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VOL. LX, No. 16-S



Foreign Aid
Arms Bill
Up in House
Truman Moves
On Excise Cut
WASHINGTON--()-The $1,-
222,500,000 bill to arm foreign
nations against Communism ga-
thered snowballing support yes-
terday as it went under House
Some of President Truman's ad-
visers are reported to be urging
him to seek about $5 billion more
for arms aid to Western Europe.
OFFICIALS WHO told reporters
of this yesterday said the amount
wouldhbe in addition to the bi-
ions he is expected to ask to-
day for the Defense Depart-
ment to back up U.S. soldiers
fighting the Korean Communists.
It also would be in addition
to the $1,222,500,000 program
the House is expected to vote
tomorrow for arms aid to West-
ern Europe during this fiscal
American officials emphasize
that any additional appropria-
tions for arming Western Europe
must be matched by a greater de-
ftnse effort on the part of the
governments to be helped.
MEANWHILE President Truman
threw his influence yesterday
against an attempt by 35 senators
to cut 10 per cent off non-war
items in the $34,700,000,000 single-
package appropriation bill.
"The President wants the
Bridges amendment defeated,"
Democratic Leader Lucas (Il.)
told reporters after a meeting
of the Democratic Policy Com-
The amendment, estimated to
cut $600,000,000 or more off the
big bill, is sponsored by Senators
Bridges (Rep.-N.H.), Byrd (Dem.-
Va.) and 35 other senators repre-
senting both political parties.
They contend that home front
Costs of government should be
cut in view of heavy military com-
mittments facing the nation.
* * *
term Democrat from Illinois,
continued his solo drive to cut
back increases made in the bill
by the Senate Appropriations
Committee. At on'e point, Sena-
tor Hayden (Dem.-Ariz.), a vet-
eran Appropriations Committee
member, told Douglas there are
only two ways to put the gov-
ernment's finances on a firmer
footing: cut down spending or
raise more revenue..
Ruefully, Douglas observed:
"I'm beginning to be convinced
there's no way to save money."
ate Foreign Relations Committee
dropped investigation of Sen. Mc-
Carthy's Communists-in-Govern-
ment charges yesterday.
Meanwhile, seven new contempt
citations were voted by thenHouse
Un-American Activities Commit-
tee five of them against national
and local leaders of the United

Electrical Workers Union.
THE COMMITTEE accuses each
of the seven of refusing to an-
swerhquestions about Commun-
ist affiliations on constitutional
grounds, chiefly possible self-in-
crimination. Each has been iden-
tified to the Committee by one
or more witnesses as a Commun-
Top men among the U.E. of-
ficials accused of contempt of
Congress are James J. Matles,
national organizational secre-
tary, and Julius Emspak, na-
tional secretary-treasurer.
ings of its own, the Foreign Rela-
tions Committee sent to the Sen-
ate the opposing reports from an
inquiry subcommittee:
(A) By the Democratic major-
ity that the Wisconsin Republi-
can's accusations were "a fraud
and a hoax."

Near East Plight Due To
Land Tenure -- Tannous
"As long as the socio-economic vacuum which exists in the Middle
East survives, peace and stability are not possible," Dr. Afif Tannous,
United Nations expert, told a meeting of the Institute on the Near
East yesterday in Rackham Amphitheater.
Tannous, discussing the topic, "Land Tenure - The Major Prob-
lem of the Near East," described the socio-economic vacuum as having
three aspgcts: (1) The undeveloped resources of the Arab world -
land, water-power, and oil; (2) The deprived, neglected people of
the region, and (3) The gap between the ruling minority and the




' Landi g at Port of Pohanj

Early Trial
Probable For
Accused Spy
NEW YORK -(p)- An early
trial appeared likely today for
Julius Rosenberg, accused of a
part in the Klaus Fuchs Russian-
backed atom spy ring.
Rosenberg, arrested by the FBI
last night, was held under $100,-
000 bond. The charge is conspir-
acy to commit espionage, The
maximum penalty is death.
* * *
Bloch, told newsmen he wants an
early trial.
Rosenberg's wife, meanwhile,
said her husband was no Com-
munist and called the charges
against him false. She said she
is a sister of David Greenglass,
whom the FBI calls another spy
ring member.
The 32-year-old Rosenberg was
the fourth American arrested in
recent weeks in the FBI probe of
the spy ring. The arrests followed
the jailing in England of Dr. Klaus
Fuchs, who is serving a long term
as an admitted Russian spy.
* * *
sides Greenglass and Rosenberg
were Harry Gold. a Philadelphia
chemist, and Alfred Dean Slack,
a Syracuse, N.Y., scientist.
Meriam To
Talk on Social
Lewis Meriam, vice-president of
the Brookings Institution, will
speak on "A Critical Appraisal of
the American Social Security Sys-
tem" at 4:15 p.m. today in Rack-
ham Amphitheater.
This will be the third in the
summer series, "The Quest for
Social Security."
MERIAM IS A Congressional
consultant on social security leg-
islation and headed the Task
Force on Federal Welfare Activi-
ties for the Hoover Commission.
Under Meriam's direction, the
Brookings Institution has issued
reports, critical of the present
social security system. These have
led to a Senate study of the ques-
tion of whether our present sys-
tem of reserve financing should be
replaced by a "pay-as-you-go"
The author of several books on
social security, Meriam is cur-
rently studying health service
availability in the United States.
Says Richards
Had Control
Of Newscasts
LOS ANGELES - (P) - Station
owner G. A. Richards exercised
direct control over news broad-
casts at KMPC, a former news-
caster says he was informed when
he went to work at the station.
William W. Kenneally, 31, now
special events and news director of
KFMV, told a Federal Communi-
cations Commission hearing yes-
terday he was instructed while at
KMPC to play up the Republicans

and play down the Democrats andI
labor unions in newscasts.
* * *
THE HEARING is on charges
that Richards ordered news slant-
ed and on applications of his three
stations, KMPC here, WJR De-
troit and WGAR Cleveland, for
license renewals.

"THE OUT-DATED land ten-
ure system of Near East countries
is responsible for the present vac-
uum," Tannous asserted. He
pointed out the disadvantages of
the antiquated system, which pro-
vides a manifold number of land
tenure modes.
State ownership of property,
which originated from the con-
cept of a Deity providing the
land, prevails in the Middle
East, according to Tannous. The
land is either owned by the
government or leased out to in-
dividuals. In addition, there is
a "wuk" land system, whereby
unsaleable and unchangeable
land is dedicated for religious
and charitable purposes.
"Land held in fee simple also
exists; however, it fails to give
the peasant a feeling of absolute
ownership," he explained. "Ano-
other system of land tenure is
land held in common. In fact
there are so many diverse systems
that a general confusion as to
who owns the land exists."
* * *
the economy of the Middle East
is mostly agricultural, who owns
the land is very important. The
present situation has led to con-
fusions as to who owns what and
how much, has led to poor pro-
duction, aloof absentee landlords,
sharecroppers, and a deprived,
diseased, illiterate mass. "With-
out a feeling that they own the
property, the peasants have pro-
duced a very low yield per acre."
"The Near East is significant
to the U.S. because of the East's
culturalbackground, its birth to
the great world religions, its
wealth of oil, and lastly, its stra-
tegic position in the midst of
the raging ideological conflict,"
Tannous said. "Consequently,
the maintenance of stability in
that area is important to the
cause of the U.S.
"The status-quo cannot exist
in a Middle East which is sub-
jected to powerful ideological
pressures. Something will break.
In the meantime, the U.S. must
harken to the urgent needs of
that sector, or she will be the los-
Tannous' remedy is the obliter-
ation of the present tenure sys-
tem with the technical and eco-
nomic assistance of the UN and
the U.S. He lauded the Point Four
Program and American institu-
tions in the Near East.
World News
By The Associated Press
PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia -
Twenty-two persons were reported
on trial yesterday for an alleged
plot to seize President Klement
Gottwald and overthrow the Com-
munist-led government of Czecho-
slovakia with Western help.
Birmingham City Commission
yesterday outlawed membership
in the Communist Party.
* * *
Eccles of the Federal Reserve
Board said yesterday dangerous
inflation is developing rapidly be-
cause of the Korean crisis.

British Stop
Oil to China
LONDON - (P)- Britain an-
nounced yesterday she has chop-
ped off all oil shipments to Com-
munist China.
A Foreign Office spokesman said
the action was a direct result of
this . country's participating in
United Nations Battle to roll back
the Communist invaders of South
Korea. The British 'Army, Navy
and Air Force in the Far East need
all oil stocks in that area, he said.
EARLIER this month Britain
turned down an American sugges-
tion to limit oil shipments to Com-
munist China, in line with a simi-
lar American shutdown.
The State Department in .
Washington yesterday said it
was highly gratified. Officials
believed the embargo would ef-
fectively shut off all Western
oil to the Chinese mainland,
where it might find its way to
North Korean forces.
This decision was accompanied
by these other developments:
1. Prime Minister Attlee made
it clear Britain feels that the
North Koreans will have to pull
back to their 38th parallel Boun-
dary before peace can be restored.
He thus gave a cool reception to
Prime Minister Stalin's expressed
willingness to seek a peaceful set-
tlement in the UN--if Red China
is represented.
2. Three new cases of suspected
sabotage aboard three British de-
stroyers, possibly of Communist
origin, were reported.
3. Several members of Parlia-
ment expressed concern whether!
Britain is ready to meet force with
force if need be.
GOP Leaders
Ask Voluntary
can Congressional leaders called
yesterday for voluntary controls
on the domestic economy before
"compulsion is attempted even in
a limited field."
In a joint statement, Sen. Taft
of Ohio and Rep. Martin of Mas-
sachusetts, chairmen of the Sen-
ate and House GOP Policy Com-
mittees, indicated that the Re-
publicans will not "rubber stamp"
any emergency legislation;propos-
ed by President Truman.
* * *
"continue to give their whole-
hearted support to steps necessary
for the defense of the United
States and resistance through the
United Nations to Communist ag-
gression in Korea and elsewhere,"
they said, "We expect to scrutinize
carefully each measure proposed
by the administration to make
sure it is actually necessary to
mobilize the nation's resources
and not merely to serve as a step
toward permanent government
"We suggest," they added, "that
the American people are entitled
to a full role and a full voice in
this crisis."


-Daily-Bob Lewis
HAVEN HALL-Workmen removing debris from what is left of Haven Hall's Room D. After all the
debris has been removed from the inside of the fire-gutted structure by sometime next week, the
walls will be torn down.

S aroyanTo O e
To Opi


Wreckers Begin Havenr
Hall Demolition Project

William Saroyan's "The Time of
Your Life" which Brooks Atkinson
of the New York Times called, "A
prose poem in ragtime with a hu-
morous and lovable point of view"
will open at 8 p.m. today at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.-
Portraying just simple people
talking about the meaning of life,
the characters spring to life by
means of Saroyan's simple, moving
THE STUDENT of life who does
good for everyone, the street-walk-
er who dreams of better things,
the kindly saloon keeper and the
tap dancer who wants to be a
For a Picture of Play Re-
hearsals, See Page 2.
comic all band together against
the disturbing influence of the
sadistic detective. The play has
often been called a symbolic drama
of the forces of good and evil in
the world.
The play production presenta-
tion.of "The Time of Your Life"
will be directed by Monroe Lipp-
man, guest director of the
speech department this summer.
Lippman was here as a lecturer
in 1945 and has also taught at Mt..t
Holyoke and the University of
Minnesota. At present he is chair-
man of the Department of The-
atre and Speech at Tulane Uni-
versity, executive director of La
Petit Theatre de Vieux Carre, and
president of the American Educa-
tional Theatre Association.
** *
include Ted Heusel as the student
of life, Frances Harrington as the
streetwalker, Larry Johnson as
bar-keep, Morris Winer as the de-
tective and William W. Taylor asz
the longshoreman.
Tickets will be on sale daily atI
the boxoffice.

The Shartzer Wrecking Co. has
begun to put the finishing touches
on the nearly complete job done
by the June 6 Haven Hall fire.
Wrecking bars are being laid to
the shell of the 87-year-old cam-
pus landmark and within 60 days
Book Sale,
Sponsored by the Textbook
Loan Library, a sale of books no
longer used in University cours-
es will begin at 1 p.m. today in
Rm. 1025 Angell Hall.
Alithough the books are ob-
solete in classes, they can be

all of the fire-gutted remains will
be removed from campus.
FIRST STEP in the demolition
project is the removal from the
remains of everything able to be
moved. This includes all the burn-
ed and semi-charred fixtures such
as windows, doors, tables, desks
and chairs.
Then, sometime n~ext week, ac-
cording to Red Markwell, super-
intendent on the job, the walls
of the ravaged structure will be
torn down. The contents and
the bricks are being put up for

FHA Credit
Tightened b
New Move
Congress, Natio
To Hear Trumai
ffOKYO - (A) -- The U.S. Fir
Cavalry Division drove ashore ye
terday in the first amphibio
landing operation of the war:
Korea and swept inland unopposl
for seven miles.
The troops hit the beaches a
the tiny port of Pohang, 66 mil
north of the big southeast port a
Pusan, field dispatches reporte
Going in at the very spot whe
Communist troops recently we:
reported to have landed, the Fir
Cavalry found no opposition.
THIS MOVE to push mo.
American troops to the fightir
front came as the Communist i
vasion ground to a halt at ti
very gates of Taejon, strategic ci
on the western end of the front.
Apparently the Northerners
were catching their breath afte
a mauling by air and stubbor
U.S. infantry resistance aground
The amphibious assault was e
ploited quickly. Strong forces bul
up along the beach as advan
forces speared inland, said A
correspondent O. H. P. King w
covered the operation.
THE CONVOY moved in und
the cover of U.S. and British a
planes. Navy warships kept wat
on the sea lanes.: Russia n eTt
marines have beensknown to ope
ate in the area, King said.
King said that the America
landing was the biggest move-
ment of troops to the Souti
Korean front since the 24th In
fantry Division was sent.
The entire front was so quli
that General MacArthur did n
issue his usual early-morning co
munique. His press officer sa
American patrols were meetix
"little enemy activity" and the:
had been no change since Tuesdi
afternoon's communique.
* * *
MEANWHILE carrier - base
navy planes raided the big Nori
Korean east coast port of Wonisa
President Truman in th
meantime moved for the firs
time yesterday to combat wa
inflation of the American hdom
In a series of orders, the chie
executixe set up rules for tighte:
credit on federal housing loan
"without delay" and called fo
"positive action" to save con
struction materials needed fo:
the war effort.
His instructions went out in le
ters to Housing Administrat
Raymond Foley and five other k4
government officials who dire
housing and real estate loans.
THE PRESIDENT said it is'cle:
that many materials used in re
dential and other construction w
be needed in increasing amoun
for national defense, and he d
"These increased demands (fo
defense materials) will aggravat
inflationary tendencies alread
evident in some of these mater
ials unless positive actions are
taken to reduce pressures i
residential construction."
In his message to Congress t
morrow, Mr. Truman is expect

to propose allocations of scarc
materials, perhaps on a voluntar
His letter yesterday called for
substantial increase in down pa'
ments, both for new constructio
and repair loans, and ordered th
xeterans administration to requi:
a cash down payment of at lea
five percent for all VA loan,
wherever existing law permits.
.* * *
04-m afn d 1noefaPt~rlnc t 1n- +tha

used as reference books. Prices sale.
will range from 10 to 50 cents. When all the debris has been
These books had been do- removed from the site late in the
nated to the Textbook Loan summer, the University plant de-
Library, and the receipts from partment will take overand land-
the sale will be used to buy new scape the area.
books for those students whohe ea
cannot afford to buy their own. Within several weeks wrecking
The sale will continue until all operations will begin on Mason
the books are sold. InHall and probably University Hall
to make way for the new four-
unit Literary College Building.
To Probe 2 The exodus from Mason Hall
will begin with a week, but. as yet
Locad Blazes the University hasn't been able to
Bfind new quarters for the Insti-
tute on Social Research, chief ten-
Firemen are investigating two ant of 'U' Hall and plans for its
fires that caused an estimated evacuation are still indefinite.

$20,000 damage downtown yester-
The Kyer laundry, 6275 S. Main
St., part of which was gutted, has
been roped off pending investiga-
tion of the fire's origin. Firemen
said that the fire had "too good
a start" where there were several
people around.
Y * :e*

Local Defense
Plan Set Up
Prof. Arthur W. Bromage, of the
{ political science department, Ann
Arbor civil defense director, has

OFFICIALS ARE ALSO inves- set up a civil defense division to
tigating a small blaze at the Mont- work on problems of emergency
gomery Ward farm warehouse, feeding, housing and rehabilita-
which they suspect was caused by tion.
a carelessly thrown cigarette. Prof. Bromage appointed two
All finished clothes were unda- Red Cross officials to positions as
maged, however, and the property deputy civil defense director and
and its contents were 100 percent assistant deputy director of the
insured, he added. new division, which will be called
All clothes brought in by dri- the welfare division.
Rights BillAsked




NSA Student

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Students from
every corner of the nation will at-
tend the Third Annual National Stu-
dent Congress, Aug. 23-31, at the Uni-
versity. This series will p resent many
Iof the issues they will face.)
Student rights will be the main
topic for consideration at the
Third Annual' National Student
Congress, which will be held Aug.

pation in what is broadly known
as "the educational community."
Specifically, the forthcoming
Congress will reconsider NSA's
"Student Bill of Rights" which
has been in effect for three ,
years. In that time, only one
school has accepted the state-

jective conditions" which they jus-
tified on the basis of a need to
train students for citizenship in a
democratic society.
Justification for the code
should be the institution's ex-
istance, they decided.
THE PRESENT NSA Bill states:
"'Tn rr'An,.fri nPCrvanri rnr-.

search freely and to publish, dis-
cuss, and exchange any findings
or recommendations, whether in-
dividually or in association with
local, national, or international
"3-THE RIGHT of students to
a clear and consise statement, be-
fore enteringrcollege. of thicon-

student organizations to use the
institution's name subject to its
regulations with respect to off-
campus activities.
"6-THE RIGHT of students
and recognized student organiza-
tions to use campus facilities, pro-
vided the facilities are used for
the nr nR enfrantPH giihipr


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