% I THESi CI R=NDAILY FrMDAY, AUGUST 4; 1950 I ___________________________________________________________________________ I Franco Loan -- 'Realism UNDER PRESSURE of the Korean situa- tion the Senate has yielded to a long- time temptation in voting for a loan to Franco Spain a sizeable "friendly" gesture that will cost the United States $100,000,000. Senator Tydings (Dem.-Md.), chairman of the Senate Armed Forces Committee, declared it would be only "sheer realism" to bring Spain into the orbit of western Euro- pean countries combined with the United States. He and 64 of his colleagues appar- ently believe it is fanciful to shun an alli- ance with totalitarianism on the right while the whole nation is gearing itself toward war with totalitarianism on the left. They couldn't be more wrong. As a practical consideration, Spain only last year was termed a poor security risk by the Export-Import Bank, out of which the loan would come. Secretary of State Acheson, who opposes the loan, has noted several barriers under the control of the Spanish government which would impede economic justification of the loan. These include such obstacles as a complex system of export and import controls, lack of stand- ardized money rates and restriction limiting foreign investors to only 25 per cent parti- cipation in any project. Secondly, a loan to Spain could very pos- sibly prove the death blow to all hopes of overthrowing the Franco regime and estab- lishing a democratic government. It is ap- parent that no democratic movement can gain success in Spain under the dictator. Recent State Department efforts in that di- rection have been in vain, Acheson has re- ported. And yet a loan would only solidify Franco's position and undo any effects that four years of non-recognitior may have achieved. Senator Tydings might also consider how realistic the United States would be in is- suing a government loan to Spain without consulting other members of the United Nations. In 1946 the General Assembly deemed Spain ineligible for membership in the UN and adopted a resolution calling upon its members to act in accordance with the letter and spirit of that stand. If the United States extends Franco a loan, she will again be pulling that disastrous trick of as- suming she IS the UN. Obviously impelled by war in Korea and augmented fear of Russia, the loan is ex- pected to gain the United States air bases and some strategic metals. Senator Morse (Rep.-Ore.), one of the four Republicans and 11 Democrats who opposed the loan, called it "bribing" Franco to become our al- ly. The most unrealistic point about the loan is that we feel it necessary to offer such a bribe. In a possible war Franco has little choice. The enemy of the United States would not be the foreign government that put him in power, as in the last war, but an unfriendly Stalin, for whom anti-Communist Franco has no liking. Finally, and basically the real argu- ment against granting aid to Spain, the. United States should consider if it is rea- listic to support one totalitarian govern- ment for the sake of defeating another. "It is vital for Americans to keep in mind that the enemy in our century is totali- tarianism, no matter what its form," the New York Times reminded its readers. The real hope of the United States lies not merely in standing against Communism but in holding out a positive gain - democ- racy. A purely negative anti-Communist force such as Nationalist China can only fail. Perhaps there are some real "realists" in the House. -Nancy Bylan THOMAS L. STOKES: Long-Run Aims in Korea WASHINGTON-One high-placed official who is in the process of mobilizing our resources observed that the people are ahead of both Congress and the administration in sensing what we are in for in Korea. This is not surprising. It has happened before, as in the tense and critical period at the start of the second World War in Europe when a majority of our people instinctively felt the meaning of the Nazi menace before many members of Congress did. It has hap- pened since the war in the way our people have been ahead of the administration and Congress in the matter of strengthening the United Nations. THISPUBLIC ATTITUDE explains the present activity of Congress which, after only brief questioning about the extent of things necessary to do, is leaping ahead of the administration under goading from the people. It is refreshing and encouraging. For it indicates a maturity of purpose among our people, a recognition of our nation's new role in the world and a realization of our responsibility to assume leadership wholeheartedly and energetically in organ- Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: LARRY ROTHMAN t OIP[RkA izing other free nations to resist aggres- sion and preserve peace. Much has hap- pened to our people and much has hap- pened to Congress since those days back in 1940 when there was confusion of pur- pose and hesitation in the face of the Nazi aggression. At that time, it may be recalled, the Draft Act was extended only by the spare grace of a single vote in the House. Now Congress - both Democrats and Re- publicans - is pushing ahead not only with enlarged appropriations for our own mili- tary establishment and those of members of the North Atlantic pact. It also is seeking to enlarge the scope of the administration's projected control program for the civilian economy by providing stand-by peace and wage controls. * * * W HAT IS HAPPENING in Congress is ex- plained by a representative check of mail coming into members' offices which carries demands -and asks some pointed questions. There are many complaints that we are not going far enough. There is a veritable flood of demands for price controls, reflecting the anxiety over rises on the es- sentials of living, some of it before Bernard M. Baruch's recommendations for broad mobilization with freezing of wages and prices, more of it since. People also are asking such questions as what has happened with all the billions appropriated for defense in the years since the war, and why more United Nations members have not sent ground troops to fight with ours in Korea. Translating the general reaction in broad terms, some members of Congress who are astute in analyzing public opinion say that the people are ready to do all that is neces- sary to prepare us not only to protect our own security, but to take the leadership in enlisting other nations within the UN to organize that agency so that it is strong enough to stop aggression and preserve peace. IN THE MAIL there is overwhelming en- dorsement of President Trumah's prompt action in asking the UN to assume its or- dained role under the Charter and in im- mediately providing military forces for an emergency international police force. The people are aware of the UN's role and want it implemented in every way possible. They would support bold action at Lake Success. For they are looking beyond Korea to the whole picture of the future. Some in Congress, conscious of the whole picture and of this public attitude, conse- quently say that it is not enough to consider the immediate Korean problem. The Presi- dent, they add, should enunciate, and press for, the long-term objective of organizing the free nations and the UN for peace. The soldiers who are fighting in Korea and those who are leaving their homes here daily for military camps want to be sure this time that their sacrifice is a sacrifice for'a peace- ful world order. This aim should be stressed and kept constantly before all of us. For it is pre- eminent. (Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON.-A new super-tank will soon be ready for Korean action, that is the fastest, deadliest, and best-armored in the world. Military leaders say it represents as great an advance in ground attack as the jet plane in the air. They also predict it will be vastly superior to the massive Russian tanks being used by the North Koreans. This information was given to a closed- door meeing of the House Armed Services Committee by Gen. J. Lawton Collins, Army Chief of Staff. General Collins testified that the tank, already in production, will outspeed and out- maneuver any enemy tank it comes up against. Furthermore, it will not only be equipped with weapons capable of "destroy- ing ahy other tank," including the Russian Goliath, Collins told the committee ,but it will have better armor to resist enemy fire. REPUBLICANS WAKE UP MEMBER of the palace guard chiefly res- ponsible for holding President Truman back on all-out war controls is affable, take- it-easy, nice-as-an-old-shoe Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder. He is also the man who is likely to let the Republicans steal the show when it comes to protecting the public on price-gouging. Astute Sen. Joe O'Mahoney, Wyoming Democrat, put his finger on this when he called Secretary Snyder on the phone recently. "I'm having a meeting of brain-trusters from here and there to talk over an excess- profits tax," O'Mahoriey told- the man who is supposed to advise on and help originate tax legislation. "I'd be glad to invite you to sit in with us, John, but I'm not," the Wyoming Senator continued. "For, somehow or other, I dont't think you'd be much help on an excess- profits tax." What O'Mahoney knew was the Secre- tary Snyder has been pulling against any excess-profits tax, despite the fact that this proved the most efficient means of both holding down prices and financing the last war. It is also one of the main planks in the control platform of wise old Bernard Baruch whose advice has helped guide the nation through two wars. Jumping on Baruch's platform the other day, Congressman Kunkel of Pennsylvania, who recently ran for governor on the GOP ticket but lost in the primary, proposed complete adoption of Baruch's all-out price- tax-wage-and-inflation controls. Catching the Democrats off guard, the Republicans voted solidly in the House Banking and Currency Committee for the Baruch plan and lost by only one vote. Administration Democrats were scared stiff. It was their first realization that the country, as usual, isahead of Washington. And this time the Republicans seem to have awakened to the fact first. * * * WIRETAPPING PROBE BLETTING ODDS on Capitol Hill are that the federal grand jury now probing police-state methods and the wiretapping inspired by Senator Brewster of Maine will end in a whitewash. Despite the efforts of conscientious James McInerny, chief of the Justice De- partment's Criminal Division, alibis are arranged to get Senator Brewster and his friends, Pan American Airways, off the hot spot. In the first place, the Justice Department held the wiretapping report for almost a year and only fished it out of the files after the facts had been exposed in the press. As a result, the statute of limitations is about to expire, and but one scant week remains - seven days from today - in which the grand jury can act. Second, the chief parties concerned have careful stories claiming "no divulgement." In other words, Lieut. Joseph Shimon, the District of Columbia cop who directed the tapping of Howard Hughes' telephone wires, claims that he divulged no informa- tion from Hughes' 4apped wire to Senator Brewster or anyone else. As long as he divulged no information to others, the Justice Department contends he did not violate the law against wiretapping. FEARED FOR HIS LIFE MEANWHILE SENATOR Brewster's story is that his life was in danger and he called in the Washington police. While they may have tapped some wires in protecting him, he had no knowledge of what they were doing and received no information from them. Significantly, other policemen who tap- ped Howard Hughes' wire under Lieuten- ant Shimon's direction had instructions to listen especially for conversations pertain- ing to the airplane industry and to Hughes' Trans World Airlines. This seems a long way from protecting Senator Brewster's life. It also fits in with the evidence during Senator Brewster's probe that unless Hughes consolidated his TWA with Pan American, he would be in- vestigated by Brewster. (Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) 'Peace' Petition'... To the Editor: SEVERAL FRIENDS have point- ed out to me that I am listed as one of the sponsors of the Stockholm Peace Appeal. I would like to call to the atten- tion of all and sundry that this listing is incorrect. Neither I nor the religious group that is listed with my name has indicated any desire to sponsor the Appeal. -J. M. Morris ** * Peace Appeal.. . To the Editor: COUNTERACT the Com- munist - inspired and false "World Peace Appeal," we can and should sponsor an impressive "Ap- peal for A True Peace." It is, therefore, requested that the fol- lowing petition be signed: "The war in Korea and threats of other attacks are a danger to the peace of all peoples. "We believe that the Korean war can be stopped and that peace can be more nearly secured if the North Korean forces will obey the United Nations and, go back to their starting point. "We believe that the govern- ments and the peoples of the world can persuade them to do this. "We believe that the govern- ments and individuals who pro- claim theirddevotion to peacecan prove that devotion by using their influence to stop the Korean war in this way to avoid threats of at- tack elsewhere. "We invite all friends of peace to sign this statement." Your readers can readily make a copy of this petition. If they will then circulate, promptly forward the executed petitions to me, we shall prove that we are not misled by false propaganda but can steadfastly proceed with honesty of purpose. A copy of this letter is being sent to every daily in the U.S.A. I propose to submit the signed peti- tions to the State Department, the "Voice of America," and the Uni- ted Nations, and hope that they will constitute an effective reply to the phony "World Peace Ap- peal." This is one American's contribu- tion to common understanding and the cause of peace. -Lloyd Buchanan 4620 47th Street, N.W. Washington 16, D.C. A^ 5L.... a ... ,(-r Xe t teP TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and -will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in ood taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous fetters, and letters which for any eason are not in good taste will be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. so Peace Progress On The Home Front * * * INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Somet 'Master Plan' By WES GALLAGHER AP Bureau Chief FRANKFURT-(-(-Are the masters of the Kremlin power drunk, blunderers or subtle political geniuses? Since the huge territorial expansion of Communism in the East it has become the fashion to envision Russia's Politburo as a super political brain. Western pundits examine the simplest Soviet acts, the most ridiculous Communist propaganda statements, for hidden booby traps and secret meanings. The same thing was done with Hitler. His simplest move was looked upon as part of a master plan. But captured records revealed Hitler as a vain, misinformed man who would not listen to advisors and who conducted his affairs by intuition and improvisation. Today Stalin and his politburo are looked upon as the schem- ers with the master plan. When the record is revealed, will it be any different than Hitler's? Let us take a look at what Russia might have had if she had fol- lowed a more subtle program of political expansion in the past five years. IN 1945, the Red Army was sprawled across Europe from the Adriatic to the Baltic. Russia had a veto voice in all the affairs of Germany including the vital Ruhr through the Allied Control Council. Communists were in the governments of France, Italy and spread through the vitals of every labor union in Europe. Great Britain and the United States were preoccupied with de- mobilization and tearing down their war machines. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN L At Lydia Mendelssohn . . HANSEL AND GRETEL, by Engelbert Humperdinck, presented by the Depart- ment of Speech in conjunction with the School of Music. SPEECH AND MUSIC students combined beautifully to present an entertaining and polished performance of Humperdinck's children's classic. Special plaudits go to Joan Zapf for her portrayal of Hansel. Her somewhat gawky mannerism, arms-akimbo style of acting and resonant soprano filled the bill beautifully as the protective brother. She successfully bridged the difficult gap of establishing herself as a boy in the minds of her audience. Creditable performances were made by Ruth Campbell and Edith Bugg as Gretel and Mother respectively, though Miss Camp- bell's voice tended to squeak on the high notes, and her deep gasps for breath, which reached back to the fifteenth row, made one wonder if she could last out three more shows. Reid Shelton, as Father, managed to con- vey both joviality and menace in the only male role in the show. He so aptly voiced the terrors of the wood witch that even the grotesque gyrations that he made atop a broomstick could not destroy the mood of terror which -he created. Joyce Edgar as the witch, a marvel of make-up and costuming, thrilled an audi- ence packed with small children, but Miss E1dzar's voice which trembled and lacked Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Summer Session, Room 3510 Admin- istration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1950 VOL. LX ,No. 27-S Notices Notice: The Office of the Sum- mer Session is holding an Air Mail letter for Miss Julia Allen from the Young Women's Christian As- sociation of the United States of America National Board. Will you please call for it at 3510 Ad- ministration Building. It will be held until Friday, August 4 be- fore being returned to sender. Contemporary Arts and Society: After Friday, August 11, all papers handed in for this course will be marked down; in somescases, an 'E' may be given for the course. Next week there will be an an- nouncement in The Daily stating where papers already turned in may be picked up. A representative of the General Motors Corporation will be at the Bureau of Appointments on Wed- nesday, August 9, to interview Atgust graduates who expect de- grees in Electrical Engineering. They are interested in men who are taking degrees in either power or electronics. For further, infor- mation and appointments for in- terviews call the Bureau of Ap- pointments, Ext. 371. A representative of the A. C. Spark Plug Division of the Gener- al Motors Corporation of Milwau- kee, Wisconsin will be at the Bu- reau of Appointments on Thurs- day, August 10, to interview Aug* gust graduates of the Electrical and Mechanical Engineering schools. They are interested in electronics majors in Electrical Engineering and in Mechanical Engineers interested in production of electronic equipment. For fur- ther information and appoint- ments for interviews call the Bu- reau of Appointments, Ext. 371.' Lectures Astronomical Colloquium: Sat- urday, August 5, 2 p.m. at the Mc- Math-Hulbert Observatory, Pon- tiac, Michigan. Speaker: Dr. G. C. McVittie, Professor of Mkathema- tics, Queen Mary College, London, England. Subject: Two-Color In- dices and General Relativity. Concerts Student Recital: Elaine Brovan, pianist, will be heard at 8:30 Fri- day evening, August 4, in the Ar- chitecture Auditorium, playing compositions by Bach, Hindemith, Mozart, and Schubert. Presented in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the degree of Ba- chelor of Music, the recital will be open to the public. Miss Brovan is a pupil of Marian Owen. Stanley Quartet, with Benning Dexter, pianist, will present its final concert of the summer at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. The program will include Mozart's Quartet in D minor, K. 421, Quintet for piano and string quartet by Alvin Etler, and Beethoven's Quartet in C ma- jor, Ap. 59, No. 3. The general pub- lic will be admitted without charge. Student Recital: Paul Janeck, student of piano with John Kol- len, will present a program at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, in the Architecture Auditorium. Played in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music, it will include compositions by Bach, Beethoven, Schubert and Debussy. The general public is invited. Student Recital: Ruth Oberholt- zer, organist, will play a recital at 8:30 p.m. Sunday in Hill Auditor- ium, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. It will include compositions by Buxt ehud e, Strungk, Couperin, Bach, and Reubke, and will be open to the public. Miss Oberholtzer is a pupil of Josef Schnelker. University Symphony Orchestra: Wayne Dunlap, Conductor, will be heard in its annual summer con- cert at 8:30 p.m. Monday in Hill Auditorium. The program will in- ,lude Folk Overture by Peter Men- nin, Three Ballads from the Cats- kills by Norman Cazden, member of the School of Music faculty, with David Ireland, solo violist, George Webber, cellist, and An- drew Lisko, violinist; Concerto for Piano and Orchestra composed by School of Music faculty member Homer Keller, with Robert Hen- derson, pianist. Following inter- mission, the orchestra will play David Diamond's Overture to "The Tempest," Samuel Barber's Essay for Orchestra, and Knoxville: Summer in 1915, with Leslie Eit- )en, soprano; Jubilation Overture by Robert Ward. The general pub- * BY SAYING "YES" instead of "NO" a few times in the Allied Con- trol Council of Germany, by allowing their Communist stooges to cooperate instead of obstruct, Soviet gains would have been enormous. Russia would have had a voice in the conduct of all of Ger- many and life and death power over the Ruhr which they covet so much. Russia's controlled Communists, by a few gestures of cooperation, would still be in the French government. The greatest blow to Communist hopes was dealt by the European Recovery Program, which eliminated much of the misery on which Comunism thrives. Russia missed its chance to wreck ERP when the then Foreign Minister Molotov walked out of the founding Paris meeting. It cannot be looked upon as anything but a major political blun- der from the Soviet point of view. When Soviet friendship turned to violent propaganda tirades, the reservoir of good will disappeared and Great Britain and the United States started putting back together their war machines. Communist acts aroused and united French opposition into a common cause. Another major Soviet blunder, the "Blockade of Berlin," aroused the West to unite against Russian pressure. Western prestige was raised enormously when the blockade was broken. SOVIET SUCCESSES have been in two places: 1-Where the Red Army was on hand to enforce its decisions such as in Eastern Europe; 2-Where Communism has 'fed on economic misery and weak and corrupt regimes as in the Far East. It is felt by some that the Soviets made a master move by entangling the United States forces in fighting a Communist satellite in Korea. But does it make good reading in the Kremlin that as a direct result of the fighting in Korea the United States will spend ten bil- lions more on arms and partly mobilize? Is it good reading that the Korea fighting is spurring Western Europe's rearmament? Was it a wise move that the Soviets walked out of the Security Council instead of being present to exercise their veto on Korea?, Were all these moves by the Soviet Union over the past five years part of a super engineered master plan? Or were these the result of applying force without scruple hap- hazardly by power-mad and badly informed men? What in the Russian record of European blunders in the past five years points to wisdom and restraint? lic will be admitted without charge. Exhibitions General Library, main lobby cases. "Trochiledae, Family of (Continued on Page 3) Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Philip Dawson........Managing Editov Peter Hotton............City Editor Marvin Epstein ......... Sports Editor Pat Brownson.........Women's Editor Business Staff Roger Wellington....Business Manager Walter Shapero... Assoc. Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other . matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular scho. year by carrier, $5.00. by mail, $6.00. Sanity in California BARNABY This isa catastrophe, Barnaby! f . 2 . . _ _ - I r All that work....My glorious I_ t_. 1 :. . _.. t_.. A GOOD THING?I vT:-c .. 7 a T:- Can't convince Pop y a 14ea -- "-^,4 ...'he . I I