0( THE MICHIGAN DAILY' r >TMMSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1950 Tfli~ MICIUGAN DAILY _HVRDAYAUGUST. ._ 3 .mss9r. OMAS L. STOKES: Dixtecrats' Partial Defeat WASHINGTON-An interesting paradox is revealed in southern primaries in the current election season. Wherever publicly recognized Dixiecrats have raised their heads, they have been chopped down by the voters. But, on the other hand, where no publicly avowed Dixie- crat is involved, the spirit of Dixiecratism nevertheless has exerted itself successful- ly, as for example, in the defeats of Sena- tors Pepper of Florida and Graham of North Carolina. Dixiecratism still is ap- parently a strong underground movement. * * * PULICLY IT HAS NOT fared well, with this record to date. 1-Defeat of Governor J. Strom Thur- mond of South Carolina, 1948 Presidential candidate of the States' Rights Party, by Senator Olin Johnston in an attempt to win the latter's Senate seat. 2-Defeat of former -Governor Ben Laney of Arkansas, who is national chairman of the States' Rights executive committee, in an attempted comeback. He was overwhelmed by young Governor Sidney McMath, who, with a group of young men, has built up a progressive movement in the state with help from the Truman administration. 3-Loss of control by the Dixiecrats of the Democratic executive committee in Alabama in a state-wide election where Dixiecrat candidates were publicly known. They had seized control in 1948 and with such effrontery that they would not even permit the name of Harry Truman to go on the ballot. Alabama was a Dixiecrat stronghold. Some of the movement's leaders there, especially in large corpor- ate circles, were very influential in its top councils and in its financing. They were shorn of control in a move- ment directed, among others, by Senator Lister Hill, who easily won renomination for another term, and his colleague, Sena- tor John Sparkman. Senators Hill and Sparkman and Governor McMath go along with a substantial part of the Truman Fair Deal program, though opposed to his civil rights program as, of course, are all other Southerners in active politics. *~* * THUS DIXIECRATISM has taken it on the nose publicly. Governor McMath said the Dixecrat movement is dead. May- be so, as presently organized, but its spirit still survives. This was demonstrated by its success- ful use against Senators Pepper and Gra- ham in reckless exploitations of the racial issue and bitter opposition to the Truman welfare progran - and, it might be add- ed, in the re-election of Governor Her- man Talmadge in Georgia. Neither of the victors in the Senatorial races, Rep. George A. Smathers in Florida ant IWillis Smith in North Carolina, are identified with the Dixiecrats, though bene- ficiaries of a Dixiecrat type of campaign. But, as far as the President is concerned, their triumph represents a loss to him where it counts in votes in Congress. The paradox in the South needs an ex- planation.' WHILE SOUTHERN POLITICS is hard tq understand, some study and observa- tion of Southern political reactions suggests there may be a clue in what happened a Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: PAUL MARX score of years ago, in some respects a par- allel. In 1948 Harry Truman, the regulsf Democratic candidate lost four Southern states to the Dixiecrats. In 1928 Alfred E. Smith, the regular Democratic candidate, a Catholic and a "wet," lost four' Southern states after a campaign in which bigotry was exploited in an underground campaign. Only Alabama appears in both lists. Two years later, in 1930, two veteran Southern senators who had bolted Al Smith and their party and supported the Republi- cans and Herbert Hoover were defeated- Furnifold Simmons in North Carolina and Tom Heflin in Alabama. Two years after 1948, Dixiecrats were defeated where their heads showed in the three cases previously cited. It seems that Southerners, on sober sec- ond thought, are inclined to punish poli- tical apostasy - which, in the South, is desertion of the Democratic Party by public leaders. A Southern custom. Per- haps involved, too, is a spirit of atone- ment for an exhibition which many peo- ple become ashamed of afterward, when overwrought feelings cool off and so find their scapegoats. This is something, even if the spirit per- sists under a different guise. (Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) Revived WASP JACQUELINE COCHRANE'S organization of women ferry pilots, the Women's Air Force Service Pilots, may soon be in the limelight again. With every experienced pilot standing by for combat duty and new pilots being trained for jet duty, the routine ferry-- ing jobs could be assigned to women. The WASP was formed in the early part of World War II by Jacqueline Cochrane, famed aviatrix and only woman-winner of the Bendix Air Trophy. In the begin- ning, the minimum requirement of flying experience was 500 hours, but because of the need for more pilots, it was reduced to 250 and eventually to 35,hours. In addi- tion, it was necessary to pass a rigid physi- cal and the same mental test that was given to prospective men pilots. The WASP did the same ferrying job as the Air Transport Command, but staye within the continental borders of the United States. Because of the identical flying as- signment, they requested Congress to make them a regular part of the Air Force so they could receive military benefits such as fre medical and dental care. The controversy in Congress resulted i the WASP'S completely disbanding, but they were encouraged to join the Air Force re serve on a commissioned non-flying statu The ferrying jobs formerly done by the WASPs were continued to be done by the ATC. With the grim possibility of a global war, the Air Transport Command may again assume its round-the-world flight plan. Their present domestic ferrying duty could be done by the WASPs and more women pilots could be trained to supple- ment this small but efficient group, as an experienced WASP holds a commercial pi- lot's rating with valuable experience in all types of military aircraft. Congress is now contemplating a draft law conscripting women and the Navy and Mar- ines are requesting their women veterans to volunteer for active duty to release sailor. and leathernecks for combat duty. With Ko- rea's fuse line becoming shorter by the min- ute, the WASPs may be the answer to the present pilot shortage. -Mary Letsis DREW PEARSON:' Washington Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON-It is important that the American public know the rules of news censorship laid down by General MacAr- thur for covering the Korean war. Theoretically, there is no censorship, since newsmen are not required to show their dis- patches to Army officers. However, General MacArthur has is- sued a definite directive to newsmen which is highly important and which, as report- ed by the Columbia Broadcasting System, states that "criticism of command deci- sions or the conduct of Allied soldiers on the battlefield will not be tolerated." Also significant is the fact that this new directive was issued one day after Homer Bigart of the New York Herald Tribune cabled a dispatch analyzing the conduct of U.S. troops, reporting that they -were un- trained, and that top officers had to remain with them when under fire to keep them from breaking. Bigart reported that this was the reason there were such heavy casualties among officers. The fact is that MacArthur had the larg- est segment of te U.S. Army under him in Japan, and failure to train troops is, of course, a direct reflection on him and his chief commander, Lieut. Gen. Walton Walk- er. ARMY ONCE WELCOMED CRITICISM THE NEW MacArthur directive barring newspaper criticism is in direct contra- diction to the censorship rules laid down for newspapers in this country during World War II. At that time both the Army and Navy agreed that criticism was healthy, im- portant, in fact, necessary. It is also in vio- lation of Woodrow Wilson's famous state- ment in World War I: "We do not need less criticism, but more. It is hoped that criti- cism will be constructive, but better unfair criticism han autocratic repression." Perhaps if there had been more news- paper scrutiny and criticism of the en- tire defense setup, including tanks and our easy training schedule for American troops in Japan, things might now be bet- ter in Korea. Criticism of the U.S. military in Japan, however, has always been difficult. Mac- Arthur just did not tolerate it. While he had no censorship rules as such, he made life difficult for the newsmen who tried to report the full story of the Japanese occupation. For instance, here is a secret cable sent by MacArthur to Washington in 1946 in which he proposed barring certain news- papers. It is hard to understand his rea- sons for barring such staid newspapers as the New York Herald Tribune, the San Fraheisco Chronicle and the Christian Sci- ence Monitor. Nevertheless his cable read: "CINCAFPAC, Tokyo-While continuing my doubts as to the advisability of the contemplated trip, in view of the insis- tence of the War Department, I will with- draw by objection. I would like to have an oopportunity to pass upon those con- templated for selection before their in- vitation is accomplished. I believe the list should be limited to publishers and editors and should not include those connected with papers of known hostility to the Oc- cupation. Such papers are the Christian Science Monitor, Herald Tribune, Chi- cago Sun, San Francisco Chronicle, PM, Daily Worker and others of this stamp whose articles and editorials have not only been slanted but have approached down- right quackery and dishonesty.-signed- MacArthur." This policy of ousting independent news- men continued right up to the Korean crisis. As late as June 12, London Times corres- pondent Frank Hawley was ordered out of Japan merely because he reported what was a well-established fact - namely, that a MacArthur-inspired ban on Japanese de- monstrations was unconstitutional. * * * MYSTERIOUS $1,000 T HE STRANGE story of a $1,000 bill re- ceived by a Washington police lieutenant after he tapped the telephone wires of avia- tion executive Howard Hughes has been re- ported to the Justice Department. The wire-tapping job was entirely out- side the regular work of the Washington po- lice and was done on behalf of a Senate in- vestigating committee headed by Senator Brewster of Haine. Other officials of that committee state that they never knew of the wire-tapping, and evidence points to the likelihood that it was paid for by Brewster or his friends, Pan American Airways. The $1,000 bill mentioned in police reports was handed to Lieut. Joseph Shimon short- ly after he finished tapping Howard Hughes' wires. Shimon was in the office of the U. S. Attorney, where he had a desk at that time, when a man came in and handed him a $1,000 bill. Shimon, according to another policeman who was present, said nothing, put the bill down on his desk for a moment, then put it in in his pocket. Shimon is the same police lieutenant who tapped the wires of the late Sen. Joseph Bailey of North Carolina. (Copyright, 1950. by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) "Please Keep The Aisle Clear. You Never Know" IetteP TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by-the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Hairless Primate . . To the Editor: I AM A hairless primate with a puzzled look. Lately someone has been leaving your publications on my porch during the wee hours of the morning. So I read it. What I want to know is: Who is this guy Fields? Did he sign the Stockholm Peace Petition? And what other diseases have hit Ann Arbor recently? -John B. Campbell * * * Neo-Fascists . . To the Editor: I HAVE "viewed with alarm" the fact' of a neo-Fascist renaissance during the past few weeks. Many students have begun to complain about the Communists with suspi- ciously greater enthusiasm than they did about Hitler. Among these reactionary per- sons I have noticed the present acting president of the campus Young Republicans, one Jasper B. Reid, and his acolyte, Alvin R. Lewis. I made it my business to look Messrs. Reid and Lewis up in the directory, and I found some interesting facts about them. Mr. Lewis is from a small farming town upstate, the sort of com- munity where it is considered sin- ful to play cards, work an eight- hour day, or join a union. Mr. Reid is from Birmingham, Michigan, a suburban community whose per capita income happens to be double the national average for urban towns, and whose popula- tion is largely made up of General Motors executives, that is, lackeys for the Du Ponts. I doubt if Messrs. Reid and Lew- is really understand what is going on in the minds of the common people who have so consistently rejected their party. But my main point is, that they can gloat so savagely over the Klan-like as- saults on individuals whose only fault is to differ from the views of the masses who have been stirred up by imperialist propaganda. No doubt Mr. Reid, for one, is quite happy to see Korea arbitrarily split against the wishes of the peo- ple in order to protect the Morgan ahd Du Pont investments there. A bit of warning, Mr. Reid and Mr. Lewis: the American people cannot be fooled forever. They will wake up some day, and they will overturn the oligarchy you repre- sent. I have been in Korea, as a G.I., and I found that imperialism wasn't the answer. Yours for more Storm Troops. -Samuel N. Gold Fieldsians . . To the Editor: SINCE THE New Yorker, my fa- vorite magazine, reprints many items from your publication under such department headings as "Woodpulp Which Might Have Been Better Used," I recently be- came interested enough in The Michigan Daily to obtain a sub- scription. Generally speaking, I must ad- mit that I have not encountered a newspaper so intelligently-written and refreshing since my college days. Iowever, a recent trend in your news and editorial columns disturbs me greatly. Apparently, a group motivated by political con- siderations has assumed control of the policy of .your publication. Two pictures of a sinister-look- ing person have appeared lately in a prominent place on your front page, while accompanying editor- ials, news stories and advertise- ments have heaped Pravda-like praise upon him.-all this, mind you, while admitting that he can effectively render large portions of our population emotionally un- stable. The danger inherent *in your portrayal of this person as a demi- god forces me to demand (as a subscriber) answers to the fol- lowing questionsn: 1-What is the real name of W. C. Fields? 2.-What is the membership of the Fieldsian Society mentioned in your news columns? 3-Are there any Fieldsians on your staff? 4-Who is this guy Mac Dougall? I hop~e to find answers to these vital questions in a future edition of. your publication which, inci- dentally, arrives here deplorably late. -Leon M. Jaroff i Math-Hulbert Observatory, Pon- tiac, Michigan. Speaker: Dr. G. C. McVittie, Professor of Mathema- tics, Queen Mary College, London, England. Subject: Two-Color In- dices and General Relativity. Political Science 279: Mr. Jo- seph C. Boyce, Associate Director, Argonne National Laboratory, Le- mon, Illinois, will speak before Professor Dimock's seminar on Atomic Energy and Public Policy on technical and social aspects of atomic energy. The seminar meets on Thursday at 3 p.m. in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Survey Research Institute. "So- cial Structure and Reference Groups in Opinion Research." Ro- bert K. Merton, Department of So- ciology, Columbia University. 4 p.- m., Rm. 131 Business Administra- tion Building. August 3. Institute on the Near East. "Prospects of Peace and Progress in Turkey." Donald E. Webster, Fulbright Branch of Exchange of Persons Division, United States Department of State. 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Aug. 3. Linguistic Institute. "Acoustic Phonetics and Phonemics." Martin Joos, University of Wiscsonsin. 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Aug. 3. Concerts Student Recital: Andrew Lisko, Violinist, will present a program at 8:30 Thursday evening, August 3, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the Master of Mu- sic degree. A pupil of Gilbert Ross, Mr. Lisko will play compositions by Locatelli, Ross Lee Finney, and Brahms. The recital will be open to the public. Student Recital: Jean Deal, pia- nist, will present a program in partial fulfillment of the Master of Music degree requirements at 4:15 Thursday afternoon, August 3, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. A pupil of Joseph Brinkman, Miss Deal will play works by Bach, Mo- zart, Chopin, Gail Kubik, and De- bussy. The general public is in- vited. Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will be heard in a program of carillon music at 7:15 Thursday evening, August 3. It will include tvo songs by Foster, Preludes 1, 4, & 7 by Professor Price: five Polish airs, and instrumental compositions by J. S. Bach, Haydn, Weber, and Tschaikowsky. Student Recital: Elaine Brovan, pianist, will be heard at 8:30 Fri- day evening, August 4, in the Ar- chitecture Auditorium, playing compositions by Bach, Hindemith, Mozart, and Schubert. Presented in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the degree of Ba- chelor of Music, the recital will be open to the public. Miss Brovan is a pupil of Marian Owen. Exhibitions General Library, main lobby cases. "Trochiledae, Family of Humming Birds," by John Gould, supplement, 1887. (July 27-August 18). Museum of Archaeology. From Tombs and Towns of Ancient Egypt. Museums Building. Rotunda ex- hibit, "The Coal Flora of Michi- gan." Exhibition halls, "Microsco- pic Life." Law Library. Legal cartoons (basement, July 24-August 18). Michigan Historical Collections. 160 Rackham Building. "Tourists in Michigan-Yesterday and To- day." Museum of Art. Oriental ceram- ics (June 26-August 15). Modern graphic art. (July 2-August 15). Clements Library. Michigan rar- ities. (August 1-18). Events Today University Community Club, Willow Village, Thursday, Aug. 3: 12 a.m. Wives' Club Board Lunch- eon; 8 p.m. Ceramics, choir. Seminar in Applied Mathema- tics will meet Thursday, August 3, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 247 West Engineering Building. Professor S. Chandrasekhar of Yerkes Ob- servatory, Univ. of Chicago, Wil- liams Bay, Wisc. will speak on "A class of non-linear integral equa- tions." Classical Studies Coffee Hour. Students' in the Department of Classical. Studies and others who are interested are invited to at- tend on August 3 at 4:00 p.m. in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. There will be an informal talk by Professor C. A. Forbes. Graduate Student Council meet- ing Thursday August 3, West Lec- ture room, Rackham Building, 7:30 p.m. U. of M. Sailing Club: Meeting Thursday, 7:30, Rm. 311, West Engine. Prepare for Barton Pond Team Race this Sunday. Deutsches Haus 1101 Church Street will hold Open House, Thursday, August 3 from 7:30 to 10 p.m. There will be games, sing- ing, and refreshments will be serv- ed. Everyone is cordially invited. French Club: Soiree Amicale to- day at 8 p.m. at the French House, 1027 E. University. Songs, games, dances, refreshments. Coming Events Dr. Samuel Hartwell, Michigan Department of Mental Hygiene, will be our psychiatrist consultant at the case clinic Friday, July 14, at the Fresh Air Camp, Pinckney, Michigan. The subject of the University Museums program for Friday eve- ning, August 4, will be "Micro- scopic Life." Short moving pictures entitled "Amoeba and Vorticella" and "The Story of Louis Pasteur" will be shown in Kellogg Auditor- ium at 7:30 p.m. Related exhibits will be on display at the Museums Building from 7 to 9 p.m. Visitors' Night, Department of Astronomy - Friday, August 4, 8:30 to 10 p.m., Angell Hall. The Student Observatory, fifth floor, will be open for observation of Ju- piter and Star Clusters. If the sky. is not clear, the visitors' night will be canceled. Children must be ac- companied by adults. USSR & UN By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. AP Foreign Affairs Analyst SOVIET RUSSIA'S return to the United Nations council table seems to have made sure that Communist China will notbe ad- mitted to membership while other Communists make aggressive war. The Russians also have added one and perhaps two serious blun- ders to their long list. They reversed themselves on the boycott of the UN which had last- ed for seven months, gambling a serious loss of face against the opportunity to make an appeal to anti-Western sentiment in Asia. Their first blunder was to an- nounce their return severaldays in advance, giving the Western na- tions a well-utilized opportunity to be prepared with antidotes for Ma- lik's propaganda. And the propaganda itself was to full of ill-considered inflamma- tion that it may defeat its own purpose. Malik appealed to Asia. But he tried tricks rather than persuasion on the merits of the Communist case. He tried vilifica- tion and the "big lie" technique against the United States. By making his appeal to Asia through these tactics, he let them know that he considered them fools, and it may cost Russia dearly. *i~duu ~uI 4 / A ii 1 'I + MUSIC + tt IN HIS RECITAL Tuesday evening Willard MacGregor played an all-Chopin program of heroic proportions. It included the Scher- zos in B Minor and B Flat Minor, the Sonata in B Minor, the Twenty-four Preludes and an assortment of smaller pieces. We are grateful to Mr. MacGregor for giving him- self so freely and offering such rich - pro- grams. Our feeling is, however, that the effort of playing so much music imposes a heavy burden on execution and interpreta- tion. Mr. MacGregor appeared visibly tired by the time he had reached the B Flat Minor Prelude, and the tremendously diffi- cult Twenty-fourth Prelude was played by sheer grit and force of will. The most valuable part of Mr. MacGre- gor's pianistic equipment is a fine lyric sense which showed to good advantage in the slow melody of the B Minor Scherzo, in the nocturne-like theme of the Largo of the Sonata, and in the dreamier preludes. His handling of a quiet melodic line is sensitive and eloquent; it is in those pas- sages where big tone and sweeping rhetoric are required that he falls down. There was considerable blurring in fast passages, and evident technical inadequacies. The tran- scendently difficult Preludes, No. 8 in F sharp Minor, No. 16 in B Flat Minor, and No. 24 in D Minor were performed only at the expense of considerable effort and considerably more pedal. My own views on the use of the piano pedal are somewhat narrow and I even prefer Chopin played with a minimum of pedal-though I know this is contrary to all the traditions of Chopin playing. Chopin, I am convinced, requires a classical approach: by this I mean clearer outlines, a stricter control of rubato, and an abandonment of all those "expressive" tricks which seem to be the standard equipment of performers of Chopin. We had not heard the Preludes played in their entirety since before the war, and we were again impressed by the real greatness of this music. Chopin is no longer fashion- able with intellectuals-they listen to no music later than the eighteenth century- and his compositions are dismissed as trivial. jYet no one can overlook the splendid variety, the emotional intensity, and heroic power ,of the Preludes. Again we thank Mr. Mac- ,xregor for letting us hear them again. -Harvey Gross u DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Summer Session, R~oom 3510 Admiin- istration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1950 VOL. LX, No. 26-S Notices H.A representative of National Homes Corporation will be at the, University on Friday, August 4th to interview applicants for their field representative training pro- gram. They are interested in inter- viewing August 1950 graduates from any college in the University. For further information call the Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371. Notice: The Office of the Sum- mer Session is holding an Air Mail letter for Miss Julia Allen from the Young Women's Christian As- sociation of the United States of America National Board. Will you please call for it at 3510 Ad- ministration Building. It will be held until Friday, August 4 be- fore being returned to sender. Lectures Astronomical Colloquium: Sat- urday, August 5, 2 p.m. at the Mc- Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan underthe authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Philip Dawson......Managing Editov Peter Hotton...............City Editor Marvin Epstein........Sports Editor Pat Brownson.......Women's Editor Business Staff Roger Wellington.... Business Manager Walter Shapero...Assoc. Business Mignr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitied to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of ali other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor,.Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular schoc.. BARNABY1 year by carrier. *5.00. by mail. *6.00. BARNABY 0 F 4 -J A A I t A f F I i I , . r i ,<. (" ,°." - F ^_-.. E