THE MICHIGAN DAILY "FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1950 contradictions. For, with its dictators and power-hungry tin soldiers, it has had at the same time, some of history's great idealists - Woodrow Wilson, Lord Cecil, Aristide Briand, Jan Smuts and Franklin D. Roose- velt. From that idealism came the League of Nations, which lost its influence when no world leader aroused it to check the Jap- anese invasion of Manchuria and Musso- lini's conquest of Ethiopia. But we tried again-after the dictators once more staged their bloody tragedy in World War II-this time in the United Nations. Now, finally, with the sneak attack by the Communist from North Korea, a leader, our own, has dared to stand up and say "enough" and to put spine into a United Nations that, until now, had been weak and wobbly. It's one of the great gambles of history which Harry Truman is taking, a bold, courageous step. Its outcome may deter- mine whether we are to emerge from the jungle and live by law, here at the half- way mark of this century, or whether we are to be led, like sheep, to the slaughter of our civilization. In contrast to that other picture of the grim mannikins of the Russian dictator, let us look at the picture of an event here, a man in civilian clothes, surrounded by no soldiers, standing before a crowd and dedi- cating a new court house here in Washing- ton. H ARRY TRUMAN talked simply about our history and traditions and told how we had established our courts and our system of justice, showing how the UN is an instru- ment of the same kind for the whole world. At the White House only a few hours before he had announced his plans for the defense of Southern Korea under the auspices of the United Nations which he is trying to save. In our lifetime, he said, we have "wit- nessed a world-wide attack on this ideal of justice" by Fascism, Nazism and Soviet Communism and he spoke of "the corrup- tibility of power." Here, in the simple ceremony, he re-dedicated us to our ideal of justice and explained how, gradually, through the United Nations, "the concept is developing that the barbarous treatment of individuals by any nation is the concern of all nations." That is Harry Truman's creed for his great gamble. He has taken his stand-and so have we, come what may. (Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) 9 The World And Sen. Taft WALKING DOWN the right side of the road with eyes to the rear, Senators Joseph R. McCarthy and Robert A. Taft have lashed out at Secretary of State Dean Acheson, charging that Acheson's Far East.' ern policy has been repudiated by President Truman's Korean move. Actually, as the senators knew, Truman had acted, with Acheson's full advice and consent. Therefore, the two politicos as- serted, Acheson has reversed his foreign policy. This stand can be supported by superfi- cial observation. In regard to Korea Ache+. son has been more of an interventionist than in China. But the senators fail to make a very irrn- portant distinction. Acheson has refused to support the corrupt, militaristic Chiang Na- tionalist government against the Chinese Communists. Now, he is dealing with a did- ferent situation. He is willing to support the democratic South Korean government against the North Korean Communists. No high-ranking pub- lic servant can afford to overlook this basic distinction as McCarthy and Taft have done. Viewing McCarthy's recent history, we will have to excuse him as hopeless. But it is surprising as well as disheartening that Taft should resort to such a funda- mental misjudgement. It must have occurred to him that there is no completely rigid policy on anything. It must have occurred to him that given a different set of circumstances at a different date, a man has the right and the duty to take different actions. It must have also occurred to him that he is up for re-election in November. And he seems to be more aware of thiF than of the interests of the world; Taft is talking to his Ohio constituents. , It is regrettable that Taft, who has been nationally recognized as a man of both in- tellect and honesty, should submit words to the American public which bear the unquali- fied label of intellectual dishonesty. It is especially unfortunate that he should chose to do so in a time of crisis. We are faced today with a world emer- gency in which Acheson's former policy to, ward the Far East is a dead issue. And view- ed in that great scope, Taft's election is of relatively puny consequence. One of the first principles of politics is the banding together of groups, regardless of small differences, toward some higher end. Now is the time for all parties to implement this principle. Any man of influence who insists on put- ting consideration of himself ahead of the world is a detriment to the community of nations. -Barnes Connable The Antiseptic Press INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Russia's Mistakes By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. AP Foreign Affairs Analyst SOMEHOW OR OTHER the dictatorship of the proletariat seems to be just as capable of serious mistakes as its predecessors among the personal dictators and the kings who used to claim divine right for their decisions. Several times in recent years the Kremlin's timing on major developments has only served to tighten the noose around its own neck. As the allied defense program progressed, there was more and more fear that the West, in emphasizing military preparations, might be following a red herring; that heavy expenditures might play right into Communist hands by upsetting national economies and opening the door for non-shooting conquest. Russia captured Central Eurpe and China without direct op- position. She failed to learn the lesson of Berlin, where a certain type of force was met by a similar type of force-the airlift. She decided to experiment in Korea with shooting, in an area for which the United Nations and the United States had direct responsibility. She is meeting guns in return. Not only that, but it is quite probable that she has wrecked her own campaign .to have the Chinese Communists admitted to the United Nations, and certainly her boycott of the UN in that matter proved this week to be a big boomerang. RUSSIA'S ABSENCE from the Security Council made it a walkaway for the United States in the Korean matter. Had Russia been pre- sent, she could have vetoed Security Council action, forcing a long delay while the General Assembly was being called to meet, and seri- ously embarassing President Truman if he had been willing at all to intervene in Korea without UN sponsorship. The political situation might have been such that the U.S. could iot have acted in time. Now, even if it should prove that American force is too little and too late in Korea, allied military might is mobilizing and Russia must know that, from here on out, aggression will be challenged wherever it occurs. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN OI i, THE STYLE of motion picture making has changed greatly since the early '30's, when this film was made, but even with the unnatural dialogue and awkward timing, it is still somewhat satisfying. It cannot be judged according to present day standards, yet it is an interesting film milestone to see. Preston Foster is a poor but happy blacksmith. His wife and son are injured and he has no money to pay both the tax money and doctor bills. He becomes a gladiator. His wife and son die and he blames his lack of money for their deaths. He turns to professional arena fighting and kills for cheers as well as for silver. He then adopts a son of a fighter he has killed. Foster completes a deal with Pontius Pi- late (Basil Rathbone) and is paid in gold. The mob outside is becoming violent at a trial that is being held as a Man whom many call innocent is to be crucified. An ef- fective scene shows Foster hesitating be- tween taking his gold and aiding the suf- fering Man. Foster choses his gold. Foster becomes wealthy and moves to Pompeii. He is made head of the arena, against the pleadings of his now-grown son, who is secretly aiding innocent prisoners to escape. Thoey are all caught and put in the arena. Too late, Foster discovers his son is one of the prisoners. The climax of the picture is the eruption of Vesuvius. Crumbling pillars and screams of agony produce a powerful ending. Preston Foster is stiff and unconvincing as Markus. Basil Rathbone is excellent as Pontius Pilate. This fine actor shines in a class alll his own amidst the jerky perfor- mances of the rest of the cast. "The Last Days" is a subtle lesson in Christianity. With the trial and crucifixion of Christ held in the background, the impact is felt more keenly than if it were a main part of the picture, -Mary Letsis Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: LARRY ROTHMAN __ _ f ;. . ON THE Washington Merry-Go -Round WITH DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-The emergency cabinet session held by President Truman im- mediately after the attack on South Korea was one of the most dramatic since V-E day. The President had just flown in from Independence, Mo., to find Secretary of State Acheson, Secretary of Defense John- son, Secretary of the Army Pace, Secre- tary of the Navy Matthews, Secretary of Air Finletter, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Omar Bradley, Air Force Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg and various others waiting for him. "First I must call Mrs. Truman and tell her I've arrived safely; I always do that," the President said, referring to the fact that Mrs. Truman was still in Missouri. "You make yourselves at- home," he continued. "I've ordered dinner and after we eat we'll sit around and talk this thing out. I want to hear from every one of you." After the meal the military chiefs gave their estimates of the Korean situation. Sec- retary Johnson said he expected the South Koreans to hold. General Bradley was more cautious, pointing out that it was a difficult country to defend. He said he expected rapid gains by the Communists on the first day, after which he expected three South Korean divisions to form a defense line, per- haps south of Seoul. RUSSIA'S REAL GOAL IRAN? BADLEY RAISED the important question of whether the Korean attack was a main Soviet blow, or merely a diversionary tactic aimed to attract our attention away from other areas. He warned that the main Rus- sian punch might be at Iran, since Russia was badly in need of oil. He also warned that we should not overcommit ourselves to Korea. Navy and air force officials reported that both their branches were strong in the North Pacific and ready for any emer- gency. They were less cautious than Gen- eral Bradley. The most dramatic statement of the eve- ning was made by Secretary Acheson. It was his plea which tipped the scales in the President's mind and caused Truman to make the momentous decision to intereven actively in Korea. Acheson, the man who has been pilloried in the 'Senate for allegedly concealing Communists in the State Depart- ment, told the group that if we let Korea down, we would suffer a crippling defeat in the eyes of the world. Our credit with the nations which had to worry about how far they can go to stop Communism and Russia will be nil, Acheson said. Unless we make a firm stand in Korea, he emphasized, the Russians will continue with the conquest of Indo-China, then take over Japan internally. Truman listened quietly; occasionally he asked a question. After all had finished, he made a brief statement which can be sum- marized as follows: "I think I understand pretty well wliat the Russians are trying to do. "If this is a major Russian move, and the Soviet is committed to supply brains; mefi and supplies to win Korea, then this may be the start of World War III. "I gather from what you have reported, to me that this is not the case. Korea has no strategic value, except politically. ,It: has no oil. If the Communists lose it cai be considered by Moscow merely a civil war put down by American imperialists. "However, we cannot let Russia get away with this. We must exhaust all peaceful means through the United Nations to stop Publication inrThe Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Summer Session, Room 3510 Admin- the day preceding publication (11:00 istration Building, by 3:00 p.m.on a.m. Saturdays). FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1950 VOL. LX, No. 3-S Notices Standards of Conduct: All Students, Graduate and Un- dergraduate, are notified of the following Standards of Conduct: Enrollment in the University carries with it obligations in re- gard to conduct not only inside but outside the classrooms and stu- dents are expected to condugt themselves in such a manner as to be a credit to themselves and to the University. They are amen- able to the laws governing the community as well as to the rules and orders of the University of- ficials, and they are expected to observe the standards of conduct approved by the University. Whenever a student, group of students, society, fraternity, or other student organization fails to observe either the general stand- ards of conduct as above outlined or any specific rules which may be adopted by the proper Univer- sity authorities, or conducts him- self or itself in such a manner as to make it apparent that he or it is not a desirable member or part of the University, he or it shall be liable to disciplinary action by the proper University authorities. Spe- cific rules of conduct which must be observed are: Women Guests in Men's Resi- dences. The presence of women guests in men's residences, except for exchange and guest dinners or for social events or during calling hours approved by the Office of Student Affairs, is not permitted. This regulation does not apply to mothers of residents. (Committee on Student Conduct, January 28, 1947.) Exchange and Guest Dinners may be held in organized student residences between 5:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. for weekday dinners and be. tween 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. for Sun- day dinners. While guest chaper- ons are not required groups with- out resident house directors must announce these events to the Of- fice of Student Affairs at least one day in advance of the schedul- ed date. Calling Hours for Women in Men's Residences. In Men's Resi- dence Halls - daily between 3 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. In Nelson In- ternational House - Friday, 8 p.m.-12 p.m.; Saturday, 2:30 p.m.- 5:30 p.m. and from 8 p.m.-12 p.m.; Sunday, 1 p.m.-10.30 p.m. Social Events sponsored by stu- dent organizations at which both men and women are to be present must be approved by the Dean of Students. Application forms and a copy of regulations governing these events may be secured in the Office of Student Affairs, Room 1020, Administration Building. Re- quests for approval must be sub- mitted to that office no later than noon of the Monday before the event is scheduled. A list of ap- proved social events will be pub- lished in The Daily Official Bul- letin on Wednesday of each week. Student organizations are noti- fied that activities should be scheduled so as not to fall within the ten days before the close of the Summer Session on August 18. Approvals will not be granted dur- ing this period. Attention: Aeronautical a n d Mechanical Engineering Students: Mr. F. W. Long, of Curtiss-Wright Propeller Division, Caldwell, New Jersey, will interview Aeronautical and Mechanical engineers; gradu- ate and bachelor degrees, on Thursday, July 6, 1950, in Room 1521 East Engineering Bldg. Sign interview schedule on Aero bulle- tin board. Sports Instruction: All students interested in the instructional sports classes offered by the Wo- men's Physical Education Depart- ment should register for these classes before Saturday noon, July 1, in Office 15, Barbour Gymna- sium. No registrations will be tak- en after that date. Theatre entertainment for this summer, sponsored by the De- partment of Speech, will feature 6 outstanding plays and an opera. Season tickets on sale now at the Mendelssohn Theatre box office include "The Corn Is Green," "An- tigone and' the Tyrant," "The Time of Your Life," "The Great Adventure" and "Hansel and Gre- tel." As a special offering the Dept. of Speech will present the distinguished British acting com- pany The Oxford University Play- ers in "The Alchemist" and "King Lear." Single ticket sale opens to- morrow at 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Box of- fice open daily except Sundays and July 4th. Phone 6300. The U.S. Civil Service Commis- sion announces the following ex- aminations: Library Assistant - grades GS- 2, GS-3 and GS-4, closing date August 2. Deputy United States Marshal- GS-5, closing date July 12. Oceanographer - Grades GS-7 through GS-15-no closing date. Kern County, California an- nounces a position available fo Draftsman, Grade II (Planning Commission). Applicants mu s t have had at least four years of recent full-time experience in an engineering, assessor's office or a similar office where the duties in- volved map drafting, etc. For additional information on the above announcements, please call at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg. Lectures Dr. Samuel Hartwell, Michigan Department of Mental Hygiene, will be our psychiatrist consultant at the case clinic Friday, June 30 at the Fresh Air Camp; Pinckney Michigan. Institute on Living in the Late Years. Topic: ' Education for an Aging Population. Sessions at 9:30 a.m., 2:00 p.m., Rackham Amphi- theater. *Dinner Session. Speaker: Governor G. Mennen Williams 6:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Institute on the Law and Labor- Mtanagement Relations. Subject: f l r l i t i 1 3 I 1 5 1 U 1 7 3 0 J r 1 45 U f i i r l Labor Unions as Legal Institutions. Sessions at 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 2:00 p.m., and 4:00 p.m., 100 Hut- chins Hall. *Banquet, 7:00 p.m., Michigan Union. Natural Science Films, auspices of the University Museums. "The Coconut Tree," "Leaves," "From Flower to Fruit." 7:30 p.m., Kel- 'logg Auditorium. Concerts Organ Recital by Robert Noeh- ren, University Organist, 4:15 Sun- day afternoon, July 9, in Hill Au- ditorium. Program will include works by Buxtehude, Bach, Ka- minski, Schroeder, Finney, Alain, and Messiaen, and will be open to the general public without charge. Exhibitions General Library, main lobby cases. Contemporary literature and art (June 26-July 26). Museum of Archaeology. From Tombs and Towns of Ancient Egypt. Museums Building. Rotunda exhibit, American Indian stimu- lants. Exhibition halls, "Trees Past and Present." Fridays, 7:00- 9:00 p.m. Law Library. History of Law School (basement); classics for collectors (reading room). Michigan Historical Collections. 160 Rackham Building. A Century of Commencements. Clements Library. A Hundred Michigan Rarities (June 26-July 5). Museum of Art, Alumni Memor- ial Hall: Modern Graphic Art; Oriental Ceramics; through July 30; weekdays 9-5, Sundays 2-5. The public is invited. Events Today Speaker: Harvey Diehl of Iowa State College. Subject: "The Po- larography of Vitamin B12." Time: 4:00 p.m Friday, June 30, 1950. Place: Rin. 1400 Chemistry. Visitors' Night, Department of Astronomy - Friday June 30, 7:30-10 p.m., Portage Lake Ob- servatory. The telescope building, which houses the University's new Schmidt-type telescope, and the staff building will be open to the public for inspection. The Ob- servatory is fourteen miles from Ann Arbor. Take route M-132 to Dexter, continue through Dexter for about seven miles and turn left on Stinchfield Road. Signs marked "Observatory" will indi- cate the road from there on. Coffee Hour: The regular Week- ly Coffee Hour will be held at Lane Hall, 4:30-6:00 p.m. University Museums On Friday evening, June 30, 1950, the University Museums will have a program of exhibits a n d motion pictures entitled "Trees, Past and Present." The exhibits will be on display from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Museums build= ing. A half hour of motion pic- tures, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in Kellogg Auditorium of the Dental building, will include: "The Co- conut Tree," "Leaves," and "From Flower to Fruit." This will be the last opportunity to see the rotun- da exhibit entitled "American In- dian Stimulants." Coming Events Dr. Leon Brillouin, Director of Education for the International Business Machines Corporation, will give a lecture on "Statistical Thermodynamics, in Relation to the Theory of Information, as de- veloped by C. E. Shannon and N. Wiener," at 4:00 p.m., Thursday, July 6, in Rm. 1400 Chemistry Building. Open to those interested. Statistics Seminar, First meet- ing: July 5, Wednesday, 3-5 p.m. in 3010 A.H. Professor Craig will speak. Missouri judges at a judicial conference in Kansas City agreed court opinions "often are too long and written in such a manner as to make a clear understanding dif- ficult." So, in characteristic judi- cial fashion, they adopted a char- acteristically judicial resolution: "An appellate judge, without sacri- fice of clarity, should curtail his opinions as much as possible." What they meant was "Keep it short and simple." -St. Louis Star-Times t C t wt .4 I fi I ui Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under- the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Philip Dawson......Managing Editor Marvin Epstein........Sports Editor Pat Brownson........ Women's Editor Business Staff Roger Wellington.... Business Manager Walter Shapero...Assoc. Business.Mgra Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclsively entitled to the use for'- republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspapr All, rights of republication of allother matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. r . CURREIT MOVIES J A The M ichigan... D.O.A. UNITED ARTISTS is now using unexplain- ed initials to lure patrons to its latest second rate mystery showing at the Michi- gan. The only new twist, besides the enigma- tic title, is a murdered man pursuing his murderer ... in person. Edmund O'Brien'as the "dead" man starts the unraveling of the by the look of absolute physical perfection worn by Mr. O'Brien. The plot moves rapidly and is, like those of all grade B thrillers, involved without being really complicated. Mr. O'Brien's mix-ups with the trite and tried-to- many times characters that appear in "D.O.A." give him less than no time to so much as cough into his handkerchief. With numbers of the usual hired hoodlums sent out by the usual smooth operator jump- BARNABY j i,Cry ci 3 Cushlmochree, Barnaby- They don't need to organize. a