"AGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1951 ~iuifautmebrwlprena I MATTER OF FACT By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-There is a fair chance that President Truman may soon decide to administer a particularly painful hotfoot to the Congress. .In the last few days, Eco- nomic Stabilizer Eric Johnston's staff has been busily studying a project for abandon- ing all attempt to control meat prices. If Congress passes really unworkable control legislation, Truman may simply decontrol mneat, and place on Congress the responsi- bility for giving him legislation which can be made to work. The nature of this Presidential hotfoot can be understood from the fact that meat makes up a full 15 per cent of the total cost of living. Already meat prices are in the stratosphere. If there are no controls on meat at all, sooner or later half a frankfur- ter will be likely to cost a king's ransom. Then the Congress, which has been so not- ably carefree about the interests of the consumer, would begin to hear from the housewife in deadly earnest. As this Is written there are signs, to be sure-quite possibly because word of the hotfoot project has begun to get around- that Congress is having last - minute qualms. A more workable law than seemed at all likely a few days ago may in the end be passed. But in view of the very real danger of disastrous inflation, the law will only seem reasonable in compari- son with what might have been. And in any event, the handling of the inflation problem tells a good deal about the state of the nation. In the first place, for many months after the Korean war began, the Administration was blindly complacent about the inflation threat. The authority voted by Congress in the early days of the crisis was simply not used, which now gives the Congressional enemies of controls a welcome opportunity to place all the blame on the Administra- tion. Then, after a sudden change of heart early this year, the Administration promptly began asking too much instead of too little. Some weeks ago, all the Congressional leaders, headed by Vice-President Alben Barkley, made a pilgrimage to the White House to deliver a warning. They told President Truman that the kind of all-out controls program then being prepared, in- cluding three meat price rollbacks, did not have a ghost of a chance. They urged Tru- man to take half a loaf as better than none. Realistically, they reasoned that to sub- mit an all-out program would invite violent opposition and crippling amendments. At first, Truman seemed to agree. Then, at the instance of such whole-loafers as price boss Michael DiSalle, he changed his mind. An all-out controls program was adopted, and the worst fears of the Congressional leaders were promptly realized. This teeter- Ing from one extreme to another is one symptom among many of weak Administra- tion leadership. S S * S WHAT HAS HAPPENED also tells a .good deal about the state of Congress. The lobbies, with the meat lobby out in front but the cotton bloc actually in the driver's seat, have had a field day. Moreover, Senate Majority Leader Ernest McFarland not only led a majority which did not in fact exist. He and Senate whip Lyndon Johnson also actively opposed vital parts of the legisla- tion they were expected to guide through Congress. Under the circumstances, it seems something of a miracle that any controls legislation at all was approved. The fact is that every major economic group-which means just about every one- has been acting on the principle of getting it while the gtting is good. Unless we are a good deal luckier than we deserve to be, we shall rather soon find that what we are getting is pretty thin and watery stuff. (Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round The Week's News . IN RETROSPECT .. . WITH DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-U.S. diplomats have been puzzled over what could be the most interesting political development inside Rus- sia since V-E Day-namely, a series of moves by the Kremlin urging friendship with the United States. Taken alone, these moves would not be important. Taken together, they could be significant. Diplomats are inclined to view them as a trap to lull the U.S.A. into less mobilization. However, the overtures have continued so steadily that they cannot be ignored. Flrst overture was the Malik truce proposal in Korea, followed by a frank talk between Ambassador Kirk in Moscow and Deputy Foreign Minister Gromyko in which he indicated that the Chinese might not want peace, but gave Kirk the names of the two generals in Korea most likely to talk truce. Following this, Soviet diplomats through- out the world suddenly turned up at the 4th of July parties staged by American embassies to celebrate Independence Day. Hitherto they have boycotted 4th of July parties. There have also been little hints dropped to the diplomats of other nations, that the U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. could end the cold war. These have not been taken seriously. Now, however, comes an article by ex- Ambassador Alexander Troyanovsky broad- cast over the Moscow radio urging friendship with the United States. TROYANOVSKY RESURRECTED THAT TROYANOVSKY has been a gen- uine friend of the United States there can be little doubt. He served here as Am- bassador when the United States and Russia resumed diplomatic relations under Roose- velt, at which time he was a bridge-playing favorite of various Senators and conserva- tive Washingtonians. In fact, he got to be so friendly toward the United States that it probably caused his removal. Never a member of the Communist Party, Troyanovsky was called back to Moscow and demoted to a relatively obscure job in the Foreign Office. It is believed that his de- motion was caused by the No. 2 man in the Soviet Embassy, Constantin Oumansky, who wanted his job and who reported to the NKVD that Troyanovsky was more pro- American than Soviet. Later Oumansky did get the Ambassadorship, being subsequently killed in an airplane accident in Mexico. Meanwhile, Troyanovsky has been liv- ing in obscurity in Moscow-until a few days ago, when he contributed an article on "Why I Believe in Soviet-American Friendship" to a new Moscow magazine, "The News." Obviously Troyanovsky could not have written this without the official O.K. of the Kremlin. Nor could the article have been broadcast over the Moscow radio without some carefully laid strategy behind it. What that strategy is, U.S. diplomats do not know. It may be a trap; it could be a change of heart-though they doubt it. However, they are studying these moves carefully. And for whatever it may be worth, here are the salient portions of the Troya- novsky article as picked up by the State De- partment from the Moscow radio: * . * EX-AMBASSADOR WRITES "THE SOVIET UNION and the United States have a common boundary.' It passes through the Bering Strait between Chukotsky and Alaska, or rather between Big Diomede Island and Little Diomede Is- land. The Big Diomede belongs to the So- Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: EVA SIMON viet Union, and only a few miles away lies the Little Diomede, a U.S. possession. "The fact that the two great countries have a common boundary is often for- gotten, and the general belief is that they are separated by boundless expanses of ocean. Still more often is it forgotten nowadays that the two nations have com- mon interests, the belief being unfortun- ately encouraged that the Soviet Union and the United States are divided by an ocean of insuperable differences and ir- reconcilable antagonisms. Is that so? "Relations between nations are not the product of a single day. They are the result of a long historical process to which many factors contribute, economic, political, geo- graphical, an dso forth. Well, neith the history of Russo-American relations nor the history of Soviet-American relations, (in a word), neither in the past nor in the present, provides any warrant for the as- sertion that the two countries are divided by irreconcilable antagonisms. The common boundary of the two coun- tries has never witnessed a frontier incident. History furnishes no instance of Russo- American rivalry on land or on sea. After the two world wars it has been the lot of mankind to experience, in both cases the two nations fought on the same side of the front. * * * MUTUAL INTEREST BETWEEN COUNTRIES "JT IS NOT the existence but rather the absence of profound conflicts of interests that distinguishes the relations between the two great countries with their far-flung territories and vast natural resources, that render them self-contained and economical- ly independent of the rest of the world. What is more, we know from history that the two peoples have always been drawn to each other, have always been mutually in- terested in one another. This was true in the past, and it is true now. "Russia's progressive men followed with deep interest and sympathy the struggle of the American people for independence. (Radishev) earned Catherine's wrath be- cause of his admiration for the American Revolution and his profound respect for America's great scientist and statesman Benjamin Franklin. It is well known, too, how highly (Pastel), Bouleyev), (Pahovski) and other Russian (leaders) prized the American Revolution. They even studied the American Constitution, which in its day was a progressive development. "Naturally enough, these sympathies were not shared by Russia's rulers. Catherine II refused to recognize the young American Republic. But, on the other hand, Catherine refused to support England's hostile policy toward the United States. * * . AMERICAN EFFICIENCY ADMIRED "RUSSIANS have always admired Ameri- can efficiency, the ebullient creative energy of the American people, and their democratic spirit. Americans have always had a deep respect for Russia's cultural at- tainments and appreciate and esteem our distinguished writers and artists. The na- tional interests of the two countries have never once conflicted through the long his- tory of their relations and often enough have harmonized. This has been proven in the distant past, in the recent past, and it is true today. "The second World War is still fresh in the memory of both the Soviet and the American peoples. In that war, their ties of friendship were still closer knit. Yet we know that in those years when the Soviet people were engaged in a truly titanic struggle against Hitler's hordes, there were men in the United States who built their hopes and plans on the expec- tations that the Soviet Union would be weakened and exhausted, and said so aloud. "This was not only an offense to the Rus- sians. It was an offense to the American people, who were following with deep sym- pathy and concern the Soviet people's strug- gle against their common enemy, Fascism, and for the salvation of civilization and progress. POLITICAL DIFFERENCES NO BAR "DIFFERENCES of political system and government can be no bar to the de- velopment of friendly cooperation to the advantage of both countries. This was borne out during the war. Cooperation is imper- iously demanded by the political and eco- nomic interests of the two countries. The Soviet Union is engaged in a gigantic pro- gram of peaceful construction, and peace- ful construction always makes for broader economic ties with the rest of the world. . "As to the American people, I have had the opportunity to observe them closely, and I know that they entertain friendly feelings for our people. I cannot believe that they countenance the idea of armed aggression against the Soviet Union, so widely propagated in the United States at the present time. I share the view, expressed by President Roosevelt in a message he sent to M. I. Kalinin on July 10, 1941, shortly after Hitler Germany attacked the Soviet Union. The American people are disgusted at armed aggression. They are bound to the Russian people by -Daily-Bill Hampton "Now what have you G.I.'s done with the Government's twenty million?" * * * * Local... THE GI Era ended this week in the nation's colleges with the passing of the deadline for enrollment under the GI Bill, but the glitter of the veteran's reign in higher education was dulled slightly by a national scandal involving $20,000,000. In a surprise announcement, the General Accounting Office, Gov- ernment auditor for some $14,000,000,000 spent for the GI Bill, re- vealed to a House committee that overpayments had gone to schools as a result of "irregular and apparently fraudulent" practices. The Veterans Administration, states and "unscrupulous operators and veterans" were blamed for the gigantic expenditure waste. . The report of the GAO, based on a survey of more than 1,200 in- stitutions in seven states, uncovered overpayments for padded school expenses, improperly charged items and increased tuition rates for vets in two-thirds of the schools investigated. University officials quickly denied that the shoe fit here. But in spite of the accusations, vets could point to their influence on campuses throughout the country as being one of the most bene- ficial forces in the history of higher learning. At the University, the post-war influx of service-hardened stu- dents was responsible for great strides in both scholarship and extra- curricular activities. Maturity and sobriety replaced rah-rah as stu- dents undertook a new role of responsibility in the University com- munity. LETHARGIA-Three University students, a Boston artist, a mongrel-puppy and a raft named "Lethargia" attracted nationwide attention this week as American households kept close tabs on an experimental journey down the Ohio River. A series of calamities culminated in the dog's death when the raft overturned near Moundsville, W. Va., but the two bachelors and two women escaped unharmed. Led by sociology student Mary Ellin McGrady, the group is at- tempting to discover the effect on mind and manners of a cruise under a set of rather strange conditions. Campus observers have commented that a little less emphasis on the sociology and more on navigation is in order, but newsmen aren't complaining. National . .a ADM. SHERMAN-Admiral Forrest P. Sherman, 54-year-old Chief of Naval Operations and heir apparent to General Omar Bradley as Chief of JCS, died of a heart attack in a hotel room in Naples this week. Sherman had just completed negotiations for the use of Span- ish bases for European defense and was in the process of a general defense tour when the attack came. CONTROLS-After a weary week of arguing, Senate-House con- ferees finally agreed on a watered-down controls bill. The Senate has already approved the bill and the House is expected to act on it to- morrow. It is assumed that President Truman will sign the measure with many complaints about its inadequacy to cope with the balloon- ing economy. MAC ARTHUR-Sounding more like a presidential candidate every time he opens his mouth in public, old soldier MacArthur showed his grim determination not to "fade away" in a full-blown attack on the Administration before the Massachusetts legislature last week. The table-thumping legislators were able to ignore the General's inconsistencies in their enthusiasm for his histrionics. ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY-The House Public Works Committee managed to shelve the St. Lawrence Seaway Project for the nth time in the last 20 years after a bitter closed-door debate. Canada may take on the task alone to provide much-needed power for Ontario. CRIME-A Federal grand jury indicted Frank Costello, Joe Adonis and Frank Erickson on contempt charges this week. The sometime television stars face long sentences and fines if convicted for their refusal to answer questions before the Senate Crime Investi- gating Committee last March. ACHESON TROUBLE-After a sharp and bitter debate, the House turned down a "get Acheson" amendment to the State De- partment appropriation bill. Republican House members wanted to word the bill so that the President couldn't pay anyone with Acheson's particular status and background. International KOREA-UN and Communist negotiators were deadlocked over the question of where the buffer zone between the two halves of Korea should be located, as they entered their thirteenth conference at 8 p.m. today, Ann Arbor time. The twelfth meeting adjourned with the Reds insisting that the zone be based on the 38 Parallel and the Allies holding fast to their contention that any buffer zone agree- ment should be centered on the present battle line which is north of the Parallel. -Barnes Connable and John Briley Xettepi4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communica- tions from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish allc letters which are signed by the writer1 and in good taste. Letters exceedinge 300 words in length, defamatory ort libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste willE be condensed, edited or withheld fromt publication at the discretion of thes editors.- Vaughn House ,., , To the Editor: LAST WEEK we learned of the University's plan to convert Victor C. Vaughan House into aa esidence for coeds. We sincerelyI regret the necessity for the use oft Vaughan House as a housing unitj for women. Here is why. We believe that VaughanI House, in the years that we haveI lived there has been a potentI force in building up loyalty, spirit, and devotion to the Residence Hall system and came closest, we feel, to fulfilling completely the ideals set forth in the Michigan "ouse Plan. Our roots are deep at Vaughan House, but in a broader sense, it) was not the house itself which ac- complished this enviable record of achievement, but the group of men who labored diligently to make the most of the setup and who learned to work, live, and plan together. Through neither the fault of the University nor the men of Vaughan House, a situation has arisen where we find that we must leave in order to make room for increased women's enrollment.- However, we feel that the Uni- versity would profit to retain the men of Vaughan House as an in- tegral group-a group which we feel has been a great credit to the Michigan House Plan and to the University in the past andj would continue to be so in the fu- ture. Seemingly, the men of Vaughan cannot be kept intact, but we be- lieve that the Men's Residence Hall Administration and Vaughan residents can work out a satisfac- tory solution so that a winning combination will not be broken up. We will try to represent the men of Vaughan House in seeking a way to keep its men as an in- tegral group, working with the residence hals management, and pledge ourselves to do our best to accomplish that end. ,-Eugene D. Mossner, '52 L.S.&A. Michael Hlady, '52 L.S.&A. Alvin R. Lewis, '54 Med. chanical or civil Engineers, or Business Administration graduates who have had 2% or 3 years engineering or have'lfle- chanical aptitude. The ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Maryland, has openings in their Ballis- tic Research Laboratories for men and women in the fields of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics. We have had a call from a local re- search laboratory for a man who has had at least two years of engineering to be a detail checker. For further information please call at the Bureau of Appointments 3528 Ad- ministration Building. summer Exhibitions, Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall: "France - in Paintings and Prints," south Gallery;, "Works by contemporary Americans," North Gallery: "Modern Graphic Art," West Gallery. All exhibits selected from the Museum Collections. Hours: Week- days, 9-5; Sundays, 2-5. The public is invited. Coming Lectures Monday, July 30- Biophysics symposium, 1300c hemistry Building, "Viruses: Structure, Repro- duction, and Origin" (continued), S. E. Luria, University of Illinois, 4:00 P.M.; "Ionization and Thermal Effects in Viruses and Enzymes" E C. Pollard. Yale University, 4:30 p.m. Linguistic Program: "Theory of In- formation (Code and Message; Langu- age and Thought)." Roman Jakobson, Professor of Slavic Languages, Harvard University, 2:00 p.m., Rackham Amphi- theater. Conference of English Teachers. "The Possible Importance of Poetry." Virgin- ia A. Cooper, Roosevelt High School, Ypsilanti; Sister Mary Edwardine, R.S.- M., Mercy College, Detroit; Arthur J. Carr, University of Michigan. 4:00 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall. Tuesday, July 31- Biophysics Symposium, 1300 Chemistry Building. "Viruses: Structure, Repro- duction, and Origin" (continued), S. E. Luria, University of Illinois, 4:00 p.m., "Structure of Proteins" (continued), 'V L. Ongley, Harvard University, 7:30 p.m. Linguistic Program. "Historical Lin- guistics in the Light of structural An- alysis." Roman Jakobson, Harvard Uni- versity, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphithe- ater. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination f o r Abdul- Karim Ahmed Ali, Civil Engineering; thesis: "The Analysis of Continuous Hipped-Plate Structures," Monday, July 30, 315 West Engineering Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, L. C. Maugh. Doctoral Examination for Gerald Rob- ert Toy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry; thesis: "Antihi taminics," Monday, July 30, 2525 Chemistry Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, F. F. Blicke. Concerts Student Recital Postponed: Vivien Milan, mezzo-soprano, whose recital was previously announced for Sunday, Music faculty members, will present a program at 8:30 Monday evening, July 30, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. It will include Sonatina in D major, Op. 137 by Schubert, Sonata (1948) by Di- mond; Sonata in G minor by Debussy, nd Sonata (1943) by Copland. The general public is invited. Faculty Recital: John Kirkpatrick, Guest Pianist in the School of Music during the Summer Session, will play his second program at 8:30 Tuesday evening, July 31, in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall. It will include Fantasy and Sonata in C minor, Op. 11 by Mozart, A Child in the House by' Theodore Chaner, Piano Sonata by Hunter John- son; Evocations by Carl Ruggles, and Nostalgic waltzes by Ross Lee Finney, Composer in Residence at the University of Michigan. The general public is invited. University of Michigan Summer Ses- sion Orchestra, Wayne Dunlap, conduc- tor, will plays its annual concert at 8:30 Wednesday evening, August 1, in Hill Auditorium. The program of summer music will include Orfeo by Monteverdi, Beethoven's Symphony No. 6 in F ma- jor; Prokofieff's Summer's Day Suite; Barber's Knoxville: Summer of 1915, Op. 24, featuring Carol Neilson Wilder, so- prano, and A Summer Overture by Clyde H. Thompson. The program will be open to the public without charge. Coming Events Intercultural Education Conference. July 30 - August 1. Next Week: The Department of Speech presents Dion Boucicault's breath-tak- ing 19th century melodrama, "The Streets of New York," August 1-4 at 8 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Box office open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., on days of performance until 8 p.m. Classical Coffee Hour, Tuesday, July 31, 4 p.m. in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Students of the department and their friends are invited. Mr. Sweet will speak on "Ideas about the Teaching of Latin." Congregational - Disciples Guild: Tea on the Terrace, Tuesday from 4:30 to 6:00 at the Guild House, 438 Maynard St. Michigan Actuarial Club: Meeting, Tuesday, July 31, 2:15 p.m., 3A Union. Mr. A. L. Bailey, Actuary, New York In- surance Department, will speak on "Basis for Casualty Insurance Rate- Making." Staff and students who are interested are invited. Roger Williams Guild: Class at 10:00; Miss Ruth Daniels, Midnipoor, India. speaker at 11:00. Meet at 3:30 at Guild House for swimming, foodd and discus- sion. Speaker: Dr. Waterman "The Re- appearance of Christ." Sociedad Hispanica: Meeting on Wed- nesday, August 1, 8:00 p.m., Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Dr. Darnell Roaten will present an illustrated lecture: "WoIfflin's Princi- pies of Art in the Spanish Baroque Drama." Thepublic is cordially invited. Pi Lambda Theta (Honorary Women's Sorority) meeting for initiation and program, July 30. Monday, 7:30 p.m., West Conference Room in Rackham. Sarita Davis will tell of her recent ex- periences in Germany and present twelvenguests who teach English in other countries. All members in town are invited. ,La p'tite causette meets Monday from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m., 4n the South Room of the Michigan LM n Cafeteria. Churches St. Andrew's Episcopal Church- 9:00 a.m., Holy Communion followed by breakfast. 11:00 a.m., Morning Prayer and Ser- mon. 3:30 p.m., Canterbury Club outing, with speaker. Professor Douglas Morgan, head of the department of philosophy at Northwestern University will be the speaker. Wednesday, 7:00 a.m., Holy Commun- ion followed by breakfast in the Canter- bury House. 7:30 p.m., Open House at the Chap- lain's residence, 702 Tappan Avenue. Thursday, 8:00 p.m., Bible Study group' at Canterbury House. Friday, 4:00 p.m., Open House at Canterbury House. Congregational-Disciples Guild: Sum- mer Reunion. Meet at 2:00 at Guild' House, 438 Maynard, drive to D. Town-' er's Picnic Grove for swimming, sports, supper, and a worship service. University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 washtenaw: Sunday service at 10:30 a.m., with sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips, "Vignettes Along Luke's Path- way." Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club, Meet at the Center, 1511 Washtenaw, Sunday at 2 for Lake Outing with Wayne and MSC Gamma Deltans. Lutheran student Association Meet- ing-5:30 p.m. in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. Program at 7:00. Speaker-Dr. Hed- wig Kopetsky, Lecturer from University of Vienna. U4l6 Iftr~t~aI 1 a k y 4 4 { . DORIS FLEESON: Ise Boom Stirs Interest I c4 WASHINGTON - Apathy afflicts every- ' thing in Washington during the dog days except the Eisenhower-for-President boom. President Truman thrust at the General again and an Eisenhower enthusiast among the Republicans, Sen. Lodge of Massachu- setts, began the task of counteracting the anti-Eisenhower indispensable-man propa- ganda of Sen. Brewster, a Taft supporter. The unique aspect of the story is that while no one is yet able to say that he knows from the horse's mouth that Ike is or is not a Republican or a Democrat, poli- ticians in both parties continue to leer se- ductively at him. The President was asked about a report that Jacob M. Arvey, Illinois Democratic National Committeeman and boss of Chi- cago, said he had two Presidential candi- dates if Mr. Truman did not choose to run -Sen. Paul Douglas and Gen. Esnehower. Mr. Truman, chuckled that Mr. Arvey had had ideas before. He was referring to Arvey's leading role in the effort to sub- stitute Ike for Truman in 1948. who stands in some danger of burning out his health in his mighty project. * * * * SEN. LODGE, to whom Gen. Eisenhower is only indispensable for the rescue of the Republican party from the too narrow na- tionalism that he fears, assured Senators that Europe is practically crawling with U.S. military genius. He is understood to have mentioned the Eisenhower chief of staff, Lieut. Gen. Alfred Gruenther, and Lieut. Gen. Lauris Norstad, European Air .Commander. The late Admiral Sherman was originally on his list, too; in fact, Sherman is understood to have been Eisen- hower's first choice as his successor. A point generally made by all the returned travelers is that Gen. Bradley, now Chief of Staff, has come close to writing himself out of Allie dcommand, at least short of hot war, in his best seller, "A Soldier's Story." Gen. Bradley's frankness, notably about British Field Marshal Montgomery, was described as more entertaining than diplomatic. Sen. Lodge was equally impassioned over the necessity of continuing foreign aid as DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the day preceding publication. delphia; and Los Angeles. They will in- terview at the Bureau of Appointments if enough men are interested. Please call immediately at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Building if interested. Personnel Interviews: Thursday, August 2- Mr. Smiley, Personnel Director of LA- SALLE & KOCH COMPANY in Toledo will interview men and women who are interested in department store training programs. Mr. Smiley will be interview- ing for his own store and others in the R. H. Macy Corporation, New York and elsehwere. Thursday, August 2- LEHIGH PORTLAND CEMENT COM- PANY, Cleveland, Ohio, will be inter- viewing men interested in sales or sales administration, Literary College, Bus- iness Administration students as well as Sixty-First Year Edited and mnanaged by sudents of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications Editorial Staff Dave Thomas .........Managing Editor George Flint...........Sports Editor Jo Ketelhut...........Women's Editor Business Staff Milt Goetz.........Business Manager Eva Stern .........Advertising Manager Harvey Gordon ...... Finance Manager t.