IN THIS CORNER See Page 2 oiiE r, Latest Deadline in the State :41ttj EARLY THUNDERSHOWERS 1119UT1 YYa tk' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 2, 1950 FOUR PAG VOL. LX, No. 5-S Yank Death Takes Ride with HolidayCars 75 Die on Road; 15 More Drown By The Associated Press The nation hit the road for the long Independence Day weekend yesterday. And death hitchhiked along. National Safety Council officials hoped that careless motorists wouldn't make 1950's "glorious Fourth" the ,nation's goriest Fourth. * * BUT THEY predicted that 385 persons would be killed in traffic accidents by Tuesday midnight unless drivers take extra precau- tions for safety. Troops Move to Positions in Taejoi NSA TOUR SET: Delayed Students Sail for Overseas By ROMA LIPSKY Special to The Daily NEW YORK, June 27 (Delayed)-With festive band music and waving handkerchiefs as 9, send-off, the 550 European bound students who had been "beached" in this city for four days sailed today aboard the U.S. transport ship, the General C. C. Ballou. Included in the group were two University students, Bill Markey, '50 and Art Ablin, '52Med. Both had arrived in New York on June 20, prepared to sail on the Norwegian liner, the Svalbard the following day. The Coast Guard announcement, made shortly before sailing time on June 21, that the ship would not sail, left them "completely stun- ned," Markey said. "OUR FIRST REACTION was that it must be a mistake, and the _'-boat would go," Ablin added. * * * * * * * * 4> KOrea Reds Stalled Just South of Seoul American Troops Not Set To Figh- Immediately; Rush More by Sea By The Associated Press The first U.S. troops to arrive in Korea yesterday moved . toward battle positions north of Taejon against North Korean in vaders who appeared stalled on the plains south of Seoul. Taejon is 73 miles south of the fighting front, which Gener MacArthur's Headquarters indicate is about 10 miles south of Seou ASSOCIATED PRESS correspondent Tom Lambert in a dispat from Taejon said the Americans were not expected to go into acti for a day or two. (In Washington, the Navy announced that heavily-protecte sea convoys were rushing more U.S. Infantry to Korea. A giar American airlift over 7,000 miles' s * * From 6 p.m. Friday to late yesterday afternoon, 75 persons already had perished in highway crashes. Another 15 drowned, and 12 more died of various oth- er accidental causes. One bright note was the fact that fireworks-once a big Fourth of July killer-caused none of the holiday's early fatalities. SIN MICHIGAN the least crowd- ed places yesterday were the cities. Up to late yesterday death seem- ed to be taking a holiday too. Only six fatalities - three traffic and three drowning - had been re- ported. than three days of the weekend re- maining, that figure compared fa- vorably with Fourth of July tolls ' or the past two years, when near- ly 50 persons were killed. THE BIGGEST bottleneck on the clogged highways was at the Straits of Mackinac. Cars of Up- per Peninsula-bound travelers were backed up there for eight miles waiting for ferry service across the Straits. Five and six hour waits were commonplace. The line swelled nearly two miles during the day. Public Pension Plan Needed -- Prof. Haber A major part of pension funds should come from a public plan rather than from union-company agreements, Prof. William Haber- of the economics department said yesterday. Addressing delegates to the summer institute on "Law and Labor - Management Relations," Prof. Haber stated that such a government-sponsored bill would also be advantageous to employers because it would take pressure off industry. "Union pension schemes fill in gaps in economic security," Prof. Haber asserted, but he added that no company can guarantee its fi- nancial condition 30 or 40 years hence. Prof. Haber, chairman of the Federal Advisory Council on Em- ployment Security, expressed sat- isfaction with pensions achieved by labor through collective bar- gaining on the whole. But he cited some "minor objections": They tend to discourage hiring of older workers; they "tie" a worker to his job; in some indus- tries pension funds are not se- cure; and there are no provisions for disability. Prof. Haber said that problems facing the collective bargainer for pensions today are: administra- tion and investment of funds; fu- ture employment slumps; area- wide bargaining; and changing at- titude of workers now that pen- sions are tied up with the com- pany's future. U ' Pre- Med StudentKilled R.. ,Th, Aca a P U.S. Officers Ask End of RailStrike CHICAGO - 0/) - The govern- ment urged the AFL switchmen's Union yesterday to call off its rail strike in view of "current critical developments" in Korea. C. E. McDaniels, Chairman of the Union's 40-hour week Commit- tee, said the Switchmen will an- nounce their decision today. He sent a telegram to this effect to Government officials in Washing- ton. * * * McDANIELS SAID the decision would be reached at a meeting of the Committee and Union Presi- dent Arthur J. Glover in Chicago this morning. Glover talked to a reporter by telephone from his mother's home in Fort Atkinson, Wis., but said: "I won't have any com- ment." John Thad Scott, Jr., new Chair- man of the National (Railway) Mediation Board, asked Glover and the AFL Switchmen's Union of North America to restore full ser- vice promptly "in the national in- terest." He added, the Mediation Board would resume further nego- tiations in Chicago with all inter- ested parties. "WE'RE TRYING to get this settled and I'm as anxious as the Government to-see it ended," Glov- er said. Glover said he may fly to Washington today and testify tomorrow before a Senate com- mittee which is hearing testi- mony on a bill that would out- law railroad strikes in favor of compulsory arbitration. Scott said in his telegram to the Union that "current critical devel- opments unmistakably 'reveal the urgent necessity for prompt re- storation of full service." First Arts Lecture The first lecture in the new Contemporary Arts and Society course will be "Form and the Spatial Arts," given by Prof. Edward Rannels, Chairman of the Department of Art at the University of Kentucky, at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Architec- ture Auditorium. It will be open to the public. When luggage was removed from the Svalbard, they and some thirty men moved into Army Hall, a combination class- room and dormitory building at City College, while approximate- ly 20 women moved into Colum- bia University's Johnson Hall. The rest of the group went to hotels or friend's homes scat- tered throughout the city. The National Student Associa- tion, which had secured Svalbard reservations for all the travelers, immediately set up headquarters at Army Hall and at the Hotel Woodstock. During a mass meet- ing held the following day, an- nouncement was made of Presi- dent Truman's decision to let the NSA have the Ballou. * * * "THAT FIRST DAY was very discouraging," Ablin said. "Many of the students were clamoring for refunds, everyone was disappoint- ed, and the prospects of ever get- ting to Europe looked very dim. But NSA has done a wonderful job in handling the whole situa- tion." "I have nothing but admira- tion for the NSA people who worked incessantly on arrange- ments, on seeing that our stay in the city was pleasant, and in keeping the 550 scattered stu- dents informed of latest devel- opments," he said. Ablin and Markey are planning to buy a car when tey reach En A4 ope, and, during their two month trip, "specialize in Norway, Swe- den, and Danish beer." Asks Leniency For Arsonist COLVMBIS-(Pk)-Psychologists who questioned Robert Dale Segee about admitted fires and slayings which killed 172 persons said yes- terday the husky Ohio youth shouldn't be punished. "I think he needs psychiatric treatment and I think a psychia- trist could straighten him out," said psychologist Bernard Higley of the Alfred Wilson Children's Center in an interview. * * * HIGLEY WILL give his views to State Fire Marshal Harry J. Cal- lan in a written report next week. Callan had announced Segee had signed a statement admit- ting setting the Ringling Bros. circus fire at Hartford, Conn., in 1944, four slayings and, more than a score of major fires in Ohio, New Hampshire and Maine. The Hartford fire claim- ed 168 lives. Higley said Segee is not insane. ENEMY-STRAFED TRANSPORT BURNS-A four engined C-54 U.S. military transport plane burns on a South Korean airfield after being strafed by Russian-made Yak fighters from North Korea. This picture was the first combat photo from Korea to be received in the United States. (GP) Wire- photo from army radiophoto.) * * - - * + - -* KOREAN ROUNDUP: War Precipitates Stiff Review of U.S. Policies By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER WASHINGTON-(A)-The fact that the Communists were willing to launch a military drive to take South Korea has forced a far reaching review of American policies toward the Far East. Administration officials, trying to figure out why the fighting has gone so badly against the Southerners this week, said yesterday they do not intend to leave a similar point of weakness'open to Red assault anywhere else where it can be avoided. INQUIRY AMONG responsible authorities disclosed that the Com- munist invasion at dawn last Sunday has virtually destroyed the basis of much U.S. policy in Asia and ' Soviet Press Calls War U.S. MilitaryPlot MOSCOW-(IP)-The S o v i e t Press steadily built up a picture for the Russian people yesterday of a deliberately prepared plot of aggression by the United States against North Korea. But an observer gets the im- pression from the talk and be- havior of Muscovites that there will be no World War. (AT VARIANCE with all other reports, Moscow has claimed from the first that North Korea -not South Korea - was invaded and, that the Communists only struck back when the Southerners cross- ed the 38th Parallel dividing line.) From the conversations over- heard in restaurants, hotel lob- bies, public conveyances and on the streets, an observer gets the impression that the Russian people: 1. Blame President Truman and American militarists for the Ko- rean fighting. 2. Feel that there will be no war and that proponents of peace will get the upper hand and stifle war- mongers. The general calm that has been evident since the first news of American aid to South Korea con- tinues to prevail. the Western Pacific. Security has become the dom- inant consideration. Exactly what effect this change will have is not yet apparent. Top State, defense and White House officials have been so concerned with guiding this government's ac- tion in the Korean affair itself that they have not come to grips with any detailed review of other issues. * * * DIPLOMATS and military ex- perts down the line, however, have begun to examine the impact of the Korean attack in other areas. At the moment the situations ap- pear to shape up about like this: FAR EAST GENERALLY - It will be several weeks at least before the duration and precise result of the Korean operation is known. Until then the whole Far East can be expected to remain in a state of ferment. The pos- sibility of new Red pushes in some other sectors is a constant source of concern. JAPANESE PEACE TREATY - The security of Japan against Communist Asia has become up- permost; the presence of American occupation forces in the Japanese Islands is regarded as essential both to Japan and to the United States. Whatever the ultimate ef- fect on a peace settlement, the United States, however, is expected to seek increasing independence of action for the Japanese. * * * FORMOSA - A week ago the United States on the basis of Pres- ident Truman's policy declaration of last January would not have lifted a hand to prevent the fall of Formosa to the Chinese Com- munists. Last Tuesday when he ordered the Seventh Fleet to patrol be- tween the island and the main- land the President made clear that he does not now intend to permit Communist acquisition of the is- land under any circumstances. But there is a wide open question asĀ° to what the United States will re- commend about the future of For- mosa. COMMUNIST CHINA-There had been some evidence in re- cent weeks that if the British and other countries insisted on voting Communist China into the United Nations the United States might eventually go along with recognition of the Reds. Top 20 Cities Cite Increases In '50 Census By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-The District of Columbia, feeling its oats during the last 10 years, has boosted it- self into the cherished list of the nation's 10 top cities, according to early Census Bureau tabulations. The capital city and D. of C. now has 792,234 residents-129,143 more than it had in 1940. * * * AND THE TOP 10 cities, plus 11 cities following, boast increases ranging from Los Angeles' phe- nomenal 449,75e Buffalo's in- significant 605. The Census Bureau gave this tentative lineup for the popula- tion leaders among the cities: New York and Philadelphia are only estimates: of the Pacific Ocean was abuild- ing yesterday to support American forces in Korea.) The American troops, the first headed forcombat since the end of World War II, landed at the Southeast port of Pusan, 162 miles southeast of Taejon. The Communists were reported by MacArthur's Headquarters to be massing 10 miles north of Suwon, the strategic city 20 miles south of Seoul, which the Americans aban- doned as an advance base Friday. BY THIS ACCOUNT, the South- erners still were in control of Su- won and its air strip. Lambert said that two American intelli- gence officers had returned to Suwon. Informed sources said they had reports the Communists had moved south to within about five miles of Suwon before dawn Sat- urday morning. This report ap- peared to be behind the Head- quarters information, however. Lambert said it was possible the Communist column which crossed the Han River just south of Seoul had been held up by U.S. aerial attack or had run out of supplies. * * * THE NORTH KOREAN reds as- serted yesterday-via the Commu- nist radio at Peiping-that they had killed or wounded 9,000 South Korean soldiers on Thursday alone. They said 3,000 were cap- tured the same day. It still was not clear whether the Communists ever had reached Suwon. Field reports had said that Suwon and its air field had fallen. * * * POSSIBLY a Communist recon- naissance force of armored cars might have reached Suwon and then withdrawn on meeting resis- tance or finding itself without support. There are no fixed de- fenses along the highways between Seoul and Suwon. The American withdrawal from Suwon and abandonment of the air field interrupted an important airlift of U.S. muni- tions and weapons' for the South Koreans. American B-29 superforts used radar to penetrate the murk and rain to bomb makeshift bridges the invaders have thrown across the broad Han River, 23 miles north of Suwon. The Air Force intent obviously was to check the Reds until American ground power could make itself felt. * * * IN WASHINGTON, the Mari- time Administration has advised all American ship lines of a mili- tary warning to stay out of Ko- rean waters. To aid the fight against Com- munism in Korea and Asia, Sena- tor Cain (R-Wash) suggested yes- terday that the Army take selected volunteers from Japan, China and the Philippines. General support for the idea of formally naming Gen. Douglas MacArthur commander of all United Nations forces assigned to Korean operations was reported yesterday among the U.N. mem- bers cooperating in the Korean crisis. UN May Bad MaeArthur's Headquarter LAKE SUCCESS- Fom: tion of a United Nations fore rear echelon to back up Gener MacArthur's Korean battle heal quarters was pushed ahead ye terday. It is expected to be ready f Security Council approval and ; into action not later than ne mid-week. * * * U.N. OFFICIALS are workib through the 'weekend toward se ting up the group that is expec ed to knit together political ai material aid from other cou: tries with the leading efforts the United Stateq. A name has not yet been se lected for the high-level Inter national group but it wi amount to what military pea ple call rear echelon headkuar ters. There is no inclination t have it interfere with Generi MacArthur, who already is i effect the Supreme Commande of the United Nations effort t save;South Korea. U.N. people said the objecti is to end the fighting as soon possible but none would guess h( long it might take. NEW ZEALAND advised t U.N. it is sending the frigates T tira and Pukaki to join MacA thur's forces. The country.had c fered six frigates (smaller thi destroyers) and a modern cri ser from the fleet exercises arow the Fiji Islands. At least 35 of the 59 U.1 members have said they wi do what they can. Luxembourg, South Africa a Greece were added to the list backers yesterday. 1950 Pop. In New York .....6,160,000 Chicago ........3,631,835 Philadelphia ...2,100,0001 Los Angeles . ...1,954,036 Detroit ........1,837,613 Baltimore .......941,377 Cleveland .......909,546 St. Louis ........852,523 Washington .... 792,234 Boston .........788,552 These cities are next in lation rankings: Increase 705,005 235,027 168,666 449,759 214,161 82,277 31,210 36,475 129,143 17,736 popu- :ncrease 125,903 45,466 605 73,870 25,040 44,134 94,679 54,112 8,072 World News Roundup By The Associated Press BEALLSVILLE, O., - The "Big" Inch" natural gas pipeline blew up just outside this southeastern Ohio town last night. Flames shot 200 to 300 feet into the sky and were visible 15 miles away in Barnesville, but no one was in- jured. * * * PRAGUE - The Romanian prosecutor has demanded the execution of seven persons being tried in Bucharest on charges of spying with the help of the Ro- man Catholis nunciature there, the Czechoslovak news agency said last night. CHICAGO - Mrs. Howard Tucker, 49 years old, who had a dead woman's kidney trans- planted to her body June 17, was reported in "fine" condi- tion yesterday. The operation was the first of its kind in medi- cal history. DETROIT Eliel Saarinen, who won international fame as an architect and ciy planner, died suddenly last night at his subur- ban Bloomfield Hills home. He was 76. 19 San Francisco . . Milwaukee ..... Buffalo ........ New Orleans ... Minneapolis .... Cincinnati ..... Seattle ........ Kansas City, Mo. Newark, N.J. ... 950 Pop. 760,439 632,938 576,506 568,407 517,410 499,744 462,981 453,290 437,833 Y I South Election Fight To Begin In Oklahoma WASHINGTON-(P)-A fourth- of-July battle royal for the Demo- cratic Senatorial nomination in Oklahoma will start the fireworks in primary voting this month -- mostly in the south. Senator Elmer Thomas, 73-year- old Chairman of the Senate Ag- riculture Committee who has seen 24 years of Senate service, is fight- ing for his political life. He's winding up a nip and tuck contest with Rep. Mike Monroney, six-term House member. Farm and electric power are the main issues. IT WILL BE the first holiday election ever held in Oklahoma. A normal vote would run around 350,000. Three other Democratic Sena- tors-Johnston, S.C.; Long, La., and Benton, Conn.--face opposi- tion later in the month, the first two in Primaries on the 11th and 25th, and Benton in a State convention July 28-29. South Carolina has a double- feature-Johnston's challenge by Gov. J. Strom Thurmond, States' TALE OF WALES: 'Corn Is Green' To Open PlaySeries Wednesday Five Day Daily During the summer session, The Daily publishes five times per week. The next issue will appear Wednesday morning. "The Corn Is Green," first of the five plays to be presented by the speech department, will open at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A tale of a compassionate, but brusque school teacher and a deep understanding of her crude Welsh students, the play revolves around the efforts of Miss Moffat (who wright. He also wrote "Night Must Fall" which was produced here during the 1949 Drama Season with Lucille Watson and Donald Buka in the title roles. Prof. Baird is known to Ann Ar- bor audiences through her per- formance as Mama in "I Remem- ber Mama" and Mary in "Family 84,000 HOT FOOTS: Sore Feet Pop Up at Scout Jamboree VALLEY FORGE - (P) - The in swapping jaunts and foot tours by bus and train. But once in