ART CINEMA LEAGUE See Page 2 E'Y Latest Deadline in the State DuAi4 r'44) p t, / . , CLOUDY, SHOWERS VOL. LX, No. 15-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 16, 1950 FOUR PAGES Americans Repulse Latest Kum Crossing } l v/ Stalin Sends Answer to Nehru Note Believe USSR Seeks Asia Talks MOSCOW-(P)-Prime Minister Stalin made his first statement on the Korean fighting yesterday in a personal message to Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Contents of the note were not disclosed. Nehru, who has an- nounced his willingness to serve as a mediator in the Korean con- fict, sent a personal note to Stalin Thursday. The reply was handed to Dr. S. Radakrishman, Indian Ambassador to Moscow, by Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko. * * * THE INDIAN EMBASSY issued a statement yesterday saying: "The Indian Ambassador was re- quested to call at the Ministry of -t Foreign Affairs at 3:30 p.m. yes- terday. Gromyko delivered to him a letter from Generalissimo Stalin to thePrime Minister of India." A personal message from Nehru also went to U.S. Secre- tary of State Dean Acheson Thursday. As in the case of Moscow, contents of the note were not disclosed, and Acheson is still considering it. Before the Indian Embassy is- sued'its statement, there had been a growing belief in foreign circles here that the Soviet Union would like to discuss the entire Far East- ern question. This would include Korea, Formosa, and Indochina. DURING THE WEEK foreign diplomats had expressed the opin- ion that the Soviet Union wants to see a peaceful settlement of the Korean conflict. At that time they Y said Russia's price for such a set- lement probably would be the withdrawal of American troops and any other foreign troops from the Korean peninsula. The Soviets also were said to want general elections in both North and South Korea to pick a single government for the whole peninsula. Lincoln White, press officer for the State Department, said Friday in Washington that the minimum condition for a solu- tion of the Korean Crisis is for the North Koreans to stop fight- ing and withdraw to their own territory. White also said that the "prop- er forum" for trying to settle the crisis is the United Nations, adding that the matter is not one for direct negotiations between. Mos- cow and Washington. Jets Have Top Korean Score TOKYO-(R)-The Air Force's F-80 shooting star jet planes have "accounted for 85 percent of North korean vehicle and materiel loss- es," the Far East Air Forces com- T mander said yesterday. Lt. Gen. George E. Stratemeyer praised the speedy fighters in a statement following battlefield re- ports that the jets were too fast for ground strafing or coping with the Russian-made Yak fighters used by Communist North Korean forces. "Rockets and machinegun fire from F-80s has blown up more tanks, trucks and other equipment than all other types of air attack combined," Stratemeyer said. -Courtesy United States Fish and Wild Life Service DELIRIUM NIGHTMARE?--This isn't "a fiendish pre-historic beast, but a sea lamprey, fast killing off Great Lakes trout and other fish. The lamprey's worst enemy is now the U.S. Fish and Wild Life Service, bent on total destruction of the eel-like pre- dator. * * * * Wild Life, War on Sea L am preyProgressing By PETER HOTTON (Daily City Editor) If you like fish, especially lake trout, you can thank the U.S. Fish and Wild Life Service for attempting to save this fish from extinction by its bitter but progressing war against the sea lamprey, scourge of the Great Lakes. Like an eel in appearance, the lamprey preys on its favorite food, the lake trout and other fine-scaled fish by attaching its round, sucker-like mouth, and rasping out the flesh with its horny teeth. * * * FISHERMAN HAVE dubbed the beast "nine-eyes," because of the long row of gills on each side of the head. The Wild Life Service has been warring on the lampreys for several years, though its all-out battle didn't start until the first U.S. To Hang On in Korea CollinsSays Truman To Ask Mobilizing Power WASHINGTON - (P) - The Ar- my's Chief of JStaff said yesterday U.S. ground forces will hang on in Korea until they get enough rein- forcements to hurl back the Com- munist invaders. Gen. J. Lawton Collins discount- ed all talk that the American Army might eventually be pushed into the sea by the North Korean Forces. * * * TO HELP DO the job, the Army Chief of Staff said new weapons and ammunition, inclucing tanks, are being moved into Korea. Collins, just back from a trip to the battle area with Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Air Force Chief of Staff, told a news con- ference: "It isn't going to be an easy task. But I haven't the slightest doubt in the world we will hold an extensive area in Korea." He said weapons and ammuni- tion-including tanks-are being sent to the Americans on the bat- tle line. * * * LATER IN the daydhigh admin- istration officials said that Presi- dent Truman wil send Congress a special message by mid-week ask- ing funds and authority to carry through a partial mobilization program. The program, covering both men and production of war ma- teriel, will be adequate to meet the Korean crisis and the broad- er Western-Russian emergency, it was said, but will not put the country on a full war footing. Final decisions on the precise steps to be taken will be made by Pres. Truman at the latest, some responsible informants said, and the message to Congress will go forward immediately there- after. It will be the President's first such pronouncement on the crisis which broke upon the world three weeks ago. REP. VAN ZANDT (R-Pa.) had told a Veterans of Foreign Wars convention at Harrisburg, Pa. earl- ier in the day that he believed U.S. troops might have to evacuate Korea within 72 hours. Gen. Collins asserted that even with the equipment they've had, the relatively untried U.S. forces, fresh from occupation duty in Ja- pan, had done an exceptionally fine job. Vandenberg reported that he too was completely satisfied with the performance and morale of the Americans in Korea. Fire Defense Splits 'U', City The University and the City Council don't see eye to eye on fire protection, according to the report of Alderman John S. Dob- son. Dobson, who represents the Council in talks between the city and the University, said nego- tiations with Vice-President Rob- ert P. Briggs are proceeding "very, very slowly" over the question of University aid in building up the city Fire Department. * * * DOBSON WAS authorized by the Council to conduct talks with Briggs after the Haven Hall dis- aster. The University does not now pay anything to the city for fire protection. GIs DUCK ON KOREAN PATROL-United States soldiers crouch for shelter when a burst of small arms fire in the distance interrupted their patrol in area around Chonan, since fallen to invading North Korean troops. Carl Mydans of Life Magazine risked his neck to get the shot. The North Koreans are now fighting a hard battle to get over the Kum River, northwest of Taejon, in the face of heavy United States artillery fire. Democratic Opposition Hits War-time Controls WASHINGTON-WP)-Democratic opposition arose in Congress yesterday against any action to clamp wartime price-wage and ra- tioning controls on the country as a result of the Korean fighting. Senator George (D-Ga), who heads the Senate Finance Com- mittee, told a reporter he believes it would be "a very serious error" for the Administration to seek either to impose sweeping controls now or to ask for standby authority to put them into effect later. SENATOR CONNALLY (Dem.-Tex.), who heads the Senate Finance Committee, said he doesn't believe such controls are necessary now. e'e Tito Regime May Be Next On Soviet List Slosson Suspicious t Of Balkin Friction The recent border clashes in- volving Yugoslavia and the troop movements within the Russiani satellites surrounding that nations may be just another war scare ort might conceivably be the forerun-s ners of a Moscow-directed attack against Yugoslavia, Prof. Preston Slosson of the history depart- ment said yesterday. Prof. Slosson said that oorder clashes in the Balkans are noth- ing new. * . * HOWEVER, Prof. Slosson as- serted that he has suspected thatr the Communist aggression in Kor-s ea may be a cover-up for more im-c portant action in Berlin, Iran or Yugoslavia.F Moscow would want to sub-t jugate Yugoslavia as a lesson toc the other countries within herr realm who may have ideas oft Titoism, Prof. Slosson said. t He declared that if the Com- munists were bent on further ag-t gression, Yugoslavia would be ae very inviting target because ofc her position in world affairs. Yugo-1 slavia is on the fence between West and East. She is both Coin- munist and anti-Russian.c of the year, when the invasion of the predators became alarm- ing, and was given aid by the federal government. Since that time, the Service has captured and killed 40,000 lam- preys, but this is only a drop in the bucket compared to the mil- lions of dollars lost annually by commercial fishermen, according to James Moffett, chief of the Great Lakes Fishery Investigation, which is dedicated to the destruc- tion of the eel-like parasite. * * * THE UNIVERSITY has aided in the war by providing office space for headquarters in Ann Ar- bor, and the Service itself has had students studying here. The lamprey first appeared in the lower Great Lakes in 1921, having made its way inland from the Atlantic Ocean through the St. Lawrence River and the Welland Canal, which bypasses Niagara Falls. If a fish survives a lamprey at- tack long enough to be caught, its sale value is almost nil, because people won't buy fish with large scars on them, thinking they are diseased, Moffett explained. The lake trout fishing in Lake Huron is just about non-existent, because of the lamprey, he de- clared. From 1932 to 1949 the an- nual catch dropped from more than two million pounds to less than 1,000, he added. * * * THE SITUATION is not much better in Lake Michigan - an estimated 500,000 pounds were caught last year, another drastic plunge from earlier years. Another reason the lamprey is so dangerous is that it has over- crowded Lake Michigan fishing areas with fishermen forced from the other lakes. How does the Fish and Wild Life Service tackle the problem? * * * THREE METHODS are used: 1. Building traps at the mouths of streams along the lakes, cap- turing the adults when they at- tempt to run up these streamsato spawn. The dams of the traps are low enough for a fish to jump, but too high for lampreys to get over. "Early reports on these bar- rier dams are highly encoura- ging," Moffett said. 2. American eels, which have op- World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - New attempts to slash further into Marshall Plan spending neared a Senate showdown yesterday with both sides using national defense rea- sons to support their argument. Urging another cut in the funds now ticketed at $2,668,000,000 in the Senate's General Appropriation Bill, Senator Ferguson (R-Mich.) said the program would give Eur- ope many commodities now needed for the Korean war. Majority Leader Lucas (D-Ill.), rallying Administration forces to ward off another cut in funds for the Economic Cooperation Admin- istration which runs the program, said such an action would give "further aid and comfort to the Kremlin." * * * SOUTH SALEM, N.Y.-Henry A. Wallace yesterday declared his support of the United States and the United Nations in the Korean conflict. QUITO, Ecuador - A revolt against President Galo Plaza Las- so's government broke out at Guayaquil yesterday, but the lead- ers were quickly arrested. Gov- ernment reports said the capital and other cities were quiet last night. WASHINGTON - (P) - The House Un - American Activities Committee said yesterday con- tempt citations will be sought. against six persons-one a Brook- lyn professor linked by the Com- mittee with Russian atomic spying. Chairman Wood (D-Ga.) said the Committee will recommend that the House vote the citations because the six persons refused to answer questions about Commun- ist activities on ground of self- incrimination. "If we need them later, I as- sume that we will put them on," he said in an interview. Senator Taft (Rep.-Ohio) al- ready has announced his opposi- tion to granting the President sandby powers. The attitude of the Democratic senators made it ap- parent that the Administration will have to move slowly on the subject of mandatory controls or face a possible Congressional set- back. As a matter ofrfact, President Truman has expressed the view that no food rationing will be ne- cessary. Administration leaders have indicated privately that the President now is thinking in terms of possibly voluntary agreements on the allocation of steel and other war-vital materials. SRA Seminars The Student Religious Asso- ciation is presenting a series of seminars at 4 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday in Lane Hall Library. The topic will be "Living Alter- natives to Christian Faith." Chancellor T. R. Milford will conduct the seminars. M'Arthur Lifts Ban on Korea Up, APMen By The Associated Press TOKYO-(IP)-The Army bar- red two U.S. correspondents from the South Korean front yesterday but General MacArthur lifted the ban today. MacArthur told Tom Lambert of the Associated Press and Peter Kalischer of the United Press to go back to the war, adding that he had full confidence in their judgment on future war coverage. MacARTHUR said also he was lifting the ban because both were old friends of his. Yesterday, U.S. military officials abruptly notified Lambert and Kalischer that they could not re- turn to Korea. SHORTLY AFTERWARD, an officer high in General MacAr- thur's headquarters said Lt. Gen. Walton H. Walker, Commander of the Allied Forces in Korea, has been given authority to apply mili- tary censorship over correspon- dents in the war area. MacArthur told the four cor- respondents, however, that he believed censorship was not the proper means of insuring sound war reporting. He felt sound reporting rested on the almost intuitive judgment of trained newspapermen. Many correspondents have re- quested formal censorship as a means of helping clear away the confusion attendant on trying to report the Korean campaign. Air Attacks Batter North Korean Lines Navy Planes To Defend Formosa TOKYO, Sunday-(P)-General MacArthur's Headquarters -said today U.S. counterattacks had smashed at least two Communist attempted crossings of the Kum River, inflicting "heavy casualties." His communique, timed at 2:45 p.m., Japan Daylight Time, said elements of two American infantry regiments had beaten back Com- munist forces in counter attacks on Friday and Saturday. * -* * MacARTHUR said the 34th In- fantry Regiment in a counter- thrust drove -Communist forces back across the Kum during Fri- day night. The battle site was near Samgyo, about 8 or 10 miles southwest of Kongju. MacArthur's Saturday communique said a bridgehead of undetermined size had been es- tablished there on Saturday morn- ing. The second counterattack, un- leashed by the 19th U.S. Infantry Regiment, prevented an attempted crossing early on Saturday morn- ing. This was farther upsteam near Sohang village, about siX miles east of Samgyo and about 18 miles northwest of Taejon, the former provisional capital of South Korea. The crossing northwest of Tae- jon came as around-the-clock Al- lied air attacks helped the Amer- icans hold their defense lines along the twisting river through last night and early Sunday. The North Koreans were ack- nowledged earlier to have enlarged their bridgehead on the s uth baz of the Kum about 20 miles north- west of Taej on. Field dispatches indicatedthe nCommunists have advanced five miles from this river and are about 15 miles west of Taejon. INTENSE aerial assaults were believed to have disrupted enemy attempts to bolster the bridge- head. Another front dispatch said U.S. air strikes on targets along the north bank had touched off 18 fires. One flamed 100 feet into the air. It was believed to have been a supply dump. A brief announcement from Gen. MacArthur said U.S. Sev- enth Fleet planes had been sent aloft to assist in preventing a Chinese Communist attack on Formosa. It said the aerial operations also were to prevent any air or sea operations by the Nationalists against the Communist mainland. The naval patrols "have been issued strict instructions to remain outside Chinese territorial waters. THE SOUTH KOREANS above the Kum north of Taejon are fighting doggedly, and so far have kept the invaders from reaching the river. A break across the river here might put the Communists in the rear of the American posi- tions north and west of Taejon. North of the Kum to the west to Taejon, however, Communist troops were reported moving southward unopposed. Their num- bers were not known. Volunteer UN Armies May Be Established LAKE SUCCESS - (P) - Top- ranking United Nations officials are considering seriously forma- tion of a volunteer international legion to throw into the Korean fighting in support of Gen. Mac- Arthur, it was learned last night. The disclosure came as the UN waited for concrete offers of aid from non-Communist members in answer to UN Secretary-General Trygve Lie's urgent appeal for help sent out to 52 nations. Pig on Lamb Converted Into Pork Chops by Hit-Run Driver Once there was a pig who didn't want to go to Lansing. Of course, D. E. Johnson didn't realize that when he purchased the pig Friday from an Ann Arbor township farm to take back to Lansing with him.. * * * BEFORE GOING home, Johnson stopped for dinner at the home of his brother-in-law, Alfred Ill- ing, 718 : W. Jefferson St., where his young niece eagerly awaited a glimpse of the animal. But to and behold the pig was gone. He had run away!' While Mrs. Illing phoned the police, her husband and brother drove back over the route in search. THEN THE dreadful news was discovered: the pig had collided with a hit-and-run driver on Sta- dium Blvd., with fatal results- for the pig. Meanwhile, an Ann Arbor po- liceman had found the animal, but no owner, and took it to the butcher. Before long, however, the right- ful owner and the police mutually found each other, and Johnson claimed all pork chop rights. The pig was returned to him, skinned but with insides intact. Johnson bravely finished the cleaning. And the moral of the story is: never wash behind your ears. DUNGAREED DANGER: Watermelon Munchers Cause Traffic Accident TOMORROW MAY BE PIECEFUL: Another Stunter To Barrel Over Niagara Falls Many a harassed motorist would have burst a blood vessel as well as smashed a bumper late Friday night on Maynard St. between Williams and E. Liberty. A .1.15 n mfm.r i' iac skidded to a stop inches from the watermelon picnickers. The irate driver got out and talked to the girls, who thought the whole thing was no more than amusing. Then he drove off and By DAVE WEAVER Special to The Daily NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y.-It's a 1 nr-,ra -t- -na w that Mai o be willing to do it again but would have to have a much larger rub- ber ball a second time in order to bound off the huge rocks at It is actually a double barrel, with an inner cylinder suspended in- side the outer barrel and about a three-inch clearance between. a lure to daredevils, but only two persons besides Lussier have ever gone over the falls and lived. Anna Edson Taylor 4nade the