THE MICHIGAN DAILY ° SATURDAY. TCTT 1-71-496 ^ a aaTH 1liiVH11 AN DATT.V1fi , ..". ~.aa . ~ . ... f £.S~S. .f ac1 Ta TsaflbaV T.rTIV 1, 1A5Jh 19 OMAS L. STOKES: Senator Graham's Defeat W ASHINGTON - The second successful penetration of the Truman Fair Deal frontier in the South - the defeat of Sena- tor Frank Graham in the North Carolina run-off primary which followed that, a few weeks before, of Senator Claude Pepper in Florida - is naturally of considerable con- cern to the Truman administration but, more than that, it is a discouraging setback for moderate and middle-of-the-road pro- gressivism in the South. The latter is of concern to the nation as a whole. Already, well before the November elections, two votes that could be depended upon for social and economic welfare mea- sures have been eliminated from the Senate of the next Congress. That is important in a Senate in which, on such measures, the balance is generally weighted for the Repub- lican-Southern-conservative-Democratic co- alition which has blocked them. The effect of these defeats, whiph may be further magnified by subsequent reverses of a similar nature in the South, will be to intensify the Truman administration's campaign elsewhere in the Congressional elections, in the effort to pick up addition- al seats to offset such losses in the South, and to offset votes already counted against its program from that area. The trend in the South increases the President's reli- ance on the combination that was respon- sible for his 1948 victory - the midwest farm sections and big cities where labor exerts much influence. What has happened thus far in the South is regrettable both for that section and the nation, irrespective of party politics, for faT more than any political party is involved. TN THE FIRST PLACE, Graham, like Sen- ator Pepper, was the victim of a campaign of abuse and misrepresentation. Passions were stirred up by what is coming to be known as the "red and black issue," with wild and baseless charges about sympathy with Communism and with stirring up of racial prejudice. Money was poured into the two states by interests which are so dead set against New Dealism and Fair Dealism, that they Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: NANCY BYLAN were willing to exploit racial prejudice, and anything else such as the spurious Communist issue, for their ends. Success of this sort of tactics will un- doubtedly encourage use of the pattern else- where and, before it is too late, it would be most salutary for the Senate campaign in- vestigating committee to get busy and ex- plore what is going on, as it presumably intends to do, for the enlightenment of our people. * * * REGRETTABLE, in the second place, about what is happening in the South, is that moderate progressives, of which Graham was a fine and capable example, had been spreading in that section. This was not only hopeful and helpful to the South, but had its influence on national legislation affecting people all over the country. Graham brought to national affairs a broad viewpoint and experience, gained as president of the University of North Carolina and in numerous services for our government to which he was called. His defeat is a real loss, both because of his own contribution and because of what the North Carolina campaign revealed as to the extent to which certain interests will go to defeat exponents of his philoso- phy of government. It encourages what might ge called the "Dixiecrat spirit" in the South. This will be bolstered further if Governor J. Strom Thurmond, the States Rights Party candi- date for President in 1948, wins the Senate seat in South Carolina, now held by Senator Olin D. Johnston, which would provide a symbol on the national'stage. * * * IN THE FACE OF SETBACKS on the Southern frontier, President Truman ex- hibits no overtures of appeasement, but rather the contrary, such as his recent point- ed snub of Governor Thurmond and his 1948 States Rights running mate, Governor Field- ing Wright of Mississippi, whom the Presi- dent did not invite to a recent luncheon here for Democratic governors with the blunt ex- planation that he only invited "Democrats." To a degree, this rigid attitude of the President may have been a factor in solid- ifying his opposition in the South but, on the other hand, it may help him in other parts of the country upon which he now must depend, since he his divorced himself from the Dixiecrat element so completely. (Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH DREW PEARSON On Education The Ideal WHAT IS IMPORTANT is the spirit of ad- venture and liberty, the sense of setting out upon a voyage of discovery. If formal education is given in this spirit, all the more intelligent pupils will supplement it by their own efforts, for which every opportunity should be provided. Knowledge is the liberator from the em- pire of natural forces and destructive pas- sions; without knowledge, the world of our hopes cannot be built. A generation educated in fearless freedom will have wider and bolder hopes than ar possible to us, who still have to struggle with the superstitious fears that lie in wait for us below the level of consciousness. Not we, but the free men and women whom we shall create, must see the new world, first in their hopes, and then at last in the full splendor of reality. --Bertrand Russell Academic Freedom THE VERY REV. Hunter Guthrie, S.J., president of Georgetown University, deliv- ered a most challenging commencement ad- dress on Monday. He must have anticipated, therefore, that it would be challenged al though the challenging of authority-which in Father Guthrie's lexicon aPpears to be synonymous with truth-is what he als "the sacrec fetish of academic freedom." This fetish, he says, "is the soft under-belly of our American way of life, and the sooner it is armor-plated by some sensible limita. tion the sooner will the future of this Natio1 be secured from fatal consequences." One can scarcely take exception to this, save, prehaps, to ask what constitutes a sen- sible limitation. "The true and the good," says Father Guthrie, "are the natural limi- tations of freedom. This is not an area for opinion because opinion does not delineate, for by its very nature it packages the false with the true. Nor is this a matter for experi- mentation because the prudent man des not experiment with suicide." All that remains, then, is to determine what is the true and the good. Father Guthrie must be aware that there are hon- est, if mistaken, differences of opinion in this area. History suggests that these dif- ferences cannot be resolved by dogma. It is now widely acknowledged that the earth revolves about the sun, although in 1616 the ideas of Copernicus were denounced as dangerous to faith, and Galileo, summoned to Rome and tried by the Inquisition for teaching these ideas, was forced to abjure them. The theory of genetics preached re- cently in Moscow by Trofim Lysenko may have merit; but something more than the establishment of it as the true and the good by the Politburo will be necessary before it can win the acceptance of free minds. Father Guthrie speaks of the true tradi- tion of. academic freedom as "a tradition that freedom springs from truth, but that truth is rarely freedom's offspring." We do not see how truth can be sired except by freedom-that is, by the tolerance o diversity and even of error. And we should think that an institution of learning-which is to say an institution of inquiry and chal- lenge-can do no better than to adhere to the ideal set forth by Thomas Jefferson when he first invited scholars to join ,the faculty of the Pniversity of Virginia: "This institution will be based on the illimitable freedom of the human mind. For here; we are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate error so long- as reason is left free to combat it." -The Washington Post * * * Specialization DEAN MELVIN A. CASBERG of the, St. Louis University School of Medicine made some significant observations on the evils of over-specialization in education. Speaking before an honorary dental frater- nity, he saidy: "Scientific education is a serious re- sponsibility to educator and student alike. It is a sad commentary on our educa- tional sense of proportion when we show a keen pride in the superb scientific per- formance of a brilliant student, and at the same time do not blush with shame at his utter ignorance of social understanding."- Ths appeal for "social understanding" need not be limited to students of dentistry, medicine and other scientific fields. It is something to be put before all young people from grade school to college whose interest in the relationship of education to their careers is strong at this time of year. Should the eighth grade graduate of 1954 go directly to a trade school simply becaus he has made up his mind that he will be an artisan in one field or another? Or shoulkd he spend four years in high school-some time in college perhaps-broadening his ac- quaintance with history, civics, English an the like? The high school graduate of 1950 may be pondering the choice between an immediate plunge into his chosen career and four years of colleke. Or the student already in college may be wondering whether to stick to hip professional specialty or take a generous sampling of the general courses that develop "social understanding." Dr. Casberg's answer is that education should do more than prepare one for com- et TO THE EDITOR general interest, ad willcpubi shn all letterswh ihsare signedby the writer libelous letters, asdteters which forany esrn are notin goodtastte will be ton densed fedited or withheld from pub cation at the discretion of the editor..s.- "Anylody Buying Our Line?" A Ism INTERPRETING THE NEW'S: Korea & the Russians By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. AP Foreign Affairs Analyst OVIET RUSSIA, sometime advocate of peace, has refused to lend its good offices to end the Korean warfare and the United States has countered with a decision to do so by the use of all necessary force- ground troops and the bombing of Northern military objectives in ad- dition to the aid announced on Tuesday. The United States first moved into the Korean situation in the belief that its entire position as leader of the world's anti-Communist forces would be threatened by any display of weakness. And that the whole future of the United Nations would be equally threatened by failure- to 'protect the South Korean government which it has spon- sred. * * * * I. 'Widespread Dames' ... To the Editor: THE INFORMATION divulged in paragraph 4 of the main arti- cle in column 7 of Friday's Daily has caused me no end of contem- plation. Here, indeed, is a deadly secret weapon, so horrible that Uncle Joe may come back into the U.N. just so he can use it as an excuse to walk out again. De- nunciations against Wall Street are probably even now being pre- pared by the Daily Worker. I can see the headline : "Filthy War- mongers Turn Vengeance on Red Women," or "Hip Lines Increasing in Korea." What Pravda and the Daily Worker scream however doesn't bother me as much as the details of the new weapon. My army ex- perience gives me absolutely no clue as to how these results are brought about. Undoubtedly atom- ic attack might affect the next generation, but how is this der- riere expansion brought about in- stantly? I furthermore am slight- ly puzzled as to the military ad- vantage we sought. Perhaps the entire effort was merely to demor- alize the males of the North Kor- ean armed forces. I shall be most interested to follow up this story. I might add that from my obser- vations after 7 years in Ann Arbor, Uncle Joe might have alread y used this most dastardly of wea- pons against us. -Fred Brafman NOW THAT IT BECOMES EVIDENT that North Korean tanks can- not be stopped by the South Korean Army, and with the American air support hampered by bad weather which promises to get worse as the rainy season progresses, the U.S. makes it clear that, having set its hand to the plow, it has no intention of turning back, that South Korea is to be held and the Northern forces driven from the areas which they have occupied. This may be more difficult than one might think when com- paring the force of the United States with that of the less pro- ductive, less populous half of Korea. But it may be recalled that the British have been fighting Communist guerrillas in Malaya for two years now, and that a recently intensified drive enlsting a major portion of Malayan manpower was unsuccessful. The U.S. evidently feels that it can stop Northern Korean pene- tration, but to throw the Northerners out, once the campaign deteri- oratesinto guerrilla warfare as seems probable, may be a different matter. IT WAS OBVIOUS from the beginning that U.S. policy would have to be extended to more or less unlimited warfare, although it does not yet involve strategic bombings of cities. Korean fighters could not be permitted to use unmolested Northern air fields from which to at- tack American planes, so bombing north of the demarcation line was called for. The use of a naval blockade against North K'orea doesn't mean much, but the stoppage of "leap-frogging" operations along the coast does. General MacArthur knows all about that, from the ef- fectiveness of the amphibious forces he developed himself for the purpose against the Japanese in New Guinea. A very important tactical matter in the campaign is probably being decided as this is written. The Communists are near Suwon, American' command point which has the only air strip in the neighborhood cap- able of handling the big supply planes supporting the Korean front. Its loss could be very troublesome. * * * * RUSSIA'S REFUSAL to try to stop the fighting is no surprise, of course. Nor is her excuse, that she doesn't believe in interfering in the affairs of other nations. (She merely takes them over to help them to a better way of life.) But she continues to show no sign of di- rect intervention, heightening the hope that the Allied operation can continue in a role of pacification, and that President Truman can continue to have grounds for saying that the U.S. is not actually "at war". 4' 'A DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN L WASHINGTON-Simultaneously with the Korean crisis two top British defense experts arrived here for talks with Defense Secretary Louis Johnson. The fact that they came as the Korean crisis broke was an accident, but nevertheless it was significant that, simultaneously, Peter Geoffrey Roberts, Conservative member of Parliament, urged use of the atomic bomb against North Korea. For it is to discuss British use of the atomic bomb that the two experts were ordered to Washington. They are: Air Marshal Sir Ralph Cochran, Vice Chief Marshal of the Royal Air Force, and Dr. Richard Cochran, an atomic scien- tist. The two men were sent on direct orders of Prime Minister Attlee, following a meet- ing of the British cabinet, to discuss future use of the atomic bomb by Britain. What they propose is: 1-That the United States stockpile a certain number of baby A-bombs in the Azores in mid-Atlantic immediately. Attlee wants this done for the purpose of streng- thening European defenses. 2-Should war break, Attlee also wants it understood that British bombers shall have the right to drop A-bombs. He is quite con- tent to leave atomic bombs in American hands up until a war breaks, but after that, he wants British bombers to participate. So far the United States has made no commitments one way or the other. CONFLICTING STORIES PARTIALLY CONFLICTING stories as to why we were caught off base in Korea were given the Senate Appropriations Com- mittee this week. Secretaries Acheson and Johnson ad- mitted we had been caught napping, but Adm. Roscoe Hillenkoetter, chief of the Central Intelligence Agency read two re- ports to the senators, one dated as June 20, showing that his intelligence agents had given a general warning. When Acheson and Johnson appeared be- fore the Senate Committee in a secret ses- sion, Ferguson of Michigan asked both point blank whether they had received any word of the impending attack. Both said they had not. Both men told the Senators they knew that the North Korean border was' restive, but said the actual invasion had taken them completely by surprise. "Why wasn't Central Intelligence on the job?" Senator Bridges, New Hampshire Re- publican, broke in. Secretary Johnson shrugged his shoulders. in detail of increasing border incidents, including a concentration of 65,000 to 75,- 000 Communist troops. These troops, ac- cording to report, were well equipped, with artillery, tanks, guns and ammunition of the type which the Japanese Army sur- rendered to Russia. There were also a total of 195 planes, all late Russian models. When questioned by senators Admiral Hil- lenkoetter admitted he could not forecast the date of a border invasion. Skirmishes along the border might have continued another year, he said, or the invasion might have come the next day. It was not his job to evaluate reports, he said, merely to make them. * * - * NO RUSSIANS IN KOREAN ATTACK ASKED BY SENATORS whether the Rus- sians were participating in the North Korean attack, Admiral Hillenkoetter said the Russians had a large military training center on the northern side of the border, but he had no report of a single Russian soldier in combat, killed or captured. "Furthermore," he said, "I don't expect any." Senator Knowland of California, great friend of Chiang Kai-Shek, then asked if the Russians might next attack Formosa. "They might strike Formosa as they did Korea," the admiral replied. "The attack might come most any time." * * * BACKSTAGE WITH THE DIPLOMATS Just before the Korean crisis, President Truman discussed with close advisers the idea of a new peace plan that he would an- nounce to the UN General Assembly in Sep- tember ..-. Despite newspaper headlines, it's not true that Hungary asked for the return of the famed Crown of St. Stephen in re- turn for releasing Robert Vogeler. What Hungary asked for is that the Voice of America give up its present wave-length in broadcasting to Hungary. There was a prveious mutual agreement between Hun- gary and the U.S.A. that this wave-length was to be used, however, and the State Department isn't going to change it. This demand, incidentally, was an afterthought by the Hungarians .. . Ambassador Lew Douglas has cabled from London that the British Labor Government is in no danger of falling because of its op- position to the Schuman plan for merging European steel and coal. On the contrary, British unions apnrove the mvernment's Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the OfficeAofmthe Summer Session, Room 3510 Admin- the day preceding publication (11:00 istration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on a.m. Saturdays). SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1950 VOL. LX, No. 4-S .Notices Sports Instruction: All students interested in the instructional sports classes offered by the Wo- men's Physical Education Depart- ment should register for these ,lasses before Saturday noon, July 1, in office 15, Barbour Gymna- sium. No registrations will be tak- en after that date. Attention: Aeronautical and Me- chanical Engineering Students: Mr. F. W. Long, of Curtiss-Wright Propeller- Division, Caldwell, New Jersey, will interview Aeronautical and Mechanical engineers; gradu- ate and bachelor degrees, on Thursday, July 6, 1950, in Room 1521 East Engineering Bldg. Sign interview schedule on Aero bulle- tin board. Graduate Outing Club: Meet 2:15, Sunday, July 2, Northwest corner Rackham for swimming, canoeing, and picnic. Plan for 4th of July trip. Election of officers. Tickets for "The Corn Is Green" and all individual plays presented this summer by the Department of Speech will go on sale this morn- ing at 10 a.m. at the Mendelssohn Theatre box office. The complete schedule for the summer drama series is as follows: July 5-8 "The Corn Is Green", July 12-15 "Anti- gone and the Tyrant"; July 19-22, "The Time of Your Life"; July 27 "The Alchemist" and July 28 "King Lear" (The Oxford Univer- sity Players), August 2-5, "Hansel and Gretel"; August 9-12, "The Great Adventure." Women's Judiciary Council an- nounces that the closing hour on July 3, 1950 for undergraduate women will be 12:30 a.m. Callers must leave women's residences by 12:25 a.m. Regular 11:00 p.m. clos- ing hour will be in effect July 4th. Holiday Pay Policy: The Regents at their meeting on June 16 adopt- ed the following schedule: 1. Hourly Rate Employees 1. Effective July 1, 1950, all per- China Shop Has Nothing on Barn FLINT - (P) - A bull can be clumsy in a barn, too. Farmer Glenn Jefferson's knock- ed down a post. Then he tangled himself in electric wires, causing a short. The short touched off a fire. Before it was over the barn burned down, three calves and a pig perished, considerable machin- ery and 975 bales of alfalfa were destroyed. Loss was estimated at $25,000. The bull got out unharmed. manent hourly rated employees shall be paid for the following holidays: New Year's Day, Memor- ial fayy1 ourth of July, Labor Day, . Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas, Day, providing they meet the following eligibility rules: (a) The employee would otherwise have been- scheduled to work on such a day if it had not been ob- served as a holiday, and (b) The employee must have worked on the last scheduled work day prior to, and the next scheduled work day after such holiday. 2. When one of the above holi- days falls within the eligible em- ployee's approved vacation period and he is absent from work dur- ing his regularly scheduled work week because of such vacation, he shall be paid for the holiday. 3. Employees eligible under these provisions for holiday compensa- tion shall receive pay, at the straight time hourly rate, for their scheduled work day. II. Salaried Employees All non-academic salaried non- supervisory clerical, service, tech- nical and hospital employees shall receive extra compensation at the equivalent hourly or daily rate, on a straight time basis, for time worked up to a maximum of eight hours, whenever they are required to work on any of the designated holidays; or by mutual agreement compensatory time off for holiday work may be granted. HERBERT G. WATKINS Secretary Lectures the University of Michigan Speech Clinic, will talk on the subject, "Speech Correction for Children with Cleft Palate," at Purdue Uni- versity on Monday, July 3, 1950. This lecture is in connection with (continued on Page 4) T1 Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Philip Dawson......Managing Editor MarvinrEpstein........Sports Editor Pat Brownson.......Women's Editor Business Staff Roger Wellington.... Business Manager Walter Shapero... Assoc. Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school BARNABY As long as everybody else is happy about the new highway, I might give thought to my own problem.. .Why shouldn't your Fairy Godfather get some good out of this deal, too- What's the problem, Mr. O'Malley.- 0 6-30-50 I'm planning a chain of deluxe hot-dog and hamburger havens along the new road, m'boy. With suites of rooms for tourists and a solarium for tired truck drivers- Gosh. That will be something, Mr. O'Malley! I cf/ c~mor/ The problem is to find the right type person to finance my project. No money, huh, Mr. O'Malley? l- I Oh, I'll heave plenty of offers- When they hear my plans.. But t can't take just any old monoy. 1 need a civic-minded philanthropist who appreciates the true purpose of this new highway-To bring ood to all Oh.C G L I r To think that this whole highway mess started Who is the man? Couldn't we because one grasping individual, is asking too oeal to his better nature?- I I Barnaby! You're supposed to be up in bed! I Ii I