by the Young Republican Nation- al Federation to address a session of their biennial convention this year. His schedule permitted him to be in Boston on Friday night which had been previously desig- nated by the planning committee as College Night. Over the mild protests of the College Night plan- ning committee and with the ap- parent consent of the Collegiates' national YR chairman, McCar- thy's appearance was set for that night. After arriving in Boston and with concurrance of the Michigan Young Republican College Chair- man, I made formal protest to the College Night planning commit- tee, stating that discretion in the selection of a speaker for such an occasion as College Night should rest with collegiate YRs alone and that a wider circle of representa- tive college YR leadership should have been consulted before the choice was approved. There had been no prior notice of the speak- er received before our departure for Boston-by the time of our ar- rival it was too late for anything to be done. The planning committee, large- ly composed of New England Col- lege YRs, gave this explanation for their concurrence in the choice of McCarthy as speaker: 1) Bos- ton Republicans will nominate for the first time a Republican candi- date for Mayor this fall - local Democrats fear greatly McCarthy's influence in the City in securing Republican votes-his speech will be excellent publicity for a Re- publican victory in the fall. 2) Some opportunity will be given for anti-McCarthy YRs to "cross-ex- amine" the Senator in informal meetings and open press confer- ences during his brief visit to Bos- ton (which unfortunately were not carried by the Mutual Network or heard by the 1000 listeners that filled the Statler Ballroom to hear his major policy address." The real reason for McCarthy's appearance was carefully hidden but finally became public - the senior Republican party leader- ship had presented the College Night planning committee with this choice: "McCarthy or no- body." The planning committee had fallen victim to the plot and blinded by the spotlight into which they were about to step settled for "Fightin' Joe." When this was made known we lodged an even more intense pro- test, but again it was too late. As for the support which Sena- tor McCarthy may have among Young Republicans, we observed that well over a third of the aud- ience which heard his speech took no part in the "deafening ova- tion" (which was helped along by a thirty piece drum and bugle corps) with which the Boston newspapers credited McCarthy. A large number of college YRs pres- ent were openly hostile (one dele- gate was heard to moan, "I think I'm going to vomit") and a sprink- ling of Democrats in the galleries applauded every mention of Pres- ident Truman. In our talks and contacts with many college YRs attending the speech, Dave and Mary and I were convinced that they, too, shared our outrage at McCarthy's imposition on the college delegates and had come to get a glimpse of the man whose tactics - should they be embraced by the senior Republican organization - may well lose for themselves what young and liberal components the Republican Party yet possesses. Leonard A. Wilcox DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the day preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1951 VOL. LXI, No. 6-S Notices Placement Registration: The Bureau of Appointments will hold its summer placement registration on Thursday, July 5 at 3 p.m. in room 4051 (audi- torium) of the Administration Building. seniors, graduate students, and staff members are eligible to register. Also students who are attending the Univer- sity for the first time this summer are eligible. There is no charge for registra- tion at this time. The Teaching Division enrolls people who are interested in the educational field on all levels-teaching, administra- tion, and special phases of education. The General Division enrolls those who are interested in positions in all other fields than education. Persons seeking a position after sum- mer school should register at this time. February graduates are also invited to register now so that their records may be complete when employers begin com- ing in the fall. Personnel Requests Corning Glass Works, Albion, Mich., is looking for Chemical Engineers (Glass Technology) with a BS degree, also Me- chanical or Industrial Engineers and a few Electrical Engineers, June or Au- gust Graduates. standard Oil Company of New Jersey have openings in venezuela and Aruba, Netherlands West Indies, primarily for Electrical Engineers, but there are also a few openings for Chemical, Petroleum, Mechanical and Architectural Engineers. Unmarried August graduates are eli- gible. Please contact the Bureau of Appointments immediately if you are interested because company representa- tives will come for interviews if enoughr men are interested.I The Wayne County Civil Service Com- mission announces openings for Child Care Attendant I, men only. Pay rangeI is $3,936 to $4,248. These positions are for a cottage unit at the Wayne County1 Training School near Northville, Michi-1 gan. The positions may be of interest1 to undergraduate and graduate studentsI in Psychology, Sociology, and Education. Working hours. would be in the after- noon or evening. For further information about thei above announcements please call at the Bureau of Appointments 3528 Adminis-I tration Building. The General Library and all of theI Divisional Libraries will be closed onI wednesday, July 4, a University holi- day. standards of Conduct ALL students, graduate and under- graduate, are notified of the following Standards of Conduct:I Enrollment in the University carries with it obligations in regard to conduct not only inside but outside the class- rooms and students are expected to conduct themselves In such a manner as to be a credit to themselves and to the University. They are amendable to the laws governing the community as well as to the rules and orders of the University officials, and they are ex- pected to observe the standards of con- duct approved by the University. Whenever a student, group of stu- dents, society, fraternity, or other stu- dent organization fails to observe either the general standards of conduct as above outlined or any specific rules which may be adopted by the proper University authorities, or conducts him- self or itself in such a manner as to make it apparent that he or it is not a desirable member or part of the University, he or it shall be liable to disciplinary action by the proper Uni- versity authorities. Specific rules of conduct which must be observed are: Intoxicating beverages.. The use or presence of intoxicating beverages in student quarters is not permitted. (Commtitee on Student Conduct, July, 1947.) Women Guests in Men's Residences. The presence of women guests in men's residences, except for exchange and guest dinners or for social events or dur- ing calling hours approved by the Office of Student Affairs, is not permitted. This regulation does not' apply to mothers of residents. (Committee on Student Conduct, January, 1947.) Exchange and Guest Dinners may be held in organized student residences (operating a dining room) between 5:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. for weekday dinners and between 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. for Sunday dinners. While guest chaperons are not required, groups without resident house directors must announce these events to the Office of Student Affairs at least one day in advance of the scheduled date. Calling hours for women in men's residences. In University Men's Res- dence Halls, daily between 3 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.; Nelson International House, Fri- day, 8 p.m. - 12 p.m.; Saturday, 2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. and from 8 p.m. - 12 p.m., Sunday 1 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. This privilege applies only to casual calls and not to planned parties. Women callers in men's residences are restricted to the main floor of the residence. Fraternities without resident house mothers and fraternities operating as rooming houses during the summer have no calling hour privileges and may entertain women guests only at exchange or guest dinners or for social events approved by the Office of Stu- dent Affairs. The University Tabulating service has several openings for experienced key punch operators on a part-time basis. Must have at least six months ex- perience on I.B.M. key punch machine. Hours to be arranged. Apply personnel office, 3012 Administration Building. Art Print Loan Collection: Loan prints may be picked up Thursday and Fri- day between 8 and 12 in room 510 Ad- ministration Building. A number of prints are still available and may be rented for the summer session at a charge of 35 cents per print. July Exhibitions at the Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall. Painters of the Northwest and Water Colors by Mo- holy-Nagy through July 22. Master Prints from the Rosenwald Collection through July 15. Weekdays, 9-5; Sundays 2-5. The public is cordially invited. Academic Notices Graduate stfdents expecting to re- ceive the Master's Degree in August, summer 1951, must file a diploma appli- cation with the Recorder of the Grad- uate School by Friday, July 6. A student will not be recommended for a degree unless he has filed formal application in the Office of the Graduate School. Doctoral Examination for A dri an Hainline, Jr., Biological Chemistry; thesis: "Some Problems of Biological Conjugation of Benzoic Avid", Thurs- day, July 5, 313 West Medical Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, H. B. Lewis. Seminar in Mathematical Statistics: Thursday, July 5, at 4 p.m., in Room 3201 A. H. Mr. P. C. Cox and Mr. W. S. Bicknell will be the speakers. M. A. Candidates in History: Foreign language examinations for the Master's Degree in History will be given on Wednesday, July 18, at 4:15 p.m., in 35 Angell Hall. Dictionaries may be used. Students planning to meet this re- quirement during the current summer session should leave their names at the History Office, 2817 S. Quad, not la- ter than July 12. Seminar in the Theory of Graphs: An organization meeting will be held Thursday, July 5, from 11 to 11:10 in Room 2203 A. H. Algebra Seminar: Professor Emil Ar- tin will speak on the subject "Galois Theory of Infinite Fields" at the meet- ing of the Algebra Seminar on Thurs- day and Friday, July 5 and 6, at 3 p.m., in Room 3011 Angell Hall. "Law School Admission Test: Appli- cation blanks for the August 11th ad- ministration of the Law School Admis- sion Test are now available at 110 Rack- ham Building. Application blanks are due in Princeton, N. J. not later than August 1st." Events Today Roger Williams Guild: July 4, 2 p.m., meet at Guild House for an outing. Bring bathing suits. Graduate Outing Club: Trip to Big Portage Lake at Waterloo Recreation Area on Wednesday, the Fourth of July. Picnic, swimming, volley ball, boating. Meet at 1 p.m. at Outing Club Room, Rackham Building. Bring cars, canoes, blankets, etc. and 75c for food. All graduates welcome. Michigan Christian Fellowship group. Picnic and games, everybody welcome. Meet at 12:30 at Lane Hall. Transpor- tation provided to Dexter-Huron Park. Student Recital, auspices of the School of Music. Don Thomas French pianist, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hail. "Green Grow the Lilacs" a comic folk-play with music by Lynn Riggs, opens tonight at the Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre at 8 p.m. This popular play formed the basis of Rodgers and Hammerstein hit musical "OKLAHO- MA "Tickets for all performances may be purchased at the Mendelssohn ox office between the hours of 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Season tickets to the summer series may be purchased until Saturday. Coming Events Thurs., July 3- "P h o n e t 1 c s and Pronunciation Tests" Robert Lado, Assistant Direc- tor, English Language Institute, Uni- versity of Michigan, 7:30 p.m., Rack- ham Amphitheatre. United States in World Crisis lecture. Harold H. Fisher, Chairman, The Hoov- er Institute and Library. July 3. Student Recital: James Morton, clari- netist, assisted by Bethyne Bschofr, pi- anist, and Jerome Jelinek, cellist, will present a program at 8:30 Thursday eve- ning, July 5, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. It will Include works by Vivaldi, Brahms, and Montbrun, and will be open to-the public. Mr. Morton is a pupil of Albert Luconi. La Sociedad Hispanica and the De- partment of Romance Languages will hold a welcome reception for all sum- the East Conference Room of the Rack- mer students of Spanish and Spanish- speaking natives on July 5 at 8 p.m. In ham Building. Refreshments. International Center weekly tea for foreign students and American friends, 4:30 - 6:00, International Center. Student Recital: Don Thomas French, pianist, will present a program in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music at 4:15 in the Rackham Assembly Hall. A pupil of Benning Dexter, Mr. French will play compositions by Bach, Beethoven, Cho- pin, and Ravel. The general public 16 invited. There will be an organizational meet- ing of all Brothers of the Omega Ps Phi Fraternity at 7:00 p.m., in Room 3A, Michigan Union. Carillon Recital by Percival Price, University Carillonneur, 7:15 Thursday evening, July 5. The program will In elude three compositions by J. S. Bah, six works for the carillon by ti. C. Menotti, and a group of Canadian Folk Songs. French Club The French Club will hold a meeting Thursday evening at 8:30 p.m. In the League. There will be games, French songs, popular French records by Edith Piaf, Charles Trenet and Jacqueline Francois. All French-speaking tu- dents are urged to come and get ac- quainted. Thursday, July 5-- Lecture, "Point Four, Education's Op- portunity and Obligation" Claude ~g- gertseny Associate Professor of EMue- tion, 4:00 p.m., Schorling Auditorium, University High School. Linguistic Program lecture. "Phone- tics and Pronunciation Tests" Robert Lado, Assistant Director, English Lang- uage Institute. 7:30 p.m., Rackham Am- phitheater. United States in the World Crisis lec- ture. "The Strategy of Freedom: Ob- jectives and Tactics in the Struggle Against Depotism." Harold H. Fisher, Chairman, The Hoover Institute and Library, Stanford University. 8:15 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. * *g I ,4 I i I I MAB JOH ArFACT By JOSEPH ALSOP x BELGRADE-After many makeshifts, the question of what to do about Yugoslavia is evidently being faced at last in Washing- ton. Warning .of grave danger of war, the Yugoslav Chief of Staff, Gen. Koca Popovic, has just asked for a massive grant of Ameri- can military equipment. A substantial pro- gram of additional economic aid for Yugo- slavia is also being discussed. These two parallel efforts to strengthen Yugoslavia are likely to cost several hun- dreds of millions of dollars, which can hard- ly be asked of Congress without a major policy decision. Moreover, the vital arms program is likely to raise issues of pri- orities as between Yugoslavia and Western Europe, which may bring our other allies into the debate. The first season for resolving the argu- ment in Yugoslavia's favor is very simple indeed. There is no cheaper way of buy- ing insurance against an early war start- ing in Europe. At present, as has been suggested in pre- vious reports in this space, the future dan- ger here must be regarded as very great. This country is a center of heresy, which the Masters of the Kremlin long to stamp out. It is also a strategically vital position. The conquest of Yugoslavia will neutralize which invariably lies to its masters on these subjects is certainly telling the Kremlin that the Yugoslav Army is weak and that the masses are disaffected. The surrounding satellites are building up great military strength. What could be more tempting, then, than to try for a quick attack on Yugoslavia by Bulgaria, Romania and Hun- gary, with the hope of finishing the job while London and Washington and Paris were wringing their hands and the United Nations was debating the crisis? It is all too likely that this is the way thej Kremlin sees the matter. The tremendous efforts the Russians are making to divide and paralyze the Western allience are clearly in- tended to open the way for new moves. The massive rearmament of the satel- lites is also clearly preparatory. NextI spring, when the maximum benefit has been won from the attacks on Western unity, and when the satellite rearmament has been completed, will be the time of danger. And the place of danger will be here in Yugoslavia. If this analysis is correct, there is not much time left to make the Kremlin see the matter in a different light. One easy way to change the Kremlin's mind, of course. would be for London and Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications Editorial Staff Dave Thomas .........Managing Editor George Flint ... .........Sports Editor Jo Ketelhut..........Women's Editor Bu~siness Staff Milt Goetz .........Business Manager Eva Stern .........Advertising Manager Harvey Gordon .......Finance Manager Allan Weinstein ...Circulation Manager T'elephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular . school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, 57.00 SI BARNABY Como on, Mr. O'Malley. This way- IHo-we Yer, I! Sont think afive-year-ai d'sI I~s Ithe com office. I ff i