IN THIS CORNER See Page 2 as La test Deadline in the State Da3 i4 PARTLY CLOUDY ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 23, 1950 FOUR PA nTalT T V N. 2 0-S V VL. Leh 1VU F.V-7 < - - i I Communists Shell Island Of Quemoy Nationalists Set For Red Invasion T A I P E I, Formosa-(P)-The Chinese Nationalist reported the Chinese Communists began shell- ing the Nationalist island of Que- moy (Chinemen) last night in evi- dent preparation for an attack. Quemoy is a 50-square-mile is- land 100 miles east of Formosa and just off the Chinese mainland. It blocks entry to the Communist port of Amoy. * * * THE NATIONALIST Defense Ministry, announcing the shelling, said more than 1,300 Communist small craft were massed around Amoy in seeming readiness to at- tack Quemoy. Nationalist official quarters v said eary today they had noti- fied American authorities both In Washington and Taipei of theQuemoy situation. They would not say whether theyhad requested lifting of Pres- ident Truman's ban against Na- tionalist air" and sea operations against the Communist mainland. * * * DESISTING from such attacks was requested by President Tru- man when he ordered the Ameri- can Navy last month to protect Formosa from a Communist in- vasion. One high Nationalist source said Communist conquest of Quemoy could be a prelude to an invasion of Formosa. "Or," he added, "they may'in- tend to bypass Quemoy altogether and attack us here in Formosa. How do 'we know?" This source, said that in the past the Nationalists had been able to break up such Communist con- centrations by air and sea at- tacks but that now Washington had the say. . (Whereabouts of the U. S. Se- venth Fleet, which is patrolling the Formosa straits, is not known. The fleet apparently, however, has kept well clear of the Com- munist mainland.) Shivers Leads Texas Election BULLETIN DALLAS-(A)-Texas Democra- tic primary, 11:30 p.m. returns from 139 of 254 counties, four complete2: Gov.-Shivers 209,121, March 52,688. Lt. Gov.-Brooks 57,379; Ram- sey 42,758. DALLAS--(I)-Handsome Gov. Allan Shivers grabbed a wide lead last night in the first report of Democratic primary returns from the Texas election bureau. The tabulation in the race for Governor - with only six counties represented - gave Shivers 13,- 685 votes, to 3,778 for Caso March, former BZaylor University lawyer. The five other gubernatorial candidates trailed far behind. Leopold's Return Leads to Riots BRUSSELS--(P)-The return of King Leopold III from six years in exile set off militant demonstra- tions by his foes in downtown Brussels last night. Windows of the pro-King Cath- olic newspaper Libre Belgique were smashed. IN MARTYR'S SQUARE, Socia- lists vowed, with upraised arms and clenched fists, to drive Leo- pold from the throne. Leopold supporters heckled the demonstrators, led by ex- premier Paul Henri Spaak, and were chased down a side street. Communists paraded in down- twon boulevards. The Socialist-controlled Belgian Trade Unien Federation ordered the labor movement to open re- sistance against Leopold "at the opportune moment." YPs To Sponsor 'Worker' Off Most Detroit Newstands Council Delays Enforcing Ban So Vet Takes Action To End Sales By DON McNEIL and AL BLUMROSEN Special to The Daily DETROIT-The Daily Worker, Communist newspaper, is fast becoming a collector's item as far as Detroit newsstands are con- cerned. A City Council resolution, signed by Mayor Albert J. Cobo, for- bidding the sale of "subversive" publications on Detroit's streets, went into effect at 4:30 p.m. Friday. Many newsstands, however, stopped, selling the Worker before the ban went into effect. FOR SEVERAL REASONS, stands still selling the Worker were still in busin'ess: 1. City officials have agreed not to close down any stands which continue selling "subversivg" papers until the legality of North I Coastal (oreans Recapture Town of Yangdo 7- Shady Trails To Dedicate New Plaque The Kresge Foundation's gift of Shady Trails, speech, improve- ment camp, to the University will be acknowledged tomorrow by the unveiling of bronze plaque at the camp, near Northport, Mich. University representatives who will be present at the ceremony include Vice-President Robert P. Briggs; Prof. G. E. Densm'ore, chairman of the speech depart- ment; Prof. Harlan H. Bloomer, director of the Speech Clinic; and Dr. James Maxwell, professor of otolaryngology in the Medical School. All are members of the advisory committee for the camp. STANLEY KRESGE is expected to represent the Foundation. The unveiling, scheduled for 11:30 a.m., will be followed by a luncheon in the camp dining room. Previously under private owner- ship, Shady Trails was given to the University by the Foundation in March, 1949. This transaction enabled large scale research in speech correction which private funds could not support. * * * THE CAMP was founded in 1932 by John Clancy, now director of the camp and assistant to the di- rector of the Speech Clinic. From an initial enrollment of four, attendance at the camp has increased to its present ca- pacity of 92 boys, representing 26 states. Most of the cases at the camp are those resulting from stutter- ing, spastic conditions, cleft pa- late, hearing difficulties and ar- ticulatory problems. THE 32 MEMBERS of the camp staff represent several speech cli- nics throughout the country. Most of the actual speech im- provement is incorporated into the every-day activities of sum- mer camp life. Clancy believes this helps the students in carrying over their newly-learned speech habits into every-day life. Shady Trails became affiliated with the University over a per- iod of years. In 1942 the con- nection was officially recogni- zed by an act of the Board of Regents. The Kresge Fund was interested in the camp and wanted tp make a donation, but it could not con- tribute to a -privately owned con- cern. An arrangement was finally, made, however, whereby an ad- vance was given to the Fund by the University, which resulted in its present acquisition of the camp. the ban has been tested in court. Acting Mayor Louis C. Mariapi is doubtful of the legality of declaring publications "subver- sive." 2. A specific resolution of the Council that the Daily Worker is subversive has not yet been passed. Butwhile police delayed enforc- ing, the ban, Edward Rendzio, a former GI and anti-Communist, interpreted the ban in his own+ way. - PASSING A newsstand at Mich- igan and Griswold in downtown Detroit, where Worker sympathiz- ers were gathered to protest the ban by buying copies of the paper, Rendzio went into action. He began a one-man cam- paign to get the paper off the stand, by buying up copies and ripping them in half. The papers then ended up unceremoniously in a trash can. A crowd of shoppers, office work- ers and professional men soon gathered to support him. They cheeredhhim on at his work, and when he ran out of money con- tributed nickels, dimes and dol- lars to the campaign. THIS WENT on for more than an hour, while a Worker sympa-I thizer, taken by surprise, counter-i ed by buying cQpies and selling them to members of the protest group. Action on both sides ceased when police cars arrived. Members of the police clean-up squad bought copies of the Work- er, a magazine called "Soviet Rus- sia Today," and the Weekly Re- port (a socialist newspaper) in preparation for a test case. KF Production To StartAgain Kaiser-Frazer auto plant will resume production tomorrow after a wildcat strike by 10,000 workers ended late Friday night. But officials of UAW-CIO Local 142 have scheduled a strike vote for next Thursday, at the same time maintaining that Friday's walkout was "unauthorized." They said the strike, if voted for, would be authorized by national union officials. * * * SEVERAL minor squabbles flar- ed up during the strike. Sheriff John Osborn said that tension mounted between the pickets and workmen who wanted to enter the plant. Osborn said that he did not expect any future trouble at the plant, when K-F shifts start re- porting for work again at mid- night today. A union spokesman said Local 142's executive board is conduct- ing an investigation of the inci- dent in which an afternoon shift union chairman was suspended by the corporation. Peace Appeal COPENHAGEN - () - Den- mark's biggest newspaper, Ber- lingske Tidende, reported yes- terday that 12,000 Danes have asked that their signatures be withdrawn from the Commun- ist-inspired Stockholm peace petition. Withdrawals includedescores from children, Tidende said, some of them under 10 years old. The paper published a notice a week ago that anyone who regretted his signature on the petition which calls for outlaw- ing the atom bomb should tell Berlingske Tidende so. West Europe Defense Move Set byU.S. Ambassador To Attend Pact Meet WASHINGTON--()-A new ef- fort to add German resources to the defense of Western Europe has been decided upon by the American government. It will be launched at a session of the North Atlantic Treaty coun- cil beginning in London Tuesday. AMBASSADOR C h a r l e s M. Spofford, special American envoy setting out for London yesterday, was to determine how far and how fast Atlantic Fwt nations are willing to go in pressing more of Western Europe's industrial production and manpower into military service. Spofford carried instructions from President Truman and Secretary of State Acheson to get new Atlantic Treaty machin- ery into high gear fast and be- gin planning how to increase the speed and scope of rearma- ment throughout the Atlantic defense area. Meanwhile it was learned that this government will prompty sup- ply arms to independently Com- munist Yugoslavia if Soviet satel- lite countries attack it. All indications are, however, that no American military aid will be given in advance, partly be- cause Tito's forces are considered adequately equipped and partly because such action now might be considered provocative. Yugoslav ambassador Vladimir Popovic has been pressuring Amer- ican government and Internation- al Bank officials for a new dollar loan but so far has no assurance of early action. However, the State Department has decided as a mat- ter of policy that Tito must get the basic financial assistance he needs to keep going. Census Totals Show Raise. Of 19_Million WASHINGTON-(A)-The Cen- sus Bureau yesterday estimated the 1950 population of the United States at 150,520,000 men, women and children. Michigan showed a 20.5 per cent increase to 6,334,172 in 1950 from the 1940 figure of 5,256,106. THE U.S. TOTAL is almost 19,- 000,000 higher than the 1940 total of 131,699,275. At the same time, the Bureau announced preliminary totals for all of the states and the Mtrict of Columbia. The figures, when carefully checked and revised where neces- sary, will be used by Congress to help determine how many Repre- sentatives each state will be en- titled to in the house. * * * THAT INFORMATION was not immediately available, and census officials said it probably would not BOMBERS HIT PORT-Superforts from the Twentieth Air Force score a direct hit on an indus- trial area at a port in Northern Korea in campaign to cripple invader's supply routes. ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___K,,* * * * * * * * * Pressure Up In Hamchan~ Front Sector Armor, Infantry Build New Thrusi By The Associated Press TOKYO, Sunday - North Ko rean troops have recaptured Yong donk on the east Korean coast General MacArthur announced today as American and Commu nist patrols probed along th Western front. Yongdok, destroyed by Allied naval gunfire and taken by U. & and South Korean forces Friday was lost Saturday before a Red attack in regimental strength, MacArthur said in a Sunday corh- munique. * * * THE TOWN is 26 air miles nort] of Pohang where the First Caval ry Division (infantry) landed Tuesdayiin the first American am phibous operation of the war. It is an important point on the Reds southern thrust dwn the East coast toward the vital supply port of Pusan. It also controls a highway through the high coastal mountains to the central front around Yeehon. MacArthur also reported "in creased" Red pressure in the arec of Hamchang, 15 miles southwes of Yechon which was taken b American forces Friday. Field dispatches reported Re armor and infantry building u for assault on new American pe sitions South and East of falle: Taejon where first cavalry el& ments have gone in as reinforce ments. FESTIVE BARGAINS: AA Will BDust Out With Super Sales This Week By PETER HOTTON Daily City Editcr Ann Arbor will become just like any other United States town Wednesday and Thursday. It will be the scene of two fabulous "Bargain Days," during which some 125 stores will slash their prices-to compare favorably with other towns. J I 1 I 9 t i 1 * * * * ALL THE MEMBER STORES of the Retail Merchants' Associa- tion are getting into the spirit of the day, plus other general-mer- chandise stores. Even campus town stores will reduce prices on many of their goods, with an eye to student trade. Louis Crispman, executive sec- Eight National Guard Units Set for Action By The Associated Press The prospect of a call to duty hung yesterday over at least eight units of the Michigan National Guard, with all units reported "ready." The Army announced Friday it is calling non-divisional guard units into active federal duty, but that divisional units are not be- ing considered for call "at this time." WHETHER ANY of the 1,067 Michigan men in non-divisional' outfits will be included in the call is not known. Meanwhile the 1,416 men in the state's Air National Guard began an intensive two-week summer training session. Some are at Romulus Air Base, some at Grayling and some at Sel- fridge Field. The 7,956 ground troops in the Guard's 46th Infantry Division also went full speed ahead for their annual training encampment at Grayling starting Aug. 12. But there has been no indication that the 46th division men will be call- ed soon. Tannous Will Speak Tuesday Williams Asks More Bonuses LANSING-(P)-Governor Wil- liams yesterday suggested that Michigan men fighting in Korea be made eligible for the Michigan Veterans' Bonus. The "possibility" of extending the bonus to the Korean fighters,{ "should be immediately explored," he told the State Amvets conven- tion here. * * * "I AM informed," he said, "that some $10,000,000 remains unex- pended in the bonus fund." Before this money could be used, he added, "there are Con- stitutional problems w h i c h would have to be overcome." retary of the local Chamber of Commerce, warned that inexper- ienced shoppers well-being might be endangered by the host of house-wives that swoop down upon the town and go methodically from store to store snatching up pro- digious amounts of clothes and accessories for the whole family. * * * HOURS WILL BE from 9 a.m. tot 5:30 p.m. both days. Crispman suggested the morning of the first day as the best time to get the biggest bargains.1 Originating in the 1930's, the1 special sale days were called dollar days before the war, but since the dollar isn't worth any- thing any more the event was changed to Bargain Day. Ann Arbor has become notor- ious for special bargains during these days, and shoppers come from all over the state, some as far as Jackson, Battle Creek and Grand Rapids. One Grand Rapids housewife wrote the Chamber of Commerce that she wants to spend her vaca- tion here-next week so she can take advantage of the low prices. So if you're afraid of govern- ment restrictions and hoarders, here's your chance to stock up on these fabulous bargains-if you have fabulous amounts of lucre. Finally Suspended The State Liquor Control Com- mission has finally gotten around to suspending the license of a ta- vern charged of selling beer to a minor - last November. The tavern, on 112 W. Liberty St., was also fined $100 and order- ed to have its license suspended for an additional 20 days if the fine is not paid, on top of its 15- days suspension. * '* * DESPITE MURKY weather, American tactical air forces straf- ed the Reds in Taejon yesterday. Superfortress bombers carried the brunt of the air war against the enemy as bad weather dras- tically limited activity, Far East Air Force Headquarters an- nounced today. The big Boeings of the Far East Bomber Command ranged north of the 38th parallel, dropping more than 100 tons of high explosives, a communique said. In 18 days of grim battling for time, the 24th Division - outnum- bered at times 20-to-1 - had yielded 70 miles in five major re- treats. The last and bloodiest re- treat was from Taejon, where the 24th held for three days. Orders called for a two-day stand if pos- sible. Mackenzie King Dies at Kingsmere y OTTAWA- (') - William Lyon Mackenzie King, 75, former Prime Minister of Canada and a veteran of British Commonwealth and world political affairs, died last night at Kingsmere, his summer home 20 miles from Ottawa. King's physician said his death was caused by "hypostatic pneu- monia, preceded by an attack of acute pulmonary edema" (accumu- lation of body fluid). Air Fair Here DETROIT-(P)-Four new ac- cess roads to Willow Run Airport are being built to handle the crowds expected to attend the In- ternational Air Fair August 11-13. The Institute on the Near East will present Afif Tannous lec- turing at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Rackham Amphitheatre on "Land Tenure Reform - The Key to Near East Stability and De- velopment." Tannous is a specialist in the agricultural community organiza- tion and agricultural development of the Near East. His studies of social and economical problems of Near Eastern village life have been of high competence. IN ADDITION to being an in- structor of social science at the University of Beorut from 1931 to 1937, Tannous was a member of the American Mission for Aid to Greece and Turkey as agricultural coordinator in 1946. He is advisory editor for the Middle East Journal in addition to being a member of the UN Economic Survey Mission to the Near East in 1949. COMMAND PERFORMANCE: Stanley Quartet Will Premiere Special Work THE FIGHTING commander of the 24th Division in Korea, Maj. Gen. William F. Dean,. was offi- cially listed as missing in action and possibly wounded. MEANWHILE, in Washington, a $7,000,000,000 "indusrtial reserve of nearly 460 war plants and po- tential munitions factories stand ready to produce for all-out war on short notice. Fourteen Michigan plants, in- cluding Willow Run, are eligible for quick conversion to defense production. Skipper Sights Russian Sub ST. JOHN'S, Nfld.-(;P)-The captain of a foreign fishing traw- ler has reported sighting a sub- marine which appeared to be Rus- sian off Newfoundland July 12. His story was told today by a weekly newspaper. The Canadian Navy at Ottawa said its Intelli- gence Branch also received the report several days ago and that it is investigating. * * * THE SKIPPER, who left tlree days ago after taking on supplies, was reported to have told naval authorities the submarine sur- faced in the early morning fog less CRUICKSHANK TO SPEAK: Health Insurance To Be Discussed The Stanley Quartet will offer the world premiere of Quincy Por- ter's "Quartet No. 8", a work com- missioned by the University and dedicated to the Quartet, at their second summer concert, 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Porter, a professor of music at en with Mozart's "Divertimento in E-flat, K. 563, for Violin, Vi- ola and Cello" played by Gil- bert Ross, Emil Raab, Paul Dok- tor and Oliver Edel of the music school. Alfred Einstein, eminent music- ologist, said the work was "intend- ed to offer the hearer something * * * The issues involved in adoption of a National Health Insurance Plan will be discussed by three au- thorities next week as part of the summer series on "The Quest for Social Security." the Federal Advisory Council on Social Security to the Senate Fi- nance Committee. The labor eco- nomist has also been a member of the U.S. Commission to the United Nations Educational, Scien- _ _:::-; _ :__:::_;:_i _:;; .............., ........ s ta :.,..