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August 10, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-08-10

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FAGE Fo ri

THE 1 IA. .CI.U.'..E gX AN D L ATN

FRMAF, AUGUST 10, 1951

TEM(t 1221l1 1TTV F21.3Y, AUGUST 10, 1951

Choir, Brass Ensemble
Will Present Program


Brown Praises Engineering Honor Code

The University Summer Session
Choir, directed by Philip W. Duey,
assisted by the Brass Ensemble,
will present its annual summer
concert at 4 p.m. Sunday in Hill
The Choir is made up of 55
choral conductors from high
schools and colleges throughout
U' Officials
Predict Drop
In Enrollment
University enrollment this fall
is expected to take about a 3,000
student drop from last year's en-
rollment figure.
Most estimates place Septem-
ber's resident student body be-
tween 16,000 and 17,000. The Uni-
versity budget was based on the
16,000 figure.
* * *
HOWEVER University officials
were quick to point out that un-
der present world conditions, any
estimate has to be made with an
eye to revision.
In the past official estimates at
this time of the year proved to
be correct wtihin two or three per
cent, according to University
spokesmen, but no one will claim
that kind of accuracy for this
year's estimate.
Gayle C. Wilson, assistant di-
rector of admissions, said that all
indications point to a freshman
class as large as last year's.
"We expect the cuts to come
in the junior and senior classes,"
Wilson said.
The fact that no new veteran
students will be enrolled is not ex-
pected to affect the number of
the freshmen matriculations.
The number of veterans who
came to the University for the
first time last fall accounted for
only a small part of the freshman
class, so the death of the GI Bill
will not materially change the size
of this year's class.
But applications for admission
to the University indicate that
there may be a drop in transfer
students-veteran and non-vet-
eran-this fall.
* . *
FACULTY CUTS scheduled for
Che fall will probably not affect
',freshman classes. If anticipated
drops materialize in the upper
grades some sections of large
sophomore and junior chsses will
be dropped.
Unlike most universities in the
country, the University English
department does not see any drop
in enrollment or classroom sched-
Arthur E. Lean, assistant di-
rector of the extension service,
said that he expects a very
slight drop in participation in
the extension service program.
Most extension classes are at-
tended by people not liable to be
affected by the draft, Lean as-
But accurate pre-enrollment
estimates are almost impossible
to make for extension courses, be-
cause most students sign up for
them when they open without go-
ing through any admission proce-
* * *
IF T H E WORLD situation
;doesn't blow up all college plans
for the future, the present enroll-
ment drop is expected to last only
a few years.
Educators believe that many

men now in the armed forces will
head for college once their tour of
duty is up.
About the same time they ex-
pect this to happen, the first of
the "war babies" will be ready
to head for college.
These two factors combined
with the increased capacity of
public high schools and the
growing social recognition of the
Value of college education are ex-
pected to put college enrollment
at a high level for 10 or 15 years.
- - - - , I-

the country who are doing ad-
vanced work at the University.
* * *
THE BRASS Ensemble, which
wil play several selections from
the Salvation Army library of
brass band music, is composed of
24 members of the Summer Ses-
sion Band and directed by James
Neilson. Neilson, professor of
music education at Oklahoma City
University, is a guest lecturer in
wind instrument instruction here
this summer.
In the first part of the program,
the choir will present "0 Re-
joice, Ye Christians Loudly" and
"There is a Balm in Gilead," by
Bach. Arthur Tennant, tenor, will
be featured soloist in the second
selection. A spiritual, "Sheep and
Lambs" May Safely Graze," and
"Go Lovely Rose," by Eric Thi-
man will be sung next, followed
by Randall Thompson's "Allelu-
"Festival March," by Soler-
strom will be the first selection of
the Brass Ensemble, in the second
part of the program, followed by
"Prelude on the Hymn 'St. Ann,' "
by Ball; "March of the Swedish
Soldiery," -by Osthy; and "March,
The King's Highway," by Leizden.
* * *
FEATURED IN t h e second
group of selections by the choir
will be Brahms' "Lieberlieder, Op.
52," written for four hands at one
piano and voices, in which Grace
Hanninen and James Perry will
accompany the Choir.
The concluding number will be
"O Saviour, Throw the Heavens
Wide" from a Motet based on an
old chorale theme by Brahms.
'U' Doctors To
Visit Deninark
Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr., of the
public health school and Dr.
James L. Wilson, of the medical
school will participate in the sec-
ond International Poliomyelitis
Conference to be held from Sept.
3,to 7 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The distribution of polio virus
in a community during a polio
epidemic will be discussed by Dr.
Francis, chairman of the Depart-
ment of Epidemiology in the pub-
lic health school. He has directed
a research project aimed at find-
ing a chemical means of prevent-
ing or controlling polio since 1941.
Dr. Wilson, chairman of the
Department of Pediatrics and
Communicable Diseases will pre-
sent a paper related to polio treat-
ment entitled "Management of
Respiratory Insufficiency." Dr.
Wilson is supervisor of the new
respiratory center recently estab
lished at the University Hospital
in conjunction with the National
Foundation for Infantile Paraly-
The center, third of its kind in
the country, will provide extensive
facilities for polio research.
Socialized Rubber
Seen byCollyer
AKRON, Ohio-(P)-The rubber
industry in the United States to-
day is "completely socialized" in
the fields of supply and usage,
John L. Collyer, president of the
B. F. Goodrich Co. asserted here
last night.
He told a news conference that
"the Government owns the rubber
producing plants; procures the
raw materials and schedules pro-
duction; is the only buyer and
importer of crude rubber; deter-
mines the amounts of rubber that
may be consumed by manufactur-
ers; sets specifications for the use

of rubber, and determines the
Collyer urged the appointment
of' a Presidential commission to
study thecproblem and "develop a
policy of competition in rubber."
Fake Bills Multiply
DETROIT- () -The Secret
Service warned yesterday that
counterfeit bills are on the in-
crease in Michigan.

In light of the West Point crib-
bing scandal, colleges across the
country have been taking second
looks at their honor systems, and
here at the University Dean
George G. Brown of the engi-
neering college has nothing but
praise for the 35-year-old en-
gineering honor code.
Although he declined to com-
ment specifically on the West

Point developments, Dean Brown
declared that there was no danger
of a breakdown in the engineer's
code which controls the 2,400 stu-
dents in his unit.
* * *
was established in 1916 at the
request of engine school stu-
dents. It has been in operation

Psychological Aid May Help
In Reduction of Overweight

From the pleasingly plump to
the outright obese, overweight
people are getting psychological
aid in their attempts to reduce,
although psychiatrists and local
psychology professors have ex-
pressed their doubts as to the ul-
timate worth of the experiments.
The soothing voice of a "mas-
ter hypnotist" is reportedly in-
strumental in removing pounds
from the overweight in Chicago,
while at the same time Fat People
Anonymous groups patterned aft-
er Alcoholics Anonymous have
sprung up all over the country.
* * ,'
IN AN EIGHTH floor office
building, the syrupy tones of Ed-
win L. Baron, hypnotist issue,
commands to a group of fat wo-
Baron, who insists that his
work is purely a "research proj-
ect," reports amazing success and
his patients make varying claims
for the power of hypnosis.
One woman, who lost 16 lbs. in
two weeks, boasted, "I've lost ab-

solutely al ltaste for sweets and
in-between snacks. It's helped
my bronchial asthma too," she
added, "and I sleep nights."
Prof. Roger Heyns, of the psy-
chology department, expressed
lack of faith in such testimonials.
"Any patent medicine in 'the
country can get testimonials even
if it only contains water," he said.
* * *
PROF. HEYNS seemed more fa-
vorably impressed with the idea
of Fat People Anonymous. A
group of this nature where one
can meet and discuss mutual
problems with others will afford
companionship and affection. In
their loneliness, many people turn
to overeating to make up for lack
of attention," he explained.
One demure coed when inter-
viewed yesterday seemed dubious
about the idea of a get-together
plan. "Whenever a bunch of wo-
men meet, whether for bridge or
to discuss their operation, some-
one always starts to pass around
refreshments," she explained.

ever since that time, except for
the brief period of time during
World War II when most of the
students were military personnel.
The system is under the direc-
tion of a student honor committee
which hears cases of alleged
cheating, and hands down a ver-
dict which is submitted to the
faculty for final action.
Dean Brown asserts that the
faculty makes virtually no
changes in the recommenda-
tions of the student committee.
A pledge is written on the blue-
books by the students, saying that
they have received no aid during
the exam, and the professor leaves
the room as soon as test questions
are passed out.
Students are allowed to come
and go greely, and to talk quietly
in the examination room.
"The secret of success of the
system," Dean Brown points out,
"is that it is run entirely by the
Dean Brown maintains that a
proctor system instills wrong mo-
tives in the students, giving them
incentive to see how much they
can get away with.
School also has a student honor
system that has been in effect for
about 25 years.
Officials report that in this "a
strong feeling that each student's
personal reputation is at stake has
been developed over the years."
The proctor system has been
used in other University schools
and colleges, and authorizes re-
port that there have been no stu-
dent moves to institute a general
honor system.


-Daily-L. Wilk
FINAL CHECK-Famed TV director Edward Stasheff goes over the script with his author son, James
Stasheff, as they check the tape recording of "The First Performance of Hamlet," to be heard to-
day over WUOM and WPAG. Lou Pollock, '52, e ngineer, checks for sound.
* * * *


Reports Show
Teachers Not
The saga of the absent minded
professor does not hold for high
school and grammar school teach-
ers according to reports by house-
keepers in University dorms.
In a cleanup, sweep-up tour of
the rooms vacated by teachers en-
rolled in six-week education cours-
es almost nothing was reported
left behind.
"Nothing has been turned in
yet," Charles G. Lareau, business
manager of the West Quad noted
yesterday. "This is not at all un-
usual for the summer crowd-
they're older, don't keep as many
souvenirs, and don't 'borrow' those
huge construction blocks from the
South Quad to build elaborate
bookcases which we have to cart
away," he said.
s t .
"DURING THE regular semes-
ter our undergrads leave all sorts
of valuables' behind when they
go home at the end of the semes-
ter," he explained.
One student makes us an an-
nual gift of a skull which during
the term ornaments his room
complimented by a mop for hair.
He seems hesitant about taking
the thing home," Lareau added.
"The visiting teachers don't
seem to get into the spirit of
things," Lareau commented,
"they don't even bother with
Lareau's comments were second-
ed by an official at Alice Lloyd
Hall who reported very little had
been turned up by maids cleaning
the vacated rooms.
"During the regular year the
women leave practically every
kind of clothing article as well as
ink, golf balls and stale crackers,"
she said.
One student even left the upper
plate of her false teeth, Mrs. Mar-
garet Vedder, -the housekeeper,
Vandenberg Plans
To VisitSelfridge
MT. CLEMENS, Mich. - (P) -
Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Chief
of Staff of the Air Force, will fly
into Selfridge Field Monday to
attend a doubleheader ceremony.
First Gen. Vandenberg will open
officially a housing development
named in honor of his uncle, the
late Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg.
Then he will attend a premiere
showing of "the Mt. Clemens
Story," a movie depicting Sel-
fridge's good relations with the

Radio Program To Combine
Prize Script, Famed Director



Performance of a prize-winning
script and direction by a well
known TV director will both be
featured in the Speech Depart-
ment Radio's presentation "The

sheff drew from his previous ex-
periences to write a radio script.
Besides its success in a national
contest, the script also won first
award in the Portchester Lit-
erary Festival of New York.



First Performance of Hamlet" to Noted free-lance New York
be heard at 4 p.m. today over director, Stasheff, will direct
WUOM and WPAG. son's script. Stasheff was TV
The script, written by James rector for the ABC "I Cover Ti
Stasheff, son of University guest- Square" show last year, and
professor Edward Stasheff of New direct an educational TV se
York, is an historical documen- "The Living Blackboard"1
tary radio show. Written in the year.
style of the famous series, "You His teaching on campus
Are There," it won second prize year consists of two courses,
in the 1951 National Script Writ- evision Techniques," and "Br
ing Contest sponsored by Scholas- cast Station Management
tic Magazine. Program Policy."





, * *
THE FIFTEEN and a half year
old author wrote the script as
part of an English assignment
that called for something in a
style suitable for Scholastic Ma-
Having played in summer
stock, and appeared in both ra-
dio and TV shows, young Sta-

Members of the 'Speech Depart-
ment Radio classes will make up
the cast for the show, which will
be one of the Workshop Drama
Daily Classifieds
Bring Quick Reszgts




./z Yearly




From a collection of campus-
bound gabardines, three
softly tailored dresses
with genuine leather belts;
bound waist and armholes.
A. Coachman-style suavel gab-
ardine, with contrasting lapel
inserts. In beige, cocoa, grey or
navy; sizes 10 to 18.
B. Trim town gabardine classic
step-in with gold crest emblem
on the pocket. Beige, green,
navy or red; sizes 12 to 20.
C. -y-front town gabardine with
stud buttons to the waist. Beige,

1 "





2 0%offI'



' I



=- ./
.. f'

Rayon Prints, Crepes. Many dark sheers. Colors.
A few evening dresses, many originally were to
(All cottons originally 19.95 included.)

green, navy; sizes 12 to



casual dresses

Fountain Pens repaired by
d factory trained man.
Webster-Chicaao Wirerecorders

'i II

1 1 .1. 1 t

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