SUNDAY, JULY 1, 1951 THEE MTCHIG(AN DAILY PAGE F!VV .. -' i 1 ... y i i League Offers Small Library For Studying Informal Atmosphere Available to Coeds For Reading, Relaxing "Why didn't I discover this place sooner!" This has been the often heard cry of graduating seniors and sum- mer school coeds who happen to wander up to the third floor of the League during the last week of the semester. * * *. THERE THEY found the quiet and informal atmosphere of the League library, a welcome place for study and relaxation. The traditional book-lined walls surround a homelike set- ting, where cushioned leather chairs, tables, carpeted floors and an old-fashioned fireplace offer an ideal place for recrea- tional and cultural reading and "drowsing," if that be necessary. Blue jeans and removed shoes are legitimate, adding to the lib- rary's appeal, for' the cozy retreat is for women only. STUDENTS may browse through the 3,500 volumes of the library and pick their reading material. The shelves contain fiction, refer- ence books, poetry, drama, bio- graphy, music, encyclopedias and President's Reports, which are us- ed for information in writing Lea- gue .petitions during the regular school year. There is also an ex- tensive collection of current and back issues of popular magazines, including Vogue, New Yorker, At- lantic Monthly, House and Gar- eden, Good Housekeeping and Ma- demoiselle. Music school students and others who are interested will find the Carnegie collection of music scores available for cir- culation. The scores may be tak- en out for a period of three days. Record concerts are held dur- ing the regular school year from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Coeds may bring dates to the listening sessions, and smoking is permit- ted. The scores of the pieces being played may be followed or the bio- graphies of the composers can be read during the concerts. ** * NEW BOOKS are also-constant- ly being secured by the League lib- rary- for circulation. Fiction and non-fiction circulate for two weeks and drama, poetry and periodicals may be takegn out for three days. The room is open from 1 to 5:30 Pm. daily and from 7 to 10 p.m. Mondays. Newest addition to the library is an outstanding drama section which is being collected in memory of the late Dean Alice Lloyd. Mor- tar Board is in charge of the pro- ject which began this year. It is intended that the drama collection will be one of the most outstanding in the country. * . * A PORTRAIT of Dean Lloyd and a parchment telling of her achieve- ments will be placed on the wall oc the library near the drama sec- tion. The library room was financed and furnished in memory of Dr. Jessie Morton Koessler, distin- guished University alumna, by her husband and brother. Dr. Koessler, who studied medi- cine here, designed a pictorial map of Ann Arbor to help raise funds far the building of the Women's League. * * * A PORTRAIT of Dr. Koessler, donated by her son, hangs above the white marble fireplace in the library. Volumes of books have been do- nated to the library by various so- cial groups, including 1,000 vol- umes in honor of Dr. Koessler. In 1939, reading programs were held every Sunday afternoon, fol- lowed by tea. These programs have been discontinued, but a variety of book displays and programs dur- ing Book Week are still being held. A Place for'Unlaxing' MEN NOT ALLOWED-If the Union can do it, so can the League. In the quiet informal atmosphere of the Women's League library, coeds will find a place for relaxation and reading-away from the company of the male population on campus. Cushioned chairs, carpeted rugs, an old fashioned fire- place and tables are found in the small library which has an extensive book and magazine stock. Blue jeans and removed shoes are permitted as an added appeal to coeds who demand comfort while they study. EVEN IN ELIZABETH'S TIME: From Loincloth to Bikini Suit --Fashion's Influence Shown (. By MAD DAVIS Far outweighing the anguished cries of husbands is the drive to be "in style," and this fact has been true for some five thousand years. Fashion has held a powerful in- fluence over the human race from the time of the loincloth until to- day-the time of the Bikini bath- ing suit. FASHION HAS OFTEN been used to conceal physical defects. The great Queen Elizabeth's neck was not a thing of beauty, so she sanctioned the use of the huge ruff, which was not only beautiful in itself, but served a purpose. German scholars and Ameri- can savants have written vol- umes describing and analyzing fashion, yet it remains indefin- able. However, they have tracked down some striking truths about it, not all of them -flattering to the human race, but all worth pondering by manufacturers whose existence depends on the fads of the consumers. SUPPOSEDLY, THE weakness of fashion is expressed in fads. Each departure from the custom, other- wise known as a "fad," must be small or it will not be accepted. Originally, a fad is a personal revolt against custom. If the de- parture is followed by others, it becomes a fashion. If not, it is just a short-lived fad. Fashion changes originate, part- ly, in rebellion against boredom and conformity. They may repre- sent a protest against the obscur- ity of the individual in a powerful society. * * s THEY MAY BE intended to add to personal attractiveness; or to hide a crooked leg under a long skirt, to give the ego a needed boost, or to satisfy a vulgar desire for notoriety. Styles obviously have some connection with the desire to catch the eye of the opposite sex League Council I and to excite the envy of the same sex. But, most significantly of all, fashion bridges the gap between a social group and the group next above it in prestige. * * * THAT IS, when people on the wrong side of the tracks have adorned themselves like the people on the right side of the tracks, the people on the right side, who orig- inate fashions, must adopt some- thing new to keep ahead of the crowd. This is what a famous English writer has described as "gen- tility fleeing from vulgarity." There is a little more to the story, though, for "gentility" would be quite upset if the "vul- gar" crowd did not imitate gen- tility's fashions. Each new mode touches the one ahead of it, or arises from some necessity or conveniences of the moment. For example, the vogue for going barelegged arose from the demand for comfort and the wartime shortages of silk and ny- lon hosiery. According to fashion experts, styles do not recur. "Evolution without destination" has been used to describe fashion changes. Weddings 1ngagements Neff - Stearns Mr. and Mrs. Elgin M. Neff of Lansing have announced the en- gagement of their daughter, Mary Lou, to Donald M. Stearns, son of Mrs. Esther B. Stearns of Detroit. Miss Neff, formerly a student at Michigan State College, receiv- ed her BS degree in nursing from the University in June. Mr. Stearns received his BS de- gree in chemical engineering from the University in 1950. Capalla -Kobus The engagement of Irene Ca- palla to Louis Kobus has been announced by Miss Capalla's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Capal- la of Lansing. Mr. Kobus is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kobus also of Lansing. Miss Capalla is a junior in the School of Nursing. Mr. Kobus is employed in Lansing. S* * H aglund - Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Alex Haglund of Oscoda, have announced the en- gagement of their daughter, Joyce, to Douglas D. Stewart, son of Mrs. Swim Classes RemainOpen Beginners Can Learn; Others May Review Summer naturally means warm weather-and with the hot, sultry days one usually finds in Ann Ar- bor about this time, the student's first thoughts often center around finding relief by going swimming. CLASSES ARE still open in be- ginning swimming for those women who wear bathing suits merely to get a tan and to inter- mediate swimmers who would like to perfect a few strokes. Miss Fritzie Gareis, assistant supervisor in physical education, stresses the importance of being able to swim and emphasizes that women who do not know how to swim should stay out of canoes and other boats. Swimming accidents are unnec- essary, she said, when one can learn to swim in eight weeks. BEGINNER CLASSES are held in the afternoons and intermediate instruction is given in the eve- nings. Information and registra- tion may be secured at Office 15 in the Barbour Gymnasium. Those coeds who enjoy splash- ing in indoor pools and those not able to get to the beaches this summer, will find recrea- tional swimming available to them from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Union pool. Registration for instruction in other sports is also still open by the Women's Physical Education Department. These classes include tennis, golf, archery, modern dance and posture, figure and carriage for both beginners and intermedi- ates. MOST OF THESE classes, which are being conducted for both re- creational enjoyment and instruc- tions, are open to both men and women. The classes are small-and will be designed to fit individual needs, said Miss Gareis. A health permit, which may be obtained at Health Service, is required for participation. Re- gistration may be made in Bar- bour Gym. Coeds are also urged to request any sport instruction or recrea- tional program which they would like to see organized. The Physi- cal Education Department stresses the fact that they have equipment and facilities available for almost every kind of sport. Irene Stewart of Gladstone, and the late Dr. D. D. Stewart. Miss Haglund is doing graduate work in speech at the University. Mr. Stewart is a Captain in the Air Force. The wedding will take place in August at Oscoaa. rf t " i r " . . . Specta/Pur+Ch aiV of genuine Summer Jewelry Requires Special Care IMPORTED ITALIAN RAFFIA 4.45 Regular 6.95 Values! Just in time for summer's warmest days ... raffia straw sandals with hand-embroidered vamps .. . values to save precious dollars. Light as a cloud and cool, these wedge-sole straws add an important touch to your Light summer jewelry is always a popular addition to the July and August fashion scene. However, say manufacturers, it needs special care to keep it fresh and colorful. Bracelets and necklaces of com- position, plastic, wood and shells can be kept clean, according to household information services, by shaking them gently in the suds of a mild detergent cleanser and water. String or cords on which beads are strung can also be cleaned in this manner, but the treatment is not recommended by manufac- turers for glued jewelry. Silver, brass or gold jewelry may be scrubbed with suds and a nail brush, then rinsed and dried. __ cottons. Take advantage of this special summer saving. i ,; ;- r. 7 ,Y 9. r, -,, 'U.:: _, . .::; , }$;, 'kk> \ l Y \ ,".v_. i f k '. i .:;r t. y 2nd }fir f E '' f f t z , t. k' -. . A f .' The summer League council is as follows: Ginny Gish, presi- dent; Corinne Bacon, judiciary chairman; Jean Martin and Marilyn Kollenberg, members of judiciary council; Dorothy Prettie, dance class chairman; J e a n Freshour, Round - up Room chairman; Ann Houck, social chairman and Marcia Goldfarb, publicity chairman. . j IC C i P a t / "' >.#. ,. Have a wonderful Fourth! In Koret's crisp colorful pairoffs Choose for a day . . . entire vacation . . . for campus .. . or in your own back- yard . . . and be sure of a most complete summertime wardrobe of Koradenim pairoffs - colorfast shell pink, oyster white, or re- gatta faded blue. Each one is approved by Good Housekeeping . . . each one guaranteed wash- able by Koret of California . . . "Because Americans Want the Best!" ,Ay Yf I t 1 ;; t:? -;: .; { ;:: .i o- 4:; l 4 S t ' .: - r ,. E .s ° f" j , - #: Y'' -. 6 _f'. F'. e" I ) .. r 4k le q }A.,. r d.%"vs ?'r r ti s "c" tis" :":{ AC r.". rr,,rl.Srrx-".;ns}:;"."Y.>:"i:?r: Y.RA :vi4 h. :3{Ay IY. ' A .."4r .174 A" AJ14"". A } . Y ."::!7'. W:1"::: r::ni"::: Coo, 1! SUMMER COTTON Batiste and Seersucker fr' PAJAMAS GLOVES SL I PS Tailored and Trimmed Styles 7. r)C* 7,. AILI 1 1 : I i :.,. r E : i I ?: i Above, sleeveless dress 10.45 Bolero 3.95 Not illustrated- KORADENIM halter ........2.95 shorts ........3.95 Coat...........8.95 Cap............1.95 Four "Musts for smooth sunning ! Sizes 10-18. Sun Jumper . . .8.95 Duster Coat . .10.95 Above, bolero 3.95 Flared skirt 5.95 as seen in Mademoiselle and Charm magazines. Left- Pebbletex Trikshorts Trimfitting because of Ex- clusive "Trik" construction self belt. 6.95 Pebbletex Halter jusi ime fo Catio$qn troussea UX. .. our a ppliqi n At% ifnet Ia ;red tyric9t OIP 5:'v y.{'mpl fsie 2t 0 ia ht trousseux ... r'a'... itnwoul hed trl bic95 so you may buy all you need om truly e te nylon tricot slip. The bodice is trimmed with nyl : :t and appliaue. the hem is trimmed with nylon net4 I 1Y 'C.' "5, Id