Y Lie igauT :4Iaaitii EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 2 CLOUDY Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXI, No. 23-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1951 FOUR PAGES N ew Troops Estimate Set By Marshall Pentagon Won't Confirm Figure WASHINGTON-(P)-Secretary of Defense Marshall "threw top Pentagon officials into considerable confusion last night with his tes- timony on Capitol Hill that the United States plans to have 400,- 000 American troops in Europe in 1952. The figure given by Marshall was nearly twice as great as prev- ious official estimates. .HIGHEST defense authorities at therPentagon told newsmen after hours of frantic checking and double-checking that they were unable to explain or clarify the basis for Marshall's statement. Marshall himself could not be reached. Aides said he left im- mediately after attending the fu- neral of Adm. Forrest P. Sherman, chief of Naval Operations, who died of a heart seizure in Italy last weekend. There was some belief that Marshall may have made a slip of the tongue. Top aides said as far as they knew there was no change in present plans to limit the size of U. S. forces in Europe to six combat divisions totalling approximately 200,000 troops. Newsmen pressed the top brass for an explanation shortly after Marshall came up with his sur- prise figure in testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Commit- tee. Officials admitted frankly that they were confused by Marshall's testimony and could not tell whether he was disclosing a new development or had simply erred in his figures. Marshall also disclosed that U. S. allies in Europe have promised they will have 2,500,000 men under arms next year and will be able to throw 5,000,000 men into the field within 90 days after the out- break of any new war. MARSHALL'S revised figures came as a surprise to. lawmakers who recalled his testimony on the controversial troops-to-Europe is- sue last Feb. 15. At that time, testifying be- fore a joint session of the Senate Armed Services and Foreign Re- lations Committee, Marshall said there were no plans to send more than 100,000 additional ground troops to Europe to bolster the two American divisions already there. He said the new contingents would include 72,000 men in four combat divisions-plus some 25,- 000 supporting units-and would raise U. S. ground forces in Europe to about 197,000. Chaing Army' Attacks on Red ChinaFrontier RANGOON, Burma-(P)-A Chi- nese Nationalist army force has struck 65 miles into Red China from its refugee base in Burma and seized a 100-mile-long fron- tier strip in Yunnan province. The Nationalists have captured one airfield and are reported try- ing to build another. Communist troops in larger force are counter-attacking from head- quarters bases at Paoshan on the Burma-China Stillwell Road of the Second World War. The fighting is about 200 miles west land slightly south of Kun- ming, the Red-held Yunnan Cap- ital. Although the Nationalist pene- tration is relatively small-scale, it is regarded as the most effective action on the mainland this year by forces linked with President Chiang Kai-Shek's Formosa Island regime. TheNationalist force was auth- oritatively said to number about 15,000 regular troops in three col- umns. Kimball Gets Senate Okay Auditors Reveal GI BillMisuse Blame Veterans Administration, I PE CE E OYS RESU E TALKS 0 BUFFER ZO E States for Waste of $20,000,000 BY JOHN BRILEY . The General Accounting Office, auditor of Government expendi- tures, has revealed that 20 million of the some 14 billion dollars spent so far on the GI educational program has gone to schools in over- payments resulting from "irregular and apparently fraudulent" practices. The GAO, in a special report to a House committee headed by Rep. Olin E. Teague (D-Tex.), blamed the Veterans Administration and the states for poor handling of the seven year old program. hI * * * IT ALSO CITED "connivance on the part of unscrupulous opera- tors and veterans." The report, which was based on a survey of some 1,200 in- stitutions in seven states, uncovered overpayments for such things as padded school expenses, improperly charged items and increased tuition rates for veterans in two-thirds of the schools investigated.- The only school mentioned in the GAO report was Secretary of Defense George C. Marshall's alma mater, VMI. While it is assumed the University was not one of the schools covered in the report, a University spokesman said that the GAO makes a yearly inspection of the University's veteran operations and has made spot checks at various times since veterans first came to the University on the GI Bill in 1945. Failing to refund tuitions of veterans who dropped out of school and setting special tuition rates for veteran students was cited by the GAO as favorite devices used by institutions to obtain overpay- ments from the VA. * * * * UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS said the University's policy in refund- ing veterans' tuitions to the VA was exactly the same as applied to non-veteran students. A partial reimbursement is made if the stu- dent drops in the first half of the semester and no tuition is refunded when the student withdraws after the term passes the half-way mark. When veterans first came to the University both state and outstate veterans were charged the higher outstate tuition rates in accordance with a regulation of the GI Bill that permitted this basis of charging the VA. This method of determining tuition for veterans was changed to a credit hour basis some four years ago, according to University offi- cials. Most universities and colleges have been charging the VA on the credit hour basis, University spokesmen believe. The credit hour tuition charge is approved in the GI Bill, but the charge must be pro-rated with other federal aid-a policy much ignored in the institutions studied by the GAO. THE TEAGUE committee is investigating problems of the GI Bill in an effort to draw up a better bill for veterans of the Korean war. The VA closed the door on the old GI Bill to most veterans of World War II last Wednesday. Under the law any veteran not enrolled and attending classes on July 25 will be unable to get educational benefits under the GI Bill. However, veterans who have had their courses interrupted by summer vacation or other reasons beyond their control are still eli- gible to training rights. All veterans who have taken some GI training but have returned to active military duty will also be permitted to resume their training within a reasonable period after their separation or discharge from service. * . * * VETERANS NOT affected by Wednesday's cut-off date include those discharged after July 25, 1947. These veterans have four years from their date of discharge in which to startecourses. Disabled vets training under Public Law 16 are not affected by the cut-off date either. The 1,500,000 veterans still in training under the GI Bill will have to complete their courses without interruption to retain their GI benefits. Once they complete or discontinue their courses-except for normal interruptions like summer vacations- they will not be permitted to start again. The VA has divided GI training costs into five categories. In the last seven years $9,900,000 has gone for subsistence; $3,550,000 for tuition; $376,000,000 for equipment; $86,000,000 for supplies and ma- terials; and $26,000,000,000 for counseling-a total of $13,904,000,000. Of the 2 million of this that has gone for overpayments, only three million has been recovered, the GAO told the Teague com- mittee. The largest repayment was one million dollars returned by the State of Alabama, according to the GAO. NEW DORM RULING: Pigeon Panic "This place is strictly for the birds," according to the antics of an unidentified pigeon who flew into the Daily editorial room through an open window last night. The pigeon, whom some say was disappointed by a rival newspaper, managed to throw the room into turmoil for ten minutes as he flew back and forth through the smoke-filled air. He finally perched on the head of the night editor who waved his hands madly through the air shouting, "Nev- ermore, while the pigeon escaped through the window with a piece of Associated Press copy clutched in his beak. II BACHELORS BEACHED-"It was sad when the great ship went down," these four sociological ex- perimenters sang as they gazed at their over turned raft from the banks of the Ohio River near Wheeling, West Va. Fortunately, they managed to recover their guitar from the wreckage and un- daunted they stood, Milton E. Bordon, Grad., Don Brown, '51, Geraldine Garcia and Mary Ellin McGrady, Grad., as they prepared to salvage the raft "Lethargia" and continue their journey. )M* * * * Automobile Steel Slash Announced WASHINGTON-(P)-Steel for passenger car output was cut another five per cent by the gov- ernment yesterday, effective Oct. 1, to meet heavy demands for the defense program. Other consumer items such as refrigerators, washing machines and household electrical applian- ces also will about five per cent less steel than now. THlE ADDITIONAL cut for par- senger cars came as something of a surprise to car makers, many of whom had believed an easing in the Korean tension would permit more steel for auto production. Some now forecast a hastening of an eventual new car shortage. Under yesterday's order by the Defense Production Administra- tion, auto output in the October- through December quarter will be reduced t o60 per cent of the level before the Korean War started. This will mean a production of a little more than 1,100,000 cars, or about 100,000 less than in the present quarter and 400,00 under the April-June quarter. Manly Fleischmann, Defense Production Administration, said auto manufacturers will be allow- ed to use some foreign steel, if they need it, to turn out the 1,100,000 quota. Steel for household appliances in the final quarter will be about 65 per cent of their pre-Korea ton- nage, compared with 70 per cent now. The cut-backs came as the DPA issued steel, copper and aluminm allocations for the final quarter of this year. 'Voice' Makes Oatis Demand WASHINGTON-(P)--The State Department's "Voice of America" yesterday challenged Communist Czechoslovakia "in the name of de- cency" to let Associated Press cor- respondent William Oatis broad- cast daily to show he is still alive. Oatis is now in a Czech prison, serving a life to 10 year sentence Accident Fails To Halt Hardy Lethargia Crew MOUNDSVILLE, W. Va.-(Al)- Four young experimenters in so- cial conduct fished their belong- ings from the Ohio River yester- day, still bent on floating down to New Orleans. They want to learn what hap- pens to mind and manners when two bachelors and two women have to live cooped up together for several weeks on a 12-by 20- foot raft. "IT WAS sad when the great World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - A b a t t l e royal which may become historic is in prospect as the result of a decision yesterday by Sen. Doug- las (D-Ill.) to oppose confirma- tion of two of President Truman's nominees to the Federal bench. WASHINGTON - President Truman flies to Detroit today for a speech in Cadillac Square at noon. S* 11 NEW YORK - Abner Green was jailed yesterday for contempt. joining three other bail officials of the Civil Rights Congress be- hind bars. HAVANA, Cuba-The Cuban Government revealed t o d a y how "persuasive measures" in- duced the Russian embassy to cease publication here of its Communist propaganda maga- zine. WASHINGTON -- The Hous yesterday voted 376 to 0 to end the formal state of war with Ger- many more than six years afte the shooting stopped in May, 1945 ship went down," they sang, from a ballad about the sinking of the "Titanic." Their great ship, called "Le- thargia," was upside down near theg estVirginia shore at Round Bottom, just downstream from Moundsville. "Lethargia" capsized Thursday after hitching a tow with a big river tug. The tug was too fast. It swamped the raft, built on oil drums with a canvas-covered cab- in about eight feet square. Mary Ellin McGrady, a 24-year- old sociology student at the Uni- versity of Michigan, and Geraldine Garcia, 23-year-old artist from Boston, managed to scramble aboard the tug. Milton Borden, 30 years old from New Bedford, Mass., swam to the tug. Don Brown, 24-year- old Michigan student from Detroit went down for a long time. Bul he came up, grabbed an oar anc swam to the West Virginia shore MARY ELLIN is leader of thi expedition, which set out fromn New Kensington, Pa. She planne to take notes of the adjustment the four make in order to ge along together in close confine , ment. "Silly," she called complaints about unmarried men and wo- men riding together on the raft. All have "other romantic in- terests," she explained. Borden said the cabin will hav to be unbolted before the "Lethar gia" can be turned right side u; again. He thinks he and Browi can do it. Not so fortunate was the ship' e mongrel-puppy mascot. He wa d tied to the raft when it overturn ed, and though the crew attempt r ed to save him, he was lost befor . the rescuers got there. Senate O' s, Wage-Price Control Bill c WASHINGTON-(P)-The Sen- ate last night passed compromise legislation to extend wage, price, rent and other economic controlsC through next June.a p The measure falls far short of i the kind of program President n Truman wanted. The bill may be finally acted on r by the House Monday.t ** * IT WOULD replace the present 1 controls law expiring Tuesday ats midnight, assuming President Tru- man signs the new legislation. Hes is expected to sign, perhaps with a complaint that it doesn't go fars enough to fight inflation., The weary conferees, who havel been at work since Wednesdayt in adjusting the different Sen- ate and House versions, had theiw - last tussles over rollbacks, price markups and slaughter quotas in meat production. * They refused to write into thei compromise bill any provisions for4 the use of slaughtering quotas. Both Senate and House had taken the same stand, over objections from stabilization officials. Senator Maybank (D-S.C.) said he planned to introduce separate legislation later to cov- er the slaughter quota question. The rollback plan approved would permit the Government to , order price ceilings on non-farm commodities to the levels that pre- vailed just before Korea-provided cost increases, are taken into ac- count. Senator Capehart (R-Ind.) e said this would prohibit ceilings a that do not reflect costs, both dir- d ect and indirect. s t Conferees agreed that in some - instances this could also mean "roll forwards" on goods where the manufacturer could justify higher prices on the basis of increased costs since the Korean War. They told reporters the "roll forwards" could apply to processed foods-- canned goods, bread and the like -as well as manufactured pro- e ducts. p The Senate acted by voice n vote shortly after Senate-House conferees reached agreement on s the compromise version. It gen- s erally would key price ceilings - more tightly to costs while per- mitting some rollbacks to pre- e Korea levels on all but farm com- modities. [red Demand On Parallel Said Likely Allies May Want Present Position U.N. ADVANCE HEADQUAR- 'ERS, Korea-Allied and Com- nunist negotiators resumed talks esterday on the touchy problem f a ceas-fire buffer zone in 'orea-with' the Reds probably rguing for a line centered on 'arallel 38. The session-the twelfth held so ar-began promptly at 10 a.m. (7 .m., Friday, Ann Arbor time) and ecessed 45 minutes later until :30 p.m. No details of what tran- pired at the opening session were iven. RED NEGOTIATORS were ex- ected to argue at Kaesong for a ease-fire line centered on the 8th Parallel. Their reply to yesterday's Al- lied statement on the proposed buffer zone was due at the out set of the session. The Allied position was not dis- losed. Presumably they proposed i demilitarized zone along the resent battle line. The bulk of t is north of 38, as much as 35 miles on the east coast. It was believed that the estab- ishment of a three-mile naval neutral zone offshore also was tied o the agenda item as a U.N. pro- posal. The Allies regard the present battle line-based on ridges-as a good defensive one in case the armistice talks break down and serious fighting it renewed. Fighting yesterday was of a de- sultory nature. Intense Red artil- lery and mortar fire blocked Allied patrols seeking to seize hills on the eastern front near Yanggu. Allied planes continued to attack North Korean supply lines. The Red view on a buffer zone was released in a broadcast Red statement at the outset of the Kaesong talks. It called for a cease-fire zone 121/2 miles wide, centered along the 38th parallel. * * * Top Officers Refute Claim On RedArmy WASHINGTON-(P)-The High Command of U.S. Armed Forces publicly washed its hands last night of a Pentagon officer's state- ment that while U.N. forces have halted their offensive in Korea the Communists have taken ad- vantage of the cease-fire talks to make a "tremendous buildup" of their strength. Clayton Fritchey, information director for the Defense Depart- ment, told reporters that the statement given out earlier by a briefing officer does not reflect official policy or views. * * * THE WHOLE AFFAIR assumed the proportions of a SNAFU of large-scale proportions. Up to last night the earlier statement had been regarded as an official one inasmuch as the briefing officer, departing from custom, had told newsmen they were at liberty to quote his re- marks directly. The briefing officer pointed to what he termed the "tremendous buildup" of Communist strength since preliminary truce talks start- ed, and expressed hope this was not evidence of "bad faith." Proof of the "good faith" of the U.S. and its United Nations part- ners, he said, was presented when they let the truce talks halt their advance at a time when the Reds were "hanging on the ropes." The officer drew a sharp con- trast between the increase of Coin a a ~ '''' $, .I C, a' r t. t i women Aiready Signed Can't Reside in Vaughn, By GAYLE GREENE Women students who have al- ready signed housing contracts for next fall will not be eligible for residence in Victor Vaughn House, Dean of Women Deborah Bacon announced yesterday on the heels of an announcement that Vaughn House will be converted into a wo- men's dormitory next semester. Only women entering as fresh- men, transfer students, or those enrolled in the fall semester who do not already have housing com- mitments, will be assigned to the dorm. THE RED BRICK residence hall will provide two-room suites for 180 undergraduate women and at from 495 to 450, and Mosher and Jordan Halls will each lop off 25 occupants, Dean Bacon comment- ed. The proportion of graduate stu- dents in Stockwell will increase with the entire second floor, as well as the ground floor, to be devoted to single rooms for grads. Dean Bacon explained that gra- duate students require single rooms because "oddly enough, they study." THE REARRANGEMENTS in Stockwell will leave only 350 un- dergraduates there and will sharp- ly reduce the dormitory's member- ship on the Board of Representa- DR. FORSYTHE SAYS: Students Healthier than in Last Era University students of today are healthier and take better care of . t,} pm-,lvrnCthan viiAon. a ann In 1929-30, students averaged about six and a half visits each. THE STATISTICS provide a partial insight into changing me- R ' I