THE MICHIIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 2,.1950 I j IV Vidi 1'WV .. iVll/{I V ), TAR CORNER 0Ot ON THE Washington Merry- Go-Round WITH DREW PEARSON SOMEONE asked the other day why there is this picture of an ape on the editorial page of The Daily. The reason is that perhaps people need to be told pictorially that in this corner of the universe the problem is not how to .build a machine, but what to do with it, just as the ape's problem is not how to get his hands on a typewriter, but what to write. The picture may be appropriate as a re- minder that Man, in spite of his glorious works, is essentially a hairless primate with a puzzled look. -Philip Dawson B-50 Crash THE DEPRESSING NEWS report of the mysterious B-50 bomber crash near Le- banon, Ohio, that cost the lives of all 16 of its crew significantly omit any reference 'td how many "parachuted to safety." If para- chuting would have been attempted, prob- ably those lives could have been saved. The B-50 aircraft exploded after it plunged into the ground. This means that the plane was intact on its descent and, unless it was spinning out of control or was too near the ground, successful para- chuting might have been done. And if what the two farmer witnesses said about the plane appearing to be in trouble in a minute or two before the crash is true, this would have allowed ample time for the 16 airmen to buckle on their para- chutes and jump. It is a possibility that the parachutes were carelessly thrown about in the plane, as is too often the case, with no regard to their necessity in case of an emergency. Air Force regulations state that the para- chute shall be worn at all times during flight, but if for reason of convenience it cannot be worn, it should be put in a safe and easily accessible place, and in case of an emer- gency, to be quickly fitted on and used. When there are no survivors of a plane crash there is always room for spebulation, and witnesses' accounts of a crash are often contradictory in their interpretation of the facts. But if this catastrophe occurred because -of a laxity of the Air Force regulation concerning the wearing of parachutes, it would imply that a slackness of air safety rules is being employed. And once a pri- mary slackness becomes apparent in these rules--whether civilian or military-it is not long before other safety rules are ne- glected.. It would appear that a more stringent en- forcing of this ruling should be made. -Mary Letsis WASHINGTON-Republican senators who have been yammering about "Commun- ist spies" in the State Department got a ver- bal straight-arm from John Foster Dulles, the Department's top GOP adviser, at a pri- vate luncheon arranged by New Jersey's GOP Senator Alex Smith. Dulles was picked by Truman, somewhat against his own political judgment, in order to pacify the Republicans. At first, Truman had hesitated about putting him in the State Department because Dulles had been so vi- felt that way are now out of the Department tion in running for the Senate last fall. However, Acheson insisted, and Truman fin- ally acquiesced. Now it looks as if Republi- can senators aren't even satisfied with their ex-colleague, Mr. Dulles. At the start of the luncheon meeting, Dulles shed his diplomatic gloves and bluntly reported that the Department of Defense, not the State Department, was chiefly responsible forethe unarmed con- dition of Southern Korea. Dulles, who would have been Dewey's Sec- retary of State, also criticized military lead- ers-without specifically mentioning Gen- eral MacArthur-for inaccurate intelligence reports to President Truman regarding Ko- rea. The State Department foresaw the cri- sis several months in advance and urged armed aid to Southern Korea, Dulles re- ported, but was overruled by Defense Secre- tary Johnson and military advisers. Senator McCarthy walked out of the luncheon just as Dulles got to his main topic-alleged Comnunist spies in the State Department. "I see Senator McCarthy has left," Dulles told his fellow Republicans. "His absence will enable me to touch on something with;- out embarrassing him. I want to say that I have never seen a known Communist in the State Department and I do not know of anyone there with Communist sympathies or leanings. * * * * A DOSE OF COMMUNISM "IN THE PAST there has been a group in the Department that was disturbed by the failure of Asiatic countries to appreciate the serious threats of Communism," Dulles continued. "This Group felt that a dose of Communism would wake up China and be the best stop-gap against Communist ex- pansion over there. "However, I think that most of those who felt that way are now out of the Department and those who are left do not hold respon- sible positions any longer." At this, Senator George Malone of Nevada literally jumped from his chair and bellowed: "What you say confirms Senator Mc- Carthy's charges! Do I understand you to say that such people helped to shape pol- icy in the State Department and that to- day American boys are dying in Asia as a result of the dose of Communism Korea is getting?" "I said no such thing," fired back Dulles, flushing. "You know I didn't. That is youi conclusion. These people did not determine State Department policy on Korea or any other country. Also, as I have reported, most of them are no longer with the Department." "Who are they?" hotly pursued Malone. "Name them." "I did: not come up here to indulge in personalities, but to give you senators a report on the situation in the State De- partment today with regard to these charges about spies," replied . Dulles. "There are no spies or Communists in the State Department. All the people em- ployed there are good Americans who want to promote the best interests of their country." At this point, McCarthy returned to the luncheon meeting and Malone shouted: "R- peat what you have just said, Mr. Dulles!" Whereupon McCarthy asked: "Was Dean Rusk one of this group you referred to?" The indirect slap at Rusk, Assistant Sec- retary in charge of Far Eastern Affairs, in- furiated Dulles. "I want you to understand, Senator," he replied, "that Dean Rusk is and always has been a fine public servant. The country owes a great deal to him." For half an hour, Malone, Hickenlooper of Iowa, McCarthy, Jenner of Indiana, and Mundt of South Dakota pounded the un- happy Dulles. In the end, Malone grimly remarked: "You can't sell the State De- partment to us." Whereupon Wayne Morse of Oregon, who has no love for the isolationists, commented acidly: "Foster, it ought to be plain to you the State Department doesn't have a chance with the Republicans." THE HEIGHT OF HYPOCRISY CONGRESSMAN RALPH GWINN, New York Republican, is now urging that the Post Office Department be turned ove to private enterprise so government bureaus will have to pay postage. Believe it or not, this is the same Congressman who has take* advantage of his free mailing privileges to mail literally tons of propaganda around the country. Last year alone, Gwinn mailed out 2,450,- 000 copies of his speeches against the Tru- man administration without paying for a single postage stamp. This saved him, and cost the taxpayers, $73,500 in three-cent stamps-or six times his salary for the year. In other words, it cost the taxpayers the salaries of seven Congressmen merely to deliver Gwinn mail. Yet he now has the nerve to advocate turning the Post Office over to private en- terprise in order to stop the "BureaucratS' from getting free mailing privileges. * * * RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA FEW AMERICANS have any realization how consistent and vituperative Mosr- cow's propaganda is against the U.S.A. For instance, there are no fewer than 27 anti-American plays showing in Moscow right now. Yet, if American newsmen, who try to write the news out of Moscow, should mention this, their dispatches would be cer- sored. This brings out another thing which few newspaper readers realize about Moscow news. There is hardly a dispatch filed out of Moscow which is not heavily censored. That's why every U.S. newspaper publish- ing a Moscow dispatch should automatically carry the warning: "Censored." Perhaps if Congressman John Taber of New York, Senators Harry Byrd of Virginia and George of Georgia, plus other economiz- ers, would take a trip to Moscow and get one brief glimpse at the extent of the anti. American propaganda, they would be will- ing to spend a few dollars on U.S. propa- ganda. HIDDEN RUSSIAN NAVY - It is now learned that Russia has a much larger navy that we ever suspected. The surface ships have been hidden in the Black Sea, while the subs are chiefly in the South Pacific and Baltic. The thing that worries U.S. war chiefs most is that a Russian sub might sink an American troop ship - which would be another sinking of the Maine and mean world war. (Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: WENDY OWEN CA 4PA(I7d ~1T'TAX Repa. o DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. THOMAS L. STOKES: Old Joe's Mistake WASHINGTON-Adolf Hitler never un- derstood about us Americans. Neither does Joe Stalin. Now, old Joe must learn the hard way - and it will be a hard way for us, too, we who so much wanted peace and decency in the world, and only that. It's too bad about old Joe. Looking at his picture, one might think, if you could take off that uniform and dress him otherwise, of an old man sitting in a chimney corner with his grandchildren. But old Joe could never sit there content- edly with his pipe and talk to children. He has no pleasant memories to recall that would delight children. It's too bad for the world that this man who never had any fun, has come, at this particular time in history, to control the destiny of hundreds of millions of people. They, and hundreds of millions of others who are normally imbued with kindness and merry spirits, now must seize a gun, with the result that the whole world be- comes regimented, either as soldiers or civilians, hopeful that the holocaust will not engulf us all again, but fearful - and, in our fear, victims of all sorts of imag- inings that create suspicion and hatred of other people who no longer are people, but have become distorted ogres. Old Joe and his grim crew of ego-maniacs have done that to us, the Russian people and all the other people of the world, just as Adolf and his crew did it before. * k u. OLD JOE, after all his devious manipula- tions at infiltration, and taking over the governments and lives of other people, has finally come to the inevitable step in a career such as his and those of his fellow plotters. Korea is the ultimate act in the career of a peasant boy in revolutionary Georgia, living a hard life, writhing at the auto- crat'c rule of an emperor in St. Peters- burg, caught up in plotting that regime's overthrow, maneuvering his way to the top through the years at the expense of cruelty and bloodshed, and ending up in the very image of the thing he started out to crush. Such is the pursuit of power un- failingly. While he was busy at his plotting - har- assed, hunted, in hiding often - another human being, several years younger in an- other Georgia thousands of miles away in a another country, was playing first base on a neighborhood scrub baseball team, and doing all the things that our boys do. A personal symbol of others of his kind in Iowa, Texas, Maine, and our other states. And thus it had been for boys living and having fun in a free country for generations back. Some came up in hard circumstances. Some of these, like Joe, had the revolu- tionary spirit. But it was tempered with humility in most cases, seeking changes in orderly ways and, over the years, get- ting them. Some of ours in hard circum- stances became buccaneers of business and exploiters, fighting their ruthless way up. Others became political adventurers. But they were never allowed to get too big for their britches, any of them, because of that checks-and-balances attitude which exists among a free people, as well as in its governing institutions. Joe could never understand that about us. Maybe now he is getting a glimmering of its results, even if he doesn't understand why. We hope he wakes up fully before it is too late. For finally our instinct for justice under law is joined with that of many other nations in a world federation for justice under law, the United Nations. Joe might as well know now that we are determined to make that work, that we are ready to play our part in that customary implement of justice under law, which is a police force to uphold it, no matter what the sacrifices. (Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Summer Session, Room 3510 Admin- istration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). SUNDAY, JULY 23, 1950 VOL. LX, No. 20-S Notices Seniors, College of LS&A, and Schools of Education, Music, and Public Health: Tentative lists of seniors for August graduation have been post- ed on the Registrar's bulletin board in the first floor corridor, Administration Building. If your name is misspelled or the degree expected incorrect, please notify the Recorder at Registrar's win- dow number 1, 1513 Administra- tion Building. Edward G. Groesbeck, Assistant Registrar Law School Admission Test: Application blanks for the August 12, 1950 Law School Admission Test are still available at Room 110 Rackham Building. Applica- tion blanks are due in Princeton, N.J., not later than August 2, 1950. The United States Civil Serv- ice Commission announces an ex- amination for Pharmacist, Grades GS-5, 7, and 9. No closing date. The EUCOM Exchange System, which administers Post Exchange activities in the European Com- mand, is desirous of employing a limited number of recent college graduates in the Business Admin- istration, Economics, Commerce, and Merchandising fields. Appli- cation forms may be picked up* at the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Building. The Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society, a privately supported, non-sectarian child-placing agen- cy, will be in need of men and women who are interested in work with children. For further infor- mation concerning any of the above notices please call at the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Building. Lectures H. W. Leverenz, of the RCA Re- search Laboratories, Princeton, N.J., will give the four Summer Electronics Symposium lectures on "Luminescence of Solids" at 10 a.m., Rm. 1400 Chemistry Bldg., MTThF of the week beginning July 24. Prof. J. C. Slater, chairman of the department of physics, M.I.T., will give the eight Summer Elec- tronics Symposium lectures on "Energy-Level Solid State Prin- ciples," at 9 a.m., Rm. 1400 Chem- istry Bldg., on MTThF during the two weeks beginning July 24 and 31. Conference of Summer Educa- tion Staff. Topic: "A Recent Im- portant Development or a Signifi-7 cant Trend in Education in States and Universities Represented byI Visiting Staff Members." Wednes- day, July 26, 7:30 p.m. Rackham Assembly Hall. University Lecture: Dr. F. M., Burnet, director, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Re- search. Subject, "The Genetic Ap- proach to Variation in Influenza Virus." Auditorium, School of Public Health, July 24, 1950, 4 p.m. Auspices of Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health. Pol. Sci. 279, Public Policy and Atomic Energy. Seminar meeting open to the public at 3 p.m., Tues., in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Bldg. Prof. Arthur N. Holcombe, Harvard University, will speak on "Atomic Develop- ment Administration and the Pub- lic Interest." Jon Eisenson, Director of the Speech Center, Queens College, Flushing, N.Y., will give the fol- lowing lectures during his visit at the University Speech Clinic. 1. Testing of Dysphasics. 3p.m., Mon., Rm. 101, Speech Clinic. 2. Testing of Dysphasics. Tues., Rm. 101, Speech Clinic. 3. Personal Prob- lems of Speech Handicapped Peo- ple. 1 p.m., Wed., Rm. 101, Speech Clinic. Open to students in speech correction. Botanical Seminar, Wednesday, July 26, 1950, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 1139. "Investigations of Microenviron- mental Influences in Relation to Bog Plant Communities, Berrien County, Michigan" by Prof. M. E. Britton. All interested are invited to attend. Mathematics Education Lecture: Prof. M. H. Ahrendt of Anderson College will lecture on "Linkages," in Rm. 31, BusAd Bldg. at 2 p.m., Monday. Graduate Speech Symposium. "Public Speaking in Industry." Winton H. Beaven, Chairman, De- partment of Speech, Union Col- lege. 4 p.m., East Conference 'Rm., Rackham Building. July 24. The Quest for Social Security. "Health Insurance - Public or Private?" Nelson H. Cruikshank, Director of Social Insurance Ac- tivities, American Federation of Labor. 4:15 p.m., Rackham Am- phitheater. July 24. Public Policy and Atomic Ener- gy. Lecture, "Atomic Development Administration and the Public In- terest." Arthur N. Holcombe, Har- vard University. 3-5 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Build- ing. July 25. Graduate Speech Symposium. "Theatre." Theodore Fuchs, Direc- tor of Theatre, Northwestern Uni- versity, 4 p.m., West Conference Room, Rackham Building. July 25. Institute on the Near East. 'Land Tenure Reform - The Key to Near East Stability and Devel- opment." Dr. Afif I. Tannous, Uni- ted States Department of Agri- culture. 4:15 p.m., Rackham Am- phitheater. July 25. Linguistic Institute. "Paradigms in American Indian Languages." Prof. C. F. Voegelin, University of Indiana. 7:30 p.m., Rackham Am- phitheater. July 25. "Personal Influence and Opinion Change in Conferences," Wednes- day, July 26, 3121 Natural Science Bldg., at 10 a.m. Chairman, D. G. Marquis. Concerts Student Recital: William Stan- ley, tuba, will be heard at 8:30 Wednesday evening, July 26, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, in a program presented in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. He will be assisted by Michael Polo- vitz, clarinet, and Mary Crawford, piano. The general public is in- vited. Mr. Stanley is a pupil of Harold Ferguson. Chicago Symphony Woodwind Quintet, Ralph Johnson, flute, Robert Mayer, oboe, Jerome Sto- well, clarinet, Wilbur Simpson, bassoon, and Philip Farkus, French horn, will be heard in the Rack- ham Lecture Hal at 8:30, Wednes- day evening, July 26. The pro- gram is being played as a part of the Second Annual Band Con- ductors Conference Workshop be- ing held in Ann Arbor, July 24-29. It will: include compositions by Somis, Klughardt, Milhaud, De- Lamarter, and Hindemith. The general public is invited. Student Recital: Marilyn Mitt- ler, soprano, will present a pro- gram in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree at 8:30 Wednesday evening, July 26, in the Architec- ture Auditorium. Miss Mittler, a pupil of Thelma Lewis, plans to sing works by Handel, Gluck, Cam- pra, Blech, Wolf, Szulc, Ravel, Du- parc, and a group of four English songs. The general public is in- vited. Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross and Emil Raab, Violinists, Paul Doktor, Violist, and Oliver Edel, Cellist, will be heard in the second concert of the summer series at 8:30 Tuesday evening, July 25, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. It will include Mozart's Divertimento in E-flat major, K.563, for violin, vi- ola, and cello; Quartet No. 8 by Quincy Porter, and Beethoven's Quartet in E minor, Op. 59, No. 2. The general public is invited. Summer Session Band Concert, with guest conductors from the conducting class of William D. Re- velli, 8:30 Monday evening, July 24, in Hill Auditorium. The pro- gram is presented in conjunction witlh the Second Annual Band Conductors Workshop, but will be open to the general public as well as those attending the conference. Among the composers whose works will be heard are Rimsky-Korsa- kov, Bach, Goldman, Sibelius, and Khachaturian. Exhibitions General Library, main lobby cases. Contemporary literature and art (June 26-July 26). Museum of Archaeology. From Tombs and Towns of Ancient Egypt. Museums Building. R o t unda. exhibit, Fossil Flora of the Mi- chigan. Coal Basin. Exhibition halls, "Some Indian Cultures of North and South America." Law Library. History of Law School (basement); classics for collectors (reading room). Museum of Art. Oriental cera- mics (June 26-August 18). Mo- dern graphic art (July 2-30). Clements Library. American Colonial Culture. (July 5-August 1). Events Today Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club, will have its supper and pro- gram at 1511 Washtenaw today at 5:30 with talk and discussion on "Geology and the Bible." Graduate Outing Club: Meet, 2 p.m., Sun., Northwest entrance Rackham. Swimming, and picnic. Bring cars. Final plans for over- night trip. Coming Events Congregational, Disciple, Evan- gelical and Reformed Guild: Tea at the Guild House, 438 Maynard, 4:30 to 6:00. Sociedad Hispanica: Meeting Wednesday, July 26, 8 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Program: Latin-American film. recitation by Mr. Jose Ortiz of the poetry of Nicolas Guillen. who are on the campus this sum- mer are invited. Transportation provided. Reservations should be made by Wednesday, July 26, with Miss Margaret Smith, Reference Room, General Library, 2-4380 or 3-1511, ext. 2200. Young Progressives of America: Forum on Korea followed by dis- cussion, 7:30 p.m., Mon., Union. Square Dance Group meets at Lane Hall Tuesday, 7-9:30 p.m. The Canada-United States Work- shop wishes to invite all Canadian faculty, and all Canadian students to a Coffee Hour in the Rackham >uildng on Wednesday, July 26, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. The Inter-Arts Union cordially invites all those interested to an informal discussion of "Folk Mu- sic on the Contemporary Scene." Prof. Ross Lee Finney will partici- pate. Michigan League, Monday, July 24, at 4:15 p.m. Central Michigan Alumni Pic- nic: Wed., July 26, 5:30, Island Park (on the Island). Bring dish to pass or relishes, table service, drink and sandwiches. For infor- mation call 6897. The Survey Research Center tea for the members and faculty of Third Annual Summer Institute from 4 to 5:30 p.m., Mon., in the W. Conference Room, Rackham.. University Community Center, Willow Village. - Tues., July 25, 8 p.m., Wives' Club, "Music Appreciation." Band Conductors Workshop. 8 a.m. to 5:45 p.m., Monday, July 24, Michigan Union. Band Conductors Workshop, 8 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 25, Michigan Union. Churches Congregational, Disciple, Evan- gelical and Reformed Guild. Sup- per at 6 p.m. at Congregational Church. Dr. William Toth, Prof. of Church History, Franklin Mar- shall College at Lancaster, Pa., will be our speaker. Subject: "The Historic Church under Persecu- Lutheran Student Association: Meet at 4 p.m. at the Student Center, 1304 Hill Street, and leave from there for an outdoor meeting at the home of Ivan Hag n, 2526 Traver Road. University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw, Service, Sunday at 10:30 a.m., with sermon by the Rev. A. Scheips on "Helpful Ex- hortation - A Christian Duty." Michigan Christian Fellowship: 4:30 p.m., Lane Hall (Fireside Room). Rev. Howard Sugden of the Garson St. Baptist Church, Jackson, Mich., will speak on the subject: "Ishmael or Isaac." University Community Center Willow Village. Sun., July 23, 10:45 a.m., Village Church Fellowship (Interdenom- inational), Church and Sunday School. I Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Philip Dawson......Managing Editor Peter Hotton............. City Editor Marvin Epstein........Sports Editor Pat Brownson.......Women's Editor Business Staff Roger wellington.... Business Manager Walter Shapero...Assoc. Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press Academic Noti ces Delta Kappa Gamma, honorary education society, will hold a pic- Doctoral Examination for Har- nic at North Lake on Saturday ry Levin, Psychology; thesis: afternoon, July 29. All members The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor,.Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular schoc: year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. BARNABY _a Quite an achievement, wasn't it, I'll bet he's unhapp}tI There's no need for him to protest, Everybody appreciates w'{at I'mdoing The Women's Club is 1 171 r I - 77777H7 I No, Mr, Baxter isn't IBarnaby!--Your father is 1 _..,. i it