17AGAZ VIWD l'a x It. V 4 1 _ - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . --. - - - -. . - . -..u~ a . .u. i 4 . s . N .j. .J .U. _ - - - - - - , - - . - _ _ __. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' . - - . - -- a. , . S_. . S . - i CORNER 0.... Trouble with MacArthur RESISTENTIALISM is the new name of a familiar force: the perversity of natural objects. The pencil that rolls out of reach when you drop it, the collar button that dis- appears under the bureau, the hammer that hits your thumb instead of the nail-all are acting under its influence. They resist. Sometimes it begins to seem that resis- tentialism applies to larger objects, too- like people. Plans work backwards. Speeches persuade in reverse. Programs have effects that are opposite to what was intended. Take this matter of loyalty oaths, which are required of labor union leaders under the Taft-Hartley Act and of professors at cer- tain universities. It is felt that Communists are disloyal, that they are liars and con- spirators. Therefore, a loyalty oath is re- quired of everyone so that the Communists will frankly reveal their disloyalty. Another example is the proposed loan to Franco. Our policy all over the world is avowedly to aid democracy by gestures of friendship and by financial aid if neces- sary. So it is proposed to loan money to Franco in order to build up his dictatorial power as a force for democracy In China we seem to have yielded to an overwhelming case of resistentialism. In sup- port of democracy, we were somehow worked around to backing Chiang Kai-Shek. When Chiang lost to the Communists, we refused to recognize them. That would be admitting that his government is not the government of China. Still, we are the nation that thinks in terms of facts. It's the Russians who re- fuse to recognize facts. Resistentialism finds an especially suscep- tible group of men in Congress. Our repre- sentatives are against totalitarianism, and specifically, against Communism. Some of them, therefore, want to tighten up all the controls, and seriously endanger the liber- ties of all left-of-center political groups a$ well as the freedom of the ordinary citizen to hear any point of view. This is advocated as an anti-totalitarian measure. Actually, it's resistential. T HERE HAS recently been a great increase all around in the number of people who are resisting their own aims and ideas. At times a certain perversity seems to come with this blindness, so that people who aifN acting in a way that will defeat their ideals are not only unaware of it; they positively ,refuse to be convinced. Resistentialism is just as difficult to get rid of when it occurs in a a person as when it occurs in a collar button or a golf ball. For that reason, it constitutes a serious danger. We might slip into the resistential position, for instance, of saying that we want a free peace and simultaneously spending all our money on preparations for war. Or we might come to the point of using totalitarian methods-suppression of pro- paganda and espionage on innocent per- sons-to defeat totalitarianism. As a mat- ter of fact, this has been advocated, at times, by people who say we should fight fire with fire. It should hardly need to be pointed out that water is better. But it does, to a person under the influence of resistentialism. -Philip Dawson, Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT ODITOR: WENDY OWEN U.S. Diplomacy .. . By THOMAS L. STOKES WASHINGTON-It is apparent from re- cent developments that the administra- tion has been a bit uneasy about General Douglas MacArthur's ventures into political phases of the delicate and tense Far Eastern sphere and that he has been/ politely made aware of this. Specifically, his recent flying visit to Gen- eralissimo Chiang Kai-Shek on Formosa is looked upon as a gesture to the defeated, dis- credited Nationalist regime in China by some of our friends elsewhere and it does not sit well. It is suspected that General MacArthur acted on his own initiative. Averell Harri- man has said that the President, Secretary of State Acheson, Secretary of Defense Johnson, and he, himself, knew about the General's visit, but, when asked if it was at the President's direction, replied that Gener- al MacArthur has general instructions from the President and can act on his own initia- tive in carrying them out. The General, Harriman said, discussed only military mat- ters with Chiang. General MacArthur occupies a special position and the approach to him, it is evident, is of the kid gloves variety. He has great prestige, of which he obviously is aware, and wide popular support in this country, which enhances his position and influence. It is precisely because of this prestige and influence here and in the Far East that anything he does attracts notice and interpretations in Asia and all over the world. Generalissimo Chiang cap- italized upon this for his own purposes in the communique he issued after General MacArthur's visit, which intensified the sour reaction to the episode in some quar- ters of the world. General MacArthur is, after all, also com- mander of the United Nations forces in Ko- rea, as well as our own, and the Chinese problem is a matter of bitter controversy right now within the UN Security Council. It is assumed here in Washington that henceforth there will be closer co-ordination on political matters between General Mac- Arthur and the State Department. (Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) News Censorship.. By TOM McNAMARA and FRED BLUMENTHAL (for Drew Pearson) W ASHINGTON-Because careless dispatches are costing American in Korea, the Joint Chiefs of Staff recommended censoring war news. press lives have The first suggestion was for General MacArthur to censor news dispatches within the Korean battle zone. However, MacArthur objected that censorship at the front would be inadequate without some form of censorship in Tokyo and even Washington. The Joint Chiefs came back with the idea of establishing a voluntary code in Tokyo to back up the military censorship at the front. These recommendations have been transmitted to MacArthur by Secre- tary of Defense Johnson. Neither the press nor the military want to restrict freedom of the press beyond military necessity. Therefore, the idea would be for correspondents and military men to work out a voluntary code, so that correspondents wouldn't be left to judge for themselves what is genuine mili- tary security. Under this code, political news wouldn't be censored, but only military information that might aid the enemy. For example, correspondents should be allowed to criti- cize military operations as long as this wouldn't tip off battle plans in advance. In Korea, correspondents under military censorship should also be able to appeal the decisions of the censors in the field. The danger of censorship outside Korea is that MacArthur is inclined to abuse his authority over the press and stifle sin- cere criticism. Even without formal cen- sorship, he has made life uncomfortable for correspondents who have criticized him. On the other hand, military. censorship at the front would be ineffective without at least a voluntary system in Tokyo, where correspondents have as much access to mili- tary information as in Korea. This is also true at the Pentagon, and leading newsmen favor putting military news under the same voluntary code in Washington. The next logical step would be to invite the United Nations, as well, to participate in voluntary censorship. (Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) "You Mean Not Use /The Ax At AR ?11' i . Y tMj Cull LIBERTi ES } }f r a wr Vg> N" , Rj34oc1 - i 153'c TK WAi4t/NGTOW P6YT CP. ette,*J TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on mattLirs of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Illl~u > a v r c 6 o r r a a 2 c e _.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a - . . . . .-4 Z r e r -L . CIINIEMA DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN .( .pi . 1,111 - - - -ag g . . x c f f° f L L t A At Architecture Aud, . 0 . THE OX-BOW INCIDENT, with Henry Fonda, Dana Andrews, Harry Davenport, and William Eythe. Directed by William Wellman. 1 HE OX-BOW INCIDENT, which has been shown here on campus at least twice during the past two years, is back again, and it will do you absolutely no harm to run over and see it once more. It is without much question one of the four or five most important social films made in all of Holly- wood's history. Done with a careful and precise reticence unusual to that self-con- scious genre: the kind of picture that is inevitably compared with Ford's "Grapes of Wrath" and Capra's "Mr. Deeds Goes to ,Town." Thee film has to do, as you probably . know, with the kinds of behavior the a « t .. _ Bull's Eye, Wrong Target T HE FARM POLICIES before World War II resulted in huge surpluses of grains, which came in very handy during the war, because they could be converted into animals and their by-products. But this was an. accidental by-product of the farm policies. They were designed to raise the income of the American far- mers. The farm policy during the war was aim- ed at promoting maximum production by means of high prices-and both the end and the means were realized. 0 But after the war the farm policy was aimed at controlling surpluses and keeping up the farmers' income again. It succeeded only too well in keeping up farm prices. It did not succeed in avoiding surpluses. When. according to economics, the level at which the government supported many products should have been severely lowered, they were not lowered because of politics. Now the danger of another war looms on the horizon, and again the nation has, surpluses of eggs, butter, dried milk, etc., and piles of storable grains for conversion into animals as necessary. This is extremely fortunate. But it cannot be used as a jus- tification of the post-war farm policies. A marksman can't get credit for a bull's eye in a target he wasn't aiming at. Recrimination for past mistakes is not in order, but the profiting from past mistakes is always in order. The Korean war and our new mobilization put the "farm problem" into an entirely different light. At least four targets can be seen: One, a continuation of surpluses of stor- able foods and fibers. Two, a conversion of the storable grains into animals at a rate geared to the best estimates of needs. Three, high production geared to the best estimates of needs. 4 Four, as low prices as consistent with a fair deal to the farmer. Low prices help the farmer get a fair deal, because they help keep inflation in check., The argument over the Aiken plan, the Brannan plan, etc., etc., should be forgot- ten. A new farm plan should be designed with the new situation in mind. And this time the government should hit the target it is aiming at. --St. Louis Star-Times Prospects of an extra-curricular lynching will bring out in a group of men, and it suggests with an insistent mildness that sometimes the majority is not always right. It is precisely that mildness, that avoid- ance of the social heroics that marred such otherwise fine pictures as "Gentleman's Agreement" and "Lost Boundaries," that makes "Ox-Bow Incident" as good as it is. The cast, with the exception of Fonda and Andrews, is not Big-Name, which is a virtue, because very often Big Names tend to get in the way of the story and story here is all-important. Even Fonda amounts to little more than a presence, akind of combination chorus-and-performer through whose ideas and mind the story is slanted to the aud- ience. :The firm 'hand of- director ArqilmAl, , U , paXent'.all through "tax-rBaw:' the "eauoul;':, underplaying,,the great wealth of carefully- placed incident, and the steady avoidance of the predictable. An example of this last; the old Negro who describes how he saw his brother lynched. Fonda asks "And did he do what they hung him for?" Is the answer "No, as a matter of fact, it was subsequently proven that he was entirely innocent?" No, sir. The answer is "Don't rightly know .. . Didn't anybody ever find out." This, I sub- mit, is going a step beyond the obvious, and it is the kind of thing that gives "Ox-Bow" substance and subtlety. Photography and sound are handled in much the same manner. Dialogue is brief and precise; music is the same. The camera is around to get what goes on, but there are few of the customary photographic gim- micks: no impressive angles, no editing ef- fects. The film proceeds from beginning to end in strict continuity, so that almost every moment of the entire "incident" is account- ed for on film. The total effect of all this is, obviously, one of detailed, almost documentary sim- plicity. It makes "The Ox-Bow Incident" probably the best example I can think of of what we usually mean by a "realistic" film. To be sure, you are required, at the end of it, to swallow a small sugar-coated gill, but even this is handled with admir- able logic. If you have not seen this one, see it. If you have, see it again. --IN". J. Hampton Oxford Players .. . To the Editor: jT WILL probably be a long time before people in Ann Arbor for- get the Oxford University Players. They did an excellent job here. Most people however, seem to be content with merely asking: Why were they better than Michigan play production students? The Bri- tish students were, of course, a challenge and an inspiration for theatre students in the Depart- ment of Speech. But let's look at some of the reasons why the Ox- ford students were perhaps better. First of all, we forget that a great difference exists between higher education in Great Britain and in the United States. Only the select few go to college in England. Oxford, for instance~ represents the very select-the best, in fact, primarily from excellent prepara- tory schools. Oxford is made up of students who have had a thorough background in languages and lit- erature, a background probably equal to that received in many American universities and col- leges. So- that a student at Oxford is working on a level in many res- pects comparable to that of an American graduate student. Cer- tainly a good background in lan- guages and literature is important to the actor. As stated, Oxford represents the cream of the educational crop in Britain. If you selected the best students from the Big Ten and put them on one campus you might have a school comparable to Ox- ford. And if you could cast King Lear from the best acting talent from these schools you would prob- ably be able to do a better job than Oxford considering our su- perior technical know-how in play production. We should also remember that thy ; -raver g0 ' g¢ of the,. Oxford ti bel eve>is higher than a tlye age when most Americans graduate from college. ' The most important difference, however; between the Oxford Play- ers and Michigan student actors is the fact that several of the for- mer have had professional experi- ence on the stage, on the radio, and in the movies. This suggests talent, first of all, and training too, in spite of the fact that Ox- ford does not have a speech de- partment. I even heard one supercillious Ph. P. who implied that no need exists for a speech department if Oxford without such a department can produce such plays while Mi- chigan with one does not do as well. Of course, the above reasons i answer that charge in part. But 1 more than that, a department of speech in an American university introduces great plays such as are produced here to the college com- munity. This, too, helps fill in the rather poor academic backgrounds 1 that so many of our students have. Our departments of speech not only give students good cultural 1 backgrounds, but to those who 1 participate in theatre activities I they learn to be more distinct in i speech and more poised in bodily movement, valuable 'assets to any- i one in any occupation. And this c training is not merely for the se- 1 lect few as at Oxford, but for any- one who wants to sign up for courses in our speech departments. If our shows suffer for lack of polished performances at times, they suffer because we feel that the student is more important than the play. Let's applaud the Oxford Play- ers for their performances. They deserve it. At the same time, how- ever, let's applaud the Depart- ment of/Speech here at Michigan, and departments over the country, where large numbers of students are learning to be more distinct, more poised, better educated men and women-in fact, better citi- zens. -Wm. Walter Duncan Golfer's Delight .. . To the Editor: THE' UNIVERSITY Golf Course is managed like an old lady's home. When one returns from the 18th hole, tired and defeated, one likes a little balm and comfort, don't one. So one sits on the porch and lifts one's foot to rest on a wooden table or a canvas chair- both sturdy and cheap enough- and a man comes charging out and says "Do you mind?" One gets up and enters the interior of the palace and buys a coke for 10 cents and plunks oneself down in a very good looking, hard sitting chair, and the boss moves in again and says "Do you mind sitting in an- other chair because you are drink- ing coca cola?" One moves into a new little straight backed chair and imagines that one has a little saucer under one's coke bottle. Fin- ishing the coke one repairs to the leather chair again and lifts one's foot onto the tile sill looking out onto the course, and of course the man is there with another "Do you mind?" to protect his tile. Well, the point of this letter is that I DO, MINI}. --Burton H. ,Cronin, ; . t Bloodthirsty To the Editor: SOVIET RUSSIA has been hor- ribly misunderstood by deca- dent, capitalist U.S. journalists! Of course Michigan football players are carted straight from field to cemetery-but they con- 1 tinue on another block to Univer- sity Hospital. ] Undoubtedly, it all began this way: Some Russian propagandist interviewed a Comrade who stud- ied here-before being enlightened -and sports was brought up. Our alumnus probably commented 'on how often the ambulance roared away from the stadium with maimed halfbacks, "in the direc- tion of Forest Hills Cemetery," or just, "up the hill," both meaning 1 to the hospital beyond. r The figure of speech was a var- iation of the thing for the thing c contained.' In this case, it was the thing for the thing in back of it. I I agree with Soviet Russia that < University football tends to be bloodthirsty. Often the crunch of bones competes with the munch of pop corn. But I enjoy every messy moment of it. I That is because I realize that 1 there are (usually) only 22 men 1 engaged in the mortal combat, and they don't let women and children play at all. -Craig Wilson Publication in The Dally Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication. (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1950 VOL. LX, No. 34-S NOtLCeS Recommendations for Depart- mental Honors: Teaching depart- ments wishing to recommend ten- tative August graduates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Educa- tion for departmental honors should recommend such students in a letter to be sent to the Regis- trar's Office, Room 1513 Adminis- tration Building before August 24. Attention August Graduates: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public'. Health: Students are advised not to re quest grades of I or X in August. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instructor to report the make-up grade not later than 11 a.m., August 24. Grades received after that time may defer the student's graduation until a later date. Edward G. Groesbeck' Library Hours After Summer Session The General Library will close at 6 pm. daily, beginning Friday, August 18. Evening service will be resumed on September 25. The Library will be open daily from 8 a.m. to 6 P.M. Mondays through Fridays, except during the period from August 28 through September 4, when the Library Building will be completely closed for repairs. The Divisional Libraries will be closed from August 19 through September 16, with the exception of Engineering, East Engineering, Hospital, and Physics, which will be open on shortened scheduled. Information as to hours will be posted on the library doors or may be obtained by calling University Extension 653. Requests for ma- terial from the closed libraries will be taken care of at the Circulation desk in the General Library. Students having in their posses- sion books borrowed from the Gen- eral Library or its branches are notified that such books are due Monday, August 14. Students having special need for certain books between August 14 and August 19 may retain such books for that period by renewing them at the Charging Desk. The names of all students who have not cleared their records at the Library by Friday, August 18, will be sent to the Cashier's Office and their credits and grades will be withheld until such time as said records are cleared in compliance with the regulations of the Re- gents. "Law Ichooi Admission Test. Candidates taking the Law School Admission Test, August 12 are re- quested to report to room 100 Hutchins Hall at 8:45 a.m. Satur- day for the morning session. The afternoon session will begin at 1:45 p.m. Candidates must be pre- sent at both sessions." Tlilirsday, t ugust I7 afrd IGtie 4.i August 18: Examinations for Urii versity Credit. All. students, wlio desire, credit for work done in-the summer session will be required to take examinations at the close of the session. The examination sche- dule for the schools and colleges on the eight-week basis is as fol- lows: Hour of Time of Recitation Examination 8:00 ............. Thursday, 8-10 9:00 ................ Friday, 8-10 10:00 ............. Thursday, 2-4 11:00 ................ Friday, 2-4 1:00 .............. Thursday, 4-6 2:00 ............ Thursday, 10-12 3:00 .............. Friday, 10-12 All other hours ...... Friday, 4-6 Student Loan Prints: All student loan prints are to be returned to room 510 (basement), Adminis- tration Building, Monday, Tues- day, or Wednesday between the I hours of 8-12 and 1-5. A fine of five cents will be charged for each day the picture is overdue after Wednesday. Student Loans for Men: Stu- dents unable to pay, in full, loans which are now due should see Miss McKenzie, 1020 Administration Building, immediately. The 'Mayne County Civil Service Commission announces August 15 as the closing date for the filing of applications for examinations for Psychologist I. Applications for this examination must be, post- marked or received at the office of the Wayne County Civil Ser- vice Commission no later than that date in order to be considered. Bureau of Appointments. Papers written for Contempor- ary Arts and Society may be pick- ed up now at the following offices: College of Architecture, 207 Archi- tecture Bldg.; English Department, 3223 Angell Hall; Fine Arts De- partment, 206 Tappan H a 11; School of Music, 101 School of Mu- sic. b Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Helen Mar Churchill, Zoology; thesis: "Germ Cell Cycle of Echinostoma revolutum (Froelich, 1802) (Echi- nostomatidae: Trematoda)", Sat- day, August 26, 3091 Natural Sci- ence Bldg., at 9 a.m. Chairman, G. R. LaRue. Doctoral Examination for Ro- bert Theodore Amos, Education; t h e si s : "Comparative Accuracy with which Negro and White Chil- dren Can Predict Teachers'. Atti- tudes Toward Negro Students", Tuesday, August 15, East.'E:ouncil Room, Rackham Bldg., at'4 p.m. Chairman, H. C. Koch. boctoral Examination for Ray- mond Ernest Nadeau, Speech; thesis: "The Index rhetoricus of Thomas Farnaby", Monday, Aug- ust 14, West Council Room, Rack- ham Bldg., at 3 p.m. Chairman, W. M. Sattler. Doctoral Examination for Mar- vin Lucius Aronson, Psychology; thesis: "An Exploratory ; udy of the Freudian Theory oi' Poanoia with a Group of Psychological Tests," Monday, August 14, West Council Room, Rackham-Bldg., at 7:45 p.m. Chairman, Abraham Carp. Doctoral Examination far- ,Fran-cis Chester Seaman, Philosophy; thesis: "Some Philosophic,,- Impli-cations of the Theory of'R61ativ- ity," Wednesday, August 16, East Alcove, Assembly Hall, Rackham Bldg., at 2 p.m. Chairman, A. W. Burks. Doctoral Examination for Ger- ard M. Mertens, German ; thesis: "Stefan Zweig's Biographical Writings as Studies of Human Types," Tuesday, August 25,° 102D Tappan, at 2 p.m. Chairman, F. B. Wahr. Doctoral Examination for John J. Brownfain, Psychology; thesis: "Stability of the Self-Concept as a Dimension of Personality," Tues- day, August 15, 1027 East Huron Street, Room No 4, at 10 a.m. Chairman, E. L. Kelly. Doctoral Examination for . Fred Brafman, Mathematics-, thesis: "Generating Functions of Jacobi and Related Polynomials," Tues- day, August 15, 272 West Engi- neering Bldg., at 3:30 per;" Chair - man, E. D. Rainville. Doctoral Examination for Char- les Alvin Dailey, Psychology; the- sis: "Some Factors Influencing (Continued on Page 3) 7 , k d -, . k I I wc. Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in - Control of Student Publications. ,Editorial Staff Philip Dawson ....... ".Managing Editor Peter Hatton... ....... .City Editor Marvin Epstein .......... Sport e Editor Pat Brownson.... ..... Women's Editor Business Staff Roger Wellington.... Business Manager Walter Shapero... Assoc. Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24- i I Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular schoc: year by carrier, $5.00, by . mail, $6.00. I .RNABY s-+r"5o I I Apparently that heckler in the balcony doesn't care to face his fellow We have one man to blame for this highway mess. If he had sold his land to the State, I When will you change the 9 highway back, Mr. O'Malley? I -r I'd better let him know that, despite the change, C-:- -Atl I Yeats ... This is Friendly--Whnt This is J. J. O Malley, the big restaurauteur, ennin_ Mr Frianrllv._. I unloaded those worthless options on the original :A,. A At A- t,:..t......, A _.. ,M.. ,,.... Splendid. By the way, th4re's,.c development you'll be inter$sfed __ 11--- IL_ L--f ___ ... ili II I (I