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July 01, 1951 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1951-07-01

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'U' of Minnesota Aroused'
Over Religious Question

The question of separation of
Church and state in education has
come up at the University of Min-
nesota, where the Board of Re-
gents is preparing to fight a court
order prohibiting the university
from aiding religious groups.
The university's religious pro-
gram came under attack earlier
this year by Frank Hughes, Min-
nesota's "militant atheist," but it
did not reach the courts.
* * * .
W. . SHOLES, Minneapolis
First Panel
On Teaching
Starts Monday
Ilbertine Loomis, '17, noted au-
thor and teacher at Highland
Park Junior College, will head a
discussion on "Teaching the Short
Story" at 4 p.m. tomorrow in
Rackham Assembly Hall.
Author of "Grapes of Canaan"
and active in the publications
field, Miss Loomis will be here as
part of the English Teachers Con-
ference series.
the direction of Prof. Carlton F.
Wells of the English department,
feature six panels throughout the
Summer Session concerned with
* * *

lawyer who petitioned for the'
court order, claims that he is not
against religion, but feels that the
university is acting illegally by
furthering denomination. He as-
serts that when Hughes approch-
ed him earlier, asking him to ac-
cept the case, he refused because
Hughes is "anti-religious.''
The lawyer objects to the uni-
versity's policy of issuing reli-
gious census cards, providing a
coordinator of religious activi-
ties and allowing religious
groups to use university facili-
"It is a fact," he said, "that a
sinister leadership has developed
on the University of Minnesota
campus which disbelieves in the
established Constitutional prin-
ciple of separation of church and
A court hearing on the case will
be held July 10, when university
officials will be given a chance to
explain why they are sponsoring
the program.
* * *
AT THE University of Wiscon-
sin, a Phi Beta Kappa who has
never been inside a college class-
room graduated with honors from
the School of Law.
Paralyzed from the hips down
for the past nine years because
of a car wreck, 22-year-old
Frank Huettner, Jr. has "at-
tended" college for seven years
via telephone.
Phone wires connected his home
with eighteen classrooms. He
would ask his professors questions
and take the lectures on a wire
recorder, then type complete and
careful notes on all he had heard.
On exams, he dictated the answers
to a stenographer.
* * *
STUDENTS AT the University
of Texas are thinking seriously
about the problem of cheating
after their Student Committee on
Scholastic Integrity called the sit-
uation "disgraceful."
The student committee was
appointed last September af-
ter the American Veterans
Committee, in a survey of cam-
pus cheating, drew confessions
of scholastic dishonesty from 53
per cent of the interviewees.
The committee found that the
causes of cheating are not super-
ficial, and "run throughout the
weave of the fabric of the com-
munity's moral attitudes."
"In recent years," the report
stated, "there has been a general
relaxing of the social pressure
against cheating. Students and
faculty alike have come to regard
scholastic dishonesty as little
more than a breach of proper et-
* * *
after a two-year term of service at
Vassar College, left the college in
His reason? He had found that

On Display
"Fifty Master Prints from the
Rosenwald Collection," the first
of three exhibits to be featured by
the University Museum of Art,
will go on display today, and will
continue through Sunday, July 15.
Circulated by the American
Federation of Arts, the prints
range from the fifteenth century
to the present. The prints were
selected by Elizabeth Mongan,
Curator of Prints, National Gal-
lery of Art.
* * *
INTENDED to stress values
found in prints of widely differ-
ing origins and periods, the ex-
hibit will include works by Durer,
Breughel, Rembrandt, Hogarty,
Matisse, Picasso, Daumier and
Principal exhibit of the three,
"Painters of the Northwest,"
was arranged by the Seattle Art
Museum and is being circulated
in Michigan by the Detroit In-
stitute of Arts. This group, ac-
companied by "Water Colors
and Collages by Maholy-Nagy,"
will also open today and will be
on display until July 22.
"Painters of the Northwest" in-
cludes the works of six artists,
each represented by five works.
The painters include Morris
Graves, Margaret Tomkins, Ken-
neth Callahan, James Fitsgerald,
Mark Tobey and Guy Anderson.
A regional art form which is
typically Northwestern, but also
universal in its concern with
the forces of nature, is given by
the combination of features of
the Pacific region with Oriental
mysticism, Aboriginal Indian art
and the modern sense of aero-
dynamics and nuclear physics.
Circulated by the Circle Gallery,
of Detroit, about 25 water colors
and collages of Maholy-Nagy will
comprise the third exhibit.
Born in Hungary, the versatile
artist was at various times an in-
dustrial designer, photographer,
painter, author and teacher.

-Daily-James Butt
TWO AT ONCE-Connie Stolzenbach, Grad., plays both the guitar
and harmonica as he accompanies Joyce Bohyer and Jim Briley,
Grads., at a rehearsal for "Green Grow the Lilacs," the first of
the speech department's Summer Season of Plays.
* *1 * *
Speech Department Play*
To Be Given Wednesay

important piece of mail any fellow
gets from his Draft Board is not
the famous "Greeting" but the
simple little post card called Notice
of Classification, Form No. 110.
If you think you rate a defer-
ment but that card comes through
saying you're 1-A, it's the signal
to start an appeal. Wait too long
and you'll be out of luck.
YOU MAY ask to appear before
the Board or you may appeal di-
rectly to your State Appeal Board.
But don't waste time. In both
cases, you must act within 10 days
after your classification card is
malied--not 10 days after you re-
ceive it.
If you want to argue your
case in person before the Board,
merely write a letter within the
Mao Praised
By Pro-Soviet
speech by a top Chinese Com-
munist yesterday made a seem-
ingly unnecessary defense of Mao
Tze-Tung's Communist orthodoxy
according to the Russian model.
The implication was that pos-
sibly Mao's leadership has been
under secret attack.
* * *
THE SPEAKER was Liu Shao-
Chi, long tabbed as the most ar-
dent pro-Moscow member of the
Chinese Reds' ruling clique and a
possible rival to the more moder-
ate Mao.
His long speech at a Peiping
rally commemorating the 30th
anniversary of the party in
China was broadcast by the
Peiping Radio. It was heard in
San Francisco by the Associated
Liu went out of his way at ex-
treme length to praise Mao as a
"correct" leader, a master of
"Marxism-Leninism" and the man
who "built our Party, in ideology
and organization, after the ex-
ample of the Bolshevik Party of
the Soviet Union."
This theme of praise for Mao
as the apostle of Soviet-type Com-
munism has been harped upon
constantly by the Red Radio for
the past week. Liu's speech goes
the farthest yet.

10-day appeal period stating you
want to appear.
The Board will set a date when
you can talk it over with the
members. You may be accom-
panied by a lawyer, your wife,
parents or any one else, only if
the Board allows it.
AFTER YOUR appearance, the
Board will mail you another
Notice of Classification. If it still
says you're 1-A, you may not ask
for a second appearance but you
may appeal.
Here again you must act with-
in 10 days after the card is
mailed by writing a letter to the
Board stating you wish to ap-
peal. The Board will stick the
letter in your file and ship the
whole fight off to The State
Appeal Board.
Up to now each state has had
just one Appeal Board but the new
UMTSLaw requires that a State
Board now be set up in each Fed-
eral Judicial District, and some
states have more than one such
The procedure is the same, how-
ever. The Appeal Board will make
a decision based on what's in your
file and mail you still another
Notice of Classification. If it de-
cides you're 1-A by a unanimous
vote, all you can do is request the
State or National Selective Serv-
ice Director to appeal the case
BUT IF EVEN one member of
the State Appeal Board votes in
your favor then you yourself may
appeal to the Presidential Appeal
Board in Washington. You do this
by writing your own Board again
within 10 days, stating you want
to appeal to the Presidential
That's your last appeal.
Selective Service Headquarters
points out that members of your
local Board and the Appeal Boards

Draft Classification Notice Explained

. _ _

are not mind readers. They make
decisions only on what's in your
draft file.
* * *
notify your Board of any change
in status, however slight, that
might possibly change your classi-
fication. This is particularly lm.,
portant for those likely to be re-
classified soon, as 3-A's with only
one dependent and 4-F's who
flunked the mental exam.
If you've acquired more de-
pendents since you were first
classified, send your Board proof,
as certified copies of your mar-
riage certificate or your child's
birth certificate. Unborn chil-
dren are considered dependents
by Selective Service, so if your
wife is pregnant get a statement
to that effect from your family
If you're in a job you think es-
sential, whether farm, factory or
office work, have your boss write
the Board a letter telling the na-
ture of your work. If you can be
replaced easily,'you do not rate an
occupational deferment.
* *' *
IT'S TOO LATE to apply for the
college student exam but if you
want to continue a college course
your school should get a letter off
to your Board before Aug. 20 tell-
ing what your class standing is:
Once you're finally classified
1-A, your Board may order you
for physical and mental exams
at any time. Deferred men may
be ordered for exams before
they're 1-A if their deferments
are likely to come to an end
If Army doctors find you fit for
service, your Board will mail you
a notice of acceptability. You may
not be inducted within 21 days
after the notice is mailed and your
Board must mail your order to re-
port for induction at least 10 days'
before your induction date.

When the first curtain rings up
at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, the audi-
ence will settle back in its collec-
tive seat to enjoy the atmospheric
"Green Grow the Lilacs," the
speech department's first produc-
tion this summer.
Written by Lynn Riggs, the story
tells of the colorful, robust and
earthy people who lived in the In-
dian Territory in 1900 - before
America "was tamed and civilized
by fences, mortgages and chain
CURLY McCLAIN, a jaunty
cowboy played by Jim Bob Ste-
phenson, Grad., courts and mar-
ries the saucy Laurie, acted by De-
lores Rashid, Grad. Ted Heusel
as Jeeter Fry causes the difficul-
ties. He is the mysterious farm
superintendent who schemes for
Laurie's hand in marriage.
Nevertheless, everything ends
well when the good-natured and
forthright Aunt Eller, played by
Norma Stolzenbach, Grad., takes
over the situation.

The supporting cast, all gradu-
ate students in speech are: William
Taylor, Donna Benson, Don Kleck-
ner, Art Nevins, Willard Booth,
Conrad Stolzenbach, Joyce Bohy-
er, Marilyn McWood, Doris Me-
dina, Margaret Paton, William
Bromfield, James Briley, Rose Ma-
rie Smith, Bernice Daniel, Helen
Wood, Clarence Stephenson, Dale
Thompson and Charles Hoeffler.
* * *
THE PLAY, under the direction
of Prof. Claribel Baird, was so
popular after its presentation by
Broadway's Theatre Guild that
Richard Rogers and Oscar Ham-
merstein used the text to build
their musical smash hit "Okla-
Art designer for the play is
George Crepeau, and the costumes
are by Lucy Barton, guest cos-
tumiere for the summer who is on
leave from the University of
Season tickets may still be pur-
chased from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at
the Mendelssohn box-office. Sin-
gle ticket sales will begin tomor-

30 Maynard Street

the-different aspects of the sub-
jiect. "How Can We Improve the
Teaching of Literature in High
School?" Then it will deal on suc-
cessive weeks with the short story,
the longer classic, Shakespeare,
the essay and poetry.
Tomorrow's panel will include
Miss Loomis, Ray W. MacLough-
lin of Trenton High School and
Prof. A. L. Bader of the English
department. They will discuss
high-school anthologies and ob-
jectives in teaching the short
A graduate of the University,
Miss Loomis received a masters'
degree in education from the Uni-
versity of Chicago and studied
journalism at Columbia and at
the University of Wisconsin in
preparation for her work as an
author and as teacher of English
in various high schools.
Library Teletypes
The University's General Li-
brary and several other libraries
throughout the State will be con-
nected by a unique teletype sys-
tem,. installed to fill requests for
service which cannot be handled
by the State Library at Lansing.
The Lansing library is still han-
dicapped in its operation because
of the February State Office Build-
ing fire.
The teletype network will link
the General Library, the State Li-
brary, the main branch of the
Detroit Public Library, Ryerson
Public Library, Grand Rapids, and
extension offices of the State Li-
brary at Marquette and Cadillac.

Daily Classifieds
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.. _.._.._,.. .__.. -- .. .-_._. . ........................ ..
g ' ,

the institution is

dominated by

Kazoo First


It was a pretty
You had to be
to be invited.

Mich. -f(R)-
exclusive oc-
100 years old

Kalamazoo had never had a
centenarians' birthday party
before and believed no other
city had ever had such a func-
tion either.
The guests were Emma Lit-
tIe, who is 101 today; Wjllim
Ridler, who passed his 101st
birthday last March, and Wil-
liam Eddington, who turned
102 in May.

To give you EVERY EXTRA benefit of
these bang up bargains, we are holding this
Why? . . . to enable you to wear
these garments on your holiday jaunts.
Coming so early in the summer,
you'll have a I-o-n-g period of use
for this very fine merchandise.




Faille Dusters

Values to $16.95



Silk prints - Rayon prints
Crepes and Shantungs
Better Cottons
Also evening and dinner dresses
Sizes 9-15, 10-44, 12-/2-2412
Original values to $25.06
Suits - silk and acetate shantung
Ravon sharkin - flannel

Rayon Summer Suits
100% Wool Suits
100% Wool Toppers
100 Cotton Dresses
75 Better Dresses °

Values to

$.$8, $11

100 Summer Blouses
Valuesto$7.95 $1.88, $2.88, $3.88
50 Summer Skirts a5 $2.88, $3.88
Bathing Suits Values to $10.95 $6.88

Values to $75.00

Values to $22.50

Valuesto $22.50
Values to $17.95
dues to $
,35$00 $


Assorted DENIMS







(A, /



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