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July 22, 1950 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1950-07-22

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'U' Delegates
Will Propost
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Students from
every corner of the nation will at-
tend the Third Annual National Stu-
dent Congress, Aug. 23-31, at the Uni-
versity. This is the fourth article in
a series which will present many of
the issues they will face.)
Delegates representing the Uni
versity, appointed by Student Leg
islature (SL), will propose al
amendment to the Michigan Re
gion stand on Student Rights, a
the Third Annual National Stu
dent Congress, which will be helc
Aug. 23-31, here.
They hope to alter the Regiona
stand on substituting a "state
ment of Conditions" for the thre
year old Student Bill of Rights, o
the U.S. National Student Associ-
ation (NSA).
THE SL PROPOSAL would give
the "college or university commun-
ity" the responsibility of provid
ing thb conditions essential tc
training for citizenship in a demo.
cratic society.
"Our criticism of the Regional
proposal is that it does not state
upon whom the responsibility for
providing the conditions shall
rest," Tom Walsh, '51L, SL dele-
gation member stated.
"ALL OF THE conditions giver
in the Regional statement cover
areas which have been a source of
campus conflict in the past and
would clearly define the obliga-
tions of the institution in its task
of training students for citizen-
ship. We believe that the docu-
ment would provide a basis for re-
ducing the tensions which arise
between the three campus groups,'
Walsh said.
Basis for the University dele-
gation stand, according to
Walsh, will be an SL policy
statement defining the role and
function of a state institution of
higher learniig in a democratic
- The statement was passed April
19, 1950, following the off-campus
debate between Herbert J. Phillips,
fired University of Washington
professor, and Prof. Preston W.
Slosson, of the history department.
THE STATEMENT is as follows:
"We believe that one of the ma-
jor responsibilities of the educa-
tional institution in our democra-
tic society is to provide the oppor-
tunity necessary to help its stu-
dents develop into useful and ma-
ture citizens and leaders in our so-
"We believe that the citizens of
Michigan have accepted the bur-
den of state-supported higher edu-
cation on the democratic premise
that the higher education of some'
of its citizens through their con-
tributions to the community, both
in leadership and in technical
knowledge, will in turn aid the en-
tire society through increasing its
standards of living and culture.
"We insist that the University's
responsibility to make available
the opportunity for this training
for citizenship and leadership must
include providing the following:
"1. The formal or technical
knowledge gained through instruc-
tion in the classroom.
"2. The opportunity for students
to participate in freely chosen stu-
dent activities on the campus
where the student can experience
the techniques of democratic acti-

vity as a means of training him-
self for active participation in the
life of his community.
"While the student is acquiring
an advanced education through
these two channels, the Univer-
sity has the responsibility of act-
ing affirmatively to insure each
student an adequate opportunity
to gain a knowledge and under-
standing of the issues which face
America and the world today.
"This opportunity for free in-
quiry and discussion is essential if
the University is to fulfill its func-
tion of developing its students in-
to well informed and qualified
citizens and leaders who can make
that additional contribution to our
democratic community which the
people of the state' have a right to
expect of them."


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Actors Gesticulate To
Air 'Washing Machine'



TAG-DAY-Skippers and crew, all members of the University
Sailing Club, guide their small craft in a fast game of tag on
the windy waters of Whitmore Lake.
'U' Sailors Skipper
Rowboats with Masts

Putting a "Washing Machine"
on tape is all in a day's work in
the Angell Hall radio studios.
This feat took place yesterday
when a group of speech depart-
ment members performed Bessie
F. Collins blank verse drama, "The
Washing Machine" over the fa-
cilities of WUOM and WKAR,
East Lansing.
' , ) "
BLANK VERSE is difficult to
read with any feeling, the actors
commented, and to get emotion in-
to their lines they resorted to all
manner of facial expressions and
fist-closed gestures.
In between their miscrophone
Ypsilani Plans
'To Annex 21
Square Miles
Ypsilanti city authorities out-
lined a wholesale annexation plan
to the township negotiating com-
mittee which would remove almost
90 percent of the township's as-
sessed value.
About 21 square miles of town-
ship land are included in the pro-
posal which if added to Ypsilanti
would increase its area eight times
and more than double its present
It would include Willow Run
Village which previously had
threatened to incorporate a large*
portion of Ypsilanti township un-
less annexed to the city.
The tract of land is valued at
approximately $31,500,000 com-
pared to the $22,000,000 present
assessment value of Ypsilanti.
Willow Run Village promised
support of the plan.
Research Center
To StudyHousing
The Survey Research Center of
the University has a new project-
finding out why a person buys a!
home and how he goes about get-
ting it after he's made the deci-
Contracted by the Federal Hous-
ing and Home Finance Agency,
the Center is to determine the
relative importance of factors
which induce the buyer to pur-
chase the house he buys and the
relation of the kind of house he
has purchased to his financial,
demographic and attitudinal char-
George Katona, program direc-
tor of the Survey Research Center
will supervise the housing study.

sessions they would wander
around the well-carpeted floor,
usually coughing violently, but
silently so as not to disturb the
broadcast. Then their cue would
come and they'd take up sta-
tions around the mike.
One inquisitive character spent
his free time going to look in the
control room, peer at the clock
and make faces at the director,
William Steggath of the speech
* * *
IN THE MIDST of all these
maneuvers the actors "on mike"
were emoting the problems of
atomic, pushbutton warfare, but
no one paid much attention to
The control room was quiet
except during the period of
greatest conflict in the script
when the director commented
that they were "right on time"
when the heroine described the
button that would set the world
The show ended in a gust of
rain and a hurried announcement
of just who had participated.
Hero of the affair was an auto-
matic type washer which was only
heard from once in a muffled un-
dertone from a sound-effects re-
Australian To
Discuss Flu Virus
F. M. Burnet, director of the
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of
Medical Research, Melbourn, Aus-
tralia, will speak here at 4 p.m.
He will talk on "The Genetic
Approach to Variation in Influ-
enza Virus." The lecture is open
to the public.


I N T -S I Z E H E R C U L E S - Willy Gallacher, 5-foot, 6-inch, 147-pound Glasgow strong
man, demonstrates strength by towing a sixteen-ton bus with his teeth at Frankfurt, Germany.

Anyone who might dare brave
the turbulence of Michigan watersj
has a perfect outlet for his nauti-
cal ambitions in the University's
Sailing Club.
This club, commanded by Com-
modore (Miss) Renate Oppen-
heimer this summer, has enjoyed
a manifold number of Conradian
escapades on Michigan lakes.
NEARLY EVERY day nearby
Whitmore Lake is the scene of
sailing experiments of the 40 club-
members. The usual season for the
club's activities is the summer.
when 10 sailboats contend with the
wind and waters of the lake.
Members of the club have
reached such proficiency in the
past three year* that they have
managed to walk off with the
Mid West Regatta championship
at each meet.
The "club, which is a member
Afthe Intercollegiate Yatch Rac-
ing Association of North America,
also competes in nationwide races.
Numerous trophies have been
awarded it for outstanding sailing
in racing events.
* * *
EACH BOAT, usually a glorified
rowboat with a 20-foot mast, is
manned by two persons, one the
skipper who steers the boat's
course, the other a one-man
"crew," Who takes orders and
manipulates the center-board-a
heavy metal board projected into
the water. The boats themselves
are made of spruce wood, while the
sails are made of Egyptian cotton.
To the members, sailing is an
art and must be studied as such.
Practice in maneuvering is a
necessity, and one of the ways
in which skill is attained is the
so-called "tag" game.
In this game, certain imaginary
limits are drawn up, the boat be-
ing unable to pass beyond these
boundaries. The pursuer, armed
with a tennis ball, begins the
chase. Object of the game is to
out-maneuver the other boat and
to drop the tennis ball into its hull.
requires finesse in outwitting the
wind. By re-setting the sail, the
boat can glide with the wind, or
at a 45 degree angle into the wind.
However, the boat can't sail
against the wind. Maneuvering

from one position to another by
turning with the wind at the stern
is called "jibing."
Careless maneuvering, howev-
er, frequently causes a capsizing.
The sailboats won't sink but
they will capsize, especially
when a thoughtless person
climbs into the bow.
The club has a 25 cent fee for
capsizing, and anyone who com-
mits this misdemeanor is award-
ed a diploma-"Order of the Wet
Pants"-with a pair of rubber
pants attached. For those who, on
account of their weight, fear sail-
ing, it is noteworthy that heavy
sailors have an advantage, espec-
ially in heavy, windy weather. Sel-
dom does a heavy crew tip over.
Many tricks of the trade are
employed in team racing. For in-
stance, several boats may gang up
on the leader and attempt to hin-
der his progress in order that
another may take his place.
At any rate, those who long for
the sea can have an excellent sub-
stitute and an, enjoyable recrea-
tion in fresh water sailing.

rm. - -S 3-UmiON. C
"Hooray! The kitchen is burn-
ing! Now we'll have to eat
at the Allenel Dining Room."
126 East Huron

:RE L I V I N G FESTIVITY O F 1475 - Armored knights ride down a street of
Landshut, Bavaria. in a traditional fete celebrating a royal wedding which took place in 1475.


.PO.PE' S C U A R D M A RKS CE N T E N N IAL Officers of the Palatine Guard
renew oath of allegiance to Pope Pius XII at centennial ceremony of the unit founded in 1850.

_______________ I

"Young Mr. Lincoln"
Fri. and Sat.. July 21.22


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