SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1951
Village Plans
To Resubmit
Housing Plea
Members of the Willow Village
resident council intend to renew
their plea for the establishment
of permanent housing units in
the Village, according to Marvin
Tableman, council president.
T h e council's redevelopment
committee had sought permanent
housing for the Village before the
Public Housing Administrator or-
dered the demolition of the Vil-
lage under the Lanham Act.
* * *
WHEN NT looked like the whole
housing project was going to be
abandoned, councilman saw little
hope -of getting permanent units
built on Village land.
But interest was reawakened
when the order was suspended
and the Village was given an
indefinite exemption from the
demolition order.
Councilmen are basing their
plea for permanent buildings on
the expected 25,000- population
increase in the area resulting
from expanded defense produc-
Two large plants are already
building within seven miles of the
Village and Kaiser-Frazer expects
to hire 4,000 more aircraft workers
by November.
At the present time the Village
is only open to veterans, but a
special provision of the Lanham
Act makes it possible for Village
authorities to house defense work-
ers, if the yare petitioned to do
so by the companies running de-
fense plants in the area.
Faculty Will
Give Concerts
Emil Raab, violinist, Prof. Ben-
ning Dexter, pianist, and John
Kirkpatrick, guest lecturer in
piano at the School of Music will
participate in two faculty con-
certs to be. presented at.8:30 p.m.
Monday and Tuesday in Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Prof. Dexter and Raab, both
members of the music school fac-
ulty, will present a concert Mon-
day including Sonatina in D ma-
jor, Op. 137 by Schubert; Sonata
(1946) by Diamond; Sonata in G
minor by Debussy, and Sonata
(1943) by Copland.
Kirkpatrick, in his second reci-
tal of the summer session will
play Fantasy and Sonata in C
minor, Op. 11, by Mozart; A Child
in the House by Theodore Chan-
ler; Piano Sonata by Hunter
Johnson; Evocations by Carl Rug-
gles; and Nostalgic Waltzes by
Prof. Ross Lee Finney, composer
in residence at the University.
Read Daily Classifieds
Appointment Bure au Gets Odd Requests
NBC is celebrating its 25th an-
niversary this fall and it's pull-
ing no punches in letting us know
about that fact.
A 108-page folder was sent out
to newspapers throughout the
country, and its 30,000 words ex-
toll the network from every stand-
The NBC television plans for
the coming season are auspicious
indeed. It seems to us that the
network will be known as the
"C o m e d i a n's Happy Hunting
Ground," what with Red Skelton
and others set to join Milton
Berle, Martin and Lewis, Eddie
Cantor, Danny Thomas, Jack
Carson, Jerry Lester, Sid Ceasar,
Jimmy Durante, Ed Wynn, Bobby
Clark, Fred Allen, Groucho Marx,
Bob Hope-need we continue?
* * *
calling on radio for assistance.
NBC premiered its "Art Ford
Show" at 6:30 p.m. yesterday.
Ford, who is a New York disc
jockey, conducts a quiz show
among a panel of other d.j.'s from
across the nation.
TV is quick to adapt nation-
wide problems to its dramatic
programs. After the Kefauver
crime quiz, a rash of shows deal-
ing with crime and Congress-
sional investigations broke out,
some even using actors to por-
tray Sen. Kefauver and Ru-
dolph Halley.
Now, the dope investigations
have hit the dramatic programs,
for NBC has Ilona Massey set to
star in a"Cameo Theatre" pre-
sentation, at 7 p.m. tomorrow on
Channel 4, which involves a the-
atrical addict.
* * *
NBC's "AMERICAN Inventory"
series, which is an example of
what television can accomplish in
the way of public service, tonight
deals with conditions "Behind the
Iron Curtain." Four escapees from
the USSR and four United States
citizens will take part at 7 p.m.
on Channel 4.
The same network has been do-.
ing its best to help bookies take
it easy by televising major races
direct from the various eastern
tracks every Saturday. The hour
and a half spent viewing the
crowds, watching two races, and
interviewing jockeys seems to be
one step below wrestling and rol-
ler derby in audience enjoyment.
Dave Garroway, one of our fa-
vorites, was forcibly ejected from
several swank gambling casinos
during his tour of France last
week. The genial Chicagoan tried;
to use a camera and tape re-
corder but casino officials refused
to allow him to record the moans
and groans of losers.4
Concluding its three-part ser-
ies, "The Truth about Narcotics,"
the NBC radio calendar will start
off the week with the program
"Yesterday, Today, and Tomor-
row," at 1 p.m. today.
Pulitzer prize-winnre reporter
Malcolm Johnson will tell the
story of how four of the country's
biggest dope peddlers were trap-
ped by federal agents.
* * *
and Metropolitan Opera soprano
Mimi Benzell, a comedy-variety
program "The Pet Milk Show"
will be heard at 9:30 p.m. Tues-
Recapturing famed cornetist
"Bix" Beiderbecke's style, a
young cornet star will be featur-
ed on the "Pete Kelly's Blues"
show at 8 p.m. Wnedesday, Aug.
1. Jazz connoisseurs will be sure
to enjoy this playing of early
Concerts from the Hollywood
Bowl will be broadcast over NBC
starting at 6:30 p.m. Saturday.
These concerts, which were origi-
nally slated to begin yesterday,
will be recorded from actual con-
certs at the Bowl.
* * *
MAKING ITS bow on CBS to-
day, "Main Street Music Hall"
will feature popular songs, ballads,
and operetta selections. Starring
Nancy Evans, Russ Emery, and
Alfredo Antonini, the show will
be heard at 5 p.m:
Excerpts from Balfe's opera
"Bohemian Girl," repeating the
performance at the Municipal
Opera, will be heard over the
"Summer in St. Louis" show at
6:30 p.m. today.
The controversial issue of eco-
nomic controls will be aired over
CBS on the "American Forum of
the Air" show, at 10:30 p.m. to-
day. The topic "Will Controls
Cure Inflation" will be discussed
by Senators Blair Moody (D-
Mich.) and Wallace Bennett (R-
* * *
partment Radio production "An-
gell Hall Playhouse" will drama-
tize a historic documentary on
John Adams this week.
Written by Sara Ensor as part
of the work for her master's de-I
gree, the show will be heard over1
WUOM at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. ;
A "Down Story Book Lane"
show called "The Discontented1
Kitten" will be heard over WUOM ,
at 5:30 p.m. Thursday. Highlight- i
ing original music by students of
Philip Lang, the program will be
rebroadcast over WWJ at 8:45
a.m. Sunday.'
Whether in need of advice on
marriage,. divorce, gardening or
psychiatric work, people seem ea-
ger to seek the aid of the Bureau
of Appointments,'according to T.
Luther Purdom, director of the
"Often people are confused by
the name of our office and call
with all sorts of wierd requests.
Yet even after they have discov-
ered that our main job is placing
ROYAL SOUVENIR-Hugh C. Giltner, his wife, and daughter
(center) admire a huge leopard skin rug sent them by their son,
Sgt. Elverne H. Giltner, from Korea, where he is serving with
the Eighth Army. They may not be able to keep it for long, how-
ever, as the Korean government is considering buying it back.
The Korean Consul General in New York, David Nankoong, saw
a newspaper photograph of it, and thought it looked like one
which adorned the palace of the late Queen Min. He appraised
it at $100,000.
"If it appears genuine we shall try to get it back, of course
reimbursing the sergeant for any expense he went to in getting
the rug and sending it to his home," a spokesman said. Giltner
didn't write his parents what he paid for it. He said he bought it
from a "gook" and that it came from the Chang Duk Palace.
Experimental Learning Maze
Hidden Under Hill Auditorium
TV Praised
By Emery,
The outlook for educational
television is very good, "with
some ifs," according to Walter
Emery, legal advisor on the Fed-
eral Communications Commis-
Speaking at the University's
radio and television conference
Friday, Emery cited examples in
New York and Detroit of coopera-
tion between public schools and
commercial radio stations, to
show that educational TV can be-
come a reality.
THE FIRST "IF," he said, is the
necessity of having competent
people to direct the educational
Emery envisioned an increase
of TV courses in universities,
and of university professors
having the TV know-how to
teach these techniques.
Another important factor in
educational' TV shows is the add-
ed cost of TV, Emery continued.
"Commercial TV stations can af-
ford the expensive TV equipment,
but the question arises whether
educational institutions can af-
ford TV."
* * *
HOWEVER, Emery pointed out
the big budget on which a large
university runs, and the value of
educational TV to any educa-
tional organization.
"There is a need to educate the
administrators as to the value of
TV," he asserted, "so that they
will channel some of the univer-
sity's funds to the advancement
of TV as an educational medium."
Emery urged educators to make
plans promptly to take advantage
of educational TV, because of the
ever-increasing competition for
TV channels.
"TV is one of the best educa-
tional mediums because it serves
the needs of a wide audience,"
and because it forces teachers to
improve their teaching techniques
to appeal to the public," he added.
students, members of the faculty,
and staff in jobs, they still con-
tinue to phone at the rate of a,
few hundred calls a day," Purdom
explained, as he picked up the,
phone for the fourth time since
the beginning of the interview.
"That was a call from a man
who wanted to know if a man he
had hired through our bureau was
ever a member of any subversive
organizations," Purdom said.
* * *
WE GET CALLS like that oc-
casionally as well as ones asking
which of three or four conflicting
letters of reference might be most
dependable, he added.
"Just today we received a call
from a man wanting to know
how to get in touch with the
University psychiatric division
as he thought one of his em-
ployees. needed to see a psy-
He interrupted his conversation
to pick up the phone and proceed-
Teachers To
Give Farce,
"Blithe Spirit," Noel Coward's
improbable farce, will be pre-
sented by the Teacher's Dramatic'
Workshop of the speech depart-
ment at 8 p.m. Wednesday at the
University High School Auditor-
The plot tells of a novelist who
invites an eccentric medium to his
house in order to learn more
about the cult. Little do he or
his second wife realize that the
seance will bring back his first
wife who had passed away several
years earlier.
All sorts of complications arise'
when the first wife tries to urge
her former husband to become a
spirit too.
Included in the cast are Ruth
Mohr, Margaret Morrison, Vernon
Lockert, Patricia Stites, Ann Bo-
gart, Margaret Powers and Robert
Offered by the speech depart-
ment, the Teachers' Dramatics
Workshop is a summer session
course designed especially for
high school teachers who have
charge of dramatics but have had
no formal training in the theatre.
Presentation of the play is un-
der the direction of Jack E. Ben-
der, the class instructor, and is
the climax of the six-week course.
Tickets for the performance
may be obtained from 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wed-
nesday at no charge. Non-ticket
holders will be seated after 7:50
if there are remaining seats.
ed' to discuss gardening with a
friend on a Michigan school
"THESE," HE said, picking up
a sheaf of telegrams as he finish-
ed his phone call," are everyday
requests from employers all over
the country, one asking for a
football coach; another from a
large corporation saying that they
will be in Michigan next week
and asking us to arrange inter-
views with prospective employes;
a request for 16 employees to start
work tomorrow; another for six
teachers; and one from a joint
committee of labor and manage-
ment asking me to arbitrate dis-
Fourteen people are working in
the office, located in the Adminis-
tration Building, where interviews
are held and endless files on per-
sons seeking jobs are prepared.
But it is to Purdom, who
meets personally with school
boards throughout the state,
that numerous personal requests
are directed from men who want
to get their children into vari-
ous divisions of the University.
"One came today from the head
of a large corporation who said
the son of one of his employees
had made application for a fel-
lowship here." I can only call the
head of the department and ask
him to do what he can for the
boy," Purdom explained.
* * *
THE OFFICE often gets re-
quests for one man to. fill what
Ntould seem like the job of ten.
One employer asked for a man
to be secretary of the chamber of
commerce of a small Mid-West
town, part-time pastor of the
church, and teacher of a journa-
lism class. Another requested a
man to teach music, direct the
band, coach the football team,
teach physics. and English liter-
ature. "Of course," Purdom added,
"we found him one."
'*I suppose-that everyone thinks
theirs is the busiest office on
campus, but I know this one is,"
he said, answering the phone for
the fifteenth time during the
"You want a first grade teach-
er?" he said into the phone.
"Blonde or brunette?"
Will Show A-Bomb
Film for Nurses
A special showing of a film,
"Medical Effects of the Atomic
Bomb," will be held for graduate
nurses in Washtenaw County, at
7:30 p.m. Tuesday in Xellogg Au-
The film is part of the specia'l
institute on "Nursing Aspects of
Atomic Warfare,"
Down below Hill Auditorium,
where the music of the organ and
strains from the violins of prac-
tising students can reach, is a
maze designed by the psychology
department to test human learn-
Here in the basement where
two huge fans blow air into the
auditorium and a series of sub-
terranean, almost Edgar Allan
Poe-like passages wind in a maze-
like pattern themselves, tests are
being conducted with volunteer
Their findings will be compared
to those of previous experiments
done with rats in th hope of find-
ing related factors.
The maze is marked out in an
arear about 24 by 40 feet and the
walls and ceilings are made of
double thicknesses of cheesecloth.
The subjects are students, mostly
from the psychology department.
The only light used during the ex-
periments comes from a bulb in a
kind of miner's cap which the sub-
jects wear.
By this light the experimenter
can follow and record the path
of the subject as well as recording
the time involved in solving the
maze. The subject is taught to
think out loud so that the experi-
menter can follow him through
trends and learning patterns.
Through the maze patterns
made in these experiments the
psychology department hopes to
find some general principles con-
necting the mechanics of human
learning to that of rats according,
to Prof. John F. Shepherd.
"We not only hope to discover
the methods of human learning,"
Prof. Shepherd added, "but also
the adaptation to changes. This
involves reasoning and it is here
that individuals differ most no-
Prof. Shepherd, who designed
the maze idea has supervised ex-
periments made for a doctoral
dissertation in which 30 subjects
were tested and preliminary ex-
periments for a second doctorate
Although the maze is not being
used this summer, experiments
will probably resume by the start
of the spring semester, Prof. Shep j
herd said. At that time he hopes
to make a series of tests on chil-
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