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July 09, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-07-09

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VOL. LX, No. 9-S



. . battalion Behind









Williams scaes Convicts 'Plo

: Riot Nipped
As Hostage
Plan Foiled
Guards Injured;
Governor Unhurt
MARQUETTE - (P) - Three
hardened inmates of Marquette
State Prison were foiled late yes-
terday in their daring attempt to
break out with Gov. G. Mennen
Williams as hostage.
The young governor escaped un-
harmed in the near riot that was
quelled by fast action on the part
of guards and state police.
*, * *
BUT ONE of the convicts was
shot and seriously wounded in
the abdomen, the Governor's
bodyguard was stabbed twice in
the back,and a prison guard suf-
fered a broken arm.
All three convicts were serving
long terms for armed robbery, and
all were placed immediately in
solitary confinement after their
escape attempt was put down.
THIS IS how Warden Emory
Jacques, who was with the Gov-
ernor throughout the brief vio-
lence, described it:
Williams arrived at the pri-
son for an inspection shortly
before 5 p.m. and entered the
dining hall 'just as the convicts
were starting an evening meal.
"We were standing at the back
of the hall by a glass door which
goes into the kitchen," Jacques
"Suddenly, one of the convicts,
who was in the kitchen, opened
the door and came out swinging
a .mop handle. Another grabbed
the Governor by the arms and
dragged him into the kitchen."
* * *
HE - THEN menaced Williams'
with the big kitchen knife. The
Governor's bodyguard went to his
aid., A third convict turned on bim
with a smaller knife, wounding
him twice in the back.
Jacques shouted, "Shoot to
The bodyguard, Sgt. George
Kerr, then whipped out the gun
he had carried with him into the
prison and fired at his attacker
as guards pulled the knife-wielding
convict away from Williams and
grabbed the others. '
'Antigone and
Tyrant' Opens
The theme of rugged indivi-
dualism against the all-powerful
state marks Jean Anouilh's "An-
tigone and the Tyrant," opening
Wednesday as the second offering
of the speech department's sum-
mer series.
The play, based on the classical
Greek legend of Antigone, will be
presented in an individualistic
manner, in contemporary dress
and setting.
Anouilh's latest play, the "Cry
of the Peacock," opened on Broad-
way last spring after "Antigone"
was brought there by Katherine
Cornell in 1946 after a successful
run in Paris.
Play Production's presentation,
running through Saturday, is di-
rected by Hugh Z. Norton of the
department of speech.
The cast includes Alice Juzek

as Antigone, Nafe Katter as Creon,
Richard Burgwin as the Chorus,
Earl Matthews as Haemon and
Joyce Edgar as Ismene.
Pleven May
Form Cabinet
PARIS - (P) - Rene Pleven





SSocial Security
Sen. Paul H. Douglas of Illinois, will give an address on "Public
Responsibility for Social Security'' at 2:15 p.m. Tuesday in Rackham
Sen. Douglas, who is a former economics professor at the Uni-
versity of Chicago will give the second lecture of the summer sym-
posium "The Quest for Social Security."
* * *
ONE OF THE EARLIEST advocates of old age pensions and
unemployment insurance, Douglas drafted the first old age pension
act passed in Illinois. After the Legislature passed this act in 1935 he
* * * < was called on again in 1937 to
help draft the state unemployment
Mminsurance act.

The Illinois Democrat worked
under Franklin D. Roosevelt on
the Consumers Advisory Board
of the NRA and aided in the
formulation of the Social Se-
curity Act. He also was drafted
by Roosevelt, then governor of
New York, to serve as Secretary
of the New York Committee to
Stabilize Employment.
As a member of the Illinois
State Housing Commission, Dou-
glass led a fight in the 1930s to
reduce electricity and gas rates
and to protect investors in private
utilities from shady financial
manipulations. And Governor Hor-
ner of Illinois then recruited Dou-
glas to draft the Utilities Act of
DOUGLAS was elected a Chi-
cago alderman in 1939 and gained
fame for his fight against graft'
and corruption in that city.
In 1942, at the age of 50, Dou-
glas enlisted in the Marine Corps

KOREANS CHEER U.S. TROOPS-South Koreans line the streets of an unidentified city to gref
and applaud U.S. troops as they arrived shortly before moving into front line positions in the shoo

ing war.

* * *

* * *

* * *

MacArthur Named UN Commande

Senate Group
proves U
Money Bill,

Truman yesterday named General
Douglas MacArthur to the unpre-
cedented post of supreme com-
mander for United Nations forces
fighting the Communists in Ko-
The General was directed to fly
the blue and white UN flag.
THE ACTION coincided with re-
ports from Europe that Russia
may be interested in trying to end
Statehood Bills
May Get Action
WASHINGTON - (R) - Sena-
tor Joseph C. O'Mahoney (Dem.,
Wyo.) chairman of the Senate
Interior Committee said today he
is confident the Alaska and Hawaii
statehood bills will be acted upon
by the Senate before adjournment
-- if there is an adjournment of

the Korean clash - or, contrarily,
may be maneuvering to raise false
hopes in the West.
The two developments sharp-
ly revived the diplomatic side of
the Korean situation and this
presumably figured in an hour-
long conference which Mr. Tru-
man had with Secretary of State
Acheson before making the Mac-
Arthur announcement.
The reports of diplomatic ac-
tivity in Moscow came from Lon-
don. They grew out of a meeting
Thursday between Deputy Foreign
Minister Andrei Gromyko and
British Ambassador Sir David
Britain had asked several days
earlier that the Russians intervene
in Korea to restore peace. Accord-
ing to London report, Andrei
Gromyko is supposed to have ask-
ed Sir David Kelly, British am-
bassador, what Britain thought
Russia might do. Thus- he ap-
parently did not reject the Bri-
tish idea outright as a similar

as a private. He
WASHINGTON - (AP) - A $34,- of Lt. Colonel
688,000,000 money bill to run the Bronze Star ar
government this fiscal year was And in 1948, tw
approved yesterday by the Senate discharge, he w
Appropriations committee. Senate.
It was $1,473,000,000 less than
President Truman wanted.
IT GOES to the Senate for de-
bate expected to start Tuesday; UNV
then back to the House for agree- U ,L e
ment on changes. Congress auth-
orized departments to keep on MOSCOW -
spending until it gets the bill Gazette yester
passed. I
The committee knocked out strongest Russia
two controversial cost-cutting on Secretary-Gi
amendments which the House and the United 1\
had accepted, and defeated a Commenting c
substitute for them which Re- Korean case, the
publicans had proposed. Secretary-Gener
The one-package appropriation, right-wing socie
lumping all services of the govern- Wall Street an
ment in a single bill for the first American aggren
time, covers most major expendi-inweckntherU
tures. A notable exception is fixed ing wreckh a
charges totalling about $8,000,000,- The attack m
000, including interest on the pect of Lie beir
$256,000,000,000 federal debt. five-year term is

rose to the rank
and received the
nd Purple Heart.
No years after his
as elected to the
rs Blast
R)-The Literary
day levelled the
n attack yet made
eneral Trygve Lie
on Lie's role in the
gazette called the
al a coward, a
alist, a stooge of
d an "abettor of
ssion" who is help-
ay wreck any pros-
ng re-elected. His
s up early in 1951.

proposal from the United Sta
was rejected.
* * *
terest by Gromyko was interpre
in London dispatches as a po
ble Russian peace feeler.
Authorities here did not co
firm or deny that the actu
event occurred. But they not
that it'could be:
1-A hopeful opening.
2-A diplomatic cover to s
off the West with meaning
talk while the Korean fight g
3-A device to raise false ho
in the world by hinting at pe
without any intention to work
Inj unction
Orders End of
Rail Strike
CHICAGO - (A) - The gove
ment seized the strikebound-F
'Island railroad yesterday and
a temporary strike-ending cc
order last night.
The head of the striking
switchmen then ordered hisn
back to work at once.
* * *
A SERIES of rapid-fire de
opments led to the strike canc
tion. They were:
The Army seized the railroa
6 p.m. on orders from Presid
The strike leaders continued
fiance of Mr. Truman's requ
and refused to go back to w
Federal Judge John Knight
Buffalo, N.Y., on request oft
Justice Department, issued
temporary injunction. It order
the strikers to resume their jo
on the Rock Island.
Arthur J. Glover, union pri
dent, in Chicago told the stri
to resume work. He made his
nouncement shortly before r

Communist Mov
tSti1 Unchecked
1 American Armor Reported Not Y
In Battle in Appreciable Strengt
By The Associated Press
A U.S. infantry battalion, cut off during the battle which p
ceded Chonan's fall last night, apparently still is behind Commu
lines in Korea.
A communique from General MacArthur's headquarters
first efforts to relieve the battalion were unsuccessful. There w
no details about the unidentified outfit, nor was it clear whether
battalion is conducting some sort of behind the lines action.
Previously part of an American battalion was partially tray
at Osan by the Communists, but most of its personnel manage
reach American line later.
Near the Chonan front, meanwhile, an American tank and
fantry column was reported moving up to meet a Korean Gommu
column reported pushing south after capturing Chonan.
So far there has been no indica-> * *
tion that American armor has
clashed with the Communists any- U.S.-British
where in strength.
* * *
EARLIER REPORTS said Amer- Nav lF r
et ican soldiers, cursing the lack of VR orce
t- t a n k s, heavier artillery a n d
planes, were retreating in Korea. 11W d
A communique from the head- 1 LIIV tUIJ
quarters of Gen. Douglas Mac-
Aruthr said massive North Ko-
reancolumns of tanks, infantry TOKYO-P)-A furious V
and guns which appeared simi- British naval bombardment lo
alr to American "Long Tom" landslides that blocked the n
ates 155's were threatening h i s road on Korea's east coast
right flank. invader troops piling up be]
But all was not black in the war the roadblocks are being rake
in- picture. fire.
eted * * * This was reported today
ssi- FRONT LINE dispatches re- General MacArthur's commun
ported the arrival of American which also disclosed that n
.n- "military equipment" - probably units invaded North Korean ws
ual tanks which are known to be in and pounded an oil storage a
ed Korea now - and fresh men, even * * *
as the small forward elements re- INTE
treated through Chonan, 60 miles a Brit swLATTER engaget
tall south of Seoul, the Korean capital. mm fire in close to shore
less The tanks soon may be thrown hurled its shells into coast 1
goes into battle for the first time. gets.
The Americans had not yet com-
pes mitted to action any major unit This 'action swirled aro
ace above the Kum river, 'a natural Yangyang, 10 road miles no
for barrier about 18 miles south ,of of the 38th parallel which divi
Chonan and the same distance north and south Korea,
north of Taejon, American field
headquarters. Tokyo headquarters When the attacking wars
indicated nothing larger than an retired, great oil fires were rag
American battalion (possibly no The communique said the m
more than 500 men) had yet seen power supply for Yangyang
battle. was destroyed.
* * * The communique did not
FIELD headquarters said 17 when all this coastal bombard=
more North Korean tanks had took place, but indicated it
been destroyed, in addition to ear- was in progress.
ern- Tier reports of about 40 knocked * * *
Zock out. These estimates, however, IT SAID that the warships,
got overreached by far the claims of causing landslides which blo
ourt the Air Force which was credit- the cliff road, "are taking tr
ed with most of the kills. which are piling up at these bl
AFL The communique said the under fire."
men North Korean offensive had
been slowed, but -added that Cliff slides blocked the ci
bridges blown out by the Air road between Samehok, 40 m
vel- Force probably caused much of south of the border, and 1mw
ella- the shortened pace. jin, about 25 miles farther sot
Then it reported that the North .hic
d at Koreans were massing tanks, in- This inor s the road edown ewhih
dent fantry and guns in forward zones endn light armored units i
for a renewed strike. From 80
de- to 110 tanks were reported moving apparent threat to Pusan, the
ests up to the main front pointed southeast port.
ork. through Chonan toward Taejon,
in while elements of four more di-
the visions with armor were being W orW New
a concentrated along a 60 mile front
red to the eastward.
obs The communique said these
flanking forces may be aiming By The Associated Press
esi- either at a circling thrust at Tae-
kers jon, or at a smash across MacAr- WASHINGTON-The Army
an- thur's main communication lines nounced yesterday "an imme
mid- at Taegu, 65 miles southeast of call for enlisted reservists to
Taejon. unteer for extended activec



R -



Foreign Students Support
U.S. Policy, Action in Korea

The United States foreign poli-
cy is perfectly right, is the opin-
ion reflected by foreign students
interviewed by The Daily at a
reception held by the International
Robert Kishaba, '54 and visiting

Student Directory on Sale Tomorrow
4, * * * *

"Eight thousand hard-working
students for 50 cents" is the sales
cry of Roger Wellington, editor of
the 1950 summer student directory,
coming out tomorrow.
The directory holds 8,500 names,
to be exact, as well as local and
home addresses and phone num-
Wellington, who is also business
manager and map-expert of The
Daily, managed production single-
handedly in the near-record time
of two weeks after school started,
employing a two-woman typing
staff, one of whom worked 48 con-
secutive hours.
Selling again this year at "the
lowest price in history," the sta-
tistic-jammed book will be avail-
able at all campus bookstores,
Union and League and from cam-
pus salesman at the Diag and En-
gine Arch.
Besides students' names the

Prof. Hatorri Shiro, both of Japan,
approved wholeheartedly the Uni-
ted States' taking an uncompro-
mising stand in Korea.
armed combat was the only course
possible, and another added that
this action should have been taken
five years ago at the very begin-
ning of the Communist action in
Referring to a new U.S. poli-
cy of limited aid to Iran, Ezat
Golshan, Spec. said that Iran
needs help, but weapons are
not what that country needs.
Iran needs to make social pro-
gress along such fields as educa-
tion above all, he said.
* * *
also of Iran, did not believe that
Iran can continue to resist Rus-
sian pressure and that she"ll have
to make some sort of deal with
Going north along the line just
outside the Iron Curtain, Finland's
present government is insecure due
to the pact that it had made with
Russia, according to Aarno Arola,
Grad., of Finland.
"R u s s i a doesn't understand
words, only action," he said.
Two South American a n d
several other students querried
agreed with the American stand
in Korea, while Pablo Perez of
Columbia thought that this ac-
tion would also help the UN.




Gordon Clapp To Spea k
On Near East Tuesday
* * *
The possibilities of economic de-
velopment of the Near East will bejt
discussed by Gordon R. Clapp,
Chairman of the Board of the
Tennessee Valley Authority in an
address at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday in
the Rackham Amphitheater.
The lecture, entitled "An Ap- '
proach to Economic Development.
in the Near East," is being given
in conjunction with the summer
Institute on the Near East.

for a minimum of one year or
such longer period as may be
* * *
MOSCOW-Russia accused
Western Allies again yesterday
violating the Italian peace tre
with regard to Trieste.
BERLIN-Water from the R
sian sector of Berlin flowed :
pipes in the western occupied s
tors today after a six-day halt
The agreement to restore
water supply came the day a
talks opened looking to the
storation of normal trade betw,
the Western and Russian zone
48 UN Members
n~ -rr. r 7 T -..


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