PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 28, 19.,1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY _______________________________________ U I SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1951 Educational Shift Shown By Survey A survey of Chicago-area bus- iness leaders, educators and gov- ernment officials indicates mid- western universities have shifted the center of U. S. education from the eastern seaboard to the mid- west. The University was cited as be- ing a national leader in liberal arts, law, medicine and dentistry. . * * THE SURVEY concluded that a composite institution welded of the best features of colleges and universities in Michigan, Ilinois, Indiana, Wisconsin a n d Iowa would be of All-American calibre, ranking with the greatest world universities of all time. The University law school was given an uncontested first among midwestern universities and ranked with Harvard's law school on the national level, according to a report of the survey published in the Chicago Tribune. The stamp of the law school provides a great impetus to a lawyer's career, the survey indi- cated. The medical school also ranked high, sharing honors with the Uni- versity of Illinois and Northwest- ern. Northwestern's dental s c h o o 1 was cited with the University's as the midwest's best n the opinion of the group surveyed. Iowa, Wisconsin and Northwest- ern were all lauded for their lib- eral arts colleges along with the University. * * * ALTHOUGH PURDUE was held to be an international leader in engineering, the University was mentioned with the University of Illinois as having engineering col- leges that stand among the best in the country. Special mention was also given to the University of Chicago for nuclear physics and atomic re- search, the University of Iowa for education and child psychology and the University of Missouri for news and communications. Michigan State College was mentioned for its work in agricul- ture. Death of Ross Mourned Here Prof.-Emeritus Edward A. Ross, 84 years old, of the University of Wisconsin, father of Prof. Gilbert Ross of the School of Music, was buried Thursday at Madison, Wis- consin, following his death there Sunday. One of the founders of sociology, Prof. Ross established the sociolo- gy department at Wisconsin and remained its chairman until his retirement in 1937 at the age of 70. A noted author of numerous books, articles, sociological studies, Prof. Ross was at one time presi- dent of the American Sociological Society and chairman of the American Civil Liberties union na- tional committee. Prof. Robert C. Angell, chair- man of the University sociology department, and present president of the American Sociological So- ciety, says of Prof. Ross: "Sociolo- gists will all mourn the death of Dr.. Ross who was the last of the pioneer group of sociologists in this country. He not only made great contributions of his own to sociological theory, but he always fought for the discipline of so- ciology and its place in the uni- versity curriculum." Read and Use DAILY CLASSIFIEDS HOT WEATHER COOLER-These Danish dishes seem to have found a way to avoid looking wilted from the heat. They are shown gamboling on a dewy lawn in Copenhagen attired in the Danish version of the "Bikini" suit. ward Supports Lenient Peace Treaty for Japan. Education Di fficulties Discussed The challenge of mass education took the spotlight yesterday at the University's first Classroom Con- ference designed to explore com- mon goals of university and high school teachers. Setting the general tone of the all-day meeting, Eugene Thomas, president of the Michigan Second- ary School Association and prin- cipal of Central High School in Kalamazoo, pointed to the univer- sality of modern American educa- tion as the major problem of sec- ondary schools. * r * "FOR THE first time in history we are trying to educate all the people," he said at the luncheon session of the conference. "A cross- section of America, with wide var- iations in IQ's and in social and economic backgrounds, is going through our schools." "We will have to forget about norms and levels of achievements in our high schools and take boys and girls the way they are, if we don't want to reject from our school those who don't come up to academic standards," he asserted. Dean Hayward Keniston of the literary college, told high school teachers attending the luncheon that they should be as concerned about students who do not in- tend to go on to college as about those who do. All education is preparatory, he asserted, whether it is for univer- sity or for work directly after high school. During the day, conference members visited University classes and held meetings to discuss in- structional problems in individual subjects. The high school teacher's prob- lem of teaching large classes with students ranging widely in ability again dominated the conference at the evening panel session. Panel members felt that some method must be found to stimu- late their abilities while keeping the instruction simple enough for the average and below average stu- dents. Prof. Bromage Publishes Book A new book entitled "A Council- man Speaks," written by Prof. Arthur W. Bromage of the political science department, has been pub- lished. Prof. Bromage is Republican al- derman from Ann Arbor's sixth ward. The book is a sequel to "On the City Council," which related Prof. Brornage's experiences as a freshman Council member. PlIc Un A~ lw iN F R I E N D$SH IP A F L O A T -Bobby Nagle, IS months old, has become so attached to his baby duck pets that he joins them in the wading pool in the yard of his Atlanta, Ga., home. .9 1a By HADLEY OSBORN Backing the soft peace treatyI for Japan, Prof. Robert E. Wardl of the political science department said yesterday that harsher terms would be disastrous to Japan's faltering economy. "Japan couldn't bear up under the economic controls and repara- tion payments the British propose. It would be almost impossible for her to survive economically," Prof. Ward asserted. * * * THE UNITED STATES has pumped over two billion dollars in- to Japan since the war and will have to continue to pour money into the country if it is to remain free from Communist domination, according to Prof. Ward. "We are in a dreadful interna- tional position and need bases and friends in the Far East," he said. "We want the Japanese to provide this setup by their own free will; we can't afford to alienate them." Prof. Ward, assistant director of the University's Japanese Center, said that most Japanese are an- xiously looking forward to the September signing of the long- delayed treaty and are eagerly awaiting removal of the United Nations occupational forces. The big stumbling block is Rus- sia's absence from the treaty talks, Prof. Ward noted. Russia and Ja- pan will still legally be at war af- ter the treaty is signed and Rus- sia could legally attack and occupy Japan sometime in the future. Another hitch in the treaty is Okinawa, he commented. He said the United States wants to keep it as a military base, while the Ja- panese feel that it should be re- turned to them. "THE REARMAMENT problem is an embarassing question," Prof. Ward said. "Gen. MacArthur in- serted a clause in the Japanese constitution which made it illegal for the Japanese to support a standing army. However, the situ- ation has changed since then and now it's imperative that they be able to defend themselves." He said it was doubtful if the constitution could be amended, because it would be impossible to get an assenting popular vote. The people are definitely opposed to rearming because of the tre- mendous devastation they suf- fered in the last war. Serving as field director of the University graduate training cen- ter in Okayana last year, Prof. Ward observed that "practically all enlightened Japanese are pes- simistic about the future of their country. The problems of over-po- pulation and a lack of trade seem to be insoluble." "It's impossible to predict Ja- pan's future accurately," he con- cluded, "but, with the aid of a soft treaty and a favorable policy by the United States, she may sur- vive." PRIZE COIFFURE- This wedding coiffure won prize in Berlin hairdressers contest. Hair is arranged in ladder effect ever Jeweled band from chign.a to ornament atop head. m N S U D D E N D E A T H Pedestrians examine crosses, one for each of Colorado's traffic victims in 1951, planted before wrecked auto at busy Denver intersection as warning to all. r 4 h .t REVENUER -John B. Dunlap, 47, of Dallas, Tex., was nominated by President Truman as Collector of Internal Revenue. He has been a top investigator of racketeers' tax returns. a 7 . 1 V i LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION STUDENT CENTER (National Lutheran Council) 1304 Hill Street Dr. Henry O. Yoder, Pastor 9:10 A.M.: Bible Class at the Center. 10:30 A.M.: Services in Zion & Trinity Churches. 5:30 P.M.: LSA Supper Meeting in Zion Parish Hall. Speaker-Dr. Hedwig Kopetsky, Lecturer from Univ. of Vienna. Wednesday- 4:00 P.M.: Tea and Coffee Hour at the Center. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, Scientist 1833 Washtenaw Ave. 11:00 A.M.: Sunday Morning Services. Subject-"Truth." 9:30 A.M.: Sunday School. 11:00 A.M.: Primary Sunday School during the morning service. 8:00 P.M.: Wednesday: Testimonial Service. A free reading room is maintained at 339 South Main Street where the Bible and all authorized Christian Science literature may be read, bor- rowed, or purchased. Ths room is open daily except Sundays and holidays from 11 A.M. to 5 P.M.; Fridays 7-9 P. M., Saturday 3-5 P.M. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH 1917 Washtenaw Avenue Edward H. Redman, Minister 11:00 A.M.: Final Service of Worship of the Summer Series. Rev. Edward H. Redman preaching on "Goals of An Experimental Faith." Regular Services will be resumed on Sept. 16th. FRIENDS (QUAKER) MEETINGLane Hall 11:00 A.M.: Sundays. Visitors welcome. CHURCH OF CHRIST Y. M. C. A. Auditorium G. Wheeler Utley, Minister 11:00 A.M.: Sunday morning service. 7:00 P.M.: Sunday evening service. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 120 South State Street Dwight S. Large, Erland J. Wangdahl, Eugene Ransom, Ministers 9:30 A.M.: Breakfast Seminar, Pine Room. 10:45 A.M.: Worship, "Eternity is Now" Rev. Ransom preaching. 5:30 P.M.: Student Supper and Social Hour. 6:45 P.M.: Vespers and program. Theme: Wor- ship through Religious Drama. Maxwell An- derson's play, "Joan of Lorraine" will be read. Welcome to Wesley Foundation Rooms, Open Daily. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL AND STUDENT CENTER 1511 Washtenaw Avenue (The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor Sunday at 10:30: Service, with sermon by the pastor, continuing series on Biblical Examples of Faith, "Vignettes Along Luke's Pathway." Sunday at 2: Meet at Center for Joint Lake Out- ing with the Wayne U. and MSC Gamma Deltans at the Portage Lake in Waterloo Recreation Area. K.N E E D E E P 1 N T R O U B L E - Natalie Bering, of Decatur, Ill., plays an approach shot from a rain-swollen creek during the Illinois Women's State Golf tourney at Decatur. NEW CHAMPION-- Randy Turpin, new world's middleweight boxing champion, grins as he strolls the day after whipping "Sugar" Ray Robin- son, 160-pound king, in London. 1 4 N zA"WW I i 11 - ~ 3