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July 02, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-07-02

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Prejudice Gets Fast Boot
From Texas University

Harbor Model Wave Testing

Prejudice at the University of
exas unceremoniously passed out
f the picture as three Negroes
ere accepted and two of them
gned up for the summer session.
The breaking of the Negro ban
ame as a result of the Supreme
ourt decision early this month
rdering Southern colleges to ad-
it Negroes.
EVEN AS THE first two were
gistering, two others were refus-
I admittance because the courses
iey planned to take were offered
state-supported Negro schools.
ut one of these will be admitted
t Texas officials said.
The third Negro student will
. admitted to Law School next

A professor of edccation at Tex-
as said, "I cannot see how the Su-
preme Court can hand down any
other decision than abolition of
segregation in education."
* * *
ALTHOUGH THE University of
Oklahoma had accepted Negroes
before the Court's decision, the
Court ordered it to stop putting
Negroes in ante-rooms just out-
side classrooms.
The professor went on to say:
"The history of Negro education
18 Candidates
in Contest for
With the petition deadline set at
4 p.m. tomorrow, 18 candidates
from both major parties have filed
petitions for nomination to Wash-
tenaw County offices in the Sept.
12 primaries.
To date, nine Democrats and
nine Republicans have declared
their candidacies. Election date is
Nov. 3.
AN INCOMPLETE list of coun-
ty candidates follows:
State Representative, First Dis-
trict (Ann Arbor and six surround-
ing townships):
George Burke, Jr., Democrat;
Louis G. Christman, Republican,
incumbent; Mark Mayen, Re-
For State Representative, Sec-
ond District (Eastern Washtenaw
County including Ypsilanti):
Mrs. Viola Backenburg, Demo-
crat; Joseph E. Warner, Repub-
lican, incumbent.
County Prosecutor:
Richard Ryan, Democrat;
Douglas K. Reading, Republican,
. Incumbent.
County Sheriff:
Lawrence Oltersdorf, Demo-
crat; John Osborne, Republican,
County Treasurer:
Laurence E. Cummings, Dem-
ocrat; William F. Vernor, Re-
publican, incumbent.
County Drain Commissioner:
Roy Merrill, Democrat.
County Clerk:
Mrs. Shirley Ackenhausen,
Democrat; Louella Smith, Re-
publican, incumbent.
Register of Deeds:
Donald Campbell, Democrat;
Lee Thomas, Republican, incum-
Dr. William Dickson, Sr., Dem-
ocrat, incumbent; Dr. Edwin C.
Ganzhorn, Republican, incum-
To Show Electric
Goods Wednesday
The touring exhibit bus of a Mil-
waukee electrical company will
stop at the University Wednesday
to' display some 40 feet of product
The bus will be stationed at 3:30
p.m. in front of the East Engineer-
Ing Building,
The bus has been traveling
through 37 states east of the Rock-
ies on a two year touring program.
The display is completely set up
with industrial motor control
equipment and lighting, power and
distribution equipment. Two field
engineers will accompany the ex-
hibit to give information and ans-
wer questions.
The display, which is open to
the public, is sponsored by the
electrical engineering department.

a typewriter
and keep up
with your work

in Texas is not a chapter of
which Texans can be proud. The
Texas State University for Ne-
groes in Houston is not the type
of institution provided for in the
Texas constitution."
On the lighter side of college
life, a brick wall standing next to
the Administration Building on
the University of Minnesota cam-
pus, not holding up any roof or
even having three other walls to
keep it company, brought confused
and witty remarks from passing
* * *
ONE SCHOLAR theorized that
the wall was a part of the Univer-
sity's campaign to see how inter-
ested students were in the condi-
tion of the campus. "There's prob-
ably a hidden microphone some-
where around it," he quipped.
Actually, patient construction
men explained, it was a sample
wall of a new building going up
on campus, undergoing a weath-
ering and fading test, and was
placed near the Administration
Building to compare the brick
type of both structures.
Pretty near home, but still light
years away in rivalry, was Michi-
gan State College, where student
editors of the MSC Spartan, cam-
pus funny book, sent Vice-Presi-
dent Alben Barkley a copy of their
latest effort at his Capitol Hill
The Veep "pulled a blank," but
was somewhat surprised at the
contents, 64 pages-all blank. The
editors had sent him a copy stap-
led together before the Spartan's
press run.
AND AT THE University of
Washington, nobody could be
found on campus who knew "for
sure" whether flappers in 1927
(AD) rolled their stockings or
A librarian told all, or almost
all: "I remember wearing stock-
ings but I don't recall how we
held them up," she said.
She explained that she was not
sure whether 1927 marked the be-
ginning of the girdle era or not.
Thus up goes the sock on college
AEC Member
Will Lecture

Gov. Williams
Okays Haven
Hall Fire Bill
LANSING-(P)--A bill appro-
priating $1,500,000 to the Univer-
sity to start replacement of fire-
destroyed Haven Hall became law
with Governor Williams' signature
Also approved by the Governor
was a $200,000 appropriation to
pay expenses of acquiring and pro-
tecting Percy Jones hospital at
Battle Creek and to draw plans
for remodeling the structure when
it is turned over by the Federal

Ladies' and Children's
ca specialty
Courteous, experienced hair
stylists to please you.
7 Hair-cutters-No Waiting
Liberty off State
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds


RESEARCH ON HARBOR CONDITIONS-Civil engineers are studying the wave action at Hammond Bay using this model in the Lake
Hydraulics Laboratory at Willow Run. The work, being conducted fo~r the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, involves a long series of tests to
determine the best conditions for small boat harbors or "harbors of y efuge." Under the direction of Prof. Ernest F. Brater (standing), of
the University civil engineering department, the engineers have co mpleted studies of Port Sanilac and Port Austin. Their next assign-
ment will be a study of conditions at Point Lookout.

For that Hard-to-Find
State Street at North University





pinion Favors Truman Koreani Move

Hell's Bells
UP) - James Eadie quit in a huff
as bell-ringer of the Paris Church
whe ntownsfolk objected to his
Sunday selections, especially the
tune about "Put Another Nickel

Among speakers appearing in
summer lecture series tnext week
will be :
Fletcher Waller, director of or-
ganization and personnel, United
States Atomic Energy Commission,
as part of the lecture series on
Public Policy and Atomic Energy,
speaking on "Administering the
Atomic Energy Program," 3 p.m.
in East Conference Rm., Rackham.
Prof. Bernard Bloch 'of Yale
University, speaking before the
Linguistic Institute on "What is a
Language?", 1 p.m. Wednesday in
the Union.
Prof. Douglas D. Crary of the
geography department, speaking
before the Institute on the Near
East on "Geographical Reconnais-
sance of the Near East", 4:15 p.m.
Wednesday in Kellogg Auditorium.
Movie, Lecture
Open Art Course
The University's new three-week
course in Contemporary Arts and
Society will get under way this
week with three lectures, a panel
discussion and a supplementary
The lectures will be on the gener-
al topic of "Communication in the
Arts", and will be given at 4:15
p.m. tomorrow, Wednesday and
Thursday in the Architecture Au-
The movie, "The Titan," direct-
ed by Robert Flaherty, will be
shown at 8 p.m. Friday and Sat-
urday in the Architecture Auditor-

By The Associated Press
The question went around the
world last week.
It reached to every continent. It
hit home, especially, in the areas
nearest the Soviet sphere. In that
sweep of territory, from Scandina-
via down to the equator and up to
Alaska, theretwas the sense of be-
ing too close to a burning building.
* * *
DID THE fighting mean world
war III?
There was no answer, of course;
there were too many secrets be-
neath the onion-domed towers of
Moscow. There was only the hope,
in most places, that the fire de-
partment, sponsored by the UN
and guided by the U.S., had arriv-
ed in time to surround the burning
Associated Press correspon-
dents. found this hope mixed
with fear in the areas rubbing
shoulders with Russia and her
satellites. The United States,
taking the lead in assisting
South Korea, certainly had rais-
ed the confidence of many small
nations. But there was still the
question, in many minds, wheth-
er a Russian bluff had been call-
ed and a general war avoided.
Some, especially the Chinese
Nationalists at Formosa, insisted
the danger was greater than ever.
* * *
THE SURVEY showed that
o p i n i o n generally applauded
President Truman's action, even
in Communist Yugoslavia and
other lands where the governments
are trying to keep a position of
official neutrality in the Korean
Washington officials kept an
unusually sharp eye on intelli-
gence reports from the "rim"
countries on troop movements
and maneuvers. Conditions at
this time of the year are most
favorable for either actual mili-
tary operations or the usual
training exercises.
Here, starting with Finland and
reading from left to right, is a
survey of reaction in the areas on
the edge of Soviet influence-at
the end of a week that brought
the biggest war scare since Adolph
HELSINKI - Finland's average
man is inclined to believe that
President Truman's decision to
meet force with force in Korea was
the right approach.
Finnish official quarters are re-
luctant to make any comment be-
yond statements that Finland is
eager to keep out of any big pow-
er conflicts.

OSLO-Korean war news has
shocked Norwegians. Parliament
and various parliamentary com-
mittees have given full consider-
ation to the various steps taken
by the United States and the Uni-
ted Nations. However, authorities
have taken no visible measures to
deal with a possible crisis.
FRANKFURT - The Germans,
both East and West, plainly are
scared at the possibility the Kor-
ean struggle will draw Europe into
a shooting war. War fears in Ber-
lin apparently are worse than at
the start of the Soviet blockade of
Berlin two years ago.
But anti-Communists hope Uni-
ted States intervention will roll
back the North Koreans and make
possible a peaceful settlement. The
people remain calm and there has
been no rush to buy up supplies
for an emergency.
VIENNA - Austrians are begin-
ning to breathe easier after a week
of war jitters. There still is wide-
spread fear of war, but also grow-
ing confidence in the United Na-
tions and the United States.
The n e w s p a p e r Salzburger
Nachrichten said there is no dan-
ger of a third World Warat pre-
sent because the Communists have
not yet consolidated their hold in
China, Russia is not yet ready,
America too well prepared and
Stalin too old to look for new ad-
BELGRADE - Yugoslavs gener-
ally voiced approval of the Ameri-
can lead, but Tito's government
adopted a cautious attitude.
The man-in-the-street hoped

Yugoslavia could remain neutral if
the Korean fighting should flare
into a general war, but many ask-
ed themselves if their country
might be next in a Soviet parade
of conquests.
Display of Graphic
Art Opens Today
"Modern Graphic Art," a collec-
tion of water colors, drawings and
prints owned , by the University
WMuseum of Art, will be on display
in Alumni Memorial Hall through
the month of July starting today.
Some 120 items make up the dis-
play, which is a part of the pro-
gram "Contemporary Art and So-
ciety," sponsored by the Summer
The South Gallery will hold
works of German expressionists
George Grisz, Kaloschka, Nolda
and Beckman, and the North hall
will display works of three modern
Frenchmen, Picasso, Matisse and
The exhibit is under the direc-
tion of Prof. Jean Paul Slusser of
the School of Architecture.
look attractive
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pantie girdle
Warner's"-sWay ses" make you
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clothes because you can choose
your own length, your correct hip
size, and just the control you want.
You'll love the way Warner's fa-


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