4r- itiLrih D4aii4tI ' . - ", ,/ b l , i s d MATTER OF FACT See Page 2 Latest Deadline in the State SCATTERED SHOWERS VOL. LXI, No. 33-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1951 FOUR PAGES House Action On Miitary Bill Delayed Debate Centers Around Air Base WASHINGTON-(P)-An argu- ment over locating a new $19,- 000,000 Air Force installation in President Truman's home county yesterday brought a week-end de- lay in House action on a $5,768,- 000,000 Military Construction Bill. The $19,000,000 would be used to expand the airport at Grandview, in Jackson County, Mo. Grand- view was the home of Mr. Tru- man's mother and he has used its airport on various trips back home. REP. GROSS (R-Iowa) sought to knock out the Grandview item, pointing out there is an Air Force Field at nearby Sedalia, Mo., and suggested it be used instead. He said the Grandview field is a tiny one, and to spend millions building it up would amount "to a glorified WPA project." Gross' motion to strike out the item was defeated, 56 to 15, after Chairman Vinson (D-Ga.) and Rep. Kilday (D-Tex.) of the House Armed Services Committee said that Grandview was to be fitted into plans for a centralized location for control of Air Re- serves. The Air Force announced some time ago that it planned to move headquarters of the conti- nental air command from Mit- ehel Field, Long Island, to Grand view. The Air National Guard is under direction of this com- mand. After his defeat, Gross moved to send the whole bill back to the Committee with instructions to re- move the Grandview item. Lead- sers decided to take a vote on this Monday and, assuming that Gross would lose again, to vote on the bill Tuesday. MOST OF THE projects in the $5,768,000,000 construction bill were asked to help keep the U.S. safe from Soviet atom bombs. Vin- son reminded the House that in the last war, the U.S. was quite secure, and added: "Today we face a vastly differ- ent situation. Russia has the atom bomb and the capability to drop it within the continental United States. Against that threat, it is mandatory that we provide for the air defense of this nation." Vinson's statement was chal- lenged by Rep. Cole (R-NY) who told the House that as a member of the Senate-Hou'se Atomic Com- mittee he had "no information" that Russia had the A-bomb. Vinson retorted that Cole was the only man in the country who doesn't think Russia has it. Clark Decides Not To Live in Cicero NORWALK, Conn.-(P) - Har- vey E. Clark, Jr., the Negro whose decision to move his family into all-white Cicero, Ill. stirred up bursts of violence there, told the Bridgeport Post yesterday that he intends to make Norwalk his home in the near future. "There are things I must see through back in Cicero. But aft- er that is finished, Norwalk here I come," the 28-year-old Clark, a bus driver, told a Post reporter. President OK'S Plant Dispersal Danger of Atomic Attack Behind Move To Spread Out Industries WASHINGTON-(A)-President Truman gave his blessing yester- day to an "industrial dispersion policy" designed to spread out indus- trial plants against the danger of concentrated atomic attacks. Rep. Martin of Massachusetts, House Republican Leader, imme- diately protested that the President was "flagrantly" defying Congress. which recently refused to approve such a policy. SOME CRITICS of dispersal have expressed fear it would be a blow to existing industrial areas. Backers of the plan have contended " it would benefit all areas. UN Negotiators Return To Korean Truce Talks In Atmosphere of Crisis Bench Fight Conciliation Hope Fades WASHINGTON-(P-Cornelius J. Harrington yesterday upset reports that there might be a compromise between President Truman and. Sen. Douglas (D-Ill.) over Har- rington's nomination to the Chi- cago Federal bench. The hearing on his nomination, he told reporters, had been delay- ed only to give him time to refute two witnesses who appeared against him yesterday. The Justice Department asked for the delay last week which immediately led to speculation of a compromise. * * * THE SENATE JUDICIARY sub- committee is considering the Pres- ident's nomination of Harrington and Joseph J. Drucker to places on the Chicago bench. Douglas' re- commendations of William H. King, Jr., a Chicago lawyer, and Benjamin P. Epstein, Chicago Cir- cuit Judge, were ignored by Mr. Truman, Using a senatorial prerogative, Douglas said the President's nom- inations were "personally obnox- ious," though he considered them' estimable men. Douglas' phrase is one that in the past, has usually been enough to get the Senate to block a nomination. Arguing that the Senate has a duty to maintain standards on the Federal bench, Douglas said he was trying to obtain "better qualified men" by opposing the President's nominations. Douglas said he had tried to left' the controversy "above the level of a power struggle with the Presi- dent." The witnesses Harrington had in mind in his delaying action were Dr. Erwin Pasternak, a Chicago dentist; and Harrison Parker, who identified himself as "Chancellor of the Puritan Church, Church of America." PASTERNAK'S objection was based on the handling by Harring- ton, as a Chicago Circuit Judge, of a divorce suit brought by Paster- nak's wife. Harrington submitted court records on the case, and a psychiatric report on Pasternak from the Cook County behavior clinic. Parker testified Harrington for- merly was a member of the Chicago Law firm of Kirkland, Fleming, Green, Martin and Ellis. He said the Chicago Tribune once paid that firm $1,000,000 to "bribe" tax authorities to omit the Tribune from personal property tax rolls. The policy statement approv- ed by Mr. Truman said: "Since 1945, we have experienced a period of unprecedented indus- trial expansion, but, except for a few examples, there has been no pronounced trend away from these concentrations (of indus- try). ALE rX#.v c i "Some eighteen billions in new retirng r plants and equipment were spent' annually during the past four years, largely in areas already highly industrialized. "Although we are increasing our defense fronts, the danger of ato-; s On mie attack grows and demandsz that new and more positive poli- i -h rt in t Lff t to otnin XANDER G. RUTHVEN resident reflects on 22 year career Leaves Campus Career Ends cles De put n Lo ei ec o uouairl added security for our industrial establishment without jeopardiz- ing its productive efficiency." JACK GORRIE, acting chair- man of the National Security Re- sources board, issued an illustra- ted booklet explaining the new program. It was based on a study conducted in Seattle by represen- tatives of industry, labor and lo- cal government. Rep. Martin declared the President's dispersal order is "just another step toward one- man government in this coun- try.". Martin was one of the leaders in the congressional movement which brought about defeat of similar proposals as an amend- ment to the recently extended de- fense production act. He said in 1 statement: "When one man can so flaunt the will of Congress so flagrantly we are on the way to one-wan government. The Congress might as well shut up shop and go The Government "encourage- ment" of dispersal is to come from such incentives as certificates per- mitting faster tax amorization, allocation of critical materials, de- fense loans and defense contracts. Germany Told To Hike Taxes BONN, Germany - (3) - The Western Allies have informed West Germany they expect her to pay the occupation costs which represent her share in western de- fense through increased taxes and not by borrowing, an Allied spokes- man said yesterday. The United States, Britain and France last spring gave the Bonn government a bill for 6,600,000,000 marks ($1,570,000,000) for occu- pation costs in the fiscal year be- ginning April 1. But the govern- ment insisted it could rake up on- ly 5,800,000,000 marks ($1,380,000,- 000). By BOB KEITH The Ruthven Era ended quietly yesterday. Unobserved except by a few bystanders, retiring University Presi- dent Alexander G. Ruthven slipped behind the wheel of his heavy green limousine shortly after 4 p.m., eased out of the driveway that has been his for nearly 22 years, and headed for an extended vacation at Frankfort, Mich. * ** * THE MAN WHO HAS GUIDED the University through one of the most difficult periods in its history made the 300-mile trip alone. Mrs. Ruthven awaited him in Frankfort. His departure brought to a close a quarter century of physical ---~~~ expansion and administrative 40 1 change unparalleled since the R es ;9yuttatgOn University's modest beginnings 134 years ago. fLL Officially, President Ruthven's 0 Ol LO f job will not end until Aug. 31. But for all practical purposes his re- tirement began yesterday after- noon when the squarely-built Scotchman took his last few be- longings from his home on South WASHINGTON -(')- Edward University and temporarily left J. Condon, long a target of critics the city. who called him a security risk, re- signed yesterday as Director of the PRESIDENT RUTHVEN said he National Bureau of Standards. felt "no emotion" about leaving the He left with praise from Presi- familiar white stucco mansion dent Truman for "loyal attention" which has housed University chief to his duties. executives for the past 110 years. Slue Shirts waY From led Festival Enter West City As Sight-Seers BERLIN- (A)-Tens of thous- nds of Communist Blue Shirts brayed from East Berlin's World outh Festival into West Berlin s sight-seers yesterday and boost- d the total of such visitors dur- g the week to a quarter million. Red leaders didn't like it. The ouths defied Communist orders a surrendering to the temptation a see how the West does things. 'he steady stream made a mock- ry of the Iron Curtain. * * * EAST GERMAN leaders were eported seeking new ways to keep he Blue Shirts from exposure to Vestern industry, enterprise, hear- y welcomes, good food and lux- ries. A crackdown against a few se- ected boys and girls backfired omewhat. A young girl, bitterly ttacked in East Berlin for her rip, fled back to the West and ried to commit suicide by slash- ig her wrists. She was hurried nto a West Berlin hospital and1 ,romised haven as a political re- ugee. Other youths were reprimanded, erman sources said, and some yven sent home. The incidents be-) ;ame common knowledge among1 he 500,000 or more roaming the odge-podge of programs in East) 3erlin and stirred up discontent. The Soviet zone Railway Ad- ninistration said yesterday it was! losing 28 subway and elevated ailroad stations in East Berlin ver the weekend. Iit will also mean cutting off Soviet East Berlin from rail con- nections with Allied West Berlin. Western observers pointed out hat even if the Reds cut off all public transport between the East and West sectors, the Red youths still can walk into free Berlin. Eight Dead In Wreck of Troop Train SIMMESPORT, La., - () - A Marine troop train and a Kansas City Southern streamliner crash- ed head-on and burned near here yesterday. Kansas City Southern officials put the toll at eight dead and one missing. * * * RAILROAD officials said the troop train crew for an unknown reason ignored an order to put the train on a side track to allow the streamlined Southern Belle to pass on the main track. Marine Corps Headpuarters at Washington, D.C., identified the dead marine as Corp. Chester Louis Lipa, 21, of Detroit. Kansas City Southern officials first put the death toll at 14 but said later they had learned that reports that two marines, a brake- man and four civilian passengers had been killed were incorrect. The crash occurred on a double bend in fiat cotton and timber country some 60 miles northeast of Baton Rouge. SENATOR FROM WISCONSIN ,' * * McCarthy's Red Charge Stirs Senate WASHINGTON -(A)- Senator McCarran (D-Nev.) said yesterday his internal security subcommittee might be willing to act as referee in the quarrel between Senator McCarthy (R-Wis.) and the State Department over the loyalty of de- partment employes. On the Senate floor Thursday McCarthy named 26 persons, in- cluding Ambassador-at-Large Philip Jessup, whose loyalty he said had been challenged. The Wisconsin Senator accused Jessup and others of Communist sym- path~es. * *-* Confab Still Deadloeked Over Buffer Reds Keep Silent On Other Issues U.N. ADVANCED HEADQUAR- TERS, Korea - (P) - United Na- tions negotiators today returned to the Korean armistice talks in an atmosphere of crisis. The Communist delegation at Friday's resumption of the meet- ings sat in stony silence. It re- fused to talk about anything but the 38th Parallel, or to budge from its position that the buffer zone murt be drawn there. The Allies wa;;t the line north of the Parallel. * * * THE STUBBORN attitude of the Communist delegation pushed the deadtoci-cd talks to the most critical, point since they began a month ago. The United Nations delegation reached Kaesong at 10:45 a.m. (7:45 p.m. Friday, Ann Arbor time) by helicopter for the 21st meeting with the North Korean and Chinese Communist delega- tion. The conference began on sched- ule 15 minutes later. The delegates met for an hour and 25 minutes and then called a recess until 2:30 p.m. There was no indication in any Army announcement whether progress was made during the first ses- sion. For two hour*,and 11 minutes of Friday's four-hour and 15-min- ute session not a, word wasex changed between the Allied and Red truce teams. And it wasf'* because the Allies were not will- ing to talk. Vice Adm. C. Turner Joy, Chief United Nations delegate, had pro- posed--as he had in the past- that a cease-fire buffer zone be established generally along the present battlefront -- which is mainly inside North Korea. He said the Allies were willing to dis- cuss "possible adjustments" of THE CORNING Glass Company announced his appointment as di- rector of research and development at its Corning, N.Y., laboratories. Condon's letter* of resignation made no mention of his being a target of a House Un-American Activities Subcommittee threea years ago. The committee describ-s ed Condon as "one of weakest links in our atomic security." Condon vigorously defended loyalty then and asked for a hearing. None was held. A num-v ber of Congressmen and officialsI upheld his loyalty.v Condon wrote Mr. Truman that t "I can no longer afford to accept. the severe financial sacrifice in- volved." Condon had been draw- ing $14,000 a year. The Corning company refused to say how much it will pay him.r * * AS WORD OF Condon's actionv reached the capitol, Reps. Vail andt Velde, Illinois Republicans, said in a statement his "resignation under fire is too significant to justify confidence in the assigned rea- sons."r The statement added that Con- gress had been impeded in its in- vestigation of Condon "by the ac- tion of the President in inpoundingp the FBI file recording his activities,1 notwithstanding almost unanimousf House passage of a House resolu- tion requesting the surrender of said file.'' Velde said that on July 30 he re- ceived a letter from Secretary of Commerce Sawyer stating that in- formation "with reference to Dr. Condon" had been turned over for review, to the Department's se- curity officers with instructions that 'it was to be carefully studied and if such course were justified. turned over to the Department loyalty board for consideration."1 Police Still Seed "It's never seemed like home to the family," he commented.t The structure, oldest existing x on campus, was stripped bare when the President walked out of it for the last time. The Ruthven family's furniture and personal belongings have been stored, disposed of or transferred to historic Gorden Hall where the. campus' retiring first family plans to. reside for an indefinite period. Gorden Hall, located near the village of Dexter 25 miles west of Ann Arbor, was given to the Uni- versity in February by the family of the late Judge Samuel W. Dex- ter who built the spacious home.f The Ruthvens will occupy two apartments on the first floor. President Ruthven wasn't sure how soon he and Mrs. Ruthven would return from their Frankfort vacation to take up residence in1 their new home. Nor is it known when President-elect Harlan H. Hatcher will actually move into' the president's mansion. He is scheduled to take over ad-' ministration of the University Sept. 1.1 MEANWHILE Vice - Presidents + Marvin L. Niehuss and Wilbur K. Pierpont have taken charge of op- erations during the interim period. President Ruthven assured them however that he would be available at all times for con- sultation and advice. He has not yet closed his large modern of- fice on the second floor of the Administration Bldg. Even the lifting of the burden of presidential responsibility will not sever President Ruthven's ties with the University. He already has lined up an office in the Rackham Bldg. where he will be available for consultation. He aso exects o cmn~ea. r WHEN SOME fellow senators accused him of smearing and call- ed him "a character assassin," McCarthy offered to let a "com- mittee headed by a good Demo- crat" decide whether his charges are justified. He mentioned Mc- Carran as the type of Democrat he had in mind. "We don't crave it and are not asking for it," McCarran said in referring to the possibility that his Senate group might make an in- quiry. "But it might be ourstaf could analyze it and present it.' Among those named by Mc- Carthy Thursday was John Car- ter Vincent, former minister to Switzerland and now chief of the American mission in Tan- giers. Vincent said in a statement a Tangiers yesterday he is disgusted with McCarthy's "nefarious cam. paign of attack against State De- partment officials." Jessup's office said he had n comment on McCarthy's charges ANOTHER MAN named by Mc Carthy was Herbert Fierst, who i a special aide to Assistant Secre tary of State John D. Hickerson Director of United Nations Affairs Fierst telephoned a reply to th State Department yesterday. De partment officials said Fierst wa on vacation. "I have just received word o Senator McCarthy's charge against me," Fierst said. "Th charges are entirely false. I an not and have never been a Com munist, pro-Communist or fellow traveler. I am a loyal Americai in every sense of the word." j 1, S d s. e Ls f s ie n - - n such a zone LT. GEN. NAM IL, chairman of the Red delegation, said nothing. And so they sat. The Reds fid- geted and whispered among them- selves. The Allies looked bored. Finally, after the sitting con- test had gone two hours and 11 minutes, Joy suggested they talk about something else-inspection behind rival lines in event of an armistice. Evidently having anti- cipated this suggestion, Nam read a prepared statement of refusal, still harping on Parallel 38 as the center of the buffer zone. However, another meeting was set for today-at 11 a.m. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, Al- lied Supreme Commander, called a halt in the sessions last Sunday after armed troops marched near the Allied conference house the day before. Ridgway sternly de- manded stronger guarantees for the neutrality of the meeting place. Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-The Office of Price Stabilization yesterday filed a protest with the Interstate Commerce Commission against proposed increases in round trip fares by all eastern passenger- carrying railroads. * * * GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES? U' To Investigate Mating Tendencies (I * * , Diamonds are a girl's best friend, but gentlemen p r e f e r blondes-or do they? And do blondes prefer gentle- man? ARMED WITH $100,000, a group of University social and physical scientists plan to seek the answers to these and other questions under a project called the Assortive Mat- ing Study. Under the direction of the In- stitute of Human Biology, the sci- entists have set up an elaborate five year project to discover whe- ther men and wonmen of similar ti for the project's purpose. "But, no city is, really," he explained. THE RESEARCHERS will next seek to find what traits men and women seek in a potential mate. Do tall men prefer tall or short women, for example. They will consider the effects of height, col- oring, mental traits, as well as social position, race, religion, edu- cation, economic position and physical condition on marriage and children. Because families with less in- telligence tend to have more chil- dren, many people think the in- .telligence level of the population ALL-NATIONS FLAG: New York Bishop To Run or v IziucI1t inI1 Y7eJ oi;; ! QUAKERTOWN, Pa.-Mrs. Ella Reeve Bloor Omholt, 88-year-old - f .Communist pioneer known around TT~r ttrt61__uih rbltn7 n qYi na~m9dan +ho a nlr- c - nths R n 1 Mm .. . .