PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1951 w DORIS FLEESON: Bunche Appontment W ASHINGTON-The move to make Ralph Bunche, noted Negro diplomat serving with the United Nations, the next U.S. As- bassador to Russia is still a creation of the politicians. They have interested the Tru- man staff, however, and have assurances that the President will consider it. It is not the first suggestion that this country should make more spectacular use of Mr. Bunche's recognized talents in the battle against Communism. When Averell Harriman, who is mediating the Iranian oil dispute for the President, retired as Am- bassador to Moscow, he proposed Mr. Bunche as his successor. Since then increasing use of the color issue in Asia against the Western world, especially since China fell to the Reds, has seemed to many to offer a powerful reason for moving Mr. Bunche to the front lines. Senator Moody, Michigan Demo- crat, the latest politico to push the idea, insists that in Moscow, "Ambassador Bunche would be a living refutation to Communist racial propaganda against the United States." The State Department is wary. Its con- science is clear about Mr. Bunche. Secre- tary Acheson offered him the high post of Assistant Secretary of State in charge of Near East and African Affairs, which Mr. Bunche refused because he did not wish to bring up his family in segregated Washing- ton. The Department rejoiced in his work in Palestine, and pushed him for the U.N. post he preferred. It has two fears, however. One is of ap- pearing to pull irons out of the fire for as- piring politicians with large Negro voting blocs. The other is of setting precedents for naming important officials because they represent important racial or religious min- orities. * * * SEVERAL months ago a Negro delegation called on the Secretary of State and in somewhat peremptory tones insisted that more Negroes should have better diplomatie posts. A fast man with a touchy question, Mr. Acheson quietly expressed disappoint- ment that they did not stress the issue of quality rather than equality. He said that he had asked Mr. Bunche to be Assistant Secretary because he con- sidered him the best qualified man for the job in view. He added he would always try to appoint the best qualified men, regardless of color. The middlemen of this pulling and hauling are found at the Democratic Na- Ntional Committee. They score Mr. Ache- son as a fair and knowledgeable cabinet officer; they don't gve State's lower echelons much change. When Mr. Bunche's name was proposed for Russia by Mr. Harriman, some State officials expressed fear that the Reds would "cater" to him and thus "spoil him." Mr. Bunche's friends do not deny that he strongly resents segregation in the nation's capital, but they believe that comment re- flects only a fear growing out of a guilty conscience over some aspects of the Negro's status in America. The latest traveler to discover how ably the Communists exploit U. S. color preju- 'dice is Gov. Dewey of New York. Speaking to leading Malayan and Singa- pore citizens at a Singapore luncheon in his honor, Dewey said he was "shocked to find an 'incident of racial prejudice, in- volving a few hundred people out of 150,- 000,000 people, is front-page news in Singa- pore and elsewhere, and considered worthy of a four-column protograph on page one." He was referring to the recent race riot in Cicero, the Chicago suburb. It is Dewey's first visit to the Far East. Asian newspapers regularly give huge play to U. S. Negro and race problems, almost none to the tremendous advancement of Negroes. (Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) t1 Il MATTE R OF FA CT By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOPI ,I STALIN AND MAO II WASHINGTON-Chinese Communist dic- tator Mao Tse-tung has clearly warned his opposite number in the Kremlin that he considers all of Asia an exclusive province for the expansion of Chinese power. This is the only reasonable interpretation of the real meaning of seven articles, written by high Chinese Communist officials and pub- lished within the last month in China. These seven articles make up forty-five closely-typed pages of turgid Communist prose. The best wa yto extract their inner meaning is to ask the reader to perform a difficult act of the imagination. Imagine, then, that Klement Gottwald, Communist President of satellite Czecho- slovakia, suddenly announces "The Gotts- wald theory of revolution," hailing his "the- ory" as the greatest contribution to Marxist doctrine since Lenin's death. Assume fur- ther that "the Gottwald theory of revolu- tion" must guide all future revolutionary activity in Western Europe, according to Gottwald, because the economic and social structure of Czechoslovakia is much more like Western Europe's than in Russia's. This is sheer fantasy, of course. "The Gottwald theory of revolution" would never see the light of day, nor, for very long, would Gottwald. Yet this is precise- ly, and without the slightest exaggeration, what Mao Tse-tung has now done, through the medium of the seven articles by his chief subordinates. Although Stalin's name is not even mentioned in four of these articles, in the three others there are formal bows in his direction. But on the essential points, Mao makes himself entirely clear. "Mao Tse-tung's theory of the Chinese revolution," an ."enrichment of Marxism- Leninism," must be the basis for solving the "problems of revolution in the colonial and semi-colonial countries." These countries are "Viet-Nam (Indo-China), Burma. In- donesia, Malaya, and the Philippines," with "India, Japan, and other countries," in a second, less urgent category. The new dogma is stated explicitly: r "The classic type of revolution in im- perialist countries was the October revo- lution (in Russia). The classic type of revolution in colonial and semi-colonial countries is the Chinese revolution." Stalin will most certainly understand what is meant by this. Mao is in Effect saying to Stalin: "Europe is yours. But Asia is mine. Keep out." .* IT is reasonable to assume that this none too subtle declaration of ideological in- dependence and expansionist intention has Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: BOB KEITH shaken the Kremlin like nothing else since the defection of Tito. But does this mean that Mao Tse-tung is to become another Tito? The whole tone of the seven articles indi- cates very clearly that Mao Tse-tung will welcome a really equal alliance with the Soviet Unson, provided the sphere of ex- jansion of each partner is clearly marked out. For a time at least, the Kremlin may accept this, as the best of a bad bargain. But in the Kremlin's view, it can only be a very bad bargani. The Kremlin's propaganda has never for a moment acknowledged Mao Tse-tung's ambitious claims. Mao is regularly pic- tured as a humble and grateful disciple of the great Stalin. Moreover, according to the best intelligence, the Russians are mak- ing a determined effort to infiltrate and control the Chinese Communist apparatus. Finally, the Kremlin has a very powerful lever to use on Mao; the Chinese Commun- ists cannot possibly carry on the Korean war, for example, without the weapons and supplies which can come only from Russia. It is interesting that the seven articles were published soon after the Malik peace bid, which suggests that the Kremlin may have been using precisely this lever. At any rate, there is now no doubt that the seeds of conflict between the two great Communist powers have been sown. Yet if the conflict does break into open flame, nothing would be more foolish than to ex- pect in China a precise repetition of Titoism. For one conclusion is implicit in all the available evidence. Mao Tse- tung's China is more violently expan- sionist than Stalin's Russia. The Soviet leaders have had thirty years to digest their revolution. The Chinese Communists are intoxicated with the new wine of power. "Mao Tse-tung's theory of the Chinese revolution" calls for 'armed struggle"-which means violent revolution. The armed struggle in "the colonial and semi-colonial countries" is to' be promoted and supported NOW, not at some time in the distant future. And an open break with the Kremlin, if it comes, is just as likely to increase as to diminish this appe- tite for power throughout Asia. Moreover, the Chinese Communist ambi- tion to expand is altogether likely violently to stimulate the Soviet impulse to expand. If a competition for world Communist lead- ership develops, Stalin must literally at all costs outdo Mao Tse-tung, in order to con- tain and control his heretical rival. Thus Mao Tse-tung's challenge to the Kremlin gives the West no grounds whatsoever for complacency. But at least it, is worth not- ing that Mao Tse-tung is no bought-and- paid-for satellite stooge, and that he is not likely to become one without a most deter- mined struggle. For this is one of the cen- tral facts of our time. (Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) "T he War In Korea Was Useel " z. 1 S sr '' ' t . INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Russian's Peace Offensive Disguises War Build-up By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. Associated Press News Analyst EVEN if there were no Iranian or Yugoslav problem at the moment, students of Russia's curve-throwing technique would be led by the very intensity of her current peace offensive to consider anew the prospects of war. Gen. Marshall and other military leaders, explaining their money needs to Congress this week, are saying that the enemy's buildup has increased the chances of var. President Truman said the other day that armament of Russia's satellites in Eastern Europe was being pressed. Reports from Poland in connection with a purge of army officers suggest that the Polish Army is now completely in the hands of Russian or Russian-trained officers. Under the circumstances, Molotov's blast at the Tito govern- ment in Yugoslavia sent tremors throughout the world's chan- celleries, although it was considered more of a warning against Titoism in Poland than a direct threat against Belgrade. Until now, Tito has been considered capable of taking care of himself, with the aid of Western supplies, against any attack by the satellites alone. Under that circumstance, which would have re- quired direct Russian intervention, war was considered unlikely., Whether that remains true, with the increasing emphasis on Czecho- slovakia's arms industry and arrival of more equipment from Russia, is not known. There is some doubt. * * * * THE Iranian situation seems to be easing somewhat. A Communist coup had been expected there if Nationalist intransigence resulted in the collapse of the Iranian oil industry with chaotic economic con- sequences. Averell Harriman apparently has made some impression on the Iranians with his argument that they cannot hope to go it alone. Renewed Anglo-Iranian negotiations may be able to close the door which had been partly opened to Russia. A Russian attack there while the British remain by firm agreement with the Teheran gov- ernment is hardly to be expected. It would be a direct challenge to World War III. When that war comes it is far more likely to be through some such act as Hitler's invasion of Poland which set off World War II. Russia will be prepared for general war, but will be hop. ing for just one more grab without it, just as she hoped in Korea. When generals talk about the possibilities of war they mean a sit- uation in which they have to be prepared for the outside chance if they are to do their jobs properly. Actually, so far as Europe is concerned, Russia still seems to lack the last final margin of preparedness for war. To take the last preparatory steps, Stalin would have to tele- graph his punch. Those steps are not under way yet. If he is will- ing to forego those last steps to seek surprise, he might find the Allies more alert and more able than he thought. He would be taking a very long chance of losing everything, whereas at the moment he would seem to be doing pretty well without it. War, from his stand- point, doesn't seem to be reasonable at the moment. 1, 4 '.i d ... .. r -mo wsrerw*aa F+*sr w etteA4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. e , t Japanese Treaty ,. , To the Editor: LIKE Neville Chamberlain, who thought he had completed a triumph when he signed the Mun- ich Pact "against the Communist philosophy," John Foster Dulles feels he has a big achievement in the so-called Japanese "Peace Treaty."But just as Chamberlain' nearly dug the grave of the Br- tish Empire, so John Foster Dulles is digging the grave of American security, American moral posi- tion, and the lives of the Ameri- can boys .. . The crime which this Aditinis- tration is committing against the United States is that it once again is re-arming these same Pearl Harbor criminals, making them our "allies" for a new war. And the Allies who fought Fascism at Stalingrad are becoming potential enemy. The so called peace treaty is not a peace treaty. It is a war treaty. In the name of "restoring Japan- ese sovereignty," Dulles demanded that there shall be permanent American army of occupation in Japan and restoration of Japan- ese military-naval power. The Chinese people who endured 20 years of Japanese invasion are ig- nored in this Dulles deal with the Pearl Harbor criminals. This is because they are the target for a future Washington-Tokyo attack. The Soviet Union which together with the United States routed the biggest Japanese concentration on land and on the sea, after it en- tered the war exactly on the date agreed upon with Churchill and Roosevelt, is also ignored. The entire Korean nation, which suffered the Japanese yoke for 40 years, is ignored. The Japanese people, sick of war and armies, are trampled on and ignored. The Philippine people are slapped in the face. Their demand for repar- ations from their despoilers is denied by Dulles. "Dismay and deep disillusion" is the way even Foreign Secretary Carlos Romulo, State Department supporter in Manila, describes the wave of feeling sweeping the Philippines people. What is felt throughout Asia about this Washington deal to bring back the hated Hirohito mob, backed and organized by the United States financial interest, can easily be imagined. The Truman-Dulles deal men- aces the British and Australian economies with the cutthroat competition of Japanese dumping, of cheap goods carried out under the orders of the same financial interests owners buying into Ja- panese mills and factories. It men- aces Japanese interest by shutting off trade with China and the So- viet Union. American security is being be- trayed by a deal which aligns 90 percent of the people of Asia against us. America's security re- quires a demilitarized and demo- cratic Japan, free of all occupa- tion armies its reactionaries and Emperial-monopoly system des- troyed, and its people aligned in mutual friendship with China, the U.S.A., the Soviet Union and the Asian countries. America's security demands a Big five Peace Pact between China, the Soviet Union, Britain, and the United States and France. Dulles' Japan- ese deal is leading our nation to isolation. -George P. Moskoff 1 4' 4 BOOKS BETWEEN THE IRON AND THE PINE, by Lewis C. Reimann (Lithoprint- ed by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor.) IT takes a great deal of fondness for living for a writer to recapture the experiences of his youth after a lapse of nearly sixty years. In the Iron Ore Centennial edition of his book, Between the Iron and the Pine, Lewis C. Reimann ably describes the fabu- lous era of the logging and ore mining his- tory of Upper Michigan. The characters and events are factual; the style is straightforward; but here and there the narrative almost assumes Paul Bunyan proportions. Like the sage of "Big Fritz", the mine boss whose avoirdu- pois was a piddling 367 and whose funeral the whole town of Iron River attended. Or, like the description of "The Terrible Dane" who was five feet and wore a nine- teen inch collar. The story is not all swashbuckling, how- ever, for the recounting of the diggings of gold prospectors for iron pyrite, the legend- ary "fool's gold," is touching. The only WASHINGTON-Gen. Dwight D. Eisen- hower has quietly passed the word to his GOP boosters that he is not interested in the Republican nomination-if isolation- ists control the Party. In addition, Ike let it be known that he is upset by the timid and hesitant policy of internationally-minded Republicans and the way they let bitter attacks on him go un- heeded. One close friend who returned from Paris recently put it this way: "If the Republicans want Ike merely to bail out the Party and win an election, they're badly mistaken. That would be like putting a million dollar jockey on a two dollar horse. "The General is not the least bit inter- ested in running for President just to ac- commodate a candidate for sheriff. Those who say they want Ike so badly are going to have to do a lot more than say, 'He's a fine fellow and will win the election for us.' The'll have to work and fight to make the Republican Party the kind of place where the General would feel at home." * * * EISENHOWER'S CLOSE friends agree that this issue will largely decide wheth- er he consents to run-and on which party. They claim Eisenhower is disturbed by four factors: 1. The prospect that as the GOP nominee he might help elect an isolationist Republi- can Congress which would then proceed to dump the military and economic aid pro- gram which he has been spear-heading. 2. The lack of a hard-hitting, effective international-minded GOP bloc in Con- gress, as existed when Sen. Arthur Vanden- berg was active. The last attempt to organ- ize the internationalists among Senate Re- publicans was in January, 1949, when Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., called a meeting. This rump group met only once. 3. The way the Taft-isolationist wing has The mails are being flooded with vile di- atribes against the General, while his GOP friends sit on the sidelines. NOTE -Meanwhile, Governor Dewey's braintrust is laying out plans to organize the East coast for Eisenhower. Toe trio is Paul Lockwood, now with Dewey in the Far East; his shrewd press secretary, Jim Hag- erty; and President Truman's 1948 cam- paign speech writer, former columnist Jay Franklin. - TRUMAN MEMO - P RESIDENT Truman has sent a confiden- tial memo to all cabinet officers order- ing them to clear their out-of-town appear- ances with Democratic National Chairman Bill Boyle. Some folks consider this a tip that HST plans to run again, since this is the first time he has sent formal political instructions to his Cabinet. Anyway here is the confidential letter: "Mr. Boyle, chairman of the Democra- tic National Committee, made a sugges- tion to me which I think is ,worthwhile. He would like very much to be notified when Cabinet officers, Secretaries and undersecretaries go into any community outside of Washington for the purpose of making a speech, so he can arrange a proper reception for them when they get into town. "He thinks that would not only help their prestige in the community, but would give our local leaders a chance to be in the lime- light to some extent, and that is a very necessary procedure in a political organi- zation. - COMMUNISM IN ARAB WORLD -- THOUGH it was known that an agent of the ex-Grand Mufti of Jerusalem assas- sinated King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan, it is not generally known that the Grand Mufti, having been Hitler's paid agent in the Near East, has now taken over the same job for Moscow. The Mufti has turned up at various The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the day preceding publication. FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1951 VOL. LXI, No. 27-S{ Notices Women Students - Barbour Gymna- sium lockers. Lockers in the Barbour Gymnasium and the Women's Athletic Building should be cleared out by Friday, August 10. The Fresh Air Camp Clinic will be Friday night, July 27, 8:00 at the camp on Patterson Lake. Dr. Rabinovitch, Asst. Prof. of Psychiatry; in Charge of Children's Service, Neuropsychiatric In- stitute, will be the speaker. Personnel Interviews: Wednesday, August 8- Granite City Steel Company, Granite City, Illinois, will be interviewing Civil and Architectural Engineers for posi- tions as structural engineer, assistant project engineer, and assistant architec- tural engineer. The assistant architec- tural engineer should have an interest in advertising, as his work will be con- cerned with standards and publica- tions. Thursday, August 9 Maryland Casualty Insurance Com- pany, Detroit office, will be interviewing men interested in their training pro- gram. This is not a sales program, but the men will receive training in all of' the departments. These positions will be in Detroit, primarily. For appointments for interviews please call at the Bureau of Appointments 3528 Administration Building. Personnel Interviews, Wednesday, August 8- Kaiser-Frazer Corporation will be in- terviewing Mechanical, Industrial, Chemical, Aeronautical, Civil, Electri- cal, and Architectural Engineers. Thursday, August 9- Dow-Corning, Midland, Michigan, will be interviewing men with a Bus- iness Administration background who have had courses in Business Law or Law Schooi students who have a business background. The position will be in the Purchasing Department and will entail writing contracts and expediting materials. For appointments for interviews please call at the Bureau of Appoint- ments 3528 Administration Building. Personnel Requests: We have had a call from a company in the Ann Arbor area for a draftsman to work full time this summer and part time during the school year. Timken Detroit Axle Company is look- ing for Mechanical Engineers for their Supervisory Training Program. If enough men are interested, they will come to the Bureau for interviews. For further information please contact the Bureau of Appointments 3528 Adminis- tration Building. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Earle Lewis+ Kent, Electrical Engineering: thesis: "A Method for Changing the Fre- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN quency of a Complex Wave," Saturday, August 4, 2511 East Engineering Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, L. N. Holland. Doctoral Examination for Harry H. Josselson, Linguistics; thesis: "Stress Patterns of Russian Noun Declension," Friday, August 3, West Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, C. C. Fries. Doctoral Examination for Michael Patrick Cava, Chemistry; thesis: "Stud- ies on the Degradation of Neoergosterol and Related Substances", Saturday, August 4, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, A. S. Dreidiag. Events Today Beach Ball, Informal Dance, League Ballroom, 9:00 - 12:00. Stag, hag or drag. Free. Weekly Coffee Hour at Lane Hall, 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. Michigan Christian Fellowship Bible Study, 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall, "Upper Room". Ephesians Chap. 5. Roger Williams Guild: Fri., 8:30, Planned Party. Lectures Today Biophysics Symposium. 1300 Chemis- try Building. "Ionization and Thermal Effects on Viruses and Enzymes" (con- tinued). E. C. Pollard, Yale University, 4:00 p.m. Concerts Student Recital: Vivicn Milan, mez- zo-soprano, will be heard at 4:15 Sun- day afternoon, August 5, in the Archi- tecture Auditorium, in a program sung in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the Bachelor of Music de- gree. It will include compositions by Stevens, Storace, Respighi; Massenet, Poulenc, Ravel, and Mahler, and will be open to the public. Miss Milan is a pupil of Harold Haugh. Faculty Concert: Ava Comin Case and Mary Fishburne, members of the School of Music faculty, will be heard in a program of contemporary music for two pianos at 8:30 Sunday evening, August 5, in Hill Auditorium. The pro- gram will open with Hindemith's Sona- ta for Two Pianos (1942), followed by Moy Mell by Arnold Bax, and Quasi una Siciliana (1937) and Veloce (1936) by, Victor Babin; the second half of the program will feature Bela Bartok's Sonata for Two Pianos and Percus- sion. Student Recital: Robert Dumm, stu- dent of piano with John Kollen, will play a program at 8:30 Monday evening, August 6, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the Master of Music degree. It will include works by Bach, Mozart, and Chopin, and will be open to the public. (Recital was previously, announced for August 2.), Stanley Quartet: The final concert in the summer series by the Stanley Quartet will be heard at 8:30 Tuesday evening, August 7, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The program will in- clude Haydn's Quartet in G minor, Op. 74, No. 3, followed the first perform- ance of by Quartet in E, No. 6, by Ross Lee Finney. During the second half of the program the Quartet will play Schubert's Quintet in C major, Op. 163, for two violins, viola, and two cellos, in which the group will be joined bye Jerome Jelinek, School of Music senior majoring in cello. The general public is invited. Coming Events Next Week: The Department of Speech in conjunction with the School of Mu. sic, presents Oscar Straus' comic oper- etta, The Chocolate Soldier, Thursday through Saturday, August 9, 10, 11, and Monday, August 13, at 8 p.m. in the Ly- dia Mendelssohn Theatre. Box office open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and until 8 p.m. on days of performances. Attention Sailing Club. There will be no meeting this week but there will be eliminations Saturday for the regatta at Put-In-Bay to be held August 11. 12 and 13. Sunday, August 5-- Summer Breakfast, to honor candi- dates for the master's degree. Address by President Alexander Grant Ruthvet, 9:00 a.m., Michigan Union ballroom. I ry t Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications Editorial Staff Dave Thomas ........Managing Editor George Flint .............Sports Editor Jo Ketelhut ...........Women's Editor Business Staff . Milt Goetz ,...........Business Manager Eva Stern .........Advertising Manager Harvey Gordon........Finance Manager Allan Weinstein ...Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively. entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. I 4 4 S- . BARNABY F All the kids at camp are mad Mrs. Tyler keeps saying IWere fnVina a Campf ire I'! akenends far -1