Y * 1 A :43 a its BUNCHE APPOINTMENT See Page 2 CLOUDY, COOLER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXI, No. 27-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1951 FOUR PAGES Ike Free To Run, Truman Declares President Asserts Eisenhower's European Duties Won't Interfere WASHINGTON-(M)--President Truman said yesterday that he doesn't think -Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's European duties will interfere if the General is in a political frame of mind in 1952. A restrained and indirect discussion of the possibility that Eisen- hower might be a 1952 Presidential candidate-something the General won't comment on himself-dominated the weekly White House news conference. EISENHOWER is doing a magnificent job in Europe as head of the North Atlantic Defense Forcese, Truman said, and he thought he would continue there as long as necessary. The President declined to speculate on how long that might be. He said that under any conditions, Eisenhower would put duty to the country first. Bernard Baruch, longtime adviser of presidents, said in New York l I C t C 2 C S t E S f f Expert Says West Must Inform Asia Reischauer Cites Soviet Advances By EVA SIMON The West must make its ideals clear to the peopleofkAsia if it is to win in the struggle against communism, Edwin0. Reischauer, professor of Far Eastern Langu- ages at Harvard University, de- clared last night. Concluding the Summer Ses- sion series, "The United States in the World Crisis," Prof. Reischau- er, who has served as special as- sistant to the director of the Of - fise of Far Eastern Affairs in the State Department, warned that so far Russia is winning the ideclo"- gical war in Asia. "THE RUSSIANS have got mnost of the people of Asia on their side," he asserted. " Many of She so-called 'neutral' countries, such as India, are thinking in Russian, not in Western terms. "The Communist model is on the whole much more impressive to Asiatics than that .of the de- mocracies. Though they are ba-I sically opposed to the idea of slavery which is part of the Com- munist system, many Asiatic leaders feel that the only way they can make rapid changes is to put power in the hands of a few people." The Chinese Communists, he added, are idealistic men, forf whom force is a temporary means to an end. But he point- ed out that the means oftn determines 'the end, and that in the case of China, it will be likely to result in a totalitarian state. Outdoor Studio Reds Seen Ready For Compromise On Buffer Region Lengthy Session Brings New Hope; Schedule Next Meeting for Today U.N. ADVANCE HEADQUARTERS, Korea-(P)-Allied and Com- munist negotiators adjourned talks today on the tough issue of a Korean armistice buffer zone amid indications the Reds might be ready to compromise. The delegates scheluled another meeting tomorrow at 11 a.m. (8 p.m. EST today). TODAY'S SESSION lasted more than two hours and was the longest in several days. This gave hope that some progress might have been made in eight days of deadlock over the issue. The delegates met at 11 a.m. and recessed two hours and fifteen minutes later. They held a second short session about 20 minutes later and called the final adjournment at 1:50 p.m. The eighth meeting on the deadlocked issue of where to establish a demilitarized zone opened after a high United Nations source expressed belief the Reds might be - 'l Former Spy Brands Pair Communists WASHINGTON - (R) - Hede h Massing, a Viennese who said she worked in Washington as a Com- munist spy, told Senate investi- gators yesterday that she enlisted two State Department aides in her organization in 1933 and 1934. She identified the men as Noel Field and Lawrence Duggan. Field has disappeared behind the Iron Curtain, while Duggan a plunged to his death from the 16th floor of a New York office building in 1948. AT THE TIME Field consented to enter her "apparatus," Mrs. Massing testified, she believed he was employed in the State De- partment's Western European di- vision. Duggan was connected with the Department's Latin American di- vision, she said. Mrs. Massing was called be- fore the Senate's Internal Se- curity subcommittee, which is trying to ascertain whether subversive influences at home have affected United States policy in the Far East. Chairman McCarran (D-Nev.) described the witness as an ex- Communist who "operated on the higher level and who was in the know."a AFTER DUGGAN'S death, the Justice Department said an FBI investigation showed he was a "loyal employe" of the Govern- ment. Senator Nixon (R-Calif.), then a representative, reported the House Un - American Activities Committee also had given Duggan a clean bill of health, Mrs. Massing said it was clear to the pair that she was engaged in espionage and wanted to obtain information "relative to the So- viet Union." Not military information, she explained; that . was not her job. Mrs. Massing is the former wife of Gerhardt Eisler, once describe by the Un-American Committee as the No. 1 Communist in the United States. Facing charges of passport fraud and contempt of Congress, Eisler fled the country in 1949 and turned up as propaganda chief of the Soviet-controlled Est German Government. Angry Pickets Mob Russian In New York NEW YORK - (P) - A handful of unruly pickets cornered a Rus- sian or. Park Avenue last night crowding and thumping him un- til Police came to the rescue. The Russian retreated into the Soviet Union's United Nations building, whence he had come a moment before. He was one of three who stepped to the curb to enter a car. The' other two drove away. None was identified. A womn-not. identifid-who today that it would be "a greatg disservice to Gen.'Eisenhower to put him into the political arena."~ Truman had no comment on Baruch's "disservice" references.r * ON OTHER matters, Trumans said:F He plans to fly to San Francisco for the opening of the conferencet called for signing the Japaneset Peace Treaty, September 4. r Asked whether this would pre- clude any Presidential "whistles stop" campaigning across ther country this fall, the President1 replied it would at this particulart time.t He found some humor in thef suggestion by former President Herbert Hoover that the Repub- licans next year carry on a cam- paign to "expose, oppose and pro- pose." He liked that last wordr "propose," Truman said, but add- ed thatathe Republicans haven't done that yet. He said he was trying to find out the facts in the case of Democratic National Chairman William M. Boyle, Jr., accused by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch of havig received fees in con- nection with an RFC loan to a1 St. Louis corporation. A reporter asked Truman about the proposal of Senator Mundt (R-S.D.) for a coalition of those Southern Democrats and North- ern Republicans who think alike. Truman replied that was out of} his sphere, that it was a matter for Mundt and the Dixiecrats, as he called them. Asked about Senator Connally's (D-Te.) criticism of the way the overseas aid programs are being, conducted, Truman replied simply that he was very sorry Connally; took that position. Wilson Asks New Labor Supply Action WASHINGTON-()-Mobiliza- tion Director Charles E. Wilson yesterday called for draft defer- ments and wage increases, if nec- essary to help the machine tool industry crack its manpower bot- tleneck. His policy statement, addressed to military and civilian Federal agencies, was accompanied by a broad new directive making labor supply a major consideration in picking places where defense work will be done. One. wholly new policy was laid down: A city is not a "la- bor shortage area" for purposes of defense expansion, unless a substantial part of its labor force is-or is expected to be- engaged on defense orders. This means, among other things, that the Armed Forces will not withhold contracts from a city simply because it doesn't have many unemployed. The Govern- ment will expect plants to take 1 thendefense orders and displace workers from civilian jobs. The machine tool action was the first of its kind. The indus- try is lagging so far behind eschedule that major munitions programs are threatened. Yesterday Wilson formally call- ed on Selective Service, to alert .ocal draft boards to the require- ments of the industry so as to minimize inductions of men skilled in this industry. -Daily-James Butt CLASSROOM EXODUS-With the promise of continued sunshine, these students in Prof, Carlos Lopez's painting class moved out onto the lawn yesterday to acquire a sun tan while they dabbled in oils. The only disadvantages they reportedd were bugs, wandering Business Administration students and the unusual effects caused by the sun's rays melting their oil paint. FACE LIFTING SLATED: resident's House The campus' oldest building is being groomed to receive the new- est additions to the University's official family. Plant department workmen have already erected scaffolding and are preparing to apply a coat of s'g s an s paint to the peeling exterior of the Russia's greatest advantages in 110-year-old presidential mansion Asia are the poverty and illiteracy in the heart of the campus. of the people, Prof. Reischauer said. * "The class cleavage between the WALTER ROTH, plant depart- leaders-those who have had to ment superintendent, expects that the opportunity to learn-and the the complete inside and outside followers makes an easy breeding redecoration job will be completed grind for the ideas of Commun- in time for theF Harlan H. Hatchera to move in before t the fall semester, S President Hatch arrive on the camp begin his duties.1 is expected earlier# a color scheme for decoration. The Presidents been decorated in so said, and a comple ing the installation the guest room will Tio Be Renovated President-elect RETIRING President and Mrs. and his family Ruthven who have been spending he opening of much of their summer time in ept. 24. their northern Michigan cottage, intend to move out of the campus er is due to home within the next week or so. Mrs. Hatcher The interior of the presiden- to consult on tial home is familiar to many th cinterior thousands of students who at- the I tended the regular Ruthven student teas during the school house hasn't year at which University women me time, Roth act as hostesses. to job, inclu The Hatchers have indicated of a bath for that $pey will continue the cus- tom, so more than one campus dUaU Wltill hae to revis "b pru"mid- ism.' ac1 E R p Hitchiking Redhead Caught THE WESTERN position is not hopeless, however, ReischauerA I continued, since we have several P using as NAF Lieutenant fundamental advantages. - _ . "The ideas which are attract- AUSTIN, Tex.-(AP)-An attractive redhead who has been riding ing Asia-equality, freedom,l and ' a better life for the common in- military aircraft around the country was in jail today on charges of dividual-are ours: the Russians impersonating an officer. only pay them lip service," he as- Col. Ben Lichty, Commander of Bergstrom Air Force Base here, sertedc. As soon as the people said it was "very embarrassing" that pretty Medalo Frances Evi ns, of Asia discover for themselves 26 years old, had been able to spend four days at the jet fighter train- what Communism really stands ing base as a WAF officer. for, they will turn to the West, he predicted. HE ALSO WAS embarrassed because she was able to get a tem- He recalled that in Korea, the porary identification card without proving she was an officer. A fsth, onlythe prAllies rtied puheBergstrom AFB information spokesman explained: eans fled with them. The second "She got the card from a corporal in the pass section. There are time, "every Korean who could -- two factors to consider: she is an walk," he said, followed the Allied o e attractive woman, and she was retreat. BI n ree e posing as a lieutenant. There's Prof. Reischauer pointed to the cots of. difference between the rising spirit of nationalism in rank of corporal and the rank Asia as another Western trump 0 Arm1 ast of lieutenant, and like I said, she coec WillauU u1Clt guu ed tour" spiel in order to be in harmony with the new color scheme. All but one of the University's seven previous presidents made their homes in the white stucco house. Polish Sailors Mutiny, Flee -To Sweden preparing to accept the line pro- posed by the Allies. THERE WAS NO immdeiate in- dication of how the talks were progressing. The U.N. source's view was bas- ed on Peiping and Pyongyang ra- dio broadcasts which distorted the allied attitude. These broadcasts made it appear the U.N. was de- manding a line deeper in North Korea than the present fighting front. j Thus, the U.N. source theor- ized, the Communists would be able to accept the fighting front' as the cease-fire line and still foster the impression they had wrung concessions from the Al- lies. The very fact that the talks have not broken down, despite seven fruitless meetings, appeared significant to most observers at this headquarters. Both sides still seemed willing to keep trying for an armistice:. * * * THE COMMUNIST radio at Peiping last night announced that Lt. Gen. Nam Il, senior Red dele- gate at Kaesong, had "repudiated" the U.N. buffer "deep across the 38th Parallel." A later Peiping broadcast quot- ed Nam as saying ". . . demands which attempt to push the mili- tary demarcation line deep into the positions of our side . . . are absolutelyunacceptable." The news in that announce- ment seemed to be the Com- munist choice of the word "deep." It would indicate the Communists might agree to a buffer zone that was not too "deep" inside North Korea. The Allies insist on the line be- ing along the present front, south of 38 in the west but 20 to 35 miles north of the Parallel in the center and east. The Reds have held out for a buffer zone centered on the 38th Parallel-the old political boun- dary between North and South Korea which has proved impos- sible to lefend. Vice Adm. C. Turner Joy, chief U.N. delegate, has rejected that proposal. He has insisted on a line that could be defend- ed "in the event of an armistice violation by the other side." Meantime, Allied attacks in the center of the battleline near Kum- song advanced the front more than two nmiles north in that ,sec- tor yesterday, adding some ur- gency to the Red need for a de- cision on the buffer zone issue. Size of the Allied movement on the front south-southeast of Kum- song was not disclosed by an eighth Army communique, but it referred to "patrols ranging f or- ward by attacking forces." Only platoon-sized Red ele- ments were found, with contact light. Report Red Vessel Hit By Iranians TEHRAN, Iran -- The Na- tional Front newspaper Bakhter Emruz reported yesterday that Iranian coast guards fired on a small Soviet vessel in the Caspian Sea Wednesday night, according to an Associated Press dispatch. The Iranian war ministry said it had no such report and official§ connected with the northern bord- er defense said the report "seem- ed unlikely." * * * THE NEWSPAPER said its in- formation came from its corres- pondent at Astara, a tiny port on the southwest corner of the Cas- pian Sea, which is half Soviet and half Iranian. His report said the Soviet vessel entered Iranian wa ers and during the night focused a spotlight on the Iranian shore. The coast guard opened fire and the Soviet ship turned off its light and withdrew, the report said. Last month unconfirmed re- ports in Tehran said Soviet troops were being massed on the Soviet border inland from As- tara. At that time, rumors also said that a Soviet warship was in the Caspian Sea off that port. Before the Soviet ship incident was reported, a National Front deputy hinted that British naval maneuvers staged by the British cruiser Euryalus off the southern coast might encourage Russia to do likewise. MEANWHILE, in London, the Associated Press reported that Britain delayed the departure of a plane carrying the cabinet mis- sion assigned to new talks with Iran on the oil crisis so that the mission would not arrive in Teh- ran until after the Moslem Sab- bath. The Moslems observe Friday as their Holy Day and day of rest. Britain's quick appreciation of such a point was considered by ob- servers as striking a new note in the long dispute over the future of the $1,400,000,000 Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. i card. "Asian nationalism can fit nicely into a free world of inter- LONDON - (R) - The Western national equals, but in the long Big Three were reported yesterday run there is no room for it in in- ternational communism," he said. to have agreed on quick action to plug two wide gaps in their At- State Induction lantic Defense System-the Mid- dle East and Germany. Sla~tedr for 2361 Official sources said the United States, Britain and France have called for two meetings of At- LANSING-(P)-Michigan draft lantic Pact Foreign and Defense boards will send 2,361 men for Ministers in the next 70 days to: induction into military service in Consider and probably approve September, Col. Glenn B. Arnold, Turkish and Greek claims for Rt nt R l tiva Rprvica Diretor_ membership of the North Atlantic As an attractive woman." The 120-pound redhead called on Col. Lichty Monday to ask that he help obtain a waiver of college credit so that she could become a WAF off icer- something she already was pre- tending to be. The Colonel was impressed un- til she mentioned casually that she had flown in Monday from Biggs Air Force Base, El Paso, where her husband is stationed. YSTAD, Sweden -(p)- Sixteen mutineers locked up their officers at pistol point aboard a Polish minesweeper yesterday and took the ship to this south Swedish port. Twelve of the 16, with the per- mission of Swedish police, went ashore to plead with higher Swe- dish authorities for asylum. The four others sailed back across the Baltic to face whatever fate might await them in Poland. Home port of the vessel, the Hedregfariczon, was given as Kol- berg, in Polish Pomerania, only 100 miles south of Ystad. A Swedish police official sal the minesweeper's officers had insisted on taking the vessel back to Poland immediately. This was the first mutiny aboard a Communist man-o'-war in the Baltic since the Russian revolu- tion. Sweden has turned down a re- quest by Rear Adm. Konstantin Rodionov, Soviet Ambassador, that the 12 Lithuanians be returned to Russia. , Non-military personnel don't fly oJaee ae ±Vc e ; in e ,1military aircraft without offi- reported yesterday- Treaty Organization.ialca c The State's actual call for the Set up a brand new Middle East c c e drn y Tue ig month is 1,889 -but the boards will defense board under British com- was arrest. supply an overcall of 472 men to mand to be linked with NATO. At Biggs AFB today, it was dis- take care of last minute defer- Approve a military role for Ger- I closed she reached there also ments and other emergencies. many in Western defense. aboard a military aircraft. AMERICAN-EDUCA TED STUDENTS: World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-The House de- bated yesterday whether diplomacy or "tough" action is the best way to get William N. Oatis, American newsman, released from a Czech prison. A decision was put off for a week. WASHINGTON-President Tru- man has nominated Rear Adm. James Fife, Jr., to be Deputy Chief of Naval Operations with the grade of Vice Admiral. Fife would succeed Adm. Donald B. Duncan who was nominated to be Vice Chief of Naval Operations. * * * WASHINGTON-The House was urged to investigate differences between the Armed Services over close air support of ground troops Limited U.S. Job Opportunities Plague Chinese By DAVE THOMAS sional act in April, Chinese stu- uation, as far as America is con- Daily Managing Editor dents have been given their choice cerned, is particularly limited. Inability on the part of highly- of returning to China at Govern-* * trained Chinese to secure satis- ment expense, or of staying in U.S. EMPLOYMENT Service of- factory jobs in this country is this country providing they can ficials in Detroit admit that there probably another factor which is find a job and keep authorities are relatively few technical open- find little actual discrimination in the matter of occupational opportunity but numerous prac- tical considerations, such as Government clearance, work to make the employment situation stitute in America are doing what they can to see that the great mass of Chinese who ap- parently are deciding to stay, are aided in finding jobs. One factor which slows down I .I