DIFFICULTIES IN KOREA See Page 2, Y Latest Deadline in the State iai 4 m~ 0 o 0 ° -s FAIR VOL. LX, No. 9-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1950 FOUR PAGES President Seeks More Atom Funds Asks Increase of $260,000,000 WASHINGTON--(AP)- President Truman called on Congress yes- terday to provide $260,000,000 to speed the atomic defense program and further the work of develop- ing the awesome hydrogen bomb. * The money is needed for addi- tional and more efficient plants "of advanced design," capable of producing either weapons for war or fuels potentially useful for peacetime power, the President said. UNTIL GENUINE and effective international control of atomic energy can be achieved, he said, "We must strengthen our own de- fenses." Members of Congress said the request was planned before the Korean outbreak. He noted in his statement that the January directive instructed the Atomic Energy Commission to continue its work on all forms of atomic weapons, "including the hydrogen fusion bomb." "In this new undertaking," the President said, "the Atomic Energy Commission has my complete con- fidence, based upon the able 'and vigorous leadership which it has given to the atomic energy pro- gram in the past." * * * HIS STATEMENT made no mention of the fact that the com- mission, normally a five-member body, is down to three commis- sioners. His reappointment of Sumner T. Pike has been under heavy fire from some senators, with a vote on confirmation due Monday. The President has named no permanent chairman to succeed David E. Lilienthal, who resigned from the commission in February. Some Washington lawmakers, however, said the chance that Pike would be confirmed for re- appointment was looking up, despite the adverse 5 to 4 vote his nomination received from Senate members of the Joint Atomic Committee. The Senate Appropriations Com- mittee is considering a regular budget item for the Atomic Com- mission, carrying $647,820,000 in cash and $300,150,000 in contract authority for the current fiscal year. The House, in approving those sums, trimmed the total $61,980,000 below what the com- mission asked. Committee ClearsJessup WASHINGTON-(P)-The Dem- oeratic majority of a Senate For- eign Relations Subcommittee re- portedly voted unanimously yes- terday to clear Ambassador Philip C. Jessup of "pro - Communist" charges fired at him by Senator McCarthy (R-Wis.). Informants who asked not to be named gave differing versions of the position of the two Repub- licans on the committee. ONE SOURCE said both GOP members abstained from voting. Another said one Republican voted against the clearance motion and that the other refrained from vot- ing. Both of the GOP members, Senator Lodge of Massachusetts and Senator Hickenlooper of Iowa, were said to have taken the position there should be no committee verdict at this time on any of the persons accused by McCarthy. Lodge and Hickenlooper were understood to have made it clear that their stand was not to be interpreted as representing any decision one way or the other re- garding Jessup. * * * * GI's Ambushed, Forced to Retreat a) * * * * * * * Mrs. Healy Named To* Acting Deanship Sarah Lutes Healy, '30, has been appointed acting associate dean of women, Provost James P. Adams announced yesterday. . Effective immediately, she will be in charge of the Office of the Dean of Women pending the appointment of a dean. Mrs. Healy has bben the coordinating director of Lloyd Hall, but she will relinquish this position in order to devote full itme to the office of the dean of women, Provost Adams said. "I AM PLEASED TO HAVE the opportunity to work with Michi- gan students and am looking forward to working with them in the fall," Mrs. Healy said. It It is gratifying to come back to a school from which one graduated and to have the op- portunity to further the pro- gress already made here, she added. As coordinating director of Lloyd Hall, Mrs. Healy's duties consisted of coordinating the ac- tivities of the four residence houses within the hall, besides * * * SARAH LUTES HEALY planning and supervising an "in- service" training program for the staff, which included 16 graduate counselors. A GRADUATE of the Richmond, Mich., public schools, Mrs. Healy attended the Ward Belmont Ju- nior College and received an A.B. degree from the University. From 1930 to 1932 she served as a dormitory social director at the University, after which she went to Syracuse University on a fellowship in personnel. There she headed a girls' dormitory from 1932 to 1934. Serving as director of residence on the dean of women's staff at Syracuse. from 1934 to 1935, she then headed a dormitory for one year, was assistant dean of women for two years and director of resi- dence in her fourth year at the Unversity of Arizona. She next became dean of women at the University of Idaho South- ern Branch from 1939 to 1940, af- ter which she retired from active college work until she accepted the appointment as coordinating director of Lloyd Hall last fall. Switchmen Still Strike CHICAGO-(A)-AFL Switch- men last night rejected a govern- ment request that they end their 13-day strike against the 8,000- mile Rock Island Railroad. But government mediators re- ported "good progress" toward heading off a threatened nation- wide tieup by two other unions. * * * THE SWITCHMEN'S Union re- jected a government request - the third formal request in seven days - that they send all their strikers back to work. Leverett Edwards, a member of the Natinnl (Railwavy Me- NEA Outlaws Red Teachers From Ranks ST. LOUIS-(P)--The National Education Association, largest pro- fessional organization in the coun- try, voted today to bar Commu- nists and other subversives from membership. Willard Givens, Executive Sec- retary of the NEA, refused to an- nounce figures on the vote by some 3,300. delegates but said the resolution carried "by an almost unanimous vote." When the convention opened Monday it was announced the New York Teachers Union, Lo- cal 555, had withdrawn its mem- bership in the association, con- tending the proposed change in bylaws was an attack on aca- demic freedom. As amended, the bylaw states: "No person shall be permitted or continued in membership in the NEA who advocates or who is a member of the Communist party of the United States or of any organization that advocates chang- ing the form of government of the United States by any means not provided in the Constitution of the United States." Dulles Asks GreaterMight HAMILTON, N. Y.,-(/P)-John Foster Dulles said last night the United States should step up mili- tary production to prevent fur- ther aggressions by Russian- equipped Communist forces. The Republican foreign policy adviser to the State Department said the Soviet Union may not be prepared to commit its total might to total war "because of its relative economic weakness." But, Dulles said, "international Communism is prepared to use, in open warfare, the armed forces of puppet and satellite Commu- nist states which are equipped with armament of Russian manufac- ture." "Even now it is not too late to put peace onto a more stable ba- sis than ever before," Dulles as- serted. U.S. Troops' Morale Falls In New Loss Battle Involves No Major Forces BULLETIN TOKYO, Saturday, July 8- (RP)-General MacArthur today reported South Korean forces had regrouped and are now bat- tling the Communist invaders near Mugung, 50 air miles southeast of Seoul. On the esast of this sector, a headquarters comunique said, the Southerners were hold- ing the Northern forces and "in some cases have gained ground." A new or regrouped North Ko- rean division was reported in the Mugung sector and "con- siderable action has been re- ported in this area," the com- munique added. TOKYO-()-American troops who probed ten miles deep into Communist-held territory yester- day ran into an ambush and were forced to retire with some casual- ties, front dispatches from South Korea said. It was the second retreat by American advance units in as many days, and while indications were that no major forces were engaged, Associated Press corres- pondent Tom Lambert reported from the field that it was a morale shaker. * * * LAMBERT SAID it pointed up the need for more men, guns and ammunition to halt the Red inva- sion. The setback occurred as a Tokyo headquarters spokesman announced arrival of American tanks in South Korea. The tanks had not yet reached the front, however. Lambert said the North Koreans had allowed the Americans to in- filtrate northward ten miles, then poured in flanking fire from the houses and hills of a village the Americans had passed through. THE REDS then drove a wedge between two American defense forces, he said, but it was quickly brought under American 'artillery fire. The Communist action, he said, had brought "to a crash- ing halt" the first American counter-move on the ground in the Korean war. * * * MacARTHUR ALSO yesterday authorized the Japanese govern- ment to increase its total police force by 75,000 men by establish- ing a "national police reserve." This will swell the total of Jap- anese police to 200,000 men. The American patrol which ran into trouble had been ordered to "make contact and keep pushing- there's more heavy stuff coming behind you," Lambert said. Reds Staging War Ganes In Germany BERLIN-(A)-Eight Soviet di- visions are churning up the dust of East Germany's plains in exten- sive war games, American authori- ties reported yesterday. The Korean conflict and its un- certain political trends may be a factor, U.S. observers say, but they think it more likely that the Rus- sians' maneuvers have been step- ped up because of the influx of thousands of young, untrained troops. * * * U.S. HIGH Commissioner John J. McCloy told a news conference in Frankfurt yesterday there are no signs of any immediate attack on Western Germany "and I don't think there is going to be any attack. In fact, I think the developments in Korea may make such an attack les slikely," Mc- Cloy said. The maneuvers are being con- ducted in five areas of the So- viet zone of Germany on Terrain that is ideal for tank sweeps. An undetermined number of the Red Army's 2,000 tanks in East Germany are taking part. Although this is normally ma- neuver time for the Soviet occu- pation troops, estimated at 200,000 comprising 20 divisions, U.S. ex- perts note more activity than in previous years. The Russians have always main- tained an armed force in East Germany as large as the combined American, British and French force in the West. Intelligence sources say this relationship has not changed. No Excise Cut WASHINGTON-(k)-The out- look for a $1,010,000,000 excise tax slash - or any reduction at all - dimmed yesterday in the sha- dow of the Govenrment's move to mobilize new forces for the fight against Communists in Ko- rea. Security Council Names U.S. to Head UN Forces LAKE SUCCESS - (RP) - The United Nations today cleared the way for appointment of Gen. Douglas MacArthur to be the first Supreme Commander of UN Forces in Korea. It also authorized him to fly the blue and white UN flag be- side the stars and stripes. THE UN asked nations supply- ing forces in the battle against Communist North Korea to put them under a unified command headed by the United States. The action was taken by the Security Council by a 7 to 0 vote. Three members, Egypt, Yugoslavia and India, abstained and the 11th member, the Soviet Union, con- tinued its boycott of the Council. A peace demonstrator who said he was a conscientious ob- jector was thrown out of the council chamber just before the meeting began. He gave his World News Roundup By The Associated Press LONDON - The Foreign Office said yesterday Romania has ask- ed Britain to withdraw R. A. King, third secretary at the British Em- bassy in Bucharest. The announcement said Roman- ia charged him with spying. The Foreign Office said that while it will comply with the re- quest for King's removal it re- jects the charge that he is a spy. PARIS - The 18 European members of the Marshall Plan agreed unanimously yesterday to set up a European Payments Union (EPU), designed to open new channels for freeing world trade. CAIRO - Foreign correspon- dents and Egyptian journalists soon may face prison terms for publishing anything about Egypt's royal family without written per- mission. name as James Peck of New E York City.-0' Warren R. Austin, chief U.S. delegate, told the council the United States gladly accepts the responsibilities and obligations placed upon it by the council. . * * * APPOINTMENT OF MacAr- thur is expected to be made soont by Washington and an Americant spokesman said the Americansf certainly would fly the UN flag beside the United States emblem. The council by its decision today backed up more fully its resolution of June 26 calling for a cease fire in Korea and its resolution of June 27 author- izing the strongest possiblea peace enforcement action tol stop the fighting in South Ko- rea. Forty-five of the 59 UN mem- bers have endorsed the action and six-The United States, Great Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and The Netherlands - actually are chipping in armed forces.] ** * SIR Gladwyn Jebb of Britain,' one of the sponsors of the resolu- tion, said the idea of a supreme war council within the UN was dropped. He said it was not be- lieved necessary now. After the council adjourned Secretary - General Trygve Lie presented to Austin a blue and' white flag used by acting media-' for Ralph Bunche during the Pal- estine troubles. It will be shipped to MacArthur immediately for use at the new headquarters of the unified command. Colonel says Yanks Hated in South Korea DETROIT-(M)-An Air Force reserve colonel just returned from four years in Korea predicted yes- terday that the United States would need 100,000 men and a full year to win the hostilities there. The main reason, said Lt. Col. Thomas MacClure, is the "the South Korean hate us - they hate most white men.' COL. MacCLURE, who has been a member of the U.S. military government in Korea, told news- men it is necessary to have lived in the country to "realize what a tough, costly and gigantic task lies ahead of us." "Our biggest danger will be sabotage and ambuscade," he said. "The South Koreans will work in the rice paddies during thes daiu.t a. nee.,fula s ou YANK ACK-ACK-An American anti-aircraft crew mans a gun near the airfield at Suwon, South Korea, as a U.S. transport plane in the background brings in supplies. Note the used cartridges, indicating recent action. The air field subsequently fell to North Korean forces. Enlistments, Draft Will MeetQuota New Yank Drive May Be Planned By The Associated Press President Truman yesterday or- dered an expansion of the fight- ing forces - through enlistments or the draft - in order to throw greater strength into the Korean struggle. one member of Congress told reporters privately that Congres- sional leaders who attended an urgent meeting at the White House got the impression that an all-out drive in Korea by po- werful U.S. forces was being plan- ned . * * * THE AMOUNT of the expan- sion was kept secret. Under pre- sent law it could run as high as 547,482 men,,bringing the ser- vices to 2,005,882. After a day of meetings in whichrPresident Truman co- ferring with his Cabinet, defense chiefs, and Congressional lea- ders, the Pentagon announced: 1-That the military services were authorized to take in more men than congress has appropriat- ed money for. (New appropriations will be requested later). 2-That use of selective service was authorized. 3-That volunteers will be ac- cepted. * 4* * PROMPTLY, spokesmen for the Army, Navy and Air Force said they would be happy to get all their required manpower through enlistments alone if possible. They also said that at pre- sent no reserve officers will be ordered to duty without their consent. Under present law, any male with certain exceptions - who has reached his 19th birthday and has not yet reached his 26th, can be ordered into uniform and kept in service for 21 months, if he passes a physical examination. Any member of the national guard or the reserves can be called into active service for the same length of time. Every male must register with his local draft board as soon as he becomes 18. He can't be draft- ed for a year after that. EXEMPTED GROUPS include: ministers and ministerial students; aliens who have not applied for citizenship; mentally, morally or physically unfit persons; state and federal judges; Congressmen and members of state legislatures, and other officials elected by statewide vote; conscientious ob- jectors; sole surviving sons of fa- milies who already have lost a member in military service; and war veterans who served at least 90 days between December 7, 1941, and September 12, 1945, or at least 12 months between September 16, 1940, and June 24, 1948. Local draft boards may grant deferments to others, such as men who have dependents or who are engaged in essential work. But these deferments can be revoked. * * * DRAFTING or enlistment of up to 547,482 youths from 19 to 26 would have little effect on the nation's factory output or overall manpower pool, in the opinion of government job experts. Most of the first batch of young men needed to fill the draft and armed forces requirements author- ized by President Truman today will be: 1-Unskilled workers w h o have been smployed only a com- parative short time and who have not yet acquired much training in industry. 2-Those who have just left school or college and are about to join the work force for the first time. Th m414fai-i, vi, a . n ,ifim- 'COMMUNICATION' IN THE ARTS: Panel Offers Diverging Opinions 4N_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ "The 'apprecition' of art is de- pendent upon its communication with the individual," Professor Frederick Wight, associate direc- tor of the Boston Institute of Con- temporary Art, said yesterday in a panel discussion of "Communi- cation in the Arts." Thisstatement was sharply questioned by Professor Burton chairman of the art department, University of Kansas. Prof. Charles L. Stevenson of the philosophy de- partment acted as moderator. Prof. Thuma requested a defin- ition of both the term and method of 'communication.' "There is a subconscious ele- xnent in communication where emotionl ives- it is that element PROF. CIARDI emphasized that this reaction cannot be analyzed logically because it is dependent, in poetry, for example, on context rather than on separate words. "This context constitutes the means of communication," he declared. "It is this which creates the emotionalquality." The panel expanded this point Prof. Finney added that music also communicates through the language of emotions, which can- not be verbally translated. "There- fore we may assume that 'mean- ing' is effect," he asserted. BECAUSE the communication is subjective and personal, "only +h inricr _in1 _ +, n 'n- .A