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July 12, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-07-12

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Korea: Test Case

dent Truman's decision to commit Amer-
ican troops to the Korean battle as a most
momentous one. Already many observers
have labelled it as such. But although tlhe
pledging of support to Korea, done without
declaring war on Soviet Russia, is certainly
unique in our history, Truman had 4ttle
choice in taking the stand he did.
For months, and even years, many groups
and individuals have criticized the foreign
policy of the State Department toward the
Far East. Truman's lack of forcefulness in
these matters was also often cited. And these
criticisms, events have proved, were in the
main justified. What happened in Korea
convinced even the most stalwart adminis-
tration supporter that we had been too lax
once again.
Hence, confronted with a tinder box set
off by developments in Korea, and a growing
tendency toward impatience on the part of
many, Truman really had no problem in
weighing whether to sit by once again, or
step in. As he himself said, denying aid to
South Korea would have been a telling blow
to those countries who look up to us when
we say that we wish to bring democracy to
the world.
What decided the issue even further for
Mr. Truman was the tardy realization that
he was taking a step which, sooner or later,
either he or the next occupant of the White
House would have to take. That is, it was a-
question of just when we would interfere

with the present-day Communist policy of
adding to their stockpile of satellite nations.
Yet, even with the heartening news that
our troops have halted, at least, the ram=
paging North Koreans, there are those who
are reluctant to commit the necessary men
and arms entailed by the battle.
Quite naturally, only five short years since
the end of the most severe of all wars, it is
regrettable that we must once again send
men abroad, many of whom will of course
be killed. Veterans of the last war, especially,
will at first glance find this repugnant.
But in spite of this, the point remains that
in Korea we have a test case. It is here that
we will test Russia, and see if she is really'
intent on provoking another world war; if
she is, then we might as well know it now as
It is here that we will test the strength or
weakness of the United Nations. If it can-
not stand up under storm, then perhaps it is
well that we rid ourselves of ineffectual and
impotent machinery.
It is here, on the other hand, that we have
an opportunity to add to the strength and
prestige of the UN, if our efforts are success-
ful. And if we manage to smother the Korean,
conflagration, then we will have proved not
only to Russia but the world as well, that
we are dead serious in our efforts to make.
the world a more secure one, free from the,
terrors of aggression.
-Larry Rothman


At The State..

LaMarr, Victor Mature, George Sanders.
;MILTON'S "heroic Nazarite" and the Old
Testament's Danite render of lions is
conceived by Paramount in the person of
Victor Mature. Samson and Delilah dishes
up Mature's candied virility in an expertly
draped animal skin and presents him with
ranks of gorgeously-attired Philistines for
technicolor slaughter.
With childlike fidelity DeMille and his
writers have reproduced the literal scene of
the famous Biblical story. There are the
Samsonian riddles, the thirty Philistines at
the wedding feast, the betrayals and the fin-
al triumph and debacle at the temple of
Dagon. They have even lifted Delilah's re-

pentance scene from Samson Agonistes. As
you might suspect, the weighty dignity .$
Milton and the simple power of the Bible
are entirely foreign to the movie.
The technical perfection and insipid corl-
tent of Samson and Delilah typify American
motion pictures. Mighty as the theme and
plot of the Samson epic are, they have been
dealt with as though they were wooden
mazes. All depth, all ethical content, all re-
ality have been washed out under a tide of
colored panoply, sentimentality, bad acting
and totally uninspired production.
Even the old DeMille sense of "spectacle"
(that gave a kind of crude power to The.
Crusades and The Sign of the Cross) misses
fire in Samson. There is noise on the sound
track when the thousand Philistines storm
Samson and his bone weapon, but the fury
signifies nothing.
-Jacquelyne Greenhut

Point Four Fund Cut

The Whisper
WASHINGTON-The following four inci-
dents happened in widely separated
parts of the world, but they may have sig-
nificant bearing on each other:
1-IN KOREA, U.S. troops reported they
knocked out a North Korean tank; the Kor-
ean crew jumped out, their clothes on fire,
and the Americans tried to get them to sur-
render. But the Koreans rejoined their own
forces and kept on fighting. "I used to have
contempt for them," said a high American
commander, "but I was mistaken."
2-IN THE U.S. SENATE, Henry Cabot
Lodge, Republican of Massachusetts, pro-
posed two billion dollars more in arms aid
to the- world.
3-THE SENATE Appropriations Commit-
tee, one day after Gen. Dwight Eisenhower,
Gen. George Marshall, Bernard Baruch, Gen.
Bedell Smith, and Gen. David Sarnoff of
RCA had emphasized the importance of
Voice of America propaganda, proceeded to
lop $13,000,000 off the State Department's
1951 budget, and $1,300,000 off the Voice of
* * *
PROPAGANDA, of course, is a word used
to cover a great many meanings, and to
some people it means angled news, deliber-
ately twisted to put across a certain cause.
But the best propaganda is the truth. And
the most powerful weapon to make people
think you are doing good is to do good.
While we have been doing a great deal
of good through the Marshall Plan and
in many other ways, we have failed to
tell people the truth about that good.
Thus the wheat we sent to France and
Italy went into the normal channels of
trade, brought in revenue for those gov-
ernments, balanced their budgets, and
kept them in power. But the American'
people got little or no credit.
By contrast, in 1947, when the United
States actually was supplying 90 per cent
of the wheat used by the French people,
the- Soviet government landed one cargo
of wheat in Marseilles. The wheat was car-
ried in an American lend-lease ship, and
the Russians required the French :to pay
in dollars, while our wheat was given away.
Yet, by staging a parade through Marseilles,
theRussians created the impression that
they were the only nation coming to the
rescue of the hungry people of France.
Propaganda doesn't have to be carried
by radio or by the printed word. The best
and most wholesome forms of propaganda
are. by personal contact - by people-to
people friendship. This is what the Ameri-
can Legion did with its tide of toys last
Christmas to the children of Europe. It
collected 3,000,000 toys from -the kids of
the U.S.A. and distributed them to the kids
of Europe, and these gifts, straight from
the hearts of American youngsters, were
eloquent proof that the Moscow radio did
not tell the truth.
But when it's impossible to get behind
the Iron Curtain with toys, or personal con-
tacts, the next best alternative is the radio.
The Voice of America has the support of
some of the wisest and most respected lead-
ers in the country. But it will have the op-
position of some of our most shortsighted
legislators, who cut the Voice of America's
funds even while the elder statesmen were
* * *
THE DECISION by President Truman to
send the 7th Fleet and U.S. Air Forces
to Korea involved a behind the scenes dis-
agreement with General MacArthur. This
was after the President had already con-
ferred with White House and cabinet aides,
and slept on the momentous decision.
After placing General MacArthur in com-
mand, a good part of Monday night was
taken up with an argument carried on by
teletype across the Pacific as to whether

the White House or MacArthur should make
the historic announcement.
MacArthur himself wanted. to announce
to the world that he had assumed com-
mand of U.S. Navy and Air Forces and
that they were already en route to Korea.
However, the President wanted to make
it clear that the decision was his, and was
insistent that MacArthur hold back his an-
Significantly, Senator Taft told a closed-
door meeting of'the Republican Senate cau-
cus on that same, Monday, "I don't want to
be stampeded into a war."
Military men advise dthe President that
U.S. air and naval forces were far superior
to Russians in the North Pacific area,
though our ground forces were inferior.
They also advised that there were sus-
picious Russian troop movements near the
Yugoslav border and that the Korean attack
might be the beginning of a general Soviet
campaign in various parts of the world.
Those who watched the emergency cabinet
session compared it to another historic in-
vasion in September, 1931, when the Jap
war lords invaded Manchuria. At that time
the Secretary of State, Henry L. Stimson,
did his best to get the United States and
the League of Nations to act. But President
Hoover, cautious and worried, held back.
Stimson is still of the opinion that if
the United States had then moved vigor-
ously, the Japs would have backed down.
Thus, a great, bloody, eventual war in the
Far East might have been averted.
Observers also remember another historic
crisis in March, 1936, when Hitler marched

* f$0 .
W son
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interestand will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Penny Whistle

Denial .,,,
To the Editor:
WISH TO DENY completely
the statements attributed to me
and printed in the July 9 issue
of The Michigan Daily from the
interview between John Foley and
I made no comments on the po-
litical situation and the relations
between Russia and Iran.
Perhaps Mr. Foley mistook me
for someone else.
I wish to bring this matter to
your attention, and hope that you
will correct this mistake in your
next issue.
-Masud Homayouni
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Homayouni
reportedly said that he does not be-
lieve Iran can continue to resist
Soviet pressureaand willbe forced
to make a deal with the Russian
Evidently, however, there was some
mistake, as he indicates. We apolo-
gize to Mr. Homayouni and to our
readers for any confusion this may
have caused.)
Korean Problemn ..
To the Editor:
Korea, is striking out for its
national independence and again
the U.S. is attempting to prevent
the popular will as it did in China
and French Indo-China. Syngman
Rhee, after residing for 36 years
in the U.S. before going home in
'45, does not command the support
of his subjects any more than did
Chiang Kai-Shek. His top mili-
tary chief was a major in the Jap-
anese army. Eighty per cent of
the population are landless work-
ers and tenants who have been
dissatisfied because America re-
fused to nationalize the land and
industries which were largely in
the hands of Japanese and wealthy
collaborators. (Det. Free Press) Of
the 210-member Soulth Korean
Parliament, only 48 are from
Rhee's party. Rhee did not secure
permission from Parliament in

accusing North Korea of aggres-
sion nor in the appeal to the UN
for aid. Rhee has admitted jailing
13 deputies of parliament and exe-
cuting 100 "pro-Communist politi-
cians. Rhee also jailed3North
Korean political leaders who were
sent to Seoul to negotiate official-
ly for peaceful unification of Kor-
ea. These men were invited to
Seoul on official invitation from
the S. Korean parliament.
In an article in the N.Y. Herald
Tribune of Nov. 1, 1949, Sehn Sung
Mo, South Korean Chief of De-
fense said, "If we had our own way
we would, I'm sure, have started
up already, but we have to wait
until they (American government
leaders) are ready. They keep tell-
ing us, 'No, no, no, wait. You are
not ready.' We are strong enough
to march up and take Pyongyang
within a few days." If aggression
were all from the North, why did
the U.S. insist that a South Kor-
ean representative be present at
the Security Council meeting and
that a North Korean be barred?
An Air Force colonel returning
from four years service in Korea
stated that "the South Koreans
hate us - they hate most white
men., At night they'll form into
gangs of marauders, crippling
equipment and killing every Amer-
ican they can." (The Daily)
Uprisings in Rhee's army and
labor strikes have occurred con-
stantly since '47.
Asia is breaking the bonds of
American and European imperial-
ism. It is seeking national sover-
eignty. Are we to prevent this
just because it disagrees with our
foreign policy? If we wanted to
hinder Asiatic Communism, the
time was long ago against our fi-
nancial cartels which exploited
them. Americans will command
the respect of Asia by getting its
troops out of Asia. It is the only
solution at this date.
-Gordon MacDougall

A Modest Proposal =
HOSTILITIES SHOULD BE ENDED in Korea with adequate safe-
guards by the UN to insure a free election immediately thereafter
That is the opinion of a group of University students who have
drafted a proposal by which the fire in Korea could safely be extin-
guished before it grows into a major conflagration.
THEIR PROPOSAL calls for fulfillment of the following condltiops:
"1-That the United Nations appoint and duly constitute a
commission which has as its aim and whose function it shall be to
supervise and regulate the cessation of hostilities in all Korea."
It was felt that the United Nations, as the organization which
has taken responsibility for a police action in Korea, should not stop
there but should go on to provide for a peaceful settlement of the
Korean problem.
"2-That this commission be composed of representatives .of
,India, Communist China, Indonesia, Pakistan, and the Philip-
The reason for limiting the commission to Asiatic nations wat
that the crisis in Korea, according to this group, is a specifically
Asiatic problem which should be settled as such-without directly in-
volving the U.S. or the U.S.S.R. Inclusion of Communist, rather than
Nationalist, China was based upon a conviction that the former Is the
de facto government of China. Also, the government of Mao Tse-
Tung would be the only Communist government on the commission-
and it would be important to have the Communists represented in
order to preserve impartiality in the eyes of all members of the United
"3-That this commission shall be empowered to enforce a
simultaneous withdrawal of American troops from Korean soil
and of North Korean troops north of the 38th parallel of Ingitude."
Obviously, no peaceful settlement in Korea could be worked out
until a cease-fire order had been obeyed on both sides. Once an agree-
ment to end hostilities had been obtained, the UN commission would
move in and the armies presently struggling would move back to their
previous positions.
"4-That after cessation of hostilities and withdrawal of
fighting forces, the commission shall supervise and certify to the
Security Council (of the UN) free elections in all Korea, utilizing'
such troops as it may designate to enforce its authority."
A peaceable and lasting settlement of the Korean problem evi-
dently calls for unification of the country under an elected govern-
ment. Much would depend upon the fairness and freedom of the
election. This is the group's reason for suggesting that a UN Commis-
sion on the Far East be made responsible, with power to enforce its
"5-That after supervision, regulation, and policing of the
election, and certification of a new government of unified Korea
to the United Nations, the personnel of the commission shall be
withdrawn from Korea."
The purpose of this provision was simply to indicate the belief of
this group of students that Korea should be governed by Koreans, not
by the United States, the U.S.S.R., or even a UN Commission.
The proposal as a whole, it was felt, provides a reasonable basis
upon which the fighting in Korea might be stopped with due assur-
ance that the wishes of the Korean electorate would be respected.
Russia & the UN
AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
WITH THE KREMLIN'S vicious attacks on the United Nations Se-
curity Council and Secretary General Trygve Lie in connection
with Korea, speculation over whether the Soviets will ever return to
the Council halls has been heightened.
The Security Council is now being described in Russian pro-
paganda as "half wrecked," and merely a tool of the U.S. State
Department. The nations which joined the United States in calling
for action against the Korean Communists are called "bloody
fools" and "a coalition of imperialists and beasts of prey."
Lie, who was thea only man Russia would consider for Secretary
General, has been vilified recently in the Soviet press in words which
approach the extremes in publishable terms.
THERE ARE VARIOUS angles to support speculation that Russia,
never intending real cooperation in the world family, may con-
sider that the game, the way she has been playing it at Lake Succesi,
is up.
Many observers have felt all the time that Russia's agitation over
admission of Communist china and the subsequent boycott were a
ruse, that she actually intended to destroy the Communist bloc's "last
contacts with the West, just as she has been curtailing diplomatic con-
tacts in the individual countries as a part of her defense against Tito-
HE U.S. ANNOUNCEMENT that it will defend Formosa changes
the relationship between America and Communist China from one
of mutual antipathy to one approximating an armed truce. As long
asthe present situation exists, ad- 1
msinof Peiping representatives
to the halls of Lake Success seems
extremely unlikely if not impos-

sible. 6
Russia, then, can be expected l r * 4 eit
sembly, in which the Nationalist
Chinese will continue to parti-
pate. And she might leave for
good. ~
There is a great deal more com-
placency about this prospect in
United Nations circles than was
the case just a month ago, al-
though Lie, is reported clinging to
his program which includes luring
Russia back to the Council tables
through admission of the Chinesee Fifty-Ninth Year
Communists. the University of Michigan under the
-___a--------tyof theBoard in Control of


WASHINGTON - Our joint military en-
deavdr with the United Nations to check
North Korean Communist aggression against
the Republic of South Korea has lifted the
morale of the free nations of the world,
to which we gave quick and inspiring lead-
It demonstrated that we are willing
to fight for the principles of freedom and
self-rule and the protection of independent
nations against molestation so they can
develop peacefully in accordance with the
aspirations of their people.
But, when the episode is over - and it
may be a long and hard ordeal - it will be
a single episode in a" continuous struggle
of free nations. There still will remain the
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Neurotic Ape
LAS, POOR "BOBO"; He's altogether too
"Bobo" is the St. Louis Zoo's gorilla with
a neurosis. Eighteen months ago, perhaps
being aware of Darwinian theories and dis-
appointed by what comes of them, he could-,
n't stand the sight of human beings. So
"Bobo" was taken into the home of Frank
Florsek, his trainer, and there he thrived on
human companionship. Now he has been
returned to his Zoo cage, and a new prob-.
lem has developed: He can't stand the sight
of other gorillas, and he grows moody and
morose at night, when there aren't any hu-
man crowds around.
Maybe there's a lesson in the plight of
"Bobo." Maybe the best thing for human
beings and gorillas who've climbed onto the
psychiatrist's couch to do is to fall asleep
there and firmly refuse to be moved.
The Season
SPRING, THEY SAY, is a state of mind.
But not .summer. Summer is a state of
body, hard and unyielding.
Summer casts its shadow before it, of
course. When you stoop to admire a full-
glown rose and notice aphids on the bud,
summer is inching close. When usuddently
the lawn doubles in size and the grass be-

task, to which we and the United Nations
have dedicated ourselves, of eradicating pov-
erty, hunger, disease, lack of economic op-
* * *
FOR THE LONG-TERM JOB of improving
economic conditions among the free na-
tions, which we share also to a degree with
the United Nations, we have undertaken
other non-military enterprises. The two
form a balanced program, and we want to
keep it in balance.
Among. the economic measures, aside
from the familiar and vast ECA program,
there is the so-called Point Four pro-
gram. That is for technical assistance to
all sorts of undeveloped nations to help
them improve living conditions - by mod-
ernizing agricultural and industrial me-
thods, providing new food facilities,
stamping out disease; in short, to make
their lands more livable. As one high of-
ficial here put it:
"You've got to give people something to
live for."
A man whose work carried him all about
the world, he said that nothing had so
raised the spirits of people elsewherehas the
Point Four program, its aims and its poten-
* * *
IT IS A RELATIVELY inexpensive pro-
gram. President Truman asked that $45,-
000,000 be appropriated for it. Congress re-
duced this to $35,000,000. Now, in the neces-
sary bill appropriating the funds, this was
slashed to $10,000,000 by the Senate Appro-
priations Committee. Why, it is hard to
The United Nations has a similar program
of its own in which $20,000,000 was to be
spent, of which the United States had
pledged 60 per cent, or .$12,007,500. The ap-
propriation contemplated by the Senate
committee would not even meet that pledge.
This has caused consternation at Lake Suc-
cess among representatives of other na-
tions which had counted much on that pro-
gram and oui participation, as well as on
our own program.
What makes the Senate committee's at-
titude difficult to comprehend is that this
is something that we have been doing,
without much publicity, for a long time,
Sanitation, cleansing of water supplies, in-
troduction of new crops and new methods
of agriculture, school administration, fis-
cal and budget procedures - all by Ameri-
can experts in countries all over the globe.
Their introduction thus tar has made



(Continued from Page 3)

Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Ern-
est William Salmi, Physics; the-
sis: "The Measurement of the
Beta Spectra and the Internal
Conversion Electrons of Various
Isotopes," Friday, July 14, East
Alcove, Assembly Hall, Rackham
Bldg., at 2 p.m. Chairman, J. M.
Doctoral Examination for Eve-
lyn Pease Tyner, Biological Chem-
istry; thesis: "The Antilipotropic
Activity of Cystine," Friday, July
14, 317 West Medical Bldg., at
1:30 p.m. Chairman, H. B. Lewis.
Student Recital: Margaret Mc-
Call, pianist, will present a pro-
gram at 8:30 Wednesday, in the'
Rackham Assembly Hall, in par-
tial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master
of Music. Miss McCall is a pupil
of Joseph Brinkman. Program:
compositions by Bach, Beethoven.

Franck, and Poulenc. Open to
the public.
Student Recital: Colette Jab-
lonski, pupil of Joseph Brinkman,
will be heard in a piano recital at
8:30 p.m. Thursday July 13, in
the Rackham Assembly Hall. Pre-
sented in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Master
of Music degree, it will include
compositions by Ravel, Hinde-
mith and Chopin, and will be open
to the public.
Carillon Recital: 7:15 p.m.
Thursday July 13, by Percival
Price, University Carillonneur. Se-
lections from Grieg's Peer Gynt
Suite L five German folk songs,
four Latin-American airs, and
Strauss' Blue Danube Waltzes.
General Library, main lobby
cases. Contemporary literature
and art (June 26-July 26).
Rackbamn Galleries: "Contem-
Porary Visual Arts" and "Ameri-

can Painting Since the War,"
July 3-22.
Museum of Archaeology. From
Tombs and Towns of Ancient
Museums Building. Rotunda
exhibit, American Indian stimu-
lants. Exhibition halls, "Trees
Past and Present." Fridays, 7:00-
9:00 p.m.
Law Library. History of Law
Schoolr(basement); classics for
collectors (reading room).
Michigan Historical Collections.
160 R.ackham Building. Tourists
in Michigan, yesterday and today.
(Continued on Page 5)

Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Philip Dawson......Managing Editor
Peter Hotton..n..........City Editor
Marvin Epstein......Sports Editor
Pat Brownson.......women's Editor
Business Staff
Roger wellington....Business Manager
waiter Shapero...Assoc. Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of° all other
matters -herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.


n fWhy-If I run the

All those trucks in town-

Yes indeed, m'boy. Well, II


.111, w!"I

Thank you, no, m'boy-l


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