PAGE TWO THE MIHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 1950 Art Cinema League THE ART CINEMA LEAGUE deserves a lot of praise for its efforts over the past ten years, before it bows out of its co- sponsoring, money-making' existence. Since 1940 the League has single- handedly been responsible for making Ann Arbor art-movie conscious. That students' have learned to like the films is amply demonstrated by the 1,300 strong crowd who showed up to see the paintings of Michelangelo in "The Titan." Ten years ago art-movies were shown about three times a year - now almost once a Week. And during that time ACL has been active. The Student Legislature is the latest group to join this popular bandwagon. It will take over the weekly Art Cinema League pre- sentations in the fall, allowing other groups to co-sponsor the films and share the pro- fits. Co-sponsoring is a relatively new thing. Art Cinema League organized the process when student groups anxious to add to their depleted treasuries were looking around for a quick and easy way to make mone. Un- der the system, the group sold tickets, got its name on the posters and did the busy work, while League members arranged for the films. Although ACL only took ten per cent of the profits it did make money. This was spent on campus service projects such as free films like "The Louisiana Story" and visiting lecturers from the Hollywood film colony who told the inside story on movie methods. But Art Cinema League is not dead. Giv- ing up its money-making business will al- low it to branch off and present a few films each year of the kind that normally would not be shown here. It's been a good ten years, and here's best wishes for another fifty. -Wendy Owen When founded, the League self to bringing experimental pictures to Ann Arbor. dedicated it- and unusual With the impetus given by ACL, several other organizations have sprung up all de- termined to bring art-movies to campus. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: WENDY OWEN ON THE Washington Merry-Go -Round WITH DREW PEARSON W ASHINGTON-A hard-bitten soldier, Lt. Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, gave senators an earfull recently on the No. 1 question of the Korean war - ideology. "In a struggle of this kind," testified Smith, who was once Ambassador to Rus- sia, "force and the threat of force do not change men's minds or win their loyalties. It will pay us to sit down and analyze why Communist troops in Korea are fighting like the devil, while the ones we consider to represent democracy are not doing so well. "It's an idle thing to preach democracy to a man with an empty belly," General Smith told the senators. 'The thing that interests him first is' a rice bowl, or something for himself and his family. And pure generos- ity is not always appreciated. People don't like to be poor relations, and that's why it is more important to get them on their feet than hand them platters." The ex-ambassador told how his own scorn for psychological warfare turned to awe after he served in Russia. When he was. ordered at the start of World War II to add a psychological warfare staff, Smith explained: "I thought it was a group of crackpots. I have paid dearly for that, but I have learned." "In the Army," he continued, philosoph- ically, "we've talked a lot about morale, but we always translated it in terms of good food for the soldier, good hospitalization, good quarters, and the like. We never thought in terms of the psychological, al- though we know civil wars are the most vio- lently fought, because those are the only ,wars in which those doing the fighting real- ly understand why they are fighting." RUSSIA MAY RETURN HJALMAR PROCOPE, former Finnish minister, met Herbert Hoover, who used to be President, in New York the other day, ,and the conversation turned to the United Nations. "That organization is really taking ag- gressive action," said Hoover, "for the simple reason the Russians are not present to veto. But when I suggested recently a re- organization of the UN to exclude Russia, I was 'denounced." UN diplomats don't entirely agree with Herbert Hoover. They fear many nations near the Russian orbit would leave the UN if Russia were forcibly ejected. However, whether right or wrong, the Russian absence may soon come to an abrupt end. Under the monthly rotation system, the presidency of the Security Council will fall to Russia on August 1. Observers predict that when that session convenes, Soviet delegate Jacob Malik will be in the chair. In the first place, the Russians are sticklers for protocol and procedure, and take very seriously the duties of office. The man who has been actually counting the votes in recent meetings of the Se- curity Council is the Russian Assistant Secretary-General, Constantin Zinchenko. The voting was on aggression against Kor- ea, but Zinchenko performed his functions just the same. The Russians now realize their absence prevented them from using the veto in the Korean controversy; so, if they could get back without embarrassment, they would like to grab that veto again. CUTTING KOREA HERE ARE THE senators who last week ignored the Korean crisis and voted to cut all foreign aid, including Korea, by 10 per cent. 1-The vote for the cut was 11 to 10 be- hind closed doors of the Senate Appropria- tions Committee. Ferguson of Michigan and Wherry of Nebraska, both Republicans, led the fight for the cut. Cordon of Oregon, also a Re- publican; first voted for the cut, then made a deal with Robertson of Virginia to re- consider the vote. However, Ferguson and Wherry talked him out of it by arguing that the committee. report was already being printed and that the question could be settled on the Senate floor anyhow. Others who voted to short-change Korea and ours other allies at this hour of crisis were: Democratic Senators McKellar of Ten- nessee, Ellender of Louisiana, Russell of Georgia, McClelland of Arkansas, Chavez of New Mexico and Thomas of Oklahoma (by proxy); also Republican Senators Bridges of New Hampshire and Young of North Da- kota. MERRY-GO-ROUND THE SENATE Crime Committee will hold public hearings this month in Miami, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago ... The salmon industry has Faised $150,000 to fight Alaskan statehood. It fears higher taxes ... An Ohio political survey indicates, that Senator Taft's endorsement of Senator Mc- Carthy is the worst political bunder Taft has made since March 9, 1941, when he told the Cincinnati Enquirer "war is even worse than a German victory." .. . The Democratic National Committee will purchase a seven-story office building op- posite the Mayflower Hotel in Washington. Only 18 months ago the Democrats were having trouble meeting their telephone bill - nothing succeeds like success. (Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) THOMAS L. STOKES: Mobilization WASHINGTON-The great debate is on - reminiscent of the "guns or butter" controversy of ten years ago, in 1940-41 when we were disputing among ourselves how far we should go in getting ready for possible involvement in what came to be called "World War II." Because of developments in Korea and continuing bad news that forecasts a long, trying and expensive ordeal there, and possible threats elsewhere, the argument has come around quickly to whether we should move at once to a full, general mob- ilization of arms and manpower, instead of taking the piece by piece route of that similar era ten yers ago. A really mammoth program that would startle you, many billions over-all, is being suggested in some high and responsible quarters. On the other side, the necessity of any such comprehensive program is being dis- counted. * * * IN THE 1940-41 PERIOD we stumbled along hesitantly, building up a confused sort of superstructure of bureaucratic agen- cies, one set of initials following another in rapid succession, hotly scrapping among or- selves as to controls on our lives, business and personal affairs. Total defense then was a strange new phenomenon to us. A general European war was already un- der way then, too. In that respect the situation today is dif- ferent. Yet we face a set of circumstances which, while new, still adds up in interpre- tations of officials here to just as critical an emergency, even though there is no gen- eral war, only what is legally called "a police action." * * * THE OPEN AGGRESSION in Korea is re- presented as a shift in Russia's strat- egy from the "cold war" of infiltration to the direct armed thrust in which the Soviets use puppets so that they, themselves, still are not openly involved. Whether this is the beginning of a pattern to be followed elsewhere, at other widely separated and vulnerable points, no one of course can fore- cast; but, as a matter of safety, it is held here that such must be assumed. We can take no chances. It was Russia's first open aggression, though cloaked, like the infiltration process, in a stooge. It shocked the world. It brought an immediate challenge from us and the United Nations. Whether Russia expected such a reaction is a matter on which there is a difference of opinion here, and likewise there is a difference of opinion as to whether this challenge might check her, or at least delay her, from moving through another satellite at another exposed sector. She has the tactical advantage of being on the inside of the perimeter. Here, too, however, we can take no chances, whatever the diagnosis may be. Consequently the idea is gaining ground for a general mobilization of arms and man-' power. It would entail a large and sub- stantial military program, with the neces- sary conversion of industry from peace to war production and corollary controls of all sorts, on prices, wages, and the like, as well as marshalling of manpower through the draft, reserves and national guard. This is advanced not only as a matter of national security but, in the still anxious pursuit of peace, as a warning to Russia that we mean business - all aimed at check- ing her and preventing a third world war. To this the counter-argument is that if we mobilized fully she would, too, which, instead of preventing war, would only aggravate the tension and bring on the war the quicker. The unknown quantity in all calculations is Russia's motives and plans, No one knows. That's what makes decisions difficult.. THE FULL MOBILIZATION view has much support in the State Department, in- cluding John Foster Dulles, Republican ad- visor to Secretary of State Dean Acheson, and is being discussed with senators. A few senators already have spoken out publicly in favor of it. It is realized, however, that it is likely to meet considerable resistance in some quarters at the capitol. Also, the Council of Economic Advis- ers to the President is reported against any such full-scale mobilization with the tremendous outlay recommended in other official areas, favoring instead a program of five or six billion dollars. They advance factors of an economic sort against a giant program at this time. President Truman, of course, must make the ultimate decision. It is, truly, a tough one, with all that is involved. But it is cer- tain that we are in for at least a partial mobilization and the controls necessary to expedite that, including materials allocation and checks against inflationary tendencies. (Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN "You Know, We Get Just As Old As Anybody" Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Summer Session, Room 3510 Admin- istration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). SUNDAY, JULY 16, 1950 VOL. LX, No. 15-S Notices School of Business Administra- tion: Students from other Schools and Colleges intending to apply for admission for the fall semester should secure application forms in Rm. 150, School of Business Ad- ministration, as soon as possible. Students, College of Engineer- ing: The final day for DROPPING COURSES WITHOUT RECORD will be Friday, July 21. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier after conference with the instructor. W. J. Emmons, Secretary Lectures Lecture, Alumni Memorial Hall, at 8 p.m. tomorrow. "The Art of Edvard Munch" by Frederick S. Wight, Associate Director, Insti- tute of Contemporary Art. A lecture illustrated in color on the Norwegian painter and gra- phic artist, Edvard Munch. Mathematics Education Lecture' Miss Ava Mae Seedorff of Battle Creek High School will exhibit and discuss student-made mathemati- cal models and tools, at 2 p.m. Tuesday, in Rm. 146,.Business Ad- ministration Building. The lecture is for students in Education D234 and others who are interested. Dr. Charles Van Riper, Director Speech Clinic, Western Michigan College of Education, will give the following lectures during his visit at the Speech Clinic. 1-Examination of Children who Stutter. 1 p.m. tomorrow, Rm. 101, Speech Clinic. 2-Delayed Speech and Aphasia in Children, 3 p.m. Tuesday, Rm. 101, Speech Clinic. 3-Examination of Adults who Stutter, 1 p.m. Wednesday, Rm. 101 Speech Clinic. Open to students in Speech Cor- rection. Naval Research Reserve: 7:30' p.m. tomorrow, Rm. 18 Angell Hall. Dr. R. L. Kahn: "A Universal Bio- logical Reaction in Health and Disease." All naval reserve offi- cers and enlisted personnel engag- ed in advanced work in the sci- ences and engineering are eligible for membership in the Research Reserve. Interested reservists (in- cluding Waves) are invited to at- tend a meeting of the Unit to dis- cuss membership application with the commanding officer. Public Policy and Atomic En- ergy: Topic - "Concentration of Governmental and Corporate Pow- er." 3-5 p.m. Tuesday, East Con- ference Rm., Rackham. Education Conference: "The University and the State of Michi- gan," Provost James P. Adams, 4 p.m. tomorrow,' University High School auditorium. Graduate Speech Symposium: Speech science, 4 p.m. tomorrow, East Conference Rm., Rackham Building. Contemporary Arts and Society Program: Lecture, Edward W. Rannells, 4:15 p.m. tomorrow, Ar- chitecture Auditorium. Symposium on Physiology and Chemistry of the Cell: Lecture, "Surface Chemical Properties of Cytoplasmic Proteins," M. J. Ko- pac, Professor of Biology, New! York University. 8 p.m. tomorrow,' Auditorium. School of Public Health. Education Conference: "What Citizens Think of Our Schools," Otto W. Halsey, Superintendent of Schools, Ann Arbor. 4 p.m. Tuesday, University High School auditorium. Graduate Speech Symposium: Educational and commercial radio. Joe A. Callaway, Director of Radio Education, Michigan State Col- lege. 4 p.m. Tuesday, East Con- ference Rm., Rackham Building. Symposium on Physiology and Chemistry of the Cell. Lecture "The Fractionation and Properties of Cytoplasmic Subparticulates." M. J. Kopac, Professor of Biology, New York University. 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, Auditorium, School of Public Health. Contemporary Arts and Society Program: Lecture, John Ciardi, 4:15 p.m., Architecture Audito- rium. Institute on The Near East: "Land Tenure: Major Problem of the Near East." Afif I. Tannous, United States Department of Ag- riculture. 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, Rackham Amphitheater. Linguistic Institute: "An Origin- al Language of Buddhism?" Prof. Franklin Edgerton, Yale Univer- sity. 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Rackham Amphitheater. Contemporary Arts and Society Program: Lecture, "The Art of Edvard Munch" (illustrated in col- or). Frederick Wight, Director of Education, Institute of Contem- porary Arts, Boston, Massachu- setts. 8 p.m. Wednesday in Rack- ham Ampitheatre. Sociedad Hispanica: Prof. Char- les Staubach will speak on the Colombian novelist Osorio Lizar- azo at 8 p.m. Wednesday, East Conference Rm., Rackham Build- ing. Public cordially invited. Guidance Conference, July 17- 18, 1950: Tomorrow: 10:11:30 a.m. General Session: (Amphitheater, Rackham) "A New Look at Occupational Adjustment" Prof. Donald E. Super, Teachers College, Columbia University. 2:00-4:00 p.m. Guidance Sec- tion: (Assembly Hall, Rackham) "Measurement of Occupational Motivation by Means of Interest Inventories,". Chairman: Prof. Harland C. Koch, assistant dean of the graduate school. Panel: Prof. Donald E. Super, teachers College, Columbia University; Prof. Edward S. Bordin, educational psychology. Tuesday: 9:00-10:45 a.m. Guidance Sec- tion: (Assembly Hall, Rackham) "Emotional Adjustment on the Job," Prof. Leonard E. Himler, mental health. 11:00-12:00 a.m. General Ses- sion: (Amphitheater, Rackham) "Occupational Adjustment from a Psychological Point of View," Prof. Daniel R. Miller, psychology. "Oc- cupational Adjustment from an Economic Point of View," Prof. L. Clayton Hill, industrial relations. 2:00-4:00 p.m. Guidance Sec- tion: (Assembly Hall, Rackham) "Group Techniques in Guidance," J. R. Rackley, Dean, College of Education, University of Okla- homa. Panel Discussion: Glenn Smith,chief, Guidance Services, State Department of Ppublic In- struction; George Hilliard, director of personnel and guidance, West- ern Michigan College of Educa- tion; David Jenskins, lecturer in education and field consultant in community adult education; Har- old Mahoney, supervisor of guid- ance, State Department of Edu- cation of Connecticut; Marie Sko- dak, lecturer in education. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Eric Newton Rackham, Education; the- sis: "The Determination of Cri- teria for the Evaluation of Student Personnel Services in Institutions of Higher Learning," 4 p.m. Mon- day, July 17, East Council Rm., Rackham Bldg., Chairman, H. C. Koch. Doctoral Examination for Elea- nor E. Maccoby, Psychology; the- sis: "Acquisition and Extinction of a Conditioned Response under Three Different Patterns of Par- tial Reinforcement," 2 p.m. Mon- day, July 17, 3121 Natural Science Bldg. Chairman, E. L. Walker. Doctoral Examination for Herb- ert Frederick A. Smith, Educa- tion; thesis: "A Determination of Principles and Experiments Desir- able for a Course of General Sci- ence at the Junior High School Level," 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 18, East Council Rm., Rackham Bldg. Chairman, F. D. Curtis. Doctoral Examination for Eu- gene Varroll Yehle, Business Ad- ministration: thesis: "An Apprai- sal of Corporate Working Fund Requirements," 3 p.m. Wednesday, July 19, 616 Business Administra- tion Bldg. Chairman, O. W. Black- ett. Concerts Willard MacGregor, Guest Pian- ist, will be heard at 8:30 Tuesday evening, July 18, in the Rackham Lecture Hall, in the first of two programs to be played during the summer session. The first will in- clude compositions by Mozart, Bach, Baftok, Faure and Ravel; the second, scheduled for August 1, will be an All-Chopin program. Both are open to the general pub- lic without charge. Composers' Forum, under the di- rection of Ross Lee Finney, Pro- fessor of Composition in the School of Music, 8:30 p. m. tomorrow, in the Rackham As- sembly Hall. Elaine Brovan, Ann McKinley, Digby Bell, and Anita Bassetti pianists, Leslie Eitzen, so- prano, and Joan Bullen Lewis, cellist, will perform compositions by Grant Beglarian, Robert Cogan, Frederick Don Truesdell, and Les- lie Bassett. The program will be open to the public. Student Recital: Elizabeth Tho- mas, Organist, will present a pro- gram at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree. Her program will include compositions by Buxtehude, Bach, Franck and Vierne, and will be open to the public. Miss Thomas is a pupil of Josef Schnelker. The recital was previously announced for Sunday evening. Class in Choral Literature, under the direction of Harold Haugh, will perform Handel's Messiah at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in Hill Audi- torium, in an open class meeting. Public is invited. Performing stu- dents are enrolled in the School of Music. Exhibitions General Library, main lobby cases. Contemporary literature and art (June 26-July 26). Rackham Galleries: "Contem- porary Visual Arts" and "Ameri- can Painting Since the War," July 3-22. Museum of Archaeology. From Tombs and Towns of Ancient Egypt. Museums Building. R o t unda exhibit, Fossil Flora of the Mi- chigan Coal Basin. Exhibition halls, "Some Indian Cultures of North and South America." Law Library. History of Law School (basement); classics for collectors (reading room). Michigan Historical Collections. 160 Rackham Building. Tourists in Michigan, yesterday and today. Museum of Art. Oriental cera- mics (June 26-August 18). Mo- dern graphic art (July 2-30). Clements Library. American Colonial Culture. (July 5-August 1). Events Today Graduate Outing Club: Meet at 2 p.m. Northwest entrance Rack- ham. Swimming. Bring cars. Plans for overnight trip. U. of M. Hostel Club: Sat.-Sun., July 15-16: Work trip and square dance at Pinebrook hostel and Ann Arbor hostel. Call Herb Alvord, 3-1618, for details and come for as much time as you can spare. The Lutheran Student Associa- tion: Supper Meeting at 5:30 p.m. in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. Pro- gram at 7 p.m. in Zion Lutheran Church. Miss Ada Clare "Speck- man, Graduate Music Student and Instructor of Music at Valparaiso University, will speak on "Bach and the Musical Heritage of the Lutheran Church." She will be assisted by Marilyn Mason Brown at the organ. Coming Events Mathematics Colloquium will meet Tuesday, July 18 at 4:15 p.m. in Rm. 3011 Angell Hall. Visiting Professor B. Eckman of the Zurich Technological Insti- tute will speak on "Spaces with Generalized Means." Young Progressives of America: Mobilization, 7 p.m. tomorrow at Michigan Union to gather signa- tures for Stockholm Peace Pledge. Congregational - Disciple - Evan- gelical and Reformed Guild. Teaat the Guild House, 438 Maynard. 4:30 to 6 p.m. Tuesday. Seminar Series: "Living Alterna- tive to Christianity"-4 to 5:30 p.m. tomorrow and Tuesday after- noon. Chancellor T. R. Milford, Chancellor of Lincoln Cathedral, London and legal custodian of the Magna Carta will conduct this series. Informal, everyone wel- come. Lane Hall. Community Center, Willow Run Village: Tuesday, July 18, 8 p.m., Wives' Club board meeting. The English Journal Club will meet at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 18, in the Assembly Room, Rack- ham Building. John Ciardi will read and discuss some of his own poems., Square Dance Group meets at Lane Hall, 7 p.m. Tuesday. "The Time of Your Life," Wil- liam Saroyan's comedy, opens at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at 8 p.m. Wednesday and will run through Saturday night. This play, the third production presented by the Speech Department this sum- mer, is one of the few plays to receive both the Pultitzer Prize and the New York Drama Critics Award for best play of the year. (Continued on Page 3) tt~t It Itf I r' '4 t Swimming Problem T7HE STIFLING heat from Ann Arbor's pavements brings a reminder of the in- accessibility of local lakes to enthusiastic bathers. With the mountain showing no signs of motion, it would seem that it is high time that Mohammed made a move. The physical education department could do something to relieve this uncom- fortable situation faced by some 8,000 stu- dents. With a little planning, daily trans- portation could be provided to these not- too distant lakes. The physical education department offers swimming courses for women in the evening at the Union Pool. But with the heat of the day pretty well dwindled by that time, a dip is not so refreshing as if it were available during the broiling hours of the day. Instead of a swimming program during the evening, a more appropriate program could be arranged during the day. A number of University busses could transport the stu- dents who signed up for the daytime swim- ming period to coincide with the hours speci- fied. As the busses are used in this manner forj Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Philip Dawson......Managing Editor Peter Hotton............City Editor Marvin Epstein..........Sports Editor Pat Brownson.......Women's Editor Business Staff Roger Wellington.... Business Manager Walter Shapero. . .Assoc. Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Officeat Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. 1 Isolationist Inconsistency BARNABY t" ISOLATIONISTS make a peculiar breed. .They delight in rattling the saber when- tiny foothold of the Chinese Nationalists; if Russia wanted to make something of it, they Mr. O'Malley-Pop says Mr. Friendly has bought ' TIhe 4deo! Tha mnn I Yes. The money he wasao *in Ie nd But Pop's upset because he [ nhi p;< nrove stenew r I I I FriPndtV using my I M It [ i -M ,