mono& EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 4 ~ria :4a it a 00 0 o0 0Q 0 0 t9 Latest Deadline in the State VOL LXI, No. 6-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1951 FAIR SIX PAGES Oatis Trial Closes, 'Conviction Likely 'Extenuating Circumstances' Expected To Mitigate Sentence By The Associated Press The trial of William N. Oatis ended in his Prague prison last night with the newsman testifying that his "espionage activities" grew out of his efforts to check and gather news for the Western press. The five-man Communist court announced it would hand down its "sentence" today at 8 a.m. (1 a.m., Central Standard Time.) The use of the word "sentence" indicated the court considered him already convicted. THE PROSECUTOR said the charge legally would permit the death sentence, but he added that this might be amended to provide a prison sentence in this case. He acknowledged "extenuating circumstances" in that Oatis, although "the organizer of the spy network," is a foreigner and that Czechs who spy on their The Price of Independence Ridgway Gets No Reply On Cease-fire Proposal; Fighting Will Continue " City Won't Act On Decontrol Mayor Says Council Erred on Resolution The City Council has decided to do nothing further on the sub- ject of rent decontrol until July 16. In a meeting Monday night the council overrode Mayor William E. Brown, jr., who urged a new resolution request that rental curbs be lifted. Mayor Brown said he feels the council "erred in its previous reso- lution which sought decontrol under a section of the law which would allow Federal Housing Ex- peditor Tighe E. Woods to rein- stitute the curbs if it became nec- essary." MAYOR BROWN charged that the survey is an attempt at delay and that the decision on rent con- trol "shouldn't be left to Woods anyway." He called the survey an "insult to our own intentions." He ques- tioned whether tlhe findings of two men who had never been in Ann Arbor would be more accurate than those of the Ann Arbor Rent Commission. Alderman Russell A. Smith, chairman of the committe which drew up the previous resolution, said he "resented the implication that there is any maneuvering here of any kind." He said .his com- mittee felt there ought to be the "safeguard" afforded by the right to reimpose controls if the need arose. Local Democrats smiled approv-' ingly on the survey which the Republican controlled council did not request. Czechs Will Free American Jet Pilot 10RANKFURT-(M)-The Czechs promised yesterday to free a lost American jet fighter pilot today- Independence Day-after holding him in silence for nearly a month. His Norwegian training mate was not mentioned but presumab- ly will be freed too. own country deserve more severe punishment. The news that the decision would be handeddown today as given out by official American sources in Prague who telephoned trial reports to the U.S. High Commissioner's office in Frank- furt. There are no Americanor western newspaper correspondents left in Prague. When the news reached Wash- ington yesterday the State Depart- ment denounced the trial as a smear against the United States and the American press. Press officer Lincoln White told a news conference that Oatis' pur- ported "confession" should be con- sidered in the light of the circum- stances. "I hope and trust the American people will understand the abso- lute worthlessness of any alleged 'confession' or 'revelation' beaten out of or otherwise obtained from anyone who is held incommuni- cado for 70 days or more," White said. The State Department official also attacked the Communist "hoax" of producing prisoners in court without apparent signs of having been ill treated during im- prisonment before trial. Such a prisoner, he said, is giv- en one kind of treatment to ob- tain a confession and another kind of treatment "so he will look pretty when he is marched into court." ROW UPON ROW IN KOREA-One hundred and seventy-five years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the bodies of United States soldiers, sailors and marines lie in a. United Nations cemetery on the western slope of South Korea where they fell defending the independence which the Founding Fathers dee-eed in Philadelphia. Philadelphia 'REMBRANDT' FIRST: Independence Cinema (Gui Parade Held Films on R( id To Show egular Slate PHILADELPHIA-(R)-Freedom K. paraded yesterday in this historic Although plans made last spring AS AN ADDED idea, Kraus con- city where 175 years ago American called for a summer recess, SL tinned, there will be a suggestion liberty was proclaimed with the Cinema Guild movies will be box in the lobby, and students who Declaration of Independence. shown on a regular schedule this have special movies they would It was a colorful, dramatic summer, Dick Kraus, Grad., mana- like to have shown can drop their spectacle of military might-a jet ger of the Cinema Guild, an- ideas in the box. If the movies are age show honoring the brave men nounced yesterday. readily obtainable, the guild will of the Revolutionary War. First on the list, "Rembrandt," show them. * * starring Charles Laughton, will be AND IT WAS a prelude to the shown this week-end in the Archi- Some of the films which the greatest Fourth of July party ever tecture Building Auditorium. The guild has tentatively planned to planned. It will be held today plans to show the movies at Ferry show include "Anna and the King in Independence Square where Field were canceled when it was of Siam" starring Irene Dunne and stands famous Independence Hall. discovered that the Ferry Field Rex Harrison; "It Happened To- The Liberty bell, as in 1776, will stands would be hazardous at morrow" starring Dick Powell and be a silent witness as the signing night..-.C. Fields starred in "My Little of America's most cherished docu-Cs" ment is re-enacted. Chickadee.' L i t Say Terms Must Insure No Treachery To Limit Peace Talks toMilitary WASHINGTON-(A)-Adminis- tration officials said yesterday the fighting will continue in Korea until agreement has been reached with the Communists on armis- tice terms. Authorized informants, who ask- ed not to be named, said the terms must include provisions to make sure that a truce is not used to cloak a Communist build- up of reinforcements or other treachery. AN OUTLINE of the situation as it has shaped up since Russia first proposed a cease-fire settle- ment was given to newsmen as follows: 1. The cease-fire talks at Kae- song which Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway is now arranging with the Communist field comman- der will be limited to strictly military questions. Any politi- cal negotiations which might follow will be carried on in Washington and instructions sent the Allied Supreme Com- mander. 2. For sound military reasons, the United Nations allies cannot accept a simple agreement to1 cease fighting. The Communist build-up in1 North Korea is continuing and the Chinese and North Koreans are in a position to establish over- whelming power on the ground unless they are kept under ob- servation. a * * 3. NO ONE CAN know in ad- vance whether the talks will be successful, long drawn out or will be deliberately spun out by the Communists for military purposes.r 4. There is no direct informa-I tion to support suspicion of a Communist plan for a coup, butI the security of the 8th Army is al prime consideration for Ridgwayf and the UN allies. They are de-r termined to be cautious. 5. The Communist represen- tatives may make long speechesl about political terms, but thet UN representatives will stick tor strictly military matters. If theE Communists insist on makingr the admission of Red China to the UN or control of Formosak conditions for any agreement,t there will be no cease-fire at all.E The South Korean Republic will have a representative in thel Kaesong meeting. Earlier in the day, Presidential Adviser W. Averell Harriman said he believes the Kremlin must now recgonize the Communist assault in Korea as a "major blunder." The aggression not only failed, he said, but spurred the non- Communist world to a great re- armament drive. If the United States and its allies continue their efforts, he added, the turning point in the world struggle with Communism may soon be reached. World News Roundup By The Associated Press TOKYO-Japan's Prime Minis- ter reshuffled his cabinet yester- day to give it five new members and presented it at the imperial palace to the Emperor for investi- ture. LONDON - Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower made an urgent plea last night for the unification of Europe to resist the westward surge of Communism. WASHINGTON - Washington's streetcar and bus operators voted tonight to end their three-day strike and return to work at once. i i 1 l j 1 t 4 I The Navy joined yesterday by celebrating an anniversary of its own-the 150th birthday of the Philadelphia naval shipyard. The Navy was founded in this cradle of liberty, as was the Mar- ine Corps. The three-hour parade had eveoything: Men and women from every branch of the armed services, all smartly-drilled, passed in review. OVERHEAD, the roar of 125 Navy fighter planes including jets filled the skies. Twenty-six bands played mar- tial music. "Yankee Doodle" was the featured tune. Village Rental Offices Still Fill Vacancies SL Quorum Elects Board For Summer A five-member quorum yester-! day held the first session of the summer Student Legislature and elected officers. Len Wilcox, '52, and Alice Spero, '53, who were elected president and recording secretary this spring will continue in those offices during the summer. Phil Perry, '52 BAd., formerly cabinet member-at-large, was electel corresponding secre- tary. The legislators decided to revise and bring up to date a booklet begun by the SL last year describ- ing the work doen on the frater- nity discrimination question. They hope to have copies of the docu- ment available in time for the Na- tional StudentsAAssociation meet- ing to b held August 20 to 29. Excerpts from "Metamorphisis,"' the movie being made here with local talent, will be shown as pre- views. The guild's activity this sum- mer willbe an addition to campus night-life that may compensate for the closing of the three down- town theaters. Says Groups Are Forming To HritSchools SAN FRANCISCO-(AP)-Organ- ized groups opposed to public edu- cation are joining forces to at- tack public school administrations in several American cities, the National Education Association was told yesterday. Attacks recently have been made or are under way against the school systems of Englewood, N.J.,; Scarsdale, N.Y.; Port Wash- ington, N.Y.; San Angelo, Tex.; Ferndale, Mich.; Montgomery County, Maryland, and several places in California, a panel of speakers asserted. About a dozen organizations constitute the "front" for these "enemies of public education," the speakers said. In general, they said, the or- ganizations are right-wing in na- ture, without any traces of Com- munism, and seem motivated by dislike of the rising cost of public education, by opposition to school expansion and the "fads and frills" or progressive education, and by bigotry. MATTHEW B. RIDGWAY . . . proposes talks Germany'l-s A rmament PostponedI FRANKFURT-(W)-High Com- missioner John J. McCloy yester- day dashed West Germany's hopes of creating a military force soon within the Western Powers' Euro- pean defense plans. Some Allied authorities said the probable effect would be to keep German soldieim out of the At- 'lantic Pact army until 1953 or later. A main underlying factor in the announced slowdown of Al- lied plans for German sovereign- ty and rearming of Germany is the position of France. The French want to limit the power of German military divisions and the British also are wary of large-scale German rearma- ment. McCloy made his announcement on returning from three weeks of high-level talks in Washington. He said the western powers prob- ably wil lawait the results of the Paris Conference on the French project for a European army be- fore going ahead with any Ger- man defense force. People close to Chancellor Kon- rad Adenauer said the new turn probably would upset Adenauer's timetable for rearming the Ger- mans in return for full political equality for the German govern- ment. High Western authorities said both British and French opposi- tion has temporarily sidetracked American proposals for early in- clusion of German armed units in Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's At- lantic Forces. Daily Publication Due to the Independence Day holiday, there will be no Daily published Thursday. Pub- lication will be resumed Friday. During the summer, The Daily is published five days a week- Wednesday through Sunday. If your paper is not delivered, call 23-24-1 and file a complaint. The error will be remedied speedily. UN Armies Wait Tensely For Answer Reports Indicate Quiet Battlefront TOKYO - ( ) - Allied troops waited with loaded guns in Korea today-U. S. Independence Day- for the Reds to answer a request to meet tomorrow and arrange cease-fire talks. Chinese and North Korean Red radios were silent on a plan sug- gestedyesterday by Gen. aMtthe B. Ridgeway, the Supreme Allied Commander. HE SUGGESTED that liaison officers meet Thursday at Kaesong near Parallel 38 in Western Korea and lay the groundwork for higher level talks the Reds are willing to hold there between July 10 and July 15. U. S. troops, composing the bulk of the 17-country United Nations force in Korea observed the 175th' anniversary of American Indepen- dence in various ways. Some fought. Some died. Most just waited tensely. The first dispatch received on war front activity today was from the East-Central sector. It said it was a "cold war" there with virtually no contact be- tween opposing forces. At U. S. Eighth Army Head- quarters in Korea, AP Correspon- dent Nate Polowetzky reported that Allied forces still held control of a dominating hill mass in Central Korea. They won the heights, near Py- onggang, 29 miles north of Par- allel 38, in a three-day battle. * * * AN EIGHTH ARMY staff offi- cer made it clear that men still were dying on the war fronts. He said the Reds suffered 8,705 casu- alties between June 23 and June 29. That period embraced the time that Russia's UN Delegate Jacob Malik suggested a cease- fire parley in the field and the Allies began discussions leading up to Ridgway's first offer on June 30. Chief interest on the war front and in official quarters was in what the Reds might say about Ridgway's latest proposal -- and when they would say it. The United Nations commander- in-chief emphasized in his mes- mage that delay in starting the meetings meant more bloodshed. THE ALLIED forces were alert for any Red surprise attacks. The Peiping radio said the Communist forces also were warned against possible Allied attacks. And it added that the Chinese must con- tinue to build up their defenses even after an armistice. At Pusan, President Syngman Rhee declared South Korea could not occept an armistice at the Parallel. "We want a cease-fire as soon as possible," he said, "But the 38th Parralel is something we cannot accept. "Our people have died, been killed; their homes destroyed and cities ruined. Boys of friendly na- tions have sacrificed their lives, "We didn't do it all without pur- pose. The purpose was to punish aggressors and to help establish collective security for all free na- tions." In a broadcast yesterday night, Peiping radio again blasted at the United States. It charged that "American imperialism is develop- ing a propaganda offensive" to force the use of Japanese man- power "for aggression against. Korea and other parts of Asia." Tax and Controls Fight Continues WASHINGTON - (JP) - Admin- UNITED STATES ROLE: Fisher To Open Lecture ' Series on world crisis The Willow Village rental office is continuing to fill vacancies in * the midst of legal confusion and EIGHT MEMBERS of the Stu- conflicting rumor from "usually dent Legislature ore now in Ann reliable" sources about its actual Arbor. Besides Wilcox, Berery, and status. Miss Spero, those present at last Walter L. Funkhouser, general night's meeting were Keith Beers, housing manager of the Village, '52E, and Kala Aronoff, '54. filled vacancies Monday on the The SL will hold meetings=once basis of a report that an order had a week this summer, alternating been issued from Washington de- between business and general dis- caring the Village exempt under rtill h i Prof. Harold H. Fisher, chair- man of the Hoover Institute and Library at Stanford University will open the University summer lecture series, "The United States in the World Crisis," at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham LecturE Hall. Prof. Fisher will discuss "The Strategy of Freedom: Objectives and Tactics Against Despotism.'' SINCE 1949, Prof. Fisher has made two trips around the world placing special emphasis on the study of the Middle and Near East. He headed the American delegation to the Pacific Confer- ence at Lucknow in 1950. A graduate of the University of Vermont, Prof. Fisher served as a captain of field artillery in the American Expeditionary Forces during the First World War. During the immediate post- war Years, he was an off icer of the "municipality" clause of the Federal Housing Act of 1950. * * * SATURDAY, HOWEVER, Presi- dent Truman signed a stop-gap bill extending, for 45 days, the life of the Lanham Act of 1948, the original temporary housing mea- sure under which Willow Village was constructed. Funkhouser believes that this extension would not effect the eviction and demolition order that had been issued to him two weeks ago. The order called for a gradual closing of the Vil- lage to begin July 1 and com- pleted July 1 of next year. Other sources feel the extension definitely applies to the Village. Marvin Tableman, president of the Resident Council of the Village, received a wire from Michigan Senator Moody, that Tableman in- usson mee Lngs. 1 ney win De open to any interested student who wishes to attend. The next meeting, will be a dis- cussion on student government, at which several student and faculty leaders will be present. It will be' held 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at SL Headquarters, 122 S. Forest. SIGNATURES ON DISPLAY: Early American Revolutionaries Called 'Radicals' By ALICE MENCHER. Today the nation celebrates the 175th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Indepen- dence. In honor of this, a special ex- hibit will opentomorrow in Clem- ents Library, and will be on dis- the signers. The signers, them- selves, were looked upon as "radi- cals" and called "dangerous per- sons." Because the signers of the Declaration were not popular, there was no rejoicing on the day they affixed their signatures, and quent compromising that the sup- porters of the Revolution were able to keep their plans intact. It is well-known, that British retaliation against the city of Bos- ton for the famous Tea Party was one of the biggest factors leading up to the Declaration of Indepen- when the British subsequently re- duced their prices and allowed re- tailers to buy directly from the company. Hancock was mad enough at this turn of events to organize the Boston Tea Party, rather than lose money on his smug- HAROLD H. FISHER . .. opens series