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August 11, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-08-11

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Latest Deadline in the State

Da iijy


dvancingCommunists Outside of


* * *


UMT 'Soon'
To Hit Floor
Of Congress
Would Establish
Citizen Reserve
WASHINGTON -(P)-Congress
soon will consider a step this coun-
try never has taken before: mili-
tary training for every young man.
Rear Adm. H. A. Houser, a
spokesman for the Defense De-
partment, told the Senate Armed
Services Committee that a bill for
universal military training is be-
ing drafted and should reach Con-
gress soon.
NO DETAILS were given. But
p5resumably the bill would be so
drafted that, if it were passed, it
would not take effect until after
the Korean War.
Cost of the program was esti-
mated at $600,000,000 for the
first year, rising to a possible
$2,000,000,000 a year later.
Under universal military train-
ing, all young men would be train-
ed, and would form a "citizens'
reserve." Then, in time of emer7
gencies, they could be tapped fo
active service.
THE TRAINING would not be
just military, it would aim to help
educate the youths mentally and
physically, for peace and war.
A compulsory training pro-
gram long has been urged, but
Congress always has shied away
from it.
Three years ago a special com-
mittee of civilians made a long
studyof the problem nd said
such a program should be adopted.
President Truman agreed, passed
the suggestion on to congress, but
nothing happened.
1. Senator Tydings said that
within 10 days, or possibly soon-
er, his committee will report out a
bill to restore special family and
dependency payments for all en-
listed personnel in the Armed Ser-
2. The Air Force announced it
will increase its woman-power by
several thousands.
3. The Senate Armed Services
Committee voted to suspend pro-
visions of the draft act that dir-
ected the Army, Navy and Air
Force to allow 18-year-olds to vol-
unteer for one year of service and
thus avoid being drafted for 21
months of service when they
reached 19.
Grad School
Gives Grants
Of $82,172
Dean Ralph A. Sawyer an-
f nounced yesterday that $82,172
in research grants have been
awarded by the graduate school.
Included among the grants ap-
propriated by the Board of Gov-
ernors from the Horace H. Rack-
ham fund were $31,952 for 12 fa-
culty projects in the fields of med-
icine, dentistry, biology. astrono-

my and social science; $25,000 for
graduate fellowships; and $6000
for the University Center for Jap-
anese studies.
* * *
COVERING 27 projects in such
fields as physical science, biology,
social science, medicine and lan-
guage and literature, $19,221 of
the grants were made from the
Faculty Research Fund by the
executive Board of the school.
*The University Observatory
received the largest amount,
$6,700 for the completion of a
three-year survey of the Milky
Way, now being carried on by
the astronomy department at
the University's Lamont-Hussey

Soviets Hit 'U' Football 'Carnage'

Radio Moscow is telling Russian
listeners that American football is
so "murderous" players at the Uni-
versity of Michigan" are often
carried from the football field
straight to the cemetery."
Picturing the American sport as
a carnival of murder and may-
hem, the radio also came out
against lady wrestlers and maca
oni-eating contests.
are part of a capitalist plot to
whip up the "bestial" instincts of.
the toiling masses into the right
frame of mind for World War III. >
The broadcast, picked up by
American monitors, blamed pro-
fit-hungry promoters for "turn-1
ing football match into a fight."
"Football players," it said, "are
forced obediently to carry out the
orders of thtir bosses under the%
threat of unemployment. For the
men who treat sport as a money-
making proposition, people's health
and lives are of no concern.
THE AMERICAN athlete is just
the tool of the Wall Street bosses,
the radio asserted.
"Let the people become used
to seeing death," the Russians
announcer explained. "Let themz
learn to attack each other. This
is the reasoning of the business-
men. After this training, it will
be easier to send them to the
Nothing like this bourgeois car-
nage exists in the glorious sports
world of the Soviet Union, radiow
listeners were assured.
Turning to boxing, the program
asserted that "Boxing has been
completely absorbed by all sorts
of profiteers and every boxer hasy
a boss. Rich good-for-nothings
buy boxers and arrange veritable
there is an overabundance of par-
ading among Communist athletes,
but this showy time-wasting will
be replaced by daily and persistent
training so that the athletescan
"consolidate the might of their
countryand exert all their forces
toward the great cause of the
building of Communism."
Theastory of Michigan's murder-
ous tactics was a scoop on the
American press. The Wolverine
team is known to be tough but no
reports of wholesale slayings have
come from the University of Mich-
igan since football was started
there in 1879..
East Germany
Charges Killed
By Russians
BERLIN-(RP)-East Germany's
Communist rulers bit into what
looked like a juicy propaganda ap-
ple yesterday and found it sour.
The Eastern Government an-
nounced about noon it hadtasked
the Russians for protection against
the United States Air Force. It
charged that American planes re-
cently dropped two fire bombs on
Soviet Zone territory and the
Zone's air sovereignty has been
violated 22 times since May.
But three hours and 45 minutes
later the official Sovet Zone News
Agency, ADN, killed the story. So
did the office of Gerhart Eisler,
Information Chief for the East
German Government. Eisler's of-
fice had released the announce-
ment to ADN -
No explanation was given for
the reversal.
Western circles surmised, how-
ever, that the Russians had rap-
ped somebody's knuckles for go-

ing too far - at least at this time.

ac : k

House Gives
Truman Free
Hand Control
Vote Price, Wae,
Ration Power
House by a smashing 383 to 12
vote yesterday passed a bill to
give President Truman a free hand
to clamp on sweeping price-wage-
rationing controls if he deems ne-
The Senate opened debate on a
similar bill.
The House action went far be-
yond powers Truman had request-
ed to control production and cre-
dit in view of the nation's pre-
paredness drive. The legislators
voted the extra standby authority
as insurance against, war infla-
* * *
appealed to congress to keep for
itself the right to invoke such
drastic powers, and not give the
choice to President Truman.
Congress, Taft said, would be
"completely abdicating its au-
thority and its duty" if it gave
Truman such a free hand. No
individual should have it, he
said, and argued that Congress
could impose controls by joint
resolution if necessary.
The committee chairman, Sena-
tor Maybank (D-SC), told the
Senate that the nation's economy
is so intricate that Congress can-
not draw inflexible plans to cover
all situations.
*. * *
THE HOUSE, reaching its de-
cision after six days of squabbling,
withheld from Truman two items
of control:
1. It rejected 198-194 a provi-
sion giving him authority to regu-
late on commodity markets.
2. It voted 202 to 188 to limit
curbs on real estate credits to new
construction or major remodeling
started after noon on Aug. 3.
POWERS WHICH the House bill
carry include the right for the
President to impose, if he thinks
1. Ceilings on wages and prices,
separately or jointly, stabilizing
wages at the May 24-June 24 le-
vels. As to prices, he is directed to
give "due consideration" to levels
of that period.
2. Rationing as the needs re-
quire, at wholesale or retail levels.
3. Allocations of scarce mater-
ials for essential uses.
4. Top priorities for defense pro-
5. Requisition of plants, mater-
ials and supplies if necessary for
the nation's defense. Owners
would be entitled to compensation
and first choice in regaining their
property when it is no longer need-
Elizabeth Awaits
No. 2, Heir No. 3
LONDON-(P)-Princess Eliza-
beth was reported last night to
be expecting her second child in
a matter of hours.
The baby will be third in line
for the British Throne, ranking
behind Princess Elizabeth, the heir
presumptive, and her 21-month

old son, Prince Charles.
In an atmosphere of mounting
excitement, thousands of Britons
were drawn to the mall in front
of Clarence House, the 18th Cen-
tury London home of the princess
and her husband, Prince Philip.

Gi's Grind
On in Trap
Vital Yank Strip
In Grave Danger
TOKYO-(A')-Two fast-moving
North Korean regiments yesterday
smashed to within three and one-
half miles of the vital U.S. fighter
strip at Pohang on Korea's east
At the other end of the 140-
mile battle line, American forces
continued to grind forward toward
the flaming ruins of Chinju in
southwestern Korea. In this sec-
tor 1,000 Communists were report-
ed trapped as the U.S. infantry-
men counted an advance up to 13
One U.S. general officer said the
Communist withdrawal toward
Chinju was "in the nature of a
AMERICAN tank-led reinforce-
ments were rushed into the Po-
hang battle to bolster South Kor-
ean defenders who were surprised
in a Communist night attack.
At the front, AP correspon-
dent Hal Boyle reported that
Pohang ,eight miles northwest
of the airport, was in flames.
Earlier dispatches told of fierce
fighting in the city around the
railroad station.
The Communist attack appeared
well planned. Some American units
moving to the front were ambush-
ed and cut off but reportedly
fought their way back to the main
U.S. forces.
U.S. WARPLANES roared into
the battle raking the enemy with
rockets and macrineguns while

POHANG PERILED-North Korean Communists moved to within
three-and-one-half miles of Pohang, where the important U.S.
fighter strip is located. In the south, Yank forces continued their
drive on Chinju, where a reported 1,000 Communists are trapped.
YP's To Be on Probation
During Fall Semester

The campus chapter of Young
probation for the fall semester, but
most unfair action and intends to

Progressives has been placed on
the YP "will fight to reverse this
appeal this case to the student

SECRET PRACTICE-Cognizant of the fact that his actions, if
observed, may furnish sharp-eyed Moscow newspapermen with
information whose misinterpretation might reveal the essential
degeneracy of bourgeois barbarism, Allen Jackson, Wolverine foot-
ball guard carefully conceals the fact that, before actually engag-
ing in the frenzied slaughter which imperialistic Americans take
such great delight in encouraging on the football field, he spends
the entire summer whetting his orgiastic appetite by killing
bottles of a notorious capitalistic beverage.
Red Attack Gets Counter
Blast from Local Sports
"There will be a shake-up in Mr. Crisler's security police, and if
such leaks continue Mr. Crisler himself may be shaken." That was the
comment of Allen Jackson, a vicious mercenery who butchers from
left guard in Mr. Crisler's slaughter line, when informed that Moscow
had discovered that Michigan football players are forced to murder
under their bosses' threats of unemployment.
"But," he said after several moments of thought, "the Russian
journalist has exaggerated the situation to some extent. Maybe he

Notice of the probation was received yesterday by YP chairman
Gordon MacDougall, '51. It was signed by Dean of Students Erich A.
Walter for the University Discipline Committee. The notice said
"further disregard or University regulations by the group will result
in the imposition of more severe penalties."
- * * * *

meant wreak we'em, not requiem."
*- * *
thus far has managed to survive
turned a deathly pale when told
of the news and said he was go-
ing to make reservations for a plot
at a cemetery near the Stadium
because he didn't see how he
would be able to survive the skull
practices that would be extra
tough now because of the tleak.
But suspicions about the accu-
racy of the Moscow revelation
were aroused when a check(of the
local cemeteries revealed that no
graves of football players killed
in action could be located. In fact
there were no graves of football
players at all.
Either Moscow doesn't know
what it's talking about or there is
great inefficiency in -the athletic
department because f o o t b al11
Trainer Jim Hunt revealed that
he had gotten the job without
any previous embalming exper-

U.S. Calls North
Korea 'Zomibie'
United States yesterday called the
North Korean regime a Russian
zombie spearheading a new im-
perialism organized to wipe out
the republic of Korea with Rus-
sian-made tanks and guns.
The American Gelegate, Warren
R. Austin, told the U. N. Security
Council the Soviet Union could
call oaf the North Koreans today
- if they chose - and keep the
war from spreading.
The Soviet Union replied with
charges of "slander," but acknow-
ledged the Russian forces sold
war materiel to the North Koreans
in 1948, when Moscow announced
withdrawal of its occupation

"strongly protest the decision .
we haveinot yet been notified of4"
the basis for the decision. Thist
action violates University proce-
dures, and we can only regard it
as an attempt to stifle the free-
dom of campus opinion. The YP
will fight to reverse this most un-
fair action and intends to appeal
this case to the student body."
In comment, Dean Walter said
"a meeting of the Student Af-
fairs Committee was held Tues-
day with campus and state of-
ficers of the Young Progressives,
at which various points were
thoroughly discussed. These
points formed the basis for the
disciplinary action."
The action places the YP on
probation beginning immediately.
It followed temporary suspension
of the Young Progressives last
week after they received permis-
sion to hold a membership meet-
ing and announced that they
would hold an "open forum" to dis-
cuss the Korean situation.
The suspension was automatical-
ly lifted by the Student Affairs
Committee after the hearing Tues-
day at which YP officers appeared
to discuss this and other matters
with the Committee.
Belgium's Senate
OK's Royal Shift
BRUSSELS, Belgium - The
Government's bill transferring the
Royal powers of King Leopold III
to his son, Prince Baudouin, pass-
ed the Belgian Senate yesterday
121 to 22. Baudouin,

statement last night, said they
Although accusations were made,
Air Show To
Feature an
Specialty Acts
Air enthusiasts all over the state
are praying for clears kies today.
The gala three day Internation-
al Air Fair will open at 9 a.m. and
good weather is a necessity for
the stunt and straight flying which
will be exhibited.
*, * *
WHEN THE gates open at the
Wayne County Airport, spectators
will be treated to exhibitions of
some of America's best war wea-
pons, including tanks, jet fighters
and the big guns. The gate prizes,
three cars andt hree television
sets will be on display.
At 2 p.m. the specialty acts,
featuring a wing-walker and a
midget-plane, closed course race
will begin.
Red (Batman) Grant, the wing-
walker, one of the Cole Brother's
Air - Show daredevils, manages to
stay atop the wing of a looping
rolling plane traveling 300 m.p.h.
nental Trophy Race in which over
20 crack pilots will whiz around a
three-mile course promises added
thrills to spectators because the
midget planes are flown at such
low levels that the audience should
be able to see the faces of the
pilots as they zoom by.
Tickets may be purchased in
Ann Arbor at 331 S. Fourth Ave.

Department officials reiterated
yesterday that the Army is not
concealing any confirmed Kor-
ean war casualties whose next
of kin have been notified.
The Pentagon spokesmen made
the assertion when asked for
comment on a °declaration by
Sen. Bridges (Rep.-N.H.) that
casualties "are being concealed,"
and that the nation will _be
shocked when "the whole truth"
about the losses becomes known.
The defense officials explained
that there has been a lag of two
or three weeks between the time
a casualty occurred in Korea and
publication of the information in
the United States.
American artillery pounded the ad-
vancing force.
The Communist column, which
thrust deep into allied territory,
pushed South Korean forces out
of Kigye, eight miles northwest
of Pohang. 4
Pohang, where the first U.S. am-
phibious landings were made last
month, is 65 air miles north of the
main supply port of Pusan.
TO THE NORTH of the bitter
fighting, another Communist col-
umn stabbed down the east coast.
These Communist forces recaptur-
ed the town of Yongdok, eastern
anchor of the battleline.
West of Yongdok, the enemy
built up strong pressure on the
South Koreans defending the nor-
thern rim of the boxlike defense
Steere Takes
At Stanford 'U'
Prof. William C. Steere, chair-
man of 'the botany department,
has resigned in order to accept a
position as professor of biology at
Stanford University.
A University faculty member for
19 years, Steere will take up his
position with Stanford at the be-
ginning of the fall semester there
Sept. 20.


Oxford Players Disrupt Ann Arbor Drama'Level' -Wykoff


"Ann Arbor theatre productions
run along at a pretty even keel."

on the other hand, are cramped by
lack of space and often are held
by "siv-ht lines" s o tt+he nan

the theatre, not merely "acting"
or "construction" or "radio."

Wykoff believes that summer
;tock can also give invaluable ex-
nerienp fto the vnma ato.sr et

spread throughout the country
and has been incorporated, into
almost everv summer stock com-

furnishings for private houses with
paneling and hand-carved furni-
ture." Wykoff said. "I guess they

STEERE, WHO received his
bachelor of science degree from
the University in 1929, his master
of arts in 1931 and his doctor's
degree in 1932, is a well-known

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