PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY AY, JIDLY'l. - 0SOr THE MICHGAN DAIL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ..__ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _. FRIDAY. JULY '7. Th!U1 fi , Women THOMAS L. STOKES: "You Can See How North Korea Was Invaded" In Uniform, WITH THE PRESENT threatening turn Wof events in the news spotlight, MIs. Oveta Culp Hobby, the ex-WAC chief, pre- dicts that wqmen as well as men will be drafted for service. She is sure that in the event of war "American women will be found equal to the severe demands." These severe demands, she elaborates, would come both in civilian defense work' and in the armed forces. Mrs. Hobby is overlooking the fact that American womanhood need not have to face such severe demands while in uni- form. The belief that strict military regu- lations and physical hardships is the only effective way to govern women service groups should be revised. The physical limitations of women should be considered in the assigning of physical duties. The strenuous tasks given on Kitchen Police and the endurance test of long par- ades are not conducive to the individual's efficiency or the group's well being. Nor are the lifting of heavy objects and the carrying of bulky firewood. Such rigorous routines, while an established part of military life, should be modified in order to meet the qualifications of the group involved. If a fellow soldier collapses during atten- tion, regulations state that an eyes-front at- titude will be maintained. Sick call is dis- couraged except if it is impossible to con- tinue without a visit to the infirmary. By recognizing the need for change and adapt- ing the rules so that they harmonize with the limitations of the women soldiers, much could be done to ease the friction and hard- ships that occur. The abrupt change from civilian life to military life involves a lengthy-period of ad- justment. In addition to the rigorous routine oflong marches, full-time school and clean- ing duties, plus numerous off-duty tasks, the young woman must learn to sacrifice her in- dividuality to become a workable part of the organization. This in itself is difficult. The women's services could make this transition period somewhat less gruelling by balancing the strenuous new routine of military life with an equally absorbing program of social life. Instead of an at- tempt to harmonize these new experiences, the young woman soldier finds her spare time--so badly needed for healthy recre- ation--swamped with further monotonous duties. It is from long, tedious military as- signments with no relaxing break that dis- satisfaction and a consequent general lowering of morale results. As the women's services function in an ad- ministrative and noncombatant capacity, much could be done to improve the morale by adopting a more democratic group-plan, with the commanding officer and her staff acting as advisors and not executors. A re- presentative group, elected by the entire company, could coordinate with the com- manding officer and her staff on matters dealing with the company's activities. This coordination could be achieved with a resultant improving of morale and a lower- ing of the detrimental class-consciousness which so often disrupts the smooth function- ing of the military group as a whole. Such an exchanging and respecting of contrary opinions with the same end in view could be most advantageous in attaining a harmoni-1 ous and cooperative working group. Unless the methods of training and fit- ting young women for the regimented life of the service are changed, Mrs. Hobby may be disappointed in her expectations of American womanhood . meeting wartime demands. A certain amount of regimentation is ex- pected and respected but unnecessary disci- pline and physical hardships should be eli- minated if a successful full-time mobilizar tion plan is to be undertaken.1 -Mary Letsis UN Police Operation rzej WASHINGTON-For the first time in his- tory a federal union of nations - the United Nations -- is organizing a combined army in which the United Nations' flag will be carried, along with the national flags from participating units, just as our state units once carried their flags with the United States flag. There have been combined military op- erations of nations before on a grand scale as allies were drawn together when a war developed, each to protect, first and foremost, its own national interest, such as in the first and second world wars. That is nothing new. But never before has such a military force been drawn to- gether at the direction of a world-wide organization of nations for the purpose of preserving the peace, and maintaining law and order in the world. This is a simple and obvious fact, but at the same time it is a sensational fact which can mean the beginning of a new era in the world. A single act of outlawry has brought about what diplomats had been unable to do for the United Nations in five years of its existence. It is unfortunate that it had to happen that way; but now that it has happened, it has created a structure that can be utilized and built upon"so that it can become possible for effective international union to come out of the ordeal of conflict - not for the first time, but for the first time on such a scale. THUS FAR, 39 nations have pledged their support to the United Nations, and of- fered their assistance in coping with a sit- uation which in the case of many of those nations, is thousands of miles away and nothing, ordinarily, in which they would be- come immediately involved voluntarily. The UN once determined upon action under its Charter, necessarily has had to feel its way as it went along, though it has done this with surprising speed and vigor and, as it proceeds from problem to problem, it has' discovered that the Charter is a broad instrument that is capable thus far of meeting recurring problems. Only the will was needed. Those who gathered at San Francisco in 1945 builded better than they perhaps realized. The UN first had to create an interna- tional police force, such as the Charter provides, but which had not been done through protracted and futile negotiations. While our forces moved in first, since we were prepared to assume the leadership, others are being added to make this a truly international police force. Now there is the problem of a director- ate for military operations. For this the military staff committee was provided by the UN Charter, but clearly it would be hamstrung by Russian representation. How- ever, the Charter is broad enough to permit the nations engaged in this enterprise - a majority of those associated with the UN - to set up another directorate, and the UN assumed this task. * ,, .,- IN THIS PRACTICAL experience to meet the Korean crisis, the first of such magni- tude encountered by the UN, the world or- ganization is learning, and will continue to learn, much of value, so that ultimately the Charter can be revised. It is an experience similar to that through which our nation has gone in amending and interpreting bur Constitution. This is a story that needs repetition, and constant re-emphasis as we go through an ordeal in which there will be more casualty lists; for we are, indeed, embarked on a new chapter in world history - if we will make it so -- one that can give meaning to our sacrifices, one, too that may require a re-casting in our thinking to some extent. It requires less from us, however, because we begin it with a background of experience in developing the union idea of more than 150 years. For that reason it imposes extra responsibility upon us as a people to see that the next step in world political organ- ization succeeds. We have made a good start. (Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) ' t OOS i 9 - , :: i. A 3 .:: _ , :k . r . a;c. INTERPRETING THE NEWS: The A lHies' Worries By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. AP Foreign Affairs Analyst THE WESTERN ALLIES have five major preoccupations at the mo- ment in addition to the actual fighting in Korea: 1-Will Chinese Communist forces go ahead with their plans for the invasion of Formosa? 2-Will they send reinforcements to North Korea? 3-Will Russia sponsor a Bulgarian maneuver in Greek and Yugo- slav Macedonia which might produce a Balkan war? 4-Will the Communists make an all-out effort in Indo-China before American arms aid can make itself felt? 5-Will Russia use the occasion for further activities in Iran, where things are not too stable, and where it is not impossible that a swift switch of government might give the Kremlin a peaceful con- quest? OF THESE QUESTIONS, probably the most urgent now is whether Chinese Communist troops may be thrown into the Korean fight- ing. The United States is taking care not to offer any incitement on this score. That was why Chiang Kai-Shek was asked to stop his air raids on the mainland when the Seventh Fleet was ordered to defend Formosa. And why his offer of troops for Southern Korea has not been accepted, and probably will not be accepted at all unless the Peiping forces move in anyway. Reports from Hong Kong have strengthened the fear, however, that Peiping's plans for an invasion of Formosa had gained such mo- mentum that their abandonment would represent a serious poli- tical as well as military problem, and that they might try it even in the face of American naval opposition. From this distance, however, that hardly seems practical. No country in the world is capable of bucking the U.S. Navy in such a position. Some invaders might get through, but they would pay ter- ribly long before they even met Chiang's defenders. '. . ........-I I ,. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. ON THE Washington Merry- Go= Round WITH DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-U.S. observers had pick- ed up word, prior to the Korean inva- sion, that the Cominform had worked out an over-all plan of attacks and revolts by satellite countries, but such an attack was not expected in Korea. In fact, Moscow's Korean strategy was kept so secret that not even the Commun- ist government of Mao Tse-Tung in Pei- ping was told about it. Since then Mao has sent a stiff protest to Moscow that the action was in his sphere and he should have been informed. On the other hand the Chinese Commun- ist general staff was twice alerted for an invasion of Formosa, one by June 15, the other by June 20. This information leaked to U.S. intelligence - perhaps purposely, in order to divert U.S. attention away from Korea to Formosa. If on purpose, the strategy was success- ful, for the chief thing MacArthur ham- mered at Secretary of Defense Johnson about during their Tokyo conference was Formosa. Korea was not mentioned. Other areas which, according to this ad- vance information, were ready for the Com- inform master-squeeze were: 1. YUGOSLAV-BULGARIAN BORDER - Border skirmishes had increased; Bulgar- ian troops were massing; and it looked as if Moscow were preparing a Bulgarian at- tack on Tito. 2. IRAN - A "revolt" by the Tudeh pro- Communist party was either planned or else, was purposely leaked to U.S. intelligence in order to divert our attention to Iran in- stead of Korea. In this case, Azerbaijan troops would have been used instead of the Russian Army. 3. GERMANY - The East German army armed by Russia went on maneuvers in East Germany and Poland. SATELLITES SHIELD MOSCOW N ALL THSE CASES, the Cominform plan- ned to use satellite troops to do the fight- ing, while Moscow pushed the button. The fact that the United States reacted so quickly and emphatically to block the Korean coup definitely surprised Moscow Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views' of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: LARRY ROTHMAN A University F I WERE founding a university, I would found first a smoking room; then when I had a little more money in hand I would found a dormitory; then after that, or more probably with it, a decent reading room and a library. After that, if I still had more money that I couldn't use, I would hire a professor and get some textbooks. -Stephen Leakock '1 1. S t f 2 1: S I and may have thrown Cominform calcula- tions off schedule. It is obvious from various reactions pick- ed up in Moscow that the Kremlin expect- ed us to operate as the old League of Na- tions - debate, procrastinate, and do- nothing. The fact that we moved as we did, and under the United Nations, may have thrown a monkey wrench into the whole series of satellite moves. Or, on the other hand, the Cominform may now be more determined than ever to save face by carrying the schedule out. IMPOSSIBLE KOREAN BOUNDARY A LOT OF PEOPLE have blamed Roose = velt and Churchill for the impossible 38th parallel by which Korea was divided in- to two unwieldly Communist and non-Com- munist parts. Thanks to political ballyhoo the impression has got out that this line was fixed at Yalta. Actually, however, this was a military, decision, made by General MacArthur un- der circumstances which he could not control. The line was fixed in 1945 in order to prevent the Red Army from moving farther south and taking all of Korea. It was on Aug. 12, 1945, that the Red Army moved into Korea. This was before the 38th parallel line was drawn and before Japan surrendered. At that time it looked as if the Communists would sweep over all Korea, after which it would be impossible for the United States to get them out. Nearest U.S. forces at that time were on Okinawa, 600 miles away, and it was im- possible to get U.S. troops to Korea in time to intervene. In fact, they did not get to Korea until Sept. 8. In order to prevent the Russians from occupying all Korea, therefore, the U.S. Army got an agreement from Russia to fix the 38th parallel as a line south of wlich the Red Army would not penetrate. By the time American troops arrived in Korea one month later, the Red Army had actually moved south of the 38th parallel, but was finally persuaded to move back. Later the United States started a series of conferences to remove the barrier and cow refused. The United Nations also took a try at it and sent a commission to study the situation. Arriving in South Korea in January, 1948, however, the commission was barred from North Kor- ea, and the Soviet commander even refused to accept delivery of a letter suggesting a courtesy call. The UN commission prepared for free elections in Southern Korea, in which the Korean people, long denied the right to vote, made an excellent record. Approxi- mately 75 per cent registered, of which more than 95 per cent voted - despite a Commun- Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Summer Session, Room 3510 Admin- istration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1950 VOL. LX, No. 8-S Notices The Teachers' Oath will be ad- ministered to all August candi- dates for the teacher's certificate' on Thursday and Friday, July 6 and 7, in Room 1437 U.E.S. This is a requirement for the teacher's certificate. Concerts for 1950-51. The Uni- versity Mlusical Society announ- i ces that orders for season tickets for the Choral Union Series and for the Extra Concert Series for 1950-51, are being accepted and filed in sequence, at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. Choral Union Series (10 con- certs): Helen Traubel, Oct. 5; Boston Symphony, Oct. 22; Cleve- land Orchestra, Nov. 5; Solomon, pianist, Nov. 20; Polytech Chorus of Finland, Nov. 28; Royal Phil- harmonic, Sir Thomas Beecham, conductor, Dec. 3; Eica Morini, Jan. 11; Horowitz, Jan. 19; Chi- cago Symphony, March 4; and Heifetz, March 14. ExtraConcert Series (5 con- certs) : Lauritz Melhior, Oct. 10; Boston Symphony, Oct. 25; Myra Hess, Nov. 14; the original Don Cossacks, Jan. 15; and the Cin- cinnati Symphony, Feb. 20. Riding Instruction for Men and Women Students: More students will be accepted in these classes. Further information may be ob- tained in Barbour Gymnasium, Of- fice 15. The language examination for M.A. candidates in history will be given Friday, July 14 at 4 p.m., in Rm. 1209 Angell Hall. Those wishing to take the ex- amination should indicate that fact to the History Department secretary, Rm. 100A, Rackham Building, by Wednesday, July 12. Lectures Contemporary Arts and Society Program. Panel discussion: Pro- fessors Ciardi (Harvard Univer- sity), Ross Finney (University of Michigan), Edward W. Rannells (University of Kentucky), Charles Stevenson (University of Michi- gan). 4:15 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. Friday, July 7. Dr. Ralph Rabinovitch from the Neuropsychiatric Institute, Uni- versity Hospital will be our Psy- chiatric Consultant in the Case Clinic Friday, July 7 at the Fresh Air Camp, Pinckney, Mich. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Leo Francis Koch, Botany; thesis: "The Distribution of Californian Mosses," Friday, July 7, 1139 Na- tural Science Bldg., at 9 a.m. Chairman, W. C. Steere. Concerts Faculty Recital. Elizabeth Green, Assistant Professor of Music Ed- ucation in the School of Music, will appear in a violin recital at 8:30 Monday evening, July 10, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. Her program will include composi- tions by Fiocco, Glazounow, Mo- zart, Joaquin Nin, Paganini, Kroll, and York Bowen, and will be open to the public. Miss Green will be accompanied by Helen Titus, As- sistant Professor of Piano. Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross and Emil Raab, violinist, Paul Doktor, violist, and Oliver Edel, cellist, will be heard in its first program of the summer series at 8:30 Tuesday evening, July 11, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. - The group will be assisted by Ted Evans, French horn. The pro- gram, including works by Mozart, Ross Lee Finney, and Beethoven, will be open to the general pub- lic without charge. Exhibitions General Library, main lobby cases. Contemporary literature and art (June 26-July 26). Museum of Archaeology. From Tombs and Towns of Ancient Egypt. Museums Building. Rotunda exhibit, American Indian stimu- lants. Exhibition halls, "Trees Past and Present." Fridays, 7:00- 9:00 p.m. Law Library. History of Law School (basement),; classics for collectors (reading room). Michigan Historical Collections. 160 Rackham Building. Tourists in Michigan, yesterday and today. Clements Library. One Hundred Michigan Rarities (June 26-July 5) Museum of Art, Alumni Memor- ial Hall: Modern Graphic Art; Oriental Ceramics; through July 30; weekdays 9-5,Sundays 2-5. The public is invited. Events Today Natural Science Films, auspices of the University Museums. 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. "Realm of the Wild." Reception for foreign students, auspices of the International Center. 7:30-12:00 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall and Terrace. Fri- day, July 7. Play, presented by the Depart- ment of Speech. "The Corn Is Green" by Emlyn Williams. 8:00 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Friday, July 7. School and Community Orches- tra Training Conference, Friday, Michigan League Ballroom. Pro-' gram: 8, Summer Session Orches- tra Rehearsal, Harris Hall. 9, De- monstration Orchestra Rehearsal, Louis Wersen, Philadelphia, Pa.,; conductor. 10, The Second Year -Elementary and Secondary School Violin Classes, Paul Rolland, Uni- versity of Illinois. 11, The JuniorI High School Orchestra, Elizabeth Green, University of Michigan. 1,1 Demonstration Orchestra Rehear-1 sal, Louis Wersen. 3, Forum "Or-< chestra Training Problems," Louis Wersen, Paul Rolland, Allen Brit-j Reporters' Difficulties PRIMITIVE and overtaxed com- munication facilities are a ser-_ ious problem both to news services and the military. Most of the news from Korea is telephoned over an ton, Wayne Dunlap, Arthur Berg, Elizabeth Green. University Museums: The Pro- gram of the University Museums on next Friday evening, July 7, is entitled "Mammalian Survival." The featured exhibits in the Mu- seums Building will be open to the public from 7 to 9 p.m. Moving pictures entitled "Realm of the Wild" will be shown at 7:30 p.m. in Kellogg Auditorium in the Den- tal Building. A special exhibit entitled "The Coal 'Flora of Michigan" is on display in the Rotunda of the Museums Building. Visitors' Night, Department of Astronomy: Friday, July 7, at 8:30 to 10 p.m., Angell Hall. The stu- dent observatory, fifth floor, will be open for observation of Saturn and Mars with the telescopes. If the sky is not clear, the visitors' night will be cancelled. Children must be accompanied by adults. Coming Events Saturday Luncheon Discussion Group: Meets at Lane Hall, Sat- urday, 12:15 p.m. Mr. Harold Sul- livan will -present a summary on the Youth for Understanding Program. -Please make reserva- tions at 'Lane Hall at 6 p.m., Fri- day. Lane Hall Coffee Hour: Lane Hall, 4:30-6 p.m. Everyone wel- come. - B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill Street. Open House for all students. Sunday evening, 7:30-10:30. Dancing, refreshments. U. of M. Hostel Club: Meet at League 9 a.m. Saturday to bike to Irish Hills. Bring sleeping bag for sleeping in the open. Activi- ties will include hiking, swimming and horseback riding when ar- rive. Call Bob Duval, 2-0609 for reservations. * rTHE COMMUNIST bloc might feel safe in making a pass at Yugo- slavia while U.S. attention centers in the Far Pacific, but they can hardly hope to get away with anything in Greece after the deter- mination already displayed there by the allies. There is a bad internal situation in Iran, making it difficult for U.S. aid to earn a profit in the way of stabilization, and there are many dissident elements. There are dangers from infiltra- tion there. But as for direct aggression, Russia knows that the geographical and historical position of Persia, relative to the Middle East and its oil, means that any such move would very probably produce a major war. And Russia's attitude about the war she inspired in Korea suggests strongly she is not taking such chances now. Not much has been heard in recent days about the Viet Minh Com- munists in Indo-China and their brothers across the line in China. At least nothing to indicate any great expansion of Ho Chin Mih's re- bellious activity. First American arms shipments to the French and their semi-autonomous Indo-Chinese governments are now en route. If military needs in Korea should interfere with them too much, Indo-China might become a serious spot. * uncertain radio telephone circuit from Taejon to Tokyo. Corres- pondents have access to the circuit for brief periods when the military can spare it. Other dispatches are couriered from Korea to southern Japan by planes and telephoned from there to Tokyo. Up to now there has been considerable con- fusion because of the meagre and undependable facilities; reports from headquarters in Tokyo some- times have been in conflict with reports from the front. While General MacArthur has announced that he does not wish to invoke censorship, his head- quarters has requested correspon- dents not to report military move- ments, name locations of units or bases, or specific military organi- zations, which yould be detriment- al to the security or success of American or allied forces. ,MW Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Philip Dawson......Managing Editor Marvin Epstein........Sports Editor Pat Brownson.......Women's Editor Business Staff Roger Wellington. ...Business Manager Walter Shapero... Assoc. Business Mgr, Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to' it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republicationof all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class 'mail matter. Subscription during regutar school year by carrier, $5.00, by 'mail, $6.00. V, CURRE T /MO/I__ At The State... BARRICADE, with Dane Raymond Massey. Clark and life and limb but for Human Dignity with, capital letters. Massey's multiple talents are totally wast- ed on a straight part that it is impossible for him to save from the monotony of one-sided- ness. As the paranoidal and sadistic owner of an isolated mining camp, Massey derives maniacal pleasure from his power over the BARNABY I E WAS -when the time-honored Holly- wood western "formula" pitted a clean young hero against a dirty old villian axk Big Jim?. . Look-YOU'RE the high muckety-muck in politics Why didn't you TELL ME the state was laying out a -I What a-bout my options for land on the original I | The only reason they didn't condemn | your property in the first place is'it |