'"E FOUR r11'l MIGAf' :DAILY A r, _ }t #7!'.1..+ v4.L ii ! ei ' d:.A <. J1j JJl Lauwerys Blasts Red Propaganda Communist dominated coun- tries deliberately attempt to use education as an instrument of so- cial and political action, Joseph A. Lauwerys, professor of com- parative education at the Univer- sity of London, said yesterday. Speaking to the Workshop in International , Education, Prof. Lauwerys discussed the way in which a political theory influences both the administration and aims of education in the Communist dominated countries. s * * r HE ASSERTED that efforts are being made in all the Eastern Eu- ropean countries to provide edu- cation in the villages. This educa- tion has as its aim the political formation of the peasants so that they will be loyal to the Commun- ist regime. In this way, they are attenipting "to transform the composition of the ruling groups," Prof. Lauwerys said. Invited to go as "educational- ist" on a delegation organized by a non-political organization, Prof. Lauwerys visited Yugo-. slavia last September to find out whether or not the Yugoslavs were preparing to attack their neighbors. He said that his findings result- ed in a clear exposure of methods of Cominform propaganda, be- cause, in fact, none of the accusa- tions it made were true. Prof. Lauwerys has visited about thirty countries since the war. He represented UNESCO at the Fun- damental Education Conference in Nanking in 1947. Czechs Agree To Free U.S. FighterPilots WASHINGTON - (P) - Com- munist Czechoslovakia, yielding to a vigorous American protest, yes- terday agreed to release the pilots of two U.S. jet fighter planes who made a forced landing behind the Iron Curtain three weeks ago. The State Department said the Czech foreign office gave U. S. ambassador Ellis O. Briggs a note promising to free the pilots and the planes. It did not say when. The Czech note was in response to a protest filed by Briggs this week. The two pilots are Lt. Luther G. Roland of Hummelstown, Pa., and Lt. Joern Johansen, a Norwe- gian training with the U. S. Air Force in Germany. The State Department said the pilots had been held incommuni- cado since they made an emer- gency landing near Prague, June 8, while engaged in a training flight in the American occupation zone of Germany. MUTE TESTIMONY TO FURY OF WAR-A shattered tree stands like a gaunt sentinel before the war-wrecked remains of a bridge over this Korean river. Meanwhile fighting virtually disappeared from the Korean front under a mounting wave of cease-fire talk. Ground action was confined to a fierce fight over a small hill in the northwest front. New Congressional Actions Put Clamps On Foreigners, Conscientious Objectors 4 WASHINGTON-(A') - Congress has tightened up on two groups of draft registrants: 1) Conscientious objectors. They must now serve the nation either in uniform or out. 2. Aliens. It is now much more difficult for them to be deferred. * * * SELECTIVE SERVICE Head- quarters say 9,037 conscientious objectors had deferments on May 31. Unless they're in line for de- ferment on other grounds, they now will either have to go into noncombat training and service or take 24-month civilian jobs that their draft boards think contribute "to the °maintenance of the national health, safety or interest." Selective Service is still uncer- tain how this may be administered but says it looks as though local draft boards may take on some of the functions of employment agen- cies. PRESUMABLY, says one Selec- tive Service spokesman, the pres- ent guides for determining essen- tial work will be used. These are the Commerce Department's "list of essential activities" and Labor Department's "list of critical oc- cupations." Both are issued to lo- cal boairds for their guidance. In the 1948 Selective Service Act, Congress sought to protect the rights of minority groups, like the Quakers, who had long held conscientious objections to military service. But it did not ,want to open an easy escape Sociology Essay Topics Announced The Department of Sociology announced that the Eita Krom Prize and $75 will be awarded to the junior or senior in the literary college who submits the best pa- per dealing with "The Analysis of a Social Group," "The Analysis of a Sociological Hypothesis", or "A Case Study of Sociological Ther- apy." Papers should be between 5,000 and 10,000 words and must be sub- mitted to the secretary of the so- ciology department on or before Feb. 1, 1952. route for overnight pacifists who merely disliked the idea of get- ting bunions in the infantry. So Congress granted outright deferments to conscientious objec- tors but said their objections must be the result of "religious training and belief." Congress said this meant "an in- dividual's belief in a relation to a supreme being involving duties superior to those arising from any human relation." It ruled out "es- sentially political, sociological or philosophical views or a merely personal moral code." The definition is retained in the new UMTS law, but Congress still wanted objectors to give as much service to the nation as draftees. It did not want to resort to the unpopular system of World War I, when 12,000 objetcors worked without pay in former CCC camps, on farms and in mentalhospitals. * * * UP TO NOW any alien, even after he had taken out first citi- zenship papers, could apply for re- lief from military service and get a 4-C deferment. If he did so, he A-Bombers End Test Run LAKENHETH AIR BASE, Eng. -(JP)-Hhree B-36s of the United States Air Force flew in from Texas yesterday on a 5-,000-mile non-stop flight-half the distance they can carry the atom bomb. The 10-engine global bombers came here from Carswell Air Force Base near Ft. Worth "on a purely routine training flight," a U. S. Third Air Force Officer said. The first plane set down here 221 hours after leaving Texas Thurs- day. The flight is the second time the 180-ton heavies have appeared over Britain. Lakenheath is one of the few bases in Europe with runaways long enough to handle the B-36. The Air Force spokesman said the planes probably will stay in Eng- land two or three days before re- turning to the U. S. Each plane carried a crew of 15. The train- ing missions are part of the long- range navigation and cruise con- trol program of the Strategic Air Command. was barred from ever becoming a citizen. Selective Service says many of the 8,002 deferred aliens are dis- placed persons. Some would not declare their intention of becom- ing citizens when they came here and would not serve in the Armed Forces. Since they were stateless persons, they could not be deported.E Under the new UMTS law, how- ever, all draft-age aliens admitted for permanent residence become immediately liable for induction. They cannot apply for relief from service. *, * * ALIENS WHO stay in the Uni- ted States for at least a year "in a status other than that of a per- manent resident," such as stu- dents and businessmen, also be- come liable, but they may apply for relief. If they do, they lose' any chance of becoming citizens. Exemption is still granted dip- lomatic and Consular personnel and their families. Also deferred are citizens of nine countries with which the United States has treaties exempting each other's nationals from service, provided they have not declared an intention of becoming citi- zens. (The nine countries are Argen- tina, Costa Rica, China, Ireland, Italy, Siam, Spain, Switzerland and Yugoslavia.) CONSCIENTIOUS objectors will retain their 4-E classifications un- less they request and are granted another type of deferment, but classifications of many aliens will be reopened. If you're classified 4-C as an alien or 4-E as a CO and wish to avoid being called up, make sure your local Board has all the facts about your status in your file. If you have dependents, make sure the Board has proof, like certified copies of your marriage certificate or child's birth certificate. You now need more than one depend- ent to get a deferment unless your induction would mean severe hard- ship for your only dependent. An alien might rate the vet- eran's 4-A exemption if he served in Allied Forces during the war. Send your Board proof of this, like discharge papers. If you have a job you think es- sential, have your boss tell the Board about it in a letter. If you can be easily replaced, you do not rate an occupational deferment. Get help and advice from your Government appeal agent. Your Board has his name and address. Mineral Output Increase Seen By Chapman WASHINGTON - (A) - Secre- tary of the Interior Chapman said yesterday the nation's output of strategic and critical metals and minerals is headed for a "notable increase" over the next five years. Chapman said in a news release that the increase will result from development by private industry of new mines, mills, smelters, refin- eries and other facilities. He said the Defense Minerals Administration has recommended faster amortization, for income tax purposes, of a part of the cost of these developments. Chapman said Defense Min- erals Administrator James Boyd estimated the annual increased production of copper, zinc, and lead-from the new facilities for which his agency has recom- mended accelerated amoritza- tion-at 139,000 tons, 90,000 tons and 35,000 tons, respectively. Boyd said DMA has recommend- ed to the Defense Production Ad. ministration the approval of 137 requests for accelerated amoritza- tion of new facilities. The amortization benefits allow companies to depreciate for in- come tax purposes a designate percentage of the cost of a new facility over a five-year period, in stead of the 15 to 25 year perio normally provided. Ferguson Hits BuildingPlans WASHINGTON -(A)-Senator Ferguson (R-Mich.) urged De fense Mobilizer Charles E. Wilso yesterday to take another look a the critical materials situatior and slow down construction t boost industrial production. He told the Senate allocation of critical materials to industrie have been cutback in favor c new defense construction projects These projects "ultimately" wi be producing defense goods, Fer guson said. "But the important point," he said, "is that constructionitse is not production and furnishe only limited employment." "Instead of allocating a con struction project 1,000 tons o steel over an 18 months period tb same amount could be allocate( over a 24-months period. "The result would be a one. third saving in steel over the 18. month period, which could be allotted to actual productive ac- . tivities." 'U' Student Groups Fail To Register The University campus, usually bristling with campaigns by poli- tical clubs and other student groups, is in for a clubless sum- mer unless some organizations register before the deadline Fri- day. Not one student group has regis- tered yet for the summer session. Every student organization plan- ning to be active this summer must file a list of their members and officers with the Office of Student Affairs, Rm. 1020 Admin- istration Bldg., to be recognized by the University. S* * LAST SUMMER o nl1y eleven clubs, largely professional groups, were registered. The Young Progressives were the only student politicos ac- tive, although the Young Democrats and Young Repub- licans worked individually help- ing candidates in the Congres- sional primaries. Since this is an off-election year, they are expected to lie fallow this sum- mer. The Young Progressives, who were put on probation at the end of last summer for a violation of University rules, were back in full standing last semester. However, Jean Berler, '54, YP president, said they would probably not be active this summer. The University chapter of the National Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People new- ly organized last semester, also suspended its activites for the summer session, according to its president, Quentin Fulcher, '52L. U.S. Spending Will Exceed $68 Billion WASHINGTON - (P) - Gov- ernment spending will1exceed $68,- 000,000,000 in the fiscal year be- ginning July 1, a Budget Bureau official estimated yesterday, and may reach $90,000,000,000 in the succeeding year. Elmer B. Staats, Assistant Di- rector of the Bureau of the Bud- get, laid the astronomical figures - before the Senate Finance Com- mittee. The committee is holding 7 hearings on the Administration's _ request for more than $10,000,000,- 000 in new taxes. By far the biggest item in the - budget is the amount to be spent d for military preparedness, Staat v reported. He said that even after - the defense buildup is complete d it may require $40,000,000,000 an- nually to keep the Defense De partment going. Staats' estimate of spending for the fiscal year 1952, beginning to morrow, was $68,400,000,000. Presi" dent Truman's original budget es timate in January was $71,600, 000,000, For fiscal year 1953, the 1 n months beginning July 1, 1952, h t figured total spending would ap proach $90,000,000,000. Eight Killed In Training Plane Crash KEY WEST, Fla.-()-A Navy patrol bomber crashed while tak- ing off on a training flight yester- day and killed eight of the nine men on board. The lone survivor suffered a broken leg but could not be ques- tioned immediately because of shock. * * * A NAVY CHIEF Petty Officer, S. Kitching, reached inside the wreckage and rescued a second man who died of injuries after reaching the hospital. All bodies were recovered. Three officers and six enlisted men were aboard the craft, a twin- engined PBM. The wreckage lay in 12 feet of water, with a part protruding above the surface. Kitching and two sailors watched the takeoff from the Naval Sea- plane Base boathouse. "She was clear of the water when the left wing suddenly went high and the plane cartwheeled," said Kitching. "We yelled 'crash!' and got under way in two boats." The crash scene was half a mile from the boat house. Graduate Club BeginsOutings The Graduate Outing Club will start off its program of summer activites tomorrow with an after- noon of swimming and outdoor sports at Silver Lake, Irene Gon- kowski, Grad., announced. She asked all members and other graduate students interested in the club to meet in the club- room in Rackham Hall at 2:15 p.m. An outing for each Sunday of the summer session is being planned. A five day canoe trip down the Au Sable will be the club's main summer project. 1 Extension Service Employe Retires Mary J. McNerney, teacher of mathematics and Latin by cor- respondence through the Univer- sity Extension Service, retired yesterday after 11 years of ser- 2 vice. D Miss McNerney formerly taughi - Latin, German and algebra at the Ferris Institute. stimulates the leaf to grow a l tective coating about the which later develops into the; LEAPIN' LARVAE: Jumping Bean Mystery Solved by U' Zoologist The mystery of tiny jumping beans, 50 times smaller than the Mexican variety, which had stumped biology experts in western Michigan was cleared up yesterday by a University zoologist. Prof. J. Speed Rogers of the zoology department, and director of the Museum of Zoology, said the bodies were the galls of wasps, and the jumping was caused by the larva inside the gall throwing it- self against the thin walls. THE GROWTH of the galls is started by the wasp. The insect "stings" the underside of the oak leaf, and in doing so leaves an egg -A and a bit of fluid. This fluid pro- egg gall. In the meantime, the egg has reached the larva stage. Soon the entire gall drops to the ground and Jumpsdabout untilit finds a crack or nitch where it comes to rest. The remainder of the life cycle is completed after the larva pass- es through a pupal stage and la- ter becomes a new insect. "A particular leaf may produce many types of galls," Prof. Rog- ers said. "It is believed that the characteristics ofthe galls are due to the nature of the fluid which the insects deposit with the egg." MSC Adopts' Island School Michigan State College officials announced yesterday they have adopted the University of Ryukus on Okinawa. A staff of five Michigan State teachers will be assigned to the university, and students will be exchanged between t h e t w o schools. Director of' the program, Dr. Milton E. Muelder, announced that as many MSC facilities and serv- ices as possible will be made avail- able to the new school. The project, sponsored and paid for by the United States Army, has been initiated in the hope that it will transplant the ideas and pro- grams of American land grant col- leges to the Pacific universities. 07a& ex~e~ MORRILL'S can fix your old typewriter Factory made parts. Factory technique Guaranteed results. " I a ............. READ and USE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS MEN -- WOMEN BOARD OR BOARD AND ROOM Lowest rates in Ann Arbor Openings for summer & fall CONTACT CO-OPS 1017 Oakland Phone 7211 or 5974 ii % l .A J "1 i moo, Read Daily Classifieds Independence < M* July fourth celebrates the day when our country became free from outside control. But in financial matters you can celebrate freedom from worry over the safety of your money every day. Yes, LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION STUDENT CENTER (National Lutheran Council) 1304 Hill Street Dr. Henry O. Yoder, Pastor 9:10 A.M.: Bible Class at the Student Center. 10:30 A.M.: Worship Services in Zion & Trinity Lutheran Churches. Note: Also an 8:00 ser- vice in Zion. 5:30 P.M.: Lutheran Student Assn. Supper Meet- ing in Zion Parish Hall-E. Washington St. Speaker-Dr. Frank Huntley of the English Dept. "The Situation in the Orient." Wednesday- 4:00-6:00: Tea and Coffee Hour at the Center, FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, Scientist 1833 Washtenaw Ave. 11:00 A.M.: Sunday Morning Services. Subject-"Christian Science." 9:30 A.M.: Sunday School. 11:00 A.M.: Primary Sunday School during the morning service. 8:00 P.M.: Wednesday: Testimonial Service. A free reading room is maintained at 339 South Main Street where the Bible and all authorized Christian Science literature may be read, bor- rowed, or purchased. Ths room is open daily except Sundays and holidays from 11 A.M. to 5 P.M.; Fridays 7-9 P. M., Saturday 3-5 P.M. FRIENDS (QUAKER) MEETINGLane Hall 11:00 A.M.: Sundays. Visitors welcome. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL AND STUDENT CENTER 1511 Washtenaw Avenue (The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor Sunday at 10:30 A.M.: Service, with sermon by pastor. Sermon, "Job, An Example of Patience and Faith." Sunday at 5:30: Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club, Supper and Program. Discussion, "How Mission Congregations are Started." THE VILLAGE CHURCH FELLOWSHIP (Interdenominational) #Jniversity Community Center Chapel Willow Run Reverend Blaise Levai, Pastor Sunday, June 24th, 1951 10:45 A.M.: Divine Worship. Sermon "The Best Seller." 10:45 A.M.: Church School and Nursery. x. 4 A CHURCH OF CHRIST Y. M. C. A. Auditorium G. Wheeler Utley, Minister 11:00 A.M.: Sunday morning service. 7:00 P.M.: Sunday evening service. 4 MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) iii 11 If i