7 I HE IC IIG it Y. ,VMDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1950 ~HE MCHIGA DA_. ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ __. -WEDESDA.,JUY 1.,1950 , r , .. 1 obw Getting )iscussions Fo BeHeld A two-session program on job- tting will be presented today by e Bureau of Appointments and cupation Information. The first session will discuss the Pic "Why Some People Are Not omoted" at 4:10 p.m. in Rack- m lecture hall. THlE SPEAKERS will be J. D. nkle, vice-president and gen- %I manager of Crowley-Milner .d Co.; Charles Olmsted, educa- n director, of the Great Lakes eel Corporation; and Roy E. > b i n s o n, superintendent o f cools in Ferndale. n the.,evening, at 8 p.m., at e same site, the topic will be Thy You Didn't Get That First Second Job." Some fifteen in- views will demonstrate the ht and wrong ways in job-seek- Among those who will demon- ate are: George Hall of Sears- ebuck, R. E. Maten who is con- ,ted with Kresge's, T. R. Peirsol, Ann Arbor business man, and Luther Purdom, chairman of Guidance and Placement pro- ,m. Read and Use Daily Classifieds i Education Benefits State, Individual, Adams Says By LARRY ROTHMAN I I ..h1 , , < , _. Time Of Your Life VALUE OF VERSE: Poetry Gives Light That FormsSociety -- Ciardi Education benefits the state as well as the individual, Provost James P. Adams declared before a general session of the 21st annual Summer Education Conference. Speaking on what he called "En- lightenment and Society," Adams related the University and the State of Michigan to his topic. Stressing the importance of edu- cation to progress, he said, "As we look back over history, we find that intellectual and social pro- gress have been retarded by Ig- norance, superstition and fear, all of which are based on a lack of knowledge." COMMENTING ON the relation of education to democracy, Adams observed that the only way in which we can achieve our ideals is to be wise and discerning. "If I were to build two edi- fices, one dedicated to education and the other to democracy, I would print across the former 'Founded in the faith that men are ennobled by understand- ing,"' which is the broad, gen- eral purpose of education. "And across the latter building, 'Sustained by faith in the judg- ments of the people.'" * * * ADAMS, STRONGLY moved by the beliefs he was expressing, told, the attentive audience that, as our society grows, we must ask our-1 wives wnat we want it in the future. "It does not even dream a bit in doing added, "as long as we feet on the ground." to Ve like hurt to this," he keep our Suggesting a few of the things that we must strive for in the fu- ture, Adams declared that one of them would certainly be an ever- expanding economy. "SOME PEOPLE THINK that our economy is mature, that we have no more frontiers to conquer -this is grossly wrong," he em- phatically asserted. For we still have frontiers of the mind and of technology to explore. Our progress in the future will depend on how far in these fields we reach out, he added. "If we do not reach out, we may find ourselves suffering from moral, spiritual and intellectual claustrophobia." - We must also seek an ever- expanding productivity, he said. Producing more things with the same amount of energy is the on- ly way to raise the standard of liv- ing. "MORE LEISURE time, brought on by shorter working hours, is also to be desired," Adams pointed out. But as freedom for the indivi- dual increases, he warned, care must be taken that it is balanced by self-restraint. LIFE AT NICK'S-Harry (John Wailer) performs a neat dance turn for the benefit of bartender Nick (Larry Johnson), while Joe (Ted Heusel) and Mary L. (Cyrene Bell) indulge in some table- top conversation at Nick's, the setting of "Time of Your Life," the speech department's presentation opening tonight. Public Relations Problem Faces Schools Says Haisley (-4 s t: i :' f FIERN /\ PERSONAL One of the most important problems facing our schools is that of relations with the public, Otto W. Haisley, superintendent of schools for Ann Arbor, said yes- terday at a meeting of the Annual Summer Education Conference. "We are doing too little in pro- viding the public with information MICHIGAN DAILY Phone 23-24-1 HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M. ;LASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES INES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .54 1.21 1.76 3 .63 1.60 2.65 4 .81 2.02 3.53 Figure 5 average words to a line. lassified deadline daily except aturday is 3 P.M. Saturdays, :30 A.M. for Sunday Issue. LOST & FOUND 3T JULY 11-Brown billfold, con- ins personal papers approximately 5 cash somewhere in campus area rIsland Park. Reward. Ph. Ypsi 2-J2, Chester ipp. 1434 Enfield illow Run. )14L T-$1.25. Because I did not obtain y subscription from the Student eriodical Agency. )2 3T-On Friday, June 30 in Williams tLaundromat-Gold ring with Chi- ese letters. Extremely anxious to ave it returned. Reward. Ph. Jose ornn, Music School. )2 WANTED TO RENT USE FOR MEDICAL FRATERNITY- 11 year occupancy. Preferably near ospital. Call Dr. Jacobson 2-9460. ) iN CAMPUS OPTICIANS Conveniently Located 222 Nickels Arcade Phone 2-9116 Continuous OOL! from 1 P.M. Last Times Today STARsi L A _ IMP. ., FOR SALE HARLEY 125-Excellent condition, ex- tras. Must sell immediately. Leaving for California. Bargain. Call 2-3734. ) 27 GAS STOVE, maple bedroom set, bunk beds, dressers, student tables, chairs, child's chestrobe, davenports, coffee and lamp tables. 1316 Hill St. )28 1948 HARLEY DAVIDSON 61-Excellent condition. Reasonable. Verne, Ken- beds, 548 S. State, 9400. )29 U.S.NAVY "T"SHIRTS-45c. Sanf. wash pants $2.99, seersuckers, strips, plaids. Short sleeve sport shirts $1.59, 2 for $3.00. Open 'til 6 p.m. Sams Store, 122 E. Washington. )55 1000 78rpm records in new condition. All makes, many unusual items, most- ly below 50% off list prices. Also a few LP's and 45's. 928 Forest, 3rd floor apt. Tel._2-9185. )26 GOLF CLUBS-Joe Kirkwood matched set. 5 irons, 2 woods. Never used. $29.05. Ph. 2-8692. )23 SABLE & WHITECOLLIE-A.K.C. reg- 1sterecl. Canaries and Parakeets. 562 S. Seventh at W. Madison, Ph. 5330. )2B FOR SAXLE-1948 Red Plymouth con- vertible. Good condition. Radio, heat- er, $1100. Phone Ed, 8177 after 6. )19 KIDDIE KARE-Reliable baby sitters. Ph. 3-1121. )10B LEARN TO DANCE Jimmie Hunt Dance Studio 209 S. State Phone 8161 )1P BUSINESS SERVICES HILDEGARDE SHOPPE-109 E. Wash- ington. Custom Clothes and Altera- tions. )3B THE STUDENT PERIODICAL AGENCY is authorized to give special rates to students and faculty members for TIME, LIFE, FORTUNE, ARCHITEC- TURAL FORUM, etc. Ph. 2-8242. )2 WASHING-Finish work and ironing also. Rough dry and wet washing. Free pick up and delivery. Ph, 2-9020. )1B VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist, at 308 S. State. Legal, Masters, Doctors dissertations, etc. Call 2-2615 or _2-9848. )13 ACCURATE TYPING-Prompt service. Ph. 2-9437. )16B HAVE YOUR typewriter repaired by the Office Equipment Service Company, 215 E. Liberty. ) TYPEWRITERS AND FOUNTAIN PENS Sales & Service MORRILLS-314 S. State St. )4B Daily Classifieds Get Quick Results 'Messiah' To e OfferedTonight The class in choral literature of the music school will present a 'dress rehearsal' of Handel's "Mes- siah" at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium with Prof. Harold Haugh, nominal head of the class" singing in the chorus. The performance is designed to give prospective conductors a chance to lead and perform in a favorite work which they will un- doubtedly have to tackle in their professional life. At least six conductors will as- cend the podium and some eleven, soloists will sing Handel's beau- tiful melodies. Orchestra support will be pro- vided by students in the string and woodwind departments of the music school, but Prof. Haugh was still curious last night, as to how many orchestra members would; show up.- explaining the reasons for our programs." * * * "MOST PUBLIC relations prob- lems stem from marks," said Hais- ley. Low marks affect the security of the child and when you do that you threaten the parents as well. "The history of man has been. written around the conflicts he has waged to obtain security. Rus- sia, with an idealogy centered around Communism, seeks this security in one way. America, with an emphasis upon certain indi- vidual freedoms, free enterprise and democratic organization, seeks this security in another," he said. According to Haisley, this'se- curity is the key to everything that happens in our schools. All policies must be examined to de- termine whether they are a threat or guarantee to that se- curity. Among the questions which have been found to cause most concern to the public are teacher's tenure and over expanded curriculums,. Parents also fear a lack of em- phasis on the fundamental three "W's and upon vocational guid- ance. In communities where school officials and citizens have worked together on these problems the most healthful situation exists for children, Haisley asserted. Many People Religyion-less Milfo rdSays "Irreligion, secular humanism, and the spiritual religion of the East can be classified as the three types of alternative religions," Chancellor T. P. Milford, legal custodian of the Magna Carta said yesterday. So many people today accept no religion at all and have no points of reference for their con- duct, he continued, and thus they possess no sense of belonging to a group of living-dying human be- ings. "THERE IS a grain of irreligion in all of us. The popular concep- tion of it seems to be nowadays 'Let's eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die!" Chancellor Milford asserted. Scientific or secular human- ism teaches that man is a pro- duct of an evolutionary cause and effect, and that he can, in light of scientific knowledge, take conscious control of the process and somewhat control the course of his own destiny, he continued. The spiritual religion of the East can be called the philosophy of the spirit; it seeks for unity behind the confusion of the world, he explained. "The end of the philosophy of the spirit is the achievement of unity with the Divine, which makes it the most magnificent philosophy in the world," Chan- cellor Milford concluded. The final value of poetry is that it forms the light that forms our society; Prof. John Ciardi said yes- terday in his lecture, "The Value of Poetry in Society." "If -we learn to stay near the light, ".We may make a society, in spite of the dubious conditions of the one in which we now live." * * * THE POET has had more and more to. reject the present cultur- al -level of society, Prof. Ciardi commented. Now he pulls society up to his level, acquainting people * * * Can Live Good Lfe Through Art -- Rannells 4 " That philosophical miracle 'The Good Life' can be lived in the presence of art," Prof. Edward W. Rahtells, of the University of Kentucky said in his last lecture in the Contemporary Arts and So- ciety course. That's because the artist discov- eres and creates the life of the in- ner mind, he continued. * * * THE ARTS have not been de- humanized, he contended. "On the contrary, cubism, which many use as an extreme example of dehum- anization, was actually an adven- ture to bring special dynamics to a society which needed it." "The problem is the lack of understanding and feeling for art in the people," he empha- sized. The intricacies of modern sci- ence can be understood with enough competent training and so can the intricacies of feeling in- volved in modern art, Prof. Ran- nells commented. * * * "THE ONLY TROUBLE is that people expect to be able to under- stand art without training. Yet abstract mathematical formulas are easier to comprehend with the intellect than art." Art must be a dual experience: first with the feelings, then with the. intellect, he said firmly. "But one thing is certain, each work must be seen on its own terms, and the only valid comment which ,can be made on a painting according to one authority is 'ah' or -bah'. Co me~t Cancelled A JaZ Concert, scheduled by the contemporary arts and society course to be presented at " 8 p.m. today, has been cancelled. In its place, Prof. Frederick Wight, director of education at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in Boston, will speak on "The Art of Edlvard Munch." with their own complex inner emo- tions, by disecting his own, he added. "The more poems I can in- hale into myself, the more peo- ple I am; and the more poems I can dredge out of myself, the more I know about myself," he illustrated. Poets nowadays avoid the simple assertion, Prof. Ciardi explained. "Since Freud showed us that man has interior ambivalence, it has been necessary for poets to show the duplicity of words. This has been done in different manners by such poets as E. E. Cummings, Gertrude Stein, and T. S. Eliot. * * * IN FACT, he asserted, the cen- ter of the moral temperature of today's poet is ambivalence and multiplicity. , Prof. Ciardi commented brief- ly upon the clarity of the sci- ences as opposed to the oft- heard comment that the poets are too abstruse. "Einstein could have been writ- ing poetry when he declared that the world of today must not be considered relative to either space or time, but is only space-tihe curved about the stars; yet no one complains about his obscurity. And then, he went on, there's the mathematical genius who proved that if A and B (two men) were shot off into space at the same time, it could be arranged so that when they returned to earth A would be younger than B, or B younger than A, or they both would be younger than each other. "And they call poetry too com- plex," he complained. Callaway To. TaliK Today A n actor-director-entertainer- lecturer-educator will be the speech department's offering at the weekly speech assembly at 3 p.m. today in Rackham Lecture Hall. The five-star attraction is Prof. Joe Callaway, director of radio education at Michigan State Col- lege. * * * PROF. CALLAWAY, who receiv- ed the University of Oklahoma award for the most outstanding alumnus in radio education, will speak on "Radio and Theatre in Europe." A veteran of more than 6,000' stage performances, Prof. Cella- way directed a professional stock company at Miami Beach and founded the Marquette, Mich:, summer theatre. He has appeared in 16 Shakespeare plays with the Globe Theatre Company and act- ed in many national hook-up broadcasts. 4 CLO" ROOMS FOR RENT __ , i -I V ; GIRL WANTED to share apartment for three. Call 2-8751 evenings. )29F 2 SINGLE ROOMS - Cooking privi- leges if desired. Summer or fall se- mester. Men preferred. 836 Brook- wood Place. )28F Ask Rights Alternative (Continued from Page 1) COOL - rights should ,be in accordance with the following criteria: "i-Recognition: University and college administrations may pro- perly require official recognition of student organizations as a con- dition for assigning them campus facilities and giving them any fi- nancial support which the college or university may make available. " (a) Where campus organiza- tions or publications in effect en- joy a monopoly of certain college or university facilities or finances, the college or university adminis- tration may properly insist on adequate safeguards for democra- tic terms of membership and con- trol, and for including in publica- tions the expressions of points of view opposed to those of the edi- tors, provided that all such safe- guards are to be democratically student formulated and adminis- tered. " (b) In the case of all other or- ,anizations and publications, re- cognition should be qualified only by the requirement that these or- ganizations are genuinely con- nected with students or faculty at, that college or university and do not demonstrably interfere with the stated purposes and program of the institution itself. Recogni- tion should not be used as a lever: 1. To control the purposes or pro- grams of the organizations or pub- lications; 2. To force them to merge with other organizations or publications on the campus against the wishes of their mem- bership; or 3. To dictate their form of organization or procedure. "2. Limitations imposed by re- cognition: Recognition may -pro- perly limit the manner in which organizations or publications may use thename of the college or uni- versity off-campus, such as requir- ing them to indicate clearly that they do not represent the views of the institution. Recognition may also properly limit the manner in which organizations may employ university facilities or finances in taking action-as sharply dis- tinguished from expressing opin- ion-directly affecting matters off-campus. But no disciplinary action may properly be taken against students, faculty mem- bers, or their organizations or pub- lications for activities off-campus not purporting to represent or in- volve the institution, or for ex- pressing opinions on-campus con- cerning matters off-campus. "3. Faculty Advisors: In institu- tions having faculty advisors for student organizations, such ad- visors should be chosen or approv- ed by the student organization it- self. Student groups should not be forbidden to function because no faculty member will consent to serve as their advisor. "4. Written policies: All policies and procedures involving or ef- fecting the rights of academic freedom, and the conditions of re- cognition of student and faculty organizaions and publications, should be clearly stated in writing after consultation with the groups tffected.. They should be formally accepted by the entire campus community. These policies and procedures should in no case be subject to change without notice under the pressure of a particular situation, and the groups affected should participate at all times in their application. S* * * . "NSA STRONGLY urges the ac- ceptance of the Bill of Rights. A private institution established not only for purposes of providing lib- eral education, but also for speci- fically avowed purposes, may ex- ercise its recognized right to set up clearly defined standards in line with those purposes. However, the student must be fully ac- quainted with such standards upon applying for admission, and these standards must not exempt the in- stitution from performing those functions which are the responsi- bility of any college or university in a democratic society. No edu- cational system can abrogate this obligation to prepare students for the role of citizenship. "NSA is in accord with the prin- ciples of academic freedom as ex- pressed by the American Associa- tion of University Professors, in Vol. 32 No. 4 AAUP BuI. * * * CONCERNING academic free- dom we believe that: "1. The teacher is entitled to freedom of research, and in the. ject only to the limitations impos- publication of the results is sub- ed by the performance of his other academic duties; but research for pecuniary return should be based upon an understanding with the institution. "2. The teacher is entitled to Starts Thursday -RU- e Through London's Underworld! f freedom in the classroom in dis- cussing his subject, but he should not introduce into his teaching controversial matter which has no relation to his subject. "3. The teacher has the right to join organizations whether reli- gious, political, or social, provided that these organizations are not illegal under the civil statutes, w i t h o u t being discriminated against through economic, social, or political pressures because of such activity. "4. When the teacher speaks or- writes as a citizen outside the campus he should be free from in- stitutional censorship or discipline. "5. The basis for employment of faculty shall be only their ability to fulfill the requirements of the position. "Limitation of academic free- dom because of the avowed pur- poses of the institution should be clearly stated in writing at the time of the appointment. Since the teacher is a man of learning and an educational officer, his profes- sion and institution may be judg- ed by his utterances. At all times he should be accurate, exercise appropriate restraint, and main every effort to indicate that he .is not an institutional spokesman. "IN CASE OF VIOLATION of the Bill of Rights or academic freedom, a preliminary (NSA) Staff Committee investigation can be initiated at the request of the college administration, student government, or a student petition. "At the discretion of the Staff Committee a, full investigation may be conducted with the report to be submitted to the (NSA) Na- tional Executive Committee and the institution concerned. Further action may be taken by the NEC with regard to the publication of the report if deemed necessary by ,hat body." NEXT: Michigan Region sug- gests changes in Bill of Rights. i I I RICHARD GENE TIERNIEY l'pmiulCoffe e £bp fi ,I flr1 1 11lNo 4==;)-o Oi 0G7t34Qv I_. M . ®'A 1