_ __TE M CICIGAN P LY -W-------i---------- - . . IN -Now" DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go-Ro uncd WASHINGTON-The Korean crisis has put a crimp in the lush lecture fees of Sen- ators and Congressmen. However, many still slip away for occasional week-end lectures when they need spare change. Their fees run from $200 to $750 an evening-though Vice President Barkley, the star attraction, collects as high as $1,500 for a one-night stand. For example, Sen. Hubert Humphrey, Minnesota. Democrat, was so broke after paying his campaign bills and moving his family to Washington that he had to bor- row money in order to eat. Ile finally hired out as a lecturer on his spare nights, earned an extra $6,000 last year. Oregon's GOP Sen. Wayne Morse went $25,000 in the hole during his first campaign, filled lecture engagements to make up the deficit. He still averages $10,000 a yea speaking for hire. Sen. Estes Kefauver, Tennessee Democrat, needed $3,000 to pay off his mortgage. He hit the lecture trail on week ends, earned enough in six months to pull out of the red. TOP DRAWING CARD A TOP DRAWING CARD on the lectureI circuit is Congressman Franklin D. doosevelt, Jr., whose famous name com- :.Inands a fat fee. However, his profits go to pay for extra stenographers to handle the h Jeavy mail that deluges his Congressional office, also because of his famous name. Last year he paid $12,000 out of his own pocket for office help, made up half of this from lecture fees. The best-paid political lecturer, of course, is Vice President Barkley, who can almost name his own price because of his great prestige and platform appeal. In addition, even the millionaire senators, such as Oklahoma's Robert Kerr, do some lecturing for hire. They usually assign the fee to some charity, however, such as Kerr's favorite-the Baptist Foundation in Okla- homa City. Most Senators and Congressmen who do professional lecturing are handled by speakers' bureaus which take a 30 per cent ct. These agencies give their clients a ballyhoo build-up befitting movie stars. here are a few samples: Sen. Charles Tobey, New Hampshire Re- publican-"a fast-talking Yankee who cru- sades realistically but relentlessly;" Con- gresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas, Calif- ornia Democrat - "glamorous and distin- guished leader of the liberals;" Sen. Joseph O'Mahoney, Wyoming Democrat - "A fore-' most exponent of truly free business." Sen. Styles Bridges, New Hampshire Re- Publican-"dynamic personality and a mag- netic, sincere speaker;" Sen. Lister Hill, Ala- bama Democrat-"exceptionally well quali- fied to speak at industrial functions;" Sen. Owen Brewster, Maine Republican-"pre- sents conclusions intelligently and with in disputable sincerity." Sen. Joe McCarthy's speaking fee has trebled since hitting the headlines with his charges of Communist infestation in the State Department. Other Senators and Con- gressmen, such as Speaker Sam Rayburn and Sen. Glen Taylor of Idaho, won't speak for money. HOLDING KOREA GENERAL OMAR BRADLEY, the nation's No. 1 soldier, has flatly assured the President that American troops will not be pushed out of Korea. Comparing the present Korean battle with the toehold the Allies held on Europe at historic Omaha Beach in June, 1944, Bradley drew some striking parallels. Here, in brief, is what he told the President: 1-Ve will so4pnhaveas ma .iviSnnin Koi-e a We hd t Oiiah'aeach' whfi' the north Koreans will be almost the same nu- merical strength as the Germans surround- ing Omaha teach. 2-While our forces in Korea are not as well trained as those we sent into Germany, the North Korean troops don't compare with the German Wehrmacht. 3-United Nations forces in Korea will have the same, or possibly greater, air su- periority as they held at D-Day in Europe: The naval situation is also an exact parallel, since we control the seas. Bradley recalled that, under these circum-\ stances, the Allies gave a pretty good ac- count of themselves in Normandy. (Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: PETER HOTTON The, Way to Peace "It Sure Is" WITH OUR ATTENTION concentrated winning the Korean War we must re- member that winning that war is still sec- ondary to winning a world-wide lasting peace. The world can not hope to live without fear of war and be able to enjoy pros- perity to the fullest of its potentialities until the threat of a successful world Communist movement is removed. In our efforts to remove this threat we must not deter from democratic principles in the least and must not allow one life to be, lost needlessly. It is possible to secure peace, increase the world's level of living and advance demo- cratic institutions if we place a high prem- ium on life-Eastern as well as Western-are far-sighted and willing to sacrifice some measure of national wealth and sovereignty to adhere to a determined long-range plan despite temporary setbacks. In Korea where Communist expansion has taken the form of armed aggression we have no choice but to meet it with force if we are not to follow a course of appeasement which can only serve to further whet the Red appetite for aggression. We must continue to fight there only as long as the Communist forces are unwilling to withdraw. Once Communists are willing to lay down their arms and accept our terms, the UN must come upon the scene and pre- pare to unite the two Koreas via a free na- tional election, in which the Communists would also participate. There is no reason to believe that a party offering political free, domoras well as being willing to grant land reforms and any other socializing reformp where needed, won't be chosen over Com- munism. No people would be foolish enough to choose a government that would rule by force and relegate the country to the sta- tus of a Soviet satelite-if they are pre- sented with a real alternative. In other parts of Asia Communism is spreading without resort to armed aggres- sion. Ind.-China, Malaya, Burma and Tibet are teetering on the brink of the Communist cesspool. If they go Thailand is bound to go. The insurrections in the Philippines would increase. Tremendous Communist pressure on India and Pakistan could take its toll of these countries. To save these countries we'- ye got to do away with the cesspools. This is the most important and urgent job. Not only in Asia, but in Africa and weak European nations. We've got to help these peoples raise their levels of living. If not inl the spirit of kindess and fellowship, then to stop them from grasping. Communism. This can be accomplished by continua- tion of the Marshall Plan and a greatly expanded Point Four Program. These two instruments must form the basis of our foreign policy not just be incidentals to rearming programs. The misery that makes life seem hopeless and causes people to fall aback on Communism to tempor- arily relieve the pain of living must be eli- minated. And sharing of our wealth and know-how is the way to do the job. In Asia and Africa colonial peoples are straining at their leashes for independence. They are tired of playing a subservient role. They want to plot their own destinies. With this goal they have the full, although selfish sympathy of the Soviet Union. Is there any reason why we shouldn't help them out of righteousness in their struggle? The Communist propaganda is not only increasing the nationalistic yearnings of these people, but is transforming these nort mal emotions into vicious racism. This is de- signed to incite rebellion against the "white Western overlord" and put the Communistg in a position to assume the title of the sav- iors of the colonial peoples. To counteract the Communist efforts we need only demon- strate that we believe in freedom for all peo- ples and actively oppose colonial oppression. Policies such as these can prevent further Communist expansion and as such are in- struments for the maintenance of peace. As a bulwark against outright armed aggression we have no choice but to arm with the hope that Russia will not be foolish enough to attack when there exists an o p p o si n g alliance whose military strength is greater than her own. The appropriate means for building thi6 opposition is the UN. We should take ad- vantage of the Korean situation and per- manently contribute our armies fighting there to an international police force. With the example of the U.S., the UN should re- quest the other free nations to contribute forces in proportion to the population, in- dustrial capacity and internal conditions of the individual nation. In this way an effect. ive force can be maintained to deter a trig- ger-happy Politburo without fully militariz- ing any one nation. Once a successful military alliance has shown that international cooperation on a large-scale is possible we should be able to demonstrate that political and economic unir- fication is more than a dream but the only realistic way of eventually achieving lasting peace. That the European notions realize this is evidenced by the proposal of the Schuman Plan and the present meeting of, the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe. But a unification plan can only suc- ceed in achieving such a broad goal if the U.S. participates. Peace can only be achieved by following these policies and waiting for history to take its inevitable course inside Russia. Continu- ation of the oppressive treatment of her pop- ulation and almost complete use of industrial power for military purposes will eventually incite the Russian people to rise in revolt. When this happens the new government can be incorporated into the unification that then exists and we will have true world fed- eration and lasting peace. -Paul Marx - *_ - - - ' A~ -- ---- I Iul + OHVTM WJNwqonM1y~N Xette/4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in goodtaste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Hopeless War .. To the Editor: I WE SHOULD be pushed out of Korea, and at the present time such seems to be reasonably possible, we may accept our evic- tion as further proof that we are rapidly approaching the close of an era, an era of Western domina- tion of Asiatic peoples. We need but review the occurrences of very recent years to see that Western imperialism in Asia with its tight political and economic controls has so broken down as to presage its complete disappearance in the near future. We saw the British retire from Burma with little show of dignity, and again we saw them without enthusiasm or genuine magnanim- ity grant India and Pakistan "do- minion" status. Still again we saw the stubborn Dutch forcibly eject- ed from their lush East Indian pos- sessions. And further we saw the United States, together with Brit- ain, lose her strong position in China through her misguided; in- discriminate support of the cor- rupt, double-dealing boss of the Kuomintang, the now entirely dis- credited Chiang Kai Shek. There was one withdrawal, however, which we Americans, at least, can point to pridefully, and that is our granting to the Philippine Islands their full political independence. 11 ' ...r te IDRAMA a. will deny that the French and Brit- ish situation in Asia, not to men- tion our own, which has heavy overtones of imperialistic control in 'both political and economic spheres can be maintained only through the expenditure of billions of American dollars and perhaps the waging of total war. The era when Western imperialism could be successfully and profitably bol- stered by the employment of a few well armed gun boats, a few hund- red troops, and a handful of daz- zling, fear-provoking aircraft is now fast drawing to a close. One more apparent observation is sufficient to suggest a wiser, more fruitful policy to be followed by the Western democracies in place of that so laden with politi- cali mperialism. We see that even though India, Pakistan, Burma, the Dutch East Indies, and the Philippines have been released from the restraining influence of their parent states, they have not as we say, "gone Communistic," failing, in spite of our expecta- tions, to render themselves in any way subservient to the greatly feared ambitions of Communist Russia, On the contrary, these baby states, proud of their newly acquired status, have been drawn into ever closer union with those elder commonwealths which have long placed high value upon their individual integrity and independ- ence. This "spiritual" union has been augmented and firmly ce- mented by something approaching equalitarian commerce, which is equally lucrative to both those states which so recently assumed the role of "mother countries" and those degraded by the appellation "colonial possessions', In view of these observations, then, particularly the last, I would ask these questions: what would we gain were we successful in pushing the North Koreans back acr ss the,, now 'famous -hlrty- eigh tl parellel ), and again what" would we actually lose were we at last totally pushed from that di- minuitive peninsula-extension of Asia? To my mind we are truly fighting a hopeless war - we must now acknowledge the end of an era. -James M. Lawler Research Laboratories will be at the Bureau of Appointments on Wednesday, August 16th to inter- view August graduates taking de- grees in chemistry and chemical engineering. They are interested in B.S. candidates in chemistry for beginning research jobs and chemical engineers for junior en- gineers for pilot plant work. For further information and appoint- ments for interviews call the Bu- reau of Appointments, Ext. 371. The United States Civil Service Commission announces an exami- nation for Engineers with options in architectural, civil, construc- tion, electrical, hydraulic (gener- al), hydraulic ,hydrologic investi- gations), material, safety, and sur- verying and cartographic. For fur- ther information call at the Bu- reau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Building. Library Hours After Summer Session The General Library will close at 6 p.m. daily, beginning Friday, August 18. Evening service will be resumed on September 25. The Library will be open daily from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, except during the period from August 28 through Sepjember 4, when the Library Building will be completely closed for repairs. The Divisional Libraries willbe closed from August 19 through September 16, with the exception of Engineering, East Engineering, Hospital, and Physics, which will be open on shortened scheduled. Information as to hours will be posted on the library doors or may be obtained by calling University Extension 653. Requests for ma- terial from the closed libraries will be taken care of at the Circulation desk in the General Library. Students having in their posses- sion books borrowed from the Gen- eral Library or its branches are notified that such books are due Monday, August 14. Students having special need for certain books between August 14 and August 19 may retain such books for that period by renewing them at the Charging Desk. The names of all students who have not cleared their records at the Library by Friday, August 18, will be sent to the Cashier's Office and their credits and grades will be withheld until such time as said records are cleared in compliance with the regulations of the Re- gents. "Law School Admission Test. Candidates taking the Law School Admission Test, August 12 are re- quested to report to room 100 Hutchins Hall at 8:45 a.m. Satur- day for the morning session. The afternoon session will begin at 1:45 p.m. Candidates must be pre- sent at both sessions." -Lectures Astronomical Colloquium. Friday, August 11, at 4 p.m. at the Ob- servatory. Speaker: Dr. G. C. Mc- Vittie, Professor of Mathematics, Queen Mary College, London Eng- land. Subject: "Interpretation of Observations in Cosmological The- ories." Dr. Ralph Rabinovitch, Neuro- psychiatric Institute, University Hospital wil be our psychiatrist consultant at the case clinic Fri- day, August 11, at the Fresh Air Camp, Pinckney, Michigan. Academic Noie Dotoral Examnilatinor *a1teir Wataru Wada, -Physics; thesis, Vector Meson Field", Friday, Aug-' ust 11, West Council Room, Rack- ham Bldg., at 2 p.m. Chairman, E. S. Lennox. Doctoral Examination for Law- rence Melsen DeRidder, Educa- tion; thesis: "Selected Fautors Re- lated to the Academic Achieve- ment of Probationary Students Graduated in 1948 from the Col- lege ofsLiterature, Science, and the Arts of the University of Michigan," Friday, August 11, East Counci Room, Rackham Bldg., at 3 p.m. Chairman, H. C. Koch. Doctoral Examination for Donald Gordon Duncan, Mathematics; thesis: "Some Results in Little- wood's Algebra of S-Functions," Friday, August 11, 3006 Angell hall, at 3 p.m. Chairman, R. M. Thrall. Concerts Student Recital: James Chap- man, organist, will present a pro- gram in Hil Auditorium, at 8:30 Friday evening, August 11, in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree. It will include compositions by Bach, Hindemith, and Messiaen, and will be open to the public. Mr. Chap.. man is a pupil of Robert Noehren. Student Recital Postponed: The recital previously announced for Monday evening, August 14, by Joyce Heeney, Organist, in Hill Auditorium, has been postponed. The exact date will be announced in the fall. Student Recital: Sister Thomas Gertrude Brennan will present a piano recital at 4:15 Friday after- noon, August 11, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. A pupil of John Kollen, Sister Thomas Gertrude will play compositions by Bach, Schubert, Brahms, and Beethoven. The public is invited. University Summer S e s s i o n Choir, Henry Veld, Conductor, will be heard in its annual concert at 4:15 Sunday afternoon, August 13, in Hill Auditorium. It will be as- sisted by a string quartet consist- ing of Alfred Boyington and James Vandersall, violinists, Emile Sim- onel, violist, and George Webber, cellist. The choir will sing compo- sitions by Heinrich Schutz, Bach, Murray, Nikolski, Glinka, DeLa- marter, Scandello, Barber and Jenkins. The general public will be admitted without charge. Exhibitions General Library, main lobby cases. "Trochiledae, Family of Humming Birds," by John Gould, supplement, 1887. (July 27-August 18). Museum of Archaeology. From Tombs and Towns of Ancient Egypt. Museums Building. Rotunda ex- hibit, "The Coal Flora of Michi- gan." Exhibition halls, "Jungle Arts, Crafts, and People." Law Library. Legal cartoons (basement, July 24-August 18). Michigan Hi3torical Collections. 160 Rackham Building. "Tourists in Michigan-Yesterday and To- day." Museum of Art. Oriental ceram- ics (June 26-August 15). Modern graphic art. (July 2-August 15). Clements Library. Mic gan rar- ities. (August 1-181. Events Todoy The subject of the University Museums program for Friday eve- ning, August 11, 1950, will be "Jungle Arts, Crafts, and People." Short moving pictures entitled "Malaya-Nomads of the Jungle" and "Malay Peninsula" will be shown in Kellogg Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Related exhibits will be on display at the University Mu- seums building from 7 to 9 p.m. Visitors' Night, Department of Astronomy, Friday, August 11, 8:30 to 10 p.m. at the Observatory (across from the University Hos- pital). The Observatory will be op- en for observation of Star Clusters and Jupiter. If the sky is not clear, the visitors' night will be canceled. Children must be accompanied by adults. On Stage: "The Great Adven- ture," Arnold Bennett's delightful comedy adapted from' his novel, "Buried Alive." This is the last in (Continued on Paee 3) F ' z- C t ttt tt I I ,i ' y 1 I- ARNOLD BENNETT'S "The Great Ad- venture," staged by the Department of Speech at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, has been variously described as comedy, sa- tire and farce. It is none of these, if success is to be, considered a criterion. Certainly it is not drama. Briefly, a famous artist (Ilam Carve) is mistaken for his expired valet in the weakly constructed vehicle, and the dead man (Al- bert Shawn) is thought to be the celebrated artist. The deceased is buried with pomp in Westminster .Abbey, but the, hoax is dis- eovered-with' much thagz n mt& er'ave ,Ie gins to produce new works bt art, the style of which leads experts to the .truth. The farcical element - mistaken iden- tity - is present at the start. But there is no progression, no evoluion of farce; rather the element is maintained at the same level. Satiric lines are copious, but they are far too' meek to give the play significance as satire. Nor can the play be called a good example of high comedy. Only in the third act, vast- ly better than the first or second, does the author take advantage of the vivid charac- ter Janet Cannott, then wife of IDam Carve. Previous exploitations of the character are infrequent. The limited dramatic appeal is produced by the question of Carve's identity, i. e., will he be found out? The lack of drama is par- tially due to Carve, a man who is rarely dis- turbed or affected, in any manner, by cir- cumstances, favorable or unfavorable. ' There were several departures from the written version of the play, one of which added to whatever slight enjoyment might have been gained from the visual exper- ience. In the first scene of the third act, Janet, successfully acted by Gloria Gene Moore for the evening's top performance, was given an added five minutes of delightful dialogue as she cleverly disposed of Mrs. Albert Shawn and her punctilious, dim-witted sons. Happily, the lines were in character. How- ever, another of the departures was present in this scene and it was :UOotunt 'tl% "thE alteiratiori was- efeatec L the nil j John a'nd James Shawn were curates; the director, Mrs. Claribel Baird, transformed the moustached pair into floor walkers.wi. The gentle chiding of the ecclesiastics and the church, in general, was destroyed by the mutation. In view of the sporadic satiric jabs, an effort to destroy any of the chaffing was in error. There were several other minor insertions and deletions in an attempt to improve the play - for the most part they failed. Warren Pickett did not create a distinct characterization in Ilam Carve; however, it must be granted that he had little to begin with. Bennett's Carve is a nondescript indi- vidual who does not react and therefore' never emerges as a notable character. Ted Heusel, most recently seen as Joe in "The Time of Your Life," was reminiscent of Lionel Barrymore in his execution of the fun-loving American, Texel, but his perfor- mance was convincing and enjoyable, though not original. More outstanding were the presenta- tions of Jeanette Grandstaff in her credi- 5ble portrayal of the widowed Mrs. Albert Shawn and Sheldon Slavin, the appealing John Shawn whose sole task to "take charge" of his mother. Morris Winer doubled as Doctor Pascoe and James Shawn; he dexterously created distinct characterizations in -both cases. Though seen only briefly, James Briley was masterful as the dying Albert Shawn. Norma Stolzenbach managed to convey Honoria (charming name!) with ability, but was once again guilty of addressing the au- dience rather than the other actors. The same error was committed by Mrs. Stolzen- bach in her portrayal of the nurse in "An- tigone and The Tyrant." I ra What we observe today seems to indicate that additional regres- sions are imminent, if not abso- lutely unavoidable. I refer to the tenuous hold the French now have in French Indo-China, an extreme- ly expensive hold as it costs the French as much to retain it as they receive in Marshall Plan aid. The British position in Hong Kong is scarcely more secure than that of the French, for it can hardly be d toather -100,009 troops w dA iat.hfoxle , pansive legions of Mao Tse Tung.. And to mound, out this picture we need but look at our own precari- ous 'position n the vast continent of Asia, now reduced to no more than forty or fifty square miles. No reasonable person after mak- ing these few simple observations DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1950 VOL. LX, No. 33-S Notices Recommendations for Depart- mental Honors: Teaching depart- ments wishing to recommend ten- tative August graduates from the Lollege of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Educa- tion for departmental honors should recommend such students in a letter to be -sent to the Regis- trar's Office, Room 1513 Adminis- tration Building before August 24. Attention August Graduates: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public Health: Students are advised not to re- quest grades of I or X in August. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instructor to report the make-up grade not later than 11 a.m., August 24. Grades received after that time may defer the student's graduation until a later date. Edward G. Groesbeck Summer Employment: Men with cars wanted for sales positions. For further information call at Bu- reau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Building. A representative of The Sinclair Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Philip Dawson......Managing Editor Peter Hotton............City Editor MarvinrEpstein........Sports Editor Pat Brownson........ Women's Editor Business Staff Roger Wellington....Business Manager Walter Shapero...-Assoc. Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for- republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail matter, Subscription during regular. schoc: Year by carrier, $5.00. by. mail, $6.00. 4 Basis of U. S. Leadership By THOMAS L. STOKES ASHINGTON-It is fortunate in this W time of crisis that we have in the White House a man who is a thorough student of American history and has been a shrewd observer of that part of our history through which he has lived, with its two World Wars that strained our basic liberties but never destroyed them. Harry Truman refuses to be swept away, when so many others are, by the provoca- tions of the moment - and they are indeed frustrating - to yield our basic civil and of our existing laws covering espionage, sab- otage and other activities of subversion car- ried on by Communist agents, which are the real danger. Court experience has revealed certain deficiencies in these. The real dangers, he said, "come, not from normal political activity, but from espionage, sabotage, and the building of an organiza- tion dedicated to the destruction of our government by violent means - against all of which we already have laws." The best answer to Communist propa- ganda against. us a~nd'iouir wav of life. the~ BARNABY 11 Il Whoever that is up there in the balcony-Which, by the way, is supposed to be closed-You don' THERE you are, Mr. O'Malley- Are you going to make a speech? r , I -My chain of super-deluxe hot-dog and tourist palaces, with a juke box in every I'll change the highway back to its original route. A simple matter for your