FRIDAY, JULY 27, 19-1
__________________________________________ I U
Tests Quiz
Student 'Freeze'
Found Common
Anxious students are incliped
to put themselves in a mental rut
by clinging to the first answer
that hits them on a quiz and are
blinded to other solutions, accord-
ing to the results of an experiment
being conducted in the psychology
The tests, conducted by Roger
Brown, an instructor of the de-
partment, are now nearly com-
plete and appear to confirm the
hypothesis that when confronted
with an unfamiliar problem stu-
dents "freeze" on the first solu-
tion that becomes apparent and
refuse to recognize others.
ducted on students at all levels in
the University and in Detroit high
schools, Brown said.
"For many people an important
test is just another hurdle taken
in stride. For others the testing
atmosphere arouses anticipations
of failure and a considerable
amount of anxiety," he explained.
"Having found a workable solu-
tion to a problem, students tend
to ignore other solutions which
are shorter and better."
The research also investigated
the possibility that a similar
motivation sometimes operates
in the formation of over-sim-
plified solutions to social prob-
"The person who is as concern-
ed about his social status as the
student is about his academic sta-
tus may rigidly adhere to the
ready made, stereotyped social at-
titudes peddled by all popular en-
tertainment and refuse even to
consider alternative points of
view," Brown pointed out.
ducted under two incentive atmos-
pheres. One group of students was
told that they were being given
intelligence tests that were very
important to their academic re-
cord. The other group was tested
in a relaxed situation and was told
that the tests were of no import-
In 'the first part of the test,
which was conducted inPsychol-
-gy 31, 45, and 85 classes, English
1, and on Detroit high school sen-
iors, students were presented with
simple mathematics problems and
were told one way to solve them.
In the series of problems to
be solved a simpler solution is
possible and the students are
graded on how soon they realize
the simpler solution.
In the second part of the experi-
ment the testees are given a "pub-
lic opinion questionnaire" which
is made of "pat" social attitudes
which are generally accepted.
The student indicates how
much he agrees with the state-
ment and is graded on the amount
of disagreement he shows to the
accepted statements. Thus a com-
parison can be made between the
reluctance which the person show-
ed in accepting a new solution to
a problem, and how much he dis-
agrees'with statements of com-
mon social attitudes.
Atom Film
To BeShown
The film "Medical Effects of
the Atomic Bomb" is to be shown
from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Tues-
day in Kellogg Auditorium.
The film will be shown as part
of a training program on "Nursing
Aspects of Atomic Warfare," given
by the University to graduate
nurses of Washtenaw County.
The film which was prepared by
the United States Army as an
educational service was very diffi-
cult to get, according to University
State Police Give
Williams New Car
LANSING - (P) - State Police
placed a new auto in operation for
Gov. Williams yesterday.
Police, who traditionally fur-
nish and maintain the governor's
car,. said the new car will replace
a 1949 model that had covered
more than 55,000 miles and need-
ed a general overhauling.
ske, University Hospital director, looks on proudly as Donald
Bachman presents the Disabled American Veterans Certificate
of Merit to Mrs. Eugenis Stegath, hospital claims clerk. Mrs.
Stegath, an employee of the hospital for the past four years,
received the award for her "sympathetic, persistent and intelli-
gent efforts at the University Hospital on behalf of disabled vet-
Ex-Faculty Member Finishinga
Book onl Scient
Francis S. Onderdonk, who feels
that the time is ripe for a crusade
for "soul hygiene," is speeding up
work on his book about the
"emerging science of happiness"
while recovering from a heart at-
Onderdonk, an Ann Arbor resi-
dent, taught architecture at the
University until his release in 1933.
He has held various jobs since
then, working on his book only
during lunch periods, evenings and
weekends. Since his confinement,
though, he's practically finished it.
* * *
FIGHTING THE "spiritual shal-
lowness" of men, he says "the book
will present the greatest truths of
the greatest minds in a scientific
manner. It is a practical guide of
happiness to the baseball cheering
In order to accomplish this,
Onderdonk has compiled a mosaic
work which is 90 per cent quota-
tions from 625 authors.
He hopes that this selection
of the "jewels of the jewels" will
be the beginning of a movement.
If it's a success he'll go to Holly-
wood, since he believes "the mo-
tion picture projector can spread
High School Plans
Ann Arbor High School will un-
dertake a unique $30,000 a year
enterprise next fall, parking cars
for University football games on
the Board of Education's Stadium
Hills property.
Under the new plan, high school
students, supervised by faculty
members, will operate the parking
lot and food concession.
ce of Happiness'
wholesome thoughts and sane emo-
tions with the same regular and
tireless energy that an assembly
line turns out automobiles."
"Happiness," the devout vege-
tarian states, "is the most impor-
tant thing in the world, and can
be obtained by a person only as
he procures it forhothers." By
analogy, he says he'll be quite
happy when the work is published.
chitectural book which Frank
Lloyd Wright praised as "ably
written and more comprehensive
than anything of the kind I know."
This new work on the "chemistry
of the soul," which fills 14 note-
books in manuscripts, seems to be
equally comprehensive.
Blasting university curricula, he
says "there is no course in any
university to teach the average
man the meaning of life. As a
result we have Haven Halls burned
and wars fought."
Specilization must be done away
with if wars are to be eliminated,
according to Onderdonk, who is an
author, educator, architect, world
traveler, and student of interna-
tional affairs. He lived in Vienna
for twenty years and says that
Europeans, as well as Americans,
are too specialized.
"Both a universal religion, such
as the emerging science of happi-
ness, and a universal language are
necessary if we are to have peace;"
he asserts.
GM Reports Sales
NEW YORK-(R)--General Mo-
tors Corp yesterday reported sales
of all GM products totaled $1,-
921,000,000 and net income was
$139,000,000, equal to $1.55 a share,
in the second quarter.
New Form of
Calcium May
Exist in Sun
One of the last of a series of
spectral lines in the sun's corona
that have baffled astronomers in
the past is very likely a new form
of the element calcium, according
to Stanley P. Wyatt, Jr., instructor
in the Department of Astronomy.
Wyatt, who gave his views on'
the theory of Walter O. Roberts,!
director of the observatory joint-
ly run by the University of Colo-
rado and Harvard at Climax, Colo-
rado, pointed out that this yellow
line was first observed in the spec-
trum of the sun's corona in
France in 1937.
* * *
THE CORONA is the pearl-gray
ring which surrounds the main
body of the sun and makes up the
sun's outermost atmosphere.
When an element becomes lum-
inescent it gives off a unique spec-
tral line that is used to identify
the element.
Robert's theory which maintains
that'the new line is not due to
some undiscovered element but to
calcium that has lost most of its
electrons was supported by Wy-
He asserted that the corona's
intense heat of one million degrees
centigrade would make it impos-
sible for elements more highly ra-
dioactive and unstable than the
Uranium group to be observed in
the sun's corona.
Wyatt also explained that since
the corona has the same chemical
composition as the main body of
the sun the presence of new ele-
ments would be unlikely since all
of the elements in the cooler main
body have been identified.
Previously, two red and green
lines occurring in 'the corona's
spectrum at the time of huge
gaseous eruptions in the corona
were thought to be due to a new
element called coronium. In 1940,
however, they were found to be
merely iron that had lost over half
of its electrons from the heat.
Recital Will Be
Emil Raab, instructor in violin
and chamber music, and Prof.
Benning Dexter, of the school of
music, will give a recital at 8:30
p.m. Monday in Rackham Lecture
Featured on the e'rening's pro-
gram is "Sonatina in D major, Op.
137" by Schubert; "Sonata (1943)"
by Diamond; "Sonata in G minor"
by Debussy; and "Sonata (1943)"
by Copland.
The concert is open to the pub-
President Truman
Plans Boyle Check
Truman said yesterday he is look-
ing into charges that his friend,
William M. Boyle, Jr., received
$8,000 in legal fees from a St.
Louis printing firm which got
$565,000 in RFC loans.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch
charged Wednesday that Boyle,
chairman of the Democratic Na-
tional Committee, was paid the
money by the American Lithofold
Corp., in monthly installments be-
ginning shortly after the Re-
construction Finance Corporation
granted the loans Nov. 14, 1949.
THE PROFESSIONAL TOUCH-Guest lecturer Philip Lang of radio and musical comedy fame is
shown conducting members of his radio music composition class during the radio show "Today,"
put on by the Radio Workshop Drama. One of seven composers on Broadway who do orchestration
for musicals, Lang's current hits include "Make a Wish" and "Two on the Isle." Lang plans to re-
turn to his Broadway work in the fall.
'U' Will Hold
For Teachers
University and high school
teachers will have a chance
to compare notes today at the Uni-
versity's Classroom Conference.
Finding ways to help students
make the transition from high
school to university is one of the
main purposes of the conference,
according to University Admis-
sions Director Prof. Clyde Vroman,
who is chairman of the confer-
This morning University classes,
laboratories, and libraries will be
open to visitors, and conducted
tours and curriculum conferences
will be held.
*' * *%
of the literary college, and Eugene
Thomas, president of the Michi-
gan Secondary School Association
and principal of Central High
School, Kalamazoo, will speak at
a luncheon meeting, at 12:15 p.m.
in the Union Ballroom.
Instructional group meetings in
English, mathematics, languages,
social sciences, biological sciences,
journalism, business s u b j e c t s,
speech, music and art are schedul-
ed for 2 p.m.
The conference will close with
a panel discussion on "Subject
Matter Problems in Today's Class-
rooms," at 7:30 p.m. in the Union
Additional information a n d
tickets for the luncheon may be
obtained in the Office of Director
of Admissions, 1524 Administra-
tion Building.
Murphy To Speak
-Federal Judge Tom Murphy of
New York arrived here yesterday.
He will address the Michigan
Prosecutors' Convention tonight.
** *
* * *
New Music Composition
Course Makes 'U' Debut
Cited by Philip J. Lang, experi-
enced radio composer, as the big-
gest professional field for modern
composers, radio music composi-
tion is making its bow at the Uni-
versity for the first time in a
course now being offered at the
music school.
Putting students through the ac-
tual conditions in radio work and
giving them a concentrated dose
>f radio composition are two aims
of the course, according to Lang,
who is teaching the class this sum-
BESIDES orchestrating "Make a
Wish" and "Two on the Isle,"' two
hit musicals on Br&dway, Lank's
own previous work includes music
composition for the NBC "Ford
Show" and the "Victor Borge
"Writing radio music is the
technique of writing background
music for dramatic activity," ex-
plains Lang. Therefore, this work
requires a knowledge of the tech-
niques of music, the equipment of
broadcasting, and an ability to
feel dramatic quality in music.
Being able to write this music
does not require a great compos-
er, but one who feels music in co-
ordination with other fields-=ra-
dio, ballet, movies, and television,
Lang claims.
Working in close coordination
with Prof. Garnet Garrison, of
the Speech Department, Lang
feels that the University offers
a wonderful opportunity for
Forum To Meet
A radio and television education
conference will be conducted by
five authorities in the field, at 9:45
a.m. today in the Rackham Am-
They are Edward Stasheff, of
New York City, Paul A. Walker of
FCC, Garnet R. Garrison, direc-
tor of television at the University,
James Eberle of WWJ and WWJ-
TV, and Armund Hunter, director,
of television at Michigan State. .
such a composition course be-
cause of its wealth of musicians,
composers, and excellent radio
Lang described the steps in-
volved in writing radio music as
beginning with research on source
material of the period of the pro-
duction on which you are working.
The next step is to break down the
script according to what is done
musically to motivate the plot.
This includes getting the music
Following this comes orchestra-
ting the composition, rehearsing
cues, and final recording of the
music with the cast performing
All of the students in the class
have a chance to compose music
for the scripts, the best ones from
the group being used. By the end
of the summer term four half-
hour shows and seven fifteen-min-
ute narrations will have been done
by the class.
partment Radio is glad for the
chance at this new "live music,"
according to E. G. Burrows, as-
sistant director of the University
Broadcasting Service. The depart-
ment previously used almost en-
tirely all recorded music for their
musical cues on the drama shows.
This new addition to the radio
station not only affords opportun-
ity for music students, but for ra-
dio students as well. In working
with this "live music" they are
getting the musical experience of
a professional radio station, ac-
cording to Burrows.
Radio listeners will have an op-
portunity to hear the results of
this radio music composition class
when the Speech Department Ra-
dio uses original music by one of
Lang's students over a "Down
Story Book Lane" production at
11:30 a.m. Saturday, on WPAG.
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds
* * *
Radio Shows
To Be Given
Two "Down Story Book Lane"
narrations, of special interest to
children, will be broadcast by
Speech Department Radio over
Station WPAG, Ann Arbor, and
WWJ, Detroit, this Saturday and
Original music for the scripts
was written by Willis Coggin, stu-
dent in the music school, and was
played by the studio orchestra un-
der the supervision of Philip Lang,
guest lecturer from NBC, New
* I
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