PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1950 DREW PEARSON: Washington Merr y-Go-Round WASHINGTON - There was much more than meets the eye behind the rather cool letters exchanged between President Truman and Civil Aeronautics Chairman Joe O'Connell last week. O'Connell's resignation goes back to the fact that, for months, the CAB has been debating the extremely complicated ques- tion of whether Pan American should be allowed to merge with the American Ov- erseas. Since the U.S. government largely subsidizes the big airlines, CAB has final authority on such mergers and can be re- versed only by the President himself. During these months of study, it was dis- closed that wherever Pan American had re- ceived a monopoly route, the efficienty of its service dropped. * * * FINALLY, THE CAB voted 3 to 2 against the merger. The majority- Chairman O'Connell, Harold Jones and Russell Adams -wrote a strong opinion, finding that the American system of free competition must be preserved and that monopoly would hurt the best interests of the nation. Two mem- bers-Josh Lee and Oswald Ryan, long known as Pan Am's best friend on the CAB -dissented. This finding ,was sent to the White House. On June 30, the White House wrote back over the signature of budget director Fred- erick J. Lawton that President Truman had OK'd the majority's findings and was against the Pan American merger. But Lawton, who, incidentally, personally favored Pan Am's posiiton, added that it was felt the CAB should leave the door open for further con- sideration of overseas routes. When Chairman O'Connell received this note, he expressed some mystification at Lawton's addendum. Nevertheless, the Board started to announce its findings to the public. By this time, however, it was late in the afternoon, and Oswald Ryan, friend of Pan American, argued that it was too late in the day, and suggested that the public announcement could go over until later. Next morning, it became known that Ryan had paid a secret visit to the President and had personally urged Pan American's case. At 9:45 a.m., the CAB received a phone call from the White House to hold up the 11 a.m. scheduled announcement turning down the Pan Am merger. And immediately thereafter, Ryan appeared before his CAB colleagues to tell them that President Truman had ask- ed him to carry the oral message that he wanted the entire question of the mergeir reversed, and that Pan American should be permitted to consolidate with American Ov- verseas. The big question in Washington is- what na4A the iPresdent change his mind and rule in favor of a company which has tried to cut his throat politically, and which is now under investigation for wire- ta~pping? On July 2, right after the White House letter of June 30, opposing the merger, Sec- retary of Defense Louis Johnson, who for- meily was retained by Pan American, visited the President on the yatch Williamsburg. Johnson's law firm received $18,000 in lobby- ing fees from Pan Am in 1948, and another $18,000 in 1949. (Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: PETER HOTTON Senate Action on FEPC Pro... IT IS FORTUNATE that the Senate has killed the bill to establish a Fair Employ- ment Practices Commission. Such a law would be subject to many abuses. It would give anyone who is fired or refused a job the right to bring action against the employer for an alleged dis- crimination. Such accusations are easy to make, but they are almost impossible to prove. Who could determine that this man is the best suited for the job? Even if the employer were forced to hire a man, it would be quite probable that the em- ploye would be subject to much unpleas- antness as long as he held that job. Con- ditions might be so unpleasant that he would resign. Thus, discrimination might still exist under the FEPC. Further, this proposed law takes away the essential right of the employer to hire whom he wants. No bureau or bureaucrat should be able to tell the employer whom to hire on any grounds. If the employer chooses to hire a man because he goes to the same church as the employe; that is the employ- er's business and no one else's. If that man is not the best person suited for the job, that is the employer's business. It is his right to run his business a he sees fit. If the FEPC were in effect; the employ- er could be prevented from hiring a mem- ber of his family, if another person who was better qualified sought the same job. Surely, no person with common sense would propose that the government do all the hiring and firing in the United States. Yet that is just what the proponents of FEPC want to do. It is a fundamental right of the employer to hire and fire as he pleases. Perhaps it can best be summed up. in the words of President Truman: "No SOB is going to tell me who to hire or fire." It is my hope that I am not misunderstood. The purpose of this editorial is not to uphold discrimination. Discrimination is undesir- able, but legislation cannot end this dis- crimination. -John Foley Con ... THE MOST SUCCESSFUL campaigning in the recent primary elections in the South was carried on by candidates who would ask white citizens, "Do you want this Negro working alongside you? Then vote for me and it won't happen." In light of things of this nature occurring in this country, it is not surprising to hear, in reports from Korea, that there is greater spirit and a greater will to fight among the North Koreans than the South Koreans. Evidently the Communist. propaganda has put the North Koreans in a trance. And as they go into battle they see visions of the justice, opportunity, and equality that they are told a Communist victory will bring. To American propaganda about the nice=! ties of democracy the North Koreans prob- ably raise the following questions: Would Koreans in America be able to live on any street they chose? Would Koreans be able to work at any job for which they had the ability? To these questions we can give no justi- fiable answers. But we could have, had thi Senate not killed the FEPC bill. Had they gone ahead and passed it a good part of the smear of discrimination and inequalities o opportunity in the U.S. would have beer. erased and we would have taken a great step toward achieving a more perfect demo- cracy. Of course, abuses of an FEPC law would arise. But even with only nominal enforce- ment there would be compliance in the majority of instances. The practice of hir- ing on bases other than that of race or, religion would spread. And it would seem likely that in due time the mental barriers of the abusers which had been causing them to discriminate would disappear in the face of the new precedent. In a democracy there constantly are con- flicts between rights. And the right that is" more vital to the enhancement of democrat- ic institutions must be given priority. In this case the right to be able to earn a living, according to one's ability is more essential to democracy than the right to discriminate, because of race or religion. -Paul Marx t.C'I':'t1e 19491 CLTUR DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN . - - e ieiiiiieiiie--- f C IINIEM\A u ul . . n n ,q .q I , __ _ ________ _______ ______________ _ ____ ________________, LOUISIANA STORY. Produced and di- rected by Robert Flaherty from a story by Frances and Robert Flaherty. Pho- tography by Richard Leacock; edited by Helen Van Dogen. Music by the Phila- delphia Symphony. It is often the wont of Lovers of the Film to gather in solemn conclave to lament the passing of the giants, and to offer direful predictions about the future of cinema as any kind of an art form. Along with this point of view often goes a corollary atti- tude: to be good, a film must be: (a) old, and (b) foreign. And to document their findings the mourners have no difficulty at all in finding such awful examples as the nearby S and D, a technicolor spectacle type epic directed by one Cecil B. De M----. Unhappily there is much truth in all this, as there is also much that is wrong in it. It is perfectly true that Americans are producing an impressive number of lemons; it is likewise true that the French, Italian and British film-makers are turning out their share, too. We just don't get to see them here. And no country has a mo- nopoly on the idea that you can very often cover up a poor story with high-priced names and technical flourishes. I likewise suspect that there is not much i , 11 D MA to be said for the notion that somehow all the really great films were produced before, say, 1935. It doesn't hold up statistically. Instead, I find myself a subscriber to the "giant" theory: the idea that there are and have been single men who hold in their minds a complete and sustained idea of what their films should be, and who are strong enough or important enough to see that their pictures come out that way. Sergei Eisenstein, D. W. Grif- fith, and John Ford, for example. By way of substantiation I offer the present film and the present producer. It is no great surprise to find that Robert Flaherty is still capable of producing good pictures; it is something of a pleasure to discover that he still manages to make himself heard above the Technique. His eye is manifestly as steady as ever, and the "Louisiana Story" belongs somewhere ahead of "Man of Aran" and "Song of Ceylon" and somewhere be- hind "Nanook." Flaherty appears still to be operating upon the principle that pictures are to be made primarily about people and only secondarily about things or situations; and that technical gimmicks ought to be used only when they help . . . a lesson which is yet to be learned by people like Orson Welles and the aforementioned Ce- cil B. De M----. "Louisiana Story" has to do, briefly, with- a young Cajun boy who believes in mer- maids and evil spirits and a great oil com- pany which moves into his particular bayou. with its machinery and equipment. It is not much more complicated than that: you may, but the boy doesn't, see any great con- flict between his world and the machine's. Flaherty's cast is, as it always has been,' non-professional. His technique is usually to hang around the people he intends 'to film for several months until he locates both his story and his actors, and to build from there. Young Joseph Boudreaux plays the Cajun boy and, of course, does not have to act to do it. The camera is around only to record, nev- er to magnify. Most of the film seems to have been shots on silent; there are only in- frequent dialogue-sequences. The dubbed- in sound track makes use of music occasion- ally and effectively, ,but its most impres- sive function is simply as a recorder of sounds. Again and again Flaherty takes you abruptly from the quiet bayous to the booming oil rig, emphasizing contrasts, and it is about the only evidence of Flaherty editorializing. "Louisiana Story" does not have the impact of "Nanook" simply because its subject matter is not as important as "Nanook's." The encroachment of the ma- chine unnp rimitiven ife isnot. utimate- Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Summer Session, Room 3510 Admin- istration Building, bym3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1950 VOL. LX, No. 12-S Notices The Lane Bryant organization of New York, New York has openings in their executive training pro- gram for young men and women interested in entering the retail field. For further information please call at the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Building. The United States Civil Service Commission announces an exami- nation for Engineering Aid and Scientific Aidnfor positions in Illi- nois, Michigan and Wisconsin. No closing date. For further informa- tion call at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Build- ing. U. of M. Hostel Club: CORREC- TION: There will be no swimming activities Sunday afternoon and evening. Approved student organizations for the Summer Term: Graduate Outing Club. India Student's Association. Inter Arts Union. Law Students Association. Sociedad Hispanica. Young Progressives of America. Lectures Lecture, Alumni Memorial Hall, July 17, at 8:00 p.m. "The Art of Edvard Munch" by Frederick S. Wight, Associate Director, Insti- tute of Contemporary Art. A lecture illustrated in color on the Norwegian painter and gra- phic artist, Edvard Munch. Friday, July 14 Contemporary Arts and Society Program. Lecture. Carl Maas. 4:15 p.m., Architecture Auditorium. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Ver- non S. Sprague, Education; thesis: "Performances C o n t r a s t e d to Measures as Precise Estimators of Strength in Physical Develop- ment", Friday, July 14, West Al- cove,AssemblyaHall, Rackham1 Bldg., at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, B. 0. Hughes. Concerts Willard MacGregor, Guest Pian- ist, will be heard at 8:30 Tuesday evening, July 18, in the Rackham Lecture Hall, in the first of two programs to be played during the summer session. The first will in- clude compositions by Mozart, Bach, Bartok, Faure and Ravel; the second, scheduled for August 1, will be an All-Chopin program. Both are open to the general pub- lic without charge. Composers' Forum, under the di- rection of Ross Lee Finney, Pro- fessor of Composition in the School of Music, 8:30 Monday eve- ning, July 17, in the Rackham As- sembly Hall. Elaine -Brovn, Ann McKinley, Digby Bell, and Anita Bassett, pianists, Leslie Eitzen, so- prano, and Joan Bullen Lewis, cellist, will perform compositions by Grant Beglarian, Robert Cogan, Frederick Don Truesdell, and Les- lie Bassett. The program will be open to the public. Student Recital: Elizabeth Tho- mas, Organist, will present a pro- gram at 4:15 Sunday afternoon, July 16, in Hill Auditorium, in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the Master of Music de- gree. Her program will include compositions by Buxtehude, Bach, Franck and Vierne, and will be open to the public. Miss Thomas is a pupil of Josef Schnelker. The recital was previously announced for Sunday evening. Exhibitions General Library, main lobby cases. Contemporary literature and art (June 26-July 26). Rackham Galleries: "Contem- porary Visual Arts" and "Ameri- can Painting Since the War," July 3-22. Museum of Archaeology. From Tombs and Towns of Ancient Egypt. Museums Building. R o t unda exhibit, Fossil Flora of the Mi- chigan Coal Basin. Exhibition halls, "Nature's Balanced Eco- nomy." Law Library. History of Law School (basement); classics for collectors (reading room). Michigan Historical Collections. 160 Rackham Building. Tourists in Michigan, yesterday and today. Museum of Art. Oriental cera- mics (June 26-August 18). Mo- dern graphic art (July 2-30). Clements Library. American Colonial Culture. (July 5-August 1). Events Today Lane Hall Coffee Hour: Lane Hall, 4:30-6:00 p.m. All students are welcome The University Museums will have a program on Friday evening, July 14, entitled "Natures Bal- anced Economy." The exhibits to be featured in the Museums Build- ing will be on display from 7 to 9 p.m. Three short reels of motion pictures entitled "What is soil?", "Earthworm," and "Wonders in your own back yard," will be shown in Kellogg Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. The current rotunda exhibit of the Museums Building is entitled "The Coal Flora of Michigan." Grad. Student Mixer, Fri., July 14, 8:30 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall. Dr. Ralph D. Rabinovitch, Neur- opsychiatric Institute, will be our psychiatrist consultant at the case clinic Friday, July 14, at the Fresh Air Camp, Pinckney, Michigan. Contemporary Arts and Society Program. Motion picture, in col- laboration with Art Cinema Lea- gue, "Louisiana Story" (admis- sion free). 7:30 and 9:00 p.m., Hill Auditorium. Play, presented by the Depart- ment of Speech, "Antigone and (Continued on Page 3) THOMAS L. STOKES: Just Cry'Socialism' WASHINGTON - It has become fairly clear by now that the "socialism" issue can be manufactured, assembly-line fashion, in wholesale lots, on order and at cost, for propaganda purposes, One of our great industries, the private electric utilities, ad- mits that it is doing just exactly that. It tells you frankly, in a pamphlet-"The Public and You"-prepared by the Electric Com- panies Advertising Program-ECAP-and distributed to utility managements. This explains all the "socialism" stuff you see and hear in their advertising, printed and over the radio, directed at the government's public power program which includes proposed extension of the TVA idea to other great river basins. Let's begin at the beginning with the problem posed for the utilities in the fascinating continued story presented by ECAP based on a series of polls by Opinion Research Corporation. * * * * THE PROBLEM IS that a majority of people in the country approve TVA and its extension elsewhere. The polls show that 63 per cent of the people favored TVA in 1949, a drop from 67 per cent in 1947. Only 10 per cent disapproved as compared with 8 in 1947, and 27 per cent had no opinion as contrasted with 25 in 1947. A breakdown by categories is even more significant, showing that 65 per cent of upper income people approve TVA, with 16 against, others no opinion; Republicans, 55 per cent approving, 17 against; editors and educators, 83 per cent approving, 7 dis- approving; "free enterprises," 53 per cent for, 23 against. "This is a shocker," the ECAP pamphlet comments. "Sixty-three per cent of the people approve TVA. Are they socialists? 'Liberals'?, Fuzzy thinkers? Low income folks? Apparently not . . . these are people who read and get around and think, and supposedly recognize a fact when they see it. This chart gives very strong evidence that private industry's side of the TVA story has been buried in the rubble of bureaucratic propaganda." While the polls show 63 per cent also approve TVA extension in other parts of the country, with 15 against, and 22 with no opinion, ECAP takes hope from the fact that, as for setting up TVA's in the part of the country where the person resides, the percentages are 43 per cent for, 39 against, and 18 with no opinion. This, it says, shows that "most of them seem to think it is a noble experiment to raise the standard of living for some less fortunate groups 'way off there' somewhere. Now for the plot. What to do about it? THE ECAP FOUND an answer upon which it is acting in another poll. In reply to the question "Would socialism be good thing or bad thing for the United States?"-69 per cent said "bad," only 10 per cent "good," and 21 per cent had no opinion. "From the preceding charts," ECAP says, "it is apparent that to link our fight to the TVA question would run into a lot of opposition, most of it based on lack of knowledge. But to link our fight to socialism is something else again. The people do not want socialism. "We're on favorable ground there. ECAP advertising in magazines and on the radio will stress the fight against the socialistic state more in the future. It should be stressed, too, on the local level . . . in speeches, radio talks, interviews and other expressions of manage- ment opinion." There-the cat's out of the bag. Just cry "socialism." THERE'S ANOTHER WAY suggested by ECAP, too-a "big employe education job" to get utility employes to tell the story to the customers. The need for that is shown by another poll which reveals that 90 per cent of customers never have had a power company employe talk to them about the company. But, alas, there's a hitch there, too. For 45 per cent of utility employes are for TVA, another, poll discloses, with 40 per cent disapproving, and 15 per cent having no opinion. "Maybe it's just as well our employes haven't talked much," the pamphlet concludes dolefully. It looks like a lot of "education" is needed all around. (Copyright 1950, by United Feature syndicate, Inc.) Atomic B~omnb & Korea By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. AP Foreign Affairs Analyst THE UNITED STATES has reserved the right to use the atom bomb whenever it seems called for. The real blame, Secretary Acheson points out, will lie with those who use aggression. After that the weapons which come into play are incidental. Acheson's statement was made during an attack on the "World Peace Appeal" which would label A-bomb users as war criminals. It came simultaneously with a rising tide of expressions in Con- gress and elsewhere in favor of use of the bomb to end the Korean fighting. It also happened to coincide with a 500-ton bombing raid by B-29's on a North Korean rail center which naturally raised the question "what's the difference, ex- cept that one A-bomb would have done four times the job?" "* t Well, I think there is one differ- ence. The people who live around those railroad tracks are just as much the victims of their Com- munist masters as are the people below the 38th parallel. If preci- sion bombing can do the military job, then that is better politically than to wipe out either the lives or homes of those people indis- criminately. II A FEW MOMENTS after the curtain had risen on Jean Anouilh's "Antigone and the Tyrant," at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, I knew it would be impossible to write unkind words of Alice Juzek, the Speech Department's Antigone; she is re- markably beautiful. However, Miss Juzek's performance made any deceits unnecessary. In spite of several momentary lapses, she was a passionate Antigone, confidently and cour- ageously combatting the evil of her uncle, Creon, splendidly portrayed by Nafe Kat- ter, who will be remembered for his out- standing interpretations in Carroll's "On Borrowed Time" and Moliere's "School for Husbands." Miss Juzek, as the "dark, tense" girl who opposes the inhuman forces of the world, and Katter, the personification of the in- humanity, were responsible for a fine pre- sentation of the modern play, quiet though delicately paced, with a theme of antiquity. It is interesting to note that Katter's ability to convince was so magnificent that the production, in spite of Miss Juzek's at- tempts to maintain her position as the sym- pathetic protagonist, was marred fnterpre- tively; she was unable to capture all of the understanding that Creon had craftily seized. Briefly, Creon, king of Thebes. has or- At no time, however, did she lose command of an expert vocal quality, a major factor in her overall success. The overpowering irony at the play's end, Creon's task of interring three (his son Haeman, more than adequately en- acted by Earl Matthews after an initial lack of ease, his wife Eurydice, and Anti- gone) where he had previously refused to bury one, and the messenger's quiet pro- nouncement that Haeman had not only struck Creon but had attempted to stab him before committing suicide, produces a gripping resolution. The tyrant, still un- able to recognize the "sanctity of human dignity," cannot make the distinction be- tween the "things that are Caesar's and the things that are God's." The usually fine Hugh Z. Norton direction is at fault in the tragi-comic scene between Antigone and the first guard, who is symbolic of the duty-bound, impressionable followers of tyrants. The tragic implications went un- noticed because of Robert Hawkins' capacity for fulfilling an assigned characterization, It was not until the final lines of the Chorus, played to the utmost by another master of the voice, Richard Burgwin, that there was a realization of the guards' complete role. Norma Stolzenbach was convincing as the, maid, but Joyce Edgar exhibited a lack of REP. BENTSEN (Democrat, of Texas) wants to tell the North Korean military commanders to either withdraw beyond the 38th parallel within a week or use the time to evacuate their cities in preparation for receipt of atom bombs. In one respect, this would be somewhat like the United Nations resolution at the start of the fight- ing, which demanded an immed- iate cease fire. When this was ig- nored, force was called into play. It's the classic idea of force as the ultimate extension of diplomacy. But the bomb is everywhere con- sidered an American weapon, rath- er than an adjunct of the United Nations under those auspices the U.S. escapes the taint of imperial- ism in Korea. The oriental mind is not something for an occidental to pass on hurriedly. Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan underthe authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Philip Dawsen........Managing Editor Peter Hotton ... ........ .City Editor MarvinEpstein........Sports Editor Pat Brownson.......Women's Editor Business Staff Roger Wellington....Business Manager Walter Shapero... Assoc. Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other mattersherein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. BARNABY .. ..... The chalk marks are kind of worn off now, but ;t ;e iwhre *he I My Pop's going to run) a gasoline stalion- Trt~ s e -,..-.2 . 4 The~ highway will run through e woods. See that stake? Well, t con look it up at the Court House-That is-Heh, heh- I 0