LOBBYISTS- I See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State aii4 PARTLY CLOUD? VOL. LX, No. 31-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1950 SIX PAGES s - TV U.S. Claims Russia Stalls UN Majority Soviet Malik May Face Suspension LAKE SUCCESS -(P)- The United States last night accused e the Soviet Union of obstructing the majority's will on the Korean question, and said the Security Council will be stalled all this month - until Jakob A. Malik gives up the presidency Sept 1 - if these tactics continue. The possibility arose that Ma- lik may face suspension as Coun- cil President. Ernest A. Gross, U.S. delegate, told reporters this is one of several things that might be discussed in consultations be- fore the Council meets again to- morrow. Gross said the Council by majority vote, with the veto not applying, could change its rules with the effect Malik would be unseated. It would be a pro- cedural 'vote. WARREN ,. AUSTIN, chief U.S. delegate, told the Council: "It must be apparent to all of us and to the world that the So- viet representative, who under our BRUSSELS-(I)-T h e Bel- gian government joined the At- lantic Pact rearmament drive yesterday with a proposal to raise its defense budget by 5,- 000,000,000 francs ($100,000,000). Premier Jean Duvieusart told a grave and silent Chamber of Deputies the government has de- cided to raise total defense spending by that much for the period expiring at the end of 1951. rules of procedure is acting as President of the Security Coun- il this month, will not abide by our rules of procedure or by the expressed will of this Council. "The record shows that he has made every effort to stop our work and keep us from our business. If his campaign of obstruction goes on, it can lead to only one consequence. The Security Council will be stalled on dead center for the remain- der of this month unable to dis- charge its responsibility under the charter of keeping the peace. This is the challenge we must meet. "I am reluctant to conclude that the Soviet government intends to achieve this result." * * * AUSTIN SUGGESTED that the Council adjourn 48 hours "in order to allow the Soviet delegation to communicate with Moscow and obtain instructions from their government, instructions which Iwill enable the Security Council to function." Malik threw back an Austin charge of "obstruction," arguing the United States has delayed the Council's proceedings in a week- long wrangle, ever since Malik took the presidency, over procedure on the Korean question. The Council accepted Austin's recommendation, and adjourned until 1 p.m. (CST), tomorrow. No Japanese In Army Yet WASHINGTON -- (P) - Gen. Douglas MacArthur expressed doubt today that there is any way to enlist Japanese in the U. S. Armed Forces without first mak- ing a peace treaty with their country. Whether he would favor such a move after a formal peace settle- ment the general did not say. Japan is "under international controll," MacArthur pointed -it in a cable to Senator Magnuson (D-Wash) who had proposed that Japanese veterans be accepted as volunteers. In such circumstances, he said, such action by the United States alone would be "of doubt- ful feasibility." -Daily-Bob Lewis RAISING THE ROOF-Noises coming from the tot) of 109-year- old Mason Hall aroused Angell Hall classes yesterday as work- men began ripping off the roof of the oldest building on campus as a preliminary to making room for the new $3,500,000 literary college addition to Angell Hall. AEC Manager Quits In Split With Chairman WASHINGTON - (A') - Carroll Wilson, General Manager for the Atomic Energy Commission ever since that civilian agency took over from the Army, quit yesterday in an explosive split with AEC Chair- man Gordon Dean. Wilson issued a statement saying he lacked the "confidence" in Dean necessary to do the job properly. He questioned the Chairman's experience and qualifications to head the huge task of developink atomic energy for war and peace. WILSON'S INTENTION to quit, effective next Tuesday, first be- came known when the White House released an exchange of letters between him and President Tru-' Stricter Spy Laws Asked By Truman Urges Action on Enemy Aliens , WASHINGTON-()-President Truman yesterday asked Congress for immediate action on stricter laws to deal with spies and de- portable aliens, but even as he made the request he warned: "We must not be swept away by a wave of hysteria." In a 3,500-word message, Tru- man reminded Congress that, in addition to armed aggression, "Communist imperialism also seeks to weaken and overthrow free na- tions by working within their bor- ders." * * * THEREFORE, he said, Congress should pass these laws before the close of the present session: 1. Extend the statute of limita- tions for peacetime espionage. At present, a violator of this law mus be prosecuted within three years. Mr. Truman thinks that is not long enough, and should be extended. 2. Require persons who have re- ceived instructions on spying or subversive tactics from a 'foeign govenment o political party to reg- ister under the foreign agents reg- istration act. 3. Give the President additional power to set up security rules for the protection of military bases and other national defense instal- lations. 4. Permit the Attorney General to supervise aliens subject to de- portation, and make them report where they are and what they are doing. Truman's message was read'to the Senate just before it was scheduled to ate on an anti- Communist bill and another measure relating to internal se- curity. The bills were among the 222 on the consent calendar. Under Senate rules, one objection can block consideration of a calendar bill. Gov. Peterson Leads in Nebr. OMAHA-(/P)-A partial count of ballots in 52 of Nebraska's 2,074 precincts last night showed Re- publican Gov. Val Peterson leading nearly two to one in his Nebraska primary election race for renom- ination. Frank B. Morrison, McCook at- torney, was leading former Con- gressman Terry Carpenter of Scottsbluff in a five-way race for the Democratic Gubernatorial no- mination. * * * Idaho voters chose nominees for two U. S. Senate seats yesterday from a field which included both present Senators, the State's two House members, the Governor, an ex-Senator and a former Congress- man. Both Democrats and Republi- cans plan all-out drives in Idaho this Fall, one of the three States in which two Senate places are at stake. Connecticut and North Carolina also will elect two Sena- tors apiece. Bridgehead Hit Hard by U.S. Forces Heavy Fighting On Defense Line BULLETIN WITH U.S. 24th DIVISION IN KOREA--(P)-American assaults against the North Korean Chongn- yang beachhead, southwest of Tae- gu, were halted yesterday by re- inforced Communist troops. By The Associated Press TOKYO - The Korean Com- munists today shoved tanks and troops across the Naktong River only 12 air miles northwest of Taegu as the entire river defense line erupted in heavy fighting. The greatest threat yet to the key communciations hub came as Americans launched a general at- tack against a Communist bridge- head to the southwest. Counterat- tackingSouth Koreans hammered the Communists back to the ri- ver's east bank at spots northwest of Taegu. .ON THE KOREAN south coast, beyond the flaming Naktong Ri- ver line, U. S. Marines and Army Infantry got their offensive roll- ing again toward Chinju. An Eighth Army Communique today said these westward- thrusting Americans had gain- ed two to three miles against determined resistance. -Daily-Frank:Kelly GREAT ADVENTURE-Players from the speech department's latest production gather around a tea-table in their country home as Norma Stolzenbach (far right) exclaims over the glories of a noted artist's funeral to Warren Pickett and Gloria Gene Moore. The three will be seen when "The Great Adventure" opens tonight in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. man. This correspondence did not disclose the reasons for the resig- nation, which Truman said he had "no alternative" but to accept. The Commission referred ques- tioners to an AEC statement, is- sued ahead of Wilson's blast, say- ing the AEC "deeply regrets the loss of Wilson's services". and as- serting: "The organization is fully pre- pared for the demands of its ex- panding program." The Commission announced that] Carleton Shugg, who has been Wil- son's deputy, will be acting Gen-1 eral Manager. Wilson's blast at Dean found lit-, tle support on Capitol Hill, at least, immediately. Senator McMahon, (D-Conn.), Chairman of the Joint Senate-House Atomic Committee, announced that the committee had unanimously authorized him to "express its confidence" in Dean. Broadcast on M'Artliur Cost Job -- Roberts LOS ANGELES-(P)--A broad- cast about his 1947 interview with Gen. Douglas MacArthur cost newscaster Clete Roberts his job as director of public affairs at station KMPC, he testified yester- day. He was a witness at an FCC' hearing on applications of G. A. Richards for license renewals for his stations, KMPC here, WJR Detroit, and WGAR, Cleveland. Richards is accused of ordering news broadcasts slanted. ROBERTS said that on Richards' orders he went to Tokyo in 1947 to interview MacArthur. Returning from the interview, which was not for publication, he was summoned to Richards' Palm Springs home for a report, the witness said. Roberts said he told Richards he doubted if MacArthur could stand up under the physical rig- ors of a political campaign and Richards seemed disappointed. After he later broadcast a re- Marines Will Pace Call-Up 'To Meet Need WASHINGTON-()--The Ma- rine Corps announced yesterday that its call-up of volunteer re- serves will be paced to meet ex- pansion requirements. A Marine Corps statement said that reservists to receive orders to report between August 15 and Oc- tober 31 will be mainly officers of captain's rank and below and enlisted men of sergeant's grade and below, with combat type spe- cialties. The statement was described as "an amplification" of announce- ment on calling up reserves. It said "very few senior officers and senior enlisted men" will be call- ed in the first phase. Only a few women Marines will be summoned to active duty ini- tially, the Corps stated. They will be called as required to meet the general expansion of the Corps and to release males for the oper- ating forces. The Corps spokesman said that the results obtained from the first call for 50,000 volunteer reservists would govern, to an extent, the mobilization schedule for the ap- proximately 30,000 remaining re- servists. "We don't know how many men we will actually get on this first call," a spokesman said, "but we need 50,000." He added that the call to active duty would eventu- ally go to all of the volunteer re- serves.' Progressives' ' Status Will Be Decided_ Today 'U' Committee Ends Suspension of Group Temporary suspension of the campus chapter of Young Pro- gressives has ended but the future status of the group will not be made public until late today. The Student Affairs Commit- tee yesterday made recommenda- tions to the University Sub-Com- mittee on Student Discipline, af- ter a two-hour hearing in which representatives of the Progressives spoke. * * * THE recommendations were not disclosed by the SAC~ They await final action by the disciplinary sub-commit- tee which is charged by the Board of Regents with respon- sibility. However, Dean of Students Erich A. Walter said that the dis- ciplinary sub-committee will prob- ably conclude its action today. * * * THE YOUNG Progressives had previously been suspended as a recognized student organization, pending an explanation by their officers of the "circumstances" of the Progressives' meeting of July 24. This meeting was announced as an "open forum" on the Korean situation, although the Progres- sives had received permission to hold a membership meeting. Dean Walter said that the S t u d e n t Affairs Committee which is the student-faculty committee governing student af- fairs, also discussed other mat- ters with the Progressive leaders in yesterday's hearing. The SAC had suspended the Young Progressives pending a hearing. The suspension was au- tomatically lifted as soon as the hearing was held. "Th Great Adventure," a comic English drama will open a four night run at 8 p.m. today at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Keeping the plot from public view, the actors have banded to- gether to keep the surprise twist in the third act a deep secret. * * * ALL THAT can be told is that the story revolves about the at- tempts of an English painter to escape fame, fortune and publicity by allowing himself to be mistaken for his valet. To fit better into his disguise, however, the painter allows his dead valet a magnificent funeral -befitting a great artistic talent -to which people from miles around come to view the man who "could create so much with canvas and a few daubs of paint," as one of the art lovers blithely puts it. The cast is made up of a group of highly experienced actors. Most of them are well-known to Ann Arbor audiences, but Warren Pick- ett who takes the male lead has not appeared in a starring role before. HIS MAIN specialty is Shakes- pearian character acting, and he was rated as a supreme success as Iago at Olivet College. Norma Stolzenbach, who plays Honoronia, a bumptious pseudo- sophisticate is from the Univer- sity of Toledo, where she head- ed the drama department during the war, and is currently in charge of the radio department there in addition to her teaching. Janet, a widow, will be played by Gloria Gene Moore. Others in the cast will includE Jennette Grandstaff, Norris Winer, Ted Heusel, Arthur Flemings, Lar- ry Johnson, Robert Hawkins, Rich- ard Burgwin, James A. Sargent, James Briley and William Hadley. Costumes for the play are under the direction of Lucy Barton from the University of Texas, and are from the collection of the speech department which has been gath- ered from Ann Arbor matrons. The set was constructed and designed by Alex Wycoff from a New York set-designing firm. All performances begin at 8 p.m. and tickets are on sale at the Men- delssohn box office open. from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Extra Controls Given Truman' WASHINGTON - (P) - The House Banking Committee agreed yesterday to give President Tru- man standby wage and price con- trol powers and then recessed over night without getting around, to a vote on similar rationing author- ity. Committee members predicted quick approval of the standby ra- tioning provision today in its drive for a formula to get Congress off the economic controls merry-go- round it rode last week. * * * THE SECTIONS approved yes- 'terday went into the economic leg- islation on a 21 to 1 vote. Rep. Kunkel (Rep.-Pa.) cast the only opposing ballot. The Committee hopes to getj out a completed bill in time for a final House vote today. The group will meet again before e the House convenes. SPEECH DEPARTMENT PLAY: Great Adventure Opens Tonight at Lydia The gravest menace to Taegu, 55 miles northwest of the all-im- portant suppl-y port of Pusan, was at Waegwan. There the Commu- nists got 10 tanks and a battalion of troops across in a dawn haze today and set up strong roadblocks behind the U. S. First Cavalry Division. FIVE OF THE tanks were re- ported knocked out but the Com- munists. still had five tanks and perhaps 2,500 men on the east bank at a point where a main highway curves 16 miles to Taegu. Some 1,600 North Koreans earlier had been reported across the river at Waegwan. Waegwan immediately was designated as the to, priority target for the U. S. Fifth Air Force. The First Cavalry shot out pa- trols into the haze-draped area as soon as the dawn crossing was reported. By the time they made contact the tanks were coming c ei. Associated Press Correspon- dent Leif Erickson, reporting the action at Eighth Army Headquar- ters, said how the tanks got across was not determined immediately. CORRESPONDENT O. H. P. King on the Naktong River front said that fresh American rein- forcements jumped off at 5:45 a.m. on the Communist bridge- head west of Changnyong, 23 miles southwest of Taegu. O t h e r American elements which had been containing an estimated 2,500 to 3,000 North Koreans joined in the general attack. Sharp artillery fire and heavy air strikes supported the Ameri- can drive to push the Commu- nists back to the west bank of the Naktong. ABOUT 40 MILES farther north, the South Korean First Division slammed a strong counterattack last night at three Communist regiments threatening Taegu from the northwest.* ON THE SOUTHERN front, field dispatches credited a batta- lion of the Army's Fifth Regimen- tal Combat Team from Hawaii with a four-mile advance. The American offensive in the south -- after gains ranging four to ten miles - ground to a halt some 10 to 12 miles east of Chinju, springboard f o r North Korean thrusts at the Amar:-nc- - - - -4 fh- n.' SPERBER SAYS: Political Dictionary Presents Many Problems Ntational Roundup By The Associated Press NEW YORK - Henry Wallace last night pulled out of the Pro- gressive Party which was formed to run him for Presid-nt in 943. By PAULA STRAWHECKER "When linguistics researchers at Ohio State University decided to compile a dictionary of political terms, we didn't realize what a job we'd taken on," Prof. Hans Sper- ber told the Linguistics Institute yesterday. As an illustration of the unpre- dicted problems involved, Prof. Union and was titled "Salt River," symbolizing the political defeat of those opposed to the annexation. Further investigation indicat- ed that in 1832 Henry Clay, then a presidential candidate, was supposed to speak in Louisville, but because the captain of the boat he had hired to take him there was a political opponent, cause the listed title, "Life on the Ohio," was of an English edition of an American book, which, after much research, was discovered to be "Westward Ho." The second book was later found to have been misquoted and the reference it supposedly contained was, in fact, an anec- dote proving that the term Salt Ri ,.]eA h dinnco in1R,R ba ., closed legends about the "wild and fierce" nature of the inhabi- tants of the region and, about girls who "wore snakes instead of garters." It was discovered that before improvements, Salt River seemed calm from the Ohio, but, in reality, contained concealed, rapids. * * * "g TT ,PTVvi'1 +hwan mwhoAa r2 I