PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRMAY. AVG IST :R. 10.111 T H E I C H I A N D I T N~W R U ) V Af f~T-_ --- -O~ ar-.--arr..-.., V rt V 0 1 4, 1j ix GUIDES TO EMOTION: Science Scans Lips, Figure By HADLEY OSBORN A new use for woman's lips was discovered by Mason Rose, head of the National Foundation for Psychological Research. Rose announced that they were the only guide to a woman's true emotions, after picking Jane Greer as the actress with the "most exciting mouth." * * * ALTHOUGH MOST psycholo- gists refused to comment, a teach- er confirmed the validity of the "lip test" in 'a class here yester- day. He warned against categoriz- ing women according to the shape of their mouths, but added that much could be learned from such a study. Prof. Wilbert 3. McKeachie states, in his "Outline of Psy- chology," that "there is some tendency for the mouth to be more revealing of emotions than the other facial features." On the other hand, Byron 3roesbeck agreed with most males ind said "a much better evalua- tion can be made aftre a study of 'he whole figure. "Several studies have been made, he added, "using only the eyes and face, but while they may give a general indication of the girl's emotions, they're not the whole story." * * * GROESBECK ADDED that the eyes were usually more popular when it came to such analysis. One student said that he has found that the shape of a wo- man's heels is an infallible in- cator of her true self. He added, though, that this test wasn't too practical, since it was sometimes embarrasing to ask a date to take off her shoes so that he could look at her heels. The typical coed reaction was that "the whole thing is non- sense." * * * A CLUE oily Swans Come Clean For Royalty LONDON-- )-The swans in the river Thames, under terms of ancientelaw, belong to the king- and lately they looked a mess. The untidy appearance was due to the fact that a ship which should have known better dis- charged a lot of bilge and -oil into the river. THE SWANS became sticky and the color of mice. They were no credit to the king. It was all set right today in a spectacular roundup of swans. Men in boats crowded them up against a dock. They were fished out, and despite.,outraged squawk- ing their feet were tied. Then they were hauled in vans to the royal society for the pre- vention of cruelty to animals where experts gave them sham- poos. IT WASN'T easy, oil and bilge being what they are. The renovators used brushes, combs, finger nail files, sponges, soap, cleaning fluid, detergents, sand paper and a vacuum clean- er. Checkers counted 66 swans as; having been purified. Tonighti they' were back on the Thames, majestic and immaculately whitei in the twilight-and again a. cre- dit to the king. Bail for Aliens Denied Civil Rights Group NEW YORK-MP--The Govern- ment yesterday outlawed Civil1 Rights Congress bail for 39 aliens fighting deportation,t They were told to produce new bonds or go to jail. It was another sweeping blow at the Congress-termed subver- sive by the Government - which bankrolls Communists when they get in a legal jam. Earlier last month, Congress bail was outlawed in federal' courts in New York City. The Congress posted a total of $110,000 in bond for the 39 aliens, all of whom face deportation pro- ceedings because of alleged sub- versive or Communist connections. The Government moved briskly to rearrest the aliens, ordering them to turn themselves in by 1 p.m. (CST)-less than an hour after the decision was made in Washington. Museum Shows Summer Exhibit The University Art Museum is offering a summer exhibit of paintings and prints from their permanent collection. Included in the exhibit will be contempora'ry French and Am- rican paintings and drawings and a gallery of Modern Graphic Art prints, lithographs and etch- ings. Work by Picasso, Matisse and Japanese artists will be featured in the graphic art group. There are also four sculptures by Uni- versity students. The exhibit has been set up to replace a traveling exhibit, Paint- ers of the Northwest. THE WHOLE STORY WORKSHOP DRAMA: Speech Department Radio Series To Present Fantasy Gov. Lausche Says Truman Should Run Ohio Democrat Declares Support WASHINGTON - (A) - Gov. Frank J. Lausche of Ohio, noted 'lone wolf" Democrat, started the 1952 political pot boiling in a big vay yesterday by urging President Pruman to run for reelection in '.952. Emerging from a conference vith Truman at the White House, 'ausche told newsmen: "I told him I thought he should >e the candidate for President in 1952." He said the President smiled ind thanked him. * * * LAUSCHE made plain to the newsmen that he wasn't stopping it just stating his opinion to Tru- man. He said he had "expressed my views in the matter" to lead- ng Democrats in Ohio. Lausche's announcement came as a surprise to reporters, par- ticularly in view of his record for playing a lone hand in Dem- ocratic party affairs, often ig- noring party organizations. His action in plumping so early for Truman was in sharp con- rast with the pointedly neutral tand he took in the big senatorial ontest in Ohio in 1950. POLITICIANS sought last night o assay the effect on the 1952 picture of Lausche's. announce- ment. Lausche has long been a remendous vote getter in Ohio, n important electoral state. One big question-to which no definite answer could yet be given-was how many votes he could swing to the Truman cause if Taft should be the Republican standard bearer. There have been reports that ausche has been, approached to ake the post of Commissioner of aseball, formerly held by A. B. Happy" Chandler. Lausche re- used to confirm these reports yes- erday, but left the impression here had been some overtures. "Have responsible people in aseball talked to you about the ossibility of your becoming Base- all Commissioner?" he was asked. "Now you've got me up against he wall," he replied with a laugh. ienators Propose Korean GI Bill WASHINGTON - (P) - Sena- rs George (D), Ga., and Kerr )). Okla., have introduced a GI lucation and training bill for terans qf the Korean war. Under the measure veterans of D days or more of military service nce June, 1950, would be eligible >r one month of training for ich month of active service. Veterans whose education was iterrupted by entrance into the *med services would be provided maximum of four years training. ther veterans would be entitled one year. D 0 C C Y L I V I N C - Snowball, a five-year-old pooch owned by Frank J. Smith of Bartonville, Ill.,- looks watchfully at a group of tiny goslings of which she has become "godmother." ASSOCI'AD P R ESS PICTURENEWS1 6. E G E R M A N B E A U T Y-Helga Severin, 26-year-old model from Hannover, was named "Miss Niedersachsen"(Lower Saxony) and will be one of 13 girls competing for "Miss Germany" title. Broadcast over the Radio Work- shop Drama series, the Speech Department Radio will present a humorous fantasy, entitled the "Thousand and Second Night" at 4 p.m. today over WPAG and WU- OM. The script was written by Ray- mond Kurtzman and the program will be directed by Stan Challis, Grad. Deadline Set For Tickets Students who will receive mas- ter's degrees at the end of thef summer session must pick up their tickets for the Master's Breakfast by 4 p.m. today in Rm. 3510 of the Administration Bldg. The breakfast, an annual affair,z will be held at 9 a.m. Aug. 5 int the Union ballroom and, according1 to Prof. George M. McEwen, se- cretary of the summer session, "will be in keeping with the sum- mer atmosphere and spirit." Retiring President Alexander G.- Ruthven will present one of his last official addresses at theI breakfast. Director of the Summer Session,c Prof. Harold M. Dorr, said that< about 250 were expected to at- tend. PHILIP LANG, guest lecturer in the University music school and radio music composer, has scored and directed the special music to be featured on the show. A children's narration entit- led "Squeaky the Dragon" will be broadcast over WPAG at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 4 as one of the Down Story Book Lane productions this week. It will be narrated by Vic Hur- witz, Grad., and directed by Lou Pollock, '52. An additional high- light of the show will be the spe- cial music written for it by Mar- ion Rogers of the music school. * * * THE SUNDAY Down Story Book Lane program will be heard at 8:45 a.m .over WWJ. The show will be directed by Betty Fuller, Grad. In addition, Speech Department Radio broadcasts the 11:45 a.m. news every morning, Monday through Friday, over WHRV, Ann Arbor. Grad Outing Club Volleyball, horseshoes and. swimming will be features of a trip to an abandoned golf course near Delhi planned by the Gradu- ate Outing Club for 2 p.m. Sun- day, according to Jack Curtis, Grad., vice-president. The group will meet at the Rackham Bldg. V I O L I N IST O N A HAY P I L E-Yehudi Menuhin takes his son, Smithy, for a hayride outside Melbourne, Australia, as world famous musician relaxes between concert appearances. e T H E C H A N C I N C S C E N E --An artist p'its Jeff frey's Hook Lighthouse on New York City side of Hudon River before 30-year-old structure is auctioned by U. S. Coast Guard. I. . .,, <: t. . c xI 4_ 4 A S T U DENT AT S I X T Y -William Clark (right), 60, of Princeton, N. J., Chief Justice of the U. S. High Commis- sion's courts in Germany, receives from Munich University Chan- cellor Walter Gerlach his card as a student for German doctorate. SAY 'A H . -Peter the Great is open-mouthed as keeper Robert Montana places a snack between his jaws at New York's Zoo. At 48, he's one of oldest hippos ever known in captivity. Wool Worsted JERSEY campus-keyed to a new autumn Wyner's Sag-No-Mor jersey fills the campus need for smart wearable styles with chic. Left: Striped-top two-piece dress with jeweled crest tab trim. Navy, brown or black with red; sizes 10 to 16. 29.95 j~. It STUDENT SUPPLIES T 1 1 1 I, fl .. ....... . ..... ..........