THE MICHIGAN DAILY ATE, CARNIVAL, REVIVAL MEETING: Dayton Still Rec alls 'Monkey Trial' DAYTON, Tenn.-]P)--In 1925, snake was found in Ireland; Ger- t de Ederle broke a record swim- g down New York Bay; Presi- nt Coolidge ordered rum-run- s driven out of sight of his mner cottage. And a couple Wsmarried 3,000 feet over De- tWit while a minister shouted the eremony through a megaphone ftomn another plane. * * * IT ALSO WAS the year that Ahn Thomas Scopes, a 24-year- 4d high school biology teacher, ckcided to test a new Tennessee sate law banning the teaching of olution - that man descended fom a lower order of animals. The' result was the famed monkey trial," which was, in drying degree, a debate, carni- al and revivalist camp meet- ing. The trial started 25 years ago ttxnorrow and this sleepy little twn (population 3,200 by the 1950 (population 5,318 by the 1950 4nsus) has never seen anything lite it before or since. * * * THERE WAS Williams Jennings Bryan, silver-tongued defender of fundamentalism, ex-Secretary of State and three times the Demo- c tic nominee for President. There was Clarence Darrow, scowling, billiant, agnostic attorney who lately had made headlines in the tbeb-Leopold trial. There were pious farmers Noming to town in mule-drawn wagons, and city lawyers in big cars. There were reporters and telegraphers and radio broad- casters who set up shop in the :courthouse and. evangelists who set up tabernacles outside. There were glib photographers Whoposed pretty girls in monkey suits and there were solemn sci- e*ti1ts from great universities. here were 'blind minstrels sing- ing mountain hymns with promise of reward for the faithful, and there were other minstrels who sang lusty soldier ballads of the late war. THERE WERE-MEN who climb- ed trees and hung signs saying, "be sure your sins will find you out. And there were promoters ofering two chimpanzees as court exbibits and a three-foot man identifled as "The Missing Link." There was a string quartet and there were vendors who set up stands in the hot, dusty streets and Sold soda, sandwiches, wat- rinelons and religious books. There was a man who had his 6*w demonstration of the origin of the species - a cat which looked like a cat from the front and like a rabbit from the rear. The man called it a "cabit." * * * * * * a- HUMAN RELATIVES?-The question that drew the trial of John T. Scopes off the track, and was responsible for most of the indignation as well as most of the humor in the affair, was whether man is descended from anthropoids like these. * * * <> * 1 * >4* * * And there was the free-thinker from Michigan who was arrested by Sid Strunk, Dayton's only po- liceman. (Sid explained: "He was- n't talking right and I was afraid some of the boys'd take hold of him.") * * * THEY WERE ALL there to take part in, watch, report or profit by the spectacle of the "Great Com- moner" taking on the fiery liberal lawyer in open court. They were not disappointed. While photographers shot pic-. tures from tables and chairs in the small, hot courtroom, Bryan. boomed: "Parents have -a right to say that no teacher paid by their mon- ey shall rob their children of faith, in God and send them back t their homes skeptical infidels or agnostics or athiests." There were "Amens" from the. crowd. Darrow said the "Amens" should be inserted in the court record. * * * ATTORNEY - GENERAL A. T. Stewart, his arms spread to heav- en, shouted: "Would they haveame believe I was once a worm and writhed in the dust? Would they take from me my hope of- the Here- after?" Aided by attorneys Dudley Field Malone and Arthur Garfield Hays, Darrow denounced the anti-evo- lution law as a "brazen and bold attempt to destroy liberty." EVERYONE in the court had removed his coat because of the heat. Bryan, in a pongee shirt turned in at the neck, cooled him- self with a palm-leaf fan. Darrow wore bright lavender suspenders, which he constantly tugged at with his thumbs. The state took but one hour to present its case. Two high school students testified ' Scopes had taught evolution. But side issues and technicalities occupied the first 14 days of the trial. Then came the great climax on the 11th day, when the judge had moved the trial out to the court house lawn so more people could watch. * * * ON THAT DAY, July 20, 1925, -Bryan took the stand as a Bible expert and faced the scowling Darrow under the elms. He began with poise-and good humor. But Darrow had baited his hooks care- fully and pulled long and hard at each nibble. Two hours later, Bry- - U an was wilted and shaking with rage. In that time, he had admit- ted he knew little or nothing of comparative religion, geology and physiology. It was a bitter two hours. Bryan said Darrow was insult- ing the people of Tennessee. Dar- row said, "you insult every man of science and learning in the world because he does not believe in your fool religion." COURT ADJOURNED soon af- ter that. The next day Judge Raulston refused to allow Bryan to continue and threw out all his testimony. The questionbefore the jury was not one of religion, but of law. Scopes readily admitted teach- ing the theory. But Darrow ar- gued the indictment was invalid because the lawybanning teach- ing of the theory violated a sec- tion of the state constitution. After lengthy deliberation Judge Raulston ruled that purely from a point of law the indictment was valid. Darrow abruptly ended his case. He was now more interested, he said, in the appeal than the im- mediate trial. A JURY OF 11 farmers and a clerk quickly convicted Scopes. The judge fined him $100. Later the Tennessee Supreme Court upheld Raulston in ruling the law consti- tutional, but Scopes did not have to pay the $100 fine. The court reversed the pen- alty on the grounds the trial judge could not assess a fine of more than $50 in a misdemea- nor case. Bryan died five days after the trial. Darrow died 13 years later. TODAY John Thomas Scopes lives in Shreveport, La., with his wife and two sons, aged 17 and 14, in a modest residential district. He is a geologist for a gas com- pany. Scopes says he is "very sel- dom" reminded of the evolution trial, "My friends who know about it never bring it up in my pres- ence." "The primary issue at stake," he reminisces, "was could legis- lation decide what was to be taught in the schools. But it turned out to be a clash of two different lines of thought." Then the geologist reaffirms his stand during those turbulent court days: "The general public should have no more right to tell a teacher what to do in his line than to tell a priest or anyone trained in the religious field how he should lead his flock and teach the principles of Christ." Scopes quit teaching after the trial and went to the University of Chicago and studied for several years. Then he worked in South America for three years, returning to Chicago for more study. SIXTY MILES from here, at South Pittsburgh, Tenn., Judge Raulston, spry and white-haired at 84, now practices law and writes a column for a weekly newspaper. "I don't think our children should be taught any theory that would tend to destroy their faith in the integrity of the Bible, says Raulston, puttering in his library 25 years after the trial. "That was in my heart then and is there now. "The trial was a difficult as- signment for me. The issues were Lectures on Cell Begin Symposium Physiology and chemistry of the cell will be discussed at a two-week symposium which will begin here at 8 p.m. Monday with a lecture on "The Cell and its Nucleus" in the auditorium of the School of Public Health. The symposium is under the di- rection of Prof. D. E. Brown of the zoology department. Prof. Daniel Mazia of the Uni- versity of Missouri will deliver the first two lectures. He is the author of Biologic Effects of Radiation and Protein of Nucleic Acid Chem- istry. * * * THE NEXT TWO lectures will be given by Prof. M. D. Kamen of Washington University. Prof. Ka- men, author of Tracer Methods in Biology and Biochemistry and Metabolism in Photosynthesis and Bacterial Processes, is a chemist with the Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology. Prof. M. J. Kopac of New York University will deliver two lec- tures. He has written Enzymatic C y t o e h e m i stry, Intracellu- lar Physiological Solutions and Isolation of Cytoplasmic Pro- teins. Prof. T. M. Sonneborn of the University of Indiana will give the last two lectures. He is the author of Beyond the Gene, Paramecium in Modern Biology, and The Cyto- plasm in Heredity. In addition to the eight lectures given in this first biological sym- posium the lecturers will conduct four technical seminars. All lectures will be given in the auditorium of the School of Pub- lic Health. The seminars are to be held in the East Lecture Room, mezzanine, Rackham Bldg. Symposium Will Discuss Plays,_Theatre Three lectures on drama and the theatre will be featured in the graduate speech symposium to be held this week. Elden Smith of Bowling Green State University will speak at 4 p.m. tomorrow on "Practical The- atre" in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Second lectures will be "Inter- pretation," Prof. Louis M. Eich, of the speech department at 4 p.m. Tuesday also in the Rackham East Conference Room. Concluding the series will be Monroe Lippman, president of the American Educational Theatre As- sociation and chairman of Tulane University's Department of Speech. He will speak on "Protest Plays-Prewar and Postwar" at 3 p.m. in the Rackham Amphithe- atre. These lectures are open to the public without charge. Wenrich Will Lecture Twice Prof. Ralph C. Wenrich of the school of education will speak on "The Contribution of Vocational Education to the Objectives of General Education" at 3 p.m. to- morrow in the University High School auditorium. Second lecture in this week's education series will be given by Prof. William C. Morse of the School of Education and Director of the Fresh Air Camp, at 3 p.m. Tuesday in the auditorium. His lecture will be "Relationship of Therapy and Education." The lectures are open to the public without charge. Money Left for State History Comprehensive hi t o r i e s of Michigan and Michigan education may become realities under the will of the president emeritus of Michigan State Normal College at Ypsilanti. John H. Munson, who died June 22, willed $100,00 of his estate to set up the Munson Michigan His- tory Fund. IT IS to be spent by the Mich- igan Historical Commission for preparation and free distribution to colleges and universities of Michigan of the two volumes, one on Michigan, the other on Michi- gan education. A three-year time limit has been set to complete the volumes. If they aren't done by June 22, the third anniversary of Munson's death, the money will go into M U S I C O N T H E R U N-A Bersaglieri band, which trains in double-time, takes off on a concert through the streets of Milan, Italy, during celebration of its 114th anniversary. N A V Y D E L I V E k S-A nun shepherds orphans who received gifts from the ship's personnel and American religious groups during a visit to U. S. cruiser Worcester at Naples. Italy. ASSOCIATED PRESS' 6PIIRENEWS W I N G S O V E R A L C A T R A Z-Planes of Fighter Squadron 141 pass in formation over ' Alcatraz Island on patrol of San Francisco Bay area during Marine Corps Reserve training. 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