Y MERRY-GO-ROUND See Page 2 t AL C.Y D~aitP 0 0o C Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXI, No. 4-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1951 FAIR FOUR PAGES Marshall Sees Ominous Red Mobilization Asks Large Sum *For Allied Aid WASHINGTON-()-Secretary of Defense Marshall said yester- day that the Communist world is staging a "rather ominous" build- up of its military strength. As a vital part of the American effort to match this buildup, Mar- shall said, the nation must expect to spend at least $6,300,000,000 a year in each of the next three years-a total of almost $19,000,- 000,000-on military aid to its allies. MARSHALL expressed the opin- ion this will have to be done no matter how the Korean cease-fire negotiations result. Apart from "the tragedy of the casualties," he told the Huse Foreign Affairs Committee, Korea is only one inci- dent in the world picture. Marshall testified in favor of the Administration's program of $8,500,000,000 in foreign military and economic aid during the fis- cal year beginning next Sunday. Of this sum, $6,300,000,000 is earmarked for military aid alone, most of it to Western Europe. Marshall said rather diplo- matically what many Congres- sional critics of the foreign aid program have put nore bluntly -that some of America's Euro- pean allies are dragging their feet in the joint mobilization effort. Marshall balanced this, how- ever, by saying European morale has improved since the North At- lantic Treaty organization was set up and that "the confidence and determination of our treaty part- ners has grown considerably in the past year." He did not elaborate on his statement that there is a "rather ominous" Communist buildup of strength. But he said "a crucial test of the success of the mutual security program must be met in Western Europe." Truce Ends Ten Day AFL AirlineStrike CHICAGO - A strike of pilots that halted service for 10 days on United Airlines - the nation's fourth largest passenger carrier- } was ended yesterday by a truce. The company and its 900 strik- ing AFL pilots and co-pilots agreed at a pre-dawn conference to re- store service while the National Mediation Board tries for complete settlement. "I don't think it will take too long," was the optimistic comment from Thomas E. Bickers, board secretary who worked out the truce agreement. Theairline immediately began accepting reservations and the first plane, a DC-6 bound for Hol- lywood, Calif., too koff from the Chicago airport at 1:45 p.m. CST. Eleven additional DC-6 flights were in operation within the next hour and the company said service would be normal throughout the entire system by 7 a.m. today. The strike started early on the morning of June 19. President Truman called on the pilots six days ago to end their strike as "good American citizens.- I ~.~....._________ ~------ iiiiiiiii Allies Ask Red Chief To Peace Conference - *6 SAILING, SAILING-Members of the University Sailing Club are turning light summer breezes into recreational enjoyment at Whitmore Lake these warm days. The club, which owns its own boats, has issued a call for new members and plans sailing lessons and three regattas for the summer. . e A Willow VillagePopulation1 Faces Eviction1 Nex Yeaur <" By JOHN BRILEY As Ann Arbor waits for the re- sults of Federal Housing Expedi- ter Tighe Wood's housing survey, over 12,000 residents of Willow Vil- lage face eviction from the lowest- cost rental housing in Washtenaw County. Under the terms of the National Housing Act of 1950 Willow Village, the largest temporary housing pro- ject built in the last war, must be vacated and demolished by July 1, 1952. ABOUT 890 'U' Veteran families now living in the Village will be affected by the action, according to officials of the Veterans Hous- ing Project. Walter L. Funkhouser, general housing manager of the Village, will stop filling vacancies on July 1, and issue eviction notices to all residents next March 31 unless efforts by the Village Re - sident Council to block the close- out action are successful. Marvin Tableman, the Resident Council president, claims "the order just doesn't make sense with the need for housing increasing in the Ypsilanti area." TABLEMAN IS leading a group of Village residents in a drive to get the act appealed so as not to apply to Willow Village. He is try- ing to enlist the aid of Kaiser- Frazer and the CIO, both of whom he feels should be concerned with the need for low cost housing in the fast expanding defense area. Albert Haywood, VFW Com- mander of the Willow Run Post has protested to Michigan Sena- tors Moody and Ferguson that the eviction order was definitely ill-timed and, of carried out, will create undue hardship for thou- sands of veterans and their fam- ilies." There is a possibility that the Village can be exempted from the order on a technicality based on its population relative to the "mu- nicipality" in which it is located. However, housing manager Funk- houser says that he has been di- rectly instructed to carry out the order and that a request for "clar- ification" on the 'technicality as applied to the Village has not been answered from Washington. * * * THE VILLAGE, which sprawls' over 16 square miles in eastern City Council President Denounces Rent Survey Washtenaw County, lies in part of two townships whose combined populations are less than half of the Village's. It belongs to no "mu- nicipality," but the Resident Coun- cil has been trying to get Ypsilanti to annex the area so that it could qualify for exemption from the eviction order under the relative population technicality. However, an Ypsilanti Town- ship group has been granted an injunction restraining the Coun- cil from continuing annexation proceedings. The issue is now pending a lower court decision. A ruling on the injunction has been held up because the local judge disqualified himself since he owns property in the area involved. In the meantime a group head- ed by Burleson M. Fitzharris is in IWashington trying to have the order revoked or delayed. ARTHUR M. EASTMAN, Chair- man of the Ann Arbor Democratic Committee, stated that if the group fails and the Village is demolished" the eastern part of the county will be in a hopeless jam." The Village was built in 1943 to house workers at the Willow Run Bomber Plant, which has since been bought by the Kaiser- Frazer Corp. After the war it was taken over as a Veterans Temporary Housing Project. Veterans from the University have used the project since 1946. The University still runs a regular bus schedule to and from the Vil- lage. AT ONE TIME after the war 1,200 University families were housed in the Village where the highest rent is $35.50 and the low- est is $21.50. As the Veteran population has decreased at the University, fewer veterans have applied at the Vil- lage for housing. When the defense program first started to roll, how- ever, the Housing Administration considered expanding the project. The current order has switched attention from expansion to sur- vival. One Missing In Lake Plane Crash ASHTABULA, Ohio -(P)-- Aj plane believed to have been carry-j ing three persons crashed in Lake Erie yesterday some 15 miles westJ of here. Two persons were reported res-i cued by a speedboat dispatched1 from North Madison in Lake Coun-i ty. UN Artillery Blasts Small Red Attacks Most of Front Settles in Lull TOKYO --(A) -Allied artillery smashed attacks by two Com- munist companies in Central Kor- ea early today-hours before the official bid for an armistice in the year-long war. A lull had settled over most of the 100-mile battlefront yester- day. But shortlybefore midnight, the Reds struck northeast of Kum- hwa. Eighth Army headquarters reported they were hurled back. KUMHWA is 17 air miles north of Parallel 38 and at the south- east corner of the Reds' shattered "Iron Triangle." Frightful Red losses in two ill-fated spring of- fensives from that triangle pre- ceded Moscow's suggestions for field negotiations. There was a bitter but local- ized fight yesterday for a hill in the West, and signs of stiffen- ing Red resistance in the cen- ter. But the overall situation added up to a lull. A hill north of Parallel 38 in the West changed hands six times. At nightfall, the Reds held it. In the mountainous center, 1,- 000 Reds stood firm against Allied patrols probing the area of Kum- son, a Red buildup point 20 miles north of 38. THE MOUNTING reports of a possible impending truce were passed from soldier to soldier across the battle-front. In East-Central Korea, a North Korean Lieutenant serv- ing as a political officer sur- rendered to the Allies and said Red troops also had heard the report. He said word that Ja- cob Malik, Russia's UN Dele- gate, proposed a cease-fire, had reached the Communist front lines. North Korea's Pyongyang radio ignored the reports. THE TERRIFIC cost of Red failure to conquer all Korea in more than a year of war was giv- en in a new Washington an- nouncement of Communist casu- alties. Through June 20, United States date, the Army said Chiese and North Korean battle casualties were 860,300, plus non-battle losses of 162,103 and 163,061 pri- soners. The total of 1,184,464 was an increase of 22,964 over the+ previous week.+ McCarthy Blasts ForeignPolicy BOSTON -(P)- U. S. Senator Joseph *R. McCarthy (R-Wisc.) yesterday told the Young Repub-+ licans' Biennial Convention that+ the American people are "looking for a man who will tear the rotten Administration apart and wash it." The Korean situation, he told the convention, is the "planned be-t trayal of 1951-for the first timei in the history of this great nation,I we have lost a war."I Price Controls Get Exeson WASHINGTON-(AP)-Congress rushed through a bill extending the nation's economic controls for 31 days yesterday, but slapped an absolute ban on price rollbacks and most new price ceilings. Final passage came less than 36 hours before all controls were due to expire at midnight today. If President Truman signs the bill, a vast series of price rollbacks already ordered will have to be suspended. The Office of Price Stabilization (OPS) estimated last night the ban on rollbacks would cost consumers about $5,000,000,000. Rollback orders affecting machinery, shoes, cotton textiles, and many other lines of manufactured goods were sched- /jU, * ATuled to go into effect July 2. . 1lal IN avy Stages Coup In Bangkok MANILLA--)-The U. S. Em- bassy said today it had a report that fighting was raging this morning in the streets of Bangkok, Thailand capital apparently shak- en by a coup d'etat. Apparently police were battling revolting Thai Navy forces, who earlier were reported to have seized Premier Pibulsonggram, staunch friend of the United States. * * * THE REVOLTING Thai Navy was believed to be defending the Navy signal station about one- half mile from the American Em- bassy The Navy radio said the Pre- mier had been "arrested" during a ceremony yesterday at which an American Charge D'Affaires presented a dredge to Thailand. There was no shooting at the time and no resistance to the seizure of the Premier, the broad- cast said. The Navy insisted that the ac- tion was taken by "officers of all three services" who were dissat- isfied with the Pibulsonggram re- gime. Among the dissidents, Gen. Luang Kach was mentioned. Kach was a long-time friend of the Pre- mier but was exiled to Hong Kong a year and a half ago when Pibul- songgram nipped in the bud a plot aimed at his government. The Army announced that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had assumed control of Thailand's government an dthat the Deputy Minister of Defense had ordered the Navy to remain in its bar- racks. English Estate Fails Toa Lure AKRON, O.-GP)-The James N. Gape family of Cuyahoga Falls O., decided that life in the United1 States is worth more than a $254,- 000 country estate in England. Shortly after making this de- cision public, they received a cablegram from the estate's execu- tors allowing six more months to reconsider. Gape's late cousin, Mrs. Sybil Gape, specified in her will he could have the property if he mov- ed his family to England for life. Gape estimates he would derive an annual income of $5,000 from it. But Gape, 46, who still hopes to inherit the property AND stay in America, insisted his family's love for the United States made leaving impossible. Congress worked at top speed to ram through the eleventh hour extension. The House initiated the stop-gap bill, adopting it on a voice vote after a roll call vote of 232 to 159 added a "status quo" amendment prohibiting all rollbacks and any new ceilings except for farm pro- ducts which might reach parity price levels during the month. A messenger rushed the emer- gency legislation to thehSenate, where it was immediately approved by the Senate Banking Commit- tee and sent to the floor. Senate approval came within two hours of House passage. There was little doubt that the President would sign the bill in order to keep his anti-inflation program alive, even on a restrict- ed basis, until Congress completes work on a comprehensive new law. There was no debate on the bill in the Senate. It sailed through on a voice vote with only a sprinkling of "noes." The Senate's general bill falls far short of giving the President the additional control powers he has urgently requested. Moreover, it takes away some of the Admin- istration's existing powers. Iranian Reds Blast U. So Interference TEHRAN, Iran-(/P)-Red dem- onstrators denounced American appeals for moderation in the British-Iranian oil crisis yester- day and shouted "Death to Tru- man," "Death to Grady." The efforts of Americans to solve the :nationalization dispute were condemned by speakers be- fore a pro-Communist crowd es- timated at 10,000 in Parliament Square as "the blackest, most dis- gusting interference in our his- tory." * * * BOTH PRESIDENT Truman and Ambassador Henry F. Grady have urged a fresh try at nego- tiation to assure the continued flow of Iranian oil to the West. Iranian police made no effort to stop the demonstration, con- ducted by a Communist front called "The National Society to Fight Imperialistic Oil Compan- ies." Similar demonstrations, mainly aimed against the Bri- tish, have been held in the past here on Friday, the Moslem Sabbath. A resolution denounced the In- ternational Court of justice at the Hague, the United Nations-backed Tribunal which will hear today Britain's demand for an injunction to prevent Iran from doing any- thing to worsen the dispute. The resolution said the Court "is in- terfering in the nation's local af- fairs." Danish Ship Proposed As Site of Talk Ridgway Reveals Armistice Move TOKYO-(P)-Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway today called on the Com- munist Commander in Korea to name a representative to attend an armistice conference. The Supreme United Nations Commander broadcast his message from Tokyo at 5 p.m., yesterday, EST. * * * IT PROPOSED that the meet- ing, which might end more than a year of bloody conflict, be held on a Danish hospital ship, the Jut- landia. The site would be the harbor at Wonsan, Red-held port off the Korean east coast. Wonsan itself has been reduced to ruin by ceaseless Allied naval bom- bardment. Ridgway addressed his message in a broadcast simply to "com- mander in chief, Communist forces in Korea." The Korean Command- er-in-chief and Premier is Kim I Sung. The Chinese Field Com- mander is Gen. Peng Teh-Hvai. THERE WAS speculation at U.S. Eighth Army Headquarters that Lt. Gen, James A. Van Feet, Eighth Army Commander, would be the UN representative. An Eighth Army source said the North Korean representatives probably would be Gen. Paik I Woo, Deputy Commander of United Communist Forces, or Marshal Choi Yung Kum, Nort Korean Field Commander. If the Chinese Reds take part, he add- ed, it will probably be General Peng. Thus Ridgway checked squarely to the Communists the next move to halt the war that began June 25, 1950, with the invasion of the ,Republic of South Korea by Com- munist North Koreans. THE U.S. GOVERNMENT yes- terday sent general instructions to Ridgway on negotiations for the cease-fire. Contents were not dis- closed. IndWashington it was report- ed that all the Allies-presum- ably excepting the Republic of Korea-had agreed to the step. South Korea officially is opposed to any cease-fire around the 38th parallel, old boundary line be- tween North and South Korea. Russia Saturday set the ball roll- ing by suggesting a conference to end the fighting. Jacob Malik, So- viet delegate to the United Na- tions, made the proposal in New York. * * * WONSAN, THE proposed site of a conference, is on the northeas, Korean coast. It is about 80 miles north of the 38th parallel. Ridgway's headquarters would not say how the broadcast to the Communist was made. Headquarters indicated it was transmitted in the Korean langu- age. General Van Fleet at Eighth Army Headquarters declined to comment. Attendants at Haneda Airport, where Ridgway's personal plane stands always ready, said early today, "it's almost a sure bet he'll go out some time today." No flight had been posted early this morning, however. Nothing came out of the air from Peiping or Pyongyang, the North Korean Capital. Radio monitors in Tokyo were alerted for any statement. Across the Japan Sea in Korea there was bloody fighting on the *n front,. Action had slackc.__., elsewhere. At United Nations Headquarters, UN Secretary General Trygve Lie said he hopes the Allied offer will a National Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Stuart Sy- mington, new chief of the Recon- struction Finance Corporation, yesterday cancelled loan-granting powers of the RFC's 32 field of- fices, saying he wants to make sure the agency grants no more non-essential or inflationary loans. DETROIT - A man, swigging from a bottle of whisky and threatening to jump, was res- cued from atop a 386-foot tower of the Ambassador Bridge here yesterday. WASHINGTON -The National Production Authority yesterday announced it probably will lift its ,i la t 11 r tC 1Y 1 Y k a c i a c c Ann Arbor City Council Presi- dent Cecil O. Creal yesterday said Federal Housing Expediter Tighe E. Woods' decision to conduct a rental housing survey here was "unnecessary" and a "political play for votes." Local Democrats who have re- peatedly called for such a survey shrugged off Creal's "politics" la- bel and smiled happily. They de- clined to predict whether or not the survey would show that the lifting of controls would be inad- visable, however. WOODS announced Thursday that a representative of his office would arrive in Ann Arbor short- ly to conduct an investigation on whether rent controls should be abolished. Creal said this survey-which was not requested by the Repub- lican controlled Council-is "un- necessary and will be made to back up their own thinking." "Its about time government officials adopted a moral re- sponsibility and treated every- one alike," he declared. On June 18, the Council passed' a resolution asking Woods to de- control rents here on his own initiative-an action which would allow a possible reimposition of controls in the future if they were deemed necessary. This action right. He hoped the survey would be completed within the next two or three days. There was no indication from Washington as to how thorough the investigation will be. A city-wide controversy was roused on March 26 when Wash- tenaw's Rent Advisory Board had voted at a secret meeting to re- commend that Ann Arbor's rent controls be removed. Four days later, Karl Karsian, Democratic board member who voted against the motion, resigned, declaring that no real study of the situation had been made. Woods rejected the board's pro- posal on April 16, tossing the pro- posal question back to local of- ficials. Final Draft ExamTody Students get their last chance to show the army that they belong in college and not inKorea when LOCAL HORROR they take the draft deferment test today. The test is being given for the r throughout the country. Appli-____ Re cants will meet at 8:30 a.m. to take Dt the three hour long exam. Doctors reported today that SHOW AFTERMATH: )ort Frankenstein on Road to Recovery BTTT. ALL WAS olst! T 1n I A fi aai nin miaa ir ~n vA - "m nan- - -or .nr