PAGE TWO I . TTTF Mjf:HTe.AN n aiT.v .: fum. d i1t'tSY? 1 to . ta'Yt v esn _ _ rt n n . s_ ..w®. W AGE T W O U. .U..111115. .A.i. U ... AL .3. .3£3 i .It C3 . L j bAUuiJUAiX, JULY 22, U1950 ,,4 1 1UAD L. 3 IUftIajl5 Grand Effort WASHINGTON-In his explanation of the meaning of Korea in messages to Con- gress, the American people and the world, President Truman intimated very plainly. that the United Nations may be expected td act under its charter, as it did in Korea, iri the case of any similar Russian-cloaked ag- gression through satelliates anywhere else in the world. This is most significant and has far- reaching implications. It is predicated on the new concept of Russian strategy held here, which the Presi- dent has made his own, and on which the broad mobilization of manpower and re- sources he advocated is based. * * * THIS CONCEPT is that Russia now has shifted from the infiltration process familiar in the "cold war" to the direct mili- tary thrust in which she, herself, does not appear openly and publicly, but operates through satellites and stooges, as in North Korea. This may happen anywhere else suddenly. At least this is the assumption on which our policy, and that of our allies, is based-and apparently is also recognized clearly by the United Nations itself. Here's what the Presi- dent said: "In addition to the direct military ef- fort we and other members of the United Nations are making in Korea, the out- break of aggression requires us to consid- er its implications for peace throughout the world. The attack upon the Republic of Korea makes it plain, beyond all doubt, that the international Communist move- ment is prepared to use armed invasion to conquer independent nations. We must therefore recognize the possibility that armed aggression may 4ake place in other areas." The United Nations was organized to keep " peace throughout the world" and in keep- ing with that purpose it acted in Korea. The Inference may be drawn it would act similar- ly elsewhere to keep "peace throughout the world." TIS IS BUTTRESSED by the President's very careful exposition of United Nations procedure in the Korean case, the basis for it, and for cooperation and participation as a UN member, which he presented before his broad diagnosis of the Russian objectiv and our policy toward it. Step by step the President built up the case of the United Nations in Korea, which can apply elsewhere if the aggression is repeated. He branded the North Korean attack as "naked, deliberate, unprovoked aggressio, without a shadow of justifi- cation . .. outright breach of the peace, in violatioli of the United Nations Chart ter." That created "a real and present danger to the security of every nation" and, "a demonstration of contempt for the United Nations, since it was the at- tempt to settle, by military aggression, a question which the United Nations ha been Oorking to settle by peaceful means." It was, he added, "a clear challenge to the asic principles of the United Nations Char- rr," a challenge, which, if not met, he said, ould have ended the effectiveness of the nited Nations. The only deduction from n hat is that the UN similarly must-and pr - umably will--meet any similar challenge.1 therwise it could not survive. RESIDENT TRUMAN dismissed as "flatlyt disproved by the facts" Russia's conten-r ion that the UN Korean action was illegal. he Soviet attitude toward aggression in1 orea, he said further, "is in direct contra- iction to its often expressed intention to ork with other nations to achieve peace in he world," a summation that will serve, like- ise, as a refutation of Russia's present 'peace offensive" currently promoted by pe- ition through Communist channels in this ountry as elsewhere. This is the case, prepared by the rresi- dent of the United States, and ready if Russia moves again as in Kqrea. It con- stitutes as solemn a warning as is possible from a President of the United States. It is reinforced by our preparations that in- clude not only a very considerable increase in our military forces, and equipment, and our productive potential but, also more armed aid for the other free nations which are our allies in this world-wide contest.. It represents a grand effort, entailing sub- tantial sacrifices by our people, to preserve he peace of the world. Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) iditorials published in The Michigan Daily re written by members of The Daily staff nd represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: LARRY ROTHMAN What Are We Fighting For? F I AM ASKED what we are fighting for, I can reply in two sentences. Tin~ 4.. -« ..7,.. 1_. -_ Point Four Appropriation American Victory On The Home Front THE SENATE Appropriations Committee almost made a tragic mistake recently. It slashed by two-thirds the President's re- quest for $30 million for the Point Four Pro- gram. But fortunately it reversed itself and finally recommended $34,500,000 for the program.. Had the Committee not reversed itself it would have practically destroyed one of the most enlightened and realistic pro- jects the U.S. has ever undertaken. This Alaska-Ha-a- T IS GOOD NEWS that Majority leader Lucas has promised the Alaskans and Hawaiian statehood bills will be called up in the Senate before adjournment. For until this assurance was forthcoming, the prospect was that these important bills might be passed over. Senator O'Mahoney of Wyoming has is- sued an excellent statement in behalf of passage of both bills: "Hawaii is the melting pot of the Pacific. What happens in Hawaii will be known im- mediately throughout the Pacific world. De- nial of statehood to Hawaii would be capi- talized by Communistic propagandists ev- erywhere. "The same is true with respect to Alas- ka. This territory is less than 1,000 miles from Korea and only 50 miles from. Siber- ia. It is a reservoir of undeveloped natural resources. We should permit nothing to interfere with statehood, not only on the grounds of international policy for the promotion of self-government, but also on the ground of economic development and self-defense." ' Both parties are on record for two new stars in the flag. President Truman has re- peatedly urged action on the bills. Why not call up the bills and pass them? It would be a double psychological blow at the global drive of the Communists for supremacy. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch program of technical assistance to under- developed countries can gain invaluable good will toward the U.S., open new mar- kets, and provide a much needed basic de- fense against further spread of Commun- ism. Nothing is more appalling than an eco- nomically miserable people having to resort to Communism to raise their level of living.' But a distressed people can not help embrac- ing Communism when its proponents can present them with, a positive plan for im- proving their lot. It is foolish for the U.S. to stand by and let a people go Communistic in this man- ner, especially when it is evident that we may have to fight them some day if they do. When we do fight it will take $10 billion for military equipment, as is the case in Korea, while some far-sightedness could have xery cheaply have prevented Commun- ism from gaining a foothold in the first place. The situation in Iran is typical. Its main troubles are caused by the disease of back- wardness. Lack of technology, misallocation of resources, inefficient administration all. contribute to leave destitution in thei, wake. The country is in perfect condition for Communist propagandists to capture the imagination of the people and effect a coup.' * Under an adequate, forceful Point Four Program, the welfare of countries such as Iran could be greatly improved. With suf- ficient technical aid and expert advice in administration, education, and health ser- vices, backward states could be brought up to twentieth century levels and in the pro- cess make such a country invujnerable to internal threats of Communism. The $34,500,000 appropriated by the Sen- ate Appropriations Committee is still inade- quate to the need of the program when wq realize that a little far-sightedness might have saved $10 billion and the lives of the men dying in Korea. -Paul Marx C 4 , a r e G r .w"rr tGP 'tt1 { St t' ' ,,.; ,, 0 r f , p .i/U INTERPRETING THE NEWS: This New Urgency By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. AP Foreign Affairs Analyst ONLY A FEW WEEKS AGO the rearmament of Western Europe was considered more or less of an adjunct of the Marshall Plan. Only a few weeks ago President Truman said he thought there was an improved outlook for peace. The Atlantic Pact was entered into to take care of what was con- sidered an outside chance, and as a deterrent. TODAY THE MARSHALL PLAN is being more or less by-passed, and the actual military security of the allied anti-Communist peri- meter has become the paramount.thing. How quickly the situation has changed is pointed up by the European arms aid appropriation passed this week. Started through Congress before the display in Korea of Com- munist intent to use direct military aggression in its expansion pro- gram, this measure, in addition to direct arms aid, provides only for payment for raw materials and machinery needed for munitions pro- duciton in Europe. II _I ,T * * * * et te/ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all lettersrwhich are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. WHEN THE ATLANTIC PACT foreign ministers met in London it was supposed that this military production would be in addition to and not interfere with the regular economic effort. Now the Europeans are considering stepping up their efforts and converting peacetime production into war production. Wash- ington is considering a straight dollar subsidy for the purpose, to avoid new dollar shortage troubles which such a cutback in export goods would produce. Under the plan, the U.S. might pay France directly in dollars for rifles which would be delivered to Belgium, thus paying for the loss in, say, automobiles for export. This is believed necessary to get the Europeans to greatly increase their own defense expenditures, which their finance ministers say they are not now able to do without inter- fering with economic recovery. . * * * * IN ADDITION, the United States is expected to go all out in providing its own share of European arms. Where this week's bill provided only a billion and a quarter dollars for the purpose, now there is talk of five billions more. That will mean an effort to do immediately what originally was considered a five year job. Another sign of the new urgency is contained in the plans for next week's Atlantic Council meeitng in London. Originally de- signed as an organization meeting-the, American representative was sworn in only this last Thursday-it is now expected to get right down to brass tacks, with these production and aid matters to the fore. All this new urgency has come about in an atmosphere spotlighted, but certainly not entirely accointed for, by the Korean war. a ,. ON THE Washington Merry= Go -Round WITH DREW PEARSON World Peace Appeal .. . To the Editor: THE RECENT attack by Dean Ralph A. Sawyer on the World Peace Appeal (Stockholm Peace Pledge) must be examinedrclosely in view of our foreign policy and the world situation. Briefly, the World Peace Appeal deals with atomic weapons in three points: 1-Outlawry of atomic weapons as instruments of aggression. 2-Strict international control to enforce this. 3-The country that first vio- lates this to be considered the ene- my of all. It will be easily seen that both Russia and the United States have agreed to the principles set forth in this appeal. The difficulty has arisen on point two-how to en- force a ban on atomic weapons. Otherwise both countries have quite vocally expressed through the UN a desire to outlaw atomic weapons. Although our govern- ment may have atomic superior- ity, it realizes that no country can win an atomic war and has offered to submit to proper international control. This has been Americar policy for five years and there seems to be little opposition to it. If Dean Sawyer (and incident- aly several national organiza- tions) wish to see our policy changed and therefore oppose the World Peace Appeal, they should do so with the realization that it may seriously damage our position throughout the world-particular- ly in Western European countries as France, Italy, and Holland where over 90 per cent .of the po- pulation has signed the Appeal. The world wants peace. It has had enough destruction and de- sires atomic weapons banned as was gas in. the last w'ar. Since governments have become dead- locked on atomic energy, the Ap- peal is circulated in an attempt to rally the sentiment of the common man in hopes that it will make na- tions hesitate before plunging the world into chaos. Already 200,000,000 in Europe and Asia, 1,000,000 in the U.S., and 10 percent of our campus have placed their names behind the World Peace Appeal. -Gordon MacDougall 1 e . t i s .. WASHINGTON-Down in Oklahoma they aren't letting the Korean war make them forget the importance of clean politics. Not only have they got wise to the specula- tions of Senator Thomas, but the only Okla- homa Congressman who failed of re-election on -July 4 was Victor Wickersham of Man- gum, who enjoyed some peculiar arrange- ments with his employees which had all the earmarks of the same salary kickbacks that landed Congressman Parnell Thomas in jail. As a result of these salary arrangements, Oklahoma voters got suspicious of Con- gressman Wickersham, and the seven op- ponents running against him got more votes than he did. Now he faces a run- off. The FBI has been investigating Wicker- sham, who, incidentally, happens to be a Democrat, while Parnell Thomas is a Re- publican. One of the. young men hired by the Con- gressman under peculiar circumstances has now received a pay-off. He is Lloyd Mat- thews, who worked in the Congressman's real estate office in Washington, though his salary was paid by the American people to handle Congressional matters. On the same day I first exposed Wick- ersham's payroll padding - Dec. 12, 1949 -young Matthews wrote a letter to his friend Aubrey Witt, another member of Wickersham's staff, in which he said: "Mr. Wickersham finally reached me to- night after several efforts and undying per- sistence. He told me," continued Matthews, "to do exactly what I had planned to do anyway, keep my mouth shut. Amazing how a man's magnanimity increases in direct proportion to the duress under which he is subjected. He, out of the clear blue sky, ask- ed me how I would like to help with the census . . . his remark was plainly forced, but he said it . . . adding whipped cream to the dessert, he continued: 'How would you like to go to West Point'?" Wickersham gave Matthews the earliest possible appointment to West Point, and he entered this year's batch of plebes, July 5, 1950. It also appears that Matthews kept his part of the bargain "to keep my mouth shut." For he denied to the FBI that he paid any kickbacks to Wickersham, though his good friend, Aubrey Witt, formerly employed by Wickersham, told the FBI otherwise: TWO KICKBACKS THIS WASN'T ALL. Here are two entire- ly new salary arrangements the Con- gressman had, definitely involving kick- backs. In March and April of last year, he put two young constituents, Steve Fisher and Phil Symcox of Cordell, Okla., on the fed- eral payroll. However, they didn't report explained that they had not put in a full- six week period for each 250 check and de- manded a kickback of $127 from each. This was paid directly to him, whereas their origi al salary checks were paid them by the U.s. Treasury. Thus, the Congress- man was in a position to pocket the $254 - $127 from each. Fisher and Symcox, when reached by tele- phone, verified the above facts. They also said that immediately after this column first exposed Wickersham's payroll peculiarities last December, they received mysterious re- ceipts for the $127 each which, on the re- verse side, stated that the money had been spent for addressing envelopes. In other words, six months after Fisher and Symcox kicked back to the Congress- man, and after part of his payroll activities had been exposed, Wickersham hastily ar- ranged for 'receipts which could serve as an alibi if he were charged with pocketing the kickback money. The great majority of Congressmen, in the opinion of this observer, do not in- dulge in payroll irregularities. They use the office allotments given them by the government to run their offices efficiently and for the benefit of their constituents. However, one or two rotten apples can spoil a whole barrel. * * HOME FRONT MOBILIZATION STUART SYMINGTON, top mobilizer for the domestic front, has picked Robert Smith, head of Pioneer Airlines in Texas, to be vice chairman of his National Security Resources Board. In so doing, Symington side-stepped a request from labor that a labor leader be vice chairman. This was the strategy Roosevelt followed in naming Sydney Hill- man of the Amalgamated Clothing Work- ers and William Knudsen of General Mo- tors as co-chairmen of the Office of Pro- duction Management. Instead, Symington invited labor leaders to appoint one of their number either as hig assistant or as head of one of his bureaus: He asked for the best man they could find, and promised that he would be an integral and important part of the Resources Board. Incidentally, Symington came out of the meeting tremendously impressed at labor's backing of the government and its oppo- sition to Communism. "These men really know what it is to bat- tle Communism," he remarked to an asso- ciate afterward. "Walter Reuther and Jim Carey (mainsprings of the United Auto Workers and the International Electrical Workers) have even been shot at by Com- munists. They really know what this fight is about." DAILY, OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Summer Session, Room 3510 Admin- istration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays), SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1950 VOL. LX, No. 20-S Notices Law School Admission Test: Application blanks for the August 12, 1950 Law School Admission Test are still available at Room 110 Rackham Building. Applica- tion blanks are due in Princeton, 'N.J., not later than August 2, 1950. Lectures H. W. Leverenz, of the RCA Re- search Laboratories, Princeton, N.J., will give the four Summer Electronics Symposium lectures on "Luminescence of Solids" at 10 a.m., Rm. 1400 Chemistry Bldg., MTThF of . the week beginning July 24. Prof. J. C. Slater, chairman of the department of physics, M.I.T., will give the eight Summer Elee- tronics Symposium lectures on "Energy-Level Solid State Prin- ciples," at 9 a.m., Rm. 1400 Chem- istry Bldg., on MTThF during the two weeks beginning July 24 and 31. Pol. Sci. 279, Public Policy and Atomic Energy. Seminar meeting open to the public at 3 p.m., Tues., in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Bldg. Prof. Arthur N. Holcombe, Harvard University, will speak on "Atomic Develop- ment Administration and the Pub- lic Interest." Mathematics Education Lecture: Prof. M. H. Ahrendt of Anderson College will lecture on,"Linkages," in Rm. 31, BusAd Bldg. at 2 p.m., Monday. Jon Eisenson, Director of the SpeechgCenter, Queens College, Flushing, N.Y., will give the fol1- lowing lectures during his visit at the University Speech Clinic. 1. Testing of Dysphaics. 3 p.m., Mon., Rm. 101, Speech Clinic. 2. Testing of Dysphasics. Tues., Rm. 101, Speech Clinic. 3. Personal Prob- lems of Speech Handicapped Peo- ple. 1 p.m., Wed., Rm. 101, Speech Clinic. Open to students in speech correction. Exhibitions General Library, main lobby cases. Contemporary literature and art (June 26-July 26). Museum of Archaeology. From. Toml3s and Towns of Ancient Egypt. Museums Building. R o t unda exhibit, Fossil Flora of the Mi- chigan Coal Basin. Exhibition halls, "Some Indian Cultures of North and South America." Law Library. History of Law School (basement); classics for collectors (reading room). Michigan Historical Collections. 160 Rackham Building. Tourists in Michigan, yesterday and today. Museum of Art. Oriental cera- mics (June 26-August 18). Mo- dern graphic art (July 2-30). Clements Library. American Colonial Culture. (July 5-August 1). Events Today Saturday Luncheon Discussion Group meets at 12:15 p.m., Fire- place Room, Lane Hall. Rev. Henry Yoder will discuss: "Education in the Modern University." Reserva- tions taken at Lane. Hall by 6: 00, p.m. Friday afternoon. Coming Events The Survey Research Center tea for the members and faculty of Third Annual Summer Institute from 4 to 5:30 p.m., Mon., in the W. Conference Room, Rackham.' Young Progressives of America: Forum on Korea followed by dis- cussion, 7:30 p.m., Mon., Union. The Inter-Arts Union: Informal discussion of "Folk-Music on the Contemporary Scene." Prof. Ross Lee Finney will participate. 4:15 p.m., Mon., Michigan League. Graduate Outing Club: Meet, 2 p.m., Sun., Northwest entrance Rackham. Swimming, and picnic. Bring cars. Final plans for over- night trip. iI I 0 Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in "Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Philip Dawson.....Managing Editor Peter Hotton............ity Editor Marvin Epstein........Sports Editor Pat Brownson.......Women's Editor Business Staff Roger Wellington.... Business Manager Walter Shapero...Assoc. Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The . Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor,.Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school ). 4 BARNABY Why not unload those worthless options you hold on the old route for thelhighway- The State is definitely Well.. .1f building on my route- you're SURE, Mr. O'Malley- 7-;r And you'll sign a note- You'll guarantee me one hundred per cent return on my money, O'Malley?- Let's not \ r my man- Of course. And they've asked me to I Cushlamochree, Barnaby! The things a Fairy Godfather-has to go through...Just to do a little good for the comfnunity! 1 guess Pop will be happy it's all settled, Mr. O'Malley. 09kmor/ vB10ychtngi Jgh ay1 w. IPa l. IBarnaby, the original highway was s. A o" :1 crr..k .Jo..., 1~. . . . ot. I IF ---------------- I Don't interru" , Bornaby...So I